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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an easily automated, reliable technique to investigate axial mixing within rotating drums. Moist bran can be clearly differentiated from dry bran using MRI allowing a non-segregating tracer for axial mixing. For a 20-cm diameter drum, the axial dispersion coefficient in the particle bed was 0.51 cm s(-2). Axial dispersion is scale-dependent.
The author investigated how training in small-group and interpersonal behaviors affected children's behavior and interactions as they worked in small groups 2 years later. The authors assigned 52 fifth graders, who had been trained 2 years previously in cooperative group behaviors, to the trained condition and 36 fifth graders, who had not previously been trained, to the untrained condition. Both were reconstituted from the pool of students who had participated previously in group activities. The results showed a residual training effect, with the children in the trained groups being more cooperative and helpful than their untrained peers.
Adsorption of p-Cresol and p-Nitrophenol by untreated activated carbon in single and multisolute solutions was carried out at 301 K and at controlled pH conditions. In acidic conditions, well below the pK(a) of both solutes, it was observed that the adsorbate solubility and the electron density of aromatic rings influenced the extent of adsorption by affecting the extent of London dispersion forces. The fitted parameters obtained from single-solute Langmuir equation show that Q(max) and the adsorption affinity of carbon for the compound with low pK(a) decrease more significantly. In higher solution pH conditions, on the other hand, it was found that electrostatic forces played a significant role on the extent of adsorption. The presence of another compound decreases Q(max) and the adsorption affinity of carbon for the principal compound. The effect of pH, on the carbon surface and on the solute molecules, must be considered. Adsorption of the solute at higher pH values was found to be dependent on the concentration of anionic form of the solute. The isotherm data were fitted to the Langmuir isotherm equation for both single and double solute solutions.
Two stock-market simulation experiments investigated the notion that rumors that invoke stable-cause attributions spawn illusory associations and less regressive predictions and behavior. In Study 1, illusory perceptions of association and stable causation (rumors caused price changes on the day after they appeared) existed despite rigorous conditions of nonassociation (price changes were unrelated to rumors). Predictions (recent price trends will continue) and trading behavior (departures from a strong buy-low-sell-high strategy) were both anti-regressive. In Study 2, stability of attribution was manipulated via a computerized tutorial. Participants taught to view price-changes as caused by stable forces predicted less regressively and departed more from buy-low-sell-high trading patterns than those taught to perceive changes as caused by unstable forces. Results inform a social cognitive and decision theoretic understanding of rumor by integrating it with causal attribution, covariation detection, and prediction theory. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
Three experiments investigated the effect of complexity on children's understanding of a beam balance. In nonconflict problems, weights or distances varied, while the other was held constant. In conflict items, both weight and distance varied, and items were of three kinds: weight dominant, distance dominant, or balance (in which neither was dominant). In Experiment 1, 2-year-old children succeeded on nonconflict-weight and nonconflict-distance problems. This result was replicated in Experiment 2, but performance on conflict items did not exceed chance. In Experiment 3, 3- and 4-year-olds succeeded on all except conflict balance problems, while 5- and 6-year-olds succeeded on all problem types. The results were interpreted in terms of relational complexity theory. Children aged 2 to 4 years succeeded on problems that entailed binary relations, but 5- and 6-year-olds also succeeded on problems that entailed ternary relations. Ternary relations tasks from other domains-transitivity and class inclusion-accounted for 93% of the age-related variance in balance scale scores. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
Two experiments tested predictions from a theory in which processing load depends on relational complexity (RC), the number of variables related in a single decision. Tasks from six domains (transitivity, hierarchical classification, class inclusion, cardinality, relative-clause sentence comprehension, and hypothesis testing) were administered to children aged 3-8 years. Complexity analyses indicated that the domains entailed ternary relations (three variables). Simpler binary-relation (two variables) items were included for each domain. Thus RC was manipulated with other factors tightly controlled. Results indicated that (i) ternary-relation items were more difficult than comparable binary-relation items, (ii) the RC manipulation was sensitive to age-related changes, (iii) ternary relations were processed at a median age of 5 years, (iv) cross-task correlations were positive, with all tasks loading on a single factor (RC), (v) RC factor scores accounted for 80% (88%) of age-related variance in fluid intelligence (compositionality of sets), (vi) binary- and ternary-relation items formed separate complexity classes, and (vii) the RC approach to defining cognitive complexity is applicable to different content domains. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
A lipoamino acid based synthetic peptide, (Lipid Core Peptide, LCP) derived from the conserved region of group A streptococci (GAS) was evaluated as potential candidate in a vaccine to prevent GAS-associated diseases, including rheumatic heart disease and post-streptococcal acute glomerulonephritis. Multiple copies of a peptide sequence from the bacterial surface M protein were incorporated into a lipid core and it was used to immunize mice with and without the application of adjuvant. The LCP construct had significantly enhanced immunogenicity compared with the monomeric peptide epitope. Furthermore, the peptides incorporated into the LCP system generated antibodies without the use of any conventional adjuvant.
Head-to-tail cyclic peptides have been reported to bind to multiple, unrelated classes of receptor with high affinity. They may therefore be considered to be privileged structures. This review outlines the strategies by which both macrocyclic cyclic peptides and cyclic dipeptides or diketopiperazines have been synthesised in combinatorial libraries. It also briefly outlines some of the biological applications of these molecules, thereby justifying their inclusion as privileged structures.
It is generally accepted that two major gene pools exist in cultivated common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), a Middle American and an Andean one. Some evidence, based on unique phaseolin morphotypes and AFLP analysis, suggests that at least one more gene pool exists in cultivated common bean. To investigate this hypothesis, 1072 accessions from a common bean core collection from the primary centres of origin, held at CIAT, were investigated. Various agronomic and morphological attributes (14 categorical and 11 quantitative) were measured. Multivariate analyses, consisting of homogeneity analysis and clustering for categorical data, clustering and ordination techniques for quantitative data and nonlinear principal component analysis for mixed data, were undertaken. The results of most analyses supported the existence of the two major gene pools. However, the analysis of categorical data of protein types showed an additional minor gene pool. The minor gene pool is designated North Andean and includes phaseolin types CH, S and T; lectin types 312, Pr, B and K; and mostly A5, A6 and A4 types alpha-amylase inhibitor. Analysis of the combined categorical data of protein types and some plant categorical data also suggested that some other germplasm with C type phaseolin are distinguished from the major gene pools.
Experiments involving 14 accessions of Panicum miliaceum L. (Proso millet) and 11 accessions of Setaria italica L. (Foxtail millet) have demonstrated variability in the degree of osmoregulative capacity among these accessions. Birdseed millet is generally claimed to be sensitive to drought stress, apparently because of a shallow root system. Accessions with high osmoregulative capacity demonstrate at least some drought tolerance. Osmoregulative capacity was measured on flag leaves of headed millet plants in pots undergoing water stress in a controlled environment chamber. Osmoregulative capacity was determined from the relationship between osmotic potential and leaf water potential; and the logarithmic relationship between osmotic potential and relative water content. The group of accessions of S. italica showed an overall level of osmoregulative capacity which was greater than that observed for the group of P. miliaceum accessions. Four accessions of S. italica (108042, 108463, 108541 and 108564) and one accession of P. miliaceum (108104) demonstrated high osmoregulative capacity. Differences of 1.05 MPa or more between observed and estimated osmotic potential were found at relative water contents of 80 % among these accessions. The extent of osmoregulative capacity was associated with osmotic potential at full turgor and the rate of decline in osmotic potential as leaf water potentail declined.
This paper reports on the fate of nitrogen (N) in a first ratoon sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) crop in the wet tropics of Queensland when urea was either surface applied or drilled into the soil 3-4 days after harvesting the plant cane. Ammonia volatilization was measured with a micrometeorological method, and fertilizer N recovery in plants and soil, to a depth of 140 cm, was determined by mass balance in macroplots with N labelled urea 166 and 334 days after fertilizer application. The bulk of the fertilizer and soil N uptake by the sugarcane occurred between fertilizing and the first sampling on day 166. Nitrogen use efficiency measured as the recovery of labelled N in the plant was very low. At the time of the final sampling (day 334), the efficiencies for the surface and subsurface treatments were 18.9% and 28.8%, respectively. The tops, leaves, stalks and roots in the subsurface treatment contained significantly more fertilizer N than the corresponding parts in the surface treatment. The total recoveries of fertilizer N for the plant-trash-soil system on day 334 indicate significant losses of N in both treatments ( 59.1% and 45.6% of the applied N in the surface and subsurface treatments, respectively). Drilling the urea into the soil instead of applying it to the trash surface reduced ammonia loss from 37.3% to 5.5% of the applied N. Subtracting the data for ammonia loss from total loss suggests that losses by leaching and denitrification combined increased from 21.8% and 40.1% of the applied N as a result of the change in method of application. While the treatment resulted in increased denitrification and/or leaching loss, total N loss was reduced from 59.1% to 45.6%, ( a saving of 13.5% of the applied N), which resulted in an extra 9.9% of the applied N being assimilated by the crop.
Rates of adolescent smoking appear to be on the increase, with a number of authors documenting increases in the 1990's. However, the issue of prevention rather than cessation has received greater attention in tobacco control programmes among youth. This review provides details of published school based and other tobacco cessation programmes for adolescents and compares their efficacy. Variations in outcome measures were noted with the programmes. Environmental risk factors such as economic deprivation, concurrent use of alcohol and illicit substances and a minority ethnic background have been associated with greater smoking rates among youth. It is suggested that tobacco cessation initiatives need to be considered in the context of improving adolescents lifestyle choices. Specific cessation programmes should also address issues such as appropriate follow-up and validation. (C) 2002 The Association for Professionals in Services for Adolescents. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.