954 resultados para heart-rate variability
The aim of this study was to compare accumulated oxygen deficit data derived using two different exercise protocols with the aim of producing a less time-consuming test specifically for use with athletes. Six road and four track male endurance cyclists performed two series of cycle ergometer tests. The first series involved five 10 min sub-maximal cycle exercise bouts, a (V) over dotO(2peak) test and a 115% (V) over dotO(2peak) test. Data from these tests were used to estimate the accumulated oxygen deficit according to the calculations of Medbo et al. (1988). In the second series of tests, participants performed a 15 min incremental cycle ergometer test followed, 2 min later, by a 2 min variable resistance test in which they completed as much work as possible while pedalling at a constant rate. Analysis revealed that the accumulated oxygen deficit calculated from the first series of tests was higher (P< 0.02) than that calculated from the second series: 52.3 +/- 11.7 and 43.9 +/- 6.4 ml . kg(-1), respectively (mean +/- s). Other significant differences between the two protocols were observed for (V) over dot O-2peak, total work and maximal heart rate; all were higher during the modified protocol (P
The aim of this study was to compare the cycling performance of cyclists and triathletes. Each week for 3 weeks, and on different days, 25 highly trained male cyclists and 18 highly trained male triathletes performed: (1) an incremental exercise test on a cycle ergometer for the determination of peak oxygen consumption ((V) over dot O-2peak), peak power output and the first and second ventilatory thresholds, followed 15 min later by a sprint to volitional fatigue at 150% of peak power output; (2) a cycle to exhaustion test at the (V) over dot O-2peak power output; and (3) a 40-km cycle time-trial. There were no differences in (V) over dot O-2peak, peak power output, time to volitional fatigue at 150% of peak power output or time to exhaustion at (V) over dot O-2peak power output between the two groups. However, the cyclists had a significantly faster time to complete the 40-km time-trial (56:18 +/- 2:31 min:s; mean +/- s) than the triathletes (58:57 +/- 3:06 min:s; P < 0.01), which could be partially explained (r = 0.34-0.51; P < 0.05) by a significantly higher first (3.32 +/- 0.36 vs 3.08 +/- 0.36 l . min(-1)) and second ventilatory threshold (4.05 +/- 0.36 vs 3.81 +/- 0.29 l . min(-1); both P < 0.05) in the cyclists compared with the triathletes. In conclusion, cyclists may be able to perform better than triathletes in cycling time-trial events because they have higher first and second ventilatory thresholds.
The purpose of the present study was to examine the reproducibility of laboratory-based 40-km cycle time-trial performance on a stationary wind-trainer. Each week, for three consecutive weeks, and on different days, forty-three highly trained male cyclists ((x) over bar +/- SD; age = 25 +/- 6 y; mass = 75 +/- 7 kg; peak oxygen uptake [(V) over dot O-2 peak] = 64.8 +/- 5.2 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)) performed: 1) a (V) over dot O-2 peak test, and 2) a 40-km time-trial on their own racing bicycle mounted to a stationary wind-trainer (Cateye - Cyclosimulator). Data from all tests were compared using a one-way analysis of variance. Performance on the second and third 40-km time-trials were highly related (r = 0.96; p < 0.001), not significantly different (57:21 +/- 2:57 vs. 57:12 +/- 3:14 min:s), and displayed a low coefficient of variation (CV) = 0.9 +/- 0.7%. Although the first 40-km time-trial (58:43 +/- 3:17min:s) was not significantly different from the second and third tests (p = 0.06), inclusion of the first test in the assessment of reliability increased within-subject CV to 3.0 +/- 2.9%. 40-km time-trial speed (km x h(-1)) was significantly (p < 0.001) related to peak power output (W; r = 0.75), (V) over dot O-2 peak (1 x min(-1); r = 0.53), and the second ventilatory turnpoint (1 x min(-1); r = 0.68) measured during the progressive exercise tests. These data demonstrate that the assessment of 40-km cycle time-trial performance in well-trained endurance cyclists on a stationary wind-trainer is reproducible, provided the athletes perform a familiarization trial.
This study aimed to develop a practical method of estimating energy expenditure (EE) during tennis. Twenty-four elite female tennis players first completed a tennis-specific graded test in which five different intensity levels were applied randomly. Each intensity level was intended to simulate a game of singles tennis and comprised six 14 s periods of activity alternated with 20 s of active rest. Oxygen consumption (VO2) and heart rate (HR) were measured continuously and each player's rate of perceived exertion (RPE) was recorded at the end of each intensity level. Rate of energy expenditure (EEVO2) during the test was calculated using the sum of VO2 during play and the 'O-2 debt' during recovery, divided by the duration of the activity. There were significant individual linear relationships between EEVO2 and RPE, EEVO2 and HR, (rgreater than or equal to0.89 rgreater than or equal to0.93; p
The present study aimed to 1) examine the relationship between laboratory-based measures and high-intensity ultraendurance (HIU) performance during an intermittent 24-h relay ultraendurance mountain bike race (similar to20 min cycling, similar to60min recovery), and 2) examine physiological and performance based changes throughout the HIU event. Prior to the HIU event, four highly-trained male cyclists (age = 24.0 +/- 2.1 yr; mass = 75.0 +/- 2.7 kg; (V)over dot O-2peak = 70 +/- 3 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)) performed 1) a progressive exercise test to determine peak Volume of oxygen uptake ((V)over dot O-2peak), peak power output (PPO), and ventilatory threshold (T-vent), 2) time-to-fatigue tests at 100% (TF100) and 150% of PPO (TF150), and 3) a laboratory simulated 40-km time trial (TT40). Blood lactate (Lac(-)), haematocrit and haemoglobin were measured at 6-h intervals throughout the HIU event, while heart rate (HR) was recorded continuously. Intermittent HIU performance, performance HR, recovery HR, and Lac declined (P < 0.05), while plasma volume expanded (P < 0.05) during the HIU event. TF100 was related to the decline in lap time (r = -0.96; P < 0.05), and a trend (P = 0.081) was found between TF150 and average intermittent HIU speed (r = 0.92). However, other measures (V)over dot O-2peak, PPO, T-vent, and TT40) were not related to HIU performance. Measures of high-intensity endurance performance (TF100, TF150) were better predictors of intermittent HIU performance than traditional laboratory-based measures of aerobic capacity.
Artigo original Ergoespirometria
Obstructive apnea (OA) can exert significant effects on renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) and hemodynamic parameters. The present study focuses on the modulatory actions of RSNA on OA-induced sodium and water retention. The experiments were performed in renal-denervated rats (D; N = 9), which were compared to sham (S; N = 9) rats. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) were assessed via an intrafemoral catheter. A catheter was inserted into the bladder for urinary measurements. OA episodes were induced via occlusion of the catheter inserted into the trachea. After an equilibration period, OA was induced for 20 s every 2 min and the changes in urine, MAP, HR and RSNA were recorded. Renal denervation did not alter resting MAP (S: 113 4 vs D: 115 4 mmHg) or HR (S: 340 12 vs D: 368 11 bpm). An OA episode resulted in decreased HR and MAP in both groups, but D rats showed exacerbated hypotension and attenuated bradycardia (S: -12 1 mmHg and -16 2 bpm vs D: -16 1 mmHg and 9 2 bpm; P < 0.01). The basal urinary parameters did not change during or after OA in S rats. However, D rats showed significant increases both during and after OA. Renal sympathetic nerve activity in S rats increased (34 9%) during apnea episodes. These results indicate that renal denervation induces elevations of sodium content and urine volume and alters bradycardia and hypotension patterns during total OA in unconscious rats.
A transitory increase in blood pressure (BP) is observed following upper airway surgery for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome but the mechanisms implicated are not yet well understood. The objective of the present study was to evaluate changes in BP and heart rate (HR) and putative factors after uvulopalatopharyngoplasty and septoplasty in normotensive snorers. Patients (N = 10) were instrumented for 24-h ambulatory BP monitoring, nocturnal respiratory monitoring and urinary catecholamine level evaluation one day before surgery and on the day of surgery. The influence of postsurgery pain was prevented by analgesic therapy as confirmed using a visual analog scale of pain. Compared with preoperative values, there was a significant (P < 0.05) increase in nighttime but not daytime systolic BP (119 5 vs 107 3 mmHg), diastolic BP (72 4 vs 67 2 mmHg), HR (67 4 vs 57 2 bpm), respiratory disturbance index (RDI) characterized by apnea-hypopnea (30 10 vs 13 4 events/h of sleep) and norepinephrine levels (22.0 4.7 vs 11.0 1.3 g l-1 12 h-1) after surgery. A positive correlation was found between individual variations of BP and individual variations of RDI (r = 0.81, P < 0.01) but not between BP or RDI and catecholamines. The visual analog scale of pain showed similar stress levels on the day before and after surgery (6.0 0.8 vs 5.0 0.9 cm, respectively). These data strongly suggest that the cardiovascular changes observed in patients who underwent uvulopalatopharyngoplasty and septoplasty were due to the increased postoperative RDI.
Cardiac hypertrophy that accompanies hypertension seems to be a phenomenon of multifactorial origin whose development does not seem to depend on an increased pressure load alone, but also on local growth factors and cardioadrenergic activity. The aim of the present study was to determine if sympathetic renal denervation and its effects on arterial pressure level can prevent cardiac hypertrophy and if it can also delay the onset and attenuate the severity of deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt hypertension. DOCA-salt treatment was initiated in rats seven days after uninephrectomy and contralateral renal denervation or sham renal denervation. DOCA (15 mg/kg, sc) or vehicle (soybean oil, 0.25 ml per animal) was administered twice a week for two weeks. Rats treated with DOCA or vehicle (control) were provided drinking water containing 1% NaCl and 0.03% KCl. At the end of the treatment period, mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate measurements were made in conscious animals. Under ether anesthesia, the heart was removed and the right and left ventricles (including the septum) were separated and weighed. DOCA-salt treatment produced a significant increase in left ventricular weight/body weight (LVW/BW) ratio (2.44 0.09 mg/g) and right ventricular weight/body weight (RVW/BW) ratio (0.53 0.01 mg/g) compared to control (1.92 0.04 and 0.48 0.01 mg/g, respectively) rats. MAP was significantly higher (39%) in DOCA-salt rats. Renal denervation prevented (P>0.05) the development of hypertension in DOCA-salt rats but did not prevent the increase in LVW/BW (2.27 0.03 mg/g) and RVW/BW (0.52 0.01 mg/g). We have shown that the increase in arterial pressure level is not responsible for cardiac hypertrophy, which may be more related to other events associated with DOCA-salt hypertension, such as an increase in cardiac sympathetic activity.
Introduo: Muito embora os estudos apontem para um efeito positivo do exerccio fsico, em especial o treinamento com exerccio aerbio, sobre a presso arterial e a distensibilidade arterial, pouco se sabe sobre os efeitos do treinamento com exerccio de resistncia aerbia sobre a complacncia vascular de indivduos jovens saudveis. Objetivos: Avaliar o efeito de 16 semanas de treinamento de resistncia aerbia sobre a funo vascular e a presso arterial de indivduos jovens sedentrios. Mtodos: Foram avaliados 56 voluntrios (de ambos os sexos, na faixa etria de 18 29 anos) antes e aps 16 semanas de treinamento com corrida 3 vezes por semana. As medidas de presso arterial foram realizadas de acordo com a VI Diretrizes Brasileiras de Hipertenso e a velocidade de onda de pulso (VOP) foi realizada com a utilizao de um gravador automtico computadorizado e os resultados foram analisados pelo programa Complior. Resultados: Dos 56 indivduos que participaram do presente estudo, 44 eram do sexo masculino (78,5%) e 12 do sexo feminino (21,5 %). Eles apresentaram idade de 22 3 anos, estatura de 1,75 0,07 metros, circunferncia de cintura de 79,6 7,8 cm e PAM de 79 6,4 mmHg. O treinamento promoveu reduo da FC repouso (69 7,0 vs. 61 7,1; p<0,05) e aumento do VO2pico (43,3 7,3 vs. 50,1 7,2; p<0,05). Entretanto, presso arterial sistlica (107 9,4 vs. 110 10), presso arterial diastlica (63 5,7 vs. 62 5,5), presso de pulso (44 7,0 vs. 48 7,0) e VOP (6,5 1,1 vs. 6,5 1,1) no apresentaram alterao aps o treinamento fsico (p>0,05). Concluses: Podemos concluir que 16 semanas de treinamento de resistncia aerbia foram capazes de aumentar a aptido cardiorrespiratria, porm no provocaram alteraes sobre a velocidade de onda de pulso e presso arterial em voluntrios saudveis e sedentrios. Sugere-se que a ausncia de adaptaes vasculares aps o treinamento seja devido s caractersticas da amostra indivduos jovens e saudveis.
The HCI community is actively seeking novel methodologies to gain insight into the users experience during interaction with both the application and the content. We propose an emotional recognition engine capable of automatically recognizing a set of human emotional states using psychophysiological measures of the autonomous nervous system, including galvanic skin response, respiration, and heart rate. A novel pattern recognition system, based on discriminant analysis and support vector machine classifiers is trained using movies scenes selected to induce emotions ranging from the positive to the negative valence dimension, including happiness, anger, disgust, sadness, and fear. In this paper we introduce an emotion recognition system and evaluate its accuracy by presenting the results of an experiment conducted with three physiologic sensors.
The ability to monitor fetal heart rate is vital during late pregnancy and labor in order to evaluate fetal well-being. Current monitoring practice is essentially based on external cardiotocography and, less frequently, during labor, invasive fetal scalp electrocardiography. Many current and envisaged applications could benefi t from simpler devices using a 3-lead ECG confi guration. We are designing a maternity support belt with an embedded wireless 3-lead ECG sensor, and have investigated the infl uence of the ground electrode position on signal quality. Data from over 100 pregnant women was collected with the ground electrode placed in 3 locations in order to determine optimum electrode placement and belt form factor.
AIM: This work presents detailed experimental performance results from tests executed in the hospital environment for Health Monitoring for All (HM4All), a remote vital signs monitoring system based on a ZigBee (ZigBee Alliance, San Ramon, CA) body sensor network (BSN). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Tests involved the use of six electrocardiogram (ECG) sensors operating in two different modes: the ECG mode involved the transmission of ECG waveform data and heart rate (HR) values to the ZigBee coordinator, whereas the HR mode included only the transmission of HR values. In the absence of hidden nodes, a non-beacon-enabled star network composed of sensing devices working on ECG mode kept the delivery ratio (DR) at 100%. RESULTS: When the network topology was changed to a 2-hop tree, the performance degraded slightly, resulting in an average DR of 98.56%. Although these performance outcomes may seem satisfactory, further investigation demonstrated that individual sensing devices went through transitory periods with low DR. Other tests have shown that ZigBee BSNs are highly susceptible to collisions owing to hidden nodes. Nevertheless, these tests have also shown that these networks can achieve high reliability if the amount of traffic is kept low. Contrary to what is typically shown in scientific articles and in manufacturers' documentation, the test outcomes presented in this article include temporal graphs of the DR achieved by each wireless sensor device. CONCLUSIONS: The test procedure and the approach used to represent its outcomes, which allow the identification of undesirable transitory periods of low reliability due to contention between devices, constitute the main contribution of this work.
O papel de cuidador formal , habitualmente, exercido por profissionais devidamente qualificados, designadamente, mdicos, enfermeiros psiclogos, assistentes sociais, terapeutas ocupacionais, fisioterapeutas e auxiliares. A sua formao acadmica, profissional especfica para o desempenho deste papel, integrada no contexto de uma actividade profissional onde so exercidas competncias, no mbito da sade. Nos lares, hospitais, instituies comunitrias, entre outros, existem indivduos que se enquadram no perfil traado, a actividade desgastante, quer fsica, quer psicologicamente, o que muitas vezes facilita o aparecimento da ansiedade e a percepo do stress. O relaxamento enquanto tcnica teraputica poder atenuar o seu surgimento. Este trabalho teve como objectivo avaliar o impacto de um programa de relaxamento, na percepo de stress, nos cuidadores formais do lar da Liga de Amigos de Aguada de Cima. Para este fim, consideramos adequado um estudo do tipo experimental. Assim aplicmos nossa amostra, dezasseis funcionrias, antes e depois da aplicao do programa de relaxamento progressivo de Jacobson, questionrios de auto-preenchimento, adaptados populao portuguesa. Para alm disso, nas dezasseis sesses que efectumos, medimos a tenso arterial e a frequncia cardaca com um esfigmomanmetro digital de pulso, no perodo antes e depois da implementao do programa. Pela anlise dos resultados que obtivemos, constatmos que no houve diferenas significativas do ponto de vista estatstico, entre a ansiedade e a percepo do stress, aps o programa de relaxamento Jacobson. Confirmmos porm, que existiram diferenas em alguns itens dos questionrios aps a implementao do programa de relaxamento, assim como uma diminuio da presso arterial diastlica e da correlao positiva entre a ansiedade e a percepo de stress. Desta forma, parece existir uma indicao de que o programa de relaxamento progressivo de Jacobson talvez tenha contribudo para minimizar o nvel de stress das funcionrias do lar da Liga de Amigos de Aguada de Cima
OBJECTIVO: Analisar a influncia da Idade nos efeitos de um Programa de Reabilitao Cardaca Fase III, em pacientes coronrios, analisando Provas de Esforo. METODOLOGIA: Amostra constituda pelo Grupo Meia-idade, <65 anos, e Grupo Idosos, 65 anos, tendo sido recolhidos o ndice de Massa Corporal, Velocidade e Inclinao mximas, Tempo de Prova, VO2 mximo terico, Tenso Arterial basal, mxima e de recuperao, Frequncia Cardaca mxima, Percentagem da Frequncia Cardaca mxima terica, Duplo Produto mximo e Tempo de Recuperao. RESULTADOS: Sem diferenas significativas, entre os dois grupos, em nenhum parmetro. CONCLUSES: A Idade no influenciou os efeitos do Programa de Reabilitao Cardaca.