959 resultados para legislative item
The purpose of the present study is to make a comparative evaluation of the legislative controls on unfairness in the context of B2B, B2C and small businesses contracts in England and Brazil. This work will focus on the examination of statutes and relevant case law which regulate exemption clauses and terms on the basis of their ‘unfairness’. The approach adopted by legislation and courts towards the above controls may vary according to the type of contract. Business contracts are more in line with the classical model of contract law according to which parties are presumably equals and able to negotiate terms. As a consequence interventions should be avoided for the sake of freedom of contract even if harmful terms were included. Such assumption of equality however is not applicable to small businesses contracts because SMEs are often in a disadvantageous position in relation to their larger counterparties. Consumer contracts in their turn are more closely regulated by the English and Brazilian legal systems which recognised that vulnerable parties are more exposed to unfair terms imposed by the stronger party as a result of the inequality of bargaining power. For this reason those jurisdictions adopted a more interventionist approach to provide special protection to consumers which is in line with the modern law of contract. The contribution of this work therefore consists of comparing how the law of England and Brazil tackles the problem of ‘unfairness’ in the above types of contracts. This study will examine the differences and similarities between rules and concepts of both jurisdictions with references to the law of their respective regional trade agreements (EU and the Mercosul). Moreover it will identify existing issues in the English and Brazilian legislation and recommend lessons that one system can learn from the other.
To assess the quantity and nature of prescribed medicines with potential for misuse returned to community pharmacies and general practice surgeries. Setting Community pharmacies (n = 51, 85% total) and general practice surgeries (n = 42, 69%) within the boundaries of Eastern Birmingham Primary Care Trust, UK. Method Medicines returned spontaneously by patients to participating sites were collected over eight weeks in May and June 2003. Data were recorded for each medicinal item including: patient sex, recommended International Non-proprietary Name (rINN), strength, form, legal classification, quantity and number of doses per day. Medicines were categorised into BWF therapeutic groups. A 'medicinal item' was defined as the total number of dose units of a medicine of the same form, strength and date of issue, returned for a given patient. Key findings Medicines were returned from 910 patients comprising 3765 medicinal items (2782 (73.9%) prescription-only medicines and 356 (9.5%) controlled drugs). Substantial amounts of unused, prescribed medicines with potential to cause harm or for misuse were returned, with analgesics, psychoactive and antiepileptic agents comprising 19.4% of returned medicinal items. Medicines of note that were returned included paracetamol-containing medicines (16 630 tablets), morphine (56 g), diamorphine (4.3 g), tramadol (2840 tablets and capsules), benzodiazepines (677 tablets) and tricyclic antidepressants (2831 tablets). Conclusions Substantial quantities of prescribed medicines with potential to cause harm or be misused are routinely present in the community. The management of these unused medicines, and in particular controlled drugs, Is currently inadequate and further work is required to identify the legislative and patient-centred processes required to minimise the potential for these medicines to be misused or cause harm. © 2007 The Authors.
Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2013
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 97C40.
Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2014
Az Európai Bizottság nemrég véglegesítette a javaslatait a Közös Agrárpolitika 2014-2020 közötti időszakára vonatkozóan. A javaslatok, amelyek egy korábbi, 2010. novemberi Bizottsági kommunikáción alapulnak, elindították az új szabályozásról való egyeztetések jogi folyamatát. A javaslatok egyik legfontosabb témaköre, amely különösen érdekes a távoli vidéki területek számára, a Közös Agrárpolitika szerepe a közjavak előállításában. A cikk célja kettős: egyrészt áttekinti a főbb megoldási javaslatokat és véleményeket a szakirodalomban és a Bizottsági kommunikációban a közjavak 2013 utáni szabályozását illetően, másrészt kritikus szemmel reagál az ötletekre és igyekszik konkrét megoldásokat javasolni. Az eredmények szerint a mezőgazdasághoz kötődő közjavak előállítása érdekében történő állami beavatkozás egyik legnagyobb problémája a mérési módszerek tökéletlensége. A cikk megkérdőjelezi, hogy vajon a kompenzáció logikája mennyiben illeszkedik a közjavak problematikájához és hogy vajon a kézenfekvő megoldás – a közjavak előállítása államilag finanszírozott kompenzációs kifizetésekkel – ténylegesen megoldást nyújt-e a háttérben meghúzódó problémákra. _____ The European Commission has finalised legislative proposals that set out the overall direction of CAP reform for 2013-2020. These proposals, building on an earlier Communication of the Commission in November 2010, initiate the legislative procedure to agree the new regulations. One of the key issues in the Communications, particularly important for remote areas, was the role of future CAP to ensure the delivery of public goods. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, it reviews the major options and opinions being advanced in the literature and the Communication on the role of public goods in the CAP after 2013. Second, through a reflective critique, it reacts to the ideas and tries to identify appropriate solutions. Results suggest that one of the biggest problems with the public intervention for the provision of public goods in agriculture lies in the insufficiency of measurement methods. The paper questions whether the logic of compensation properly appreciates the nature of the public good problems and whether the apparently obvious solution – provision of compensatory payments from the public purse – actually solves any of the underlying problems.
The implementation of term limits on state legislators has provided a wealth of data for study. Florida, the second largest state in the Union with term limits, has not been comprehensively studied. This research examines the effects of term limits on electoral competition, member composition, legislator career paths, legislative leadership, and intra- and inter-governmental influences on Florida's legislature. This study looks at the Florida legislature from 1992 when term limits were enacted through 2004, three electoral cycles in which term limits have been in effect. This study uses both quantitative and qualitative data where appropriate. Electoral data is used to assess electoral and demographic effects, as well as member career trajectories. Interview data with current and former legislators, lobbyists, and executive branch officials is used to analyze both changes in legislative organization and intra- and inter-governmental influences on the legislative process. Term limits has only created greater competition when a legislative seat opens and has actually created a greater advantage for incumbents. Women and minorities have only made minimal gains in winning seats post-term limits. Newly elected legislators are not political novices with a vast majority having previous elective experience. Leadership is more centralized under term limits and the Senate has gained an advantage over the more inexperienced House. Lastly, the influence of staff, lobbyists, and most importantly, the governor has greatly increased under term limits. This research finds that term limits have not produced the consequences that proponents had envisioned.^
The purpose of this paper is to examine the use of words on a restaurant menu, and to evaluate the impact that they have on the selection of menu items. The research comprised two distinct parts. First, four focus groups were held examining responses to five menus, each with the same menu items but using different wording. The results from the focus group analysis were used to develop a survey which was more widely distributed. From the focus group it was revealed that the occasion and participants in the dining experience influence the wording for menu item selection. Respondents discussed the mystique of the menu and confirmed a desire for menu items that would not normally be prepared at home. It was also of interest the "mouthwatering" effect that the words haw on potential customers and what a strong persuader these words were. The survey reinforced the focus group research in many ways, also stressing the positive effect of descriptive words such as "Tender'; "Golden" and "Natural" to the choice of menu items. The research has identified the importance of the choice and use of words in the design of a menu that operations management need to be aware of
Can profitable menu items be placed on a computer screen where they will be selected more readily than other items? The author examines whether printed menu theories and techniques can be applied, with the same results, to a computer menu screen
Questa tesi descrive la ricerca condotta tra l'autunno e l'inverno di quest'anno da un gruppo di ricercatori in didattica della matematica relativamente all'influenza che le variazioni redazionali di un quesito matematico hanno sulle performance degli studenti. Lo scopo della ricerca è quella di strutturare e validare una metodologia e uno strumento che permettano di individuare e quantificare l'influenza delle variazioni del testo sulle prestazioni dello studente. Si è sentita l'esigenza di condurre uno studio di questo tipo poichè è sempre più evidente il profondo legame tra il linguaggio e l'apprendimento della matematica. La messa a punto di questo strumento aprirebbe le porte a una serie di ricerche più approfondite sulle varie tipologie di variazioni numeriche e/o linguistiche finora individuate. Nel primo capitolo è presentato il quadro teorico di riferimento relativo agli studi condotti fino ad ora nell'ambito della didattica della matematica, dai quali emerge la grossa influenza che la componente linguistica ha sulla comprensione e la trasmissione della matematica. Si farà quindi riferimento alle ricerche passate volte all'individuazione e alla schematizzazione delle variazioni redazionali dei Word Problems. Nel secondo capitolo, invece si passerà alla descrizione teorica relativa allo strumento statistico utilizzato. Si tratta del modello di Rasch appartenente alla famiglia dei modelli statistici dell'Item Response Theory, particolarmente utilizzato nella ricerca in didattica. Il terzo capitolo sarà dedicato alla descrizione dettagliata della sperimentazione svolta. Il quarto capitolo sarà il cuore di questa tesi; in esso infatti verrà descritta e validata la nuova metodologia utilizzata. Nel quinto sarà eseguita un analisi puntuale di come lo strumento ha messo in evidenza le differenze per ogni item variato. Infine verranno tratte le conclusioni complessive dello studio condotto.