993 resultados para 168-1024
Atualizada em 18/1/2016.
Nuclear fusion has arisen as an alternative energy to avoid carbon dioxide emissions, being the tokamak a promising nuclear fusion reactor that uses a magnetic field to confine plasma in the shape of a torus. However, different kinds of magnetohydrodynamic instabilities may affect tokamak plasma equilibrium, causing severe reduction of particle confinement and leading to plasma disruptions. In this sense, numerous efforts and resources have been devoted to seeking solutions for the different plasma control problems so as to avoid energy confinement time decrements in these devices. In particular, since the growth rate of the vertical instability increases with the internal inductance, lowering the internal inductance is a fundamental issue to address for the elongated plasmas employed within the advanced tokamaks currently under development. In this sense, this paper introduces a lumped parameter numerical model of the tokamak in order to design a novel robust sliding mode controller for the internal inductance using the transformer primary coil as actuator.
La literatura señala el importante papel que los trabajadores juegan en los resultados de una empresa y que las prácticas de gestión de recursos humanos pueden tener un efecto positivo sobre el rendimiento organizativo. Aunque esta realidad se ha estudiado ampliamente a nivel de empresa privada, lo cierto es que en el ámbito de la Administración Pública la investigación es más escasa, especialmente para corporaciones locales. Con el propósito de cubrir este hueco, este trabajo realiza un estudio de casos sobre nueve ayuntamientos de la Región de Murcia para analizar si una adecuada gestión de sus trabajadores influye en sus resultados a nivel organizativo, de trabajador y de prestación de servicios. La información obtenida aporta evidencia de que aquellos ayuntamientos que desarrollan prácticas de reclutamiento y selección, formación, evaluación del rendimiento y retribución teniendo en cuenta las necesidades de los puestos concretos a cubrir, el potencial de los empleados y su rendimiento, mejoran sus resultados.
14 p.
The 2009/28/EC Directive requires Member States of the European Union to adopt a National Action Plan for Renewable Energy. In this context, the Basque Energy Board, EVE, is committed to research activities such as the Mutriku Oscillating Water Column plant, OWC. This is an experimental facility whose concept consists of a turbine located in a pneumatic energy collection chamber and a doubly fed induction generator that converts energy extracted by the turbine into a form that can be returned to the network. The turbo-generator control requires a precise knowledge of system parameters and of the rotor angular velocity in particular. Thus, to remove the rotor speed sensor implies a simplification of the hardware that is always convenient in rough working conditions. In this particular case, a Luenberger based observer is considered and the effectiveness of the proposed control is shown by numerical simulations. Comparing these results with those obtained using a traditional speed sensor, it is shown that the proposed solution provides better performance since it increases power extraction in the sense that it allows a more reliable and robust performance of the plant, which is even more relevant in a hostile environment as the ocean.
This study developed a framework for the shape optimization of aerodynamics profiles using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and genetic algorithms. Agenetic algorithm code and a commercial CFD code were integrated to develop a CFD shape optimization tool. The results obtained demonstrated the effectiveness of the developed tool. The shape optimization of airfoils was studied using different strategies to demonstrate the capacity of this tool with different GA parameter combinations.
Die West European Fish Technologists Association (WEFTA, gegründet 1970) ist ein Zusammenschluß von Europäischen Insti-tuten, die auf dem Gebiet Fischerei, Fischqualität und -verarbeitung arbeiten und forschen. Ziele der WEFTA ist der Informa-tionsaustausch zwischen Wissenschaftlern und Fischindustrie sowie die Ausweitung und Verbesserung der Zusammenarbeitunterschiedlicher Interessengruppen und Instituten in Projekten.
Computer vision algorithms that use color information require color constant images to operate correctly. Color constancy of the images is usually achieved in two steps: first the illuminant is detected and then image is transformed with the chromatic adaptation transform ( CAT). Existing CAT methods use a single transformation matrix for all the colors of the input image. The method proposed in this paper requires multiple corresponding color pairs between source and target illuminants given by patches of the Macbeth color checker. It uses Delaunay triangulation to divide the color gamut of the input image into small triangles. Each color of the input image is associated with the triangle containing the color point and transformed with a full linear model associated with the triangle. Full linear model is used because diagonal models are known to be inaccurate if channel color matching functions do not have narrow peaks. Objective evaluation showed that the proposed method outperforms existing CAT methods by more than 21%; that is, it performs statistically significantly better than other existing methods.
En este artículo se analiza la planificación de la movilidad en Vitoria-Gasteiz, una ciudad con un destacado compromiso a favor del medio ambiente. El análisis aborda los principales elementos innovadores del Plan de Movilidad Sostenible y Espacio Público, destacando su impacto sobre el patrón de movilidad y la recualificación del espacio público. No obstante, se subrayan las limitaciones con que se encuentran las políticas de movilidad en la medida en que no se consideran un elemento estratégico en la planificación de la ciudad.
The inadequate supply of tilapia seed is considered as one of the major present constraints to the development of the culture industry in Nigeria. The floating bamboo net-hapa hatchery/nursery system was observed to be very efficient in the mass production of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fry and fingerlings at Kainji Lake Research Institute. This system was therefore, recommended for small-scale (artisanal) commercial operators consisting of fishermen families in order to increase their productivity and hasten development of rural communities. The economic analysis of this system showed that loan obtained for the recommended scale of operation can be amortized within 2 years of the project. It was emphasized that the operational and managerial skills of the fish farm operators account largely to the production cost and profitability of the enterprise
A new structure of solution elements and conservation elements based on rectangular mesh was pro- posed and an improved space-time conservation element and solution element (CE/SE) scheme with sec- ond-order accuracy was constructed. Furthermore, the application of improved CE/SE scheme was extended to detonation simulation. Three models were used for chemical reaction in gaseous detonation. And a two-fluid model was used for two-phase (gas–droplet) detonation. Shock reflections were simu- lated by the improved CE/SE scheme and the numerical results were compared with those obtained by other different numerical schemes. Gaseous and gas–droplet planar detonations were simulated and the numerical results were carefully compared with the experimental data and theoretical results based on C–J theory. Mach reflection of a cellular detonation was also simulated, and the numerical cellular pat- terns were compared with experimental ones. Comparisons show that the improved CE/SE scheme is clear in physical concept, easy to be implemented and high accurate for above-mentioned problems.
280 p. : il.