940 resultados para in-field detection


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Stable isotope analysis has become a standard ecological tool for elucidating feeding relationships of organisms and determining food web structure and connectivity. There remain important questions concerning rates at which stable isotope values are incorporated into tissues (turnover rates) and the change in isotope value between a tissue and a food source (discrimination values). These gaps in our understanding necessitate experimental studies to adequately interpret field data. Tissue turnover rates and discrimination values vary among species and have been investigated in a broad array of taxa. However, little attention has been paid to ectothermic top predators in this regard. We quantified the turnover rates and discrimination values for three tissues (scutes, red blood cells, and plasma) in American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis). Plasma turned over faster than scutes or red blood cells, but turnover rates of all three tissues were very slow in comparison to those in endothermic species. Alligator δ15N discrimination values were surprisingly low in comparison to those of other top predators and varied between experimental and control alligators. The variability of δ15N discrimination values highlights the difficulties in using δ15N to assign absolute and possibly even relative trophic levels in field studies. Our results suggest that interpreting stable isotope data based on parameter estimates from other species can be problematic and that large ectothermic tetrapod tissues may be characterized by unique stable isotope dynamics relative to species occupying lower trophic levels and endothermic tetrapods.


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Sociolinguists have documented the substrate influence of various languages on the formation of dialects in numerous ethnic-regional setting throughout the United States. This literature shows that while phonological and grammatical influences from other languages may be instantiated as durable dialect features, lexical phenomena often fade over time as ethnolinguistic communities assimilate with contiguous dialect groups. In preliminary investigations of emerging Miami Latino English, we have observed that lexical forms based on Spanish lexical forms are not only ubiquitous among the speech of the first generation Cuban Americans but also of the second. Examples, observed in field work, casual observation, and studied formally in an experimental context include the following: “get down from the car,” which derives from the Spanish equivalent, bajar del carro instead of “get out of the car”. The translation task administered to thirty-one participants showed a variety lexical phenomena are still maintained at equal or higher frequencies.


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This dissertation established a state-of-the-art programming tool for designing and training artificial neural networks (ANNs) and showed its applicability to brain research. The developed tool, called NeuralStudio, allows users without programming skills to conduct studies based on ANNs in a powerful and very user friendly interface. A series of unique features has been implemented in NeuralStudio, such as ROC analysis, cross-validation, network averaging, topology optimization, and optimization of the activation function’s slopes. It also included a Support Vector Machines module for comparison purposes. Once the tool was fully developed, it was applied to two studies in brain research. In the first study, the goal was to create and train an ANN to detect epileptic seizures from subdural EEG. This analysis involved extracting features from the spectral power in the gamma frequencies. In the second application, a unique method was devised to link EEG recordings to epileptic and non-epileptic subjects. The contribution of this method consisted of developing a descriptor matrix that can be used to represent any EEG file regarding its duration and the number of electrodes. The first study showed that the inter-electrode mean of the spectral power in the gamma frequencies and its duration above a specific threshold performs better than the other frequencies in seizure detection, exhibiting an accuracy of 95.90%, a sensitivity of 92.59%, and a specificity of 96.84%. The second study yielded that Hjorth’s parameter activity is sufficient to accurately relate EEG to epileptic and non-epileptic subjects. After testing, accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of the classifier were all above 0.9667. Statistical tests measured the superiority of activity at over 99.99 % certainty. It was demonstrated that 1) the spectral power in the gamma frequencies is highly effective in locating seizures from EEG and 2) activity can be used to link EEG recordings to epileptic and non-epileptic subjects. These two studies required high computational load and could be addressed thanks to NeuralStudio. From a medical perspective, both methods proved the merits of NeuralStudio in brain research applications. For its outstanding features, NeuralStudio has been recently awarded a patent (US patent No. 7502763).


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The sudden hydrocarbon influx from the formation into the wellbore poses a serious risk to the safety of the well. This sudden influx is termed a kick, which, if not controlled, may lead to a blowout. Therefore, early detection of the kick is crucial to minimize the possibility of a blowout occurrence. There is a high probability of delay in kick detection, apart from other issues when using a kick detection system that is exclusively based on surface monitoring. Down-hole monitoring techniques have a potential to detect a kick at its early stage. Down-hole monitoring could be particularly beneficial when the influx occurs as a result of a lost circulation scenario. In a lost circulation scenario, when the down-hole pressure becomes lower than the formation pore pressure, the formation fluid may starts to enter the wellbore. The lost volume of the drilling fluid is compensated by the formation fluid flowing into the well bore, making it difficult to identify the kick based on pit (mud tank) volume observations at the surface. This experimental study investigates the occurrence of a kick based on relative changes in the mass flow rate, pressure, density, and the conductivity of the fluid in the down-hole. Moreover, the parameters that are most sensitive to formation fluid are identified and a methodology to detect a kick without false alarms is reported. Pressure transmitter, the Coriolis flow and density meter, and the conductivity sensor are employed to observe the deteriorating well conditions in the down-hole. These observations are used to assess the occurrence of a kick and associated blowout risk. Monitoring of multiple down-hole parameters has a potential to improve the accuracy of interpretation related to kick occurrence, reduces the number of false alarms, and provides a broad picture of down-hole conditions. The down-hole monitoring techniques have a potential to reduce the kick detection period. A down-hole assembly of the laboratory scale drilling rig model and kick injection setup were designed, measuring instruments were acquired, a frame was fabricated, and the experimental set-up was assembled and tested. This set-up has the necessary features to evaluate kick events while implementing down-hole monitoring techniques. Various kick events are simulated on the drilling rig model. During the first set of experiments compressed air (which represents the formation fluid) is injected with constant pressure margin. In the second set of experiments the compressed air is injected with another pressure margin. The experiments are repeated with another pump (flow) rate as well. This thesis consists of three main parts. The first part gives the general introduction, motivation, outline of the thesis, and a brief description of influx: its causes, various leading and lagging indicators, and description of the several kick detection systems that are in practice in the industry. The second part describes the design and construction of the laboratory scale down-hole assembly of the drilling rig and kick injection setup, which is used to implement the proposed methodology for early kick detection. The third part discusses the experimental work, describes the methodology for early kick detection, and presents experimental results that show how different influx events affect the mass flow rate, pressure, conductivity, and density of the fluid in the down-hole, and the discussion of the results. The last chapter contains summary of the study and future research.


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Using far-infrared imaging from the "Herschel Lensing Survey," we derive dust properties of spectroscopically confirmed cluster member galaxies within two massive systems at z ~ 0.3: the merging Bullet Cluster and the more relaxed MS2137.3-2353. Most star-forming cluster sources (~90%) have characteristic dust temperatures similar to local field galaxies of comparable infrared (IR) luminosity (T_dust ~ 30 K). Several sub-luminous infrared galaxy (LIRG; L_IR < 10^11 L_☉) Bullet Cluster members are much warmer (T_dust > 37 K) with far-infrared spectral energy distribution (SED) shapes resembling LIRG-type local templates. X-ray and mid-infrared data suggest that obscured active galactic nuclei do not contribute significantly to the infrared flux of these "warm dust" galaxies. Sources of comparable IR luminosity and dust temperature are not observed in the relaxed cluster MS2137, although the significance is too low to speculate on an origin involving recent cluster merging. "Warm dust" galaxies are, however, statistically rarer in field samples (>3σ), indicating that the responsible mechanism may relate to the dense environment. The spatial distribution of these sources is similar to the whole far-infrared bright population, i.e., preferentially located in the cluster periphery, although the galaxy hosts tend toward lower stellar masses (M_* < 10^10 M_☉). We propose dust stripping and heating processes which could be responsible for the unusually warm characteristic dust temperatures. A normal star-forming galaxy would need 30%-50% of its dust removed (preferentially stripped from the outer reaches, where dust is typically cooler) to recover an SED similar to a "warm dust" galaxy. These progenitors would not require a higher IR luminosity or dust mass than the currently observed normal star-forming population.


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Colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer, accounting for 53,219 deaths in 2007 and an estimated 146,970 new cases in the USA during 2009. The combination of FDG PET and CT has proven to be of great benefit for the assessment of colorectal cancer. This is most evident in the detection of occult metastases, particularly intra- or extrahepatic sites of disease, that would preclude a curative procedure or in the detection of local recurrence. FDG PET is generally not used for the diagnosis of colorectal cancer although there are circumstances where PET-CT may make the initial diagnosis, particularly with its more widespread use. In addition, precancerous adenomatous polyps can also be detected incidentally on whole-body images performed for other indications; sensitivity increases with increasing polyp size. False-negative FDG PET findings have been reported with mucinous adenocarcinoma, and false-positive findings have been reported due to inflammatory conditions such as diverticulitis, colitis, and postoperative scarring. Therefore, detailed evaluation of the CT component of a PET/CT exam, including assessment of the entire colon, is essential.


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The work described in this thesis focuses on the development of an innovative bioimpedance device for the detection of breast cancer using electrical impedance as the detection method. The ability for clinicians to detect and treat cancerous lesions as early as possible results in improved patient outcomes and can reduce the severity of the treatment the patient has to undergo. Therefore, new technology and devices are continually required to improve the specificity and sensitivity of the accepted detection methods. The gold standard for breast cancer detection is digital x-ray mammography but it has some significant downsides associated with it. The development of an adjunct technology to aid in the detection of breast cancers could represent a significant patient and economic benefit. In this project silicon substrates were pattern with two gold microelectrodes that allowed electrical impedance measurements to be recorded from intact tissue structures. These probes were tested and characterised using a range of in vitro and ex vivo experiments. The end application of this novel sensor device was in a first-in-human clinical trial. The initial results of this study showed that the silicon impedance device was capable of differentiating between normal and abnormal (benign and cancerous) breast tissue. The mean separation between the two tissue types 4,340 Ω with p < 0.001. The cancer type and grade at the site of the probe recordings was confirmed histologically and correlated with the electrical impedance measurements to determine if the different subtypes of cancer could each be differentiated. The results presented in this thesis showed that the novel impedance device demonstrated excellent electrochemical recording potential; was biocompatible with the growth of cultured cell lines and was capable of differentiating between intact biological tissues. The results outlined in this thesis demonstrate the potential feasibility of using electrical impedance for the differentiation of biological tissue samples. The novelty of this thesis is in the development of a new method of tissue determination with an application in breast cancer detection.


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Preterm infants are exposed to high levels of modified early sensory experience in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Reports that preterm infants show deficits in contingency detection and learning when compared to full-term infants (Gekoski, Fagen, & Pearlman, 1984; Haley, Weinberg, & Grunau, 2006) suggest that their exposure to atypical amounts or types of sensory stimulation might contribute to deficits in these critical skills. Experimental modifications of sensory experience are severely limited with human fetuses and preterm infants, and previous studies with precocial bird embryos that develop in ovo have proven useful to assess the effects of modified perinatal sensory experience on subsequent perceptual and cognitive development. In the current study, I assessed whether increasing amounts of prenatal auditory or visual stimulation can interfere with quail neonates’ contingency detection and contingency learning in the days following hatching. Results revealed that augmented prenatal visual stimulation prior to hatching does not disrupt the ability of bobwhite chicks to recognize and prefer information learned in a contingent fashion, whereas augmented prenatal auditory stimulation disrupted the ability of chicks to benefit from contingently presented information. These results suggest that specific types of augmented prenatal stimulation that embryos receive during late prenatal period can impair the ability to learn and remember contingently presented information. These results provide testable developmental hypotheses, with the goal of improving the developmental care and management of preterm neonates in the NICU setting.


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Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes were used to investigate the phylogenetic composition of a marine Arctic sediment (Svalbard). Hybridization and microscopy counts of hybridized and 4',6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-stained cells were performed as described previously from Snaidr et al. (1997, http://aem.asm.org/content/63/7/2884.full.pdf). Means were calculated from 10 to 20 randomly chosen fields on each filter section, corresponding to 800 to 1,000 DAPI-stained cells. Counting results were always corrected by subtracting signals observed with the probe NON338. Formamide concentrations are given in further details. FISH resulted in the detection of a large fraction of microbes living in the top 5 cm of the sediment. Up to 65.4% ± 7.5% of total DAPI cell counts hybridized to the bacterial probe EUB338, and up to 4.9% ± 1.5% hybridized to the archaeal probe ARCH915. Besides delta-proteobacterial sulfate-reducing bacteria (up to 16% 52) members of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium cluster were the most abundant group detected in this sediment, accounting for up to 12.8% of total DAPI cell counts. Furthermore, members of the order Planctomycetales accounted for up to 3.9% of total cell counts. In accordance with previous studies, these findings support the hypothesis that these bacterial groups are not simply settling with organic matter from the pelagic zone but are indigenous to the anoxic zones of marine sediments. Members of the gamma-proteobacteria also constituted a significant fraction in this sediment (6.1% ± 2.5% of total cell counts). A new probe (GAM660) specific for sequences affiliated with free-living or endosymbiotic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria was developed. A significant number of cells was detected by this probe (2.1% ± 0.7% of total DAPI cell counts), showing no clear zonation along the vertical profile. Gram-positive bacteria and the beta-proteobacteria were near the detection limit in all sediments.


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Endocrine disruption has rarely been reported in field populations of the edible cockle and the context with the general health of the shellfish is unclear. This study examined the reproductive state of two Cerastoderma edule populations over a 6-month period to assess their reproductive condition, the incidence of intersex and presence of parasitic infection. A further seven native sites from south-west England were examined during the peak reproductive season to identify the presence of intersex within the region. Laboratory exposures of organisms collected from field populations showed a significantly female-biased sex ratio compared with controls when exposed to the endocrine disrupting chemicals, bisphenol-A (nominal concentration: 0.1 µg L−1) and 17β-oestradiol (nominal concentration: 0.1 µg L−1), but none of the chemical exposures induced intersex. Intersex was revealed in seven out of the nine native populations of C. edule sampled at peak reproductive season. The highest incidence and most severe case of intersex were reported at Lower Anderton on the River Tamer which also had a significantly female-biased sex ratio. Additionally, the dominant trematode family was the Bucephalaidae. Parasitic infection influences the maturity of C. edule by lowering both mean gonad index and condition index. These results suggest that endocrine disrupting chemicals could be contributing factors towards the development of intersex in C. edule.


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Endocrine disruption has rarely been reported in field populations of the edible cockle and the context with the general health of the shellfish is unclear. This study examined the reproductive state of two Cerastoderma edule populations over a 6-month period to assess their reproductive condition, the incidence of intersex and presence of parasitic infection. A further seven native sites from south-west England were examined during the peak reproductive season to identify the presence of intersex within the region. Laboratory exposures of organisms collected from field populations showed a significantly female-biased sex ratio compared with controls when exposed to the endocrine disrupting chemicals, bisphenol-A (nominal concentration: 0.1 µg L−1) and 17β-oestradiol (nominal concentration: 0.1 µg L−1), but none of the chemical exposures induced intersex. Intersex was revealed in seven out of the nine native populations of C. edule sampled at peak reproductive season. The highest incidence and most severe case of intersex were reported at Lower Anderton on the River Tamer which also had a significantly female-biased sex ratio. Additionally, the dominant trematode family was the Bucephalaidae. Parasitic infection influences the maturity of C. edule by lowering both mean gonad index and condition index. These results suggest that endocrine disrupting chemicals could be contributing factors towards the development of intersex in C. edule.


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Purpose - In this study we aim to validate a method to assess the impact of reduced visual function and observer performance concurrently with a nodule detection task. Materials and methods - Three consultant radiologists completed a nodule detection task under three conditions: without visual defocus (0.00 Dioptres; D), and with two different magnitudes of visual defocus (−1.00 D and −2.00 D). Defocus was applied with lenses and visual function was assessed prior to each image evaluation. Observers evaluated the same cases on each occasion; this comprised of 50 abnormal cases containing 1–4 simulated nodules (5, 8, 10 and 12 mm spherical diameter, 100 HU) placed within a phantom, and 25 normal cases (images containing no nodules). Data was collected under the free-response paradigm and analysed using Rjafroc. A difference in nodule detection performance would be considered significant at p < 0.05. Results - All observers had acceptable visual function prior to beginning the nodule detection task. Visual acuity was reduced to an unacceptable level for two observers when defocussed to −1.00 D and for one observer when defocussed to −2.00 D. Stereoacuity was unacceptable for one observer when defocussed to −2.00 D. Despite unsatisfactory visual function in the presence of defocus we were unable to find a statistically significant difference in nodule detection performance (F(2,4) = 3.55, p = 0.130). Conclusion - A method to assess visual function and observer performance is proposed. In this pilot evaluation we were unable to detect any difference in nodule detection performance when using lenses to reduce visual function.


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Early identification of spontaneous pneumomediastinum in an Emergency Department is possible with thoracic ultrasound. We report two cases of spontaneous pneumomediastinum, diagnosed in a 26-year old man with chronic asthma and a 19-year old athlete, and discuss the role of thoracic US alongside conventional X-ray and thoracic CT in emergency medicine. The patients were transferred to an Emergency Department, where conservative treatment produced a good outcome. The greater sensitivity and specificity of thoracic US over conventional supine X-ray in the detection of occult pneumothorax is ever more appreciated. However, training in the diagnosis of pneumomediastinum is required.


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Background - Image blurring in Full Field Digital Mammography (FFDM) is reported to be a problem within many UK breast screening units resulting in significant proportion of technical repeats/recalls. Our study investigates monitors of differing pixel resolution, and whether there is a difference in blurring detection between a 2.3 MP technical review monitor and a 5MP standard reporting monitor. Methods - Simulation software was created to induce different magnitudes of blur on 20 artifact free FFDM screening images. 120 blurred and non-blurred images were randomized and displayed on the 2.3 and 5MP monitors; they were reviewed by 28 trained observers. Monitors were calibrated to the DICOM Grayscale Standard Display Function. T-test was used to determine whether significant differences exist in blurring detection between the monitors. Results - The blurring detection rate on the 2.3MP monitor for 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1 mm blur was 46, 59, 66, 77and 78% respectively; and on the 5MP monitor 44, 70, 83 , 96 and 98%. All the non-motion images were identified correctly. A statistical difference (p <0.01) in the blurring detection rate between the two monitors was demonstrated. Conclusions - Given the results of this study and knowing that monitors as low as 1 MP are used in clinical practice, we speculate that technical recall/repeat rates because of blurring could be reduced if higher resolution monitors are used for technical review at the time of imaging. Further work is needed to determine monitor minimum specification for visual blurring detection.


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Incidental findings on low-dose CT images obtained during hybrid imaging are an increasing phenomenon as CT technology advances. Understanding the diagnostic value of incidental findings along with the technical limitations is important when reporting image results and recommending follow-up, which may result in an additional radiation dose from further diagnostic imaging and an increase in patient anxiety. This study assessed lesions incidentally detected on CT images acquired for attenuation correction on two SPECT/CT systems. Methods: An anthropomorphic chest phantom containing simulated lesions of varying size and density was imaged on an Infinia Hawkeye 4 and a Symbia T6 using the low-dose CT settings applied for attenuation correction acquisitions in myocardial perfusion imaging. Twenty-two interpreters assessed 46 images from each SPECT/CT system (15 normal images and 31 abnormal images; 41 lesions). Data were evaluated using a jackknife alternative free-response receiver-operating-characteristic analysis (JAFROC). Results: JAFROC analysis showed a significant difference (P < 0.0001) in lesion detection, with the figures of merit being 0.599 (95% confidence interval, 0.568, 0.631) and 0.810 (95% confidence interval, 0.781, 0.839) for the Infinia Hawkeye 4 and Symbia T6, respectively. Lesion detection on the Infinia Hawkeye 4 was generally limited to larger, higher-density lesions. The Symbia T6 allowed improved detection rates for midsized lesions and some lower-density lesions. However, interpreters struggled to detect small (5 mm) lesions on both image sets, irrespective of density. Conclusion: Lesion detection is more reliable on low-dose CT images from the Symbia T6 than from the Infinia Hawkeye 4. This phantom-based study gives an indication of potential lesion detection in the clinical context as shown by two commonly used SPECT/CT systems, which may assist the clinician in determining whether further diagnostic imaging is justified.