890 resultados para 1 Corinthians 15:20-58


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BACKGROUND: The experienced smoker maintains adequate nicotine levels by 'puff-by-puff self-control' which also avoids symptomatic nauseating effects of nicotine overdose. It is postulated that there is a varying 'dynamic threshold for nausea' into which motion sickness susceptibility provides an objective toxin-free probe. Hypotheses were that: (i) nicotine promotes motion sickness whereas deprivation protects; and (ii) pleasurable effects of nicotine protect against motion sickness whereas adverse effects of withdrawal have the opposite effect. METHODS: Twenty-six healthy habitual cigarette smokers (mean±SD) 15.3±7.6cigs/day, were exposed to a provocative cross-coupled (coriolis) motion on a turntable, with sequences of 8 head movements every 30s. This continued to the point of moderate nausea. Subjects were tested after either ad-lib normal smoking (SMOKE) or after overnight deprivation (DEPRIV), according to a repeated measures design counter-balanced for order with 1-week interval between tests. RESULTS: Deprivation from recent smoking was confirmed by objective measures: exhaled carbon monoxide CO was lower (P<0.001) for DEPRIV (8.5±5.6ppm) versus SMOKE (16.0±6.3ppm); resting heart rate was lower (P<0.001) for DEPRIV (67.9±8.4bpm) versus SMOKE (74.3±9.5bpm). Mean±SD sequences of head movements tolerated to achieve moderate nausea were more (P=0.014) for DEPRIV (21.3±9.9) versus SMOKE (18.3±8.5). DISCUSSION: Tolerance to motion sickness was aided by short-term smoking deprivation, supporting Hypothesis (i) but not Hypothesis (ii). The effect was was approximately equivalent to half of the effect of an anti-motion sickness drug. Temporary nicotine withdrawal peri-operatively may explain why smokers have reduced risk for postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV).


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O Neem (Azadirachta indica) é uma árvore indiana conhecida pela atividade pesticida e por várias atividades farmacológicas. De entre os vários compostos já isolados e estudados, a Azadiractina (AZA) foi identificada como o principal composto bioativo desta planta. Este composto apresenta uma grande diversidade de localizações nesta planta, porém assume a sua máxima concentração ao nível das sementes, porção que se apresenta também como a principal fonte de obtenção do óleo de Neem. O óleo apresenta-se como a porção menos estudada do Neem, quer ao nível do seu teor em AZA, quer ao nível das suas propriedades, nomeadamente antimicrobianas. Neste sentido, os objetivos primordiais deste estudo foram o doseamento da Azadiractina e a avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana em produtos contendo óleo de Neem. Um método analítico rápido, sensível e seletivo utilizando HPLC-UV foi desenvolvido para a identificação e quantificação da Azadiractina-A (AZA-A) e 3-tigloylazadirachtol (AZA-B) em diferentes amostras de óleo de Neem. O teor de AZA-A, B e A+B determinado nas amostras de óleo de Neem apresentou valores entre 58,53-843,42 mg/kg, 12,52-800,223 mg/kg e 104,20-1642,17 mg/kg, respetivamente. Na generalidade, os valores obtidos foram inferiores aos descritos na literatura. A partir dos resultados obtidos, verificou-se ainda que o teor destes compostos não é similar em todas as amostras, sendo este condicionado pela qualidade das sementes que deram origem ao óleo e pelo processo extrativo utilizado. Para além disso, foi possível inferir que duas das amostras testadas teriam qualidade inferior, dados os teores reduzidos de AZA que apresentavam. As diferentes amostras de óleo de Neem, bem como formulações comerciais contendo óleo de Neem, foram testadas em 14 microrganismos de forma a avaliar o seu potencial antimicrobiano. Após a análise, verificou-se atividade antimicrobiana de todas as amostras sobre todos os microrganismos testados, observando-se atividade tanto em bactérias Gram+ como Gram-. Os resultados alcançados mostraram que o óleo de Neem e as formulações comerciais contendo óleo de Neem têm um potencial antimicrobiano interessante, principalmente sobre bactérias comuns em patologias da pele. Para além disso, foi possível comprovar que, no caso do óleo de Neem, a AZA não será a principal responsável por esta atividade. Por outro lado, verificou-se que a atividade antimicrobiana das formulações comerciais não se deverá exclusivamente à presença do óleo de Neem, Doseamento da Azadiractina e avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana em produtos contendo óleo de Neem X uma vez que os valores dos halos de inibição obtidos com as formulações tenderam a ser superiores aos verificados apenas com o óleo, além de que os valores de inibição mais elevados foram observados para as formulações contendo menor percentagem de óleo de Neem incorporado. Em suma, os resultados alcançados para os diferentes produtos analisados são promissores e, na sua maioria, convergem com o que está descrito na literatura. No entanto, apesar destes resultados serem um grande contributo, mais estudos são necessários e importantes para conhecer melhor os produtos analisados e assim poder tirar o maior proveito deles.


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Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Musicais, na especialidade de Ensino e Psicologia da Música


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RESUMO - Introdução: A prevalência de obesidade apresenta valores preocupantes em todas as idades e é reconhecida pela Organização Mundial da Saúde como um importante problema de saúde pública. Diversos estudos mostram que a sua prevalência tem aumentado significativamente nas últimas décadas, particularmente nos países industrializados. O objectivo da presente investigação foi calcular a prevalência de excesso de peso e de obesidade em adolescentes do distrito de Viseu. Métodos: Realizámos um estudo transversal onde avaliámos os alunos de vinte e seis das quarenta e oito escolas públicas do terceiro ciclo e secundário do distrito de Viseu, frequentadas por um total de 23 895 alunos, do 7.o ao 12.o ano. A recolha dos dados foi efectuada através de um questionário auto-aplicado e respondido pelos alunos em sala de aula. Dos 8768 questionários distribuídos recolhemos 7644 (87,2%). Foram excluídos da análise os questionários sem informação para o sexo e para a idade. Ficámos com uma amostra global de 7563 adolescentes, sendo 4117 (54,4%) do sexo feminino. O excesso de peso e a obesidade foram avaliados utilizando o índice de massa corporal (IMC) calculado pela razão entre o peso auto declarado em quilogramas e o quadrado da altura, em metros, também auto declarada (kg/m2). Definimos excesso de peso para valores compreendidos entre o percentil 85 e 95, obesidade para um percentil superior ou igual a 95, e excesso de peso e obesidade para um percentil superior ou igual a 85. Resultados: No total da amostra, a prevalência de excesso de peso é de 13,7%, superior no sexo masculino (16,0% vs. 11,6%). A prevalência de obesidade é de 3,4%, superior no sexo masculino (4,2% vs. 2,8%). A prevalência de excesso de peso e obesidade é de 17,1%, superior no sexo masculino (20,2% vs. 14,4%). Os concelhos situados a norte do distrito de Viseu apresentam prevalências superiores, de excesso de peso (15,9% vs. 13,0%, OR = 1,3; IC95% 1,1-1,5), de obesidade (4,5% vs. 3,6%, OR = 1,3; IC95% 1,0-1,7) e de excesso de peso e obesidade (19,1% vs. 15,7%, OR = 1,3; IC95% 1,1-1,4). A prevalência de excesso de peso e obesidade é superior entre os adolescentes com o índice de aglomeração superior a um. Conclusões: Regista-se uma elevada prevalência de excesso de peso e de obesidade, superior no sexo masculino, com diferenças geográficas significativas.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe food habits and dietary intakes of athletic and non-athletic adolescents in Switzerland. SETTING: College, high schools and professional centers in the Swiss canton of Vaud. METHOD: A total of 3,540 subjects aged 9-19 y answered a self-reported anonymous questionnaire to assess lifestyles, physical plus sports activity and food habits. Within this sample, a subgroup of 246 subjects aged 11-15 also participated in an in-depth ancillary study including a 3 day dietary record completed by an interview with a dietician. RESULTS: More boys than girls reported engaging in regular sports activities (P<0.001). Adolescent food habits are quite traditional: up to 15 y, most of the respondents have a breakfast and eat at least two hot meals a day, the percentages decreasing thereafter. Snacking is widespread among adolescents (60-80% in the morning, 80-90% in the afternoon). Food habits among athletic adolescents are healthier and also are perceived as such in a higher proportion. Among athletic adolescents, consumption frequency is higher for dairy products and ready to eat (RTE) cereals, for fruit, fruit juices and salad (P<0.05 at least). Thus the athletic adolescent's food brings more micronutrients than the diet of their non-athletic counterparts. Within the subgroup (ancillary study), mean energy intake corresponds to requirements for age/gender group. CONCLUSIONS: Athletic adolescents display healthier food habits than non-athletic adolescents: this result supports the idea that healthy behavior tends to cluster and suggests that prevention programs among this age group should target simultaneously both sports activity and food habits.


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Se analiza la importancia de la anchoveta en la dieta de la merluza durante el periodo 1996-1999, en términos de biomasa, para discutir los efectos de la interaccion merluza-anchoveta. Los resultados obtenidos indican que las anchovetas >10 cm constituyen una de las presas mas importantes en la dieta de merluzas que miden 31 a 40 cm de longitud. Esta interacción se presenta generalmente en años normales, es decir, sin un evento EI Niño. Cuando no hay predación sobre la anchoveta, se incrementa el canibalismo dentro de las poblaciones de merluza, lo que se grafica en una regresión potencial inversa entre ambos casos. Considerando que las áreas principales de distribución de ambos recursos no coinciden totalmente, se discute si la predación por parte de la merluza pueda estar impactando realmente a la población de anchoveta.


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Análisis de las poblaciones de peces, su ajuste biológico a las condiciones cambiantes del entorno biótico y abiótico, a distinta escala espacial y temporal, así como a la presión de pesca.


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BACKGROUND: LDL cholesterol has a causal role in the development of cardiovascular disease. Improved understanding of the biological mechanisms that underlie the metabolism and regulation of LDL cholesterol might help to identify novel therapeutic targets. We therefore did a genome-wide association study of LDL-cholesterol concentrations. METHODS: We used genome-wide association data from up to 11,685 participants with measures of circulating LDL-cholesterol concentrations across five studies, including data for 293 461 autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with a minor allele frequency of 5% or more that passed our quality control criteria. We also used data from a second genome-wide array in up to 4337 participants from three of these five studies, with data for 290,140 SNPs. We did replication studies in two independent populations consisting of up to 4979 participants. Statistical approaches, including meta-analysis and linkage disequilibrium plots, were used to refine association signals; we analysed pooled data from all seven populations to determine the effect of each SNP on variations in circulating LDL-cholesterol concentrations. FINDINGS: In our initial scan, we found two SNPs (rs599839 [p=1.7x10(-15)] and rs4970834 [p=3.0x10(-11)]) that showed genome-wide statistical association with LDL cholesterol at chromosomal locus 1p13.3. The second genome screen found a third statistically associated SNP at the same locus (rs646776 [p=4.3x10(-9)]). Meta-analysis of data from all studies showed an association of SNPs rs599839 (combined p=1.2x10(-33)) and rs646776 (p=4.8x10(-20)) with LDL-cholesterol concentrations. SNPs rs599839 and rs646776 both explained around 1% of the variation in circulating LDL-cholesterol concentrations and were associated with about 15% of an SD change in LDL cholesterol per allele, assuming an SD of 1 mmol/L. INTERPRETATION: We found evidence for a novel locus for LDL cholesterol on chromosome 1p13.3. These results potentially provide insight into the biological mechanisms that underlie the regulation of LDL cholesterol and might help in the discovery of novel therapeutic targets for cardiovascular disease.


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La diffusion internationale des paiements pour services environnementaux (PSE) a été interprétée en 2010 par le gouvernement bolivien d'Evo Morales comme une réponse strictement néolibérale à la nécessité d'assurer une gestion durable des ressources naturelles. Supposée amener à terme à l'éviction de toute régulation autre que marchande - qu'elle s'applique à la nature ou aux rapports entre personnes -, la mise en place de PSE n'a pas été encouragée par les autorités nationales boliviennes. Des projets de PSE ont toutefois été lancés, dont les Acuerdos Reciprocos por el Agua (ARA), issus d'un partenariat public-privé dans le département de Santa Cruz. En analysant leur conception et leur fonctionnement au prisme du référentiel polanyien, nous montrons que, contrairement aux craintes gouvernementales, ces PSE ne font pas abstraction des logiques organisationnelles réciprocitaires et redistributives, ajustant au contexte local un objet global. The international dissemination of payments for ecosystem services (PES) has been interpreted in 2010 by the Bolivian government of Evo Morales as a strictly neo-liberal response to the need to ensure a sustainable management of natural resources. Supposed to contribute to the crowding-out of any other regulation than market - applied to the nature or the relationship between people - the implementation of PES was not encouraged by the Bolivian national authorities. However some PES projects stemming from a public-private partnership have been initiated at local level, as the Acuerdos Reciprocos por el Agua (ARA), in the department of Santa Cruz. Analysing their design and operating through the Polanyian framework, we show that, contrary to the government fears, these PES do not ignore the reciprocal and redistributive organisational logics, adjusting a global object to the local context.


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OBJECTIVES: To learn upon incidence, underlying mechanisms and effectiveness of treatment strategies in patients with central airway and pulmonary parenchymal aorto-bronchial fistulation after thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR). METHODS: Analysis of an international multicentre registry (European Registry of Endovascular Aortic Repair Complications) between 2001 and 2012 with a total caseload of 4680 TEVAR procedures (14 centres). RESULTS: Twenty-six patients with a median age of 70 years (interquartile range: 60-77) (35% female) were identified. The incidence of either central airway (aorto-bronchial) or pulmonary parenchymal (aorto-pulmonary) fistulation (ABPF) in the entire cohort after TEVAR in the study period was 0.56% (central airway 58%, peripheral parenchymal 42%). Atherosclerotic aneurysm formation was the leading indication for TEVAR in 15 patients (58%). The incidence of primary endoleaks after initial TEVAR was n = 10 (38%), of these 80% were either type I or type III endoleaks. Fourteen patients (54%) developed central left bronchial tree lesions, 11 patients (42%) pulmonary parenchymal lesions and 1 patient (4%) developed a tracheal lesion. The recognized mechanism of ABPF was external compression of the bronchial tree in 13 patients (50%), the majority being due to endoleak formation, further ischaemia due to extensive coverage of bronchial feeding arteries in 3 patients (12%). Inflammation and graft erosion accounted for 4 patients (30%) each. Cumulative survival during the entire study period was 39%. Among deaths, 71% were attributed to ABPF. There was no difference in survival in patients having either central airway or pulmonary parenchymal ABPF (33 vs 45%, log-rank P = 0.55). Survival with a radical surgical approach was significantly better when compared with any other treatment strategy in terms of overall survival (63 vs 32% and 63 vs 21% at 1 and 2 years, respectively), as well as in terms of fistula-related survival (63 vs 43% and 63 vs 43% at 1 and 2 years, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: ABPF is a rare but highly lethal complication after TEVAR. The leading mechanism behind ABPF seems to be a continuing external compression of either the bronchial tree or left upper lobe parenchyma. In this setting, persisting or newly developing endoleak formation seems to play a crucial role. Prognosis does not differ in patients with central airway or pulmonary parenchymal fistulation. Radical bronchial or pulmonary parenchymal repair in combination with stent graft removal and aortic reconstruction seems to be the most durable treatment strategy.


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Avec arguments. Cant. canticorum V,11-VIII,14 (1) ; Osee I,3-XIV,10 (9) ; Joel I,6-III,21 (38) ; Amos I,1-IX,15 (48) ; Abdias I,7-21 (68) ; Jonas I,1-IV,11 (70v) ; Mich. I,6-VII,20 (77) ; Nahum I,1-III,19 (89v) ; Habacuc I,2-III,19 (95) ; Sophonias I,1-III,20 (102v) ; Agg. I,2-II,24 (110) ; Zachar. I,3-XIV,21 (115) ; Malach. I,4-IV,6 (139).


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F. 1-42. "Incipiunt Cantica Canticorum. osculetur me osculo oris suis...-... hinnuloque cervorum super montes aromatum". F. A, note émargée à l'encre brune ; f. 42-42v. notes et maximes de la même main (additions du XIVe siècle).


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Polarized reflectance measurements of the quasi I-D charge-transfer salt (TMTSFh CI04 were carried out using a Martin-Puplett-type polarizing interferometer and a 3He refrigerator cryostat, at several temperatures between 0.45 K and 26 K, in the far infrared, in the 10 to 70 cm- 1 frequency range. Bis-tetramethyl-tetraselena-fulvalene perchlorate crystals, grown electrochemically and supplied by K. Behnia, of dimensions 2 to 4 by 0.4 by 0.2 mm, were assembled on a flat surface to form a mosaic of 1.5 by 3 mm. The needle shaped crystals were positioned parallel to each other along their long axis, which is the stacking direction of the planar TMTSF cations, exposing the ab plane face (parallel to which the sheets of CI04 anions are positioned). Reflectance measurements were performed with radiation polarized along the stacking direction in the sample. Measurements were carried out following either a fast (15-20 K per minute) or slow (0.1 K per minute) cooling of the sample. Slow cooling permits the anions to order near 24 K, and the sample is expected to be superconducting below 1.2 K, while fast cooling yields an insulating state at low temperatures. Upon the slow cooling the reflectance shows dependence with temperature and exhibits the 28 cm- 1 feature reported previously [1]. Thermoreflectance for both the 'slow' and 'fast' cooling of the sample calculated relative to the 26 K reflectance data indicates that the reflectance is temperature dependent, for the slow cooling case only. A low frequency edge in the absolute reflectance is assigned an electronic origin given its strong temperature dependence in the relaxed state. We attribute the peak in the absolute reflectance near 30 cm-1 to a phonon coupled to the electronic background. Both the low frequency edge and the 30 cm-1 feature are noted te shift towards higher frequcncy, upon cntering the superconducting state, by an amount of the order of the expected superconducting energy gap. Kramers-Kronig analysis was carried out to determine the optical conductivity for the slowly cooled sample from the measured reflectance. In order to do so the low frequency data was extrapolated to zero frequency using a Hagen-Ru bens behaviour, and the high frequency data was extended with the data of Cao et al. [2], and Kikuchi et al. [3]. The real part of the optical conductivity exhibits an asymmetric peak at 35 cm-1, and its background at lower frequencies seems to be losing spectral weight with lowering of the temperature, leading us to presume that a narrow peak is forming at even lower frequencies.


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The ability of the cardiovascular system to quickly and efficiently adapt to an orthostatic stress is vital for the human body to function on earth. The way in which the various aspects of the cardiovascular system work together to counteract an orthostatic stress has been previously quantified in the adult population. However, there are still many unknowns surrounding the topic of how the cardiovascular system functions to cope with this same stress in children. The purpose of this study was to describe the cardiovascular hemodynamic adaptations to various levels of orthostatic stress induced using a lower body negative pressure (LBNP) chamber in pre-pubertal boys. A secondary purpose was to determine indices of baroreceptor sensitivity (BRS) at both rest and during low levels of LBNP in this same pediatric sample. Finally, this study aimed to compare the relative responses to LBNP between the children and adults. To complete the study 20 healthy pre-pubertal boys and adult males (9.3 ± 1.1 and 23 ± 1.8 years of age respectively) were recruited and randomly exposed to three levels of LBNP (15, 20 and 25 mmHg). At rest and during the application of the LBNP heart rate (HR), manual and bcat-by-beat systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP) and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) were monitored continuously. Aortic diameter was measured at rest and peak aortic blood velocity (PV) was recorded continuously for at least I minute during each baseline and LBNP condition. From the raw data HR, stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (Q), total peripheral resistance (TPR), low frequency baroreceptor sensitivity (LF BRS), high frequency baroreceptor sensitivity (HF BRS) and LFIIIF ratio were calculated. At rest, llR wa'i higher and SBP, SV, Q and LF/HF ratio were lower in the children compared to the adult males (pgJ.05). In response to the increasing LEN!> IIR and TPR increased, and LF BRS. SV and Q decreased in the adult group (pSf).05). while the same levels of LBNP caused an increase in TPR and a decrease in SBP, SV and Q in the children (pSf).05). Although not significant, the LF/HF ratio in the adult group showed an increasing trend in response to increased negative pressure (p=O.088). As for resting BRS, there were no significant differences in LF or HF BRS between the children and the adults despite a tendency for both measures to be 18% lower in the children. Also the LF/HF ratio was almost significantly greater in the adults compared to the children (p=O.057). In addition, a comparison between the relative adult and child responses to LBNP yielded no significant group by level interactions. This result should be taken with caution though, as the low sample size and high measurement variability generated very low statistical power for this analysis. In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that the hemodynamic adaptations to an orthostatic stress were less pronounced in the prepubertal males, most likely due to an underdeveloped autonomic system. These results need to be strengthened by further research before any implications can be derived for health care purposes.


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Using the energy dispersive x ...ray diffraction (EDXD) technique, the room temperature diffraction pattern of Al powder was obtained at diffraction angles ~ 30° and 50°. From the small angle diffraction pattern the average relative intensities (IR) of the (111), (200), and (220) lines were measured to be equal to 100, 62, and 32 respectively. From the large diffraction angle IR for the (220), (311+222), (400), (331+420), and (422) lines were measured to be 100,201,17,90, and 19.5 respectively. The diffraction pattern at those two angles were obtained at several higher temperatures to measure the change in the intensities of the Al lines. From the intensity changes the increase of the Debye- Waller temperature factor, i.e ~B(T), with respect to the value at room temperature was determined to be 0.6+0.1 at 250°C, 1.10+0.15 at 350°C, 1.45+0.20 at 450°C, and 2.20±0.35 at 550°C.