941 resultados para É ruim que. Common copulate sentence. Negative copulate sentence. Generative grammar. Focus. Focalization
The author explains some aspects of sampling phytoplankton blooms and the evaluation of results obtained from different methods. Qualitative and quantitative sampling is covered as well as filtration, freeze-drying and toxin separation.
Este estudo objetivou analisar e comparar a incorporação psicossocial do HIV/AIDS entre adolescentes soropositivos considerando os diferentes meios de transmissão: vertical e sexual. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa, fundamentado na teoria das representações sociais, na perspectiva da Psicologia Social. Foram estudados 30 adolescentes soropositivos atendidos em um Hospital Universitário do Rio de Janeiro. Foi utilizada como técnica de coleta de dados entrevistas semi-estruturadas e dois instrumentos de coleta: um questionário de caracterização dos sujeitos e um roteiro temático que guiou as entrevistas. As entrevistas foram gravadas e os conteúdos transcritos e analisados conforme a técnica de análise de conteúdo temática. O resultado evidenciou que o significado do HIV/AIDS para os sujeitos, numa análise geral, é marcado predominantemente por sentimentos negativos como medo e sofrimento. Imagens comuns aos dois grupos foram da morte e destruição, assim como o preconceito foi um importante conteúdo representacional. Ao comparar os dois grupos percebe-se que os elementos mais presentes na representação de adolescentes contaminados por relação sexual são sofrimento e o medo, com uma dimensão imagética associada à morte. O uso do preservativo também é outro conteúdo representacional marcante nos discursos deste grupo. A sexualidade está incorporada na representação relacionada às dificuldades com a mesma pós descoberta do vírus. Já os adolescentes contaminados por transmissão vertical tiveram como elementos mais presentes a aceitação e conformação da doença. O tratamento torna-se um importante conteúdo da representação para este grupo, relacionando-o ao cuidado à saúde e a imunodeficiência. Conclui-se, então, que a escolha do estudo das representações sociais e das técnicas de análise utilizadas foram pertinentes, pois permitiram identificar os principais elementos constituintes da representação social do HIV/AIDS, comparando as diferenças representacionais nos dois grupos de adolescentes estudados. Estes resultados servirão para reflexão crítica de profissionais de saúde , tanto na contribuição para repensar estratégias de educação em saúde para prevenção de DST/AIDS, quanto no posicionamento diante de adolescentes soropositivos.
The σD values of nitrated cellulose from a variety of trees covering a wide geographic range have been measured. These measurements have been used to ascertain which factors are likely to cause σD variations in cellulose C-H hydrogen.
It is found that a primary source of tree σD variation is the σD variation of the environmental precipitation. Superimposed on this are isotopic variations caused by the transpiration of the leaf water incorporated by the tree. The magnitude of this transpiration effect appears to be related to relative humidity.
Within a single tree, it is found that the hydrogen isotope variations which occur for a ring sequence in one radial direction may not be exactly the same as those which occur in a different direction. Such heterogeneities appear most likely to occur in trees with asymmetric ring patterns that contain reaction wood. In the absence of reaction wood such heterogeneities do not seem to occur. Thus, hydrogen isotope analyses of tree ring sequences should be performed on trees which do not contain reaction wood.
Comparisons of tree σD variations with variations in local climate are performed on two levels: spatial and temporal. It is found that the σD values of 20 North American trees from a wide geographic range are reasonably well-correlated with the corresponding average annual temperature. The correlation is similar to that observed for a comparison of the σD values of annual precipitation of 11 North American sites with annual temperature. However, it appears that this correlation is significantly disrupted by trees which grew on poorly drained sites such as those in stagnant marshes. Therefore, site selection may be important in choosing trees for climatic interpretation of σD values, although proper sites do not seem to be uncommon.
The measurement of σD values in 5-year samples from the tree ring sequences of 13 trees from 11 North American sites reveals a variety of relationships with local climate. As it was for the spatial σD vs climate comparison, site selection is also apparently important for temporal tree σD vs climate comparisons. Again, it seems that poorly-drained sites are to be avoided. For nine trees from different "well-behaved" sites, it was found that the local climatic variable best related to the σD variations was not the same for all sites.
Two of these trees showed a strong negative correlation with the amount of local summer precipitation. Consideration of factors likely to influence the isotopic composition of summer rain suggests that rainfall intensity may be important. The higher the intensity, the lower the σD value. Such an effect might explain the negative correlation of σD vs summer precipitation amount for these two trees. A third tree also exhibited a strong correlation with summer climate, but in this instance it was a positive correlation of σD with summer temperature.
The remaining six trees exhibited the best correlation between σD values and local annual climate. However, in none of these six cases was it annual temperature that was the most important variable. In fact annual temperature commonly showed no relationship at all with tree σD values. Instead, it was found that a simple mass balance model incorporating two basic assumptions yielded parameters which produced the best relationships with tree σD values. First, it was assumed that the σD values of these six trees reflected the σD values of annual precipitation incorporated by these trees. Second, it was assumed that the σD value of the annual precipitation was a weighted average of two seasonal isotopic components: summer and winter. Mass balance equations derived from these assumptions yielded combinations of variables that commonly showed a relationship with tree σD values where none had previously been discerned.
It was found for these "well-behaved" trees that not all sample intervals in a σD vs local climate plot fell along a well-defined trend. These departures from the local σD VS climate norm were defined as "anomalous". Some of these anomalous intervals were common to trees from different locales. When such widespread commonalty of an anomalous interval occurred, it was observed that the interval corresponded to an interval in which drought had existed in the North American Great Plains.
Consequently, there appears to be a combination of both local and large scale climatic information in the σD variations of tree cellulose C-H hydrogen.
[EU]Ahots teknologiaren garapenaren gorakadak, hizketan minusbaliotasunen bat duten pertsonen eguneroko bizitza ahalik eta erosoena egitearen saiakerarekin batera, Aholab ikerkuntza taldea ZURE TTS proiektua garatzera eraman du, proiektuaren helburua ahots minusbaliotasun batez jota dauden edo ahotsa guztiz galdu duten pertsonentzat hizketa sintetizadore bat garatzea delarik. Ahots sintetizatua lortzeko, ahots emaileek grabatutako esaldiez osatutako ahots naturaleko corpus bat hartzen da oinarritzat. Sintesi prozesua ahalik eta kalitate altuenekoa izateko, nahitaezkoa da datu basean gordeta dagoen ahotsa egokia izatea, eta horregatik, burutuko den proiektuak grabazioen edukiaren egiaztatzaile bat garatzea du helburu, erabiltzaileak irakurritako esaldiak zuzenak diren edo ez egiaztatzen dituena, horrela ahots sintetizatuaren kalitatea bermatuz.
Although numerous theoretical efforts have been put forth, a systematic, unified and predictive theoretical framework that is able to capture all the essential physics of the interfacial behaviors of ions, such as the Hofmeister series effect, Jones-Ray effect and the salt effect on the bubble coalescence remain an outstanding challenge. The most common approach to treating electrostatic interactions in the presence of salt ions is the Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) theory. However, there are many systems for which the PB theory fails to offer even a qualitative explanation of the behavior, especially for ions distributed in the vicinity of an interface with dielectric contrast between the two media (like the water-vapor/oil interface). A key factor missing in the PB theory is the self energy of the ion.
In this thesis, we develop a self-consistent theory that treats the electrostatic self energy (including both the short-range Born solvation energy and the long-range image charge interactions), the nonelectrostatic contribution of the self energy, the ion-ion correlation and the screening effect systematically in a single framework. By assuming a finite charge spread of the ion instead of using the point-charge model, the self energy obtained by our theory is free of the divergence problems and gives a continuous self energy across the interface. This continuous feature allows ions on the water side and the vapor/oil side of the interface to be treated in a unified framework. The theory involves a minimum set of parameters of the ion, such as the valency, radius, polarizability of the ions, and the dielectric constants of the medium, that are both intrinsic and readily available. The general theory is first applied to study the thermodynamic property of the bulk electrolyte solution, which shows good agreement with the experiment result for predicting the activity coefficient and osmotic coefficient.
Next, we address the effect of local Born solvation energy on the bulk thermodynamics and interfacial properties of electrolyte solution mixtures. We show that difference in the solvation energy between the cations and anions naturally gives rise to local charge separation near the interface, and a finite Galvani potential between two coexisting solutions. The miscibility of the mixture can either increases or decreases depending on the competition between the solvation energy and translation entropy of the ions. The interfacial tension shows a non-monotonic dependence on the salt concentration: it increases linearly with the salt concentration at higher concentrations, and decreases approximately as the square root of the salt concentration for dilute solutions, which is in agreement with the Jones-Ray effect observed in experiment.
Next, we investigate the image effects on the double layer structure and interfacial properties near a single charged plate. We show that the image charge repulsion creates a depletion boundary layer that cannot be captured by a regular perturbation approach. The correct weak-coupling theory must include the self-energy of the ion due to the image charge interaction. The image force qualitatively alters the double layer structure and properties, and gives rise to many non-PB effects, such as nonmonotonic dependence of the surface energy on concentration and charge inversion. The image charge effect is then studied for electrolyte solutions between two plates. For two neutral plates, we show that depletion of the salt ions by the image charge repulsion results in short-range attractive and long-range repulsive forces. If cations and anions are of different valency, the asymmetric depletion leads to the formation of an induced electrical double layer. For two charged plates, the competition between the surface charge and the image charge effect can give rise to like- charge attraction.
Then, we study the inhomogeneous screening effect near the dielectric interface due to the anisotropic and nonuniform ion distribution. We show that the double layer structure and interfacial properties is drastically affected by the inhomogeneous screening if the bulk Debye screening length is comparable or smaller than the Bjerrum length. The width of the depletion layer is characterized by the Bjerrum length, independent of the salt concentration. We predict that the negative adsorption of ions at the interface increases linearly with the salt concentration, which cannot be captured by either the bulk screening approximation or the WKB approximation. For asymmetric salt, the inhomogeneous screening enhances the charge separation in the induced double layer and significantly increases the value of the surface potential.
Finally, to account for the ion specificity, we study the self energy of a single ion across the dielectric interface. The ion is considered to be polarizable: its charge distribution can be self-adjusted to the local dielectric environment to minimize the self energy. Using intrinsic parameters of the ions, such as the valency, radius, and polarizability, we predict the specific ion effect on the interfacial affinity of halogen anions at the water/air interface, and the strong adsorption of hydrophobic ions at the water/oil interface, in agreement with experiments and atomistic simulations.
The theory developed in this work represents the most systematic theoretical technique for weak-coupling electrolytes. We expect the theory to be more useful for studying a wide range of structural and dynamic properties in physicochemical, colloidal, soft-matter and biophysical systems.
Terns and skimmers nesting on saltmarsh islands often suffer large nest losses due to tidal and storm flooding. Nests located near the center of an island and on wrack (mats of dead vegetation, mostly eelgrass Zostera) are less susceptible to flooding than those near the edge of an island and those on bare soil or in saltmarsh cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora). In the 1980’s Burger and Gochfeld constructed artificial eelgrass mats on saltmarsh islands in Ocean County, New Jersey. These mats were used as nesting substrate by common terns (Sterna hirundo) and black skimmers (Rynchops niger). Every year since 2002 I have transported eelgrass to one of their original sites to make artificial mats. This site, Pettit Island, typically supports between 125 and 200 pairs of common terns. There has often been very little natural wrack present on the island at the start of the breeding season, and in most years natural wrack has been most common along the edges of the island. The terns readily used the artificial mats for nesting substrate. Because I placed artificial mats in the center of the island, the terns have often avoided the large nest losses incurred by terns nesting in peripheral locations. However, during particularly severe flooding events even centrally located nests on mats are vulnerable. Construction of eelgrass mats represents an easy habitat manipulation that can improve the nesting success of marsh-nesting seabirds.
In this paper we introduce a new axiom, denoted claims separability, that is satisfied by several classical division rules defined for claims problems. We characterize axiomatically the entire family of division rules that satisfy this new axiom. In addition, employing claims separability, we characterize the minimal overlap rule, given by O'Neill (1982), Piniles rule and the rules in the TAL-family, introduced by Moreno-Ternero and Villar (2006), which includes the uniform gains rule, the uniform losses rule and the Talmud rule.
In LiNbO3:Fe, anomalous behaviour of grating erasure is observed with different wavelenghts, i.e. rapid grating erasure in the short wavelength range, which deviates from the results predicted by the electron transport band model. The deviation is related to the coexistance of electrons and holes in photorefraction, and charge-transfer process including electrons and hole has been proposed. The electron and hole contributions to photo-excitation coefficient S of the Fe centre on the wavelength.
[EU] Artikulu honetan, gaur-gaurkoa dugun gai bat aztertzen da : Udalerri Euskaldunen Mankomunitatea legezkontrakotzat. jotzen duen Epaia. UEMAren oinarri juridikoak aztertu ondoren, Mankomunitate horren ibilbideak izan dituen eragozpenez arduratzen da lan hau. Egilearen ustez, Udalerri Euskaldunen Mankomunitateak bere ibilbidean aurkitu duen handicap-ik nabarmenena, legearen babes falta izan da, eta Auzitegi Goreneko Epaia, bai formaz, bai edukiaren aldetik, oinarri gabekotzat jo behar dela dio.
O termo Teoria da Mente diz respeito à habilidade que os seres humanos adquirem de compreender seus próprios estados mentais e os dos outros e predizer ações e comportamentos dentro de uma interação social. As principais questões da pesquisa em Teoria da Mente são: determinar qual o tipo de conhecimento que sustenta essa habilidade, qual sua origem e desenvolvimento e em que momento se manifesta. (Astington e Gopnik, 1991). Ao levar em consideração que a língua pode ser vista como instrumento da cognição (Spelke, 2003), através da qual o falante adquire suporte para o planejamento de ações, contribuindo para o desempenho de tarefas cognitivas complexas (Corrêa, 2006), de Villiers (2004, 2005, 2007 e subsequentes), no que diz respeito à Teoria da Mente, argumenta que o seu desenvolvimento depende do desenvolvimento linguístico, estando diretamente ligado à aquisição de verbos de estado mental, como pensar, por exemplo, pelo fato de que esses verbos subcategorizam uma sentença encaixada. Para ela, o domínio dessa estrutura possibilita que o raciocínio de crenças falsas da Teoria da Mente seja efetivamente realizado. A presente dissertação tem como objetivo verificar em que medida há uma influência direta e necessária da linguagem para a condução de tarefas de Teoria da Mente. Para tanto, focamos nossa atenção em pessoas que estão, por algum motivo, destituídas parcialmente da capacidade linguística, mas que mantêm intacta a capacidade cognitiva, os afásicos. Por meio de uma pesquisa realizada com dois pacientes afásicos de Broca, selecionados pelos critérios clássicos, procuramos entender se a habilidade de predizer ações está intacta nestes pacientes ou se tal habilidade foi perdida, assim como a linguagem. Para tanto, aplicamos dois testes de crença falsa em Teoria da Mente. O primeiro utilizou-se de suporte verbal, uma narração de eventos e expectativas dos personagens envolvidos. A pergunta-teste foi manipulada em função do grau de complexidade por meio do cruzamento de dois fatores: sentenças simples ou complexas e QU-in situ ou movido. O segundo teste seguiu o padrão não-verbal, sendo constituído de uma sequência de imagens, sendo que o sujeito deveria decidir entre duas últimas imagens apresentadas, aquela que coerentemente finalizava a história. Uma vez que houvesse influência direta da linguagem na condução de tarefas de Teoria da Mente, esperar-se-ia que a dificuldade no teste verbal refletisse o grau de complexidade das questões apresentadas. Adicionalmente, o desempenho no teste não-verbal também deveria ser insatisfatório, dado o comprometimento linguístico apresentado pelos sujeitos testados. Para o primeiro teste, o desempenho dos pacientes foi aleatório e inferior ao do grupo controle, já para o segundo teste, o aproveitamento foi de 100%. Em geral, os resultados sugerem que o raciocínio de crenças falsas em Teoria da Mente é alcançado por esses sujeitos, haja vista o desempenho plenamente satisfatório no teste não-verbal. Os resultados do teste verbal, por outro lado, atestam tão somente a dificuldade linguística característica dessa população. Desse modo, conclui-se que uma vez desenvolvida a habilidade em Teoria da Mente, esta permanece intacta na mente destes pacientes, mesmo que destituídos parcialmente da capacidade linguística
In Part I, the common belief that fermions lying on linear trajectories must have opposite-parity partners is shown to be false. Reggeization of a sequence of positive-parity fermion resonance is carried out in the Van Hove model. As a consequence of the absence of negative-parity states, the partial-wave amplitudes must have a fixed cut in the J plane. This fixed cut, in conjunction with the moving Regge pole, provides a new parametrization for fermion-exchange reactions, which is in qualitative agreement with the data.
In Part II, the spin structure of three particle vertices is determined from the quark model. Using these SU(6)W vertices in the Van Hove model, we derive a Reggeized scattering amplitude. In addition to Regge poles there are necessarily fixed Regge cuts in both fermion and boson exchange amplitudes. These fixed cuts are similar to those found in Part I, and may be viewed as a consequence of the absence of parity doubled quarks. The magnitudes of the pole and cut terms in an entire class of SU(6) related reactions are determined by their magnitudes in a single reaction. As an example we explain the observed presence or absence of wrong-signature nonsense dips in a class of reactions involving vector meson exchange.
The reaction K-p→K-π+n has been studied for incident kaon momenta of 2.0 GeV/c. A sample of 19,881 events was obtained by a measurement of film taken as part of the K-63 experiment in the Berkeley 72 inch bubble chamber.
Based upon our analysis, we have reached four conclusions. (1) The magnitude of the extrapolated Kπ cross section differs by a factor of 2 from the P-wave unitarity prediction and the K+n results; this is probably due to absorptive effects. (2) Fits to the moments yield precise values for the Kπ S-wave which agree with other recent statistically accurate experiments. (3) An anomalous peak is present in our backward K-p→(π+n) K- u-distribution. (4) We find a non-linear enhancement due to interference similiar to the one found by Bland et al. (Bland 1966).
Esta dissertação se insere nos estudos de Linguística e é vinculada à Análise Crítica do Discurso (FAIRCLOUGH, 1989, 2003) e à Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (HALLIDAY, 1970, 1973), investigando o que é a qualidade literária para os internautas que interagem em fóruns de discussão do Orkut, à luz da Teoria da Valoração (MARTIN ; WHITE, 2005). De acordo com as categorias que abrangem o subsistema da Atitude da Teoria da Valoração (MARTIN ; WHITE, 2005), analisa-se como os leitores internautas se posicionam sobre a questão da qualidade literária e a ideologia que perpassa seus discursos. O conceito de ideologia adotado é o proposto por Thompson (2009), para quem o conceito deve ser compreendido a partir da noção de hegemonia e poder, ou seja, a ideologia necessariamente estabelece e sustenta relações de dominação, reproduzindo a ordem social que favorece indivíduos e grupos dominantes.O corpus desta pesquisa é composto de três amostras colhidas entre 15/07/2009 e 05/01/2010 correspondentes a uma discussão iniciada em comunidade relacionada a assuntos literários. A AMOSTRA 1 refere-se ao tópico Leitura difícil é sinal de qualidade?, da comunidade Literatura; a AMOSTRA 2, se refere ao tópico Qualidade do texto literário, da comunidade Discutindo... literatura e, por fim, a AMOSTRA 3 representa o tópico O que é um bom texto literário para você, também da comunidade Literatura. Cada discussão possui congruências e divergências quanto às representações sobre literatura e essas foram também analisadas. Não obstante, o que nos interessa é perceber como as ideologias perpassam seus discursos de acordo com os valores que os internautas atribuem a aspectos do texto literário. Foram escolhidos fóruns de discussão online do Orkut porque as interações em redes sociais constituem elemento novo das práticas sociais e, portanto, relevantes pontos de apoio para a investigação da criação de sentidos sobre o conceito de boa literatura. Investigar como a literatura, objeto de estudo acadêmico, é analisada em tais espaços cibernéticos é instigante, por não ser usual. Os resultados obtidos nessa pesquisa sugerem que o internauta reproduz o discurso acadêmico hegemônico acerca da qualidade literária ao debater a qualidade intrínseca do texto literário com a ressalva de manifestar seu contentamento ou descontentamento acerca de determinados textos literários e escritores, dado novo que revela uma característica deste espaço não institucional de discussão, em que os internautas se sentem à vontade para manifestar sua opinião
In this paper we theoretically investigate a photonic crystal with dielectric rods in a honeycomb lattice. Two left-handed frequency regions are found in the second and third photonic band by using the plane wave expansion method to analyze the photonic band structure and equifrequency contours. Subwavelength imaging by the photonic crystal flat lens are systematically studied by numerical simulations using the multiple scattering method. Different from the photonic crystals with noncircular dielectric rods in air, this structure is almost isotropic at the optimal frequency for superlensing. As a comparison, flat slab focusing is also demonstrated at other frequencies in the two left-handed regions. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.