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O município de Rio Grande da Serra está situado em uma região Grande ABC paulista reconhecida nacionalmente por seu desenvolvimento econômico e industrial e pelas lutas políticas e sindicais. Paradoxalmente, se configura, social e territorialmente falando, por uma região de periferia urbana. Resultado da forma como a urbanização, na sociedade moderna, conforma o espaço em regiões centrais e periféricas. Localizado no caminho que ligava Santos à Mogi das Cruzes (século XIX) povoado de Geribatiba decorrente das transformações urbanas ocorridas em toda a região, conquistaria, nos anos 1960, sua autonomia político-administrativa. Nas décadas seguintes testemunhou intenso crescimento populacional, resultado do processo migratório, principalmente de mineiros e nordestinos que tinham as cidades, e indústrias, de São Paulo e Grande ABC como destino. Esse deslocamento de pessoas, e as redes formadas em seu em torno, contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de seu campo religioso. Atualmente, com uma população, em torno, de 46 mil habitantes, possui aproximadamente 180 locais de cerimônias religiosas. Nesse contexto, a tese analisa a inserção regional socioeconômica e religiosa de Rio Grande da Serra, a partir de dados comparativos com os demais municípios, e discute como o regionalismo tem contribuído para seu desenvolvimento econômico. Realiza a caracterização das periferias urbanas, discutindo aspectos que lhes são inerentes, como segregação e vulnerabilidade social. Nesse sentido, a investigação possibilitou a identificação do perfil socioeconômico (renda e escolaridade) dos participantes dos grupos religiosos (católicos, evangélicos, kardecistas e umbandistas), permitindo, também, identificar desigualdades sociais no interior de seu território, constatando que determinados bairros são mais vulneráveis do que outros. Considerando que esse estudo examina a capacidade das redes sociais e religiosas, de aumentar o capital social de seus participantes, foi realizado o mapeamento e etnografia das diversas práticas associativas, mais ou menos formais e estruturadas, de forma a analisar os elementos materiais e simbólicos por elas produzidos. Constatou-se, apoiado na aplicação de questionários, entrevistas e observação participativa, que, a partir do habitus religioso de cada grupo, as redes possibilitam no âmbito econômico questões como emprego e renda ou auxílio em necessidades básicas de sobrevivência, através de campanhas e trabalhos sociais. No âmbito simbólico, as redes propiciam questões importantes à existência humana, como a crença na salvação ou evolução da alma, socialização, autoestima, prestígio ou ainda a expectativa de cura ou tratamento de dependência química. Pôde-se aferir que, a despeito das diferentes formas como cada grupo, e seus participantes, se apropriam do capital social, as redes sociais e religiosas, no município, funcionam como redes de proteção, especialmente à população em situação alta de vulnerabilidade social.
Num ambiente como o da Galiléia do século I, onde o ensino era realizado nas comunidades religiosas, vilarejos e núcleos familiares de forma oral, o método de fixação de ensinos mediante a assimilação de símbolos do cotidiano era fundamental. Por conta disso, acreditamos que, dentre as fontes orais ou escritas preservadas e organizadas pelos Evangelhos Sinóticos, as parábolas de Jesus compõem o gênero literário mais original por terem sido preservadas na memória, com maior precisão pelos primeiros seguidores de Jesus. Muitos estudiosos empreenderam importantes trabalhos para pesquisar o lugar social das parábolas de Jesus, a maioria deles partindo dos próprios textos dispostos como estão nos Evangelhos. Neste trabalho, nos propomos trabalhar as parábolas de Jesus como ditos bem preservados pela oralidade a partir da teoria da Fonte Q, que é tratada como um dos estratos mais primitivos da tradição formativa dos Evangelhos Sinóticos e do movimento de Jesus. As parábolas do Ladrão (Q 12,39-40), Servo Infiel (Q 12,42-46) e do Dinheiro Confiado (Q 19,12-27) sempre foram vistas pela tradição eclesial como parábolas que tratam da necessária vigilância do cristão por conta da repentina parusia de Jesus. No entanto, nesse trabalho vamos além, pois acreditamos que essas parábolas tratam do contexto social da Galiléia do século I, onde são retratadas a opressão econômica e a violência social imposta aos pequenos proprietários e camponeses empobrecidos.(AU)
The literature on multinationality and firm performance has generally disregarded the role of geography. However, the location of FDI assumes particular importance in terms of the link between multinationality at the firm level. The purpose of this paper is to consider the multinationality-performance relationship within the context of greater emphasis on the importance of location, but also emphasising the importance of the location decision. This paper draws on firm-level data covering over 16,000 multinationals from 46 countries over the period of 1997-2007 and allows for different effects upon the performance of the multinational firm depending on the level of development of the host economy. In our results, we find a clear positive relation between multinationality and firm performance. However, investment in developing countries is associated with larger effects on performance than in the case of investment in developed countries. We also find that the return to investing in developing countries is U-shaped. This indicates that multinationals are likely to face losses in the early stage of their investment in developing countries before the positive returns are realized. Overall, our results suggest that the net gains for multinationals from greater geographical diversification have not yet been fully explored. Geographical diversification into developing countries may be an important source of competitive advantages that deserves more serious consideration from business leaders and academics alike. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
1. Exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) from soils can contribute significantly to the global warming potential (GWP) of agro-ecosystems. Due to variations in soil type, climatic onditions and land management practices, exchange of CO2 can differ markedly in different geographical locations. The food industry is developing carbon footprints for their products necessitating integration of CO2 exchange from soils with other CO2 emissions along the food chain. It may be advantageous to grow certain crops in different geographical locations to minimize CO2 emissions from the soil, and this may provide potential to offset other emissions in the food chain, such as transport. 2. Values are derived for the C balance of soils growing horticultural crops in the UK, Spain and Uganda. Net ecosystem production (NEP) is firstly calculated from the difference in net primary production (NPP) and heterotrophic soil respiration (Rh). Both NPP and Rh were estimated from intensive direct field measurements. Secondly, net biome production (NBP) is calculated by subtracting the crop biomass from NEP to give an indication of C balance. The importance of soil exchange is discussed in the light of recent discussions on carbon footprints and within the context of food life-cycle assessment (LCA). 3. The amount of crop relative to the biomass and the Rh prevailing in the different countries were the dominant factors influencing the magnitude of NEP and NBP. The majority of the biomass for lettuce Lactuca sativa and vining peas Pisum sativum, was removed from the field as crop; therefore, NEP and NBP were mainly negative. This was amplified for lettuces grown in Uganda (-16·5 and -17 t C ha-1 year-1 compared to UK and Spain -4·8 to 7·4 and -5·1 to 6·3 t C ha-1 year-1 for NEP and NBP, respectively) where the climate elevated Rh. 4. Synthesis and applications. This study demonstrates the importance of soil emissions in the overall life cycle of vegetables. Variability in such emissions suggests that assigning a single value to food carbon footprints may not be adequate, even within a country. Locations with high heterotrophic soil respiration, such as Spain and Uganda (21·9 and 21·6 t C ha-1 year-1, respectively), could mitigate the negative effects of climate on the C costs of crop production by growth of crops with greater returns of residue to the soil. This would minimize net CO2 emissions from these agricultural ecosystems.
Trägerband: Inc. qu. 526; Vorbesitzer: Hinricus Sticz; Peter Heidenreich; Dominikanerkloster Frankfurt am Main
We present an improved database of planktonic foraminiferal census counts from the Southern Hemisphere Oceans (SHO) from 15°S to 64°S. The SHO database combines 3 existing databases. Using this SHO database, we investigated dissolution biases that might affect faunal census counts. We suggest a depth/[DCO3]2- threshold of ~3800 m/[DCO3]2- = ~-10 to -5 µmol/kg for the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and ~4000 m/[DCO3]2- = ~0 to 10 µmol/kg for the Atlantic Ocean, under which core-top assemblages can be affected by dissolution and are less reliable for paleo-sea surface temperature (SST) reconstructions. We removed all core-tops beyond these thresholds from the SHO database. This database has 598 core-tops and is able to reconstruct past SST variations from 2° to 25.5°C, with a root mean square error of 1.00°C, for annual temperatures. To inspect dissolution affects SST reconstruction quality, we tested the data base with two "leave-one-out" tests, with and without the deep core-tops. We used this database to reconstruct Summer SST (SSST) over the last 20 ka, using the Modern Analog Technique method, on the Southeast Pacific core MD07-3100. This was compared to the SSST reconstructed using the 3 databases used to compile the SHO database. Thus showing that the reconstruction using the SHO database is more reliable, as its dissimilarity values are the lowest. The most important aspect here is the importance of a bias-free, geographic-rich, database. We leave this dataset open-ended to future additions; the new core-tops must be carefully selected, with their chronological frameworks, and evidence of dissolution assessed.
This text presents a discussion about the song cycle Slopiewnie Opus 46 bis of Karol Szymanowski, one of the most important Polish composers of the 20th century. Slopiewnie was composed on texts of Julian Tuwim, poet born in 1894 in Łódź, who used ancient roots to create new words and search for special sonorities. First, this text introduces a brief biographical sketch about Szymanowski, in order to contextualize Slopiewnie in relation to the composer’s works. Afterwards, the text provides an analysis of the songs and their texts, which may serve as a study tool for future perfomers. Interpretative suggestions are offered, based on the experience of learning these songs and on references. The text also presents the phonetic transcription of the poems, as well as a suggested translation to Portuguese, making it easier for Brazilian singers to learn the cycle’s text and prosody.
Carbon isotopic measurements on the benthic foraminiferal genus Cibicidoides document that mean deep ocean delta13C values were 0.46 per mil lower during the last glacial maximum than during the Late Holocene. The geographic distribution of delta13C was altered by changes in the production rate of nutrient-depleted deep water in the North Atlantic. During the Late Holocene, North Atlantic Deep Water, with high delta13C values and low nutrient values, can be found throughout the Atlantic Ocean, and its effects can be traced into the southern ocean where it mixes with recirculated Pacific deep water. During the glaciation, decreased production of North Atlantic Deep Water allowed southern ocean deep water to penetrate farther into the North Atlantic and across low-latitude fracture zones into the eastern Atlantic. Mean southern ocean delta13C values during the glaciation are lower than both North Atlantic and Pacific delta13C values, suggesting that production of nutrient-depleted water occurred in both oceans during the glaciation. Enriched 13C values in shallow cores within the Atlantic Ocean indicate the existence of a nutrient-depleted water mass above 2000 m in this ocean.
On the basis of a long term research of the authors a database model of grain size composition of unlithified marine and ocean bottom sediments has been created. An improved method of water-mechanical analysis has been offered. Grain size parameters of main types of bottom sediments have been measured and calculated. The genetic interpretation of results and regularities of sandy, aleuritic and pelitic material in basins of sedimentation are under discussion.
The paper presents data on the chemical composition of Late Pleistocene-Holocene sediments in the Gakkel Ridge according to data on sediment core PS 70/306-3, offers a hypothetical litho-stratigraphic model, and provides data on chemo-stratigraphic horizons distinguished based on the distribution of carbonates, organic carbon, metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Co, Ni, V, Pb), As, and P in the core. Chemical transformations of sediments at the redox barrier are discussed, along with relations between the composition of the sediments and the facies sedimentation conditions.
We acknowledge the facilities, scientific and technical assistance of the Australian Microscopy & Microanalysis Research Facility at: Centre for Microscopy Characterisation and Analysis, The University of Western Australia; Electron Microscopy Unit, The University of New South Wales. These facilities are funded by the Universities, State and Commonwealth Governments. DW was funded by the European Commission and the Australian Research Council (FT140100321). This is ARC CCFS paper number XXX. We acknowledge Martin van Kranendonk, Owen Green, Cris Stoakes, Nicola McLoughlin, the late John Lindsay and the Geological Survey of Western Australia for fieldwork assistance, Thomas Becker for assistance with Raman microspectroscopy, Anthony Burgess from FEI for the preparation of one of the TEM wafers, and Russell Garwood, Tom Davies, Imran Rahman & Stephan Lautenschlager for training and advice on the SPIERS and AVIZO software suites. We thank Chris Fedo and an anonymous reviewer for comments that improved the manuscript.