931 resultados para learning effect


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Gel dosimeters are of increasing interest in the field of radiation oncology as the only truly three-dimensional integrating radiation dosimeter. There are a range of ferrous-sulphate and polymer gel dosimeters. To be of use, they must be water-equivalent. On their own, this relates to their radiological properties as determined by their composition. In the context of calibration of gel dosimeters, there is the added complexity of the calibration geometry; the presence of containment vessels may influence the dose absorbed. Five such methods of calibration are modelled here using the Monte Carlo method. It is found that the Fricke gel best matches water for most of the calibration methods, and that the best calibration method involves the use of a large tub into which multiple fields of different dose are directed. The least accurate calibration method involves the use of a long test tube along which a depth dose curve yields multiple calibration points.


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Ideas of 'how we learn' in formal academic settings have changed markedly in recent decades. The primary position that universities once held on shaping what constitutes learning has come into question from a range of experience-led and situated learning models. Drawing on findings from a study conducted across three Australian universities, the article focuses on the multifarious learning experiences indicative of practice-based learning exchanges such as student placements. Building on both experiential and situated learning theories, the authors found that students can experience transformative and emotional elucidations of learning, that can challenge tacit assumptions and transform the ways they understand the world. It was found that all participants (hosts, students, academics) both teach and learn in these educative scenarios and that, contrary to common (mis)perceptions that academics live in 'ivory towers', they play a crucial role in contributing to learning that takes place in the so-called 'real world'.


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In this article our starting point is the current context of national curriculum change and intense speculation about the assessment, standards and reporting. It is written against a background of accountability measures and improvement imperatives, and focuses attention on standards as offering representations of quality. We understand standards to be constructs that aim to achieve public credibility and utility. Further, they can be examined for the purposes they seek to serve and also their expected functions. Fitness for purpose is therefore a useful notion in considering the nature of standards. Our interest in the discussion is the ‘fit’ between how standards are formulated and how they are used in practice, by whom and for what purposes. A related interest is in the matter of how standards can be harnessed to realise improvement.


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The world’s increasing complexity, competitiveness, interconnectivity, and dependence on technology generate new challenges for nations and individuals that cannot be met by “continuing education as usual” (The National Academies, 2009). With the proliferation of complex systems have come new technologies for communication, collaboration, and conceptualization. These technologies have led to significant changes in the forms of mathematical thinking that are required beyond the classroom. This paper argues for the need to incorporate future-oriented understandings and competencies within the mathematics curriculum, through intellectually stimulating activities that draw upon multidisciplinary content and contexts. The paper also argues for greater recognition of children’s learning potential, as increasingly complex learners capable of dealing with cognitively demanding tasks.


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Background: The “Curriculum renewal in legal education” project has been funded by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council with the core objectives being the articulation of a set of final year curriculum design principles, and the development of a model of a transferable final year program. Through these principles and the development of the model, it is anticipated that the final year experience for law students will provide greater opportunity for them to understand the relevance of their learning, and will enhance their capacity to make decisions regarding their career path. Discussion / Argument: This paper reports on the project’s progress to date, and presents an argument for the inclusion of work integrated learning (WIL) as a component of the final year experience in undergraduate law programs. The project has identified that the two principal objectives of capstone experiences are to provide closure and to facilitate transition to post-university life. Reflective practice and Bruner’s spiral curriculum model are the central theoretical foundations by which these objectives can be achieved. Experiential learning is also increasingly seen as an essential element of a capstone experience. WIL is consistent with the objectives of capstones in focusing on the transition to professional practice and providing opportunities for reflection. However, the ability of WIL to meet all of the objectives of capstones, particularly closure and integration, may be limited. Conclusions / Implications: The paper posits that while WIL should be considered as a potential component of a capstone experience, educators should ensure that WIL is not equated with a capstone experience unless it is carefully designed to ensure that all of the objectives of capstones are met. Keywords: Work-integrated learning, capstone, final year experience, law


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Our strategy entails investigating the influence of varied concentrations (0, 10, 100 and 1000 ng/ml) of human recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) on the osteogenic expression of canine osteoblasts, seeded onto poly-caprolactone 20% tricalcium phosphate (PCL-TCP) scaffolds in vitro. Biochemical assay revealed that groups with rhBMP-2 displayed an initial burst in cell growth that was not dose-dependent. However, after 13 days, cell growth declined to a value similar to control. Significantly less cell growth was observed for construct with 1000 ng/ml of rhBMP-2 from 20 days onwards. Confocal microscopy confirmed viability of osteoblasts and at day 20, groups seeded with rhBMP-2 displayed heightened cell death as compared to control. Phase contrast and scanning electron microscopy revealed that osteoblasts heavily colonized surfaces, rods and pores of the PCL-TCP scaffolds. This was consistent for all groups. Finally, Von Kossa and osteocalcin assays demonstrated that cells from all groups maintained their osteogenic phenotype throughout the experiment. Calcification was observed as early as four days after stimulation for groups seeded with rhBMP-2. In conclusion, rhBMP-2 seems to enhance the differentiated function of canine osteoblasts in a non-dose dependent manner. This resulted in accelerated mineralization, followed by death of osteoblasts as they underwent terminal differentiation. Notably, PCL-TCP scaffolds seeded only with canine osteoblasts could sustain excellent osteogenic expression in vitro. Hence, the synergy of PCL with bioactive TCP and rhBMP-2 in a novel composite scaffold, could offer an exciting approach for bone regeneration.


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Background / context: The ALTC WIL Scoping Study identified a need to develop innovative assessment methods for work integrated learning (WIL) that encourage reflection and integration of theory and practice within the constraints that result from the level of engagement of workplace supervisors and the ability of academic supervisors to become involved in the workplace. Aims: The aim of this paper is to examine how poster presentations can be used to authentically assess student learning during WIL. Method / Approach: The paper uses a case study approach to evaluate the use of poster presentations for assessment in two internship units at the Queensland University of Technology. The first is a unit in the Faculty of Business where students majoring in advertising, marketing and public relations are placed in a variety of organisations. The second unit is a law unit where students complete placements in government legal offices. Results / Discussion: While poster presentations are commonly used for assessment in the sciences, they are an innovative approach to assessment in the humanities. This paper argues that posters are one way that universities can overcome the substantial challenges of assessing work integrated learning. The two units involved in the case study adopt different approaches to the poster assessment; the Business unit is non-graded and the poster assessment task requires students to reflect on their learning during the internship. The Law unit is graded and requires students to present on a research topic that relates to their internship. In both units the posters were presented during a poster showcase which was attended by students, workplace supervisors and members of faculty. The paper evaluates the benefits of poster presentations for students, workplace supervisors and faculty and proposes some criteria for poster assessment in WIL. Conclusions / Implications: The paper concludes that posters can effectively and authentically assess various learning outcomes in WIL in different disciplines while at the same time offering a means to engage workplace supervisors with academic staff and other students and supervisors participating in the unit. Posters have the ability to demonstrate reflection in learning and are an excellent demonstration of experiential learning and assessing authentically. Keywords: Work integrated learning, assessment, poster presentations, industry engagement.


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Deformation Behaviour of microcrystalline (mc) and nanocrystalline (nc) Mg-5%Al alloys produced by hot extrusion of ball-milled powders were investigated using instrumented indentation tests. The hardness values of the mc and nc metals exhibited indentation size effect (ISE), with nc alloys showing weaker ISE. The highly localized dislocation activities resulted in a small activation volume, hence enhanced strain rate sensitivity. Relative higher strain rate sensitivity and the negative Hall-Petch Relationship suggested the increasingly important role of grain boundary mediated mechanisms when the grain size decreased to nanometer region.


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Raman spectra of the uranyl titanate mineral betafite were obtained and related to the mineral structure. A comparison is made with the spectra of uranyl oxyhydroxide hydrates. Observed bands are attributed to the (UO2)2+ stretching and bending vibrations, U-OH bending vibrations, H2O and (OH)- stretching, bending and libration modes. U-O bond lengths in uranyls and O-H…O bond lengths are calculated from the wavenumbers assigned to the stretching vibrations. Raman bands of betafite are comparable with those of the uranyl oxyhydroxides. The mineral betafite is metamict as is evidenced by the intensity of the UO stretching and bending modes being of lower intensity than expected and with bands that are significantly broader.


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My research investigates why nouns are learned disproportionately more frequently than other kinds of words during early language acquisition (Gentner, 1982; Gleitman, et al., 2004). This question must be considered in the context of cognitive development in general. Infants have two major streams of environmental information to make meaningful: perceptual and linguistic. Perceptual information flows in from the senses and is processed into symbolic representations by the primitive language of thought (Fodor, 1975). These symbolic representations are then linked to linguistic input to enable language comprehension and ultimately production. Yet, how exactly does perceptual information become conceptualized? Although this question is difficult, there has been progress. One way that children might have an easier job is if they have structures that simplify the data. Thus, if particular sorts of perceptual information could be separated from the mass of input, then it would be easier for children to refer to those specific things when learning words (Spelke, 1990; Pylyshyn, 2003). It would be easier still, if linguistic input was segmented in predictable ways (Gentner, 1982; Gleitman, et al., 2004) Unfortunately the frequency of patterns in lexical or grammatical input cannot explain the cross-cultural and cross-linguistic tendency to favor nouns over verbs and predicates. There are three examples of this failure: 1) a wide variety of nouns are uttered less frequently than a smaller number of verbs and yet are learnt far more easily (Gentner, 1982); 2) word order and morphological transparency offer no insight when you contrast the sentence structures and word inflections of different languages (Slobin, 1973) and 3) particular language teaching behaviors (e.g. pointing at objects and repeating names for them) have little impact on children's tendency to prefer concrete nouns in their first fifty words (Newport, et al., 1977). Although the linguistic solution appears problematic, there has been increasing evidence that the early visual system does indeed segment perceptual information in specific ways before the conscious mind begins to intervene (Pylyshyn, 2003). I argue that nouns are easier to learn because their referents directly connect with innate features of the perceptual faculty. This hypothesis stems from work done on visual indexes by Zenon Pylyshyn (2001, 2003). Pylyshyn argues that the early visual system (the architecture of the "vision module") segments perceptual data into pre-conceptual proto-objects called FINSTs. FINSTs typically correspond to physical things such as Spelke objects (Spelke, 1990). Hence, before conceptualization, visual objects are picked out by the perceptual system demonstratively, like a finger pointing indicating ‘this’ or ‘that’. I suggest that this primitive system of demonstration elaborates on Gareth Evan's (1982) theory of nonconceptual content. Nouns are learnt first because their referents attract demonstrative visual indexes. This theory also explains why infants less often name stationary objects such as plate or table, but do name things that attract the focal attention of the early visual system, i.e., small objects that move, such as ‘dog’ or ‘ball’. This view leaves open the question how blind children learn words for visible objects and why children learn category nouns (e.g. 'dog'), rather than proper nouns (e.g. 'Fido') or higher taxonomic distinctions (e.g. 'animal').


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Demography theory suggests that high gender diversity leads to high turnover. As turnover is costly for organizations, we examined whether HR policies and practices influence the expected gender diversity-turnover relationship. Survey data were collected from 198 HR decision makers at publicly listed organizations. We found that HR policies and practices that are supportive of diversity moderate the gender diversity-turnover relationship, such that high gender diversity leads to low turnover in organizations with many diversity supportive policies and practices. Results suggest that organizations can avoid the negative consequences of high gender diversity by implementing diversity supportive HR polices and practices.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: College students and young adults are experiencing the greatest increases in rates of obesity, and 20% of college students are classified as obese. The objective of this study was to compare changes and rates of change in body weight and body composition between the freshman academic year and the summer after the freshman year among female college students. METHODS: Participants were recruited early in their freshman year of college to participate in a prospective longitudinal study examining changes in body weight and composition over the college years. Height and weight were measured, and body composition was assessed using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) at the beginning and end of the freshman year. Upon return from the summer for their sophomore year, participants returned to have all measurements repeated. Sixty-nine female participants completed all three visits. RESULTS: Body weight increased 1.3 kg during the academic period and an additional 0.1 kg during the summer period. Body mass index (BMI) increased between the first two visits but did not change between the last two visits. However, percent fat increased at each visit. Fat-free mass significantly increased 0.5 kg over the academic year but decreased by 1.1 kg over the summer (p<0.05). Greater rates of change were detected in percent fat, fat-free mass, and BMI during the summer compared with the academic year (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Differences in body composition between the academic and summer periods may reflect changes in living situations between these periods. Unfavorable changes during the summer suggest the need to promote healthy lifestyles to freshman women before they leave campus for the summer


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This paper is concerned with the general issues of ageing, learning, and education for the elderly. It also examines the more specific issues of why, how and what elders want to learn. The world's population is ageing rapidly. For example, it is estimated that by 2020 20% of the population in the USA will be 65 years old and over. It is predicted that 24% of the Hong Kong population will be over 65 years old by 2025 (Bartlett & Phillips, 1995). The phenomenon has been described in colorful terms as the "silver tsunami" (Pew Report, 2001 cited in Summer, 2007). Ageing has an impact on all aspects of human life including the social, economic, cultural and political domains. Understanding and providing for ageing is, therefoer, an important issue for the twenty-first century. The World Health Organisation ([WHO], 2002) has proposed a model of active ageing based on optimizing opportunities for health, particulation, and security in order to enhance quality of life for people as they age. The focus in this paper is on the education and learning aspect of participation as people age.


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Since 1996, ther provision of a refuge floor has been a mandatory feature for all new tall buildings in Hong Kong. These floors are designed to provide for building occupants a fire safe environment that is also free from smoke. However, the desired cross ventilation on these floors to achieve the removal of smoke, assumed by the Building Codes of Hong Kong, is still being questioned so that a further scientific study of the wind-induced ventilation of a refuge fllor is needed. This paper presents an investigation into this issue. The developed computational technique used in this paper was adopted to study the wind-induced natural ventilation on a refuge floor. The aim of the investigation was to establish whether a refuge floor with a cetnral core and having cross ventilation produced by only two open opposite external side walls on the refuge floor would provide the required protection in all situations taking into account behaviour of wind due to different floor heights, wall boundary conditions and turbulence intensity profiles. The results revealed that natural ventilation can be increased by increasng the floor heigh provided the wind angle to the building is less than 90 degrees. The effectiveness of the solution was greatly reduced when the wind was blowing at 90 degrees to the refuge floor opening.


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This paper explores models of teaching and learning music composition in higher education. It analyses the pedagogical approaches apparent in the literature on teaching and learning composition in schools and universities, and introduces a teaching model as: learning from the masters; mastery of techniques; exploring ideas; and developing voice. It then presents a learning model developed from a qualitative study into students’ experiences of learning composition at university as: craft, process and art. The relationship between the students’ experiences and the pedagogical model is examined. Finally, the implications for composition curricula in higher education are presented.