994 resultados para 200-63 µm fS


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Although the pulsating nature and the abruptness of the last deglaciation are well documented in marine and land records, very few marine records have so far been able to capture the high-frequency climatic changes recorded in the Greenland ice core Dye 3. We studied high-resolution sediment cores from SE Norwegian Sea, which display a detailed climatic record during the last deglaciation comparable to that of Dye 3. Accelerator mass spectrometry age control of the cores enables us to correlate this record in detail with continental records. The results indicate that the surface waters of the SE Norwegian Sea were seasonally ice free after 13,400 B.P. The Bølling/Allerød interstadial complex (13,200-11,200 B.P.) was a climatically unstable period with changing Arctic-Subarctic conditions. This period was punctuated by four progressively more severe sea surface temperature (SST) minima: between 12,900-12,800 B.P. (BCP I); 12,500-12,400 B.P. (BCP II); 12,300-12,000 B.P. (OD I); and 11,800-11,500 B.P. (OD II). The Younger Dryas (YD) (11,200-10,200 B.P.) represents the severest and most prolonged cold episode of this series of climatic deteriorations. It was bounded by very rapid SST changes and characterized by Arctic-Polar conditions. The first true warm Atlantic water incursion to the SE Norwegian Sea took place around 10,100 B.P., followed by a brief cooler condition between 9900-9600 B.P. (YD II). The early Holocene climatic optimum occurred between 8000-5000 B.P. A conceptual model is proposed where meltwater fluxes are suggested to cause the observed instability in the SST record.


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Fifteen surface sediment samples from the Pakistan shelf and upper continental slope and a Late Quaternary high-sedimentation rate core (573 m water depth, Pakistan continental margin) have been analysed to improve the understanding of the factors influencing pteropod preservation. The aragonite compensation depth (ACD) is located at 250-400 m water depth, which corroborates previous observations of a very shallow ACD in the northern Arabian Sea. With the exception of the Hab transect off Karachi, the ACD coincides with the upper boundary of the OMZ located at 250 m water depth. The shell preservation index of the pteropod Limacina inflata (LDX) was applied on six surface sediment samples showing good to very good preservation (LDX: 2.2 to 1.3). The 30 000 yr long record of sediment core SO90 137KA is characterized by alternations between bioturbated and laminated sediments. Bioturbated sediments occurring in the Early Holocene, Younger Dryas and time-equivalents of Heinrich events contain well to perfectly preserved tests of L. inflata (LDX: 2.1-0.2), whereas only traces of pteropods are found in laminated intervals. The close linkage of pteropod preservation in the surface sediments and in core 137KA to well-oxygenated conditions can be explained by repetitive intermediate water formation in the Arabian Sea down to at least 600 m water depth in times of enhanced NE monsoons during stadials and H-equivalents. Low amounts of pteropods in laminated sediments (interstadials, Late Holocene) and in the present-day oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) indicate a weak NE monsoon, stable OMZ and shallow ACD.


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In the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman marl forms the primary sediment cover, particularly on the Iranian side. A detailed quantitative description of the sediment components > 63 µ has been attempted in order to establish the regional distribution of the most important constituents as well as the criteria governing marl sedimentation in general. During the course of the analysis, the sand fraction from about 160 bottom-surface samples was split into 5 phi° fractions and 500 to 800 grains were counted in each individual fraction. The grains were cataloged in up to 40 grain type catagories. The gravel fraction was counted separately and the values calculated as weight percent. Basic for understanding the mode of formation of the marl sediment is the "rule" of independent availability of component groups. It states that the sedimentation of different component groups takes place independently, and that variation in the quantity of one component is independent of the presence or absence of other components. This means, for example, that different grain size spectrums are not necessarily developed through transport sorting. In the Persian Gulf they are more likely the result of differences in the amount of clay-rich fine sediment brought in to the restricted mouth areas of the Iranian rivers. These local increases in clayey sediment dilute the autochthonous, for the most part carbonate, coarse fraction. This also explains the frequent facies changes from carbonate to clayey marl. The main constituent groups of the coarse fraction are faecal pellets and lumps, the non carbonate mineral components, the Pleistocene relict sediment, the benthonic biogene components and the plankton. Faecal pellets and lumps are formed through grain size transformation of fine sediment. Higher percentages of these components can be correlated to large amounts of fine sediment and organic C. No discernable change takes place in carbonate minerals as a result of digestion and faecal pellet formation. The non-carbonate sand components originate from several unrelated sources and can be distinguished by their different grain size spectrum; as well as by other characteristics. The Iranian rivers supply the greatest amounts (well sorted fine sand). Their quantitative variations can be used to trace fine sediment transport directions. Similar mineral maxima in the sediment of the Gulf of Oman mark the path of the Persian Gulf outflow water. Far out from the coast, the basin bottoms in places contain abundant relict minerals (poorly sorted medium sand) and localized areas of reworked salt dome material (medium sand to gravel). Wind transport produces only a minimal "background value" of mineral components (very fine sand). Biogenic and non-biogenic relict sediments can be placed in separate component groups with the help of several petrographic criteria. Part of the relict sediment (well sorted fine sand) is allochthonous and was derived from the terrigenous sediment of river mouths. The main part (coarse, poorly sorted sediment), however, was derived from the late Pleistocene and forms a quasi-autochthonous cover over wide areas which receive little recent sedimentation. Bioturbation results in a mixing of the relict sediment with the overlying younger sediment. Resulting vertical sediment displacement of more than 2.5 m has been observed. This vertical mixing of relict sediment is also partially responsible for the present day grain size anomalies (coarse sediment in deep water) found in the Persian Gulf. The mainly aragonitic components forming the relict sediment show a finely subdivided facies pattern reflecting the paleogeography of carbonate tidal flats dating from the post Pleistocene transgression. Standstill periods are reflected at 110 -125m (shelf break), 64-61 m and 53-41 m (e.g. coare grained quartz and oolite concentrations), and at 25-30m. Comparing these depths to similar occurrences on other shelf regions (e. g. Timor Sea) leads to the conclusion that at this time minimal tectonic activity was taking place in the Persian Gulf. The Pleistocene climate, as evidenced by the absence of Iranian river sediment, was probably drier than the present day Persian Gulf climate. Foremost among the benthonic biogene components are the foraminifera and mollusks. When a ratio is set up between the two, it can be seen that each group is very sensitive to bottom type, i.e., the production of benthonic mollusca increases when a stable (hard) bottom is present whereas the foraminifera favour a soft bottom. In this way, regardless of the grain size, areas with high and low rates of recent sedimentation can be sharply defined. The almost complete absence of mollusks in water deeper than 200 to 300 m gives a rough sedimentologic water depth indicator. The sum of the benthonic foraminifera and mollusca was used as a relative constant reference value for the investigation of many other sediment components. The ratio between arenaceous foraminifera and those with carbonate shells shows a direct relationship to the amount of coarse grained material in the sediment as the frequence of arenaceous foraminifera depends heavily on the availability of sand grains. The nearness of "open" coasts (Iranian river mouths) is directly reflected in the high percentage of plant remains, and indirectly by the increased numbers of ostracods and vertebrates. Plant fragments do not reach their ultimate point of deposition in a free swimming state, but are transported along with the remainder of the terrigenous fine sediment. The echinoderms (mainly echinoids in the West Basin and ophiuroids in the Central Basin) attain their maximum development at the greatest depth reached by the action of the largest waves. This depth varies, depending on the exposure of the slope to the waves, between 12 to 14 and 30 to 35 m. Corals and bryozoans have proved to be good indicators of stable unchanging bottom conditions. Although bryozoans and alcyonarian spiculae are independent of water depth, scleractinians thrive only above 25 to 30 m. The beginning of recent reef growth (restricted by low winter temperatures) was seen only in one single area - on a shoal under 16 m of water. The coarse plankton fraction was studied primarily through the use of a plankton-benthos ratio. The increase in planktonic foraminifera with increasing water depth is here heavily masked by the "Adjacent sea effect" of the Persian Gulf: for the most part the foraminifera have drifted in from the Gulf of Oman. In contrast, the planktonic mollusks are able to colonize the entire Persian Gulf water body. Their amount in the plankton-benthos ratio always increases with water depth and thereby gives a reliable picture of local water depth variations. This holds true to a depth of around 400 m (corresponding to 80-90 % plankton). This water depth effect can be removed by graphical analysis, allowing the percentage of planktonic mollusks per total sample to be used as a reference base for relative sedimentation rate (sedimentation index). These values vary between 1 and > 1000 and thereby agree well with all the other lines of evidence. The "pteropod ooze" facies is then markedly dependent on the sedimentation rate and can theoretically develop at any depth greater than 65 m (proven at 80 m). It should certainly no longer be thought of as "deep sea" sediment. Based on the component distribution diagrams, grain size and carbonate content, the sediments of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman can be grouped into 5 provisional facies divisions (Chapt.19). Particularly noteworthy among these are first, the fine grained clayey marl facies occupying the 9 narrow outflow areas of rivers, and second, the coarse grained, high-carbonate marl facies rich in relict sediment which covers wide sediment-poor areas of the basin bottoms. Sediment transport is for the most part restricted to grain sizes < 150 µ and in shallow water is largely coast-parallel due to wave action at times supplemented by tidal currents. Below the wave base gravity transport prevails. The only current capable of moving sediment is the Persian Gulf outflow water in the Gulf of Oman.


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High-resolution biostratigraphic and quantitative studies of subtropical Pacific planktonic foraminiferal assemblages (Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 198 Shatsky Rise, Sites 1209 and 1210) are performed to analyse the faunal changes associated with the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) at about 55.5 Ma. At Shatsky Rise, the onset of the PETM is marked by the abrupt onset of a negative carbon isotope excursion close to the contact between carbonate-rich ooze and overlying clay-rich ooze and corresponds to a level of poor foraminiferal preservation as a result of carbonate dissolution. Lithology, planktonic foraminiferal distribution and abundances, calcareous plankton and benthic events, and the negative carbon isotope excursion allow precise correlation of the two Shatsky Rise records. Results from quantitative analyses show that Morozovella dominates the assemblages and that its maximum relative abundance is coincident with the lowest delta 13C values, whereas subbotinids are absent in the interval of maximum abundance of Morozovella. The excursion taxa (Acarinina africana, Acarinina sibaiyaensis, and Morozovella allisonensis) first appear at the base of the event. Comparison between the absolute abundances of whole specimens and fragments of genera demonstrate that the increase in absolute abundance of Morozovella and the decrease of Subbotina are not an artifact of selective dissolution. Moreover, the shell fragmentation data reveal Subbotina to be the more dissolution-susceptible taxon. The upward decrease in abundance of Morozovella species and the concomitant increase in test size of Morozovella velascoensis are not controlled by dissolution. These changes could be attributed to the species' response to low nutrient supply in the surface waters and to concomitant changes in the physical and chemical properties of the seawater, including increased surface stratification and salinity. Comparison of the planktonic foraminiferal changes at Shatsky Rise to those from other PETM records (Sites 865 and 690) highlights significant similarities, such as the decline of Subbotina at the onset of the event, and discrepancies, including the difference in abundance of the excursion taxa. The observed planktonic foraminifera species response suggests a warm-oligotrophic scenario with a high degree of complexity in the ocean structure.


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The site for CRP-2, 14 km east of Cape Roberts (77.006°S; 163.719°E), was selected to overlap the early Miocene strata cored in nearby CRP-1, and to sample deeper into the east-dipping strata near the western margin ofe he Victoria Land Basin to investigate Palaeogene climatic and tectonic history. CRP-2 was cored from 5 to 57 mbsf (metres below the sea floor) (core recovery 91 %), with a deviation resulting in CRP-2A being cored at the same site. CRP-2A reached down to 624mbsf (recovery 95%), and to strata with an age of c. 33-35 Ma. Drilling took place from 16 October to 25 November 1998, on 2.0-2.2 m of sea ice and through 178 m of water. Core fractures and other physical properties, such as sonic velocity, density and magnetic susceptibility, were measured throughout the core. Down-hole logs for these and other properties were run from 63 to 167 mbsf and subsequently from 200 to 623 mbsf, although density and velocity data could be obtained only to 440 mbsf because of hole collapse. Sonic velocity averages c. 2.0 km S-1 for the upper part of the hole, but there is an sharp increase to c. 3.0 km s-1 and also a slight angular unconformity, at 306 mbsf, corresponding most likely to the early/late Oligocene boundary (c. 28-30 Ma). Velocity then increases irregularly to around 3.6 km s-1 at the bottom of the hole, which is estimated to lie 120 m above the V4/V5 boundary. The higher velocities below 306 mbsf probably reflect more extensive carbonate and common pyrite cementation, in patches, nodules, bedding-parallel masses and as vein infills. Dip of the strata also increases down-hole from 3° in the upper 300 in to over 10° at the bottom. Temperature gradient is 21° k-1. Over 2 000 fractures were logged through the hole. Borehole televiewer imagery was obtained for the interval from 200 to 440 mbsf to orient the fractures for stress field analysis. Lithostratigraphical descriptions on a scale of 1:20 are presented for the full length of the core, along with core box images, as a 200 page supplement to this issue. The hole initially passed through a layer of muddy gravel to 5.5 mbsf (Lithological Sub-Unit or LSU 1.1), and then into a Quaternary diatom-bearing clast-rich diamicton to 21 mbsf (LSU 2. l), with an interval of alternating compact diamicton and loose sand, and containing a rich Pliocene foraminiferal fauna, to 27 mbsf (LSU 2.2). The unit beneath this (LSU 3.1) has similar physical properties (sonic velocity, porosity, magnetic susceptibility) and includes diamictites of similar character to those of LSU 2.1 and 2.2, but an early Miocene (c. 19 Ma) diatom assemblage at 28 mbsf (top of LSU 3.1) shows that this sub-unit is part of the older section. The strata beneath 27 mbsf, primary target for the project, extend from early Miocene to perhaps latest Eocene age, and are largely cyclic glacimarine nearshore to offshore sediments. They are described as 41 lithological sub-units and interpreted in terms of 12 recurrent lithofacies. These are 1) mudstone, 2) inter-stratified mudstone and sandstone, 3) muddy very fine to coarse sandstone, 4) well-sorted stratified fine sandstone, 5) moderately to well-sorted, medium-grained sandstone, 6) stratified diamictite, 7) massive diamictite, 8) rhythmically inter-stratified sandstone and mudstone, 9) clast-supported conglomerate, 10) matrix-supported conglomerate, 11) mudstone breccia and 12) volcaniclastic sediment. Sequence stratigraphical analysis has identified 22 unconformity-bounded depositional sequences in pre- Pliocene strata. They typically comprise a four-part architecture involving, in ascending order, 1) a sharp-based coarse-grained unit (Facies 6,7,9 or 10), 2) a fining-upward succession of sandstones (Facies 3 and 4), 3) a mudstone interval (Facies l), in some cases coarsening upward to muddy sandstones (Facies 3), and 4) a sharp-based sandstone dominated succession (mainly Facies 4). The cyclicity recorded by the strata is interpreted in terms of a glacier ice margin retreating and advancing from land to the west, and of rises and falls in sea level. Analysis of sequence periodicity awaits afirmer chronology. However, apreliminary spectral analysis of magnetic susceptibility for a deepwater mudstone within one of the sequences (from 339 to 347 mbsf) reveals ratios between hierarchical levels that are similar to those of the three Milankovitch orbital forcing periodicities. The strata contain a wide range of fossils, the most abundant being marine diatoms. These commonly form up to 5% of the sediment, though in places the core is barren (notably between 300 and 412 mbsf). Fifty samples out of 250 reviewed were studied in detail. The assemblages define ten biostratigraphical zones, some of them based on local or as yet undescribed forms. The assemblages are neritic, and largely planktonic, suggesting that the sea floor was mostly below the photic zone throughout deposition of the corcd sequence. Calcareous nannofossils, representing incursions of ocean surface waters, are much less common (72 out of 183 samples examined) and restricted to mudstone intervals a few tens of metres thick, but are important for dating. Foraminifera are also sparse (73 out of 135 samples) and represented only by calcareous benthic species. Changing assemblages indicate a shift from inshore environments in the early Oligocenc to outer shelf in the late Oligocenc, returning to inshore in the early Miocene. Marine palynomorplis yielded large numbers of well-preserved forms from most of the 116 samples examined. The new in situ assemblagc found last year in CRP-1 is extended down into the late Oligocene and a further new assemblage is found in the early Oligoccnc. Many taxa are new, and cannot us yet contribute to an improved understanding of chronology or ecology. Marine invertebrate macrofossils, mostly molluscs and serpulid tubes, are scattered throughout the core. Preservation is good in mudstones but poor in other lithologies. Climate on land is reflected in the content of terrestrial palynomorphs, which are extremely scarce down to c. 300 mbsf. Some forms are reworked, and others represent a low growing sparse tundra with at least one species of Nothofagus. Beneath this level, a significantly greater diversity and abundance suggests a milder climate and a low diversity woody vegetation in the early Oligocene, but still far short of the richness found in known Eocene strata of the region. Sedimentary facies in the oldest strata also suggest a milder climate in the oldest strata cored, with indications of substantial glacial melt-water discharges, but are typical of a coldcr climate in late Oligocene and early Miocene times. Clast analyses from diamictites reveal weak to random fabrics, suggesting either lack of ice-contact deposition or post-depositional modification, but periods when ice grounded at the drill site are inferred from thin zones of in-situ brecciated rock and soft-sediment folding. These are more common above c. 300 mbsf, perhaps reflecting more extensive glacial advances during deposition of those strata. Erosion of the adjacent Transantarctic Mountains through Jurassic basalt and dolerite-intruded Beacon strata into basement rocks beneath is recorded by petrographical studies of clast and sand grain assemblages. Core below 310 mbsf contains a dominance of fine-grained Jurassic dolerite and basalt fragments along with Beacon-derived coal debris and rounded quartz grains, whereas the strata above this level have a much higher proportion of basement derived granitoids, implying that the large areas of the adjacent mountains had been eroded to basement by the end of the early Oligocene. There is little indication of rift-related volcanism below 310 mbsf. Above this, however, basaltic and trachytic tephras are common, especially from 280 to 200 mbsf, from 150 to 46 mbsf, and in Pliocene LSU 2.2 from 21 to 27 mbsf. The largest volcanic eruptions generated layers of coarse (up to 1 cm) trachytic pumice lapilli between 97 and 114 mbsf. The thickest of these (1.2 m at 112 mbsf) may have produced an eruptive column extending tens of km into the stratosphere. A source within a few tens of km of the drill site is considered most likely. Present age estimates for the pre-Pliocene sequence are based mainly on biostratigraphy (using mainly marine diatoms and to a lesser extent calcareous nannofossils), with the age of the tephra from 112 to 114 mbsf (21.44k0.05 Ma from 84 crystals by Ar-Ar) as a key reference point. Although there are varied and well-preserved microfossil assemblages through most of the sequence (notably of diatoms and marine palynomorphs), they comprise largely taxa either known only locally or as yet undescribed. In addition, sequence stratigraphical analysis and features in the core itself indicate numerous disconformities. The present estimate from diatom assemblages is that the interval from 27 to 130 mbsf is early Miocene in age (c. 19 to 23.5 Ma), consistent with the Ar-Ar age from 112 to 114 mbsf. Diatom assemblages also indicate that the late Oligocene epoch extends from c. 130 to 307 mbsf, which is supported by late Oligocene nannofossils from 130 to 185 mbsf. Strata from 307 to 412 mbsf have no age-diagnostic assemblages, but below this early Oligocene diatoms and nannofossils have been recovered. A nannoflora at the bottom of the hole is consistent with an earliest Oligocene or latest Eocene age. Magnetostratigraphical studies based on about 1000 samples, 700 of which have so far undergone demagnetisation treatment, have provided a polarity stratigraphy of 12 pre-Pliocene magnetozones. Samples above 270 mbsf are of consistently high quality. Below this, magnetic behaviour is more variable. A preliminary age-depth plot using the Magnetic Polarity Time Scale (MPTS) and constrained by biostratigraphical data suggests that episodes of relatively rapid sedimentation took place at CRP-2 during Oligocene times (c. 100 m/My), but that more than half of the record was lost in a few major and many minor disconformities. Age estimates from Sr isotopes in shell debris and further tephra dating are expected to lead to a better comparison with the MPTS. CRP-2/2A has recorded a history of subsidence of the Victoria Land Basin margin that is similar to that found in CIROS-170 km to the south, reflecting stability in both basin and the adjacent mountains in late Cenozoic times, but with slow net accumulation in the middle Cenozoic. The climatic indicators from both drill holes show a similar correspondence, indicating polar conditions for the Quaternary but with sub-polar conditions in the early Miocene-late Oligocene and indications of warmer conditions still in the early Oligocene. Correlation between the CRP-2A core and seismic records shows that seismic units V3 and V4, both widespread in the Victoria Land Basin, represent a period of fluctuating ice margins and glacimarine sedimentation. The next drill hole, CRP-3, is expected to core deep into V5 and extend this record of climate and tectonics still further back in time.


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Drilling was undertaken at five sites (739-743) on ODP Leg 119 on a transect across the continental shelf of Prydz Bay, East Antarctica, to elucidate the long-term glacial history of the area and to examine the importance of the area with respect to the development of the East Antarctic ice sheet as a whole. In addition to providing a record of glaciation spanning 36 m.y. or more, Leg 119 has provided information concerning the development of a continental margin under the prolonged influence of a major ice sheet. This has allowed the development of a sedimentary model that may be applicable not only to other parts of the Antarctic continental margin, but also to northern high-latitude continental shelves. The cored glacial sedimentary record in Prydz Bay consists of three major sequences, dominated by diamictite: 1. An upper flat-lying sequence that ranges in thickness from a few meters in inner and western Prydz Bay to nearly 250 m in the outer or eastern parts of the bay. The uppermost few meters consist of Holocene diatom ooze and diatomaceous mud with a minor ice-rafted component overlying diamicton and diamictite of late Miocene to Quaternary age. The diamictite is mainly massive, but stratified varieties and minor mudstone and diatomite also occur. 2. An upper prograding sequence cored at Sites 739 and 743, unconformly below the flat-lying sequence. This consists of a relatively steep (4° inclination) prograding wedge with a number of discrete sedimentary packages. At Sites 739 and 743 the sequence is dominated by massive and stratified diamictite, some of which shows evidence of slumping and minor debris flowage. 3. A lower, more gently inclined, prograding sequence lies unconformably below the flat-lying sequence at Site 742 and the upper prograding sequence at Site 739. This extends to the base of both sites, to 316 and 487 mbsf, respectively. It is dominated by massive, relatively clast-poor diamictite which is kaolinite-rich, light in color, and contains sporadic carbonate-cemented layers. The lower part of Site 742 includes well-stratified diamictites and very poorly sorted mudstones. The base of this site has indications of large-scale soft-sediment deformation and probably represents proximity to the base of the glacial sequence. Facies analysis of the Prydz Bay glacial sequence indicates a range of depositional environments. Massive diamictite is interpreted largely as waterlain till, deposited close to the grounding line of a floating glacier margin, although basal till and debris flow facies are also present. Weakly stratified diamictite is interpreted as having formed close to or under the floating ice margin and influenced by the input of marine diatomaceous sediment (proximal glaciomarine setting). Well-stratified diamictite has a stronger marine input, being more diatom-rich, and probably represents a proximal-distal glaciomarine sediment with the glaciogenic component being supplied by icebergs. Other facies include a variety of mudstones and diatom-rich sediments of marine origin, in which an ice-rafted component is still significant. None of the recovered sediments are devoid of a glacial influence. The overall depositional setting of the prograding sequence is one in which the grounded ice margin is situated close to the shelf edge. Progradation was achieved primarily by deposition of waterlain till. The flat-lying sequence illustrates a complex sequence of advances and retreats across the outer part of the shelf, with intermittent phases of ice loading and erosion. The glacial chronology is based largely on diatom stratigraphy, which has limited resolution. It appears that ice reached the paleoshelf break by earliest Oligocene, suggesting full-scale development of the East Antarctic ice sheet by that time. The ice sheet probably dominated the continental margin for much of Oligocene to middle Miocene time. Retreat, but not total withdrawal of the ice sheet, took place in late Miocene to mid-Pliocene time. The late Pliocene to Pleistocene was characterized by further advances across, and progradation of, the continental shelf. Holocene time has been characterized by reduced glacial conditions and a limited influence of glacial processes on sedimentation.