982 resultados para path length


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Phenotypic plasticity widely exists in the external morphology of animals as well as the internal traits of organs. In the present study, we studied the gut length plasticity of planktivorous filter-feeding silver carp under different food resources in large-net cage experiments in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu in 2004 and 2005. There was a significant difference in stocking density between these 2 years. Under a low stocking density and abundant food resources, silver carp increased their energy intake by feeding on more zooplankton. Meanwhile, silver carp adjusted their gut length to match the digestive requirements of food when exposed to different food resources. In the main growth seasons (from April to October), silver carp significantly increased their relative gut length when feeding on more phytoplankton in 2005 (p < 0.01, 9.23 +/- 1.80 in 2004 and 10.77 +/- 2.05 in 2005, respectively). There was a nearly significant negative correlation between zooplankton proportion in the diet and the relative gut length when silver carp were stocked in a high density (p = 0.112). It appears that silver carp might have evolved plasticity to change their gut length rapidly to facilitate efficient utilization of food resources. Such resource polymorphisms in the gut may be a good indication of temporal adaptation to resource conditions. Our work provided field evidence for understanding the functional basis of resource polymorphisms and the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in planktivorous filter-feeding fish.


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Viscoelasticity and poroelasticity commonly coexist as time-dependent behaviors in polymer gels. Engineering applications often require knowledge of both behaviors separated; however, few methods exist to decouple viscoelastic and poroelastic properties of gels. We propose a method capable of separating viscoelasticity and poroelasticity of gels in various mechanical tests. The viscoelastic characteristic time and the poroelastic diffusivity of a gel define an intrinsic material length scale of the gel. The experimental setup gives a sample length scale, over which the solvent migrates in the gel. By setting the sample length to be much larger or smaller than the material length, the viscoelasticity and poroelasticity of the gel will dominate at different time scales in a test. Therefore, the viscoelastic and poroelastic properties of the gel can be probed separately at different time scales of the test. We further validate the method by finite-element models and stress-relaxation experiments. © 2014 The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Toolpath design in spinning is an open ended problem, with a large number of solutions, and remains an art acquired by practice. To be able to specify a toolpath without the need for experimental trials, further understanding of the process mechanics Is required. At the moment, the mechanics of the process Is not completely understood, due to the complex deformation and because long solution times required for accurate numerical modelling of the process Inhibit detailed study. This paper proposes and applies a new approach to modelling the process and aims to contribute to the understanding of process mechanics, In particular with respect to the mechanisms of failure and and to apply this understanding for toolpath design In spinning. A new approach to numerical modelling Is proposed and applied to Investigate the process. The findings suggest that there are two different causes and two different modes of wrinkling In spinning, depending on the stage In the process and direction of roller movement. A simple test Is performed to estimate the limits of wrinkling and provide a guideline for toolpath design In a typical spinning process. The results show that the required toolpath geometry in the early stages of the process is different from that In later stages. © 2011 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Weinheim.


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The control plane is implemented for the first time to allow scheduling and power leveling in a monolithic 8×8 space and wavelength selective cross-connect. 16 dynamic data connections are established within 16μs. © 2013 Optical Society of America.


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Surprisingly expensive to compute wall distances are still used in a range of key turbulence and peripheral physics models. Potentially economical, accuracy improving differential equation based distance algorithms are considered. These involve elliptic Poisson and hyperbolic natured Eikonal equation approaches. Numerical issues relating to non-orthogonal curvilinear grid solution of the latter are addressed. Eikonal extension to a Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) equation is discussed. Use of this extension to improve turbulence model accuracy and, along with the Eikonal, enhance Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) techniques is considered. Application of the distance approaches is studied for various geometries. These include a plane channel flow with a wire at the centre, a wing-flap system, a jet with co-flow and a supersonic double-delta configuration. Although less accurate than the Eikonal, Poisson method based flow solutions are extremely close to those using a search procedure. For a moving grid case the Poisson method is found especially efficient. Results show the Eikonal equation can be solved on highly stretched, non-orthogonal, curvilinear grids. A key accuracy aspect is that metrics must be upwinded in the propagating front direction. The HJ equation is found to have qualitative turbulence model improving properties. © 2003 by P. G. Tucker.


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The control of NOX emissions by exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) is of widespread application. However, despite dramatic improvements in all aspects of engine control, the subtle mixing processes that determine the cylinder-to-cylinder distribution of the recirculated gas often results in a mal-distribution that is still an issue for the engine designer and calibrator. In this paper we demonstrate the application of a relatively straightforward technique for the measurement of the absolute and relative dilution quantity in both steady state and transient operation. This was achieved by the use of oxygen sensors based on standard UEGO (universal exhaust gas oxygen) sensors but packaged so as to give good frequency response (∼ 10 ms time constant) and be completely insensitivity to the sample pressure and temperature. Measurements can be made at almost any location of interest, for example exhaust and inlet manifolds as well as EGR path(s), with virtually no flow disturbance. At the same time, the measurements yield insights into air-path dynamics. We argue that "dilution", as indicated by the deviation of the oxygen concentration from that of air, is a more appropriate parameter than EGR rate in the context of NOX control, especially for diesel engines. Experimental results are presented for the EGR distribution in a current production light duty 4-cylinder diesel engine in which significant differences were found in the proportion of the recirculated gas that reached each cylinder. Even the individual inlet runners of the cylinders exhibited very different dilution rates - differences of nearly 50% were observed at some conditions. An application of such data may be in the improvement of calibration and validation of CFD and other modelling techniques. Copyright © 2014 SAE International.


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Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was used to analyse the genetic structure of 45 individuals of Gymnocypris przewalskii (Kessler, 1876), an endangered and state-protected rare fish species, from three areas [the Heima (HM), Buha (BH) and Shaliu rivers (SL), all draining into Qinghai Lake]. A total of 563 polymorphic loci were detected. The HM, BH and SL populations have 435, 433 and 391 loci, respectively (Zhu and Wu, 1975), which account for 77.26%, 76.91% and 69.45% of the total number of polymorphic loci of each population, respectively. The Nei indices of genetic diversities (H) of the three populations were calculated to be 0.2869 (HM), 0.2884 (BH) and 0.2663 (SL), respectively. Their Shannon informative indices are 0.4244, 0.4251 and 0.3915, respectively. Research results show that the mean genetic distance between HM and BH is the smallest (0.0511), between BH and SL is the second shortest (0.0608), and between HM and SL is the largest (0.0713), with the mean genetic distance among the three populations being over 0.05. Data mentioned above indicate that the three populations have a certain genetic differentiation. The total genetic diversity (H-t = 0.3045) and the mean value of genetic diversity within the population (H-s = 0.2786) indicate that the variations have mainly come from within the population.


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We have fabricated 1.3-mu m InAs-GaAs quantum-dot (QD) lasers with and without p-type modulation doping and their characteristics have been investigated. We find that introducing p-type doping in active regions can improve the temperature stability of 1.3-mu m InAs-GaAs QD lasers, but it does not, increase the saturation modal gain of the QD lasers. The saturation modal gain obtained from the two types of lasers is identical (17.5 cm(-1)). Moreover, the characteristic temperature increases as cavity length increases for the two types of lasers, and it improves more significantly for the lasers with p-type doping due to their higher gain.


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We point out the use of a wrong definition for conversion efficiency in the literature and analyze the effects of the waveguide length and pump power on conversion efficiency according to the correct definition. The existence of the locally optimal waveguide length and pump power is demonstrated theoretically and experimentally. Further analysis shows that the extremum of conversion efficiency can be achieved by global optimization of the waveguide length and pump power simultaneously, which is limited by just the linear propagation loss and the effective carrier lifetime. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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Semiconductor equilateral triangle microresonators (ETRs) with side length of 5, 10, and 20 mum are fabricated by the two-step inductively coupled plasma (ICP) etching technique. The mode properties of fabricated InGaAsP ETRs are investigated experimentally by photoluminescence (PL) with the pumping source of a 980-nm semiconductor laser and distinct peaks are observed in the measured PL spectra. The wavelength spacings of the distinct peaks agree very well with the theoretical longitudinal mode intervals of the fundamental transverse modes in the ETRs, which verifies that the distinct peaks are corresponding to the enhancement of resonant modes. The mode quality factors are calculated from the width of the resonant peaks of the PL spectra, which are about 100 for the ETR with side length of 20 mum.


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An exact quantum master equation formalism is constructed for the efficient evaluation of quantum non-Markovian dissipation beyond the weak system-bath interaction regime in the presence of time-dependent external field. A novel truncation scheme is further proposed and compared with other approaches to close the resulting hierarchically coupled equations of motion. The interplay between system-bath interaction strength, non-Markovian property, and required level of hierarchy is also demonstrated with the aid of simple spin-boson systems. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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Double-state lasing phenomena are easily observed in self-assembled quantum dot (QD) lasers. The effect of inter-level relaxation rate and cavity length on the double-state lasing performance of QD lasers is investigated on the basis of a rate equation model. Calculated results show that, for a certain cavity length, the ground state (GS) lasing threshold current increases almost linearly with the inter-level relaxation lifetime. However, as the relaxation rate becomes slower, the ratio of excited state (ES) lasing threshold current over the GS one decreases, showing an evident exponential behavior. A relatively feasible method to estimate the inter-level relaxation lifetime, which is difficult to measure directly, is provided. In addition, fast inter-level relaxation is favorable for the GS single-mode lasing, and leads to lower wetting layer (WL) carrier occupation probability and higher QD GS capture efficiency and external differential quantum efficiency. Besides, the double-state lasing effect strongly depends on the cavity length. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The minority carrier diffusion length of n-type GaN films grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) has been studied by measuring the surface photovoltaic (PV) spectra. It was found that the minority carrier diffusion length of undoped n-type GaN is considerably larger than that in lightly Si-doped GaN. However, the data suggested that the dislocation and electron concentration appear not to be responsible for the minority carrier diffusion length. It is suggested that Si doping plays an important role in decreasing the minority carrier diffusion length.


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In this article, we report a combined experimental and theoretical study on the luminescence dynamics of localized carriers in disordered InGaN/GaN quantum wells. The luminescence intensity of localized carriers is found to exhibit an unusual non-exponential decay. Adopting a new model taking the radiative recombination and phonon-assisted hopping transition between different localized states into account, which was recently developed by Rubel et al., the non-exponential decay behavior of the carriers can be quantitatively interpreted. Combining with precise structure characterization, the theoretical simulations show that the localization length of localized carriers is a key parameter governing their luminescence decay dynamics. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.