930 resultados para rotor speed
How does nearby motion affect the perceived speed of a target region? When a central drifting Gabor patch is surrounded by translating noise, its speed can be misperceived over a fourfold range. Typically, when a surround moves in the same direction, perceived centre speed is reduced; for opposite-direction surrounds it increases. Measuring this illusion for a variety of surround properties reveals that the motion context effects are a saturating function of surround speed (Experiment I) and contrast (Experiment II). Our analyses indicate that the effects are consistent with a subtractive process, rather than with speed being averaged over area. In Experiment III we exploit known properties of the motion system to ask where these surround effects impact. Using 2D plaid stimuli, we find that surround-induced shifts in perceived speed of one plaid component produce substantial shifts in perceived plaid direction. This indicates that surrounds exert their influence early in processing, before pattern motion direction is computed. These findings relate to ongoing investigations of surround suppression for direction discrimination, and are consistent with single-cell findings of direction-tuned suppressive and facilitatory interactions in primary visual cortex (V1).
This thesis presents the results of numerical modelling of ultra high-speed transmission using DM solitons. The theory of propagation in optical fibres is presented with specific reference to optical communication systems. This theory is then expanded to. incorporate dispersion-managed transmission and the dispersion managed soliton. The first part of this work focuses on ultra high-speed dispersion managed soliton propagation in short period dispersion maps. Initially, the cbaracteristics .of dispersion managed soliton propagation in short period dispersion maps are contrasted to those of the more conventional dispersion managed regime. These properties are then utilised to investigate transmission at single channel data rates of 80 Gbit/s, 160 Gbit/s and 320 Gbit/s. For all three data rates, the tolerable limits for transmission over 1000 km, 3000 km and·transoceanic distances are defined. A major limitation of these higher bjt rate systems arises from the problem of noise-induced interactions, which is where the.accumulation of timing jitter causes neighbouring dispersion-managed solitons to interact. In addition, the systems become more sensitive to initial conditions as the data rate increases, .. The second part of the work focuses on contrasting the performance of a range of propagation regimes, from quasi-linear through to soliton-like propagation at 40 Gbit/s for both single channel and WDM dispersion managed transmission. The results indicated that whilst the optimal single channel performance was achieved for soliton-like propagation, the optimal WDM performance was achieved for propagation regime that lay between quasi-linear and soliton-like.
This thesis describes an investigation which was carried out under the Interdisciplinary Higher Degres (IHD) Scheme of The University of Aston in Birmingham. The investigation, which involved joint collaboration between the IHD scheme, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and G.E.C. Turbine Generators Limited, was concerned with hydrostatic bearing characteristics and of how hydrostatic bearings could be used to enable turbine generator rotor support impedances to be controlled to give an improved rotor dynamic response. Turbine generator rotor critical speeds are determined not only by the mass and flexibility of the rotor itself, which are relatively easily predicted, but also by the dynamic characteristics of the bearing oil film, pedestal, and foundations. It is because of the difficulty in accurately predicting the rotor support characteristics that the designer has a problem in ensuring that a rotor's normal running speed is not close to one of its critical speeds. The consequence of this situation is that some rotors do have critical speeds close to their normal running speed and the resulting high levels of vibration cause noise, high rotor stresses, and a shortening of bearing life. A combined theoretical and experimental investigation of the effects of mounting the normal rotor journal bearing in a hydrostatic bearing was carried out. The purpose of the work was to show that by changing the oil flow resistance offered by capillaries connecting accumulators to the hydrostatic bearing, the overall rotor support characteristics could be tuned to enable rotor critical speeds to be moved at will. Testing of a combined journal and hydrostatic bearing has confirmed the theory of its operation and a theoretical study of a full size machine showed that its critical speed could be moved by over 350 rpm and that its rotor vibration at running speed could be reduced by 80%.
A Jeffcott rotor consists of a disc at the centre of an axle supported at its end by bearings. A bolted Jeffcott rotor is formed by two discs, each with a shaft on one side. The discs are held together by spring loaded bolts near the outer edge. When the rotor turns there is tendency for the discs to separate on one side. This effect is more marked if the rotor is unbalanced, especially at resonance speeds. The equations of motion of the system have been developed with four degrees of freedom to include the rotor and bearing movements in the respective axes. These equations which include non-linear terms caused by the rotor opening, are subjected to external force such from rotor imbalance. A simulation model based on these equations was created using SIMULINK. An experimental test rig was used to characterise the dynamic features. Rotor discs open at a lateral displacement of the rotor of 0.8 mm. This is the threshold value used to show the change of stiffness from high stiffness to low stiffness. The experimental results, which measure the vibration amplitude of the rotor, show the dynamic behaviour of the bolted rotor due to imbalance. Close agreement of the experimental and theoretical results from time histories, waterfall plots, pseudo-phase plots and rotor orbit plot, indicated the validity of the model and existence of the non-linear jump phenomenon.
The thesis describes an investigation into methods for the design of flexible high-speed product processing machinery, consisting of independent electromechanically actuated machine functions which operate under software coordination and control. An analysis is made of the elements of traditionally designed cam-actuated, mechanically coupled machinery, so that the operational functions and principal performance limitations of the separate machine elements may be identified. These are then used to define the requirements for independent actuators machinery, with a discussion of how this type of design approach is more suited to modern manufacturing trends. A distributed machine controller topology is developed which is a hybrid of hierarchical and pipeline control. An analysis is made, with the aid of dynamic simulation modelling, which confirms the suitability of the controller for flexible machinery control. The simulations include complex models of multiple independent actuators systems, which enable product flow and failure analyses to be performed. An analysis is made of high performance brushless d.c. servomotors and their suitability for actuating machine motions is assessed. Procedures are developed for the selection of brushless servomotors for intermittent machine motions. An experimental rig is described which has enabled the actuation and control methods developed to be implemented. With reference to this, an evaluation is made of the suitability of the machine design method and a discussion is given of the developments which are necessary for operational independent actuators machinery to be attained.
The initial aim of this project was to develop a non-contact fibre optic based displacement sensor to operate in the harsh environment of a 'Light Gas Gun' (LGG), which can 'fire' small particles at velocities ranging from 1-8.4 km/s. The LGG is used extensively for research in aerospace to analyze the effects of high speed impacts on materials. Ideally the measurement should be made close to the centre of the impact to minimise corruption of the data from edge effects and survive the impact. A further requirement is that it should operate at a stand-off distance of ~ 8cm. For these reasons we chose to develop a pseudo con-focal intensity sensor, which demonstrated resolution comparable with conventional PVDF sensors combined with high survivability and low cost. A second sensor was developed based on 'Fibre Bragg Gratings' (FBG) which although requiring contact with the target the low weight and very small contact area had minimal effect on the dynamics of the target. The FBG was mounted either on the surface of the target or tangentially between a fixed location. The output signals from the FBG were interrogated in time by a new method. Measurements were made on composite and aluminium plates in the LGG and on low speed drop tests. The particle momentum for the drop tests was chosen to be similar to that of the particles used in the LGG.
This thesis addresses the kineto-elastodynamic analysis of a four-bar mechanism running at high-speed where all links are assumed to be flexible. First, the mechanism, at static configurations, is considered as structure. Two methods are used to model the system, namely the finite element method (FEM) and the dynamic stiffness method. The natural frequencies and mode shapes at different positions from both methods are calculated and compared. The FEM is used to model the mechanism running at high-speed. The governing equations of motion are derived using Hamilton's principle. The equations obtained are a set of stiff ordinary differential equations with periodic coefficients. A model is developed whereby the FEM and the dynamic stiffness method are used conjointly to provide high-precision results with only one element per link. The principal concern of the mechanism designer is the behaviour of the mechanism at steady-state. Few algorithms have been developed to deliver the steady-state solution without resorting to costly time marching simulation. In this study two algorithms are developed to overcome the limitations of the existing algorithms. The superiority of the new algorithms is demonstrated. The notion of critical speeds is clarified and a distinction is drawn between "critical speeds", where stresses are at a local maximum, and "unstable bands" where the mechanism deflections will grow boundlessly. Floquet theory is used to assess the stability of the system. A simple method to locate the critical speeds is derived. It is shown that the critical speeds of the mechanism coincide with the local maxima of the eigenvalues of the transition matrix with respect to the rotational speed of the mechanism.
This thesis describes work completed on the application of H controller synthesis to the design of controllers for single axis high speed independent drive design examples. H controller synthesis was used in a single controller format and in a self-tuning regulator, a type of adaptive controller. Three types of industrial design examples were attempted using H controller synthesis, both in simulation and on a Drives Test Facility at Aston University. The results were benchmarked against a Proportional, Integral and Derivative (PID) with velocity feedforward controller (VFF), the industrial standard for this application. An analysis of the differences between a H and PID with VFF controller was completed. A direct-form H controller was determined for a limited class of weighting function and plants which shows the relationship between the weighting function, nominal plant and the controller parameters. The direct-form controller was utilised in two ways. Firstly it allowed the production of simple guidelines for the industrial design of H controllers. Secondly it was used as the controller modifier in a self-tuning regulator (STR). The STR had a controller modification time (including nominal model parameter estimation) of 8ms. A Set-Point Gain Scheduling (SPGS) controller was developed and applied to an industrial design example. The applicability of each control strategy, PID with VFF, H, SPGS and STR, was investigated and a set of general guidelines for their use was determined. All controllers developed were implemented using standard industrial equipment.
Traditional machinery for manufacturing processes are characterised by actuators powered and co-ordinated by mechanical linkages driven from a central drive. Increasingly, these linkages are replaced by independent electrical drives, each performs a different task and follows a different motion profile, co-ordinated by computers. A design methodology for the servo control of high speed multi-axis machinery is proposed, based on the concept of a highly adaptable generic machine model. In addition to the dynamics of the drives and the loads, the model includes the inherent interactions between the motion axes and thus provides a Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) description. In general, inherent interactions such as structural couplings between groups of motion axes are undesirable and needed to be compensated. On the other hand, imposed interactions such as the synchronisation of different groups of axes are often required. It is recognised that a suitable MIMO controller can simultaneously achieve these objectives and reconciles their potential conflicts. Both analytical and numerical methods for the design of MIMO controllers are investigated. At present, it is not possible to implement high order MIMO controllers for practical reasons. Based on simulations of the generic machine model under full MIMO control, however, it is possible to determine a suitable topology for a blockwise decentralised control scheme. The Block Relative Gain array (BRG) is used to compare the relative strength of closed loop interactions between sub-systems. A number of approaches to the design of the smaller decentralised MIMO controllers for these sub-systems has been investigated. For the purpose of illustration, a benchmark problem based on a 3 axes test rig has been carried through the design cycle to demonstrate the working of the design methodology.
A methodology is presented which can be used to produce the level of electromagnetic interference, in the form of conducted and radiated emissions, from variable speed drives, the drive that was modelled being a Eurotherm 583 drive. The conducted emissions are predicted using an accurate circuit model of the drive and its associated equipment. The circuit model was constructed from a number of different areas, these being: the power electronics of the drive, the line impedance stabilising network used during the experimental work to measure the conducted emissions, a model of an induction motor assuming near zero load, an accurate model of the shielded cable which connected the drive to the motor, and finally the parasitic capacitances that were present in the drive modelled. The conducted emissions were predicted with an error of +/-6dB over the frequency range 150kHz to 16MHz, which compares well with the limits set in the standards which specify a frequency range of 150kHz to 30MHz. The conducted emissions model was also used to predict the current and voltage sources which were used to predict the radiated emissions from the drive. Two methods for the prediction of the radiated emissions from the drive were investigated, the first being two-dimensional finite element analysis and the second three-dimensional transmission line matrix modelling. The finite element model took account of the features of the drive that were considered to produce the majority of the radiation, these features being the switching of the IGBT's in the inverter, the shielded cable which connected the drive to the motor as well as some of the cables that were present in the drive.The model also took account of the structure of the test rig used to measure the radiated emissions. It was found that the majority of the radiation produced came from the shielded cable and the common mode currents that were flowing in the shield, and that it was feasible to model the radiation from the drive by only modelling the shielded cable. The radiated emissions were correctly predicted in the frequency range 30MHz to 200MHz with an error of +10dB/-6dB. The transmission line matrix method modelled the shielded cable which connected the drive to the motor and also took account of the architecture of the test rig. Only limited simulations were performed using the transmission line matrix model as it was found to be a very slow method and not an ideal solution to the problem. However the limited results obtained were comparable, to within 5%, to the results obtained using the finite element model.