Compilation of planktonic foraminiferal census counts from the Southern Hemisphere Oceans

Autoria(s): Haddam, Naoufel; Michel, Elisabeth; Siani, Giuseppe; Cortese, Giuseppe; Bostock, Helen C; Duprat, Josette; Isguder, Gulay

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -35.264430 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 30.113295 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -64.550000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -179.700000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 0.000000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 180.000000 * DATE/TIME START: 1874-06-13T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2012-02-13T00:00:00 * MINIMUM ELEVATION: -5351.0 m * MAXIMUM ELEVATION: 4996.0 m




We present an improved database of planktonic foraminiferal census counts from the Southern Hemisphere Oceans (SHO) from 15°S to 64°S. The SHO database combines 3 existing databases. Using this SHO database, we investigated dissolution biases that might affect faunal census counts. We suggest a depth/[DCO3]2- threshold of ~3800 m/[DCO3]2- = ~-10 to -5 µmol/kg for the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and ~4000 m/[DCO3]2- = ~0 to 10 µmol/kg for the Atlantic Ocean, under which core-top assemblages can be affected by dissolution and are less reliable for paleo-sea surface temperature (SST) reconstructions. We removed all core-tops beyond these thresholds from the SHO database. This database has 598 core-tops and is able to reconstruct past SST variations from 2° to 25.5°C, with a root mean square error of 1.00°C, for annual temperatures. To inspect dissolution affects SST reconstruction quality, we tested the data base with two "leave-one-out" tests, with and without the deep core-tops. We used this database to reconstruct Summer SST (SSST) over the last 20 ka, using the Modern Analog Technique method, on the Southeast Pacific core MD07-3100. This was compared to the SSST reconstructed using the 3 databases used to compile the SHO database. Thus showing that the reconstruction using the SHO database is more reliable, as its dissimilarity values are the lowest. The most important aspect here is the importance of a bias-free, geographic-rich, database. We leave this dataset open-ended to future additions; the new core-tops must be carefully selected, with their chronological frameworks, and evidence of dissolution assessed.


text/tab-separated-values, 31869 data points








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Supplement to: Haddam, Naoufel; Michel, Elisabeth; Siani, Giuseppe; Cortese, Giuseppe; Bostock, Helen C; Duprat, Josette; Isguder, Gulay: Improving past sea surface temperature reconstructions from the Southern Hemisphere oceans using planktonic foraminiferal census data. Paleoceanography, accepted

Palavras-Chave #06MT15_2; 1; 10; 17; 19SL; 2; 20; 21; 30; 33; 34; 35; 39KL; 47KL; 54KL; 7SL; 7TOW_5; 7TOW05WT; 7TOW-072; 7TOW-105; 90-594; 9SL; A150/180; A260210A; AGSO Cruise 147; Agulhas Basin; Agulhas Ridge; Angola Basin; ANTIPODE; ANTIPROD; ANT-IX/4; ANTP-226G; ANTP-231G; ANT-VI/3; ANT-VIII/3; ANT-X/4; ANT-X/5; ANT-X/6; ANT-XI/2; ANT-XI/4; APSARA2; APSARA4; AR1-144; AR2-128; AR2-136; AR3-25; AR3-38; AR4-45; AR4-55; AR4-56; AR4-63; Argo; AT_II-15_602-10a; AT_USA; Atlantic Indik Ridge; Atlantic Ridge; Atlantis (1931); AUSE5506; B32; Bay of Plenty, New Zealand; BC; Beella digitata; Bounty Trough, Southwest Pacific; Box corer; BRA-262D; BRA-91AD; BRA-91D; BRA-96D; Brazil Basin; CALYPSO; CALYPSO2; Calypso Corer; Calypso Corer II; Candeina nitida; Cape Basin; Carbonate ion; CHA-164A; CHA-296; CHA-300; CHA-302; Challenger1872; CHAT 10K; CHN99-068; Comment; Comment 2 (continued); Comment 3 (continued); Conrad Rise; Coral Sea; Core; CORE; Core8656; CTD/Rosette; CTD-RO; D178; D206; D84; Date; Dentagloborotalia anfracta; DIS-385D; DIS-386D; Discovery Seamount; DODO; DODO-117P; DODO-130G; DODO-144V; Dredge; DRG; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; DW017; DW026; DW034; DW035; DW036; DW048; DW050; DW074; DW079; DW082; DW123; DWD-123; DWD-17; DWD-26; DWD-34HG; DWD-35HH; DWD-36HG; DWD-46BG; DWD-47BG; DWD-48BG; DWD-48HG; DWD-49BG; DWD-50HG; DWD-54HG; DWD-56BG; DWD-56HG; DWD-58BG; DWD-59BG; DWD-60BG; DWD-61BG; DWD-62BG; DWD-63BG; DWD-64BG; DWD-68BG; DWD-70BG; DWD-71BG; DWD-73BG; DWD-74; DWD-74BG; DWD-75BG; DWD-76BG; DWD-77BG; DWD-78BG; DWD-79; DWD-79BG; DWD-82; DWD-83BG; DWD-93BG; E48; East Brazil Basin; Eastern Rio Grande Rise; Elevation of event; ELT11.010; ELT11.064; ELT11.089; ELT-1110; ELT-1164; ELT-1189; ELT12.027; ELT1227; ELT-1246; ELT-1271; ELT16; ELT16.009-PC; ELT34; ELT34.001-PC; ELT34.010-PC; ELT36; ELT36.039-PC; ELT36.042-PC; ELT44; ELT44.027-PC; ELT45; ELT45.029-PC; ELT45.070-PC; ELT45.073-PC; ELT45.077-PC; ELT45.081-PC; ELT49; ELT49.022-PC; ELT49.023-PC; ELT49.024A-TC; ELT49.024-PC; ELT49.025-PC; ELT50; ELT50.033-PC; Eltanin; ELT-C100; Event label; extracted from the World Ocean Atlas 1998 (Levitus et al., 1998); F104; F111; F149; F755; F756; Falkland Islands; Foraminifera, planktic, moderately resistant; Foraminifera, planktic, other; Foraminifera, planktic, resistant; Foraminifera, planktic, sensitive; Foraminifera, planktic dissolution-resistant; FR10/95; FR10/95-10; FR10/95-11; FR10/95-12; FR10/95-13; FR10/95-14; FR10/95-15; FR10/95-16; FR10/95-17; FR10/95-18; FR10/95-19; FR10/95-20; FR10/95-21; FR10/95-22; FR10/95-23; FR10/95-24; FR10/95-25; FR10/95-26; FR10/95-27; FR10/95-28; FR10/95-29; FR10/95-9; FR10/95 GC-27; FR10/95 GC-28; FR10/95 GC-29; FR2/96; FR2/96-1; FR2/96-10; FR2/96-11; FR2/96-12; FR2/96-13; FR2/96-14; FR2/96-2; FR2/96-22; FR2/96-23; FR2/96-24; FR2/96-25; FR2/96-26; FR2/96-27; FR2/96-28; FR2/96-29; FR2/96-3; FR2/96-4; FR2/96-5; FR2/96-6; FR2/96-7; FR2/96-8; FR2/96-9; FR2/96 GC-1; Franklin; GC; Genesis III, RR9702A; GeoB1025-2; GeoB1026-2; GeoB1026-3; GeoB1027-2; GeoB1028-4; GeoB1029-1; GeoB1030-3; GeoB1031-1; GeoB1032-2; GeoB1033-3; GeoB1034-1; GeoB1034-2; GeoB1035-3; GeoB1036-3; GeoB1203-2; GeoB1204-3; GeoB1207-2; GeoB1208-1; GeoB1209-1; GeoB1210-3; GeoB1211-1; GeoB1215-1; GeoB1216-2; GeoB1217-1; GeoB1218-1; GeoB1220-2; GeoB1306-1; GeoB1307-2; GeoB1308-1; GeoB1309-3; GeoB1310-1; GeoB1311-2; GeoB1312-3; GeoB1313-1; GeoB1314-2; GeoB1413-2; GeoB1414-2; GeoB1415-1; GeoB1418-1; GeoB1419-1; GeoB1420-1; GeoB1705-2; GeoB1710-2; GeoB1711-5; GeoB1712-2; GeoB1713-6; GeoB1716-2; GeoB1719-5; GeoB1720-4; GeoB1721-4; GeoB1722-3; GeoB1725-1; GeoB1728-3; GeoB1729-1; GeoB2004-1; GeoB2016-3; GeoB2019-2; GeoB2021-4; GeoB2703-7; GeoB2709-7; GeoB2712-2; GeoB2726-3; GeoB7115-1; GeoB7121-1; GeoB7122-2; GeoB7123-1; GeoB7127-1; GeoB7129-1; GeoB7130-1; GeoB7131-1; GeoB7132-1; GeoB7133-1; GeoB7134-1; GeoB7135-1; GeoB7136-1; GeoB7137-2; GeoB7138-1; GeoB7139-1; GeoB7140-1; GeoB7141-1; GeoB7142-2; GeoB7143-1; GeoB7144-1; GeoB7145-1; GeoB7146-1; GeoB7147-1; GeoB7148-1; GeoB7149-1; GeoB7150-1; GeoB7152-1; GeoB7153-1; GeoB7154-2; GeoB7156-1; GeoB7172-3; GeoB7174-2; GeoB7175-4; GeoB7177-2; GeoB7179-1; GeoB7180-1; GeoB7181-1; GeoB7182-1; GeoB7183-1; GeoB7186-1; GeoB7187-1; GeoB7189-1; GeoB7190-1; GeoB7191-1; GeoB7192-1; GeoB7193-1; GeoB7194-1; GeoB7197-1; GeoB7207-1; GeoB7209-2; GeoB7211-1; GeoB7212-1; GeoB7213-1; GeoB7214-1; Geolog Fersman; GF4; GF4-120; Giant box corer; GIK17662-2; GIK17666-2; GIK17667-1; GKG; Globigerina bulloides; Globigerina falconensis; Globigerina rubescens; Globigerinella adamsi; Globigerinella calida; Globigerinella siphonifera; Globigerinita glutinata; Globigerinita uvula; Globigerinoides conglobatus; Globigerinoides ruber; Globigerinoides sacculifer; Globoquadrina conglomerata; Globoquadrina hexagona; Globorotalia crassaformis; Globorotalia crassula; Globorotalia hirsuta; Globorotalia inflata; Globorotalia menardii group; Globorotalia scitula; Globorotalia theyeri; Globorotalia truncatulinoides dextral; Globorotalia truncatulinoides sinistral; Globoturborotalita tenella; Glomar Challenger; Grab; GRAB; Gravity corer; Gravity corer (Kiel type); H.M.S. Challenger (1872); H211; H214; H347; H534; H550; Hikurangi margin; Horizon; Hunter Channel; I369; IMAGES XV - Pachiderme; Indian Ocean; Indien-Sud-2; Islas Orcadas; KAL; Kasten corer; KL; KR88-01; KR88-03; KR88-05; KR88-06; KR88-07; KR88-10; KR88-11; KR88-12; KR88-13; KULC; KULLENBERG corer; Latitude of event; Leg90; Longitude of event; LSDA; LSDA-128G; LSDA-129G; LSDA-131G; LSDA-133GB; LSDA-136G; LSDH; LSDH-025V; LSDH-033G; LSDH-038V; LSDH-062G; LSDH-064PG; LUSIAD-A; LUSIAD-H; M12/1; M15/2; M16/1; M20/2; M23/1; M29/1; M6/6; Marion Dufresne; MD00; MD07-3082; MD07-3088; MD07-3100; MD12-3396Cq; MD159; MD189; MD2036; MD24KK63; MD38; MD73-011; MD73-015; MD73023; MD73-025; MD73-026; MD73029; MD73-12; MD76-005; MD76-009; MD76-010; MD76-011; MD77-210; MD77-256; MD790276; MD79-254; MD79-257; MD79-260; MD79-261; MD79275; MD79277; MD80-304; MD84-527; MD84-550; MD84-551; MD84-552; MD84-553; MD84-560; MD84-561; MD84-562; MD84-563; MD84-568; MD84-569; MD88-770; MD88-774; MD88-795; MD94-01; MD94-02; MD94-03; MD94-06; MD94-07; MD94-08; MD9410; MD94-101; MD94-102; MD94-107; MD94-108; MD94-11; MD94-113; MD94117; Melville; Meteor (1986); Meteor Rise; MIC; Mid Atlantic Ridge; MiniCorer; MONS01AR-MONS08AR; MONSOON; Mozambique Channel; MSN; MSN-100G; MSN-103P; MSN-104PG; MSN-109P; MSN-126G; MSN-90G; MSN-92PG; MSN-93G; MUC; MUK-19; MUK-20; MUK-27; MultiCorer; Multiple opening/closing net; Name; Namibia Continental Margin; Namibia continental slope; NEL-394D; Neogloboquadrina dutertrei; Neogloboquadrina pachyderma dextral; Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral; NOVA05AR-053P; NOVA-A; NOVA-A36; NOVA-A37; NOVA-A40; NOVA-A48; NOVA-A53; NOVA-A64; off Chile; OPR-476156; OPR-476184; OPR-476208; OPR-476223; Orbulina universa; OSIRIS4; OSIRIS I; P69; P72; P81; PC; Piston corer; Piston corer (BGR type); Polarstern; PROA; PROA-048G; PS12; PS12/557; PS16; PS16/278; PS16/284; PS16/294; PS16/334; PS16/337; PS16/342; PS16/345; PS16/351; PS1654-1; PS1754-2; PS1756-6; PS1759-1; PS1775-5; PS1776-6; PS1777-7; PS1778-1; PS1779-3; PS18; PS18/231; PS18/232; PS18/239; PS18/241; PS18/242; PS18/243; PS18/244; PS18/260; PS18/261; PS18/262; PS18/263; PS18/264; PS18/269; PS2075-3; PS2076-1; PS2083-1; PS2084-2; PS2085-1; PS2086-3; PS2087-1; PS2102-2; PS2103-2; PS2104-1; PS2105-2; PS2106-1; PS21 06AQANTX_4; PS2110-1; PS22; PS22/678; PS22/842; PS22/850; PS22/851; PS22/852; PS22/853; PS22/899; PS22/902; PS22/908; PS22/947; PS22/973; PS22 06AQANTX_5; PS2230-1; PS2241-1; PS2242-1; PS2250-6; PS2343-1; PS2351-1; PS2352-1; PS2353-2; PS2354-1; PS2366-1; PS2367-1; PS2368-1; PS2372-1; PS2376-1; PS2487-2; PS2489-4; PS2494-1; PS2495-1; PS2496-2; PS2498-2; PS2499-1; PS2500-1; PS2505-1; PS2507-1; PS2508-1; PS2518-2; PS2519-1; PS2557-2; PS2560-4; PS2563-1; PS2564-2; PS2606-1; PS2609-2; PS2610-1; PS28; PS28/236; PS28/256; PS28/289; PS28/293; PS28/298; PS28/304; PS28/314; PS28/316; PS28/342; PS28/347; PS28/350; PS28/395; PS28/404; PS30; PS30/004; PS30/023; PS30/043; PS30/048; PS30/144; PS30/147; PS30/155; PUCK; Pulleniatina obliquiloculata; Q200; Q206; Q208; Q213; Q215; Q216; Q217; Q220; Q564; Q575; Q582; Q585; Q859; Quality flag; R623; R657; RC08; RC08-18; RC08-22; RC08-23; RC08-27; RC08-28; RC08-39; RC08-40; RC08-41; RC08-46; RC08-50; RC08-51; RC08-52; RC08-53; RC08-60; RC08-61; RC08-62; RC08-63; RC08-64; RC08-8; RC08-91; RC08-93; RC09; RC09-104; RC09-110; RC09-112; RC09-121; RC09-124; RC09-125; RC09-126; RC09-127; RC09-128; RC09-129; RC09-131; RC09-132; RC09-133; RC09-134; RC09-139; RC09-140; RC09-143; RC09-144; RC09-147; RC09-150; RC09-77; RC11; RC11-103; RC11-106; RC11-111; RC11-116; RC11-117; RC11-118; RC11-120; RC11-121; RC11-122; RC11-123; RC11-124; RC11-125; RC11-126; RC11-128; RC11-134; RC11-138; RC11-141; RC11-145; RC11-146; RC11-147; RC11-21; RC11-22; RC11-26; RC11-35; RC11-37; RC11-78; RC11-79; RC11-80; RC11-82; RC11-84; RC11-86; RC11-99; RC12; RC12-101; RC12-103; RC12-107; RC12-109; RC12-110; RC12-112; RC12-113; RC12-117; RC12-210; RC12-233; RC12-235; RC12-241; RC12-266; RC12-268; RC12-291; RC12-292; RC12-293; RC12-294; RC12-297; RC12-298; RC12-299; RC12-300; RC12-303; RC12-304; RC12-305; RC12-306; RC13; RC13-227; RC13-228; RC13-229; RC13-242; RC13-253; RC13-275; RC13-39; RC13-40; RC14; RC14-63; RC15; RC15-115; RC15-143; RC15-145; RC15-151; RC15-91; RC15-93; RC15-94; RC17; RC17-34; RC17-40; RC17-43; RC17-47; RC17-74; RC17-76; RC17-77; RC17-80; RC17-81; RC17-83; RC17-85; RC17-86; RC17-88; RC17-91; RC17-92; RC17-93; RC17-94; RC17-95; RC17-97; Reference/source; Reference of data; REUNION HOTSPOT; Réunion Hotspot; Rig Seismic; RIS-84G; RIS-87G; RIS88; RIS-88G; RIS91; RIS-91G; Robert Conrad; Roger A. Revelle; RR9702A; RR9702A-01MC4; RR9702A-06MC; RR9702A-08MC; RR9702A-10MC2; RR9702A-14MC; RR9702A-24MC3; RR9702A-42MC1; RR9702A-46MC1; RR9702A-48MC4; RR9702A-50MC4; RR9702A-52MC3; RR9702A-54MC3; RR9702A-60MC2; RR9702A-62MC3; RR9702A-64MC1; RR9702A-66MC1; RS147; RS147-GC07; RS147-GC14; RS147-GC31; S793; S804; S924; S931; S938; Scotia Sea, southwest Atlantic; Sea surface temperature, annual mean; Sea surface temperature, April-June; Sea surface temperature, January-March; Sea surface temperature, July-September; Sea surface temperature, October-December; Shona Ridge; SL; Slope off Argentina; SO136; SO136_005MUC; SO136_013BX; SO136_060BX; SO136_100GC-12; SO136_110BX; SO136_116BX; SO136_147BX; SO136_161BX; SO136_162GC-12; SO136_163GC-12; SO136_165BX; SO156/2; SO156/3; SO36/2; SO36/2_19SL; SO36/2_39KL; SO36/2_47KL; SO36/2_54KL; SO36/2_7SL; SO36/2_9SL; SO87; Sonne; South African margin; South Atlantic; South Atlantic Ocean; Southeast Pacific; Southern Ocean; South Indian Ocean; South Pacific; South Pacific/CONT RISE; South Pacific Ocean; South Tasman Rise; Southwest Pacific Ocean; Spencer F. Baird; Sphaeroidinella dehiscens; Station; Station 6, MD189-3396; TAS_67GC49; Tasman Sea; TASQWA; Tenuitella iota; Thomas Washington; TSP-97G; Turborotalita humilis; Turborotalita quinqueloba; U169; U175; U178; U938; U939; U951; V12; V12-18; V12-43; V12-53; V12-56; V12-66; V14; V14-47; V14-67; V14-69C; V14-77; V14-81; V15; V15-137; V16; V16-100; V16-113; V16-117; V16-122; V16-125; V16-189; V16-190; V16-35; V16-36; V16-37; V16-39; V16-41; V16-47; V16-48; V16-50; V16-58; V16-64; V16-65; V16-67; V16-84; V16-86; V16-87; V16-88; V16-91; V16-93; V16-94; V16-95; V16-96; V17; V17-144; V17-147; V18; V18-110; V18-117; V18-126; V18-168; V18-182; V18-183; V18-186; V18-188; V18-189; V18-191; V18-192; V18-193; V18-200; V18-201; V18-203; V18-207; V18-215; V18-216; V18-217; V18-222; V18-223; V18-242; V18-34; V19; V19-163; V19-207; V19-208; V19-209; V19-213; V19-214; V19-215; V19-240; V19-242; V19-245; V19-246; V19-248; V19-256; V19-262; V19-45; V19-53; V19-55; V19-64; V19-65; V20; V20-170; V20-171; V20-175; V20-176; V20-177; V20-187; V20-190; V20-199; V20-200; V20-201; V21; V21-53; V22; V22-106; V22-107; V22-122; V22-168; V22-169; V22-71; V22-92; V22-93; V22-94; V23; V23-182; V24; V24-158; V24-159; V24-160; V24-161; V24-162; V24-165; V24-166; V24-167; V24-168; V24-179; V24-181; V24-183; V24-201; V24-206; V24-208; V24-213; V24-214; V24-220; V24-221; V24-223; V24-229; V24-231; V24-235; V24-237; V24-241; V26; V26-63; V26-68; V27; V27-188; V27-190; V27-191; V27-192; V27-206; V27-215; V28; V28-345; V29; V29-134; V29-135; V29-93; V29-97; V33/4-14; V33-119; V34; V34-2; Vanuatu; Vema; W152; W266; W268; W272; WAKR03; WAKR05; WALDA; Walvis Ridge; West Angola Basin; Y71-06; Y71-06-12; Y73-04; Y73-04-034; Yaquina; Z3200; Z7003
