957 resultados para self-reported diabetes


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Diagnosis of developmental or congenital prosopagnosia (CP) involves self-report of everyday face recognition difficulties, which are corroborated with poor performance on behavioural tests. This approach requires accurate self-evaluation. We examine the extent to which typical adults have insight into their face recognition abilities across four studies involving nearly 300 participants. The studies used five tests of face recognition ability: two that tap into the ability to learn and recognise previously unfamiliar faces (the Cambridge Face Memory Test, CFMT, Duchaine & Nakayama, 2006 and a newly devised test based on the CFMT but where the study phases involve watching short movies rather than viewing static faces – the CFMT-Films) and three that tap face matching (Benton Facial Recognition Test, BFRT, Benton, Sivan, Hamsher, Varney, & Spreen, 1983; and two recently devised sequential face matching tests). Self-reported ability was measured with the 15-item Kennerknecht et al. (2008) questionnaire; two single-item questions assessing face recognition ability; and a new 77-item meta-cognition questionnaire). Overall, we find that adults with typical face recognition abilities have only modest insight into their ability to recognise faces on behavioural tests. In a fifth study, we assess self-reported face recognition ability in people with CP and find that some people who expect to perform poorly on behavioural tests of face recognition do indeed perform poorly. However, it is not yet clear whether individuals within this group of poor performers have greater levels of insight (i.e., into their degree of impairment) than those with more typical levels of performance.


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Résumé : Les liens entre les maladies dermatologiques et les troubles de santé mentale, dont la dépression, sont reconnus depuis longtemps. Cependant, peu d’études de population ont examiné cette problématique et aucune n’a été faite auprès des aînés. Le but de ce mémoire est d’explorer l’association entre les affections dermatologiques et les troubles dépressifs chez les personnes âgées vivant à domicile. Pour ce faire, deux études ont été réalisées. La première visait à décrire les caractéristiques dermatologiques de la population à l’étude et la deuxième avait pour but de tester l’hypothèse d’une association bidirectionnelle entre les problèmes mentionnés. Il s’agit d’une analyse secondaire des données de l’Enquête sur la Santé des Aînés (ESA) qui a été menée auprès d’un échantillon représentatif de la population âgée (≥ 65 ans) vivant à domicile au Québec. Des mesures répétées à un an d’intervalle (T1 et T2) ont été obtenues auprès de 2 cohortes successives fixes. Les données de l’enquête ESA ont été appariées à celles des registres de la Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ). Les troubles dépressifs ont été définis en se basant sur les critères du DSM-IV et les affections dermatologiques ont été mesurées à partir de deux sources de données (enquête et registres administratifs de la RAMQ). Des modèles autorégressifs bivariés ont été utilisés pour tester l’hypothèse d’association bidirectionnelle entre les affections dermatologiques et les troubles dépressifs. Nos résultats ont montré que près de 13% et 21% des répondants ont rapporté des affections dermatologiques auto-rapportées ou avaient été diagnostiqués selon les registres de la RAMQ. En plus, près de 6% des participants rapportaient un trouble dépressif probable au T1 et au T2. Nos résultats suggèrent la présence d’une association synchronique (transversale) entre les affections dermatologiques et les troubles dépressifs. Ce projet souligne l’importance d’évaluer et d’explorer la cooccurrence de ces deux pathologies afin d’améliorer la prise en charge des individus atteints simultanément par ces deux problèmes. Nous suggérons l'inclusion des affections dermatologiques dans les futures études épidémiologiques visant à explorer les liens entre les troubles de santé mentale et de santé physique chez les personnes âgées.//Abstract : The relationship between skin conditions and mental health disorders, which includes depression, has long been recognized. However, few population - based studies have examined this issue and none were carried out in older - adults. The aim of this project was to explore the associations between skin conditions and depressive disorders affecting the elderly living at home. To do this, two studies were conducted; the first aimed to describe the dermatological features of the study population. The second was designed to test the hypothesis of a bidirectional association between the conditions mentioned above. We carried out secondary data analyses from data collected in the Study on the Health of Seniors (ESA ) survey, which consisted of a representative sample of the elderly population (≥ 65 years) living at home in Quebec. Two repeated measurements one year apart (T1 and T2) were obtained from two fixed successive cohorts. Participants in both phases of the investigation and with available health service information from Quebec’s health insurance plan agency (Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec - RAMQ) were selected for this project. Depressive disorders were defined based on DSM - IV criteria and dermatological conditions were measured from two data sources (survey and administrative records). Cross - lagged panel models were used to test the hypothesis of association between the two mentioned conditions. Our results showed that nearly 13% and 21% of respondents have self - reported and diagnosed skin conditions, respectively. In addition, about 6% of participants reported symptoms that were consistent with a probable depressive disorder on T1 and T2. Our results suggested the presence of synchronous (cross - sectional) associations between skin conditions and depressive disorders in the elderly. This research highlights the importance of assessing and exploring the co - occurrence of these two conditions to improve the management of individuals who are affected. We suggest the inclusion of dermatological conditions in future/further studies exploring the comorbidity between mental and physical health in the older adults.


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Aims : This study evaluates the impact of a Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) evidence-based online module including synthesized resources, practical strategies, and interactive component on self-reported physical therapist (PT) knowledge, skills, and practice. Methods : PTs from across Canada completed questionnaires before, immediately after, and 2 months following completion of the module. Questionnaires used 7-point Likert scale items and short open-ended questions; analyzes used paired t-tests and a thematic approach. Results : Fifty PTs completed both pre- and post-questionnaires; 41 of these completed the follow-up questionnaire. Most items (79%) evaluating self-reported knowledge and skills increased significantly following module completion and this increase was maintained two months later. Most participants (92%) reported an increase in their confidence to provide DCD evidence-based services. Participants plan to modify their evaluative practices (e.g., involving children in goal setting) and their management of DCD (e.g., using best practice principles, providing resources to families and physicians). At the 2- month follow-up, 46% of participants had returned to the module to review information (e.g., video, resources) or to download handouts. Conclusion : An online module developed collaboratively with PTs has the potential not only to increase PTs’ knowledge, but also to support them in implementing evidence-based services for children with DCD.


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Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia (Psicologia Clínica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2013


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A legacy emphasis was one of the fundamental pillars of the London 2012 Olympic Games. The notion of an Olympic legacy was predicated on assumptions that the event’s value would not purely derive from the sporting spectacle, but rather, from the ‘success’ of enduring effects met out in London and across the country. For physical education students and practitioners, Olympic legacy agendas translated into persistent pressure to increase inspiration, engagement, participation and performance in the subject, sport and physical activity. Responding to this context, and cogniscent of significant disciplinary scholarship, this paper reports initial data from the first phase of a longitudinal study involving Key Stage Three (students aged 11-13) cohorts in two comparable United Kingdom schools: the first an inner-city (core) London school adjacent to the Olympic Park in Stratford, East London (n=150); the second, a (peripheral) school in the Midlands (n=198). The research involved the use of themed questionnaires focusing on self-reported attitudes toward the Olympic Games, and, experiences of physical education, sport and physical activity. Students from both schools demonstrated a wide variety of attitudes toward physical education and sport; yet, minor variances emerged regarding extreme enthusiasm levels. Both cohorts also expressed considerably mixed feelings toward the impending Olympic Games. Strong and variable responses were also reported regarding inspiration levels, ticketing acquisition and engagement levels. Consequently, this investigation can be read within the broader context of legacy debates, and, aligns well with physical educationalists’ on-going discomfort regarding legacy imperatives being enforced upon the discipline and its practitioners. Our work reiterates a shared disciplinary scepticism that while an Olympic Games may temporarily affect young peoples’ affectations for sport (and maybe physical education and physical activity), it may not provide the best, or most appropriate, mechanism for sustained attitudinal and/or social changes en masse.


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Lithium is the mainstay prophylactic treatment for bipolar disorder (BD), but treatment response varies considerably across individuals. Patients who respond well to lithium treatment might represent a relatively homogeneous subtype of this genetically and phenotypically diverse disorder. Here, we performed genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to identify (i) specific genetic variations influencing lithium response and (ii) genetic variants associated with risk for lithium-responsive BD. Patients with BD and controls were recruited from Sweden and the United Kingdom. GWAS were performed on 2698 patients with subjectively defined (self-reported) lithium response and 1176 patients with objectively defined (clinically documented) lithium response. We next conducted GWAS comparing lithium responders with healthy controls (1639 subjective responders and 8899 controls; 323 objective responders and 6684 controls). Meta-analyses of Swedish and UK results revealed no significant associations with lithium response within the bipolar subjects. However, when comparing lithium-responsive patients with controls, two imputed markers attained genome-wide significant associations, among which one was validated in confirmatory genotyping (rs116323614, P=2.74 × 10-8). It is an intronic single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) on chromosome 2q31.2 in the gene SEC14 and spectrin domains 1 (SESTD1), which encodes a protein involved in regulation of phospholipids. Phospholipids have been strongly implicated as lithium treatment targets. Furthermore, we estimated the proportion of variance for lithium-responsive BD explained by common variants ('SNP heritability') as 0.25 and 0.29 using two definitions of lithium response. Our results revealed a genetic variant in SESTD1 associated with risk for lithium-responsive BD, suggesting that the understanding of BD etiology could be furthered by focusing on this subtype of BD.


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Thought speed and variability are purportedly common features of specific psychological states, such as mania and anxiety. The present study explored the independent and combinational influence of these variables upon condition-specific symptoms and affective state, as proposed by Pronin and Jacobs’ (Perspect Psychol Sci, 3:461–485, 2008) theory of mental motion. A general population sample was recruited online (N = 263). Participants completed a thought speed and variability manipulation task, inducing a combination of fast/slow and varied/repetitive thought. Change in mania and anxiety symptoms was assessed through direct self-reported symptom levels and indirect, processing bias assessment (threat interpretation). Results indicated that fast and varied thought independently increased self-reported mania symptoms. Affect was significantly less positive and more negative during slow thought. No change in anxiety symptoms or threat interpretation was found between manipulation conditions. No evidence for the proposed combinational influence of speed and variability was found. Implications and avenues for therapeutic intervention are discussed.


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This study reports results from the first International Body Project (IBP-I), which surveyed 7,434 individuals in 10 major world regions about body weight ideals and body dissatisfaction. Participants completed the female Contour Drawing Figure Rating Scale (CDFRS) and self-reported their exposure to Western and local media. Results indicated there were significant cross-regional differences in the ideal female figure and body dissatisfaction, but effect sizes were small across high-socioeconomic-status (SES) sites. Within cultures, heavier bodies were preferred in low-SES sites compared to high-SES sites in Malaysia and South Africa (ds = 1.94-2.49) but not in Austria. Participant age, body mass index (BMI), and Western media exposure predicted body weight ideals. BMI and Western media exposure predicted body dissatisfaction among women. Our results show that body dissatisfaction and desire for thinness is commonplace in high-SES settings across world regions, highlighting the need for international attention to this problem.


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Introdução: A elevada prevalência de problemas musculosqueléticos relacionados com a performance musical (PMRPM) em estudantes universitários de música, sobretudo violinistas, justifica uma abordagem preventiva junto destes, nomeadamente, através do exercício. Este deve ser específico e baseado nos padrões de movimento durante a performance musical do violinista. Objetivos: verificar a influência de um programa de exercícios específicos (PEE) nos sintomas relacionados com a prática musical, na incapacidade funcional e na autoperceção da performance física e musical, em estudantes universitários de violino. Métodos: estudo quase-experimental baseado num estudo piloto com 24 estudantes para pesquisa da sintomatologia, e 4 para análise cinemática e cinética do gesto técnico. No estudo principal participaram 22 violinistas divididos equitativamente, e por disponibilidade, entre grupo experimental (GE) e grupo de controlo (GC). O GE realizou o PEE bissemanalmente, durante 8 semanas. No momento inicial e após 8 semanas, os participantes preencheram: Questionário de Performance (incluiu Escala Visual Analógica), Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand, Oswestry Disability Index versão 2.0, Pain Catastrophizing Scale e Escala de Borg Modificada. Resultados: do estudo piloto constatou-se que os sintomas mais frequentes, dor e fadiga, localizavam-se na cintura escapular, ombros e coluna lombar; os ombros aparentavam maior risco de PMRPM; era necessário aumentar a endurance dos mobilizadores dos membros superiores (principalmente deltóide) e relaxar os estabilizadores da coluna cervical (sobretudo trapézio superior). No final do PEE, o GE apresentou significativamente melhores pontuações do que o GC na percentagem de violinistas com “dor na coluna lombar esquerda” (p=0,007), frequência da dor (U=8,5; W=29,5; p=0,016), número de locais com sintomas (U=18; W=84; p=0,003) e amplificação (U=26; W=92; p=0,021). Conclusão: Um PEE pode produzir efeitos positivos na diminuição dos sintomas relacionados com a prática musical e incapacidade funcional, e na melhoria de alguns parâmetros da performance física autoreportada, em estudantes universitários de violino.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo de Gestão de Empresas Orientada por Professora Doutora Diana Margarida Pinheiro de Aguiar Vieira Esta dissertação não inclui as críticas e as sugestões feitas pelo júri


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo de Gestão de Empresas. Orientada por Prof. Doutor Manuel Salvador Gomes de Araújo


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Resumo - As doenças crónicas não transmissíveis são uma ameaça crescente à Saúde Pública em Portugal. As principais causas de mortalidade e morbilidade são doenças relacionadas com os estilos de vida, hábitos alimentares e de actividade física. Os Cuidados de Saúde Primários estão na linha da frente para dar resposta a estas patologias. Os profissionais de saúde, nomeadamente médicos e enfermeiros, sentem dificuldades para as tratar, como a falta de tempo, de conhecimentos e de confiança para o fazer, bem como uma descrença na efectividade das suas intervenções no âmbito da mudança comportamental destes pacientes. A dificuldade em referenciar estes pacientes a outros profissionais, especializados, como os nutricionistas e os fisiologistas do exercício, implica dotar médicos e enfermeiros com as competências básicas de aconselhamento alimentar e de actividade física, bem como serem capazes de assumirem uma atitude centrada no paciente e motivadora da mudança comportamental. O objectivo deste estudo é avaliar os conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas no tratamento da obesidade e sua associação com o nível de actividade física reportado por médicos e enfermeiros. Este é um estudo observacional, transversal, que recorre à aplicação de um questionário de resposta directa. --------Abstract - Non communicable chronic diseases are increasingly relevant public health threats. The main causes of mortality and morbidity in Portugal are lifestyle, food and exercise habits, related diseases. Primary health care services are in the front line to adress this pathologies. Health care professionals, namely physicians and nurses, face numerous barriers like reduced consultation time, knowledge and confidence to deal with this problems, as well as a disbelief in the efectiviness of their intervention in patients health behaviour change. The inhability to reference this patients to nutrition and exercise specialists, increases the need to give physicians and nurses the adequate nutrition and exercise basic counselling skills, as well as promoting a patient centred attitude that enables them to increase patients motivation to health behaviour change. The study sought to assess the nutrition knowledge, atittudes and practice and its associations with self - reported personal physical activity habits of primary health care professionals. This is a descriptive, cross- sectional stu


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Despite the growing relevance of co-creating customer communities only little scientific evidence is available on their impact on transactional behavior of participants. Previous research has mostly used self-reported data or distinguished only between during and pre-community phases obtaining mixed results. However, the author proposes that co-creating community activity takes place in five distinguishable phases and changes in transactional behavior are limited to certain phases. Using 33 months of transactional data of a Dutch online auction provider a study was conducted covering all five phases of the community co-creation process from community planning over community set-up, co-development and co-testing to post-launch. The overall results indicate mixed effects of community participation on the different transactional variables during the co-creation process. Community participation had positive effects on auctions listing behavior at the community set-up, co-development and post-launch phases, whereby the number of auctions listed peaked during the community set-up phase. These results suggest that the impact on transactional behavior differs between co-creation phases and different psychological mechanism limited to certain phases might trigger the respective changes.


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RESUMO - O tabagismo é o principal factor de risco evitável em saúde nos países europeus, contribuindo para o aumento da mortalidade prematura, estando associado a inúmeras doenças. A epidemia tabágica é uma preocupação em Saúde Pública, sendo essencial o investimento na sua prevenção e controlo. A cessação tabágica é uma das estratégias para o controlo desta epidemia, surgindo a intervenção breve como uma comprovada medida custo-efetiva. Contudo, e apesar das guidelines, a intervenção breve não está amplamente disseminada na prática clínica dos profissionais de saúde. Neste sentido, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as práticas clíniicas autoreportadas dos médicos portugueses na intervenção breve em tabagismo. É um estudo observacional descritivo transversal e exploratório. A amostra é constituída por médicos que participaram em duas conferências médicas distintas e que aceitaram responder a um questionário (n=549). O tratamento estatístico foi efetuado recorrendo ao Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), versão 21. Foram efetuadas uma análise descritiva e inferencial, assim como uma regressão logística. Analisando os dados, os resultados apontam para a formação pós-graduada e a prática de cessação tabágica como dois fatores que influenciam positivamente a atuação dos médicos na intervenção breve. A intervenção breve é fundamental para aumentar as taxas de cessação tabágica. Para que a implementação seja eficaz é necessário apostar na formação pré e pós-graduada dos médicos e outros profissionais de saúde, associando essa formação ao treino prático que possibilite o desenvolvimento de competências específicas.


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RESUMO: A hipertensão arterial (HA) é uma patologia altamente prevalente, embora claramente subdiagnosticada, em doentes com síndrome de apneia obstrutiva do sono (SAOS). Estas duas patologias apresentam uma estreita relação e a monitorização ambulatória da pressão arterial (MAPA), por um período de 24 horas, parece ser o método mais preciso para o diagnóstico de hipertensão em doentes com SAOS. No entanto, esta ferramenta de diagnóstico para além de ser dispendiosa e envolver um número acrescido de meios técnicos e humanos, é mais morosa e, por conseguinte, não é utilizada por rotina no contexto do diagnóstico da SAOS. Por outro lado, apesar da aplicação de pressão positiva contínua nas vias aéreas (CPAP – Continous Positive Airway Pressure) ser considerada a terapêutica de eleição para os doentes com SAOS, o seu efeito no abaixamento da pressão arterial (PA) parece ser modesto, exigindo, por conseguinte, a implementação concomitante de terapêutica anti-hipertensora. Acontece que são escassos os dados relativos aos regimes de fármacos anti-hipertensores utilizados em doentes com SAOS e, acresce ainda que, as guidelines terapêuticas para o tratamento farmacológico da HA, neste grupo particular de doentes, permanecem, até ao momento, inexistentes. A utilização de modelos animais de hipóxia crónica intermitente (CIH), que mimetizam a HA observada em doentes com SAOS, revela-se extremamente importante, uma vez que se torna imperativo identificar fármacos que promovam um controle adequado da PA neste grupo de doentes. No entanto, estudos concebidos com o intuito de investigar o efeito anti-hipertensor dos fármacos neste modelo animal revelam-se insuficientes e, por outro lado, os escassos estudos que testaram fármacos anti-hipertensores neste modelo não foram desenhados para responder a questões de natureza farmacológica. Acresce ainda que se torna imprescindível garantir a escolha de um método para administração destes fármacos que seja não invasivo e que minimize o stress do animal. Embora a gavagem seja uma técnica indiscutivelmente eficaz e amplamente utilizada para a administração diária de fármacos a animais de laboratório, ela compreende uma sequência de procedimentos geradores de stress para os animais e, que podem por conseguinte, constituir um viés na interpretação dos resultados obtidos. O objectivo global da presente investigação translacional foi contribuir para a identificação de fármacos anti-hipertensores mais efectivos para o tratamento da HT nos indivíduos com SAOS e investigar mecanismos subjacentes aos efeitos sistémicos associadas à SAOS bem como a sua modulação por fármacos anti-hipertensores. Os objectivos específicos foram: em primeiro lugar,encontrar novos critérios, baseados nas medidas antropométricas, que permitam a identificação de doentes com suspeita de SAOS, que erroneamente se auto-classifiquem como nãohipertensos, e desta forma promover um uso mais criterioso do MAPA; em segundo lugar, investigar a existência de uma hipotética associação entre os esquemas de fármacos antihipertensores e o controle da PA (antes e após a adaptação de CPAP) em doentes com SAOS em terceiro lugar, avaliar a eficácia do carvedilol (CVD), um fármaco bloqueador β-adrenérgico não selectivo com actividade antagonista α1 intrínseca e propriedades anti-oxidantes num modelo animal de hipertensão induzida pela CIH; em quarto lugar, explorar os efeitos da CIH sobre o perfil farmacocinético do CVD; e, em quinto lugar, investigar um método alternativo à gavagem para a administração crónica de fármacos anti-hipertensores a animais de laboratório. Com este intuito, na primeira fase deste projecto, fizemos uso de uma amostra com um número apreciável de doentes com SAOS (n=369), que acorreram, pela primeira vez, à consulta de Patologia do Sono do CHLN e que foram submetidos a um estudo polissonográfico do sono, à MAPA e que preencheram um questionário que contemplava a obtenção de informação relativa ao perfil da medicação anti-hipertensora em curso. Numa segunda fase, utilizámos um modelo experimental de HT no rato induzida por um paradigma de CIH. Do nosso trabalho resultaram os seguintes resultados principais: em primeiro lugar, o índice de massa corporal (IMC) e o perímetro do pescoço (PP) foram identificados como preditores independentes de “auto-classificação errónea” da HA em doentes com suspeita de SAOS; em segundo lugar, não encontramos qualquer associação com significado estatístico entre os vários esquemas de fármacos anti-hipertensores bem como o número de fármacos incluídos nesse esquemas, e o controle da PA (antes e depois da adaptação do CPAP); em terceiro lugar, apesar das doses de 10, 30 e 50 mg/kg de carvedilol terem promovido uma redução significativa da frequência cardíaca, não foi observado qualquer decréscimo na PA no nosso modelo animal; em quarto lugar, as razões S/(R+S) dos enantiómeros do CVD nos animais expostos à CIH e a condições de normóxia revelaram-se diferentes; e, em quinto lugar, a administração oral voluntária mostrou ser um método eficaz para a administração diária controlada de fármacos anti-hipertensores e que é independente da manipulação e contenção do animal. Em conclusão, os resultados obtidos através do estudo clínico revelaram que o controle da PA, antes e após a adaptação do CPAP, em doentes com SAOS é independente, quer do esquema de fármacos anti-hipertensores, quer do número de fármacos incluídos num determinado esquema. Os nossos resultados salientam ainda a falta de validade da chamada self-reported hypertension e sugerem que em todos os doentes com suspeita de SAOS, com HA não diagnosticada e com um IMC e um PP acima de 27 kg/m2 e 39 cm, respectivamente, a confirmação do diagnóstico de HA deverá ser realizada através da MAPA, ao invés de outros métodos que com maior frequência são utilizados com este propósito. Os resultados obtidos no modelo animal de HA induzida pela CIH sugerem que o bloqueio do sistema nervoso simpático, juntamente com os supostos efeitos pleiotrópicos do CVD, não parece ser a estratégia mais adequada para reverter este tipo particular de hipertensão e indicam que as alterações farmacocinéticas induzidas pela CIH no ratio S/(R+S) não justificam a falta de eficácia anti-hipertensora do CVD observada neste modelo animal. Por último, os resultados do presente trabalho suportam ainda a viabilidade da utilização da administração oral voluntária, em alternativa à gavagem, para a administração crónica de uma dose fixa de fármacos anti-hipertensores.---------------------------- ABSTRACT: Hypertension (HT) is a highly prevalent condition, although under diagnosed, in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). These conditions are closely related and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) seems to be the most accurate measurement for diagnosing hypertension in OSA. However, this diagnostic tool is expensive and time-consuming and, therefore, not routinely used. On the other hand, although continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is considered the gold standard treatment for symptomatic OSA, its lowering effect on blood pressure (BP) seems to be modest and, therefore, concomitant antihypertensive therapy is still required. Data on antihypertensive drug regimens in patients with OSA are scarce and specific therapeutic guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of hypertension in these patients remain absent. The use of animal models of CIH, which mimic the HT observed in patients with OSA, is extremely important since it is imperative to identify preferred compounds for an adequate BP control in this group of patients. However, studies aimed at investigating the antihypertensive effect of antihypertensive drugs in this animal model are insufficient, and most reports on CIH animal models in which drugs have been tested were not designed to respond to pharmacological issues. Moreover, when testing antihypertensive drugs (AHDs) it becomes crucial to ensure the selection of a non-invasive and stress-free method for drug delivery. Although gavage is effective and a widely performed technique for daily dosing in laboratory rodents, it comprises a sequence of potentially stressful procedures for laboratory animals that may constitute bias for the experimental results. The overall goal of the present translational research was to contribute to identify more effective AHDs for the treatment of hypertension in patients with OSA and investigate underlying mechanisms of systemic effects associated with OSA, as well as its modulation by AHDs. The specific aims were: first, to find new predictors based on anthropometric measures to identify patients that misclassify themselves as non-hypertensive, and thereby promote the selective use of ABPM; second, to investigate a hypothetical association between ongoing antihypertensive regimens and BP control rates in patients with OSA, before and after CPAP adaptation; third, to determine, in a rat model of CIH-induced hypertension, the efficacy of carvedilol (CVD), a nonselective beta-blocker with intrinsic anti-α1-adrenergic activity and antioxidant properties; fourth, to explore the effects of CIH on the pharmacokinetics profile of CVD and fifth, to investigate an alternative method to gavage, for chronic administration of AHDs to laboratory rats. For that, in the first phase of this project, we used a sizeable sample of patients with OSA (n=369), that attended a first visit at Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, EPE Sleep Unit, and underwent overnight polysomnography, 24-h ABPM and filled a questionnaire that included ongoing antihypertensive medication profile registration. In the second phase, a rat experimental model of HT induced by a paradigm of CIH that simulates OSA was used. The main findings of this work were: first, body mass index (BMI) and neck circumference (NC) were identified as independent predictors of hypertension misclassification in patients suspected of OSA; second, in patients with OSA, BP control is independent of both the antihypertensive regimen and the number of antihypertensive drugs, either before or after CPAP adaptation; third, although the doses of 10, 30 and 50 mg/Kg of CVD promoted a significant reduction in heart rate, no decrease in mean arterial pressure was observed; fourth, the S/(R+S) ratios of CVD enantiomers, between rats exposed to CIH and normoxic conditions, were different and fifth, voluntary ingestion proved to be an effective method for a controlled daily dose administration, with a define timetable, that is independent of handling and restraint procedures. In conclusion, the clinical study showed that BP control in OSA patients is independent of both the antihypertensive regimen and the number of antihypertensive drugs. Additionally, our results highlight the lack of validity of self-reported hypertension and suggest that all patients suspected of OSA with undiagnosed hypertension and with a BMI and NC above 27 Kg/m2 and 39 cm should be screened for hypertension, through ABPM. The results attained in the rat model of HT related to CIH suggest that the blockade of the sympathetic nervous system together with the putative pleiotropic effects of carvedilol is not able to revert hypertension induced by CIH and point out that the pharmacokinetic changes induced by CIH on S/(R+S) ratio are not apparently responsible for the lack of efficacy of carvedilol in reversing this particular type of hypertension. Finally, the results here presented support the use of voluntary oral administration as a viable alternative to gavage for chronic administration of a fixed dose of AHDs.