929 resultados para ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services (AFAS)


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Deakin University has introduced a new Master of Teaching course incorporating a new form school-university partnership that we refer to as the ‘cluster approach’. In addition to responding to recent state and National reports on teacher education (e.g. House of Representatives Standing Committee on Education and Vocational Training, 2007; Kruger et al., 2009; Parliament of Victoria Education and Training Committee, 2005), this cluster approach aims to respond directly to recommendations from the Australian Teaching and Learning Council funded project into practicum partnerships (Ure, 2009), and focuses specifically on one of the reform agendas of the National Partnership Agreement on Improving Teacher Quality, that of ‘improving the quality and consistency of teacher training in partnership with universities’ (see http://smarterschools.gov.au/nationalpartnerships/Pages/ImprovingTeacherQuality.aspx)
Learning to teach is a continuum whereby teachers create new understandings and build professional knowledge and practice in collaboration with colleagues during their pre-service teacher education and then during their careers as teachers (Fieman-Nemser 2001). Learning to teach is not a sole learning activity; rather teachers learn in communities and in collaboration with colleagues. Moreover, teachers are always balancing ‘being the teacher’ while at the same time ‘becoming a teacher’ (e.g. Britzman, 2003). Thus, they balance the notion of ‘doing teaching’ while at the same time ‘learning teaching’, and this is nowhere more evident than during the professional experience component of teacher education. This cluster approach is based on these premises.
The work of Le Cornu (2004), Le Cornu and Ewing (2008) and Little (2001) also informed aspects of the approach, which is predicated on ‘reciprocal relationships’ amongst pre-service teachers, and between pre-service teachers and experienced teachers both in schools and in universities. It frames teachers as cultural producers of knowledge, pre-service teachers as new resources bringing different ideas and practices into schools and schools as knowledge building communities (Little 2001, Nias 1998, Retallick et al 1999, Veugelers & O’Hair 2005).


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This article identifies the way same-sex attracted women negotiate healthcare in a rural Australian setting. In-depth interviews were conducted with 10 women. Respondents choose general practitioners (GPs) carefully, `interviewing' them to see if they hold acceptable attitudes to same-sex attraction. However, sexuality is not the only evaluative criteria women use. Some women invoke gender-based discourse, evaluating GPs by how well they treat women's bodies. In other instances, women utilize a framework based on sexuality; good healthcare is associated with how the practitioner dealt with same-sex attraction. Sometimes women evaluated care by reference to a model of the body that did not implicate gender or sexuality and GPs are evaluated on the basis of clinical knowledge. This shows that women do not define themselves in a unitary way in relation to gender or sexuality. They selectively and strategically employ discourses of gender, sexuality and embodiment to structure and evaluate healthcare


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Background: Several studies support the use of CT for diagnosing coronal fractures of the distal radius but the inter-observer reliability of these observations is less well studied. We tested the null hypothesis that radiographs alone and the combination of radiographs and two-dimensional computed tomography scans (2DCT) have the same inter-observer variation for the diagnosis of coronal articular fracture lines in the distal radius. Methods: Using a web-based survey, 63 surgeons were randomized to evaluate 16 fractures of the distal radius on radiographs alone or radiographs and 2DCT for the presence or absence of a coronal fracture line of the lunate facet and, if present, the stability of the fracture. The kappa multirater measure was calculated to estimate agreement between observers. Results: The inter-observer variation in diagnosis of a coronal fracture line was fair with both radiographs and 2DCT, as was the diagnosis of instability of the volar lunate facet fracture when present. Conclusion: Two-dimensional computed tomography does not improve observer agreement on the diagnosis of coronal plane articular fracture lines in the lunate facet of the distal radius. © 2012 American Association for Hand Surgery.


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This paper proposes a hybrid computational framework based on Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to address the Combined Unit Commitment and Emission (CUCE) problem. By considering a model which includes both thermal generators and wind farms, the proposed hybrid computational framework can minimize the scheduling cost and greenhouse gases emission cost. The viability of the proposed hybrid technique is demonstrated using a set of numerical case studies. Moreover, comparisons are performed with other optimization algorithms. The simulation results show that our hybrid method is better in terms of the speed and accuracy. The main contribution of this paper is the development of a emission unit commitment model integrating with wind energy and combining the SQP and PSO methods to achieve faster and better performance optimization


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Prior studies on academic performance predominantly concentrated on ranking universities and geographical regions using publications in selected journals. Despite general agreement on journal rankings based on the number of citations, no extant articles analyze universities or countries on the basis of citations from publications in leading hospitality and tourism journals. This paper examined the number of citations that published articles from six leading journals in hospitality and tourism received during the 10-year period from 1996 to 2005. The affiliated universities, countries/regions, and geographical continents were then ranked to determine their level of academic performance. This paper provides an alternative insight into academic performance of research universities and countries.© 2014 The Authors.


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As the risk of malware is sharply increasing in Android platform, Android malware detection has become an important research topic. Existing works have demonstrated that required permissions of Android applications are valuable for malware analysis, but how to exploit those permission patterns for malware detection remains an open issue. In this paper, we introduce the contrasting permission patterns to characterize the essential differences between malwares and clean applications from the permission aspect. Then a framework based on contrasting permission patterns is presented for Android malware detection. According to the proposed framework, an ensemble classifier, Enclamald, is further developed to detect whether an application is potentially malicious. Every contrasting permission pattern is acting as a weak classifier in Enclamald, and the weighted predictions of involved weak classifiers are aggregated to the final result. Experiments on real-world applications validate that the proposed Enclamald classifier outperforms commonly used classifiers for Android Malware Detection.


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The factors influencing the decision making of operative treatment for fractures of the proximal humerus are debated. We hypothesized that there is no difference in treatment recommendations between surgeons shown radiographs alone and those shown radiographs and patient information. Secondarily, we addressed (1) factors associated with a recommendation for operative treatment, (2) factors associated with recommendation for arthroplasty, (3) concordance with the recommendations of the treating surgeons, and (4) factors affecting the inter-rater reliability of treatment recommendations.
Methods: A total of 238 surgeons of the Science of Variation Group rated 40 radiographs of patients with proximal humerus fractures. Participants were randomized to receive information about the patient and mechanism of injury. The response variables included the choice of treatment (operative vs nonoperative) and the percentage of matches with the actual treatment.
Results: Participants who received patient information recommended operative treatment less than those who received no information. The patient information that had the greatest influence on treatment recommendations included age (55%) and fracture me chanism (32%). The only other factor associated with a recommendation for operative treatment was region of practice. There was no significant difference between participants who were and were not provided with information regarding agreement with the actual treatment (operative vs nonoperative) provided by the treating surgeon.
Conclusion: Patient information - older age in particular - is associated with a higher likelihood of recommending nonoperative treatment than radiographs alone. Clinical information did not improve agreement of the Science of Variation Group with the actual treatment or the generally poor interobserver agreement on treatment recommendations


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In this work we examine the reliability and validity (in comparison to magnetic resonance imaging; MRI) of real-time ultrasound measures of lumbar erector spinae thickness. We also consider the between-day reliability of the lumbar multifidus muscle area as measured via ultrasound. 23 male subjects aged 21-45 years were measured three times over the course of nine days by one operator. The first (L1) through to the fifth (L5) lumbar vertebral levels were measured on the left and right sides. MRI was performed on the same day as first ultrasound scanning. For between-day intra-rater reliability, intra-class correlation co-efficients (ICCs), standard error of the measurement, minimal detectable difference and co-efficients of variation (CVs) were calculated along with their 95% confidence intervals and Bland-Altman analysis was performed. On Bland-Altman analysis, erector spinae thickness and multifidus area ultrasound measures 'agreed' with equivalent MR measures, though the correlation between MR and ultrasound measures was typically poor to moderate. For both ultrasound measures, the ICCs ranged from 'moderate' to 'excellent' at individual vertebral levels, although multifidus area (CV ranged from 8 to 15%) was less reliable than erector spinae thickness (CV ranged from 6 to 10%). 'Agreement' on Bland-Altmann analysis was present between days for all ultrasound measures. Averaging between sides and between vertebral levels improved reliability. Average erector spinae thickness showed a CV of 5.5% (ICC 0.77) and average multifidus area 6.2% (ICC 0.80).


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Background: Discussions of gambling have traditionally focused on ideas of “problem” and “responsible” gambling. However, few studies have examined how Institutions attempt to exert social control over gamblers in order to promote so-called “responsible” behaviour. In this study, we examine the way “problem” and “responsible” gambling are discussed by Australian governments and the gambling industry, using a theoretical framework based on the work of Foucault.

: We conducted a thematic analysis of discourses surrounding problem and responsible gambling in government and gambling industry websites, television campaigns and responsible gambling materials.

Documents distinguished between gambling, which was positive for the community, and problem gambling, which was portrayed as harmful and requiring medical intervention. The need for responsible gambling was emphasised in many of the documents, and reinforced by mechanisms including self-monitoring, self-control and surveillance of gamblers.

Government and industry expect gamblers to behave “responsibly”, and are heavily influenced by neoliberal ideas of rational, controlled subjects in their conceptualisation of what constitutes “responsible behaviour”. As a consequence, problem gamblers become constructed as a deviant group. This may have significant consequences for problem gamblers, such as the creation of stigma.


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Medication adherence in kidney transplantation is critical to prevent graft rejection. Testing interventions designed to support patients to take their prescribed medications following a kidney transplant require an accurate measure of medication adherence. In research, the available methods for measuring medication adherence include self-report, pill counts, prescription refill records, surrogate measures of medication adherence and medication bottles with a microchip-embedded cap to record bottle openings. Medication bottles with a microchip-embedded cap are currently regarded as the gold standard measure. This commentary outlines the challenges in measuring medication adherence using electronic medication monitoring of kidney transplant patients recruited from five sites. The challenges included obtaining unanimous stakeholder support for using this method, agreement on an index medication to measure, adequate preparation of the patient and training of pharmacy staff, and how to analyze data when periods of time were not recorded using the electronic adherence measure. Provision of this information will enable hospital and community pharmacists to implement approaches that promote the effective use of this adherence measure for optimal patient outcomes.


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Combining goal-oriented and use case modeling has been proven to be an effective method in requirements elicitation and elaboration. To ensure the quality of such modeled artifacts, a detailed model analysis needs to be performed. However, current requirements engineering approaches generally lack reliable support for automated analysis of consistency, correctness and completeness (3Cs problems) between and within goal models and use case models. In this paper, we present a goal–use case integration framework with tool support to automatically identify such 3Cs problems. Our new framework relies on the use of ontologies of domain knowledge and semantics and our goal–use case integration meta-model. Moreover, functional grammar is employed to enable the semiautomated transformation of natural language specifications into Manchester OWL Syntax for automated reasoning. The evaluation of our tool support shows that for representative example requirements, our approach achieves over 85 % soundness and completeness rates and detects more problems than the benchmark applications.


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In this paper we describe a novel framework for the discovery of the topical content of a data corpus, and the tracking of its complex structural changes across the temporal dimension. In contrast to previous work our model does not impose a prior on the rate at which documents are added to the corpus nor does it adopt the Markovian assumption which overly restricts the type of changes that the model can capture. Our key technical contribution is a framework based on (i) discretization of time into epochs, (ii) epoch-wise topic discovery using a hierarchical Dirichlet process-based model, and (iii) a temporal similarity graph which allows for the modelling of complex topic changes: emergence and disappearance, evolution, splitting and merging. The power of the proposed framework is demonstrated on the medical literature corpus concerned with the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) - an increasingly important research subject of significant social and healthcare importance. In addition to the collected ASD literature corpus which we made freely available, our contributions also include two free online tools we built as aids to ASD researchers. These can be used for semantically meaningful navigation and searching, as well as knowledge discovery from this large and rapidly growing corpus of literature.


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This paper makes use of the idea of prediction intervals (PIs) to capture the uncertainty associated with wind power generation in power systems. Since the forecasting errors cannot be appropriately modeled using distribution probability functions, here we employ a powerful nonparametric approach called lower upper bound estimation (LUBE) method to construct the PIs. The proposed LUBE method uses a new framework based on a combination of PIs to overcome the performance instability of neural networks (NNs) used in the LUBE method. Also, a new fuzzy-based cost function is proposed with the purpose of having more freedom and flexibility in adjusting NN parameters used for construction of PIs. In comparison with the other cost functions in the literature, this new formulation allows the decision-makers to apply their preferences for satisfying the PI coverage probability and PI normalized average width individually. As the optimization tool, bat algorithm with a new modification is introduced to solve the problem. The feasibility and satisfying performance of the proposed method are examined using datasets taken from different wind farms in Australia.


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Tese apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração - Doutorado da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul.


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Objetivo: Estudar a concordância no diagnóstico radiológico da doença respiratória aguda baixa (DRAB) em crianças. Métodos: Sessenta radiogramas do tórax de crianças menores de cinco anos foram avaliados, individualmente, por três médicos: um radiologista pediátrico (RP), um pneumologista pediatra (PP) e 1 pediatra experiente no atendimento de sala de emergências (PE). Todas as crianças tinham procurado atendimento por apresentar um quadro agudo de infecção respiratória com aparente participação pulmonar. Os avaliadores desconheciam os diagnósticos originais, mas receberam uma ficha padrão com dados clínicos e laboratoriais dos pacientes no momento da consulta inicial. Variáveis: Agrupadas em cinco categorias: a) qualidade técnica do filme; b) localização da alteração; c) padrões radiográficos; d) outras alterações radiográficas; e) diagnóstico. Análise Estatística: Para estudar a concordância entre as três duplas posíveis de observadores, utilizou-se a estatística de Kappa, aceitándo-se os valores ajustados para viés de prevalência (PABAK). Resultados: Os valores Kappa totais de cada dupla de observadores (RP x PP, RP x PE e PP x PE) foram 0.41, 0.43, e 0.39 respectivamente, o que representa em média, uma concordância interobservadores moderada (0.41). Outras variáveis: “qualidade técnica” teve uma concordância regular (0.30); com “localização”, foi moderada (0.48); com “padrões radiográficos” foi regular (0.29); com “outras alterações radiográficas” foi moderada (0,43); e com “diagnóstico”, regular (0.33). Quanto à concordância global intraobservadores, a mesma foi moderada (0.54), com valores menores dos descritos na literatura. Conclusões: A variabilidade interobservadores é inerente à interpretação dos achados radiológicos, e determinar o diagnóstico exato da DRAB nas crianças tem seus desafíos. Nossos resultados foram similares aos descritos na literatura.