886 resultados para volleyball spike


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Introdução e objectivos: A saúde oral em atletas é parte essencial para a saúde geral, sendo um factor determinante para a qualidade de vida e desempenho desportivo. Logo, um bom estado de saúde só existirá se a cavidade oral se encontrar ausente de patologias. Os desequilíbrios nutricionais possuem efeitos sobre a cavidade oral, condicionando assim a qualidade de vida e desempenho do atleta. Desta forma, o excesso de ingestão de alguns alimentos podem ser factores de risco para a saúde, tendo conta em que, a etiologia da cárie dentária está relacionada com a ação de microorganismos orais que produzem ácidos orgânicos, a partir do metabolismo dos hidratos de carbono. O objectivo deste estudo foi avaliar a saúde oral bem como os hábitos alimentares e o uso de protetores bucais durante a prática desportiva. Participantes e Métodos: Foram observados 55 atletas de voleibol entre os 15 e 18 anos de ambos os géneros, do clube de voleibol Academia José Moreira e Leixões. Tratou-se de um estudo transversal, no qual foi realizado exame clínico intraoral (índice de cárie CPOd, indice de erosão dentária BEWE) e preenchimento de questinário, em que os indivíduos foram caracterizados em 5 componentes: dados sociodemográficos (idade, peso e estatura), dados sobre perceção de saúde, dados sobre comportamentos de saúde oral, dados sobre prática desportiva e dados sobre comportamentos alimentares (questionário semi-quantitativo de frequência alimentar). A análise estatística descritiva e inferencial dos dados recolhidos foi realizada com o auxílio do programa informático SPSS, versão 23.0. Resultados: Os hábitos de saúde oral não são os mais adequados e a percentagem de atletas que visita o médico dentista é elevada para “só quando tem dores” ou “ocasionalmente”. A média do CPOD geral foi de 4,22 ± 4,55. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p>0,05) entre o CPOD geral e o IMC. Nenhum dos atletas usa protetor bucal durante a prática desportiva. Os alimentos mais consumidos foram a carne, fruta, leite, peixe e, biscoitos, bolos e bolachas; e os menos consumidos foram as bebidas alcoólicas, mel ou compotas e café. Conclusão: Os hábitos de higiene oral são um melhor indicador do que o IMC para a presença de cárie. Não há relação direta entre índice CPOD e IMC. Seria importante prestar mais informação sobre vantagens do uso de protetores bucais junto dos atletas e de treinadores bem como, esclarecer que a consistência e as propriedades sensoriais ligadas à textura e à consistência dos alimentos na superfície dentária interferem com a cárie.


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Recent progress in the technology for single unit recordings has given the neuroscientific community theopportunity to record the spiking activity of large neuronal populations. At the same pace, statistical andmathematical tools were developed to deal with high-dimensional datasets typical of such recordings.A major line of research investigates the functional role of subsets of neurons with significant co-firingbehavior: the Hebbian cell assemblies. Here we review three linear methods for the detection of cellassemblies in large neuronal populations that rely on principal and independent component analysis.Based on their performance in spike train simulations, we propose a modified framework that incorpo-rates multiple features of these previous methods. We apply the new framework to actual single unitrecordings and show the existence of cell assemblies in the rat hippocampus, which typically oscillate attheta frequencies and couple to different phases of the underlying field rhythm


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We present a serological assay for the specific detection of IgM and IgG antibodies against the emerging human coronavirus hCoV-EMC and the SARS-CoV based on protein microarray technology. The assay uses the S1 receptor-binding subunit of the spike protein of hCoV-EMC and SARS-CoV as antigens. The assay has been validated extensively using putative cross-reacting sera of patient cohorts exposed to the four common hCoVs and sera from convalescent patients infected with hCoV-EMC or SARS-CoV.


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Many of the equations describing the dynamics of neural systems are written in terms of firing rate functions, which themselves are often taken to be threshold functions of synaptic activity. Dating back to work by Hill in 1936 it has been recognized that more realistic models of neural tissue can be obtained with the introduction of state-dependent dynamic thresholds. In this paper we treat a specific phenomenological model of threshold accommodation that mimics many of the properties originally described by Hill. Importantly we explore the consequences of this dynamic threshold at the tissue level, by modifying a standard neural field model of Wilson-Cowan type. As in the case without threshold accommodation classical Mexican-Hat connectivity is shown to allow for the existence of spatially localized states (bumps) in both one and two dimensions. Importantly an analysis of bump stability in one dimension, using recent Evans function techniques, shows that bumps may undergo instabilities leading to the emergence of both breathers and traveling waves. Moreover, a similar analysis for traveling pulses leads to the conditions necessary to observe a stable traveling breather. In the regime where a bump solution does not exist direct numerical simulations show the possibility of self-replicating bumps via a form of bump splitting. Simulations in two space dimensions show analogous localized and traveling solutions to those seen in one dimension. Indeed dynamical behavior in this neural model appears reminiscent of that seen in other dissipative systems that support localized structures, and in particular those of coupled cubic complex Ginzburg-Landau equations. Further numerical explorations illustrate that the traveling pulses in this model exhibit particle like properties, similar to those of dispersive solitons observed in some three component reaction-diffusion systems. A preliminary account of this work first appeared in S Coombes and M R Owen, Bumps, breathers, and waves in a neural network with spike frequency adaptation, Physical Review Letters 94 (2005), 148102(1-4).


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In this paper we consider instabilities of localised solutions in planar neural field firing rate models of Wilson-Cowan or Amari type. Importantly we show that angular perturbations can destabilise spatially localised solutions. For a scalar model with Heaviside firing rate function we calculate symmetric one-bump and ring solutions explicitly and use an Evans function approach to predict the point of instability and the shapes of the dominant growing modes. Our predictions are shown to be in excellent agreement with direct numerical simulations. Moreover, beyond the instability our simulations demonstrate the emergence of multi-bump and labyrinthine patterns. With the addition of spike-frequency adaptation, numerical simulations of the resulting vector model show that it is possible for structures without rotational symmetry, and in particular multi-bumps, to undergo an instability to a rotating wave. We use a general argument, valid for smooth firing rate functions, to establish the conditions necessary to generate such a rotational instability. Numerical continuation of the rotating wave is used to quantify the emergent angular velocity as a bifurcation parameter is varied. Wave stability is found via the numerical evaluation of an associated eigenvalue problem.


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Solving linear systems is an important problem for scientific computing. Exploiting parallelism is essential for solving complex systems, and this traditionally involves writing parallel algorithms on top of a library such as MPI. The SPIKE family of algorithms is one well-known example of a parallel solver for linear systems. The Hierarchically Tiled Array data type extends traditional data-parallel array operations with explicit tiling and allows programmers to directly manipulate tiles. The tiles of the HTA data type map naturally to the block nature of many numeric computations, including the SPIKE family of algorithms. The higher level of abstraction of the HTA enables the same program to be portable across different platforms. Current implementations target both shared-memory and distributed-memory models. In this thesis we present a proof-of-concept for portable linear solvers. We implement two algorithms from the SPIKE family using the HTA library. We show that our implementations of SPIKE exploit the abstractions provided by the HTA to produce a compact, clean code that can run on both shared-memory and distributed-memory models without modification. We discuss how we map the algorithms to HTA programs as well as examine their performance. We compare the performance of our HTA codes to comparable codes written in MPI as well as current state-of-the-art linear algebra routines.


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Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido e validado um método analítico para a determinação de Fe total em amostras de água com diferentes salinidades empregando a microextração líquido-líquido dispersiva (DLLME), seguido de determinação espectrofotométrica na região do ultravioleta-visível. Nas extrações por DLLME, o Fe foi complexado com pirrolidina ditiocarbamato de amônio (APDC) e extraído após a injeção de uma mistura composta de 1,2-diclorobenzeno (solvente extrator) e etanol (solvente dispersor). Os fatores que influenciam a eficiência de extração (tipo e volume de solvente extrator e dispersor, concentração de APDC e tempo de extração) e subsequente determinação espectrofotométrica foram otimizados. Após otimização das condições, a curva de calibração foi linear entre 0,02 e 2,0 mg L-1 (r 2 = 0,9998) e os limites de detecção e quantificação do método foram de 6,1 e 18,3 µg L-1 , respectivamente. O fator de pré-concentração foi de 3,3. A exatidão foi avaliada em termos de recuperação, com variação entre 90 e 102% e desvio padrão relativo (RSD) inferiores a 12%. A exatidão do método também foi avaliada utilizando um material de referência certificado (SRM 1643e, Elementos Traço em Água), o qual apresentou concordância de 104% e RSD de 5%. O método foi aplicado para amostras de água com diferentes salinidades, como água mineral, estuarina e de alto mar. Além disso, o método proposto apresentou concordância da ordem de 95%, quando comparado com o método 1,10-fenantrolina para a determinação de Fe total.


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Gap junction coupling is ubiquitous in the brain, particularly between the dendritic trees of inhibitory interneurons. Such direct non-synaptic interaction allows for direct electrical communication between cells. Unlike spike-time driven synaptic neural network models, which are event based, any model with gap junctions must necessarily involve a single neuron model that can represent the shape of an action potential. Indeed, not only do neurons communicating via gaps feel super-threshold spikes, but they also experience, and respond to, sub-threshold voltage signals. In this chapter we show that the so-called absolute integrate-and-fire model is ideally suited to such studies. At the single neuron level voltage traces for the model may be obtained in closed form, and are shown to mimic those of fast-spiking inhibitory neurons. Interestingly in the presence of a slow spike adaptation current the model is shown to support periodic bursting oscillations. For both tonic and bursting modes the phase response curve can be calculated in closed form. At the network level we focus on global gap junction coupling and show how to analyze the asynchronous firing state in large networks. Importantly, we are able to determine the emergence of non-trivial network rhythms due to strong coupling instabilities. To illustrate the use of our theoretical techniques (particularly the phase-density formalism used to determine stability) we focus on a spike adaptation induced transition from asynchronous tonic activity to synchronous bursting in a gap-junction coupled network.


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Since its identification in the 1990s, the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway has proven extremely useful in elucidating the function of proteins in the context of cells and even whole organisms. In particular, this sequence-specific and powerful loss-of-function approach has greatly simplified the study of the role of host cell factors implicated in the life cycle of viruses. Here, we detail the RNAi method we have developed and used to specifically knock down the expression of ezrin, an actin binding protein that was identified by yeast two-hybrid screening to interact with the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) spike (S) protein. This method was used to study the role of ezrin, specifically during the entry stage of SARS-CoV infection.


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Despite the efforts to better manage biosolids field application programs, biosolids managers still lack of efficient and reliable tools to apply large quantities of material while avoiding odor complaints. Objectives of this research were to determine the capabilities of an electronic nose in supporting process monitoring of biosolids production and, to compare odor characteristics of biosolids produced through thermal-hydrolysis anaerobic digestion (TH-AD) to those of alkaline stabilization in the plant, under storage and in the field. A method to quantify key odorants was developed and full scale sampling and laboratory simulations were performed. The portable electronic nose (PEN3) was tested for its capabilities of distinguishing alkali dosages in the biosolids production process. Frequency of recognition of unknown samples was tested achieving highest accuracy of 81.1%. This work exposed the need for a different and more sensitive electronic nose to assure its applicability at full scale for this process. GC-MS results were consistent with those reported in literature and helped to elucidate the behavior of the pattern recognition of the PEN3. Odor characterization of TH-AD and alkaline stabilized biosolids was achieved using olfactometry measurements and GC-MS. Dilution-to-threshold of TH-AD biosolids increased under storage conditions but no correlation was found with the target compounds. The presence of furan and three methylated homologues in TH-AD biosolids was reported for the first time proposing that these compounds are produced during thermal hydrolysis process however, additional research is needed to fully describe the formation of these compounds and the increase in odors. Alkaline stabilized biosolids reported similar odor concentration but did not increase and the ‘fishy’ odor from trimethylamine emissions resulted in more offensive and unpleasant odors when compared to TH-AD. Alkaline stabilized biosolids showed a spike in sulfur and trimethylamine after 3 days of field application when the alkali addition was not sufficient to meet regulatory standards. Concentrations of target compounds from field application of TH-AD biosolids gradually decreased to below the odor threshold after 3 days. This work increased the scientific understanding on odor characteristics and behavior of two types of biosolids and on the application of electronic noses to the environmental engineering field.


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O presente relatório de estágio é uma análise reflexiva do processo de estágio pedagógico, inserido no Mestrado de Ensino de Educação Física dos Ensinos Básico e Secundário, pertencente à Faculdade de Motricidade Humana. Este estágio decorre na Escola Secundária Braamcamp Freire (ESBF), tendo como linhas orientadoras o Guia de Estágio Pedagógico de 2015/2016. Este explica as competências a adquirir ao longo do processo nas quatro áreas de intervenção. Na área 1 – Organização e Gestão do Ensino e Aprendizagem, Relação entre Planeamento, Condução e Avaliação. Na área 2 – Inovação e Investigação Pedagógica, está a ser desenvolvido um projeto de formação de professores relacionado com os critérios de avaliação utilizados na Área das Atividades Físicas, e a validade e fiabilidade da observação entre professores. Na área 3 – Participação na Escola, colaboração com o Núcleo de Voleibol que apesar de ser feminino e masculino em simultâneo, o meu foco será no núcleo masculino, e ainda na organização e colaboração de todas as atividades desenvolvidas pelos professores da Área Disciplinar de Educação Física. Na área 4 – Relação com a comunidade, trabalho conjunto com a Diretora de Turma no que diz respeito a todas as tarefas inerentes à função e ainda na coadjuvação e planeamento da disciplina de Cidadania. Em cada uma das áreas será feita uma descrição e reflexão sobre as minhas ações e práticas, as dificuldades com que me deparei e as soluções encontradas para ultrapassar os obstáculos que foram surgindo. No final, realizarei um balanço reflexivo sobre todo o meu processo de estágio referindo o contributo do mesmo para a minha formação e quais as bases criadas para o contínuo desenvolvimento que pretendo levar a cabo no futuro.


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The brain is a network spanning multiple scales from subcellular to macroscopic. In this thesis I present four projects studying brain networks at different levels of abstraction. The first involves determining a functional connectivity network based on neural spike trains and using a graph theoretical method to cluster groups of neurons into putative cell assemblies. In the second project I model neural networks at a microscopic level. Using diferent clustered wiring schemes, I show that almost identical spatiotemporal activity patterns can be observed, demonstrating that there is a broad neuro-architectural basis to attain structured spatiotemporal dynamics. Remarkably, irrespective of the precise topological mechanism, this behavior can be predicted by examining the spectral properties of the synaptic weight matrix. The third project introduces, via two circuit architectures, a new paradigm for feedforward processing in which inhibitory neurons have the complex and pivotal role in governing information flow in cortical network models. Finally, I analyze axonal projections in sleep deprived mice using data collected as part of the Allen Institute's Mesoscopic Connectivity Atlas. After normalizing for experimental variability, the results indicate there is no single explanatory difference in the mesoscale network between control and sleep deprived mice. Using machine learning techniques, however, animal classification could be done at levels significantly above chance. This reveals that intricate changes in connectivity do occur due to chronic sleep deprivation.


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In this paper, a target tracking controller based on spiking neural network is proposed for autonomous robots. This controller encodes the preprocessed environmental and target information provided by CCD cameras, encoders and ultrasonic sensors into spike trains, which are integrated by a three-layer spiking neural network (SNN). The outputs of SNN are generated based on the competition between the forward/backward neuron pair corresponding to each motor, with the weights evolved by the Hebbian learning. The application to target tracking of a mobile robot in unknown environment verifies the validity of the proposed controller.


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Whereas muscle potentiation is consistently demonstrated with evoked contractile properties, the potentiation of functional and physiological measures is inconsistent. The objective was to compare a variety of conditioning stimuli volumes and intensities over a 15-min recovery period. Twelve volleyball players were subjected to conditioning stimuli that included 10 repetitions of half squats with 70% of 1-repetition maximum (RM) (10 × 70), 5 × 70, 5 × 85, 3 × 85, 3 × 90, 1 × 90, and control. Jump height, power, velocity, and force were measured at baseline, 1, 3, 5, 10, and 15 min. Data were analysed with a 2-way repeated measure ANOVA and magnitude-based inferences. The ANOVA indicated significant decreases in jump height, power, and velocity during recovery. This should not be interpreted that no potentiation occurred. Each dependent variable reached a peak at a slightly different time: peak jump height (2.8 ± 2.3 min), mean power (3.6 ± 3.01 min), peak power (2.5 ± 1.8 min), and peak velocity (2.5 ± 1.8 min). Magnitude-based inference revealed that both the 5 × 70 and 3 × 85 protocol elicited changes that exceeded 75% likelihood of exceeding the smallest worthwhile change (SWC) for peak power and velocity. The 10 × 70 and the 5 × 70 had a substantial likelihood of potentiating peak velocity and mean power above the SWC, respectively. Magnitude-based inferences revealed that while no protocol had a substantial likelihood of potentiating the peak vertical jump, the 5 × 70 had the most consistent substantial likelihood of increasing the peak of most dependent variables. We were unable to consistently predict if these peaks occurred at 1, 3, or 5 min poststimulation, though declines after 5 min seems probable.


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The present study was carried out in the agro-metrological conditions of Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Different potting media were used in different combinations to check their effect on the morphological parameters as well as on the vase life of the tuberose. The different treatments included the combinations of FYM, poultry manure, sand, leaf compost and coconut coir in equivalent ratio. The data was analyzed statistically which showed significant effect of media combinations over control values. Maximum plant spread, number of leaves and vase life was recorded in sand+FYM. Coconut coir + FYM contributed to the maximum values of plant height, leaf area and spike length. Maximum plantlets were counted for sand+poultry manure. The highest values of floral diameter, number of flowers per spike and shelf life were observed in sand+leaf compost. These findings lead toward better quality cut flower production with maximum vase life.