963 resultados para hardware deskribapen lengoaiak


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"The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" is the entry-level subject in Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is required of all students at MIT who major in Electrical Engineering or in Computer Science, as one fourth of the "common core curriculum," which also includes two subjects on circuits and linear systems and a subject on the design of digital systems. We have been involved in the development of this subject since 1978, and we have taught this material in its present form since the fall of 1980 to approximately 600 students each year. Most of these students have had little or no prior formal training in computation, although most have played with computers a bit and a few have had extensive programming or hardware design experience. Our design of this introductory Computer Science subject reflects two major concerns. First we want to establish the idea that a computer language is not just a way of getting a computer to perform operations, but rather that it is a novel formal medium for expressing ideas about methodology. Thus, programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute. Secondly, we believe that the essential material to be addressed by a subject at this level, is not the syntax of particular programming language constructs, nor clever algorithms for computing particular functions of efficiently, not even the mathematical analysis of algorithms and the foundations of computing, but rather the techniques used to control the intellectual complexity of large software systems.


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This paper addresses the problem of efficiently computing the motor torques required to drive a lower-pair kinematic chain (e.g., a typical manipulator arm in free motion, or a mechanical leg in the swing phase) given the desired trajectory; i.e., the Inverse Dynamics problem. It investigates the high degree of parallelism inherent in the computations, and presents two "mathematically exact" formulations especially suited to high-speed, highly parallel implementations using special-purpose hardware or VLSI devices. In principle, the formulations should permit the calculations to run at a speed bounded only by I/O. The first presented is a parallel version of the recent linear Newton-Euler recursive algorithm. The time cost is also linear in the number of joints, but the real-time coefficients are reduced by almost two orders of magnitude. The second formulation reports a new parallel algorithm which shows that it is possible to improve upon the linear time dependency. The real time required to perform the calculations increases only as the [log2] of the number of joints. Either formulation is susceptible to a systolic pipelined architecture in which complete sets of joint torques emerge at successive intervals of four floating-point operations. Hardware requirements necessary to support the algorithm are considered and found not to be excessive, and a VLSI implementation architecture is suggested. We indicate possible applications to incorporating dynamical considerations into trajectory planning, e.g. it may be possible to build an on-line trajectory optimizer.


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Introdução. Arquitetura do Sstema BDCana. Requisitos de hardware e software. Instalação e configuração dos software. Instalação do apache. Instalação do Apache. Instalação do PHP. Configuração do Apache. Configuração do PHP. Instalação do MySQL. Instalação do phpMyAdmin. Instalação do sistema BDCana.


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Bases de dados da pesquisa agropecuária. Indexação textual com o Lucene. Lucene. Lucene no sistema das bases de dados da pesquisa agropecuária. Comparação de desempenho infra-estrutura de hardware e software. Conjunto de consultas testes e resultados. Ponderações. Nova BDPA.


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Requisitos de hardware e software para acesso ao Sítio da Rede. Estrutura do Sistema. Composição do Sítio da Rede Regional de Agroecologia Mantiqueira-Mogiana. Página inicial. Agenda. Notícias. Fórum. Parceiros. Artigos. Álbum de fotos. Links interessados. Perguntas e respostas.


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RESUMO: Existem vários métodos para avaliar o crescimento da vegetação e a taxa de cobertura do solo. Medidas precisas e rápidas podem ser obtidas do tratamento digital de imagens geradas de câmeras fotográficas ou de vídeo. Há disponível, no mercado, diversos processadores de imagens que apresentam funções básicas semelhantes, mas com certas particularidades que poderão trazer maior benefício para o usuário, dependendo da aplicação. O SPRING, desenvolvido pelo INPE, é de domínio público, sendo mais abrangente do que um processador de imagens, incluindo funções de geoprocessamento. O ENVI foi desenvolvido para a análise de imagens multiespectrais e hiperespectrais, podendo também ser utilizado para o processamento de imagens obtidas de câmeras de vídeo, por exemplo. O KS-300 é um conjunto de hardware e de software destinado ao processamento e à quantificação de imagens microscópicas, permitindo a captação direta das imagens geradas por meio de lupas, microscópios eletrônicos ou câmeras de vídeo. O SIARCS foi desenvolvido pela Embrapa Instrumentação Agropecuária para tornar mais ágil o processo de captação de dados de um sistema. Este trabalho apresenta os fundamentos teóricos básicos envolvidos na técnica de análise de imagens, com as principais características dos softwares citados acima e sua aplicação na quantificação da taxa de crescimento e da cobertura do solo por espécies vegetais. ABSTRACT: Several methods exist to evaluate the growth of the vegetation and the tax of covering of the soil. Necessary and fast measures can be obtained of the digital treatment of generated images of photographic cameras or of video. There is available, in the market, several processors of images that you/they present similar basic functions, but with certain particularities that can bring larger benefit for the user, depending on the application. SPRING, developed by INPE, it is public domain, being including than a processor of images, including functions. ENVI was developed for the analysis of images multiespectrais and hiperespectrais, could also be used for the processing of obtained images of video cameras, for instance. The KS-300 it is a hardware group and software destined to the processing and quantification of microscopic images, allowing the direct reception of the images generated through magnifying glasses, eletronic microscopes or video cameras. SIARCS was developed by Embrapa Agricultural Instrumentation to turn more agile the process of reception of data of a system. This work presents the basic theoretical foundations involved in the technique of analysis of images, with the main characteristics of the softwares mentioned above and his application in the quantification of the growth tax and of the covering of the soil for vegetable species.


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Q. Meng and M. H. Lee, Learning and Control in Assistive Robotics for the Elderly, IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM), Singapore, 2004.


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Whelan, K. E. and King, R. D. (2004) Intelligent software for laboratory automation. Trends in Biotechnology 22 (9): 440-445


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Sauze, C. and Neal, M. 'An Autonomous Sailing Robot for Ocean Observation', in proceedings of TAROS 2006, Guildford, UK, Sept 4-6th 2006, pages 190-197.


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Un robot autobalanceado es un dispositivo que, aun teniendo su centro de masas por encima del eje de giro, consigue mantener el equilibrio. Se basa o aproxima al problema del péndulo invertido. Este proyecto comprende el desarrollo e implementación de un robot autobalanceado basado en la plataforma Arduino. Se utilizará una placa Arduino y se diseñará y fabricará con un shield o tarjeta (PCB), donde se incluirán los elementos hardware que se consideren necesarios. Abarca el estudio y montaje del chasis y los sistemas de sensado, control digital, alimentación y motores


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The article describes the results o f the pedagogic research o f a level o f the information science knowledge o f the pupils from the primary classes o f elementary schools in Gliwice. After taking into account the two different types of schools: governmental and private the author discusses the similarities and différencies between the information science competencies o f the pupils. The general remarks concerned the program of additional lessons of information technology, hardware and needed competencies of the teachers are added.


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática, ramo de Computação Móvel


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Implementations are presented of two common algorithms for integer factorization, Pollard’s “p – 1” method and the SQUFOF method. The algorithms are implemented in the F# language, a functional programming language developed by Microsoft and officially released for the first time in 2010. The algorithms are thoroughly tested on a set of large integers (up to 64 bits in size), running both on a physical machine and a Windows Azure machine instance. Analysis of the relative performance between the two environments indicates comparable performance when taking into account the difference in computing power. Further analysis reveals that the relative performance of the Azure implementation tends to improve as the magnitudes of the integers increase, indicating that such an approach may be suitable for larger, more complex factorization tasks. Finally, several questions are presented for future research, including the performance of F# and related languages for more efficient, parallelizable algorithms, and the relative cost and performance of factorization algorithms in various environments, including physical hardware and commercial cloud computing offerings from the various vendors in the industry.


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We propose a new notion of cryptographic tamper evidence. A tamper-evident signature scheme provides an additional procedure Div which detects tampering: given two signatures, Div can determine whether one of them was generated by the forger. Surprisingly, this is possible even after the adversary has inconspicuously learned (exposed) some-or even all-the secrets in the system. In this case, it might be impossible to tell which signature is generated by the legitimate signer and which by the forger. But at least the fact of the tampering will be made evident. We define several variants of tamper-evidence, differing in their power to detect tampering. In all of these, we assume an equally powerful adversary: she adaptively controls all the inputs to the legitimate signer (i.e., all messages to be signed and their timing), and observes all his outputs; she can also adaptively expose all the secrets at arbitrary times. We provide tamper-evident schemes for all the variants and prove their optimality. Achieving the strongest tamper evidence turns out to be provably expensive. However, we define a somewhat weaker, but still practical, variant: α-synchronous tamper-evidence (α-te) and provide α-te schemes with logarithmic cost. Our α-te schemes use a combinatorial construction of α-separating sets, which might be of independent interest. We stress that our mechanisms are purely cryptographic: the tamper-detection algorithm Div is stateless and takes no inputs except the two signatures (in particular, it keeps no logs), we use no infrastructure (or other ways to conceal additional secrets), and we use no hardware properties (except those implied by the standard cryptographic assumptions, such as random number generators). Our constructions are based on arbitrary ordinary signature schemes and do not require random oracles.


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Extensible systems allow services to be configured and deployed for the specific needs of individual applications. This paper describes a safe and efficient method for user-level extensibility that requires only minimal changes to the kernel. A sandboxing technique is described that supports multiple logical protection domains within the same address space at user-level. This approach allows applications to register sandboxed code with the system, that may be executed in the context of any process. Our approach differs from other implementations that require special hardware support, such as segmentation or tagged translation look-aside buffers (TLBs), to either implement multiple protection domains in a single address space, or to support fast switching between address spaces. Likewise, we do not require the entire system to be written in a type-safe language, to provide fine-grained protection domains. Instead, our user-level sandboxing technique requires only paged-based virtual memory support, and the requirement that extension code is written either in a type-safe language, or by a trusted source. Using a fast method of upcalls, we show how our sandboxing technique for implementing logical protection domains provides significant performance improvements over traditional methods of invoking user-level services. Experimental results show our approach to be an efficient method for extensibility, with inter-protection domain communication costs close to those of hardware-based solutions leveraging segmentation.