874 resultados para remote rural practice
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Arquitectura (área de especialização em Cidade e Território)
Tese de Doutoramento em Sociologia
This paper discusses models, associations and causation in psychiatry. The different types of association (linear, positive, negative, exponential, partial, U shaped relationship, hidden and spurious) between variables involved in mental disorders are presented as well as the use of multiple regression analysis to disentangle interrelatedness amongst multiple variables. A useful model should have internal consistency, external validity and predictive power; be dynamic in order to accommodate new sound knowledge; and should fit facts rather than they other way around. It is argued that whilst models are theoretical constructs they also convey a style of reasoning and can change clinical practice. Cause and effect are complex phenomena in that the same cause can yield different effects. Conversely, the same effect can have a different range of causes. In mental disorders and human behaviour there is always a chain of events initiated by the indirect and remote cause; followed by intermediate causes; and finally the direct and more immediate cause. Causes of mental disorders are grouped as those: (i) which are necessary and sufficient; (ii) which are necessary but not sufficient; and (iii) which are neither necessary nor sufficient, but when present increase the risk for mental disorders.
OBJECTIVES: To describe the process of translation and linguistic and cultural validation of the Evidence Based Practice Questionnaire for the Portuguese context: Questionário de Eficácia Clínica e Prática Baseada em Evidências (QECPBE). METHOD: A methodological and cross-sectional study was developed. The translation and back translation was performed according to traditional standards. Principal Components Analysis with orthogonal rotation according to the Varimax method was used to verify the QECPBE's psychometric characteristics, followed by confirmatory factor analysis. Internal consistency was determined by Cronbach's alpha. Data were collected between December 2013 and February 2014. RESULTS: 358 nurses delivering care in a hospital facility in North of Portugal participated in the study. QECPBE contains 20 items and three subscales: Practice (α=0.74); Attitudes (α=0.75); Knowledge/Skills and Competencies (α=0.95), presenting an overall internal consistency of α=0.74. The tested model explained 55.86% of the variance and presented good fit: χ2(167)=520.009; p = 0.0001; χ2df=3.114; CFI=0.908; GFI=0.865; PCFI=0.798; PGFI=0.678; RMSEA=0.077 (CI90%=0.07-0.08). CONCLUSION: confirmatory factor analysis revealed the questionnaire is valid and appropriate to be used in the studied context.
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography for suspected choledocholithiasis: From guidelines to clinical practice.
The Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) is a widely used instrument to assess information processing speed, attention, visual scanning, and tracking. Considering that repeated evaluations are a common need in neuropsychological assessment routines, we explored test–retest reliability and practice effects of two alternate SDMT forms with a short inter-assessment interval. A total of 123 university students completed the written SDMT version in two different time points separated by a 150-min interval. Half of the participants accomplished the same form in both occasions, while the other half filled different forms. Overall, reasonable test–retest reliabilities were found (r = .70), and the subjects that completed the same form revealed significant practice effects (p < .001, dz = 1.61), which were almost non-existent in those filling different forms. These forms were found to be moderately reliable and to elicit a similar performance across participants, suggesting their utility in repeated cognitive assessments when brief inter-assessment intervals are required.
Dissertação de mestrado em Arqueologia
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the role of hemodynamic changes occurring during acute MI in subsequent fibrosis deposition within non-MI. METHODS: By using the rat model of MI, 3 groups of 7 rats each [sham, SMI (MI <30%), and LMI (MI >30%)] were compared. Systemic and left ventricular (LV) hemodynamics were recorded 10 minutes before and after coronary artery ligature. Collagen volume fraction (CVF) was calculated in picrosirius red-stained heart tissue sections 4 weeks later. RESULTS: Before surgery, all hemodynamic variables were comparable among groups. After surgery, LV end-diastolic pressure increased and coronary driving pressure decreased significantly in the LMI compared with the sham group. LV dP/dt max and dP/dt min of both the SMI and LMI groups were statistically different from those of the sham group. CVF within non-MI interventricular septum and right ventricle did not differ between each MI group and the sham group. Otherwise, subendocardial (SE) CVF was statistically greater in the LMI group. SE CVF correlated negatively with post-MI systemic blood pressure and coronary driving pressure, and positively with post-MI LV dP/dt min. Stepwise regression analysis identified post-MI coronary driving pressure as an independent predictor of SE CVF. CONCLUSION: LV remodeling in rats with MI is characterized by predominant SE collagen deposition in non-MI and results from a reduction in myocardial perfusion pressure occurring early on in the setting of MI.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the frequency of cardiovascular risk factors in the rural community of Cavunge, in the Brazilian state of Bahia. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out with 160 individuals (age > 19 years) randomly drawn from those listed in the population census of the Cavunge Project. The following parameters were studied: arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, obesity, smoking, waist-hip ratio (WHR), physical activity, and overall cardiovascular risk classified according to the Framingham score. The assessing parameters used were those established by the III Brazilian Consensus on Hypertension and the II Brazilian Consensus on Dyslipidemia. RESULTS: Of the randomly drawn individuals, 126 with a mean age of 46.6 + 19.7 years were included in the study, 43.7% of whom were males. The frequency of arterial hypertension was 36.5%; 20.4% of the individuals had cholesterol levels >240 mg/dL; 31.1% of the individuals had LDL-C levels > 130 mg/dL; 4% were diabetic; and 39.7% had a high-risk Framingham score. Abdominal obesity was observed in 41.3% of the population and in 57.7% of the females. High caloric-expenditure (HCE) physical activities were performed by 56.5% of the individuals. The HCE group had a greater frequency of normal triglyceride levels (63% vs 44%; P=0.05), no diabetes, and WHR tending towards normal (46% vs 27%, P=0.08) as compared with those in the low caloric-expenditure group. CONCLUSION: Cardiovascular risk factors, such as hypertension and hypercholesterolemia, are frequently found in rural communities. The greatest frequency of normal triglyceride levels and normal WHR in the HCE group reinforces the association between greater caloric expenditure and a better risk profile.
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Una fórmula magistral es una preparación farmacéutica que se realiza a partir de una prescripción realizada por un profesional (médico u odontólogo) que tiene como características particulares que es individual y personalizada, donde se detalla la composición cuali y cuantitativa de la misma y se destina a un tratamiento determinado, debiendo el facultativo renovar dicha prescripción en el caso de ser necesaria la terapéutica por un tiempo mas prolongado. El flúor es un agente mineral el cual tiene actividad cariostática ampliamente difundida. Sin embargo en poblaciones económicamente postergadas, donde existen bajas condiciones socio culturales y otros factores epidemiológicos y sanitarios concurrentes -desnutrición, dietas poco equilibradas- la falta de fluoración en las aguas (de fuentes alternativas: pozos o ríos, de dudosa potabilidad), y el escaso uso de productos dentales (dentífricos y pastas dentales) repercute en una mayor prevalencia de caries tanto en niños como en adultos. El objetivo del proyecto es diseñar y preparar una fórmula magistral con flúor con el propósito de ser utilizada como tratamiento preventivo de las caries en una población con bajos recursos, donde trabaja el voluntariado de la UCC en forma conjunta con profesionales odontólogos.
La Municipalidad de Santa Eufemia cuenta con una población de 2.900 habitantes, posee actualmente un centro de salud municipal coordinado por un director. El centro recibe a una población de 340 pacientes por mes que concurren para ser asistidos por los médicos generalistas, brinda además servicio odontológico y de especialidades médicas tal como la ginecología. La población concurrente pertenece a este éjido municipal y desempeñan sus actividades en el área rural y en la zona aledaña, de influencia en la región. El equipo de salud estable que se desempeña en dicho centro asistencial, está constituido por un equipo multidisciplinario, constituido por médicos, psicólogos, odontólogos, enfermeras idóneas y asistente social, estos brindan atención activa y pasiva las 24 hs del día. El servicio de ortodoncia y ginecología brinda atención una vez a la semana, dado que los profesionales concurrentes pertenecen a otras localidades. Los servicios bioquímicos, de kinesiología, fonoaudiología y diagnóstico por imágenes son tercerizados a demanda. Separado del centro, pero comunicado con el mismo se encuentra una residencia de ancianos que es asistido por los profesionales del centro. El mismo alberga aproximadamente 11 personas, que no reciben ninguna otra ayuda social ni cuentan con una estructura familiar que los contenga. El intendente de la comuna considera que además de las actividades que se vienen desarrollando, se podría implementar otras, tales como: a) Capacitar al personal a fin de optimizar los recursos disponibles con la implementación de programas que permitan el diseño de estrategias de planificación en salud. b) Capacitar a la comunidad en temas vinculados a la salud a fin de disminuir los índices de morbilidad de la población y fomentar el auto-cuidado del paciente. c) Implementar un sistema de gestión (adquisición, conservación y distribución) de los medicamentos recibidos por el centro. d) Obtener datos epidemiológicos que permitan planificar y establecer la demanda presupuestaria.