902 resultados para émotions


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An energy analysis of the Fine Resolution Antarctic Model (FRAM) reveals the instability processes in the model. The main source of time-mean kinetic energy is the wind stress and the main sink is transfer to mean potential energy. The wind forcing thus helps maintain the density structure. Transient motions result from internal instabilities of the Bow rather than seasonal variations of the forcing. Baroclinic instability is found to be an important mechanism in FRAM. The highest values of available potential energy are found in the western boundary regions as well as in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) region. All subregions with predominantly zonal flow are found to be baroclinically unstable. The observed deficit of eddy kinetic energy in FRAM occurs as a result of the high lateral friction, which decreases the growth rates of the most unstable waves. This high friction is required for the numerical stability of the model and can only be made smaller by using a finer horizontal resolution. A grid spacing of at least 10-15 km would be required to resolve the most unstable waves in the southern part of the domain. Barotropic instability is also found to be important for the total domain balance. The inverse transfer (that is, transfer from eddy to mean kinetic energy) does not occur anywhere, except in very localized tight jets in the ACC. The open boundary condition at the northern edge of the model domain does not represent a significant source or sink of eddy variability. However, a large exchange between internal and external mode energies is found to occur. It is still unclear how these boundary conditions affect the dynamics of adjacent regions.


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O estudo aqui apresentado no detm carter exaustivo pelo fato de que novos dados podero surgir daqui para frente, principalmente por se tratar de uma espcie de feeling relacionado execuo das semicolcheias do samba, que pode ser interpretado de maneiras diferentes. Trata-se de uma pesquisa emprica que se fundamentou em entrevistas juntamente do profissional responsvel pela criao de Ao e Reao: o msico Brasileiro Kiko Freitas, nas suas experincias e conhecimento pessoal. Em decorrncia das falas buscou-se apoio em Bardin e sua Anlise de Contedo, base cientfica para a falta de bibliografia sobre o assunto especfico, tambm manuais e mtodos sobre tcnicas de baquetas existentes, alm da consulta em vdeo-aulas e sites online. A trajetria perseguida buscou encontrar a interface entre as respostas do entrevistado e os pressupostos tericos de Bardin, naquilo que tem relao ao assunto-foco do estudo: Uma nova tcnica de mos com estilo, economia de movimentos e que seja uma alternativa para a execuo do samba na bateria.


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Thse ralise dans le cadre d'un Ph.D.interdisciplinaire en Psychologie, en cration littraire et en orthopdagogie. L'impact de la cration littraire a t tudi chez des adolescents atteints d'une maladie chronique au CHU Sainte-Justine de Montral. Cette recherche est exploratoire car la cration littraire n'a jamais t tudie dans cette perspective. Elle a t ralise sous la direction de Catherine Mavrikakis, professeure et crivain la Facult des arts et sciences au Dpartement des littratures francophones de l'Universit de Montral et de Jean-Franois Saucier, psychiatre et anthropologue la Facult de mdecine au Dpartement de psychiatrie de l'Universit de Montral et chercheur au CHU Sainte-Justine. Interdisciplinary Study.


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Les adolescents qui ont subi de la ngligence ou des abus substantiels dans leur famille risquent de prsenter des symptmes anxieux et dpressifs et des comportements antisociaux plus importants. Parmi les ressources internes qui pourraient contribuer la rsilience de ces jeunes, les stratgies quils adoptent pour composer avec les situations stressantes ont t peu examines. Dans cette thse, nous examinons les stratgies dadaptation utilises par 336 adolescents placs en centre de radaptation, avec pour objectif de vrifier leur rle modrateur dans la relation entre les mauvais traitements quils peroivent et lampleur de leurs problmes intrioriss ou extrioriss. Le premier chapitre prsente une revue de la recherche sur les liens entre divers stresseurs, les stratgies dadaptation des jeunes et leur condition psychologique. Ces tudes mettent en lumire combien les effets des stratgies quils utilisent peuvent varier selon les stresseurs familiaux ou sociaux auxquels ils sont exposs. Les deux tudes empiriques aux chapitres 2 et 3 portent sur les interactions entre trois types de maltraitance (abus motionnel ou physique, ngligence motionnelle) et quatre stratgies dadaptation (centres sur les problmes, les émotions, la diversion sociale et la distraction). Dans la premire tude, ces interactions sont testes pour leurs effets sur lampleur des problmes intrioriss rapports par les jeunes ou leurs ducateurs; la seconde tude explore leurs effets sur lampleur des problmes extrioriss. Quand les problmes intrioriss sont rapports par les adolescents, les stratgies centres sur les problmes, la diversion sociale et la distraction avaient un effet protecteur sur lampleur des symptmes associs la maltraitance motionnelle, surtout chez les filles. Les stratgies centres sur les problmes ont aussi un effet protecteur sur la relation entre labus motionnel et les comportements agressifs rapports par les jeunes. Toutefois quand il sagit des problmes extrioriss, plusieurs interactions montrent plutt que les effets adaptatifs de certaines stratgies diminuent quand les mauvais traitements augmentent. Il en est ainsi pour les stratgies centres sur les problmes ou la diversion sociale quand ces problmes sont observs par les ducateurs, et pour les distractions, lorsquils sont rapports par les filles. Enfin la diversion sociale est associe des comportements dlinquants plus marqus rapports par les jeunes et son effet modrateur chez les garons montre que cette relation est plus forte quand ils sont moins maltraits. Les stratgies dadaptation examines contribuent donc surtout attnuer la dtresse motionnelle des filles victimes de maltraitance psychologique, mais elles semblent avoir peu dimpact sur les comportements antisociaux des jeunes maltraits. Ces rsultats sont discuts en lien avec les caractristiques de notre chantillon. Les implications cliniques qui sen dgagent permettent de suggrer des pistes pour mieux soutenir ces jeunes dans lapprentissage de stratgies adaptatives pour rguler leur stress.


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Plusieurs facteurs de risque de dveloppement de troubles intrioriss, tels que les troubles danxit et de lhumeur, ont t identifis dans la littrature. Les deux plus importants facteurs de risques regroupent ladversit vcue durant lenfance (par exemple la maltraitance) et le risque parental (cest--dire la prsence dun trouble intrioris chez lun ou les deux parents). Ces facteurs de risque ont t lis des changements neuroanatomiques similaires ceux observs en lien avec les troubles intrioriss. Ainsi, en prsence de ces facteurs de risque, des anomalies anatomiques pourraient laisser prsager lapparition prochaine dune symptomatologie de troubles intrioriss chez des individus encore asymptomatiques. Chez les quelques populations de jeunes investigues, les participants prsentaient des comorbidits et/ou taient sous mdication, ce qui rend difficile linterprtation des atteintes crbrales observes. Ce travail de thse sest intress aux liens entre ces deux facteurs de risque et les substrats neuroanatomiques associs chacun deux, chez des adolescents asymptomatiques et ntant sous aucune mdication. Une premire tude a examin le lien entre le niveau de pratiques parentales coercitives et le niveau de symptmes danxit, mesurs de manire longitudinale depuis la naissance, et les diffrences neuroanatomiques observes ladolescence (voir Chapitre 2). Une deuxime tude a examin le lien entre le risque parental de dvelopper des troubles danxit et les diffrences neuroanatomiques observes ladolescence (voir Chapitre 3). Une troisime tude sest intresse au lien entre le risque parental de dvelopper un trouble de dpression ou un trouble bipolaire et les diffrences neuroanatomiques observes ladolescence (voir Chapitre 4). Les rsultats dmontrent des diffrences de volume et/ou dpaisseur corticale dans plusieurs structures cls impliques dans le traitement et la rgulation des émotions. Cest le cas du cortex prfrontal, de lamygdale, de lhippocampe et du striatum. Ces rsultats suggrent que certaines des diffrences neuroanatomiques observes dans les troubles intrioriss peuvent tre prsentes avant que le trouble ne se manifeste, et reprsenter des marqueurs neuronaux du risque de dvelopper le trouble. Les implications thoriques et les limites de ces trois tudes sont finalement discutes dans le Chapitre 5.


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Various mechanisms have been proposed to explain extreme waves or rogue waves in an oceanic environment including directional focusing, dispersive focusing, wave-current interaction, and nonlinear modulational instability. The Benjamin-Feir instability (nonlinear modulational instability), however, is considered to be one of the primary mechanisms for rogue-wave occurrence. The nonlinear Schrodinger equation is a well-established approximate model based on the same assumptions as required for the derivation of the Benjamin-Feir theory. Solutions of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation, including new rogue-wave type solutions are presented in the author's dissertation work. The solutions are obtained by using a predictive eigenvalue map based predictor-corrector procedure developed by the author. Features of the predictive map are explored and the influences of certain parameter variations are investigated. The solutions are rescaled to match the length scales of waves generated in a wave tank. Based on the information provided by the map and the details of physical scaling, a framework is developed that can serve as a basis for experimental investigations into a variety of extreme waves as well localizations in wave fields. To derive further fundamental insights into the complexity of extreme wave conditions, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations are carried out on an advanced Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) based parallel computational platform. Free surface gravity wave simulations have successfully characterized water-wave dispersion in the SPH model while demonstrating extreme energy focusing and wave growth in both linear and nonlinear regimes. A virtual wave tank is simulated wherein wave motions can be excited from either side. Focusing of several wave trains and isolated waves has been simulated. With properly chosen parameters, dispersion effects are observed causing a chirped wave train to focus and exhibit growth. By using the insights derived from the study of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation, modulational instability or self-focusing has been induced in a numerical wave tank and studied through several numerical simulations. Due to the inherent dissipative nature of SPH models, simulating persistent progressive waves can be problematic. This issue has been addressed and an observation-based solution has been provided. The efficacy of SPH in modeling wave focusing can be critical to further our understanding and predicting extreme wave phenomena through simulations. A deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying extreme energy localization phenomena can help facilitate energy harnessing and serve as a basis to predict and mitigate the impact of energy focusing.


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Les enfants dge prscolaire ( 5 ans) sont plus risque de subir un traumatisme crnio-crbral (TCC) que les enfants plus ags, et 90% de ces TCC sont de svrit lgre (TCCL). De nombreuses tudes publies dans les deux dernires dcennies dmontrent que le TCCL pdiatrique peut engendrer des difficults cognitives, comportementales et psychiatriques en phase aige qui, chez certains enfants, peuvent perdurer long terme. Il existe une littrature florissante concernant l'impact du TCCL sur le fonctionnement social et sur la cognition sociale (les processus cognitifs qui sous-tendent la socialisation) chez les enfants d'ge scolaire et les adolescents. Or, seulement deux tudes ont examin l'impact d'un TCCL l'ge prscolaire sur le dveloppement social et aucune tude ne s'est penche sur les rpercussions socio-cognitives d'un TCCL prcoce ( lge prscolaire). L'objectif de la prsente thse tait donc d'tudier les consquences du TCCL en bas ge sur la cognition sociale. Pour ce faire, nous avons examin un aspect de la cognition sociale qui est en plein essor cet ge, soit la thorie de l'esprit (TE), qui rfre la capacit de se mettre la place d'autrui et de comprendre sa perspective. Le premier article avait pour but d'tudier deux sous-composantes de la TE, soit la comprhension des fausses croyances et le raisonnement des dsirs et des émotions d'autrui, six mois post-TCCL. Les rsultats indiquent que les enfants d'ge prscolaire (18 60 mois) qui subissent un TCCL ont une TE significativement moins bonne 6 mois post-TCCL comparativement un groupe contrle d'enfants n'ayant subi aucune blessure. Le deuxime article visait claircir l'origine de la diminution de la TE suite un TCCL prcoce. Cet objectif dcoule du dbat qui existe actuellement dans la littrature. En effet, plusieurs scientifiques sont d'avis que l'on peut conclure un effet dcoulant de la blessure au cerveau seulement lorsque les enfants ayant subi un TCCL sont compars des enfants ayant subi une blessure n'impliquant pas la tte (p.ex., une blessure orthopdique). Cet argument est fond sur des tudes qui dmontrent qu'en gnral, les enfants qui sont plus susceptibles de subir une blessure, peu importe la nature de celle-ci, ont des caractristiques cognitives pr-existantes (p.ex. impulsivit, difficults attentionnelles). Il s'avre donc possible que les difficults que nous croyons attribuables la blessure crbrale taient prsentes avant mme que l'enfant ne subisse un TCCL. Dans cette deuxime tude, nous avons donc compar les performances aux tches de TE d'enfants ayant subi un TCCL ceux d'enfants appartenant deux groupes contrles, soit des enfants n'ayant subi aucune blessure et des pairs ayant subi une blessure orthopdique. De faon gnrale, les enfants ayant subi un TCCL ont obtenu des performances significativement plus faibles la tche valuant le raisonnement des dsirs et des émotions d'autrui, 6 mois post-blessure, comparativement aux deux groupes contrles. Cette tude visait galement examiner l'volution de la TE suite un TCCL, soit de 6 mois 18 mois post-blessure. Les rsultats dmontrent que les moindres performances sont maintenues 18 mois post-TCCL. Enfin, le troisime but de cette tude tait dinvestiguer sil existe un lien en la performance aux tches de TE et les habilets sociales, telles quvalues laide dun questionnaire rempli par le parent. De faon intressante, la TE est associe aux habilets sociales seulement chez les enfants ayant subi un TCCL. Dans l'ensemble, ces deux tudes mettent en vidence des rpercussions spcifiques du TCCL prcoce sur la TE qui persistent long terme, et une TE amoindrie seraient associe de moins bonnes habilets sociales. Cette thse dmontre qu'un TCCL en bas ge peut faire obstacle au dveloppement sociocognitif, par le biais de rpercussions sur la TE. Ces rsultats appuient la thorie selon laquelle le jeune cerveau immature prsente une vulnrabilit accrue aux blessures crbrales. Enfin, ces tudes mettent en lumire la ncessit d'tudier ce groupe d'ge, plutt que d'extrapoler partir de rsultats obtenus avec des enfants plus gs, puisque les enjeux dveloppementaux s'avrent diffrents, et que ceux-ci ont potentiellement une influence majeure sur les rpercussions d'une blessure crbrale sur le fonctionnement sociocognitif.


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Toppling analysis of a precariously balanced rock (PBR) can provide insights into the nature of ground motion that has not occurred at that location in the past and, by extension, realistic constraints on peak ground motions for use in engineering design. Earlier approaches have targeted simplistic 2-D models of the rock or modeled the rock-pedestal contact using spring-damper assemblies that require re-calibration for each rock. These analyses also assume that the rock does not slide on the pedestal. Here, a method to model PBRs in three dimensions is presented. The 3-D model is created from a point cloud of the rock, the pedestal, and their interface, obtained using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS). The dynamic response of the model under earthquake excitation is simulated using a rigid body dynamics algorithm. The veracity of this approach is demonstrated by comparisons against data from shake table experiments. Fragility maps for toppling probability of the Echo Cliff PBR and the Pacifico PBR as a function of various ground motion parameters, rock-pedestal interface friction coefficient, and excitation direction are presented. The seismic hazard at these PBR locations is estimated using these maps. Additionally, these maps are used to assess whether the synthetic ground motions at these locations resulting from scenario earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault are realistic (toppling would indicate that the ground motions are unrealistically high).


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Slender rotating structures are used in many mechanical systems. These structures can suffer from undesired vibrations that can affect the components and safety of a system. Furthermore, since some these structures can operate in a harsh environment, installation and operation of sensors that are needed for closed-loop and collocated control schemes may not be feasible. Hence, the need for an open-loop non-collocated scheme for control of the dynamics of these structures. In this work, the effects of drive speed modulation on the dynamics of slender rotating structures are studied. Slender rotating structures are a type of mechanical rotating structures, whose length to diameter ratio is large. For these structures, the torsion mode natural frequencies can be low. In particular, for isotropic structures, the first few torsion mode frequencies can be of the same order as the first few bending mode frequencies. These situations can be conducive for energy transfer amongst bending and torsion modes. Scenarios with torsional vibrations experienced by rotating structures with continuous rotor-stator contact occur in many rotating mechanical systems. Drill strings used in the oil and gas industry are an example of rotating structures whose torsional vibrations can be deleterious to the components of the drilling system. As a novel approach to mitigate undesired vibrations, the effects of adding a sinusoidal excitation to the rotation speed of a drill string are studied. A portion of the drill string located within a borewell is considered and this rotating structure has been modeled as an extended Jeffcott rotor and a sinusoidal excitation has been added to the drive speed of the rotor. After constructing a three-degree-of-freedom model to capture lateral and torsional motions, the equations of motions are reduced to a single differential equation governing torsional vibrations during continuous stator contact. An approximate solution has been obtained by making use of the Method of Direct Partition of Motions with the governing torsional equation of motion. The results showed that for a rotor undergoing forward or backward whirling, the addition of sinusoidal excitation to the drive speed can cause an increase in the equivalent torsional stiffness, smooth the discontinuous friction force at contact, and reduce the regions of negative slope in the friction coefficient variation with respect to speed. Experiments with a scaled drill string apparatus have also been conducted and the experimental results show good agreement with the numerical results obtained from the developed models. These findings suggest that the extended Jeffcott rotordynamics model can be useful for studies of rotor dynamics in situations with continuous rotor-stator contact. Furthermore, the results obtained suggest that the drive speed modulation scheme can have value for attenuating drill-string vibrations.


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Colloque tenu en Sorbonne les 17-19 janvier 2008


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<p>This thesis studies mobile robotic manipulators, where one or more robot manipulator arms are integrated with a mobile robotic base. The base could be a wheeled or tracked vehicle, or it might be a multi-limbed locomotor. As robots are increasingly deployed in complex and unstructured environments, the need for mobile manipulation increases. Mobile robotic assistants have the potential to revolutionize human lives in a large variety of settings including home, industrial and outdoor environments.</p> <p>Mobile Manipulation is the use or study of such mobile robots as they interact with physical objects in their environment. As compared to fixed base manipulators, mobile manipulators can take advantage of the base mechanisms added degrees of freedom in the task planning and execution process. But their use also poses new problems in the analysis and control of base system stability, and the planning of coordinated base and arm motions. For mobile manipulators to be successfully and efficiently used, a thorough understanding of their kinematics, stability, and capabilities is required. Moreover, because mobile manipulators typically possess a large number of actuators, new and efficient methods to coordinate their large numbers of degrees of freedom are needed to make them practically deployable. This thesis develops new kinematic and stability analyses of mobile manipulation, and new algorithms to efficiently plan their motions.</p> <p>I first develop detailed and novel descriptions of the kinematics governing the operation of multi- limbed legged robots working in the presence of gravity, and whose limbs may also be simultaneously used for manipulation. The fundamental stance constraint that arises from simple assumptions about friction and the ground contact and feasible motions is derived. Thereafter, a local relationship between joint motions and motions of the robot abdomen and reaching limbs is developed. Baseeon these relationships, one can define and analyze local kinematic qualities including limberness, wrench resistance and local dexterity. While previous researchers have noted the similarity between multi- fingered grasping and quasi-static manipulation, this thesis makes explicit connections between these two problems.</p> <p>The kinematic expressions form the basis for a local motion planning problem that that determines the joint motions to achieve several simultaneous objectives while maintaining stance stability in the presence of gravity. This problem is translated into a convex quadratic program entitled the balanced priority solution, whose existence and uniqueness properties are developed. This problem is related in spirit to the classical redundancy resoxlution and task-priority approaches. With some simple modifications, this local planning and optimization problem can be extended to handle a large variety of goals and constraints that arise in mobile-manipulation. This local planning problem applies readily to other mobile bases including wheeled and articulated bases. This thesis describes the use of the local planning techniques to generate global plans, as well as for use within a feedback loop. The work in this thesis is motivated in part by many practical tasks involving the Surrogate and RoboSimian robots at NASA/JPL, and a large number of examples involving the two robots, both real and simulated, are provided.</p> <p>Finally, this thesis provides an analysis of simultaneous force and motion control for multi- limbed legged robots. Starting with a classical linear stiffness relationship, an analysis of this problem for multiple point contacts is described. The local velocity planning problem is extended to include generation of forces, as well as to maintain stability using force-feedback. This thesis also provides a concise, novel definition of static stability, and proves some conditions under which it is satisfied.</p>


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Tese (doutorado)Universidade de Braslia, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de Ps-Graduao em Direito, 2016.


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Ce mmoire est consacr la condition de lestime de soi telle que dfendue par Paul Benson au sein de sa thorie substantielle de lautonomie. Soulevant linsuffisance des thories procdurales dans les cas doppressions, cette condition dfend la ncessit de considrer les relations intersubjectives et le sentiment de mrite agir au sein de la dfinition mme de lautonomie. En ce sens, les thories relationnelles permettent galement de rendre compte de limpact du contexte social sur les valeurs intriorises par un agent, mais aussi sur la manire dont un agent svalue en fonction de ses expriences. Afin dapprofondir cette condition de lestime de soi, jtudie le rle des émotions autorflexives sur la perception dun agent lgard de soi tout en soulevant comment ces dernires peuvent linformer des valeurs qui lui sont propres, de celles provenant dun contexte doppression. Dans un premier temps, jexplore en quoi consiste la condition de lestime de soi selon Benson, son lien avec lidentit et comment elle met en lumire linsuffisance des thories procdurales. Dans un deuxime temps, je la distingue des autres conceptions similaires telles que retrouves dans les thories relationnelles tout en dfendant que lestime de soi nest pas un phnomne affectif distinct, mais plutt un jugement normatif slaborant partir des expriences affectives vcues par un agent. Bien que dfendant la thse de Benson dans une perspective relationnelle, japprofondis la dfinition de la condition de lestime de soi en soulevant comment les émotions morales savrent ncessaires pour quun agent soit autonome lgard de ses actions, de ses penses et de ses valeurs.


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Ce mmoire est consacr la condition de lestime de soi telle que dfendue par Paul Benson au sein de sa thorie substantielle de lautonomie. Soulevant linsuffisance des thories procdurales dans les cas doppressions, cette condition dfend la ncessit de considrer les relations intersubjectives et le sentiment de mrite agir au sein de la dfinition mme de lautonomie. En ce sens, les thories relationnelles permettent galement de rendre compte de limpact du contexte social sur les valeurs intriorises par un agent, mais aussi sur la manire dont un agent svalue en fonction de ses expriences. Afin dapprofondir cette condition de lestime de soi, jtudie le rle des émotions autorflexives sur la perception dun agent lgard de soi tout en soulevant comment ces dernires peuvent linformer des valeurs qui lui sont propres, de celles provenant dun contexte doppression. Dans un premier temps, jexplore en quoi consiste la condition de lestime de soi selon Benson, son lien avec lidentit et comment elle met en lumire linsuffisance des thories procdurales. Dans un deuxime temps, je la distingue des autres conceptions similaires telles que retrouves dans les thories relationnelles tout en dfendant que lestime de soi nest pas un phnomne affectif distinct, mais plutt un jugement normatif slaborant partir des expriences affectives vcues par un agent. Bien que dfendant la thse de Benson dans une perspective relationnelle, japprofondis la dfinition de la condition de lestime de soi en soulevant comment les émotions morales savrent ncessaires pour quun agent soit autonome lgard de ses actions, de ses penses et de ses valeurs.


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Recent work has focused on deepening our understanding of the molecular origins of the higher harmonics that arise in the shear stress response of polymeric liquids in large-amplitude oscillatory shear flow. For instance, these higher harmonics have been explained by just considering the orientation distribution of rigid dumbbells suspended in a Newtonian solvent. These dumbbells, when in dilute suspension, form the simplest relevant molecular model of polymer viscoelasticity, and this model specifically neglects interactions between the polymer molecules [R.B. Bird et al., J Chem Phys, 140, 074904 (2014)]. In this paper, we explore these interactions by examining the Curtiss-Bird model, a kinetic molecular theory designed specifically to account for the restricted motions that arise when polymer chains are concentrated, thus interacting and specifically, entangled. We begin our comparison using a heretofore ignored explicit analytical solution [Fan and Bird, JNNFM, 15, 341 (1984)]. For concentrated systems, the chain motion transverse to the chain axis is more restricted than along the axis. This anisotropy is described by the link tension coefficient, , for which several special cases arise: = 0 corresponds to reptation, > 1/8 to rod-climbing, 1/2 3/4 to reasonable predictions for shear-thinning in steady simple shear flow, and = 1 to the dilute solution without hydrodynamic interaction. In this paper, we examine the shapes of the shear stress versus shear rate loops for the special cases = (0,1/8, 3/8,1) , and we compare these with those of rigid dumbbell and reptation model predictions.