880 resultados para thermoplastic extrusion
Poly(methyl methacrylate)/clay nanocomposites were prepared by melt mixing using a montmorillonite-rich clay (MMT). The clay in natura was treated with acrylic acid to facilitate the dispersion in the polymer matrix. A masterbatch of PMMA/clay was prepared and combined with the pure PMMA and then subjected to extrusion process using singlescrew and twin-screw extruders followed by injection. Nanocomposites were processed with clay contents of 1, 3, 5 and 8 wt.%. The effect of shear processing on the morphology of the nanocomposites was evaluated by XRD, SEM and TEM. Thermal and mechanical properties of the nanocomposites were investigated through TGA, DSC, HDT, VICAT, tensile and impact tests, to evaluate the effect of the addition of clay to the PMMA matrix. Flammability tests were also conducted to investigate the effect of the addition of clay on the flame retardation properties. SEM images of the nanocomposites indicated the presence of clay agglomerates, which resulted in the reduction of properties such as thermal stability, mechanical strength and impact resistance, and increased the rate of burning for materials processed by both extrusion routes
Currently new polymeric materials have been developed to replace other of traditionally materials classes. The use of dyes allows to expand and to diversify the applications in the polymeric materials development. In this work the behavior and ability of azo dyes Disperse Blue 79 (DB79) and Disperse Red 73 (DR73) on poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) were studied. Two types of mixtures were used in the production of masterbatches: 1) rheometer 2) solution. Processing by extrusion-blow molding of PMMA was carried out in order to evaluate the applications of polymeric films. Thermal analysis were performed by thermogravimetry to evaluate polymer and azo dyes thermal stability. Colorimetric analysis were obtained through monitoring the spectral variations associated with sys/trans/anti azo dyes isomerization process Colorimetric data were treated and evaluated in accordance to the color system RGB and CIEL*ab, by monitoring the color change as function of time. Mechanical properties, characterized by tensile tests, were evaluated and correlated with the presence and content of azo dyes in the samples. Analyses by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) were performed on the surfaces of samples to check the azo dye dispersion after the mixing process. It was concluded that the production of PMMA/azo dyes is possible and feasible, and the mixtures produced had synergy of properties for use in various applications
Currently the search for new materials with properties suitable for specific applications has increased the number of researches that aim to address market needs. The poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) is one of the most important polymers of the family of polyacrylates and polymethacrylates, especially for its unique optical properties and weathering resistance, and exceptional hardness and gloss. The development of polymer composites by the addition of inorganic fillers to the PMMA matrix increases the potential use of this polymer in various fields of application. The most commonly used inorganic fillers are particles of silica (SiO2), modified clays, graphite and carbon nanotubes. The main objective of this work is the development of PMMA/SiO2 composites at different concentrations of SiO2, for new applications as engineering plastics. The composites were produced by extrusion of tubular film, and obtained via solution for application to commercial PMMA plates, and also by injection molding, for improved the abrasion and scratch resistance of PMMA without compromising transparency. The effects of the addition of silica particles in the polymer matrix properties were evaluated by the maximum tensile strength, hardness, abrasion and scratch resistance, in addition to preliminary characterization by torque rheometry and melt flow rate. The results indicated that it is possible to use silica particles in a PMMA matrix, and a higher silica concentration produced an increase of the abrasion and scratch resistance, hardness, and reduced tensile strength
Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária
Mestrado em Engenharia Alimentar - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes, 2015.
This employment has the function the utilization of mango seeds Tommy Atkins, like starch source to obtain biopolymers and fibers source and nanowhiskers cellulose also, that will be use like reinforcing fillers in micro and nanobiocomposites polymeric. The fibers in natura removed from tegument mango seed were characterized, as weel as the treated fibers and nanowhiskers of cellulose extracted from them. The starch extracted from seed s almond showed a good performance (32%) and a high purity. The chemicals analyzes, of crystallinity and morphological of the fibers in natura, treated fibers and nanowhiskers of cellulose confirmed the efficacy of the chemical treatement performed to remove amorphous constituents (hemicellulose and lignina). The thermoplastic starch (TPS) obtained from two sources, corn starch and starchy material mango, was produced in a twin screw extruder with compositon mass of 62,5% of starch, 9,4% of water and 28,1% of glycerol. The starch material mango was the main objective of this work for the production of biodegradable materials, and the starch corn was utilized during the production stage to evaluate the processability of the starch and use as parameter for comparison, according of being a conventional source for obtaining conventional comercial starch. The incorporation of fibers (6% in mass) and nanowhiskers cellulose (1% in mass) in matrix of TPS to obtain composite and nanocomposite, respectively, it was performed in single screw extruder. The biocomposites and bionanocomposites polymeric were obtained and the TPS from starchy material mango presented better results of thermal and mechanicals properties when compared to TPS corn starch. Concludes that the sediment generated of the agroindustrial processing mango used presents potencial to producing of biodegradables materials
Heating rate is one of the main variables that determine a fire cycle. In industrial processes that use high temperatures, greater fire great can reduce the cost of production and increase productivity. The use of faster and more efficient fire cycles has been little investigated by the structural ceramic industry in Brazil. However, one of the possibilities that aims at modernizing the sector is the use of roller kilns and the inclusion of natural gas as fuel. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of heating rate on the technological properties of structural ceramic products. Clay raw materials from the main ceramic industries in the state of Rio Grande do Norte were characterized. Some of the raw materials characterized were formulated to obtain the best physical and mechanical properties. Next, raw materials and formulations were selected to study the influence of heating rate on the final properties of the ceramic materials. The samples were shaped by pressing and extrusion and submitted to rates of 1 °C/min, 10 °C/min and 20 °C/min, with final temperatures of 850 °C, 950 °C and 1050 °C. Discontinuous cycles with rates of 10 °C/min or 15 °C/min up to 600 °C and a rate of 20 °C/min up to final temperature were also investigated. Technological properties were determined for all the samples and microstructural analysis was carried out under a number of fire conditions. Results indicate that faster and more efficient fire cycles than those currently in practice could be used, limiting only some clay doughs to certain fire conditions. The best results were obtained for the samples submitted to slow cycles up to 600 °C and fast fire sinterization up to 950 °C. This paper presents for the first time the use of a fast fire rate for raw materials and clay formulations and seeks to determine ideal dough and processing conditions for using shorter fire times, thus enabling the use of roller kilns and natural gas in structural ceramic industries
Les stérosomes, des vésicules artificielles composées d’amphiphiles monoalkylés et d’un grand pourcentage de stérols, sont prometteurs dans plusieurs domaines comme les industries pharmaceutiques et alimentaires. Il existe des stérosomes chargés négativement, positivement et neutres. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons approfondi nos connaissances sur les propriétés physico-chimiques des stérosomes chargés : acide palmitique (PA)/stérol et stéarylamine (SA)/cholestérol (Chol). Premièrement, afin de mesurer la diffusion latérale de PA dans les membranes PA/stérol (30/70 mol/mol) par RMN à gradients pulsés, nous avons tenté de former des bicouches liquide-ordonnées (lo) orientées magnétiquement avec ce mélange. En s'inspirant de l’idée que l’ajout de 1,2-dihexanoyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphocholine (DHPC), un lipide à courtes chaînes, dans le système 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) mène à la formation de bicouches orientées, nous avons étudié la formulation PA perdeutéré/acide hexanoïque (HA)/Chol avec une proportion molaire de 25/18/57 à plusieurs températures; aucune formation de bicouches orientées n’a été observée. Ce résultat pourrait être expliqué par la solubilisation partielle de HA en milieu aqueux. Alors, une quantité insuffisante serait insérée dans la bicouche pour induire son orientation. La formulation PA perdeutéré/DHPC/Chol n’a pas conduit, elle non plus, à des bicouches orientées magnétiquement à des températures et concentrations lipidiques variées. En étudiant le mélange DMPC/DHPC/Chol (67/17/14), nous avons remarqué que la présence de Chol inhibait l'orientation magnétique des bicouches. Tandis que le mélange DMPC/DHPC/stigmastérol (SS) avec les proportions molaires 67/19/14 et 72/21/7 conduisait à des bicouches orientées avec leur normale (n) perpendiculaire au champ magnétique à 40 °C et 50 °C. Ces résultats suggèrent que le mélange PA/SS avec une proportion de lipide à courtes chaînes, HA et DHPC, pourrait mener à des bicouches orientées magnétiquement. Le mélange PA/Chol avec un lipide à courtes chaînes pourrait aussi être étudié en présence des lanthanides. Deuxièmement, nous avons examiné la possibilité de moduler la libération de matériel encapsulé dans des liposomes essentiellement composés de PA et d’un stérol. Il est connu que le mélange PA/Chol (30/70) à pH ≥ 7,5 forme des liposomes très peu perméables. Il est avantageux de pouvoir moduler la perméabilité pour avoir un contrôle sur le temps de libération de leur contenu, qui est un paramètre de grande importance pour les formulations liposomales de médicaments. D’abord, il a été montré que l’acide oléique (OA)/Chol (30/70) est capable de former des vésicules, ce qui n’avait jamais été prouvé auparavant. Par contre, les bicouches OA/Chol (30/70) ne sont pas plus perméables que les bicouches PA/Chol (30/70). L’ajout de 1-palmitoyl-2-oléoyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (POPC) dans le mélange PA/Chol n’augmente pas plus la perméabilité. En effet, les cinétiques de relargage de calcéine des vésicules PA/POPC/Chol (15/27.5/57.5), POPC/Chol (40/60) et POPC étaient très semblables à celle de PA/Chol (30/70). Il a été remarqué que les études littéraires se contredisent à propos de la perméabilité à la calcéine des bicouches de phosphatidylcholine (PC). L’explication de ces divergences est inconnue pour le moment. En remplaçant la moitié de la proportion molaire de Chol par le cholate de sodium (SC) dans le mélange PA/Chol (30/70), la membrane n’était pas plus apte à libérer son contenu. Il se pourrait que le SC se retrouvant dans la bicouche n’induit pas une diminution d’empilement. Il est aussi possible que le SC ne s'insère pas dans la membrane à cause de son hydrophilie considérable et il pourrait alors former seul des micelles. En remplaçant complètement le Chol par le sulfate de cholestérol (SChol), un stérol chargé négativement, et en préparant les vésicules à un bas pH, la formulation PA/SChol (30/70) mène à une très grande perméabilité à pH 7.5; le relargage est provoqué par un saut de pH. Nos travaux suggèrent qu'il serait possible de moduler la perméabilité des liposomes en les préparant avec le mélange PA/SChol/Chol en variant les proportions entre 30/63/7 à 30/70/0. Le diagramme pH-composition du mélange PA/SChol/Chol indique que ces proportions conduisent, à pH 7.4, à la coexistence de phases solide et lo en différentes proportions, ce qui pourrait moduler la perméabilité membranaire. Troisièmement, les résultats de perméabilité obtenus avec la calcéine et les difficultés survenues lors de l’extrusion des vésicules encapsulant cette sonde nous ont amené à nous demander si la calcéine interagit avec les bicouches chargées. L’impact de certains anions, dont la calcéine, a été examiné sur les bicouches chargées positivement SA/Chol (50/50). La calorimétrie différentielle à balayage (DSC, de l’anglais differential scanning calorimetry), indique qu’il n’y a aucune transition entre 25 et 90 °C pour les liposomes SA/Chol (50/50) à pH = 7.4. L’ajout de chlorure de sodim (375 mM) n’a pas mené à la formation d’agrégats et aucune transition n’a été observée sur le thermogramme. La formation d’agrégats macroscopiques instantanément après l’ajout d’hydrogénophosphate de sodium (125 mM), de sulfate de sodium (125 mM) et de calcéine (3 mM) a été observée. Une transition a été observée sur les thermogrammes en présence de ces sels. Les agrégats observés pourraient être associés à la transition de phase. L’effet des anions sur la température et l’enthalpie de transition suivent le même ordre que la série d’Hofmeister : sulfate > hydrogénophosphate > chlorure (pas de pic). La calcéine avait l’impact le plus prononcé sur l’agrégation; ceci illustre que la calcéine n’est pas une sonde fluorescente inerte avec le mélange SA/Chol. Elle pourrait être un chaotrope volumineux. De plus, les interactions SA-calcéine plus fortes, menant à l’agrégation des vésicules, que les interactions PC-calcéine pourraient s’expliquer par le fait que la SA est chargée positivement.
A research program focused on understanding the intergranular corrosion (IGC) and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) behavior of AA6005A aluminum extrusions is presented in this dissertation. The relationship between IGC and SCC susceptibility and the mechanisms of SCC in AA6005A extrusions were studied by examining two primary hypotheses. IGC susceptibility of the elongated grain structure in AA6005A exposed to low pH saltwater was found to depend primarily on the morphology of Cu-containing precipitates adjacent to the grain boundaries in the elongated grain structure. IGC susceptibility was observed when a continuous (or semi-continuous) film of Cu-containing phase was present along the grain boundaries. When this film coarsened to form discrete Cu-rich precipitates, no IGC was observed. The morphology of the Cu-rich phase depended on post-extrusion heat treatment. The rate of IGC penetration in the elongated grain structure of AA6005A-T4 and AA6005A-T6 extrusions was found to be anisotropic with IGC propagating most rapidly along the extrusion direction, and least rapidly along the through thickness direction. A simple 3-dimensional geometric model of the elongated grain structure was accurately described the observed IGC anisotropy, therefore it was concluded that the anisotropic IGC susceptibility in the elongated grain structure was primarily due to geometric elongation of the grains. The velocity of IGC penetration along all directions in AA6005A-T6 decreased with exposure time. Characterization of the local environment within simulated corrosion paths revealed that a pH gradient existed between the tip of the IGC path and the external environment. Knowledge of the local environment within an IGC path allowed development of a simple model based on Fick's first law that considered diffusion of Al3+ away from the tip of the IGC path. The predicted IGC velocity agreed well with the observed IGC velocity, therefore it was determined that diffusion of Al3+ was the primary factor in determining the velocity of IGC penetration. The velocity of crack growth in compact tensile (CT) specimens of AA6005A-T6 extrusion exposed to 3.5% NaCl at pH = 1.5 was nearly constant over a range of applied stress intensities, exposure times, and crack lengths. The crack growth behavior of CT specimens of AA6005A-T6 extrusion exposed to a solution of 3.5% NaCl at pH = 2.0 exhibited similar behavior, but the crack velocity was ~10.5X smaller than that those exposed to a solution at pH =1.5. Analysis of the local stress state and polarization behavior at the crack tip predicted that increasing the pH of the bulk solution from 1.5 to 2.0 would decrease the corrosion current density at the crack tip by approximately 11.8X. This predicted decrease in corrosion current density was in reasonable agreement with the observed decrease in SCC velocity associated with increasing the solution pH from 1.5 to 2.0. The agreement between the predicted and observed SCC velocities suggested that the electrochemical reactions controlling SCC in AA6005A-T6 extrusions are ultimately controlled by the pH gradient that exists between the crack tip and external environment.
In this project we developed conductive thermoplastic resins by adding varying amounts of three different carbon fillers: carbon black (CB), synthetic graphite (SG) and multi–walled carbon nanotubes (CNT) to a polypropylene matrix for application as fuel cell bipolar plates. This component of fuel cells provides mechanical support to the stack, circulates the gases that participate in the electrochemical reaction within the fuel cell and allows for removal of the excess heat from the system. The materials fabricated in this work were tested to determine their mechanical and thermal properties. These materials were produced by adding varying amounts of single carbon fillers to a polypropylene matrix (2.5 to 15 wt.% Ketjenblack EC-600 JD carbon black, 10 to 80 wt.% Asbury Carbons’ Thermocarb TC-300 synthetic graphite, and 2.5 to 15 wt.% of Hyperion Catalysis International’s FIBRILTM multi-walled carbon nanotubes) In addition, composite materials containing combinations of these three fillers were produced. The thermal conductivity results showed an increase in both through–plane and in–plane thermal conductivities, with the largest increase observed for synthetic graphite. The Department of Energy (DOE) had previously set a thermal conductivity goal of 20 W/m·K, which was surpassed by formulations containing 75 wt.% and 80 wt.% SG, yielding in–plane thermal conductivity values of 24.4 W/m·K and 33.6 W/m·K, respectively. In addition, composites containing 2.5 wt.% CB, 65 wt.% SG, and 6 wt.% CNT in PP had an in–plane thermal conductivity of 37 W/m·K. Flexural and tensile tests were conducted. All composite formulations exceeded the flexural strength target of 25 MPa set by DOE. The tensile and flexural modulus of the composites increased with higher concentration of carbon fillers. Carbon black and synthetic graphite caused a decrease in the tensile and flexural strengths of the composites. However, carbon nanotubes increased the composite tensile and flexural strengths. Mathematical models were applied to estimate through–plane and in–plane thermal conductivities of single and multiple filler formulations, and tensile modulus of single–filler formulations. For thermal conductivity, Nielsen’s model yielded accurate thermal conductivity values when compared to experimental results obtained through the Flash method. For prediction of tensile modulus Nielsen’s model yielded the smallest error between the predicted and experimental values. The second part of this project consisted of the development of a curriculum in Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technologies to address different educational barriers identified by the Department of Energy. By the creation of new courses and enterprise programs in the areas of fuel cells and the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier, we introduced engineering students to the new technologies, policies and challenges present with this alternative energy. Feedback provided by students participating in these courses and enterprise programs indicate positive acceptance of the different educational tools. Results obtained from a survey applied to students after participating in these courses showed an increase in the knowledge and awareness of energy fundamentals, which indicates the modules developed in this project are effective in introducing students to alternative energy sources.
Les stérosomes, des vésicules artificielles composées d’amphiphiles monoalkylés et d’un grand pourcentage de stérols, sont prometteurs dans plusieurs domaines comme les industries pharmaceutiques et alimentaires. Il existe des stérosomes chargés négativement, positivement et neutres. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons approfondi nos connaissances sur les propriétés physico-chimiques des stérosomes chargés : acide palmitique (PA)/stérol et stéarylamine (SA)/cholestérol (Chol). Premièrement, afin de mesurer la diffusion latérale de PA dans les membranes PA/stérol (30/70 mol/mol) par RMN à gradients pulsés, nous avons tenté de former des bicouches liquide-ordonnées (lo) orientées magnétiquement avec ce mélange. En s'inspirant de l’idée que l’ajout de 1,2-dihexanoyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphocholine (DHPC), un lipide à courtes chaînes, dans le système 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) mène à la formation de bicouches orientées, nous avons étudié la formulation PA perdeutéré/acide hexanoïque (HA)/Chol avec une proportion molaire de 25/18/57 à plusieurs températures; aucune formation de bicouches orientées n’a été observée. Ce résultat pourrait être expliqué par la solubilisation partielle de HA en milieu aqueux. Alors, une quantité insuffisante serait insérée dans la bicouche pour induire son orientation. La formulation PA perdeutéré/DHPC/Chol n’a pas conduit, elle non plus, à des bicouches orientées magnétiquement à des températures et concentrations lipidiques variées. En étudiant le mélange DMPC/DHPC/Chol (67/17/14), nous avons remarqué que la présence de Chol inhibait l'orientation magnétique des bicouches. Tandis que le mélange DMPC/DHPC/stigmastérol (SS) avec les proportions molaires 67/19/14 et 72/21/7 conduisait à des bicouches orientées avec leur normale (n) perpendiculaire au champ magnétique à 40 °C et 50 °C. Ces résultats suggèrent que le mélange PA/SS avec une proportion de lipide à courtes chaînes, HA et DHPC, pourrait mener à des bicouches orientées magnétiquement. Le mélange PA/Chol avec un lipide à courtes chaînes pourrait aussi être étudié en présence des lanthanides. Deuxièmement, nous avons examiné la possibilité de moduler la libération de matériel encapsulé dans des liposomes essentiellement composés de PA et d’un stérol. Il est connu que le mélange PA/Chol (30/70) à pH ≥ 7,5 forme des liposomes très peu perméables. Il est avantageux de pouvoir moduler la perméabilité pour avoir un contrôle sur le temps de libération de leur contenu, qui est un paramètre de grande importance pour les formulations liposomales de médicaments. D’abord, il a été montré que l’acide oléique (OA)/Chol (30/70) est capable de former des vésicules, ce qui n’avait jamais été prouvé auparavant. Par contre, les bicouches OA/Chol (30/70) ne sont pas plus perméables que les bicouches PA/Chol (30/70). L’ajout de 1-palmitoyl-2-oléoyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (POPC) dans le mélange PA/Chol n’augmente pas plus la perméabilité. En effet, les cinétiques de relargage de calcéine des vésicules PA/POPC/Chol (15/27.5/57.5), POPC/Chol (40/60) et POPC étaient très semblables à celle de PA/Chol (30/70). Il a été remarqué que les études littéraires se contredisent à propos de la perméabilité à la calcéine des bicouches de phosphatidylcholine (PC). L’explication de ces divergences est inconnue pour le moment. En remplaçant la moitié de la proportion molaire de Chol par le cholate de sodium (SC) dans le mélange PA/Chol (30/70), la membrane n’était pas plus apte à libérer son contenu. Il se pourrait que le SC se retrouvant dans la bicouche n’induit pas une diminution d’empilement. Il est aussi possible que le SC ne s'insère pas dans la membrane à cause de son hydrophilie considérable et il pourrait alors former seul des micelles. En remplaçant complètement le Chol par le sulfate de cholestérol (SChol), un stérol chargé négativement, et en préparant les vésicules à un bas pH, la formulation PA/SChol (30/70) mène à une très grande perméabilité à pH 7.5; le relargage est provoqué par un saut de pH. Nos travaux suggèrent qu'il serait possible de moduler la perméabilité des liposomes en les préparant avec le mélange PA/SChol/Chol en variant les proportions entre 30/63/7 à 30/70/0. Le diagramme pH-composition du mélange PA/SChol/Chol indique que ces proportions conduisent, à pH 7.4, à la coexistence de phases solide et lo en différentes proportions, ce qui pourrait moduler la perméabilité membranaire. Troisièmement, les résultats de perméabilité obtenus avec la calcéine et les difficultés survenues lors de l’extrusion des vésicules encapsulant cette sonde nous ont amené à nous demander si la calcéine interagit avec les bicouches chargées. L’impact de certains anions, dont la calcéine, a été examiné sur les bicouches chargées positivement SA/Chol (50/50). La calorimétrie différentielle à balayage (DSC, de l’anglais differential scanning calorimetry), indique qu’il n’y a aucune transition entre 25 et 90 °C pour les liposomes SA/Chol (50/50) à pH = 7.4. L’ajout de chlorure de sodim (375 mM) n’a pas mené à la formation d’agrégats et aucune transition n’a été observée sur le thermogramme. La formation d’agrégats macroscopiques instantanément après l’ajout d’hydrogénophosphate de sodium (125 mM), de sulfate de sodium (125 mM) et de calcéine (3 mM) a été observée. Une transition a été observée sur les thermogrammes en présence de ces sels. Les agrégats observés pourraient être associés à la transition de phase. L’effet des anions sur la température et l’enthalpie de transition suivent le même ordre que la série d’Hofmeister : sulfate > hydrogénophosphate > chlorure (pas de pic). La calcéine avait l’impact le plus prononcé sur l’agrégation; ceci illustre que la calcéine n’est pas une sonde fluorescente inerte avec le mélange SA/Chol. Elle pourrait être un chaotrope volumineux. De plus, les interactions SA-calcéine plus fortes, menant à l’agrégation des vésicules, que les interactions PC-calcéine pourraient s’expliquer par le fait que la SA est chargée positivement.
In the last decades, intensive research has been carried out in order to replace oil-based polymers with bio-based polymers due to growing environmental concerns. So far, most of the barrier materials used in food packaging are petroleum-based materials. The purpose of the barrier is to protect the packaged food from oxygen, water vapour, water and fat. The mechanical and barrier properties of coatings based on starch-plasticizer and starch-poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVOH)-plasticizer blends have been studied in the work described in this thesis. The plasticizers used were glycerol, polyethylene glycol and citric acid. In a second step, polyethylene coatings were extruded onto paperboard pre-coated with a starch-PVOH-plasticizer blend. The addition of PVOH to the starch increased the flexibility of the film. Curing of the film led to a decrease in flexibility and an increase in tensile strength. The flexibility of the starch-PVOH films was increased more when glycerol or polyethylene glycol was added than citric acid. The storage modulus of the starch-PVOH films containing citric acid increased substantially at high temperature. It was seen that the addition of polyethylene glycol or citric acid to the starch-PVOH blend resulted in an enrichment of PVOH at the surface of the films. Tensile tests on the films indicated that citric acid acted as a compatibilizer and increased the compatibility of the starch and PVOH in the blend. The addition of citric acid to the coating recipe substantially decreased the water vapour transmission rate through the starch-PVOH coated paperboard, which indicated that citric acid acts as a cross-linker for starch and/or PVOH. The starch-PVOH coatings containing citric acid showed oxygen-barrier properties similar to those of pure PVOH or of a starch-PVOH blend without plasticizer when four coating layers were applied on a paperboard. The oxygen-barrier properties of coatings based on a starch-PVOH blend containing citric acid indicated a cross-linking and increase in compatibility of the starch-PVOH blends. Polyethylene extrusion coating on a pre-coated paperboard resulted in a clear reduction in the oxygen transmission rate for all the pre-coating formulations containing plasticizers. The addition of a plasticizer to the pre-coating reduced the adhesion of polyethylene to pre-coated board. Polyethylene extrusion coating gave a board with a lower oxygen transmission rate when the paperboard was pre-coated with a polyethylene-glycol-containing formulation than with a citric-acid-containing formulation. The addition of polyethylene glycol to pre-coatings indicated an increase in wetting of the pre-coated paperboard by the polyethylene melt, and this may have sealed the small defects in the pre-coating leading to low oxygen transmission rate. The increase in brittleness of starch-PVOH films containing citric acid at a high temperature seemed to have a dominating effect on the barrier properties developed by the extrusion coating process.
Na prática clínica, a diversidade de instrumentos manuais, rotatórios ou reciprocantes, dificulta a seleção do sistema a aplicar no retratamento dentário não cirúrgico. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo comparar diferentes instrumentos quanto a diferentes parâmetros: capacidade de remoção de Gutta-Percha (GP), extrusão apical de detritos, fratura de instrumentos, e ocorrência de iatrogenias. Neste trabalho foram utilizadas 111 publicações posteriores a 2011, obtidas via PubMed e Science Direct. A análise da bibliografia indica que, independentemente do sistema, não é possível remover todo o material obturador das paredes radiculares, sendo esta tarefa dificultada em canais curvos e na área apical. Verifica-se que a remoção de GP melhora no sentido: limas H, ProTaper, e Mtwo. O sistema Reciproc foi associado a melhores desempenhos e a menores tempo de trabalho, do que os sistemas de rotação contínua. Nenhum dos instrumentos analisados é capaz de evitar a extrusão apical de detritos na totalidade. Apesar de resultados dispares, a maioria dos estudos assume que o sistema Reciproc provoca menor extrusão apical de detritos. Em Endodontia, as duas principais causas da fratura de instrumentos são a fadiga cíclica e a torsão. A maioria dos estudos concordam que o movimento reciprocante, como o do Reciproc, aumenta a resistência à fractura e a resistência à torsão, mantendo a anatomia original do canal. Relativamente à produção de perfurações e fracturas radiculares, a superioridade dos instrumentos NiTi relativamente às limas manuais não foi clara. De acordo com a literatura, o sistema Reciproc, constituído por liga de NiTi M-Wire, está associado a menos eventos iatrogénicos. Finalmente, conclui-se que futuros estudos seriam benéficos para esclarecer o potencial dos diferentes sistemas estudados.
El lenguado peruano Paralichthys adspersus es una especie que presenta gran calidad nutricional y alto valor económico, Se distribuye desde Paita (norte de Perú) hasta el golfo de Arauco (Chile). En el Perú el cultivo de lenguado se desarrolla a nivel experimental y comercial (pequeña escala), sin embargo la investigación realizada es escasa. Durante el proceso de producción de semilla, el periodo de destete, etapa durante la cual el alimento vivo es sustituido por microdietas balanceadas, resulta ser un punto crítico debido a la alta mortalidad que genera en comparación a otras etapas del cultivo. El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar el efecto del uso de 3 microdietas (dos experimentales y una comercial) en el destete de Paralichthys adspersus, evaluando el crecimiento (longitud y peso) y la supervivencia. En el ensayo se utilizó la dieta comercial Otohime, y las experimentales, elaboradas con procesos diferentes, MEM (Micro-Extrusion Marumerization) y PARA (Particle Assisted Rotational Agglomeration) desarrolladas en el Servicio de Investigación Agrícola (ARS) del departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos (USDA) -Fish Technology Center. El ensayo inició con peces de 35 días de edad con un peso seco promedio de 0,96±0,52 mg y una talla promedio de 9,55±0,84 mm, los cuales se distribuyeron en nueve tanques de 150L a razón de 400 individuos T-1. Se seleccionaron al alzar tres tanques por cada tratamiento. Estos se denominaron T1, T2 y T3, en cada uno se utilizó una microdieta (Otohime, MEM y PARA respectivamente) para realizar el destete. Los resultados muestran que para los tratamientos T1, T2 y T3 la longitud promedio final alcanzada fue de 15,9 ± 3,2, 14,3 ± 1,72 y 14,4 ± 2,28 mm y el peso seco promedio alcanzado fue de 8,83 ± 5,37, 5,53 ± 2,85 y 7,10 ± 3,56 mg existiendo diferencias significativas solo entre los tratamientos T1 y T2 (p<0,05). La supervivencia media fue de 18,1, 16,3 y 15,2 % (Tratamientos T1, T2 y T3 respectivamente). Además se evaluó el efecto de las dietas sobre los procesos de pigmentación y metamorfosis, cuantificando para cada caso la cantidad de peces que presentan pigmentación normal y la cantidad de los que alcanzaron a completar la metamorfosis, resultando que no existen diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos (p>0,05).