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Background: Dementia is now a major public health issue in low- and middle-income countries, and strategies for primary prevention are needed. This study aimed to estimate the proportion of cases of dementia attributable to illiteracy, non-skilled occupation and low income, which are common, potentially modifiable social adversities that occur along the lifespan in low- and middle-income countries. Methods: This report is based on data from the Sao Paulo Ageing & Health Study (SPAH) study (N = 2003). All individuals aged 65 years and older residing within pre-defined socially deprived areas of the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, were included. The outcome of interest was prevalent dementia. Indicators of socioeconomic position (SEP) were literacy (distal indicator), highest occupational attainment (intermediate indicator), and monthly personal income (proximal indicator). We estimated the proportion of prevalent dementia attributable to each SEP indicator (illiteracy, non-skilled occupations and low income) by calculating their population attributable fractions (PAF). Results: Dementia was more prevalent amongst participants who were illiterate, had non-skilled occupations and lower income. Illiteracy, poor occupational achievement and low income accounted for 22.0%, 38.5% and 38.5% of the cases of dementia, respectively. There was a cumulative effect of socioeconomic adversities during the lifespan, and nearly 50% of the prevalence of dementia could be potentially attributed to the combination of two or three of the socioeconomic adversities investigated. Conclusions: Public policies aimed at improving education, occupational skills and income could potentially have a role in primary prevention of dementia. Governments should address this issue in a purposeful and systematic way.
Several studies have suggested an important role for brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the pathophysiology and therapeutics of bipolar disorder (BPD). The mechanisms underlying the therapeutic effects of lithium in BPD seem to involve a direct regulation of neurotrophic cascades. However, no clinical study evaluated the specific effects of lithium on BDNF levels in subjects with BPD. This study aims to investigate the effects of lithium monotherapy on BDNF levels in acute mania. Ten subjects with bipolar I disorder in a manic episode were evaluated at baseline and after 28 days of lithium therapy. Changes in plasma BDNF levels and Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) scores were analyzed. A significant increase in plasma BDNF levels was observed after 28 days of therapy with lithium monotherapy (510.9 +/- 127.1 pg/mL) compared to pre-treatment (406.3 +/- 69.5 pg/mL) (p = 0.03). Although it was not found a significant association between BDNF levels and clinical improvement (YMRS), 87% of responders presented an increase in BDNF levels after treatment with lithium. These preliminary data showed lithium`s direct effects on BDNF levels in bipolar mania, suggesting that short-term lithium treatment may activate neurotrophic cascades. Further studies with larger samples and longer period may confirm whether this biological effect is involved in the therapeutic efficacy of lithium in BPD. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objectives: Many morphometric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies that have investigated the presence of gray matter (GM) volume abnormalities associated with the diagnosis of bipolar disorder (BD) have reported conflicting findings. None of these studies has compared patients with recent-onset psychotic BD with asymptomatic controls selected from exactly the same environment using epidemiological methods, or has directly contrasted BD patients against subjects with first-onset psychotic major depressive disorder (MDD). We examined structural brain differences between (i) BD (type I) subjects and MDD subjects with psychotic features in their first contact with the healthcare system in Brazil, and (ii) these two mood disorder groups relative to a sample of geographically matched asymptomatic controls. Methods: A total of 26 BD subjects, 20 subjects with MDD, and 94 healthy controls were examined using either of two identical MRI scanners and acquisition protocols. Diagnoses were based on DSM-IV criteria and confirmed one year after brain scanning. Image processing was conducted using voxel-based morphometry. Results: The BD group showed increased volume of the right dorsal anterior cingulate cortex relative to controls, while the MDD subjects exhibited bilateral foci GM deficits in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (p < 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons). Direct comparison between BD and MDD patients showed a focus of GM reduction in the right-sided dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (p < 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons) and a trend (p < 0.10, corrected) toward left-sided GM deficits in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of MDD patients. When analyses were repeated with scanner site as a confounding covariate the finding of increased right anterior cingulate volumes in BD patients relative to controls remained statistically significant (p = 0.01, corrected for multiple comparisons). Conclusions: These findings reinforce the view that there are important pathophysiological distinctions between BD and MDD, and indicate that subtle dorsal anterior cingulate abnormalities may be relevant to the pathophysiology of BD.
Objective: The few studies applying single-voxel(1)H spectroscopy in children and adolescents with bipolar disorder (BD) have reported low N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA) levels in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), and high myo-inositol / phosphocreatine plus creatine (PCr+Cr) ratios in the anterior cingulate. The aim of this study was to evaluate NAA, glycerophosphocholine plus phosphocholine (GPC+PC) and PCr+Cr in various frontal cortical areas in children and adolescents with BD. We hypothesized that NAA levels within the prefrontal cortex are lower in BD patients than in healthy controls, indicating neurodevelopmental alterations in the former. Method: We studied 43 pediatric patients with DSM-IV BD (19 female, mean age 13.2 +/- 2.9 years) and 38 healthy controls (79 female, mean age 13.9 +/- 2.7 years). We conducted multivoxel in vivo (1)H spectroscopy measurements at 1.5 Tesla using a long echo time of 272 ms to obtain bilateral metabolite levels from the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC), DLPFC (white and gray matter), cingulate (anterior and posterior), and occipital lobes. We used the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test to compare neurochemical levels between groups. Results: In pediatric BD patients, NAA and GPC+PC levels in the bilateral MPFC, and PCr+Cr levels in the left MPFC were lower than those seen in the controls. In the left DLPFC white matter, levels of NAA and PCr+Cr were also lower in BD patients than in controls. Conclusions: Lower NAA and PCr+Cr levels in the PFC of children and adolescents with BD may be indicative of abnormal dendritic arborization and neuropil, suggesting neurodevelopmental abnormalities. J. Am. Acad. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry, 2011;50(1):85-94.
Objective: Using longitudinal and prospective measures of trauma during childhood, the authors assessed the risk of developing psychotic symptoms associated with maltreatment, bullying, and accidents in a nationally representative U. K. cohort of young twins. Method: Data were from the Environmental Risk Longitudinal Twin Study, which follows 2,232 twin children and their families. Mothers were interviewed during home visits when children were ages 5, 7, 10, and 12 on whether the children had experienced maltreatment by an adult, bullying by peers, or involvement in an accident. At age 12, children were asked about bullying experiences and psychotic symptoms. Children`s reports of psychotic symptoms were verified by clinicians. Results: Children who experienced maltreatment by an adult (relative risk=3.16, 95% CI=1.92-5.19) or bullying by peers (relative risk=2.47, 95% CI=1.74-3.52) were more likely to report psychotic symptoms at age 12 than were children who did not experience such traumatic events. The higher risk for psychotic symptoms was observed whether these events occurred early in life or later in childhood. The risk associated with childhood trauma remained significant in analyses controlling for children`s gender, socioeconomic deprivation, and IQ; for children`s early symptoms of internalizing or externalizing problems; and for children`s genetic liability to developing psychosis. In contrast, the risk associated with accidents was small (relative risk=1.47, 95% CI=1.02-2.13) and inconsistent across ages. Conclusions: Trauma characterized by intention to harm is associated with children`s reports of psychotic symptoms. Clinicians working with children who report early symptoms of psychosis should inquire about traumatic events such as maltreatment and bullying.
Objective: The etiology of hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) is known to be multifactorial, involving biological, psychosexual, and context-related factors. The objective of the present study was to analyze the factors associated with female HSDD and to stratify these factors according to their importance. Methods: This was a population-based, hierarchical study conducted in Brazil, based on data from previous research on the Brazilian Sexual Life Study, conducted between November 2002 and February 2003 in various Brazilian cities. The primary study consisted of a self-administered and anonymous questionnaire, addressing sociodemographic parameters, general health, life habits, behavior, and complaints related to sexual function. The association between HSDD and various other factors was assessed. The data were evaluated by hierarchical multiple regression analysis. Results: The prevalence of HSDD in this sample was 9.5%. Associations were found with cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, posttraumatic stress, poorer education level, being older, being married, a lack of information on sexuality in childhood/adolescence, and a limited sexual repertoire. Women who consumed moderate amounts of alcohol were found to be less likely to have HSDD. Conclusions: Analysis of the associated factors classified in order of importance and analysis of the characteristics of the sexual relationships provide additional information to currently available data on the traditional concepts of HSDD.
Background. Some neuroimaging studies have supported the hypothesis of progressive brain changes after a first episode of psychosis. We aimed to determine whether (i) first-episode psychosis patients would exhibit more pronounced brain volumetric changes than controls over time and (ii) illness course/treatment would relate to those changes. Method. Longitudinal regional grey matter volume and ventricle : brain ratio differences between 39 patients with first-episode psychosis (including schizophrenia and schizophreniform disorder) and 52 non-psychotic controls enrolled in a population-based case-control study. Results. While there was no longitudinal difference in ventricle : brain ratios between first-episode psychosis subjects and controls, patients exhibited grey matter volume changes, indicating a reversible course in the superior temporal cortex and hippocampus compared with controls. A remitting course was related to reversal of baseline temporal grey matter deficits. Conclusions. Our findings do not support the hypothesis of brain changes indicating a progressive course in the initial phase of psychosis. Rather, some brain volume abnormalities may be reversible, possibly associated with a better illness course.
Objectives. The extent to which psychotic disorders fall into distinct diagnostic categories or can be regarded as lying on a single continuum is controversial. We compared lateral ventricle volumes between a large sample of patients with first-episode schizophrenia or bipolar disorder and a healthy control group from the same neighbourhood. Methods. Population-based MRI study with 88 first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients, grouped into those with schizophrenia/schizophreniform disorder (N = 62), bipolar disorder (N = 26) and 94 controls. Results. Right and left lateral ventricular and right temporal horn volumes were larger in FEP subjects than controls. Within the FEP sample, post-hoc tests revealed larger left lateral ventricles and larger right and left temporal horns in schizophrenia subjects relative to controls, while there was no difference between patients with bipolar disorder and controls. None of the findings was attributable to effects of antipsychotics. Conclusions. This large-sample population-based MRI study showed that neuroanatomical abnormalities in subjects with schizophrenia relative to controls from the same neighbourhood are evident at the first episode of illness, but are not detectable in bipolar disorder patients. These data are consistent with a model of psychosis in which early brain insults of neurodevelopmental origin are more relevant to schizophrenia than to bipolar disorder.
Background: Duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) depends on several factors, including socio-demographic, socioeconomic, clinical and contextual circumstances, such as availability of mental health services. Living arrangements may also play a role, especially in low- and middle-income countries, where most people who develop psychosis live with their relatives. Methods: Population-based study of first-episode psychosis in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Participants were aged 18-64 years, lived in a defined geographic area of the city and had a first contact in life with mental health services due to a psychotic episode. Duration of untreated psychosis was defined as the period between onset of first psychotic symptom and first contact with health service due to psychosis. The median DUP was used to classify participants into short and long DUP. Psychopathology, social adjustment and psychiatric diagnoses were made with standardized assessments. Type of service sought and living arrangements were examined. Results: Two hundred participants were included (52% women, 61% non-affective psychoses). The median DUP was 4.1 weeks (inter-quartile range: 1.9-11.4), and was shorter for affective psychoses. Most participants had their first contact with psychiatric emergency services. Those who did not live with a relative (children older than 18 years, parents, partner) were more likely to present long DUP (OR: 2.63; 95%Cl: 0.98-7.04); p = 0.05). Conclusion: The DUP in Sao Paulo was shorter than expected. Living arrangements may play an important role in shortening the DUP in urban centres of low- and middle income countries that have a network of mental health services. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Alcoholism is highly prevalent among bipolar disorder (BD) patients, and its presence is associated with a worse outcome and refractoriness to treatment of the mood disorder. The neurobiological underpinnings that characterize this comorbidity are unknown. We sought to investigate the neurochemical profile of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) of BD patients with comorbid alcoholism. A short-TE, single-voxel (1)H spectroscopy acquisition at 1.5T from the left DLFPC of 22 alcoholic BD patients, 26 non-alcoholic BD patients and 54 healthy comparison subjects (HC) were obtained. Absolute levels of N-acetyl aspartate, phosphocreatine plus creatine, choline-containing compounds, myo-inositol, glutamate plus glutamine (Glu + Gln) and glutamate were obtained using the water signal as an internal reference. Analysis of co-variance was used to compare metabolite levels among the three groups. In the primary comparison, non-alcoholic BD patients had higher glutamate concentrations compared to alcoholic BD patients. In secondary comparisons integrating interactions between gender and alcoholism, non-alcoholic BD patients presented significantly higher glutamate plus glutamine (Glu + Gln) than alcoholic BD patients and HC. These results appeared to be driven by differences in male subjects. Alcoholic BD patients with additional drug use disorders presented significantly lower myo-inositol than BD patients with alcoholism alone. The co-occurrence of BD and alcoholism may be characterized by neurochemical abnormalities related to the glutamatergic system and to the inositol second messenger system and/or in glial pathology. These abnormalities may be the neurochemical correlate of an increased risk to develop alcoholism in BD, or of a persistently worse clinical and functional status in BD patients in remission from alcoholism, supporting the clinical recommendation that efforts should be made to prevent or early diagnose and treat alcoholism in BD patients. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Introduction: Body mass index (BMI) increase is an undesired effect associated with antipsychotics, and crucial for patients` global health and treatment compliance. We aimed to investigate the relation between BMI during olanzapine or halopericlol treatments and leptin, neuropeptide Y (NPY), adiponectin and lipid serum levels. Methods: In this 9-month, randomized and naturalist study, 34 male patients, 18 on olanzapine and 16 on haloperidol group were enrolled, all were under monotherapy. Patient outcome was evaluated with positive and negative syndrome scale (PANSS) at every 3-month period. In each visit, BMI, leptin, NPY, lipid, olanzapine or haloperidol levels were also monitored. Results and Discussion: Leptin levels positively correlated with BMI in olanzapine (r = 0.64, p < 0.001) and haloperidol (r = 0.73, p < 0.001) groups; only in olanzapine patients, the former also correlated with PANSS score (r = 0.54, p < 0.05). NPY levels negatively correlated with olanzapine levels (r = -0.65, p < 0.01). Adiponectin levels had not significantly varied. Conclusion: Antipsychotics probably interfere on leptin and NPY signalling ways and disturb these hormones in eating behaviour control.
Introduction. Previous research has demonstrated that sildenafil citrate users alter dosing-sexual attempt behavior when switched to tadalafil. The impact of geography and culture on sexual behavior with phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor treatment has not been fully investigated. Aim. To describe and compare the changes in dosing-sexual attempt behavior with sildenafil citrate vs. tadalafil treatment across four distinct geographies: Asia, Australia/New Zealand (ANZ), Central Eastern Europe/Middle East (CEE/ME), and Latin America (LA). Methods. Data from a single-arm, open-label clinical trial conducted in 21 countries from November 2002 to May 2004 were used in this analysis. Men with erectile dysfunction and a history of >= 6-week prior sildenafil citrate use continued sildenafil citrate treatment for 4 weeks then switched to tadalafil for 8 weeks. Dosing instructions were provided. Main Outcomes Measures. Timing of dose and sexual intercourse was assessed through patient diaries for the final 4 weeks of each treatment period. Results. A total of 2,760 men were enrolled: Asia 15.8%; ANZ 29.4%; CEE/ME 19.7%; LA 35.1%. The median time from dosing to intercourse was significantly increased during tadalafil treatment across all geographical regions; however, the magnitude of increase differed significantly by geography (P < 0.0001). The Asian cohort demonstrated the shortest duration between dosing and sexual intercourse attempts (irrespective of drug), and altered sexual behavior the least upon switching to tadalafil. The ANZ cohort demonstrated the longest duration between dosing and sexual intercourse attempts (irrespective of drug), and altered sexual behavior the most upon switching to tadalafil. Conclusion. Men with a history of established sildenafil citrate use alter their dose-attempt behavior when treated with tadalafil irrespective of geography. However, the extent to which sexual behavior alters is not uniform across geographical regions, suggesting that dosing instructions and duration of drug effectiveness, in combination with personal and cultural preferences, may determine sexual behavior with PDE5 inhibitor use. Rubio-Aurioles E, Glina S, Abdo CHN, Hernandez-Serrano R, Rampazzo C, Sotomayor M, West TM, Gallagher GL, and Lenero E. Timing of dose relative to sexual intercourse attempt in previous sildenafil citrate users treated with tadalafil: A geographical comparison from a single arm, open-label study. J Sex Med 2009;6:2836-2850.
A subgroup of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) patients remains refractory to conventional treatments. For them, a new stereotactic radiosurgery has been recently developed: the ventral capsular/ventral striatal (VC/VS) gamma capsulotomy. The authors aim to report efficacy and adverse events of VC/VS gamma capsulotomy. Five refractory OCD patients were selected. The authors assessed OCD, anxiety and depressive symptoms, and side effects pre- and postoperatively. Three patients (60%) met response criteria 48 months after surgery. Adverse effects were episodic and transient. Ventral capsular/ventral striatal gamma capsulotomy holds therapeutic promise, with few adverse effects. (The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2009; 21:381-392)
Background: Neuropsychological deficits have been reported in association with first-episode psychosis (FEP). Reductions in grey matter (GM) volumes have been documented in FEP subjects compared to healthy controls. However, the possible inter-relationship between the findings of those two lines of research has been scarcely investigated. Objective: To investigate the relationship between neuropsychological deficits and GM volume abnormalities in a population-based sample of FEP patients compared to healthy controls from the same geographical area. Methods: FEP patients (n = 88) and control subjects (n = 86) were evaluated by neuropsychological assessment (Controlled Oral Word Association Test, forward and backward digit span tests) and magnetic resonance imaging using voxel-based morphometry. Results: Single-group analyses showed that prefrontal and temporo-parietal GM volumes correlated significantly (p < 0.05, corrected) with cognitive performance in FEP patients. A similar pattern of direct correlations between neocortical GM volumes and cognitive impairment was seen in the schizophrenia subgroup (n = 48). In the control group, cognitive performance was directly correlated with GM volume in the right dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and inversely correlated with parahippocampal gyral volumes bilaterally. Interaction analyses with ""group status"" as a predictor variable showed significantly greater positive correlation within the left inferior prefrontal cortex (BA46) in the FEP group relative to controls, and significantly greater negative correlation within the left parahippocampal gyrus in the control group relative to FEP patients. Conclusion: Our results indicate that cognitive deficits are directly related to brain volume abnormalities in frontal and temporo-parietal cortices in FEP subjects, most specifically in inferior portions of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Introduction: Aripiprazole, a dopamine D(2) receptor partial agonist, has also partial agonist activity at serotonin (5-HT)(1A) receptors and antagonist activity at 5-HT(2A) receptors. Methods: In this 8-week, multicenter, randomized, parallel-group, open-label, flexible-dose study, patients diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder were randomized to aripiprazole 15-30 mg/day or haloperidol 10-15 mg/day. Results: Patients treated with both aripiprazole and haloperidol improved from baseline in Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale total, positive, and negative scores as well as in Clinical Global Impressions scores (all P<.001). At the end of the study, the percentage of patients classified as responders-according to >= 40% reduction in the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale negative subscale score-was significantly higher in the aripiprazole group (20%) than in the haloperidol group (0%) (P<.05). Additionally, a higher number of patients receiving haloperidol required more anticholinergic medications (P<.001) than aripiprazole-treated patients, whereas more aripiprazole (45.5%) than haloperidol-treated patients (12.9%) required benzodiazepines (P=.002). At endpoint, rates of preference of medication were higher in the aripiprazole group (63.2%) than in the haloperidol group (21.7%), as expressed by patients and caregivers (P=.001). Conclusion: Aripiprazole and haloperidol had similar efficacy in terms of reduction of overall psychopathology. Although aripiprazole has been demonstrated to be superior concerning negative symptoms and in terms of tolerability (extrapyramidal symptoms) and preferred by patients and caregivers than haloperidol, significantly more aripiprazole-treated patients required benzodiazepines.