Bacterial programmed cell death and quorum sensing are direct examples of prokaryote group behaviors, wherein cells coordinate their actions to function cooperatively like one organism for the benefit of the whole culture. We demonstrate here that 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide (HQNO), a Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum-sensing-regulated low-molecular-weight excreted molecule, triggers autolysis by self-perturbing the electron transfer reactions of the cytochrome bc1 complex. HQNO induces specific self-poisoning by disrupting the flow of electrons through the respiratory chain at the cytochrome bc1 complex, causing a leak of reducing equivalents to O2 whereby electrons that would normally be passed to cytochrome c are donated directly to O2. The subsequent mass production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) reduces membrane potential and disrupts membrane integrity, causing bacterial cell autolysis and DNA release. DNA subsequently promotes biofilm formation and increases antibiotic tolerance to beta-lactams, suggesting that HQNO-dependent cell autolysis is advantageous to the bacterial populations. These data identify both a new programmed cell death system and a novel role for HQNO as a critical inducer of biofilm formation and antibiotic tolerance. This newly identified pathway suggests intriguing mechanistic similarities with the initial mitochondrial-mediated steps of eukaryotic apoptosis.
Background: The SNARE (Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor Attachment protein Receptors) and SM (Sec1/Munc18) family of proteins form the core machinery that drives the fusion of vesicles in different membrane trafficking steps. They are highly conserved, implying a similar mode of binding and function. In vertebrates, Munc18a is essential for neuronal exocytosis. It binds to its partner syntaxin1a (Syx1a) at both its N-peptide and closed conformation, and thereby inhibits SNARE complex formation in vitro. By contrast, its close homolog Munc18c is thought to interact with only the N-peptide of its partner Syx4. Moreover, different effects of Munc18c on SNARE complex formation have been reported, suggesting that the two Munc18/Syx pairs act differently. Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the mechanism of action of Munc18c indeed deviates from that of Munc18a by using sensitive biochemical and biophysical methods. Results: I found that Munc18c does have a similar binding mode as Munc18a and interacts tightly with Syx4 at both the N-peptide and closed conformation. Moreover, I established, through a novel assay, that Munc18c inhibits SNARE complex assembly, with both the binding sites contributing to inhibition, similar to Munc18a. However, there were several subtle differences between the two Munc18/Syx pairs. Munc18a exerted stronger inhibition than Munc18c. Also their respective Syx partners were found to differ in the rate of binding to SNAP25, suggesting that the equilibrium of their open and closed conformations is different. Moreover, Munc18a was found to interact with Syx 1, 2, 3 but not 4, while Munc18c bound to Syx 2, 4 and 1 but not 3. By comparing the kinetics of interaction of Syx with either Munc18 or SNAP25, I found that the block of SNARE complex assembly by Munc18 is effective on a shorter time scale, but SNAP25 eventually binds to Syx resulting in SNARE complex formation. Nevertheless, these findings do not explain how Syx can escape the tight grip of Munc18, suggesting that other proteins or mechanisms are needed for this step. I also discovered that Munc18 is able to bind on the surface of the SNARE core complex; however, this observation needs to be tested more rigorously. Conclusion: Munc18c was found to be similar to Munc18a in its mode of binding to Syx and inhibition of SNARE complex assembly. However, differences in kinetics and interaction specificities were observed between the different Munc18/Syx pairs. -- Contexte : Les familles des protéines SNARE (Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor At- tachment protein Receptors) et SM (Sec1/Munc18) forment le coeur de la machinerie chargée de la fusion vésiculaire au cours des différentes étapes du trafic intracellulaire. Elles sont très conservées, suggérant un mode d'interaction et des fonctions semblables. Chez les Verté- brés, Munc18a est essentielle à l'exocytose neuronale. Elle se lie à sa partenaire d'interaction syntaxin1a (Syx1a) à la fois via un peptide N-terminal et la conformation fermée de celle-ci, inhibant ainsi la formation du complexe SNARE in vitro. Son homologue proche Munc18c au contraire, est supposée interagir seulement avec le peptide N-terminal de sa partenaire Syx4. En outre, différents effets de Munc18c sur la formation du complexe SNARE ont été décrits, suggérant que les deux paires Munc18/Syx fonctionnent différemment. Objectif : Le but de cette étude est de tester si les mécanismes de fonctionnement de Munc18c diffèrent vraiment de ceux de Munc18a par le biais de méthodes biochimiques et biophysiques très précises. Résultats : J'ai pu démontrer que Munc18c se comporte en effet de façon semblable à Munc18a, et interagit étroitement avec Syx4 à ses deux sites de liaison. J'ai pu de surcroît montrer par une nouvelle méthode que Munc18c inhibe l'assemblage du complexe SNARE en impliquant ces deux sites de liaison, comme le fait Munc18a. il existe cependant de subtiles différences entre les deux paires Munc18/Syx : Munc18a exerce une inhibition plus forte que Munc18c ; leurs Syx partenaires diffèrent également dans leur degré de liaison à SNAP25, ce qui suggère un équilibre different de leurs conformations ouverte et fermée. De plus, Munc18a interagit avec Syx 1, 2 et 3 mais pas Syx 4, alors que Munc18c se lie à Syx 2, 4 et 1 mais pas Syx 3. En comparant les cinétiques d'interaction de Syx avec Munc18 ou SNAP25, j'ai découvert que le blocage par Munc18 de l'assemblage du complexe SNARE est effectif de façon brève, bien que SNAP25 finisse par se lier à Syx et aboutir ainsi à la formation du complexe SNARE. Ces découvertes n'expliquent cependant pas comment Syx parvient à échapper à la solide emprise de Munc18, et suggèrent ainsi l'intervention nécessaire d'autres protéines ou mécanismes à cette étape. J'ai également découvert que Munc18 peut se lier à la surface de la partie centrale du complexe SNARE - cette observation reste à être testée de façon plus stringente. Conclusion : Il a pu être établi que Munc18c est semblable à Munc18a quant à son mode de liaison à Syx et d'inhibition de l'assemblage du complexe SNARE. Des différences de cinétique et de spécificité d'interaction entre les diverses paires Munc18/Syx ont cependant été identifiées.
The NG2(+) glia, also known as polydendrocytes or oligodendrocyte precursor cells, represent a new entity among glial cell populations in the central nervous system. However, the complete repertoire of their roles is not yet identified. The embryonic NG2(+) glia originate from the Nkx2.1(+) progenitors of the ventral telencephalon. Our analysis unravels that, beginning from E12.5 until E16.5, the NG2(+) glia populate the entire dorsal telencephalon. Interestingly, their appearance temporally coincides with the establishment of blood vessel network in the embryonic brain. NG2(+) glia are closely apposed to developing cerebral vessels by being either positioned at the sprouting tip cells or tethered along the vessel walls. Absence of NG2(+) glia drastically affects the vascular development leading to severe reduction of ramifications and connections by E18.5. By revealing a novel and fundamental role for NG2(+) glia, our study brings new perspectives to mechanisms underlying proper vessels network formation in embryonic brains.
The difficulty in mimicking nervous system complexity and cell-cell interactions as well as the lack of kinetics information has limited the use of in vitro neurotoxicity data. Here, we assessed the biokinetic profile as well as the neurotoxicity of Amiodarone after acute and repeated exposure in two advanced rodent brain cell culture models, consisting of both neurons and glial cells organized in 2 or 3 dimensions to mimic the brain histiotypic structure and function. A strategy was applied to evidence the abiotic processes possibly affecting Amiodarone in vitro bioavailability, showing its ability to adsorb to the plastic devices. At clinically relevant Amiodarone concentrations, known to induce neurotoxicity in some patients during therapeutic treatment, a complete uptake was observed in both models in 24h, after single exposure. After repeated treatments, bioaccumulation was observed, especially in the 3D cell model, together with a greater alteration of neurotoxicity markers. After 14days, Amiodarone major oxidative metabolite (mono-N-desethylamiodarone) was detected at limited levels, indicating the presence of active drug metabolism enzymes (i.e. cytochrome P450) in both models. The assessment of biokinetics provides useful information on the relevance of in vitro toxicity data and should be considered in the design of an Integrated Testing Strategy aimed to identify specific neurotoxic alerts, and to improve the neurotoxicity assay predictivity for human acute and repeated exposure.
Background: Studies have found higher levels of insecure attachment in individuals with schizophrenia. Attachment theory provides a framework necessary for conceptualizing the development of interpersonal functioning. Some aspects of the attachment of the believer to his/her spiritual figure are similar to those between the child and his/her parents. The correspondence hypothesis suggests that early child-parent interactions correspond to a person's relation to a spiritual figure. The compensation hypothesis suggests that an insecure attachment history would lead to a strong religiousness/spirituality as a compensation for the lack of felt security. The aim of this study is to explore attachment models in psychosis vs. healthy controls, the relationships between attachment and psychopathology and the attachment processes related to spiritual figures. Methods: Attachment models were measured in 30 patients with psychosis and 18 controls with the AAI (Adult Attachment interview) in relationship with psychopathology. Beliefs and practices related to a spiritual figure were investigated by qualitative and quantitative analyses. Results: Patients with psychosis showed a high prevalence of insecure avoidant attachment. Spiritual entities functioned like attachment figures in two thirds of cases. Interviews revealed the transformation of internal working models within relation to a spiritual figure: a compensation process was found in 7 of the 32 subjects who showed a significant attachment to a spiritual figure. Conclusions: Attachment theory allows us to highlight one of the underlying dimensions of spiritual coping in patients with psychosis.
Spontaneous perforation of gallbladder is a severe and infrequent complication of acute cholecystitis that requires early and accurate diagnosis. Concomitant development of intrahepatic collections is rarely observed in such cases. The present report emphasizes the relevance of imaging studies in this setting, describing the typical sonographic and tomographic findings for the diagnosis of such condition.
The study intended to determine motivational profiles of first-year undergraduates and aimed their characterization in terms of identity processes. First, a cluster analysis revealed five motivational profiles: combined (i.e., high quantity of motivation, low amotivation); intrinsic (i.e., high intrinsic, low introjected and external regulation, low amotivation); "demotivated" (i.e., very low quantity of motivation and amotivation); extrinsic (i.e., high extrinsic and identified regulation and low intrinsic and amotivation); and "amotivated" (i.e., low intrinsic and identified, very high amotivation). Second, using Lebart's (2000) methodology, the most characteristic identity processes were listed for each motivational cluster. Demotivated and amotivated profiles were refined in terms of adaptive and maladaptive forms of exploration. Notably, exploration in breadth and in depth were underrepresented in demotivated students compared to the total sample; commitment and ruminative exploration were under and overrepresented respectively in amotivated students. Educational and clinical implications are proposedand future research is suggested.
Parmi l'ensemble des variables étudiées par la recherche en psychothérapie, le thérapeute en tant que tel semble être le facteur prédictif le plus robuste du processus et des résultats thérapeutiques. Cependant, on ne dispose que de très peu de données de recherche pour expliquer cet effet. Aucune recherche ne s'est intéressée directement aux défenses des psychothérapeutes aux cours d'une psychothérapie. Cette étude poursuit deux objectifs principaux : (1) Évaluer la fréquence absolue des mécanismes de défense utilisés par le thérapeute durant les séances de thérapies et la fréquence relative des différents mécanismes de défense ; (2) évaluer l'effet de la formation à la psychothérapie sur la fréquence des mécanismes de défense du thérapeute. L'échantillon comprend 12 thérapeutes, divisés en 3 catégories : novices, expérimentés (formation terminée), et experts. La thérapie consiste en une intervention psychodynamique brève (IPB) en 4 séances. Les mécanismes de défense du thérapeute ont été mesurés à l'aide des Echelles d'évaluation des mécanismes de défense »), version française du Defense Mechanism Rating Scales (DMRS, Perry et coll., 2004). Les résultats montrent que tous les thérapeutes utilisent plusieurs mécanismes de défense, correspondant à des niveaux de maturité différents. Par ailleurs, les thérapeutes novices n'utilisent pas plus de mécanismes de défense que les thérapeutes plus formés. Enfin le niveau défensif du thérapeute n'a pas d'effet sur le résultat de l'intervention. Cette étude ouvre un champ de recherche prometteur en validant l'intérêt d'étudier les processus de régulation des affects du thérapeute parfois très intenses qui apparaissent au cours de la psychothérapie.
Un cas exemplaire, un cas d'école, un beau cas, un cas de figure, un cas extrême, un cas particulier, un cas épineux, un cas limite ... Les modalités de l'étude de cas sont multiples et expriment le fait que tout raisonnement suivi, toute explication, toute théorie bute une fois ou l'autre sur la nécessité d'explorer et d'approfondir les propriétés d'une singularité accessible à l'observation. Publier un ouvrage sur la question du cas unique, c'est participer à ce moment de réflexion sur les méthodes scientifiques en psychologie. C'est aussi oeuvrer à un repositionnement constructif de cette modalité de faire science, en donnant la parole aux auteurs spécialistes de ces questions ou directement concernés par celles-ci à travers leurs recherches ou leurs pratiques.
Polar flagellin proteins from Aeromonas hydrophila strain AH-3 (serotype O34) were found to be O-glycosylated with a heterogeneous heptasaccharide glycan. Two mutants with altered (light and strong) polar flagella glycosylation still able to produce flagella were previously obtained, as well as mutants lacking the O34-antigen lipopolysaccharide (LPS) but with unaltered polar flagella glycosylation. We compared these mutants, altogether with the wild type strain, in different studies to conclude that polar flagella glycosylation is extremely important for A. hydrophila adhesion to Hep-2 cells and biofilm formation. Furthermore, the polar flagella glycosylation is an important factor for the immune stimulation of IL-8 production via toll receptor 5 (TLR5).
In this study we analize the application of the reflective learning during initial formation mathematics teachers. This model is based on the sociocultural theories of the human learning and assumes that the interaction and the contrast make possible the coconstruction and the active reconstruction of knowledge.In order to make the study, it was left from a sample of 29 teaching students. The qualitative analysis allowed to identify factors that facilitate the incorporation of the reflective learning in university teaching, as well as the degree of effectiveness of this model to learn to teach mathematics