963 resultados para Actin cytoskeleton


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We introduce semiconductor quantum dot-based fluorescence imaging with approximately 2-fold increased optical resolution in three dimensions as a method that allows both studying cellular structures and spatial organization of biomolecules in membranes and subcellular organelles. Target biomolecules are labelled with quantum dots via immunocytochemistry. The resolution enhancement is achieved by three-photon absorption of quantum dots and subsequent fluorescence emission from a higher-order excitonic state. Different from conventional multiphoton microscopy, this approach can be realized on any confocal microscope without the need for pulsed excitation light. We demonstrate quantum dot triexciton imaging (QDTI) of the microtubule network of U373 cells, 3D imaging of TNF receptor 2 on the plasma membrane of HeLa cells, and multicolor 3D imaging of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase and actin in COS-7 cells.


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Infectious bronchitis is a highly contagious respiratory disease of poultry caused by the coronavirus IBV. It was thought that coronavirus virions were composed of three major viral structural proteins, until investigations of other coronaviruses showed that coronavirus virions also include viral non-structural and group specific proteins as well as host cell proteins. To study the proteome of IBV virions, virus was grown in embryonated chicken eggs and purified by sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation and analysed by mass spectrometry proteomic. Analysis of three preparations of purified IBV yielded the three expected structural proteins plus thirty-five additional virion-associated host proteins. Virion-associated host proteins had a diverse range of functional attributions, being involved in cytoskeleton formation, RNA binding and protein folding pathways. Some of these proteins were unique to this study, whilst others were found to be orthologous to proteins identified in SARS-CoV virions, and also virions from a number of other RNA and DNA viruses. Together these results demonstrate that coronaviruses have the capacity to incorporate a substantial variety of host protein, which may have implications for the disease process.


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Differentiated human neural stem cells were cultured in an inert three-dimensional (3D) scaffold and, unlike two-dimensional (2D) but otherwise comparable monolayer cultures, formed spontaneously active, functional neuronal networks that responded reproducibly and predictably to conventional pharmacological treatments to reveal functional, glutamatergic synapses. Immunocytochemical and electron microscopy analysis revealed a neuronal and glial population, where markers of neuronal maturity were observed in the former. Oligonucleotide microarray analysis revealed substantial differences in gene expression conferred by culturing in a 3D vs a 2D environment. Notable and numerous differences were seen in genes coding for neuronal function, the extracellular matrix and cytoskeleton. In addition to producing functional networks, differentiated human neural stem cells grown in inert scaffolds offer several significant advantages over conventional 2D monolayers. These advantages include cost savings and improved physiological relevance, which make them better suited for use in the pharmacological and toxicological assays required for development of stem cell-based treatments and the reduction of animal use in medical research.


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The integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3) plays a critical role in mediating clot retraction by platelets which is important in vivo in consolidating thrombus formation. Actin-myosin interaction is essential for clot retraction. In the present study, we demonstrate that the structurally distinct Src kinase inhibitors, PP2 and PD173952, significantly reduced the rate of clot retraction, but did not prevent it reaching completion. This effect was accompanied by abolition of alpha(IIb)beta(3)-dependent protein tyrosine phosphorylation, including PLCgamma2. A role for PLCgamma2 in mediating clot retraction was demonstrated using PLCgamma2-deficient murine platelets. Furthermore, platelet adhesion to fibrinogen leads to MLC phosphorylation through a pathway that is inhibited by PP2 and by the PLC inhibitor, U73122. These results demonstrate a partial role for Src kinase-dependent activation of PLCgamma2 and MLC phosphorylation in mediating clot retraction downstream of integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3).


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Actin polymerization drives multiple cell processes involving movement and shape change. SCAR/WAVE proteins connect signaling to actin polymerization through the activation of the Arp2/3 complex. SCAR/WAVE is normally found in a complex with four other proteins: PIR121, Nap1, Abi2,and HSPC300 (Figure S1A available online) [1-3]. However,there is no consensus as to whether the complex functions as an unchanging unit or if it alters its composition in response to stimulation, as originally proposed by Edenet al. [1]. It also is unclear whether complex members exclusively regulate SCAR/WAVEs or if they have additional targets [4-6]. Here, we analyze the roles of the unique Dictyostelium Abi. We find that abiA null mutants show less severe defects in motility than do scar null cells, indicating--unexpectedly--that SCAR retains partial activity in the absence of Abi. Furthermore, abiA null mutants have a serious defect in cytokinesis, which is not seen in other SCAR complex mutants and is seen only when SCAR itself is present. Detailed examination reveals that normal cytokinesis requires SCAR activity, apparently regulated through multiple pathways.


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Dictyostelium is a popular experimental organism, in particular for studies of actin dynamics, cell motility and chemotaxis. We find that the motility of axenic cells is unexpectedly different from other strains during growth. In particular, vegetative AX3 cells do not show detectable localisation of SCAR and its regulatory complex to actin-rich protrusions such as filopodia and pseudopodia. Similarly, a range of different mutations, in particular knockouts of members of the SCAR complex and Ras proteins, cause different phenotypes during vegetative growth in different parental strains. Development reverses this unusual behaviour; aggregation-competent AX3 cells localise SCAR in the same way as cells of other strains and species. Studies on cell motility using vegetative cells should therefore be interpreted with caution.


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Cell migration is a highly coordinated process and any aberration in the regulatory mechanisms could result in pathological conditions such as cancer. The ability of cancer cells to disseminate to distant sites within the body has made it difficult to treat. Cancer cells also exhibit plasticity that makes them able to interconvert from an elongated, mesenchymal morphology to an amoeboid blebbing form under different physiological conditions. Blebs are spherical membrane protrusions formed by actomyosin-mediated contractility of cortical actin resulting in increased hydrostatic pressure and subsequent detachment of the membrane from the cortex. Tumour cells use blebbing as an alternative mode of migration by squeezing through preexisting gaps in the ECM, and bleb formation is believed to be mediated by the Rho-ROCK signaling pathway. However, the involvement of transmembrane water and ion channels in cell blebbing has not been examined. In the present study, the role of the transmembrane water channels, aquaporins, transmembrane ion transporters and lipid signaling enzymes in the regulation of blebbing was investigated. Using 3D matrigel matrix as an in vitro model to mimic normal extracellular matrix, and a combination of confocal and time-lapse microscopy, it was found that AQP1 knockdown by siRNA ablated blebbing of HT1080 and ACHN cells, and overexpression of AQP1-GFP not only significantly increased bleb size with a corresponding decrease in bleb numbers, but also induced bleb formation in non-blebbing cell lines. Importantly, AQP1 overexpression reduces bleb lifespan due to faster bleb retraction. This novel finding of AQP1-facilitated bleb retraction requires the activity of the Na+/H+ pump as inhibition of the ion transporter, which was found localized to intracellular vesicles, blocked bleb retraction in both cell lines. This study also demonstrated that a differential regulation of cell blebbing by AQP isoforms exists as knockdown of AQP5 had no effect on bleb formation. Data from this study also demonstrates that the lipid signaling PLD2 signals through PA in the LPA-LPAR-Rho-ROCK axis to positively regulate bleb formation in both cell lines. Taken together, this work provides a novel role of AQP1 and Na+/H+ pump in regulation of cell blebbing, and this could be exploited in the development of new therapy to treat cancer.


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The small (21 kDa) guanine nucleotide-binding protein (small G protein) superfamily comprises 5 subfamilies (Ras, Rho, ADP ribosylation factors [ARFs], Rab, and Ran) that act as molecular switches to regulate numerous cellular responses. Cardiac myocyte hypertrophy is associated with cell growth and changes in the cytoskeleton and myofibrillar apparatus. In other cells, the Ras subfamily regulates cell growth whereas the Rho subfamily (RhoA, Rac1, and Cdc42) regulates cell morphology. Thus, the involvement of small G proteins in hypertrophy has become an area of significant interest. Hearts from transgenic mice expressing activated Ras develop features consistent with hypertrophy, whereas mice overexpressing RhoA develop lethal heart failure. In isolated neonatal rat cardiac myocytes, transfection or infection with activated Ras, RhoA, or Rac1 induces many of the features of hypertrophy. We discuss the mechanisms of activation of the small G proteins and the downstream signaling pathways involved. The latter may include protein kinases, particularly the mitogen-activated or Rho-activated protein kinases. We conclude that although there is significant evidence implicating Ras, RhoA, and Rac1 in hypertrophy, the mechanisms are not fully understood.


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Objective/Background: Traditionally, sclerotherapy has been thought to work by the cytotoxic effect of the sclerosant upon the endothelium alone. However, studies have shown that sclerotherapy is more successful in smaller veins than in larger veins. This could be explained by the penetration of the sclerosant, or its effect, into the media. This study aimed to investigate intimal and medial damage profiles after sclerosant treatment. Methods: Fresh human varicose veins were treated ex vivo with either 1% or 3% sodium tetradecyl sulphate (STS) for 1 or 10 minutes. The effect of the sclerosant on the vein wall was investigated by immunofluorescent labelling of transverse vein sections using markers for endothelium (CD31), smooth muscle (a-actin), apoptosis (p53) and inflammation (intercellular adhesion molecule-1 [ICAM-1]). Polidocanol (POL; 3%) treatment at 10 minutes was similarly investigated. Results: Endothelial cell death was concentration- and time-dependent for STS but incomplete for both sclerosants. Time, but not concentration, significantly affected cell death (p > .001). A 40% and 30% maximum reduction was observed for STS and POL, respectively. Destruction of 20e30% of smooth muscle cells was found up to 250 mm from the lumen after 3% STS treatment for 10 minutes. POL treatment for 10 minutes showed inferior destruction of medial cells. Following STS treatment and 24-hour tissue culture, p53 and ICAM-1 were upregulated to a depth of around 300 mm. This effect was not observed with POL. Conclusion: Inflammatory and apoptotic markers show the same distribution as medial cell death, implying that sclerotherapy with STS works by inducing apoptosis in the vein wall rather than having an effect restricted to the endothelium. Incomplete loss of endothelial cells and penetration of the sclerosant effect up to 250 mm into the media suggest that medial damage is crucial to the success of sclerotherapy and may explain why it is less effective in larger veins.


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OBJECTIVE: Thiol isomerases facilitate protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum, and several of these enzymes, including protein disulfide isomerase and ERp57, are mobilized to the surface of activated platelets, where they influence platelet aggregation, blood coagulation, and thrombus formation. In this study, we examined the synthesis and trafficking of thiol isomerases in megakaryocytes, determined their subcellular localization in platelets, and identified the cellular events responsible for their movement to the platelet surface on activation. APPROACH AND RESULTS: Immunofluorescence microscopy imaging was used to localize protein disulfide isomerase and ERp57 in murine and human megakaryocytes at various developmental stages. Immunofluorescence microscopy and subcellular fractionation analysis were used to localize these proteins in platelets to a compartment distinct from known secretory vesicles that overlaps with an inner cell-surface membrane region defined by the endoplasmic/sarcoplasmic reticulum proteins calnexin and sarco/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 3. Immunofluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry were used to monitor thiol isomerase mobilization in activated platelets in the presence and absence of actin polymerization (inhibited by latrunculin) and in the presence or absence of membrane fusion mediated by Munc13-4 (absent in platelets from Unc13dJinx mice). CONCLUSIONS: Platelet-borne thiol isomerases are trafficked independently of secretory granule contents in megakaryocytes and become concentrated in a subcellular compartment near the inner surface of the platelet outer membrane corresponding to the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum of these cells. Thiol isomerases are mobilized to the surface of activated platelets via a process that requires actin polymerization but not soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment receptor/Munc13-4-dependent vesicular-plasma membrane fusion.


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Epidemiologic studies highlight the potential role of dietary selenium (Se) in colorectal cancer prevention. Our goal was to elucidate whether expression of factors crucial for colorectal homoeostasis is affected by physiologic differences in Se status. Using transcriptomics and proteomics followed by pathway analysis, we identified pathways affected by Se status in rectal biopsies from 22 healthy adults, including 11 controls with optimal status (mean plasma Se = 1.43 μM) and 11 subjects with suboptimal status (mean plasma Se = 0.86 μM). We observed that 254 genes and 26 proteins implicated in cancer (80%), immune function and inflammatory response (40%), cell growth and proliferation (70%), cellular movement, and cell death (50%) were differentially expressed between the 2 groups. Expression of 69 genes, including selenoproteins W1 and K, which are genes involved in cytoskeleton remodelling and transcription factor NFκB signaling, correlated significantly with Se status. Integrating proteomics and transcriptomics datasets revealed reduced inflammatory and immune responses and cytoskeleton remodelling in the suboptimal Se status group. This is the first study combining omics technologies to describe the impact of differences in Se status on colorectal expression patterns, revealing that suboptimal Se status could alter inflammatory signaling and cytoskeleton in human rectal mucosa and so influence cancer risk.


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Oocyte maturation is a long process during which oocytes acquire their intrinsic ability to support the subsequent stages of development in a stepwise manner, ultimately reaching activation of the embryonic genome. This process involves complex and distinct, although linked, events of nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation. Nuclear maturation mainly involves chromosomal segregation, whereas cytoplasmic maturation involves organelle reorganization and storage of mRNAs, proteins and transcription factors that act in the overall maturation process, fertilization and early embryogenesis. Thus, for didactic purposes, we subdivided cytoplasmic maturation into: (1) organelle redistribution, (2) cytoskeleton dynamics, and (3) molecular maturation. Ultrastructural analysis has shown that mitochondria, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, cortical granules and the Golgi complex assume different positions during the transition from the germinal vesicle stage to metaphase II. The cytoskeletal microfilaments and microtubules present in the cytoplasm promote these movements and act on chromosome segregation. Molecular maturation consists of transcription, storage and processing of maternal mRNA, which is stored in a stable, inactive form until translational recruitment. Polyadenylation is the main mechanism that initiates protein translation and consists of the addition of adenosine residues to the 3` terminal portion of mRNA. Cell cycle regulators, proteins, cytoplasmic maturation markers and components of the enzymatic antioxidant system are mainly transcribed during this stage. Thus, the objective of this review is to focus on the cytoplasmic maturation process by analyzing the modifications in this compartment during the acquisition of meiotic competence for development. (c) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) is a standard assay in molecular medicine for gene expression analysis. Samples from incisional/needle biopsies, laser-microdissected tumor cells and other biologic sources, normally available in clinical cancer studies, generate very small amounts of RNA that are restrictive for expression analysis. As a consequence, an RNA amplification procedure is required to assess the gene expression levels of such sample types. The reproducibility and accuracy of relative gene expression data produced by sensitive methodology as qRT-PCR when cDNA converted from amplified (A) RNA is used as template has not yet been properly addressed. In this study, to properly evaluate this issue, we performed 1 round of linear RNA amplification in 2 breast cell lines (C5.2 and HB4a) and assessed the relative expression of 34 genes using cDNA converted from both nonamplified (NA) and A RNA. Relative gene expression was obtained from beta actin or glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase normalized data using different dilutions of cDNA, wherein the variability and fold-change differences in the expression of the 2 methods were compared. Our data showed that 1 round of linear RNA amplification, even with suboptimal-quality RNA, is appropriate to generate reproducible and high-fidelity qRT-PCR relative expression data that have similar confidence levels as those from NA samples. The use of cDNA that is converted from both A and NA RNA in a single qRT-PCR experiment clearly creates bias in relative gene expression data.


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Primary cultures of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) from rats offer a good model system to examine the molecular basis of mechanism of vascular contraction-relaxation. However, during pathological conditions such as atherosclerosis and hypertension, VSMCs characteristically exhibit phenotypic modulation, change from a quiescent contractile to a proliferative synthetic phenotype, which impairs this mechanism of vascular contraction-relaxation. Taking in account that Myosin light chain (MLC) and ERK1/2 directly participate in the process of vascular contraction, the aim of the current study was to analyze the involvement of MLC and ERK1/2 signaling during the process of VSMCs phenotypic modulation. Primary cultures of VSMCs from rat thoracic aortas were isolated and submitted to different number of passages or to freezing condition. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR was used to evaluate the mRNA levels of VSMCs differentiation markers, and western blot assays were used to determine the MLC and ERK1/2 phosphorylation levels during VSMCs phenotypic modulation. Also, immunocytochemical experiments were performed to evaluate morphological alterations occurred during the phenotypic modulation. Elevated number of passages (up to 4) as well as the freezing/thawing process induced a significant phenotypic modulation in VSMCs, which was accompanied by diminished MLC and ERK1/2 phosphorylation levels. Phosphorylation of MLC was suppressed completely by the treatment with a synthetic inhibitor of MEK-1, a direct upstream of ERK1/2, PD98059. These findings provide that ERK1/2-promoted MLC phosphorylation is impaired during VSMCs phenotypic modulation, suggesting that ERK1/2 signaling pathway may represent a potential target for understanding the pathogenesis of several vascular disease processes frequently associated to this condition.


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Although most of effects of Angiotensin II (Ang II) related to cardiac remodelling can be attributed to type 1 Ang II receptor (AT(1)R), the type 2 receptor (AT(2)R) has been shown to be involved in the development of some cardiac hypertrophy models. In the present study, we investigated whether the thyroid hormone (TH) action leading to cardiac hypertrophy is also mediated by increased Ang II levels or by change on AT(1)R and AT(2)R expression, which could contribute to this effect. In addition, we also evaluated the possible contribution of AT(2)R in the activation of Akt and in the development of TH-induced cardiac hypertrophy. To address these questions, Wistar rats were treated with thyroxine (T(4), 0.1 mg/kg BW/day, i.p.), with or without AT(2)R blocker (PD123319), for 14 days. Cardiac hypertrophy was identified based on heart/body weight ratio and confirmed by analysis of atrial natriuretic factor mRNA expression. Cardiomyocyte cultures were used to exclude the influence of TH-related hemodynamic effects. Our results demonstrate that the cardiac Ang II levels were significantly increased (80%, P < 0.001) as well as the AT(2)R expression (50%, P < 0.05) in TH-induced cardiac hypertrophy. The critical involvement of AT(2)R to the development of this cardiac hypertrophy in vivo was evidenced after administration of AT(2) blocker, which was able to prevent in 40% (P < 0.01) the cardiac mass gain and the Akt activation induced by TH. The role of AT(2)R to the TH-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy was also confirmed after using PD123319 in the in vitro studies. These findings improve understanding of the cardiac hypertrophy observed in hyperthyroidism and provide new insights into the generation of future therapeutic strategies.