1000 resultados para 164-991
Introduction: Because it decreases intubation rate and mortality, NIV has become first-line treatment in case of hypercapnic respiratory failure (HRF). Whether this approach is equally successful for all categories of HRF patients is however debated. We assessed if any clinical characteristics of HRF patients were associated with NIV intensity, success, and outcome, in order to identify prognostic factors. Methods: Retrospective analysis of the clinical database (clinical information system and MDSi) of patients consecutively admitted to our medico-surgical ICU, presenting with HRF (defined as PaCO2 >50 mm Hg), and receiving NIV between January 2009 and December 2010. Demographic data, medical diagnoses (including documented chronic lung disease), reason for ICU hospitalization, recent surgical interventions, SAPS II and McCabe scores were extracted from the database. Total duration of NIV and the need for tracheal intubation during the 5 days following the first hypercapnia documentation, as well as ICU and hospital mortality were recorded. Results are reported as median [IQR]. Comparisons with Chi2 or Kruskal-Wallis tests, p <0.05 (*). Results: 164 patients were included, 45 (27.4%) of whom were intubated after 10 [2-34] hours, after having received 7 [2-19] hours of NIV. NIV successful patients received 15 [5-22] hours of NIV for up to 5 days. Intubation was correlated with increased ICU (20% vs. 3%, p <0.001) and hospital (46.7% vs. 30.2, p >0.05) mortality. Conclusions: A majority of patients requiring NIV for hypercapnic respiratory failure in our ICU have no diagnosed chronic pulmonary disease. These patients tend to have increased ICUand hospital mortality. The majority of patients were non-surgical, a feature correlated with increased hospital mortality. Beside usual predictors of severity such as age and SAPS II, absence of diagnosed chronic pulmonary disease and non-operative state appear to be associated with increased mortality. Further studies should explore whether these patients are indeed more prone to an adverse outcome and which therapeutic strategies might contribute to alter this course.
Abstract OBJECTIVE To identify the factors associated with involuntary hospital admissions of technology-dependent children, in the municipality of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State, Brazil. METHOD A cross-sectional study, with a quantitative approach. After an active search, 124 children who qualified under the inclusion criteria, that is to say, children from birth to age 12, were identified. Data was collected in home visits to mothers or the people responsible for the children, through the application of a questionnaire. Analysis of the data followed the assumptions of the Generalized Linear Models technique. RESULTS 102 technology-dependent children aged between 6 months and 12 years participated in the study, of whom 57% were male. The average number of involuntary hospital admissions in the previous year among the children studied was 0.71 (±1.29). In the final model the following variables were significantly associated with the outcome: age (OR=0.991; CI95%=0.985-0.997), and the number of devices (OR=0.387; CI95%=0.219-0.684), which were characterized as factors of protection and quantity of medications (OR=1.532; CI95%=1.297-1.810), representing a risk factor for involuntary hospital admissions in technology-dependent children. CONCLUSION The results constitute input data for consideration of the process of care for technology-dependent children by supplying an explanatory model for involuntary hospital admissions for this client group.
The calcium channel blocker isradipine has become recently available in a form with delayed release (isradipine SRO). The anti-hypertensive efficacy and tolerance of this preparation at a single daily dose of 5 mg was studied in 40 patients with uncomplicated essential hypertension over a period of 6 weeks. Blood pressure during office visits decreased under Isradipine SRO from 164/105 +/- 16/7 to 144/93 +/- 12/7 mmHg (mean +/- 1 standard deviation p < 0.001). Using ambulatory blood pressure recording we could show that antihypertensive efficacy of the new galenic form persisted over 24 hours. During the day the blood pressure dropped from 150/95 +/- 13/7 to 141/91 +/- 13/7 mmHg (p < 0.001), during the night from 131/85 +/- 13/3 to 121/81 +/- 15/9 mmHg (p < 0.001). Heart-rate was not changed by treatment and the drug was well tolerated. Isradipine SRO at a single dose is thus well suited for antihypertensive treatment.
Santiago faz parte do grupo de ilhas de sotavento do arquipélago de Cabo Verde. Possui uma superfície de 991 km2, sendo a maior ilha de Cabo Verde. Apresenta um alongamento no sentido SE-NW de cerca de 55 km e uma largura estimada em 37 km. Da sua morfologia evidenciam-se as achadas (superfícies de feição planáltica), as encostas ou vertentes, os vales das ribeiras, e os maciços montanhosos e os montescolinas (Dinis e Matos, 1985). Os maciços montanhosos de Serra da Malagueta e de Pico de Antónia repartem a ilha em duas partes distintas: a fachada orientada a E-NE e a fachada virada a W-SW. Esses dois maciços exercem grandes influências sobre as condições climatéricas da ilha. A fachada exposta a leste possui um relevo muito mais movimentado que determina uma rede hidrográfica muito densa. É beneficiada, contrariamente à fachada ocidental, por valores pluviométricos relativamente elevados e pela humidade transportada pelos ventos húmidos de nordeste. Este quadro morfológico e fisiográfico justifica a concentração dos recursos biológicos, particularmente a vegetação e flora, e das terras ocupadas com agricultura de sequeiro, na fachada oriental. Com uma população, estimada em 236.352 habitantes (censos, 2000), Santiago detém cerca de 54% da população de Cabo Verde. O meio rural ainda continua com uma densidade popucional relativamente elevada. A competição entre a agricultura de sequeiro e a vegetação natural é mais evidente nas zonas mais beneficiadas pelas chuvas e humidade, como Serra da Malagueta, Serra de Pico de Antónia, Rui Vaz, entre outras. Não obstante à pressão da agricultura e pecuária, essas zonas ainda detém valores de vegetação e flora que merecem ser contemplados com acções de conservação.
Fruit flies are the major pests in fruit orchards and require a frequent insecticide aplication control, which increases production cost and chemical residues in fruits. Adults of Anastrepha fraterculus were sampled from twelve peach, plum, orange, tangerine and acid lime orchards in four counties in the Western Region of Santa Catarina. Modified McPhail plastic traps, baited with glucose 10%, were used to collect the flies from October 1998 to September 2000. Trap monitoring, bait replacement and fruit flies sorting by species and sex were done weekly. A total of 4,164 specimens of A. fraterculus was collected and highest population was registered in the county of Chapecó (64,8% of all sampled flies). Adults were collected all year long, with the highest population peaks occurring from December and January, although the fluctuation was different for each fruit species due to their particular phenology and in different years. Positive correlation among temperature, atmospheric humidity and population levels of adults of A. fraterculus was observed. According to the degree days obtained for each year, 4851.9, 4632.9 and 4983.7, respectively in 1998, 1999 and 2000, it was established that A. fraterculus could present an average of 11.2 generations a year.
Metabolite profiling is critical in many aspects of the life sciences, particularly natural product research. Obtaining precise information on the chemical composition of complex natural extracts (metabolomes) that are primarily obtained from plants or microorganisms is a challenging task that requires sophisticated, advanced analytical methods. In this respect, significant advances in hyphenated chromatographic techniques (LC-MS, GC-MS and LC-NMR in particular), as well as data mining and processing methods, have occurred over the last decade. Together, these tools, in combination with bioassay profiling methods, serve an important role in metabolomics for the purposes of both peak annotation and dereplication in natural product research. In this review, a survey of the techniques that are used for generic and comprehensive profiling of secondary metabolites in natural extracts is provided. The various approaches (chromatographic methods: LC-MS, GC-MS, and LC-NMR and direct spectroscopic methods: NMR and DIMS) are discussed with respect to their resolution and sensitivity for extract profiling. In addition the structural information that can be generated through these techniques or in combination, is compared in relation to the identification of metabolites in complex mixtures. Analytical strategies with applications to natural extracts and novel methods that have strong potential, regardless of how often they are used, are discussed with respect to their potential applications and future trends.
Aim: Gas6 is known to be elevated in sepsis, correlating with the severity of infection and¦organ failure. We aimed to investigate the performance of Gas6 plasma levels at¦admission to predict the risk of mortality in a cohort of septic patients.¦Methods: We used prospectively collected data and plasma samples from the "Sepsis¦Cohorte Romande". Gas6 level was measured by ELISA at admission and expressed in¦percentage relative to its level in a pool of normal plasma.¦Results: Non-survivors (n=21) presented higher Gas6 levels than survivors (n=73) (median¦258% vs 164%, IQR 194 and 117 respectively) (p=0.0027). Gas6 correlated positively with¦different cytokines and was the best mortality predictor, as shown by the ROC curves area.¦In patients with septic shock (n=66), using 249% as a cut-off value, Gas6 measurement¦had a specificity of 67% and a sensitivity of 81% for predicting mortality. ROC curve area¦was 0.75. Positive and negative predictive values were 57% and 87%, respectively.¦Conclusion: Thus, Gas6 plasma level at admission might be a useful tool to predict¦mortality in patients with septic shock. Although Gas6 hold promise as an early sepsis¦marker, its precise implication in sepsis remains to be elucidated. Our observation should¦be further investigated in larger prospective clinical trials.