943 resultados para high-order peaks
Laser processing has been the tool of choice last years to develop improved concepts in contact formation for high efficiency crystalline silicon (c-Si) solar cells. New concepts based on standard laser fired contacts (LFC) or advanced laser doping (LD) techniques are optimal solutions for both the front and back contacts of a number of structures with growing interest in the c-Si PV industry. Nowadays, substantial efforts are underway to optimize these processes in order to be applied industrially in high efficiency concepts. However a critical issue in these devices is that, most of them, demand a very low thermal input during the fabrication sequence and a minimal damage of the structure during the laser irradiation process. Keeping these two objectives in mind, in this work we discuss the possibility of using laser-based processes to contact the rear side of silicon heterojunction (SHJ) solar cells in an approach fully compatible with the low temperature processing associated to these devices. First we discuss the possibility of using standard LFC techniques in the fabrication of SHJ cells on p-type substrates, studying in detail the effect of the laser wavelength on the contact quality. Secondly, we present an alternative strategy bearing in mind that a real challenge in the rear contact formation is to reduce the damage induced by the laser irradiation. This new approach is based on local laser doping techniques previously developed by our groups, to contact the rear side of p-type c-Si solar cells by means of laser processing before rear metallization of dielectric stacks containing Al2O3. In this work we demonstrate the possibility of using this new approach in SHJ cells with a distinct advantage over other standard LFC techniques.
Como en todos los medios de transporte, la seguridad en los viajes en avión es de primordial importancia. Con los aumentos de tráfico aéreo previstos en Europa para la próxima década, es evidente que el riesgo de accidentes necesita ser evaluado y monitorizado cuidadosamente de forma continúa. La Tesis presente tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un modelo de riesgo de colisión exhaustivo como método para evaluar el nivel de seguridad en ruta del espacio aéreo europeo, considerando todos los factores de influencia. La mayor limitación en el desarrollo de metodologías y herramientas de monitorización adecuadas para evaluar el nivel de seguridad en espacios de ruta europeos, donde los controladores aéreos monitorizan el tráfico aéreo mediante la vigilancia radar y proporcionan instrucciones tácticas a las aeronaves, reside en la estimación del riesgo operacional. Hoy en día, la estimación del riesgo operacional está basada normalmente en reportes de incidentes proporcionados por el proveedor de servicios de navegación aérea (ANSP). Esta Tesis propone un nuevo e innovador enfoque para evaluar el nivel de seguridad basado exclusivamente en el procesamiento y análisis trazas radar. La metodología propuesta ha sido diseñada para complementar la información recogida en las bases de datos de accidentes e incidentes, mediante la provisión de información robusta de los factores de tráfico aéreo y métricas de seguridad inferidas del análisis automático en profundidad de todos los eventos de proximidad. La metodología 3-D CRM se ha implementado en un prototipo desarrollado en MATLAB © para analizar automáticamente las trazas radar y planes de vuelo registrados por los Sistemas de Procesamiento de Datos Radar (RDP) e identificar y analizar todos los eventos de proximidad (conflictos, conflictos potenciales y colisiones potenciales) en un periodo de tiempo y volumen del espacio aéreo. Actualmente, el prototipo 3-D CRM está siendo adaptado e integrado en la herramienta de monitorización de prestaciones de Aena (PERSEO) para complementar las bases de accidentes e incidentes ATM y mejorar la monitorización y proporcionar evidencias de los niveles de seguridad. ABSTRACT As with all forms of transport, the safety of air travel is of paramount importance. With the projected increases in European air traffic in the next decade and beyond, it is clear that the risk of accidents needs to be assessed and carefully monitored on a continuing basis. The present thesis is aimed at the development of a comprehensive collision risk model as a method of assessing the European en-route risk, due to all causes and across all dimensions within the airspace. The major constraint in developing appropriate monitoring methodologies and tools to assess the level of safety in en-route airspaces where controllers monitor air traffic by means of radar surveillance and provide aircraft with tactical instructions lies in the estimation of the operational risk. The operational risk estimate normally relies on incident reports provided by the air navigation service providers (ANSPs). This thesis proposes a new and innovative approach to assessing aircraft safety level based exclusively upon the process and analysis of radar tracks. The proposed methodology has been designed to complement the information collected in the accident and incident databases, thereby providing robust information on air traffic factors and safety metrics inferred from the in depth assessment of proximate events. The 3-D CRM methodology is implemented in a prototype tool in MATLAB © in order to automatically analyze recorded aircraft tracks and flight plan data from the Radar Data Processing systems (RDP) and identify and analyze all proximate events (conflicts, potential conflicts and potential collisions) within a time span and a given volume of airspace. Currently, the 3D-CRM prototype is been adapted and integrated in AENA’S Performance Monitoring Tool (PERSEO) to complement the information provided by the ATM accident and incident databases and to enhance monitoring and providing evidence of levels of safety.
Los avances en el hardware permiten disponer de grandes volúmenes de datos, surgiendo aplicaciones que deben suministrar información en tiempo cuasi-real, la monitorización de pacientes, ej., el seguimiento sanitario de las conducciones de agua, etc. Las necesidades de estas aplicaciones hacen emerger el modelo de flujo de datos (data streaming) frente al modelo almacenar-para-despuésprocesar (store-then-process). Mientras que en el modelo store-then-process, los datos son almacenados para ser posteriormente consultados; en los sistemas de streaming, los datos son procesados a su llegada al sistema, produciendo respuestas continuas sin llegar a almacenarse. Esta nueva visión impone desafíos para el procesamiento de datos al vuelo: 1) las respuestas deben producirse de manera continua cada vez que nuevos datos llegan al sistema; 2) los datos son accedidos solo una vez y, generalmente, no son almacenados en su totalidad; y 3) el tiempo de procesamiento por dato para producir una respuesta debe ser bajo. Aunque existen dos modelos para el cómputo de respuestas continuas, el modelo evolutivo y el de ventana deslizante; éste segundo se ajusta mejor en ciertas aplicaciones al considerar únicamente los datos recibidos más recientemente, en lugar de todo el histórico de datos. En los últimos años, la minería de datos en streaming se ha centrado en el modelo evolutivo. Mientras que, en el modelo de ventana deslizante, el trabajo presentado es más reducido ya que estos algoritmos no sólo deben de ser incrementales si no que deben borrar la información que caduca por el deslizamiento de la ventana manteniendo los anteriores tres desafíos. Una de las tareas fundamentales en minería de datos es la búsqueda de agrupaciones donde, dado un conjunto de datos, el objetivo es encontrar grupos representativos, de manera que se tenga una descripción sintética del conjunto. Estas agrupaciones son fundamentales en aplicaciones como la detección de intrusos en la red o la segmentación de clientes en el marketing y la publicidad. Debido a las cantidades masivas de datos que deben procesarse en este tipo de aplicaciones (millones de eventos por segundo), las soluciones centralizadas puede ser incapaz de hacer frente a las restricciones de tiempo de procesamiento, por lo que deben recurrir a descartar datos durante los picos de carga. Para evitar esta perdida de datos, se impone el procesamiento distribuido de streams, en concreto, los algoritmos de agrupamiento deben ser adaptados para este tipo de entornos, en los que los datos están distribuidos. En streaming, la investigación no solo se centra en el diseño para tareas generales, como la agrupación, sino también en la búsqueda de nuevos enfoques que se adapten mejor a escenarios particulares. Como ejemplo, un mecanismo de agrupación ad-hoc resulta ser más adecuado para la defensa contra la denegación de servicio distribuida (Distributed Denial of Services, DDoS) que el problema tradicional de k-medias. En esta tesis se pretende contribuir en el problema agrupamiento en streaming tanto en entornos centralizados y distribuidos. Hemos diseñado un algoritmo centralizado de clustering mostrando las capacidades para descubrir agrupaciones de alta calidad en bajo tiempo frente a otras soluciones del estado del arte, en una amplia evaluación. Además, se ha trabajado sobre una estructura que reduce notablemente el espacio de memoria necesario, controlando, en todo momento, el error de los cómputos. Nuestro trabajo también proporciona dos protocolos de distribución del cómputo de agrupaciones. Se han analizado dos características fundamentales: el impacto sobre la calidad del clustering al realizar el cómputo distribuido y las condiciones necesarias para la reducción del tiempo de procesamiento frente a la solución centralizada. Finalmente, hemos desarrollado un entorno para la detección de ataques DDoS basado en agrupaciones. En este último caso, se ha caracterizado el tipo de ataques detectados y se ha desarrollado una evaluación sobre la eficiencia y eficacia de la mitigación del impacto del ataque. ABSTRACT Advances in hardware allow to collect huge volumes of data emerging applications that must provide information in near-real time, e.g., patient monitoring, health monitoring of water pipes, etc. The data streaming model emerges to comply with these applications overcoming the traditional store-then-process model. With the store-then-process model, data is stored before being consulted; while, in streaming, data are processed on the fly producing continuous responses. The challenges of streaming for processing data on the fly are the following: 1) responses must be produced continuously whenever new data arrives in the system; 2) data is accessed only once and is generally not maintained in its entirety, and 3) data processing time to produce a response should be low. Two models exist to compute continuous responses: the evolving model and the sliding window model; the latter fits best with applications must be computed over the most recently data rather than all the previous data. In recent years, research in the context of data stream mining has focused mainly on the evolving model. In the sliding window model, the work presented is smaller since these algorithms must be incremental and they must delete the information which expires when the window slides. Clustering is one of the fundamental techniques of data mining and is used to analyze data sets in order to find representative groups that provide a concise description of the data being processed. Clustering is critical in applications such as network intrusion detection or customer segmentation in marketing and advertising. Due to the huge amount of data that must be processed by such applications (up to millions of events per second), centralized solutions are usually unable to cope with timing restrictions and recur to shedding techniques where data is discarded during load peaks. To avoid discarding of data, processing of streams (such as clustering) must be distributed and adapted to environments where information is distributed. In streaming, research does not only focus on designing for general tasks, such as clustering, but also in finding new approaches that fit bests with particular scenarios. As an example, an ad-hoc grouping mechanism turns out to be more adequate than k-means for defense against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS). This thesis contributes to the data stream mining clustering technique both for centralized and distributed environments. We present a centralized clustering algorithm showing capabilities to discover clusters of high quality in low time and we provide a comparison with existing state of the art solutions. We have worked on a data structure that significantly reduces memory requirements while controlling the error of the clusters statistics. We also provide two distributed clustering protocols. We focus on the analysis of two key features: the impact on the clustering quality when computation is distributed and the requirements for reducing the processing time compared to the centralized solution. Finally, with respect to ad-hoc grouping techniques, we have developed a DDoS detection framework based on clustering.We have characterized the attacks detected and we have evaluated the efficiency and effectiveness of mitigating the attack impact.
El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es estudiar y explotar estructuras que presentan un gas bidimensional de electrones (2DEG) basadas en compuestos nitruros con alto contenido de indio. Existen muchas preguntas abiertas, relacionadas con el nitruro de indio y sus aleaciones, algunas de las cuales se han abordado en este estudio. En particular, se han investigado temas relacionados con el análisis y la tecnología del material, tanto para el InN y heteroestructuras de InAl(Ga)N/GaN como para sus aplicaciones a dispositivos avanzados. Después de un análisis de la dependencia de las propiedades del InN con respecto a tratamientos de procesado de dispositivos (plasma y térmicos), el problema relacionado con la formación de un contacto rectificador es considerado. Concretamente, su dificultad es debida a la presencia de acumulación de electrones superficiales en la forma de un gas bidimensional de electrones, debido al pinning del nivel de Fermi. El uso de métodos electroquímicos, comparados con técnicas propias de la microelectrónica, ha ayudado para la realización de esta tarea. En particular, se ha conseguido lamodulación de la acumulación de electrones con éxito. En heteroestructuras como InAl(Ga)N/GaN, el gas bidimensional está presente en la intercara entre GaN y InAl(Ga)N, aunque no haya polarización externa (estructuras modo on). La tecnología relacionada con la fabricación de transistores de alta movilidad en modo off (E-mode) es investigada. Se utiliza un método de ataque húmedo mediante una solución de contenido alcalino, estudiando las modificaciones estructurales que sufre la barrera. En este sentido, la necesidad de un control preciso sobre el material atacado es fundamental para obtener una estructura recessed para aplicaciones a transistores, con densidad de defectos e inhomogeneidad mínimos. La dependencia de la velocidad de ataque de las propiedades de las muestras antes del tratamiento es observada y comentada. Se presentan también investigaciones relacionadas con las propiedades básicas del InN. Gracias al uso de una puerta a través de un electrolito, el desplazamiento de los picos obtenidos por espectroscopia Raman es correlacionado con una variación de la densidad de electrones superficiales. En lo que concierne la aplicación a dispositivos, debido al estado de la tecnología actual y a la calidad del material InN, todavía no apto para dispositivos, la tesis se enfoca a la aplicación de heteroestructuras de InAl(Ga)N/GaN. Gracias a las ventajas de una barrera muy fina, comparada con la tecnología de AlGaN/GaN, el uso de esta estructura es adecuado para aplicaciones que requieren una elevada sensibilidad, estando el canal 2DEG más cerca de la superficie. De hecho, la sensibilidad obtenida en sensores de pH es comparable al estado del arte en términos de variaciones de potencial superficial, y, debido al poco espesor de la barrera, la variación de la corriente con el pH puede ser medida sin necesidad de un electrodo de referencia externo. Además, estructuras fotoconductivas basadas en un gas bidimensional presentan alta ganancia debida al elevado campo eléctrico en la intercara, que induce una elevada fuerza de separación entre hueco y electrón generados por absorción de luz. El uso de metalizaciones de tipo Schottky (fotodiodos Schottky y metal-semiconductormetal) reduce la corriente de oscuridad, en comparación con los fotoconductores. Además, la barrera delgada aumenta la eficiencia de extracción de los portadores. En consecuencia, se obtiene ganancia en todos los dispositivos analizados basados en heteroestructuras de InAl(Ga)N/GaN. Aunque presentando fotoconductividad persistente (PPC), los dispositivos resultan más rápidos con respeto a los valores que se dan en la literatura acerca de PPC en sistemas fotoconductivos. ABSTRACT The main objective of the present work is to study and exploit the two-dimensionalelectron- gas (2DEG) structures based on In-related nitride compounds. Many open questions are analyzed. In particular, technology and material-related topics are the focus of interest regarding both InNmaterial and InAl(Ga)N/GaNheterostructures (HSs) as well as their application to advanced devices. After the analysis of the dependence of InN properties on processing treatments (plasma-based and thermal), the problemof electrical blocking behaviour is taken into consideration. In particular its difficulty is due to the presence of a surface electron accumulation (SEA) in the form of a 2DEG, due to Fermi level pinning. The use of electrochemical methods, compared to standard microelectronic techniques, helped in the successful realization of this task. In particular, reversible modulation of SEA is accomplished. In heterostructures such as InAl(Ga)N/GaN, the 2DEGis present at the interface between GaN and InAl(Ga)N even without an external bias (normally-on structures). The technology related to the fabrication of normally off (E-mode) high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) is investigated in heterostructures. An alkali-based wet-etching method is analysed, standing out the structural modifications the barrier underwent. The need of a precise control of the etched material is crucial, in this sense, to obtain a recessed structure for HEMT application with the lowest defect density and inhomogeneity. The dependence of the etch rate on the as-grown properties is observed and commented. Fundamental investigation related to InNis presented, related to the physics of this degeneratematerial. With the help of electrolyte gating (EG), the shift in Raman peaks is correlated to a variation in surface eletron density. As far as the application to device is concerned, due to the actual state of the technology and material quality of InN, not suitable for working devices yet, the focus is directed to the applications of InAl(Ga)N/GaN HSs. Due to the advantages of a very thin barrier layer, compared to standard AlGaN/GaN technology, the use of this structure is suitable for high sensitivity applications being the 2DEG channel closer to the surface. In fact, pH sensitivity obtained is comparable to the state-of-the-art in terms of surface potential variations, and, due to the ultrathin barrier, the current variation with pH can be recorded with no need of the external reference electrode. Moreover, 2DEG photoconductive structures present a high photoconductive gain duemostly to the high electric field at the interface,and hence a high separation strength of photogenerated electron and hole. The use of Schottky metallizations (Schottky photodiode and metal-semiconductor-metal) reduce the dark current, compared to photoconduction, and the thin barrier helps to increase the extraction efficiency. Gain is obtained in all the device structures investigated. The devices, even if they present persistent photoconductivity (PPC), resulted faster than the standard PPC related decay values.
An analysis of the electrostatic plasma instabilities excited by the application of a strong, uniform, alternating electric field is made on the basis of the Vlasov equation. A very general dispersion relation is obtained and discussed. Under the assumption W 2 O » C 2 pi. (where wO is the applied frequency and wpi the ion plasma frequency) a detailed analysis is given for wavelengths of the order of or large compared with the Debye length. It is found that there are two types of instabilities: resonant (or parametric) and nonresonant. The second is caused by the relative streaming of ions and electrons, generated by the field; it seems to exist only if wO is less than the electron plasma frequency wpe. The instability only appears if the field exceeds a certain threshold, which is found.
Transportation modes produce many external costs such as congestion, accidents, and environmental impacts (pollution, noise and so on). From the microeconomic theory it is well known that in order to maximize social welfare, transportation modes should internalize the marginal costs they produce. Allocative efficiency is achieved when all transportation modes are priced at their social marginal cost. The objective of this research is to evaluate to what extent different passenger transport modes internalize their social marginal costs. This analysis is important since it affects the competitiveness of the different transport modes for a given OD pair. The case study analyzed is the corridor Madrid-Barcelona in Spain and the different transport modes have been considered (cars, buses, high-speed train and air). The research calculates the marginal social cost per user for each transportation mode, and it compares it with the average fare—allowing for the effect of discriminatory taxes—currently paid by the users. The external costs are calculated according to the guidelines established by the European Union. The gap between the marginal social cost and the price paid by users will provide the extra cost per passenger that each transport mode should have to pay for internalizing the external cost it produces. The research shows that external costs already produced by road and air transport modes are much higher than those produced by rail. However, the results show that road transport already internalizes every external costs it produces because users pay high fuel taxes. In other words, although rail transportation produces lower external costs, road transportation pays more than it should on the basis of the social marginal costs. The results of this work might be of help for Europ ean policy actions to be undertaken in the future.
Polymer modified bitumens, PMBs, are usually prepared at high temperature and subsequently stored for a period of time, also at high temperature. The stability of PMBs, in these conditions, has a decisive influence in order to obtain the adequate performances for practical applications. In this article the attention is focused in the analysis of the factors that determine the stability of styrene–butadiene–styrene copolymer (SBS)/sulfur modified bitumens when the mixtures are maintained at high temperature. Bitumens from different crude oil sources were used to prepare SBS/sulfur modified bitumens. Changes in the values of viscosity, softening point, as well as in the morphology of PMB samples, stored at 160 °C, were related to the bitumen chemical composition and to the amount of asphaltene micelles present in the neat bitumen used in their preparation El trabajo se centra en el estudio de la influencia de la estructura /composición del betún sobre la compatibilidad del sistema betún/SBS. Cuatro betunes provenientes de dos crudos distintos se seleccionaron y sus mezclas se utilizaron para preparar betunes modificados con contenidos de SBS del 3% en peso
This paper aims to analyse the use of anabolic drugs among Greek students participating in school championships of physical education (PE). In order to do it, a survey was conducted during the 2008 to 2009 academic year in suburban, urban and metropolitan areas in Greece. The sample was 2,535 high school students from the 10 to 12th grade, participating in the school physical education championships. The results showed that 9.6% of boys and 3.7% of girls reported that they had used anabolic drugs sometime in the past whereas 11.2% boys and 4.8% girls reported that they would intend to use them in the future. This confirms that anabolic steroids are an important problem among adolescents, and educational programs should increase their knowledge about these drugs. Information should come not only from the state, but also from coaches, teachers, trainers and parents.
Diseño conceptual de puentes de alta velocidad ferroviarios. Railroad bridges, in general, and those for high speed railways, in particular, demand very special conditions. The traffic loads are much higher than for road bridges. Loads due to braking and acceleration determine, due to their magnitude, the structural layout. Because of the speed of the vehicles there are specific dynamic effects which need to be considered. In order to ensure passenger comfort, compatible with speeds of up to 350 km/h, it is necessary to meet very demanding conditions with respect to stiffness, displacements and dynamic behavior. In this paper these conditions are briefly described and different typological possibilities to satisfy them are presented as well as the main construction methods applicable to this kind of bridges.
While for years traditional wireless sensor nodes have been based on ultra-low power microcontrollers with sufficient but limited computing power, the complexity and number of tasks of today’s applications are constantly increasing. Increasing the node duty cycle is not feasible in all cases, so in many cases more computing power is required. This extra computing power may be achieved by either more powerful microcontrollers, though more power consumption or, in general, any solution capable of accelerating task execution. At this point, the use of hardware based, and in particular FPGA solutions, might appear as a candidate technology, since though power use is higher compared with lower power devices, execution time is reduced, so energy could be reduced overall. In order to demonstrate this, an innovative WSN node architecture is proposed. This architecture is based on a high performance high capacity state-of-the-art FPGA, which combines the advantages of the intrinsic acceleration provided by the parallelism of hardware devices, the use of partial reconfiguration capabilities, as well as a careful power-aware management system, to show that energy savings for certain higher-end applications can be achieved. Finally, comprehensive tests have been done to validate the platform in terms of performance and power consumption, to proof that better energy efficiency compared to processor based solutions can be achieved, for instance, when encryption is imposed by the application requirements.
Esta tesis estudia las similitudes y diferencias entre los flujos turbulentos de pared de tipo externo e interno, en régimen incompresible, y a números de Reynolds moderada¬mente altos. Para ello consideramos tanto simulaciones numéricas como experimentos de capas límites con gradiente de presiones nulo y de flujos de canal, ambos a números de Reynolds en el rango δ+ ~ 500 - 2000. Estos flujos de cortadura son objeto de numerosas investigaciones debido a la gran importancia que tienen tanto a nivel tecnológico como a nivel de física fundamental. No obstante, todavía existen muchos interrogantes sobre aspectos básicos tales como la universalidad de los perfiles medios y de fluctuación de las velocidades o de la presión, tanto en la zona cercana a la pared como en la zona logarítmica, el escalado y el efecto del número de Reynolds, o las diferencias entre los flujos internos y externos en la zona exterior. En éste estudio hemos utilizado simulaciones numéricas ya existentes de canales y capas límites a números de Reynolds δ+ ~ 2000 y δ+ ~ 700, respectivamente. Para poder comparar ambos flujos a igual número de Reynolds hemos realizado una nueva simulación directa de capa límite en el rango δ+ ~ 1000-2000. Los resultados de la misma son presentados y analizados en detalle. Los datos sin postprocesar y las estadísticas ya postprocesadas están públicamente disponibles en nuestro sitio web.162 El análisis de las estadísticas usando un único punto confirma la existencia de perfiles logarítmicos para las fluctuaciones de la velocidad transversal w'2+ y de la presión p'2+ en ambos tipos de flujos, pero no para la velocidad normal v'2+ o la velocidad longitudinal u'2+. Para aceptar o rechazar la existencia de un rango logarítmico en u'2+ se requieren números de Reynolds más altos que los considerados en éste trabajo. Una de las conse¬cuencias más importantes de poseer tales perfiles es que el valor máximo de la intensidad, que se alcanza cerca de la pared, depende explícitamente del número de Reynolds. Esto ha sido confirmado tras analizar un gran número de datos experimentales y numéricos, cor¬roborando que el máximo de u'2+, p/2+, y w'2+ aumenta proporcionalmente con el log(δ+). Por otro lado, éste máximo es más intenso en los flujos externos que en los internos. La máxima diferencia ocurre en torno a y/δ ~ 0.3-0.5, siendo esta altura prácticamente independiente del número de Reynolds considerado. Estas diferencias se originan como consecuencia del carácter intermitente de las capas límites, que es inexistente en los flujos internos. La estructura de las fluctuaciones de velocidad y de presión, junto con la de los esfuer¬zos de Reynolds, se han investigado por medio de correlaciones espaciales tridimensionales considerando dos puntos de medida. Hemos obtenido que el tamaño de las mismas es gen¬eralmente mayor en canales que en capas límites, especialmente en el caso de la correlación longitudinal Cuu en la dirección del flujo. Para esta correlación se demuestra que las es¬tructuras débilmente correladas presentan longitudes de hasta 0(75), en el caso de capas límites, y de hasta 0(185) en el caso de canales. Estas longitudes se obtienen respecti-vamente en la zona logarítmica y en la zona exterior. Las longitudes correspondientes en la dirección transversal son significativamente menores en ambos flujos, 0(5 — 25). La organización espacial de las correlaciones es compatible con la de una pareja de rollos casi paralelos con dimensiones que escalan en unidades exteriores. Esta organización se mantiene al menos hasta y ~ 0.65, altura a la cual las capas límites comienzan a organi¬zarse en rollos transversales. Este comportamiento es sin embargo más débil en canales, pudiéndose observar parcialmente a partir de y ~ 0.85. Para estudiar si estas estructuras están onduladas a lo largo de la dirección transver¬sal, hemos calculado las correlaciones condicionadas a eventos intensos de la velocidad transversal w'. Estas correlaciones revelan que la ondulación de la velocidad longitudinal aumenta conforme nos alejamos de la pared, sugiriendo que las estructuras están más alineadas en la zona cercana a la pared que en la zona lejana a ella. El por qué de esta ondulación se encuentra posiblemente en la configuración a lo largo de diagonales que presenta w'. Estas estructuras no sólo están onduladas, sino que también están inclinadas respecto a la pared con ángulos que dependen de la variable considerada, de la altura, y de el contorno de correlación seleccionado. Por encima de la zona tampón e independien¬temente del número de Reynolds y tipo de flujo, Cuu presenta una inclinación máxima de unos 10°, las correlaciones Cvv y Cm son esencialmente verticales, y Cww está inclinada a unos 35°. Summary This thesis studies the similitudes and differences between external and internal in¬compressible wall-bounded turbulent flows at moderately-high Reynolds numbers. We consider numerical and experimental zero-pressure-gradient boundary layers and chan¬nels in the range of δ+ ~ 500 — 2000. These shear flows are subjects of intensive research because of their technological importance and fundamental physical interest. However, there are still open questions regarding basic aspects such as the universality of the mean and fluctuating velocity and pressure profiles at the near-wall and logarithmic regions, their scaling and the effect of the Reynolds numbers, or the differences between internal and external flows at the outer layer, to name but a few. For this study, we made use of available direct numerical simulations of channel and boundary layers reaching δ+ ~ 2000 and δ+ ~ 700, respectively. To fill the gap in the Reynolds number, a new boundary layer simulation in the range δ+ ~ 1000-2000 is presented and discussed. The original raw data and the post-processed statistics are publicly available on our website.162 The analysis of the one-point statistic confirms the existence of logarithmic profiles for the spanwise w'2+ and pressure p'2+ fluctuations for both type of flows, but not for the wall-normal v'2+ or the streamwise u'2+ velocities. To accept or reject the existence of a logarithmic range in u'2+ requires higher Reynolds numbers than the ones considered in this work. An important consequence of having such profiles is that the maximum value of the intensities, reached near the wall, depends on the Reynolds number. This was confirmed after surveying a wide number of experimental and numerical datasets, corrob¬orating that the maximum of ul2+, p'2+, and w'2+ increases proportionally to log(δ+). On the other hand, that maximum is more intense in external flows than in internal ones, differing the most around y/δ ~ 0.3-0.5, and essentially independent of the Reynolds number. We discuss that those differences are originated as a consequence of the inter¬mittent character of boundary layers that is absent in internal flows. The structure of the velocity and pressure fluctuations, together with those of the Reynolds shear stress, were investigated using three-dimensional two-point spatial correlations. We find that the correlations extend over longer distances in channels than in boundary layers, especially in the case of the streamwise correlation Cuu in the flow direc-tion. For weakly correlated structures, the maximum streamwise length of Cuu is O(78) for boundary layers and O(188) for channels, attained at the logarithmic and outer regions respectively. The corresponding lengths for the transverse velocities and for the pressure are shorter, 0(8 — 28), and of the same order for both flows. The spatial organization of the velocity correlations is shown to be consistent with a pair of quasi-streamwise rollers that scales in outer units. That organization is observed until y ~ 0.68, from which boundary layers start to organize into spanwise rollers. This effect is weaker in channels, and it appears at y ~ 0.88. We present correlations conditioned to intense events of the transversal velocity, w', to study if these structures meander along the spanwise direction. The results indicate that the streamwise velocity streaks increase their meandering proportionally to the distance to the wall, suggesting that the structures are more aligned close to the wall than far from it. The reason behind this meandering is probably due to the characteristic organization along diagonals of w'. These structures not only meander along the spanwise direction, but they are also inclined to the wall at angles that depend on the distance from the wall, on the variable being considered, and on the correlation level used to define them. Above the buffer layer and independent of the Reynolds numbers and type of flow, the maximum inclination of Cuu is about 10°, Cvv and Cpp are roughly vertical, and Cww is inclined by 35°.
Hybrid Stepper Motors are widely used in open-loop position applications. They are the choice of actuation for the collimators in the Large Hadron Collider, the largest particle accelerator at CERN. In this case the positioning requirements and the highly radioactive operating environment are unique. The latter forces both the use of long cables to connect the motors to the drives which act as transmission lines and also prevents the use of standard position sensors. However, reliable and precise operation of the collimators is critical for the machine, requiring the prevention of step loss in the motors and maintenance to be foreseen in case of mechanical degradation. In order to make the above possible, an approach is proposed for the application of an Extended Kalman Filter to a sensorless stepper motor drive, when the motor is separated from its drive by long cables. When the long cables and high frequency pulse width modulated control voltage signals are used together, the electrical signals difer greatly between the motor and drive-side of the cable. Since in the considered case only drive-side data is available, it is therefore necessary to estimate the motor-side signals. Modelling the entire cable and motor system in an Extended Kalman Filter is too computationally intensive for standard embedded real-time platforms. It is, in consequence, proposed to divide the problem into an Extended Kalman Filter, based only on the motor model, and separated motor-side signal estimators, the combination of which is less demanding computationally. The efectiveness of this approach is shown in simulation. Then its validity is experimentally demonstrated via implementation in a DSP based drive. A testbench to test its performance when driving an axis of a Large Hadron Collider collimator is presented along with the results achieved. It is shown that the proposed method is capable of achieving position and load torque estimates which allow step loss to be detected and mechanical degradation to be evaluated without the need for physical sensors. These estimation algorithms often require a precise model of the motor, but the standard electrical model used for hybrid stepper motors is limited when currents, which are high enough to produce saturation of the magnetic circuit, are present. New model extensions are proposed in order to have a more precise model of the motor independently of the current level, whilst maintaining a low computational cost. It is shown that a significant improvement in the model It is achieved with these extensions, and their computational performance is compared to study the cost of model improvement versus computation cost. The applicability of the proposed model extensions is demonstrated via their use in an Extended Kalman Filter running in real-time for closed-loop current control and mechanical state estimation. An additional problem arises from the use of stepper motors. The mechanics of the collimators can wear due to the abrupt motion and torque profiles that are applied by them when used in the standard way, i.e. stepping in open-loop. Closed-loop position control, more specifically Field Oriented Control, would allow smoother profiles, more respectful to the mechanics, to be applied but requires position feedback. As mentioned already, the use of sensors in radioactive environments is very limited for reliability reasons. Sensorless control is a known option but when the speed is very low or zero, as is the case most of the time for the motors used in the LHC collimator, the loss of observability prevents its use. In order to allow the use of position sensors without reducing the long term reliability of the whole system, the possibility to switch from closed to open loop is proposed and validated, allowing the use of closed-loop control when the position sensors function correctly and open-loop when there is a sensor failure. A different approach to deal with the switched drive working with long cables is also presented. Switched mode stepper motor drives tend to have poor performance or even fail completely when the motor is fed through a long cable due to the high oscillations in the drive-side current. The design of a stepper motor output fillter which solves this problem is thus proposed. A two stage filter, one devoted to dealing with the diferential mode and the other with the common mode, is designed and validated experimentally. With this ?lter the drive performance is greatly improved, achieving a positioning repeatability even better than with the drive working without a long cable, the radiated emissions are reduced and the overvoltages at the motor terminals are eliminated.
This project reports on a literature review about piezoelectric loudspeakers and on an experimental research about how to improve some features of a particular horned piezoelectric tweeter. The work involves an investigation of the performance and principle of operation of piezoelectric loudspeakers to understand how the sound is generated and what its main parameters are. Also, previous research papers about how to improve this type of speakers are reported. The knowledge gained was used to reconsider and re-purpose a particular piezoelectric transducer. After characterising the original state of the device with acoustical and electroacoustical measurements, some improvements were implemented. Moreover, interesting conclusions were reached based on the results of the tests that were carried out. A structural study with a scanning laser was then completed. These sections demonstrated the need for providing the speaker with a rear suspension that guides the vibration of the membrane. Finally, an inverse filter was designed in order to get a flat output response. After simulating the results with Matlab, validating experiments were run in the anechoic chamber with great success. RESUMEN. Este proyecto consta de un estudio detallado sobre piezoelectricidad y altavoces piezoeléctricos, así como de una parte experimental consistente en mejorar algunas características de un altavoz piezoeléctrico particular: un tweeter de bocina. El estudio profundiza en cuáles son los principios de funcionamiento y los principales parámetros de este tipo de altavoces. Con el conocimiento adquirido a partir de trabajos de previos sobre el tema e investigación bibliográfica se ha llevado a cabo la parte experimental. Esta parte ha requerido de una serie de medidas acústicas y electroacústicas para, primero, caracterizar el altavoz en su estado original y para posteriormente buscar y validar posibles mejoras, principalmente en la respuesta en frecuencia. Además, se ha realizado un estudio estructural del diafragma a partir de medidas tomadas con un vibrómetro laser Doppler. De estos tres procesos se concluyó que el altavoz bajo estudio tiene un problema en el soporte del cristal piezoeléctrico y se demostró la necesidad de equipar el dispositivo de una suspensión trasera que controle el movimiento del diafragma. Finalmente, se ha diseñado e implementado en Matlab un filtro inverso, con el objetivo de conseguir una respuesta plana a la salida del altavoz. Su funcionamiento fue validado en la cámara anecoica satisfactoriamente.
En el campo de la fusión nuclear y desarrollándose en paralelo a ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor), el proyecto IFMIF (International Fusion Material Irradiation Facility) se enmarca dentro de las actividades complementarias encaminadas a solucionar las barreras tecnológicas que aún plantea la fusión. En concreto IFMIF es una instalación de irradiación cuya misión es caracterizar materiales resistentes a condiciones extremas como las esperadas en los futuros reactores de fusión como DEMO (DEMOnstration power plant). Consiste de dos aceleradores de deuterones que proporcionan un haz de 125 mA y 40 MeV cada uno, que al colisionar con un blanco de litio producen un flujo neutrónico intenso (1017 neutrones/s) con un espectro similar al de los neutrones de fusión [1], [2]. Dicho flujo neutrónico es empleado para irradiar los diferentes materiales candidatos a ser empleados en reactores de fusión, y las muestras son posteriormente examinadas en la llamada instalación de post-irradiación. Como primer paso en tan ambicioso proyecto, una fase de validación y diseño llamada IFMIFEVEDA (Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities) se encuentra actualmente en desarrollo. Una de las actividades contempladas en esta fase es la construcción y operación de una acelarador prototipo llamado LIPAc (Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator). Se trata de un acelerador de deuterones de alta intensidad idéntico a la parte de baja energía de los aceleradores de IFMIF. Los componentes del LIPAc, que será instalado en Japón, son suministrados por diferentes países europeos. El acelerador proporcionará un haz continuo de deuterones de 9 MeV con una potencia de 1.125 MW que tras ser caracterizado con diversos instrumentos deberá pararse de forma segura. Para ello se requiere un sistema denominado bloque de parada (Beam Dump en inglés) que absorba la energía del haz y la transfiera a un sumidero de calor. España tiene el compromiso de suministrar este componente y CIEMAT (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas) es responsable de dicha tarea. La pieza central del bloque de parada, donde se para el haz de iones, es un cono de cobre con un ángulo de 3.5o, 2.5 m de longitud y 5 mm de espesor. Dicha pieza está refrigerada por agua que fluye en su superficie externa por el canal que se forma entre el cono de cobre y otra pieza concéntrica con éste. Este es el marco en que se desarrolla la presente tesis, cuyo objeto es el diseño del sistema de refrigeración del bloque de parada del LIPAc. El diseño se ha realizado utilizando un modelo simplificado unidimensional. Se han obtenido los parámetros del agua (presión, caudal, pérdida de carga) y la geometría requerida en el canal de refrigeración (anchura, rugosidad) para garantizar la correcta refrigeración del bloque de parada. Se ha comprobado que el diseño permite variaciones del haz respecto a la situación nominal siendo el flujo crítico calorífico al menos 2 veces superior al nominal. Se han realizado asimismo simulaciones fluidodinámicas 3D con ANSYS-CFX en aquellas zonas del canal de refrigeración que lo requieren. El bloque de parada se activará como consecuencia de la interacción del haz de partículas lo que impide cualquier cambio o reparación una vez comenzada la operación del acelerador. Por ello el diseño ha de ser muy robusto y todas las hipótesis utilizadas en la realización de éste deben ser cuidadosamente comprobadas. Gran parte del esfuerzo de la tesis se centra en la estimación del coeficiente de transferencia de calor que es determinante en los resultados obtenidos, y que se emplea además como condición de contorno en los cálculos mecánicos. Para ello por un lado se han buscado correlaciones cuyo rango de aplicabilidad sea adecuado para las condiciones del bloque de parada (canal anular, diferencias de temperatura agua-pared de decenas de grados). En un segundo paso se han comparado los coeficientes de película obtenidos a partir de la correlación seleccionada (Petukhov-Gnielinski) con los que se deducen de simulaciones fluidodinámicas, obteniendo resultados satisfactorios. Por último se ha realizado una validación experimental utilizando un prototipo y un circuito hidráulico que proporciona un flujo de agua con los parámetros requeridos en el bloque de parada. Tras varios intentos y mejoras en el experimento se han obtenido los coeficientes de película para distintos caudales y potencias de calentamiento. Teniendo en cuenta la incertidumbre de las medidas, los valores experimentales concuerdan razonablemente bien (en el rango de 15%) con los deducidos de las correlaciones. Por motivos radiológicos es necesario controlar la calidad del agua de refrigeración y minimizar la corrosión del cobre. Tras un estudio bibliográfico se identificaron los parámetros del agua más adecuados (conductividad, pH y concentración de oxígeno disuelto). Como parte de la tesis se ha realizado asimismo un estudio de la corrosión del circuito de refrigeración del bloque de parada con el doble fin de determinar si puede poner en riesgo la integridad del componente, y de obtener una estimación de la velocidad de corrosión para dimensionar el sistema de purificación del agua. Se ha utilizado el código TRACT (TRansport and ACTivation code) adaptándalo al caso del bloque de parada, para lo cual se trabajó con el responsable (Panos Karditsas) del código en Culham (UKAEA). Los resultados confirman que la corrosión del cobre en las condiciones seleccionadas no supone un problema. La Tesis se encuentra estructurada de la siguiente manera: En el primer capítulo se realiza una introducción de los proyectos IFMIF y LIPAc dentro de los cuales se enmarca esta Tesis. Además se describe el bloque de parada, siendo el diseño del sistema de rerigeración de éste el principal objetivo de la Tesis. En el segundo y tercer capítulo se realiza un resumen de la base teórica así como de las diferentes herramientas empleadas en el diseño del sistema de refrigeración. El capítulo cuarto presenta los resultados del relativos al sistema de refrigeración. Tanto los obtenidos del estudio unidimensional, como los obtenidos de las simulaciones fluidodinámicas 3D mediante el empleo del código ANSYS-CFX. En el quinto capítulo se presentan los resultados referentes al análisis de corrosión del circuito de refrigeración del bloque de parada. El capítulo seis se centra en la descripción del montaje experimental para la obtención de los valores de pérdida de carga y coeficiente de transferencia del calor. Asimismo se presentan los resultados obtenidos en dichos experimentos. Finalmente encontramos un capítulo de apéndices en el que se describen una serie de experimentos llevados a cabo como pasos intermedios en la obtención del resultado experimental del coeficiente de película. También se presenta el código informático empleado para el análisis unidimensional del sistema de refrigeración del bloque de parada llamado CHICA (Cooling and Heating Interaction and Corrosion Analysis). ABSTRACT In the nuclear fusion field running in parallel to ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) as one of the complementary activities headed towards solving the technological barriers, IFMIF (International Fusion Material Irradiation Facility) project aims to provide an irradiation facility to qualify advanced materials resistant to extreme conditions like the ones expected in future fusion reactors like DEMO (DEMOnstration Power Plant). IFMIF consists of two constant wave deuteron accelerators delivering a 125 mA and 40 MeV beam each that will collide on a lithium target producing an intense neutron fluence (1017 neutrons/s) with a similar spectra to that of fusion neutrons [1], [2]. This neutron flux is employed to irradiate the different material candidates to be employed in the future fusion reactors, and the samples examined after irradiation at the so called post-irradiative facilities. As a first step in such an ambitious project, an engineering validation and engineering design activity phase called IFMIF-EVEDA (Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities) is presently going on. One of the activities consists on the construction and operation of an accelerator prototype named LIPAc (Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator). It is a high intensity deuteron accelerator identical to the low energy part of the IFMIF accelerators. The LIPAc components, which will be installed in Japan, are delivered by different european countries. The accelerator supplies a 9 MeV constant wave beam of deuterons with a power of 1.125 MW, which after being characterized by different instruments has to be stopped safely. For such task a beam dump to absorb the beam energy and take it to a heat sink is needed. Spain has the compromise of delivering such device and CIEMAT (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas) is responsible for such task. The central piece of the beam dump, where the ion beam is stopped, is a copper cone with an angle of 3.5o, 2.5 m long and 5 mm width. This part is cooled by water flowing on its external surface through the channel formed between the copper cone and a concentric piece with the latter. The thesis is developed in this realm, and its objective is designing the LIPAc beam dump cooling system. The design has been performed employing a simplified one dimensional model. The water parameters (pressure, flow, pressure loss) and the required annular channel geometry (width, rugoisty) have been obtained guaranteeing the correct cooling of the beam dump. It has been checked that the cooling design allows variations of the the beam with respect to the nominal position, being the CHF (Critical Heat Flux) at least twice times higher than the nominal deposited heat flux. 3D fluid dynamic simulations employing ANSYS-CFX code in the beam dump cooling channel sections which require a more thorough study have also been performed. The beam dump will activateasaconsequenceofthe deuteron beam interaction, making impossible any change or maintenance task once the accelerator operation has started. Hence the design has to be very robust and all the hypotheses employed in the design mustbecarefully checked. Most of the work in the thesis is concentrated in estimating the heat transfer coefficient which is decisive in the obtained results, and is also employed as boundary condition in the mechanical analysis. For such task, correlations which applicability range is the adequate for the beam dump conditions (annular channel, water-surface temperature differences of tens of degrees) have been compiled. In a second step the heat transfer coefficients obtained from the selected correlation (Petukhov- Gnielinski) have been compared with the ones deduced from the 3D fluid dynamic simulations, obtaining satisfactory results. Finally an experimental validation has been performed employing a prototype and a hydraulic circuit that supplies a flow with the requested parameters in the beam dump. After several tries and improvements in the experiment, the heat transfer coefficients for different flows and heating powers have been obtained. Considering the uncertainty in the measurements the experimental values agree reasonably well (in the order of 15%) with the ones obtained from the correlations. Due to radiological reasons the quality of the cooling water must be controlled, hence minimizing the copper corrosion. After performing a bibligraphic study the most adequate water parameters were identified (conductivity, pH and dissolved oxygen concentration). As part of this thesis a corrosion study of the beam dump cooling circuit has been performed with the double aim of determining if corrosion can pose a risk for the copper beam dump , and obtaining an estimation of the corrosion velocitytodimension the water purification system. TRACT code(TRansport and ACTivation) has been employed for such study adapting the code for the beam dump case. For such study a collaboration with the code responsible (Panos Karditsas) at Culham (UKAEA) was established. The work developed in this thesis has supposed the publication of three articles in JCR journals (”Journal of Nuclear Materials” y ”Fusion Engineering and Design”), as well as presentations in more than four conferences and relevant meetings.
In order to perform finite element (FE) analyses of patient-specific abdominal aortic aneurysms, geometries derived from medical images must be meshed with suitable elements. We propose a semi-automatic method for generating conforming hexahedral meshes directly from contours segmented from medical images. Magnetic resonance images are generated using a protocol developed to give the abdominal aorta high contrast against the surrounding soft tissue. These data allow us to distinguish between the different structures of interest. We build novel quadrilateral meshes for each surface of the sectioned geometry and generate conforming hexahedral meshes by combining the quadrilateral meshes. The three-layered morphology of both the arterial wall and thrombus is incorporated using parameters determined from experiments. We demonstrate the quality of our patient-specific meshes using the element Scaled Jacobian. The method efficiently generates high-quality elements suitable for FE analysis, even in the bifurcation region of the aorta into the iliac arteries. For example, hexahedral meshes of up to 125,000 elements are generated in less than 130 s, with 94.8 % of elements well suited for FE analysis. We provide novel input for simulations by independently meshing both the arterial wall and intraluminal thrombus of the aneurysm, and their respective layered morphologies.