984 resultados para kant
Vergílio Ferreira (1916-1996) foi um existencialista por natureza. A sua produção literária recebeu influências de Sartre, Marco Aurélio, Santo Agostinho, Pascal, Dostoiévski, Jaspers, Kant e Heidegger, refletindo a sua preocupação com a vida e a cultura do Homem. Em 1993 edita Na Tua Face, uma das suas obras mais exemplares, em que desenvolve uma reflexão aprofundada acerca da Beleza e da sua efemeridade. Trata-se de um romance que retrata a vida do personagem principal, Daniel, que conhece Bárbara, o que lhe provoca um intenso deslumbramento, mas casa com Ângela, mesmo não a amando ou amando de outra forma, e continua a sua vida, convivendo através da memória com o amor impossível que sente por Bárbara, em lembranças que o atormentam.
«Die Art, wie er den Mechanismus der Natur mit ihrer Zweckmäßigkeit vereiniget, scheint mir eigentlich den ganzen Geist seines Systems zu enthalten»: This quotation, which originated the present essay, is solely extracted from a letter sent by Hölderlin to Hegel, and yet, it condensates three different approaches from the three Tübingen friends to the problem of Kant’s philosophy of religion and to its possible resolution between 1795 and 1796. From this epistolary dialogue emerges a simultaneous study of Kant, originated by the growing dissension towards the orthodox thought of the Stift. The turning point – or the maximum cumulative point – of this discordance happens precisely with the discovery of the «spirit of Kant’s system», as a combined explanation of the religious and philosophical phenomena [«Die Art, wie er den Mechanismus der Natur mit ihrer Zweckmässigkeit vereiniget»]. This, I think, is something which the three friends discover gradually and not independently from the concept of «providence», which Kant himself, according to Hölderlin, had used to «attenuate his antinomies», which Hegel uses in his first religious writings and the initial formation of his own philosophy and which Schelling will later explore in his System of Transcendental Idealism. In a word, providence is consensually the comprehension axis between man, God and nature and, thus, the explanatory link between the antinomical poles which regulate human existence. On the other hand, however – this being the aspect I would like to stress –, this decisive moment for a whole generation, for the history of philosophy itself, means the consummation of a new revolutionary perspective born in Kant, a new vision of the absolute and the divine and, therefore, a new way to write philosophy about philosophy, less philosophical than before, to the extent that the new situation of man and his reflection within the problem ultimately destined them – as is the case in the three young philosophers – to silence and death. The final aim of this essay is, therefore, to know what this «last step of philosophy» is and what dies along with it, what such a step may have meant and what it already foretold in terms of the development of philosophy.
This paper defends that environmental aesthetics provides a consistent basis for environmental philosophy, whereas aesthetic value plays an important role in the defense and preservation of natural areas. For several environmental philosophers the natural beauty is an inherent part of the ethical concern. Leopold states that “a thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, the balance and the beauty of the biotic community”. Notwithstanding, aesthetic value is still not a central issue in the environmental debate. On the other hand, the “positive aesthetics” (Allen Carlson), which is a recent approach that reevaluates “positively” natural beauty in the ethical context, obtains a core of objections. This paper sketches a few arguments defending the contiguity between environmental aesthetics and environmental ethics: (i) the emotional perception of inclusiveness and engagement on the aesthetics appreciation of nature; (ii) the feelings of grace and love toward nature inherent to the nature’s aesthetic appreciation which according Kant announces the moral feeling; (iii) the ecological knowledge of natural beauty in order to understand the full meaning of it, and that includes some natural entities seen as not beautiful.
Michel Foucault foi um leitor perseverante, embora sui generis, de Kant, e é essa apropriação que iremos analisar. Começaremos pela longa introdução que fez para a sua tradução de Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht, mostrando aí o insucesso da antropologia pragmática kantiana. Prosseguiremos com o estudo da Crítica kantiana em Les Mots et les Choses, condição que definiu a transição da episteme Clássica para a Moderna, autorizando no entanto, e simultaneamente, a constituição de uma nova metafísica fora das representações e constituindo uma filosofia obcecada pelo homem, ao reduzir o seu campo de saber às “empiricidades” da vida, da linguagem e do trabalho. Nietzsche virá em seu socorro oferecendo com o “desaparecimento do homem” a promessa do renascimento da filosofia. Finalmente, num terceiro ponto, pensaremos a maneira como Foucault se inscreve mais directamente na recepção kantiana, prolongando-a e renovando-a através do destaque que deu ao “diagnóstico da actualidade” e à “ontologia de nós mesmos”, em vez da “analítica da verdade”, bem como à axiologia da revolução; presentes nos textos que escreveu já na década de 80 sobre Was ist Aufklärung? e Der Streit der Facultäten, definindo aí muito da sua própria condição de pensador, público e privado.
Russia was the first state in the world to de facto recognise the regime change in Kyrgyzstan that took place on 7 April 2010. This recognition, along with a previous campaign by the Russian media against the then President Kurmanbek Bakiyev, has given rise to suspicion that the events of April were provoked by Russia. However, it seems no more than reasonable to say that Russia provided some inspiration and lobbying in that direction. Russia offered support to the new Kyrgyz government almost immediately, albeit conditionally. Russia’s relations with Roza Otunbayeva’s government have been changing in nature; they are currently much cooler than they had been immediately after the coup. There are many indications that this change was a reaction to the extension of the lease agreement for the American military base in the Manas airport. At the same time, Moscow remains in contact with the political rivals to the current regime, which suggests that the Kremlin is preparing for different developments, and does not regard the current crisis as having been fully resolved. Despite the interim government’s plea for help, Russia refused to undertake military intervention in southern Kyrgyzstan, which plunged into ethnic unrest in June. This shows that Russia is wary of being dragged into a long-standing and bloody conflict in the region, which could entail considerable expenses and jeopardise Russia’s authority. It should be expected that after the October parliamentary elections in Kyrgyzstan, Russia will return to its plans to establish a second military base in this country (in addition to the Kant base) to reinforce its dominant position in the region. This is the first time that Russia has had a real chance to play a stabilising role in the CIS area. How Russia copes with this challenge may decide its position in post-Soviet Central Asia – and in a wider context, its relations with NATO, the USA and China.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
v.2. Kritik der reinen Vernunft. 1828.-- v.3. Kleinere metaphysische Schriften. 1838.-- v.4. Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten, Kritik der praktischen Vernunft, nebst Abhandlungen zur philosophie der Geschichte. 1838.-- v.5. Metaphysik der Sitten in zwei Theilen, Rechtslehre, Tugendlehre. Nebst den kleineren Abhandlungen zur Moral and Politik.-- v.6. Schriften zur Philosophie der Religion. 1839.-- v.7. Kritik der Urtheilskraft. Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen. 1839.-- v.8. Schriften zur Naturwissenschaft. Abt.1. 1838.-- v.9. Schriften zur Naturwissenschaft. Abt.2. 1839.-- v.10. Schriften zur Anthropologie und Pädagogik. Nebst einer Sammlung von Briefen und öffentlichen Erklärungen und einem chronologischen Verzeichnisse sämmtlicher Schriften Kant's.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [152]-155).
Imprint varies; published: Berlin : Verlag von Reuther & Reichard, <1911->
Cover title.
"Sonderdruck aus den 'Abhandlungen der Fries'-schule' N.F., IV Band, 1. Heft."
"Bibliographisches: a) Schriften von Schulze. b) Schriften über Schulze": p. 344-347.