992 resultados para soci??logo


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The author looks at the effects of replaying a sequence of sounds or musical notes in reverse temporal order. He presents some programming ideas which illustrate how to use MicroWorlds and Logo programming to play a tune forwards, backwards and even upside down.


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This article outlines some new-object commands of Logo Microworlds and includes the use of buttons, sliders and programmable colours. The ability to assign object properties including font, colour and frames are discussed. As is assigning object-instructions and commands such as click on and clickoff, launch and cancel. Programming the turtle, making a new turtle, running simultaneous turtles, programming graphic colours and sliders as well as understanding dotimes are explored.


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The thesis reviews the literature relating to girls and computing within a framework which is structured around three specific questions. First, are there differences between girls and boys in their participation in class computing activities and/or in non-class computing activities? Second, do these differences in participation in computing activities have broader implications which justify the growing concern about the under-representation of girls? Third, wahy are girls under-represented in these activities? Although the available literature is predominantly descriptive, the underlying implicit theoretical model is essentially a social learning model. Girl's differential participation is attributed to learned attitudes towards computing rathan to differences between girls and boys in general ability. These attitudes, which stress the masculine, mathematical, technological aspects of computing are developed through modelling, direct experience, intrinsic and extrinsic reinforcement and generalisation from pre-existing, attitudes to related curriculum areas. In the literature it is implicitly assumed that these attitudes underlie girl's decisions to self-select out of computing activities. In this thesis predictions from a social learning model are complemented by predictions derived from expectancy-value, cognitive dissonance and self-perception theories. These are tested in three separate studies. Study one provides data from a pretest-posttest study of 24 children in a year four class learning BASIC. It examines pre- and posttest differences between girls and boys in computing experience, knowledge and achievement as well as the factors relating to computing achievement. Study two uses a pretest-posttest control group design to study the gender differences in the impact of the introduction of Logo into years 1, 3, 5 and 7 in both a coeducational and single-sex setting using a sample of 222 children from three schools. Study three utilises a larger sample of 1176 students, drawn from three secondary schools and five primary schools, enabling an evaluation of gender differences in relation to a wide range of class computing experiences and in a broader range of school contexts. The overall results are consistent across the three studies, supporting the contention that social factors, rather than ability differences influence girls' participation and achievement in computing. The more global theoretical framework, drawing on social learning, expectancy-value, cognitive dissonance and self-perception theories, provides a more adequate explanation of gender differences in participation than does any one of these models.


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The sport industry has identified the importance of using the internet as a tool that can benefit the organisation. Much like the purpose of entering into sponsorship of sporting events, corporate partners are also attracted to the opportunities that professional sport team websites offer to fulfil similar objectives. The major purpose of this research is to explore the various ways in which sponsor logos are represented across professional sport websites and to extend previous advertising research, specifically the work developing advertising attribute typologies. The subjects for this research are professional sport websites and a qualitative approach is adopted with a content analysis as the main method of analysis used. To ensure reliability and validity within the coding instruments used, percentage agreement and Cohen’s kappa were adopted as indexes to verify this. The findings show sponsors’ logos exist on most professional sport websites and are represented in a variety of ways. Furthermore, a typology for sponsor representation and location across sport websites has been established to present a reliable foundation for future research in the area of consumer attitudes, behaviour and response towards sponsors and their presence on sport websites.


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Objective : To investigate the effect of front-of-pack labels on taste perception and use of table salt for currently available and sodium-reduced soups.

Design : Within-subject design.

Setting :
Sensory laboratory.

Subjects :
Participants (n 50, mean age 34·8 (sd 13·6) years) were randomly served nine soups (250 ml each) across 3 d. Servings differed in: (i) health label (i.e. no health label, reduced-salt label or Heart Foundation Tick); and (ii) sodium reduction (no reduction – benchmark, 15 % less sodium or 30 % less sodium). Before tasting, participants rated their expected salt intensity and liking. After tasting, participants rated their perceived salt intensity and liking, after which they could add salt to the soup to make it more palatable.

Results :
Reduced-salt labels generated a negative taste expectation and actual taste experience in terms of liking (P < 0·05) and perceived saltiness (P < 0·05). Perceived saltiness of sodium-reduced soups decreased more (P < 0·05), and consumers added more salt (P < 0·05), when soups carried the reduced-salt label. The tick logo and soups without health labels had no such influence on taste perception.

Conclusions :
Emphasizing salt reduction by means of a front-of-pack label can have a negative effect on taste perception and salt use, especially when consumers are able to taste differences between their regular soup and the sodium-reduced soup. Overall health logos which do not emphasize the reduction in salt are less likely to affect perceived salt intensity and therefore are viable solutions to indicate the healthiness of sodium-reduced products.


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Background Few guidelines exist for the initial management of wounds in disaster settings. As wounds sustained are often contaminated, there is a high risk of further complications from infection, both local and systemic. Healthcare workers with little to no surgical training often provide early wound care, and where resources and facilities are also often limited, and clear appropriate guidance is needed for early wound management. Methods We undertook a systematic review focusing on the nature of wounds in disaster situations, and the outcomes of wound management in recent disasters. We then presented the findings to an international consensus panel with a view to formulating a guideline for the initial management of wounds by first responders and subsequent healthcare personnel as they deploy. Results We included 62 studies in the review that described wound care challenges in a diverse range of disasters, and reported high rates of wound infection with multiple causative organisms. The panel defined a guideline in which the emphasis is on not closing wounds primarily but rather directing efforts toward cleaning, debridement, and dressing wounds in preparation for delayed primary closure, or further exploration and management by skilled surgeons. Conclusion Good wound care in disaster settings, as outlined in this article, can be achieved with relatively simple measures, and have important mortality and morbidity benefits. © 2014 Société Internationale de Chirurgie.


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Bicycle advisory treatments are used to advise road users of the potential presence of cyclists and of the location where cyclists may be expected to ride on a road. They include pavement markings, warning signs, guide signs, and as such have no regulatory function. The most common type of bicycle advisory pavement markings is the shared lane marking. Other forms of bicycle advisory pavement marking have also been trialled and used in several local jurisdictions. The bicycle awareness zone is an example of such facility which has been trialled and used in southeast Queensland, Australia since the late 1990s. A bicycle awareness zone is similar to shared lane marking in principle but differs in the type of logo and, in some cases, location of its placement on the road. This study assesses the operational and safety issues at three bicycle awareness zone sites by analysing video-assisted observation data collected in 2011 by Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, Australia. Of the several applications of bicycle awareness zones, this study only covers a particular application where the centre of the bicycle symbol is placed exactly over the parking edge line. Unlike previous studies, which mostly covered before-and-after evaluations of bicycle advisory pavement markings, the focus of this study is to assess whether the placement of bicycle awareness zone symbols has been successful. The aggregated results from video-assisted observational data show that the cyclists did not always track themselves over the centre of the symbols. Rather, both the cyclists' lateral tracking positions and road user interactions varied with the widths of kerbside parallel parking space. Since the bicycle awareness zone symbols are not positioned on the cyclists' desired line of ride on some roads, their operational effectiveness and safety value are questioned.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Mestrado em Administração da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul - USCS


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TEIXEIRA, Luciane Diana. Alinhamento dos projetos de tecnologia da informação (ti) aos modelos de negócio. 2012. 161f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul, São Caetano do Sul, 2012.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul


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O assunto tratado neste trabalho possibilita um vasto campo para estudo e pesquisa, desta forma com sua modesta abrangecia, este trabalho pretende servir como motivação ao leitor para busca de novos conhecimentos no campo das sanções administrativas aplicadas as infrações de transito.Não houve aqui a pretensão de esgotar o assunto, mais sim fornecer ao leitor um texto condensado reunindo conceitos fundamentais ao entendimento dos termos relacionados.Constarão pontos que entendemos ser os mais relevantes na esfera administrativa sobre o tema.Trataremos sobre o processo administrativo e sobre os requisitos específicos para que se busque a invalidação do ato, logo após a sua imposição, respeitando todos os direitos e as garantias individuiais.


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Por que não aprendem certas crianças? Este é um estudo exploratório, no qual buscam-se respostas a esta interrogação. O problema de aprendizagem é baseado no domínio da Psicologia do Desenvolvimento. Para abordá-lo, demonstra-se o interesse na utilização do referencial piagetiano, o ambiente informático e a linguagem LOGO de programação. Desse referencial "cognitivo", surge outra dimensão, a da "afetividade". Do histórico da interrelação entre ambos na teoria piagetiana, surge a psicanálise como disciplina que poderia contribuir. Fundamenta-se a utilização desta útlima em pesquisa, relacionando, ainda, hipóteses que a psicanálise possui sobre o desenvolvimento e seus distúrbios. Escolhemos o estudo de caso como delineamento metodológico desta investigação. Nos resultados, destacam-se situações em que interfiriam elementos "afetivos" a ele vinculados. Verificou-se que o computador oferece possibilidades e recursos específicos para essa expressão, que, combinados com a necessidade do raciocínio para sua utilização, permitiram aos sujeitos a superação das situações que intreferiam no seu desenvolvimento. Conclui-se pelo interesse no prosseguimento da investigação, no ambiente informatizado, desta zona de fronteira entre a "cognição" e o "afeto".


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Esta dissertação pretende consolidar um método quantitativo, flexível e genérico que possa ser útil na otimização experimental dos mais variados produtos e processos industriais medidos por múltiplas variáveis de resposta. O que se pretende com o método é identificar o ajuste ótimo dos fatores controláveis, ou seja, aquele que reduz os custos devido à má qualidade de um produto considerando também os custos de matéria-prima e energia gastos na fabricação desse produto. A redução dos custos gerados pela má qualidade de um produto é alcançada através da minimização dos desvios das variáveis de resposta dos seus valores alvos e maximização da robustez do produto ou processo aos fatores de ruído e a possíveis oscilações nos fatores controláveis, pois toda vez que uma variável de resposta desvia-se do seu valor alvo ou apresenta variabilidade, existe uma perda financeira experimentada pelo seu usuário. Ao longo do texto, faz-se uma revisão da literatura existente sobre o assunto, apresentam-se as etapas do método que devem ser cumpridas e algumas ferramentas consideradas eficientes no cumprimento dessas etapas. Logo após, realizam-se estudos práticos para validar o método e, baseado nesses estudos e no referencial teórico, conclui-se sobre o assunto.


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o objetivo deste trabalho é a análise de barragens de gravidade de concreto desde a faseda sua construção até sua completa entrada em serviço. Inicialmente é feita a análise da fase construtiva, onde o problema fundamental é devido às tensões térmicas decorrentes do calor de hidratação. O método dos elementos finitos é empregado para a solução dos problemasde transferência de calor e de tensões. A influência da construção em camadas é introduzidaatravés da redefinição da malha de elementos finitos, logo após o lançamento de cadacamada de concreto. Uma atenção especial é dada ao problema de fissuração em estruturas de concreto simples.Algunsmodelos usuais são apresentados, discutindo-se a eficiência dos mesmos. Os modelosde fissuração distribuída têm sido preferidos, em virtude dos vários inconvenientes apresentados pelas formulações discretas. Esses modelos, entretanto, fornecem resultados dependentesda malha de elementos finitos e alguma consideração adicional deve ser feita para corrigiressas distorções. Normalmente, tenta-se corrigir esse problema através da adoção de umaresistênciaà tração minorada que é definida em função da energia de fratura do material. Neste trabalho, é demonstrado que esse procedimento não é satisfatório e é proposta uma novaformulaçãopara a análise de grandes estruturas de concreto. A análise das tensões na etapa de construção da barragem é feita com o emprego de um modelo constitutivo viscoelástico com envelhecimento para o concreto. Em virtude do envelhecimento,a matriz de rigidez da estrutura é variável no tempo, devendo ser redefinida e triangularizadaem cada instante. Isto leva a um grande esforço computacional, sobretudo, quandoa barragem é construída em muitas camadas. Para evitar esse inconveniente, adota-se um procedimento iterativo que permite que a matriz de rigidez seja redefinida em poucas idadesde referência. Numa segunda etapa da análise, a barragem é submetida à pressão hidrostática e a uma excitação sísmica. A análise dinâmica é realizada considerando-se o movimento do sistema acoplado barragem-reservatório-fundação. O sismo é considerado um processo estocásticonão estacionário e a segurança da estrutura é determinada em relação aos principais modos de falha