999 resultados para relações sociais de produção
A condição da deficiência é observada ao longo da história da humanidade. Informações, da Organização Mundial da Saúde e do Brasil, mostram a existência no país de 3,6 milhões de pessoas com deficiências visuais, sendo 900 mil cegos e 2,7 milhões de pessoas com baixa visão. A evolução da deficiência visual está relacionada às questões, como o crescimento populacional, dificuldades econômicas, aumento da expectativa de vida, escassez de serviços especializados e falhas na prevenção. Os participantes, deste estudo, foram adolescentes com deficiência visual, possuidores de baixa visão. Foram investigados os fatores de risco e de proteção a saúde e a vida e a avaliação da qualidade de vida. O método de investigação é exploratório e descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, uma obtida com a aplicação de uma escala de autopreenchimento, que aborda a percepção dos sujeitos sobre a qualidade de vida e a outra, a partir de entrevistas individuais. As análises dos dados obtidos apresentam, que a Qualidade de Vida é percebida e avaliada por eles, positivamente, pois, não existem indicadores negativos nesta questão. Os domínios com maior predominância foram o físico e o psicológico, em que se sobressaiu em comparação aos domínios das relações sociais e meio ambiente. Em relação aos riscos, observamos que existe maior vulnerabilidade em relação à locomoção em espaço público, o nível de deficiência, a superproteção materna e familiar, a dificuldade no processo de ensino aprendizagem, isolamento, fazer escolhas, bebidas alcoólicas e sexualidade. Relatam que lidam com esses riscos por meio da estimulação dos demaissentidos, pelo uso e estimulação da visão residual, boa, meio de uma boa saúde, integração grupal, utilização dos discursos disponíveis, como tecnologia e Braille e por meio da religiosidade. Revelam que a proteção ocorre a partir da auto-estima, do suporte social, por meio de amigos e familiares, pelos professores e um processo de ensino/aprendizagem adequado a esta condição, além do lazer. As expectativas para o futuro envolvem trabalho e estudo, além de questões de desenvolvimento pessoal, profissional e social. Os adolescentes, com deficiência visual, pesquisados, buscam mais autonomia e oportunidades para atravessar os desafios desta complexa etapa do ciclo vital da mesma forma que os demais adolescentes
Este estudo teve por objetivos: - descrever as dificuldades nas relações entre as filhas-cuidadoras e suas mães idosas dependentes de cuidados, a partir de relatos das filhas; - investigar, a partir dos relatos da história familiar dessas filhas, a existência de conflitos prévios a necessidade de cuidar, relacionados à construção dos vínculos; identificar os principais desafios associados assistência ao cuidador familiar de idosos no que tange a resolução de conflitos com o idoso dependente. Método – tratou-se de um estudo qualitativo em que foram apresentados três casos clínicos de cuidadoras que haviam sido encaminhados para atendimento psicológico pela equipe multiprofissional de um Instituto de Geriatria e Gerontologia, unidade de atenção secundária da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de S.P. Os resultados indicaram dificuldades relacionais entre ambas: cuidadoras filhas e mães idosas. As cuidadoras revelaram sobrecarga física e emocional e grande sofrimento. Todavia, a existência desses conflitos remontava às relações anteriores à atual situação de dependência; ficando bastante evidenciado, tanto pelas histórias de vida das cuidadoras, quanto pelo conteúdo trazido durante o processo terapêutico, a repetição das relações primeiras estabelecidas entre mãe-filha. O processo psicoterapêutico pôde permitir a essas cuidadoras a compreensão da necessidade em ter suas falhas ambientais supridas, na medida em que foi propiciado um ambiente favorável ao relacionamento humano. Assim, ao observarmos que ao longo do processo as pacientes apresentavam mudanças significativas, entendemos que a psicoterapia pode figurar como meio preventivo e preservação de equilíbrio psíquico.
A história da hanseníase é marcada por preconceito, exclusão social, estigma, abandono e medo, por ter sido conhecida durante muito tempo como incurável e contagiosa. Além dos agravos inerentes às alterações dermatoneurológicas e consequentes incapacidades físicas, são ressaltadas as repercussão emocionais, alterações nos hábitos cotidianos e mudanças na configuração familiar. Atualmente a hanseníase é conhecida como doença negligenciada, com alta incidência e prevalência, considerada como um problema de saúde alvo de incentivos e mobilizações das políticas públicas. Ao estudar a história da hanseníase, parte-se do pressuposto de que pouco se sabe sobre as repercussões da doença do passado na vida dos familiares de ex-doentes tratados em regime asilar, assim como a visão e os sentimentos dos mesmos familiares diante da hanseníase na atualidade. Portanto, objetivou-se narrar a história de familiares de ex-doentes de hanseníase que foram tratados em hospital colônia. Os objetivos específicos são: Identificar se familiares de pacientes com hanseníase tratados em hospitais colônia eram atingidos pelo preconceito, estigma e exclusão que permeava a vida dos portadores da doença; Verificar se o tratamento de ex-doentes de hanseníase em hospitais colônia alterou a efetivação de laços familiares tais indivíduos e os membros de sua família; Averiguar qual a compreensão que familiares de ex-doentes de hanseníase tratados em hospitais colônia têm sobre a hanseníase; Promover, junto aos participantes da pesquisa, atividade de promoção da saúde sobre hanseníase. Adotou-se o estudo exploratório e descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa com suporte na História Oral de Temática como técnica e referencial metodológico. Os 52 familiares de ex-doentes de lepra que foram segregados no Hospital Colônia São Francisco de Assis, cadastrados no MORHAN-Potiguar, constituíram a colônia. A partir do ponto zero houve o recrutamento dos participantes que compuseram a rede, totalizando 10 colaboradores, de ambos os sexos e idade de 44 a 76 anos. Após aprovação pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa - UFRN, sob o protocolo 650.654/2014 e CAAE 25922214.3.0000.5537, realizou-se a coleta de dados por meio de entrevista, utilizando instrumento de identificação da rede e questões abertas. As entrevistas foram gravadas, transcritas, conferidas pelos colaboradores e posteriormente transcriadas. Tratou-se as histórias, narradas pela técnica de Análise Temática de Conteúdo, segundo Bardin, emergindo três eixos temáticos: Impacto nas relações sociais (Estigma e preconceito; Exclusão social); Impacto nas relações familiares (Desagregação familiar; Restrições para visita; Compartilhamento e construção de uma nova família; Consequências familiar geradas pelo isolamento; Reconstrução do vínculo familiar); e Pensamentos frente a lepra e a hanseníase (A história no passado; A história no presente). O fato de ter um familiar doente de hanseníase segregado em hospital colônia gerou empecilhos nas relações sociais vivenciadas pelos colaboradores do estudo, que embora não tivessem a doença, foram vitimados pela exclusão social, estigma e preconceito. O internamento compulsório também gerou modificações na estrutura familiar, com distanciamento, alteração no vínculo e tentativa de reestruturação familiar. Os colaboradores também refletiram sobre política de controle da lepra no passado, assim como a adotada no presente frente à hanseníase.
Artisanal fishing is one of the important economic activities of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), becoming the main form of survival and income for many families. The southern coast of RN has strong fishing tradition, both in exploitation of fish as in the collection of mollusks on the banks of Guaraíra Lagoon (APA Bonfim-Guaraíra). In recent years, fishing communities have become more vulnerable to outside influences, since the socio-economic and environmental changes are exposed. These changes require adjustments to the fishermen to different environmental conditions, as the social and natural systems are driven by reorganization and upgrading processes. The living conditions in fishing communities are objective and necessary in different ways, according to a selection that is cultural, so adaptable. This study has the general objective to analyze the main environmental changes in fishing communities, based on the understanding of fishermen and mollusk fisherwomen about this problem. The specific objectives searched to: describe the socioeconomic profile, prospects and difficulties of fishermen and mollusk fisherwomen; investigate the major social and environmental changes in the fishing communities of Patané and Camocim (Arez/RN). The methodology was qualitative-quantitative with the techniques of observation in the field and open and semistructured interviews applied to representatives of Cologne fishing, fishermen and mollusk fisherwomen. Between the months of January to July 2014 were applied semistructured interviews with 41 interlocutors in Patané and 23 of Camocim; totaling 64 people. The results indicated that the interlocutors are aged 40 to 60 years; have only completed elementary school level; are married and have children; survive on less than a minimum wage income and they are not receiving employment insurance. The case study also revealed that the socioeconomic and environmental problems reflected in changes in reproduction, organization and social division of labor, which generates adaptive changes of families to external influences, resulting directly from other economic activities and market pressure and indirectly from tourism. Therefore, adaptations to changes scenario presented as favorable to economic aspects and unfavorable to the social and environmental aspects. In short, the fishery develops on technical, bureaucratic and financial obstacles, in the everyday needs of men and women is the determining factor in willingness to continue exercising fishing and shell fishing on Guaraíra Lagoon, space representing relations social, practices and customs transmitted in the course of local history through social memory of the oldest to the youngest.
The Chronic Venous insufficiency is characterized as a set of physical changes including how most serious complication of venous ulcers, characterized by irregular and progressive loss of continuity of the skin. The occurrence of venous ulcers in people with chronic venous insufficiency generates dependence on them with health services, with long-term treatments that cause limitations and high-impact changes, affecting their quality of life, affecting the physical, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual as an important public health problem. This study aimed to describe the experience of having a venous ulcer, in the scenario of primary health care services to Health, which includes Primary Care Units and Family Health Strategy in the city of Natal / RN, based on the life histories of users. This is a qualitative study, exploratory and descriptive, with the Oral History of Life as a methodological framework. From the ponto zero was the recruitment of participants who formed the network, totaling six employees, of both sexes and aged between 57 and 79 years. After approval by the Research Ethics Committee - UFRN under the Protocol 653 788/2014 and CAAE 30408014.0.0000.5537 was held data collection, between the months of July and August, through interviews, using identification and characterization of the instrument employees and open questions. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, transcriadas and returned to employees for a conference. The narratives were subjected to Content thematic analysis technique, according to Bardin, allowing the construction of three themes that encompass categories, namely: Axis I - Perspectives on the changes: the impact wound in social relations (changes with ulcer venous, venous ulcer and social and family relationships); Axis II - Brands in body and soul: the story of being hurt (conceptions of the body injured; therapeutic itinerary in primary care services); and Axis III - Reconstruction of being hurt: coping mechanisms (redefinition of the wounded body, resilience to chronic wound). The impact of having a chronic venous ulcer generates impact of physical, psychological and social order. As aspects related to changes after the appearance of venous ulcers, survey participants reported the presence of pain, physical limitations, psychological distress, social and emotional isolation, incapacity, aesthetic discomfort and dependency on health services; the family was the aspect thatshowed no significant change after the occurrence of wound for most participants, an ally in the therapeutic process as a support network. The redefinition of the body and the wound are the main coping mechanism of chronic condition. The services in the Primary Care Network play a fundamental role in the rehabilitation of patients with venous ulcers, although there are difficulties in accessing appropriate treatment and need for expanded services, with permanent professional training of health teams and providing the resources managers to strengthen the comprehensive care of people with venous ulcers in Health Primary Care.
The Brejuí Mine, situated in the municipality of Currais Novos (RN), was responsible for the local economy growth between the years of 1943 and 1990, causing the interest of miner's working class to its urban center. After the end of scheelita extraction, the mine became a "theme park", in 2004. The company left its mark on the city by building several monuments in reference to the mining activity and the company's founder, Tomaz Salustino. However, there are no written records that describe such activities on its early years, nor their pioneers in the mining subject. Therefore, it is important to investigate the miner’s memories and ask if, along the more than five decades that lasted the heyday of mining, an identity linked to the profession was built; the extent to which workers make reference to this history as membersand what are the symbols that are being triggered in the development of a working class identity. Further, I investigate what memory was mad concerning the pioneers, mostly farmers attracted by miner work. To do so, I make use of audiovisual archival resources and oral records of the interlocutors that were filmed in the preparations of the documentary “Lembranças de velhos garimpeiros". We have noticed that, in the script of the official history of the Brejuí Mine, the "boss" figure overlaps the workers and that the forms patronage, originated from the rural world, followed punctuating the social relations in the mine. Today, with the resumption of the mining activity, it is possible that the strengthening of the working class and the Seridó miner identity desire reborn.
This study aims to understand the growth dynamics of Ceará-Mirim city considering the aspects that define its current urban sprawl. We chose to use as methodological approach the concept of space as a product and producer of social relations and the same constitutes by objects and actions that relate in a dialectical process over time. As a research tool, it took place bibliographical study that features the historical aspects of use and occupation, in order to evidence the regional ground agents that explain its current urban setting. Then, it was collected a secondary data of economic analysis activities from municipality and their impact on local social structure. Between these aspects, the sugar economy, even in decline, had appeared as defining the boundaries of urban growth. At the regional scale, other factors were discussed in a way of urban influence processes forming the Greater Natal (RMNatal), and Ceará-Mirim appears integrating into this scale in a very low level according to Metropolis Observatory (2012). However, we have pointed out that in recent years, especially in growth vector of BR 406, settled metropolitan scope equipment. These objects have been associating in a real estate sector's reasoning while the possible "metropolization" have been promoting as investments in the city's expansion area.
This thesis aims to contribute to reflections on female prostitution in the Paraíba`s North Coast in specific regions of the Baía da Traição and Indian villages Potiguara constant cultural flow region between indigenous and non-indigenous. Within this hemisphere intend to analyze the transits, the body boundaries, sexuality, identity and ethnic category as central to understanding of prostitution practices inaugurate the possibility to study the gender and blurred places, border, mixed. Specifically, I discuss the experience of articulated gender border between urban and rural, indigenous and non-indigenous, to show and hide, visible and not visible. Analyze the social relations among women who prostitute themselves and the community they inhabit, mobility, economic and symbolic exchanges, conflicts and situations of violence, since the social environment is permeated by these dimensions and the way these women includes complex situations and individuals. Analyze the ethnic and flow of people and relationships that are built differently inside and outside the indigenous community, such as women who prostitute themselves build their indigenous and prostitutes identities. Analyze this mobility in prostitution relationships and the reason for this mobility, indigenous women prostitutes avoid this practice in the indigenous area in order to protect their identities because the community is small, there is the fear on the probability of gossip and malaise in the community. However, the region is characterized as a heterogeneous whole, requiring a procedural analysis to cover the whole specificity of these practices in the covered area.
This thesis aims to contribute to reflections on female prostitution in the Paraíba`s North Coast in specific regions of the Baía da Traição and Indian villages Potiguara constant cultural flow region between indigenous and non-indigenous. Within this hemisphere intend to analyze the transits, the body boundaries, sexuality, identity and ethnic category as central to understanding of prostitution practices inaugurate the possibility to study the gender and blurred places, border, mixed. Specifically, I discuss the experience of articulated gender border between urban and rural, indigenous and non-indigenous, to show and hide, visible and not visible. Analyze the social relations among women who prostitute themselves and the community they inhabit, mobility, economic and symbolic exchanges, conflicts and situations of violence, since the social environment is permeated by these dimensions and the way these women includes complex situations and individuals. Analyze the ethnic and flow of people and relationships that are built differently inside and outside the indigenous community, such as women who prostitute themselves build their indigenous and prostitutes identities. Analyze this mobility in prostitution relationships and the reason for this mobility, indigenous women prostitutes avoid this practice in the indigenous area in order to protect their identities because the community is small, there is the fear on the probability of gossip and malaise in the community. However, the region is characterized as a heterogeneous whole, requiring a procedural analysis to cover the whole specificity of these practices in the covered area.
Aims to understand the construction of the professional identity of undergraduate in Music UFRN, through the study of autobiographical sources of these subjects, checking their formative dimensions and their (re) meanings established throughout life stories. To do so, shows a brief presentation of the study and the main motivations of the author to do it; expresses the life story of the researcher and their training courses in music career; analyzes the historical overview of the route Search (Auto) biography as research and training approach (JOSSO, 2010; NÓVOA; FINGER, 2010; SOUZA, 2007; PASSEGGI; SILVA (2010b) and DELORY-MOMBERGER, 2012); It presents some reflections and discussions about the construction of identity, beyond the concepts and perceptions of the training and professional representations of this building (DUBAR, 2005); discusses the historical background regarding teacher training in Brazil and Music Education; describes the ways and methodological resources used for data collection and implementation of this research, namely, a reflective open questionnaire and autobiographical essays; It presents the life stories of the undergraduate students of the Music course and its educational and musical dimensions; Lastly, it presents a reflection about the paths taken. The results indicated that the autobiographical essays make it possible to understand the ways and social relations in the various identified training dimensions, in addition to realize that the family contexts and the first musical social contacts in informal settings, enable the licensees, an identification with the possible career lecturer in Music, as well as the main reasons for this choice. We conclude, therefore, that the experiences and musical experiences throughout life favor the construction of professional identity and that in the course of training, such experiences make ways to (re) define the musical experiences, as well as the (re) thinking their professional career.
Aims to understand the construction of the professional identity of undergraduate in Music UFRN, through the study of autobiographical sources of these subjects, checking their formative dimensions and their (re) meanings established throughout life stories. To do so, shows a brief presentation of the study and the main motivations of the author to do it; expresses the life story of the researcher and their training courses in music career; analyzes the historical overview of the route Search (Auto) biography as research and training approach (JOSSO, 2010; NÓVOA; FINGER, 2010; SOUZA, 2007; PASSEGGI; SILVA (2010b) and DELORY-MOMBERGER, 2012); It presents some reflections and discussions about the construction of identity, beyond the concepts and perceptions of the training and professional representations of this building (DUBAR, 2005); discusses the historical background regarding teacher training in Brazil and Music Education; describes the ways and methodological resources used for data collection and implementation of this research, namely, a reflective open questionnaire and autobiographical essays; It presents the life stories of the undergraduate students of the Music course and its educational and musical dimensions; Lastly, it presents a reflection about the paths taken. The results indicated that the autobiographical essays make it possible to understand the ways and social relations in the various identified training dimensions, in addition to realize that the family contexts and the first musical social contacts in informal settings, enable the licensees, an identification with the possible career lecturer in Music, as well as the main reasons for this choice. We conclude, therefore, that the experiences and musical experiences throughout life favor the construction of professional identity and that in the course of training, such experiences make ways to (re) define the musical experiences, as well as the (re) thinking their professional career.
Over the past decades, starting mainly in the 1960s, the number of elderly has grown in the country and an aging population is considered a remarkable global phenomenon. Given the speed of this process, this growth has produced different implications for the structure of the social, economic and cultural societies and, as such, constitutes new challenges for public policy, and particularly for the Brazilian social assistance policy. Considering the significant increase aging population in Natal and the challenges of social welfare policy, this research aims to identify and analyze the demands and challenges of Social Assistance Policy in the city of Natal / RN, in particular the access of the elderly to social protection basic in the Reference Centers of Social Assistance. This research uses a critical dialectical method, and the methodological procedures that guided the study: the bibliographical research, documentary and field as well as systematic observation. Some initial questions were important to guide this work: What are the demands that come to CRAS the elderly population? What are the answers to these demands by the Basic Social Protection? How this CRAS has implemented social protection responses to these demands as rights guarantee the elderly population? The services offered by CRAS meets user needs? To get the results of this research, bibliographic sources were used, documentary and observation for four (4) CRAS of different district areas of the city of Natal. The results of this research show that basic social protection is quite fragile, leaving part of the population at risk and social vulnerability still without attention due to several factors, including the reduced technical team and the impossibility of service to all neighborhoods referenced by CRAS in the respective zones, and 50% of elderly assisted arising from spontaneous demands.
Over the past decades, starting mainly in the 1960s, the number of elderly has grown in the country and an aging population is considered a remarkable global phenomenon. Given the speed of this process, this growth has produced different implications for the structure of the social, economic and cultural societies and, as such, constitutes new challenges for public policy, and particularly for the Brazilian social assistance policy. Considering the significant increase aging population in Natal and the challenges of social welfare policy, this research aims to identify and analyze the demands and challenges of Social Assistance Policy in the city of Natal / RN, in particular the access of the elderly to social protection basic in the Reference Centers of Social Assistance. This research uses a critical dialectical method, and the methodological procedures that guided the study: the bibliographical research, documentary and field as well as systematic observation. Some initial questions were important to guide this work: What are the demands that come to CRAS the elderly population? What are the answers to these demands by the Basic Social Protection? How this CRAS has implemented social protection responses to these demands as rights guarantee the elderly population? The services offered by CRAS meets user needs? To get the results of this research, bibliographic sources were used, documentary and observation for four (4) CRAS of different district areas of the city of Natal. The results of this research show that basic social protection is quite fragile, leaving part of the population at risk and social vulnerability still without attention due to several factors, including the reduced technical team and the impossibility of service to all neighborhoods referenced by CRAS in the respective zones, and 50% of elderly assisted arising from spontaneous demands.
The commercial complex Guarapes was during the second half of the nineteenth century most commercial street of Rio Grande do Norte province. In that time frame, you can see its flourishing as one of the central places of trade in the province in 1850, and its subsequent abandonment in 1900. This thesis aims to investigate, in its first part, the paths that help to understand, as the context of the expansion of global markets in the second half of the nineteenth century enabled the conditions for the emergence of the commercial complex. However, trade relations established in this province through the commercial complex, even participating in this global environment, reserved particular characteristics in their social and trade relations, as if dealing with a peripheral province, we look at the uniqueness of the relationship occurred in this space. In the second part, we seek to understand the importance that the rivers Potengi and Jundiaí had to install the commercial complex Guarapes in the second half of the nineteenth century. As the geographical position in relation to rivers, enabled this space became flow zone and confluence of goods distributed to the various parts of the interior of the province. We also monitor the process that made these rivers leave the role of mobility and transport relations in this space, giving way the railways and roads shooting. In the third part, we seek to understand the commercial complex Guarapes in focus. Analyzing their spatial distribution on the landscape, and how the spatial organization held at the same time traces of the Brazilian patriarchy exposed by Gilberto Freyre, but also "modern" features, due to the increase of a new culture inserted material in the province. We also seek to understand elements of material culture that was the environment of the complex, and how these materials are important sources for understanding this society under study. We treat from the biggest to the smallest fragments without hierarchize them. Understanding that, the study associated the written sources and materials provide a gain in understanding of everyday these people who lived in that area of the complex in the second half of the nineteenth century.
This study aims to present analyses of our research, documentary type, which investigates the construction of cultural identities of the Youth and Adults Education (Educação de Jovens e Adultos – EJA), level III, in a public school in the city of Natal/RN, through personal diaries produced in the school environment. In a qualitative-interpretive approach, we anchor our identity studies (BAUMAN, 2001, 2005, 2006; HALL, 1987, 1997, 2011, 2012) that bring us the idea that identities are built and rebuilt by social relations that we do. To this end, we start from a conception of language that does not require pre-conceptions because they are based on the utterance itself. Therefore, we have analyzed the utterances produced by these students from the perspective of Bakhtin Circle (BAKHTIN, 1988, 1993, 1998, 2002, 2010, 2012), which deals with the discursive construction emerging from intersubjective processes of verbal interaction, in a dialogical relationship of the self to the other, by the otherness and the heteroglossia. Moreover, our study is also guided by the guidance on speech genres (BAKHTIN, 2010) and personal journal (LEJEUNE, 2008; MACHADO, 1998, 2009). We join to Applied Linguistics (MOITA LOPES, 2006, 2009) because we believe that this research focuses on a social practice in which language plays a central role and seeks to demonstrate how the speeches of the subject students of EJA, in personal journals, are building tools not only of their identities, but also knowledge and social life of the position that this subject student takes. We conclude this work in a perception of cultural identities that are built by the subject students of EJA, because the results suggest that the identities of these students are fluidly constructed by the representation that the student makes of his or her school, of being student of EJA and how he or she is a student of this educational modality. Thus, through our work, we plan to present another look about the identity or identities of a student of EJA, pointing an insight of this subject.