985 resultados para formal verification


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Este texto tem por objetivo ressaltar um aspecto que não tem sido tratado com a devida profundidade na literatura que estuda a formalização da Teoria Geral do Emprego, dos Juros e da Moeda de John Maynard Keynes (1936). Mais precisamente, o texto destaca a estratégia de formalização adotada por David G. Champernowne em seu artigo intitulado Unemployment, Basic and Monetary: the classical analysis and the keynesian, publicado em 1935-36 na Review of Economic Studies. Chamamos a atenção para o fato dele distinguir a teoria clássica da teoria de Keynes não apenas pelos pressupostos adotados por cada teoria, mas principalmente pela construção de subsistemas a partir de um sistema geral, com características recursivas (relações de causalidade) distintas. As explicações em prosa, a descrição algébrica das funções comportamentais e condições de equilíbrio e a ilustração por meio de diagramas, além da escolha de conjuntos específicos de variáveis para representar cada uma das teorias e suas diferentes versões são aspectos deste artigo de Champernowne que merecem uma análise mais minuciosa.


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La práctica educativa en espacios no formales es un recurso didáctico catalizador de motivación e interese, tanto para alumnos como para los profesores. El crecimiento de los espacios no formales coincide con los cambios recientes en el mundo en los campos sociales, políticos, económicos y culturales. Como una de las consecuencias de esos cambios, tenemos el crecimiento de otras instancias difusoras de conocimientos rompiendo, así, la hegemonía de la escuela. De esa forma, en este trabajo busqué investigar la frecuencia y las formas de utilización de los espacios de educación no formal por profesores de biología, de la enseñanza media, de la Ciudad de Natal (RN). Procuré también, identificar cuales son los espacios de educación no-formal que son utilizados; describir los recursos y las acciones desarrolladas en eses espacios; identificar la existencia o no de interese y la importancia que atribuyen a los espacios para la enseñanza de biología, además de divulgar los espacios utilizados como recursos didácticos. Para alcanzar estos objetivos fueron hechas observaciones de los espacios, aplicados cuestionarios y realizadas entrevistas con los profesores que realizan actividades junto a tales instituciones. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó tanto el abordaje cuantitativo como cualitativa. Nos basamos en referenciales teóricos de autores que buscan establecer las relaciones entre diferentes modalidades de educación para mejor comprender lo que es la educación no-formal y su trayectoria histórica. Constaté que los profesores utilizan los espacios de educación no-formales, aun la cantidad de visitas al año sea reducida, en virtud de varias dificultades por ellos apuntadas, tales como el transporte, la falta de recursos financieros y de apoyo para viabilizar la visita, entre otros. Verifiqué también que los profesores demostraron un alto interese por los espacios no-formales y apuntaron como principales justificativas para considerarlos importantes para la enseñanza de la biología la posibilidad de establecer conexiones entre la teoría y la practica, además de la complementariedad


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In this paper, we described how a multidimensional wavelet neural networks based on Polynomial Powers of Sigmoid (PPS) can be constructed, trained and applied in image processing tasks. In this sense, a novel and uniform framework for face verification is presented. The framework is based on a family of PPS wavelets,generated from linear combination of the sigmoid functions, and can be considered appearance based in that features are extracted from the face image. The feature vectors are then subjected to subspace projection of PPS-wavelet. The design of PPS-wavelet neural networks is also discussed, which is seldom reported in the literature. The Stirling Universitys face database were used to generate the results. Our method has achieved 92 % of correct detection and 5 % of false detection rate on the database.


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Este artigo deriva de uma pesquisa mais ampla sobre a educação em astronomia e a formação de professores, e apresenta um panorama geral sobre o tema em âmbito nacional. Procuramos gerar uma classificação das instituições e outras iniciativas brasileiras dedicadas à astronomia, levando em conta os seus objetivos, tais como o ensino formal, informal, não-formal, bem como aqueles destinados à popularização dessa ciência. Comenta-se, em forma de um breve ensaio, a importância da atuação contextualizada destas instâncias no ensino da astronomia, levantando um desafio ainda a ser considerado, referente ao estudo das possíveis relações entre estes estabelecimentos e iniciativas, visando o avanço da educação em astronomia, em um movimento contrário à dispersão e pulverização de atividades locais e pontuais dos mesmos. Argumentamos que a pesquisa em ensino de astronomia tem potencial para exercer este papel integrador.


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Formal methods should be used to specify and verify on-card software in Java Card applications. Furthermore, Java Card programming style requires runtime verification of all input conditions for all on-card methods, where the main goal is to preserve the data in the card. Design by contract, and in particular, the JML language, are an option for this kind of development and verification, as runtime verification is part of the Design by contract method implemented by JML. However, JML and its currently available tools for runtime verification were not designed with Java Card limitations in mind and are not Java Card compliant. In this thesis, we analyze how much of this situation is really intrinsic of Java Card limitations and how much is just a matter of a complete re-design of JML and its tools. We propose the requirements for a new language which is Java Card compliant and indicate the lines on which a compiler for this language should be built. JCML strips from JML non-Java Card aspects such as concurrency and unsupported types. This would not be enough, however, without a great effort in optimization of the verification code generated by its compiler, as this verification code must run on the card. The JCML compiler, although being much more restricted than the one for JML, is able to generate Java Card compliant verification code for some lightweight specifications. As conclusion, we present a Java Card compliant variant of JML, JCML (Java Card Modeling Language), with a preliminary version of its compiler


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Java Card technology allows the development and execution of small applications embedded in smart cards. A Java Card application is composed of an external card client and of an application in the card that implements the services available to the client by means of an Application Programming Interface (API). Usually, these applications manipulate and store important information, such as cash and confidential data of their owners. Thus, it is necessary to adopt rigor on developing a smart card application to improve its quality and trustworthiness. The use of formal methods on the development of these applications is a way to reach these quality requirements. The B method is one of the many formal methods for system specification. The development in B starts with the functional specification of the system, continues with the application of some optional refinements to the specification and, from the last level of refinement, it is possible to generate code for some programming language. The B formalism has a good tool support and its application to Java Card is adequate since the specification and development of APIs is one of the major applications of B. The BSmart method proposed here aims to promote the rigorous development of Java Card applications up to the generation of its code, based on the refinement of its formal specification described in the B notation. This development is supported by the BSmart tool, that is composed of some programs that automate each stage of the method; and by a library of B modules and Java Card classes that model primitive types, essential Java Card API classes and reusable data structures


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The use of increasingly complex software applications is demanding greater investment in the development of such systems to ensure applications with better quality. Therefore, new techniques are being used in Software Engineering, thus making the development process more effective. Among these new approaches, we highlight Formal Methods, which use formal languages that are strongly based on mathematics and have a well-defined semantics and syntax. One of these languages is Circus, which can be used to model concurrent systems. It was developed from the union of concepts from two other specification languages: Z, which specifies systems with complex data, and CSP, which is normally used to model concurrent systems. Circus has an associated refinement calculus, which can be used to develop software in a precise and stepwise fashion. Each step is justified by the application of a refinement law (possibly with the discharge of proof obligations). Sometimes, the same laws can be applied in the same manner in different developments or even in different parts of a single development. A strategy to optimize this calculus is to formalise these application as a refinement tactic, which can then be used as a single transformation rule. CRefine was developed to support the Circus refinement calculus. However, before the work presented here, it did not provide support for refinement tactics. The aim of this work is to provide tool support for refinement tactics. For that, we develop a new module in CRefine, which automates the process of defining and applying refinement tactics that are formalised in the tactic language ArcAngelC. Finally, we validate the extension by applying the new module in a case study, which used the refinement tactics in a refinement strategy for verification of SPARK Ada implementations of control systems. In this work, we apply our module in the first two phases of this strategy


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Formal methods and software testing are tools to obtain and control software quality. When used together, they provide mechanisms for software specification, verification and error detection. Even though formal methods allow software to be mathematically verified, they are not enough to assure that a system is free of faults, thus, software testing techniques are necessary to complement the process of verification and validation of a system. Model Based Testing techniques allow tests to be generated from other software artifacts such as specifications and abstract models. Using formal specifications as basis for test creation, we can generate better quality tests, because these specifications are usually precise and free of ambiguity. Fernanda Souza (2009) proposed a method to define test cases from B Method specifications. This method used information from the machine s invariant and the operation s precondition to define positive and negative test cases for an operation, using equivalent class partitioning and boundary value analysis based techniques. However, the method proposed in 2009 was not automated and had conceptual deficiencies like, for instance, it did not fit in a well defined coverage criteria classification. We started our work with a case study that applied the method in an example of B specification from the industry. Based in this case study we ve obtained subsidies to improve it. In our work we evolved the proposed method, rewriting it and adding characteristics to make it compatible with a test classification used by the community. We also improved the method to support specifications structured in different components, to use information from the operation s behavior on the test case generation process and to use new coverage criterias. Besides, we have implemented a tool to automate the method and we have submitted it to more complex case studies


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Removing inconsistencies in a project is a less expensive activity when done in the early steps of design. The use of formal methods improves the understanding of systems. They have various techniques such as formal specification and verification to identify these problems in the initial stages of a project. However, the transformation from a formal specification into a programming language is a non-trivial task and error prone, specially when done manually. The aid of tools at this stage can bring great benefits to the final product to be developed. This paper proposes the extension of a tool whose focus is the automatic translation of specifications written in CSPM into Handel-C. CSP is a formal description language suitable for concurrent systems, and CSPM is the notation used in tools support. Handel-C is a programming language whose result can be compiled directly into FPGA s. Our extension increases the number of CSPM operators accepted by the tool, allowing the user to define local processes, to rename channels in a process and to use Boolean guards on external choices. In addition, we also propose the implementation of a communication protocol that eliminates some restrictions on parallel composition of processes in the translation into Handel-C, allowing communication in a same channel between multiple processes to be mapped in a consistent manner and that improper communication in a channel does not ocurr in the generated code, ie, communications that are not allowed in the system specification


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The component-based development of systems revolutionized the software development process, facilitating the maintenance, providing more confiability and reuse. Nevertheless, even with all the advantages of the development of components, their composition is an important concern. The verification through informal tests is not enough to achieve a safe composition, because they are not based on formal semantic models with which we are able to describe precisally a system s behaviour. In this context, formal methods provide ways to accurately specify systems through mathematical notations providing, among other benefits, more safety. The formal method CSP enables the specification of concurrent systems and verification of properties intrinsic to them, as well as the refinement among different models. Some approaches apply constraints using CSP, to check the behavior of composition between components, assisting in the verification of those components in advance. Hence, aiming to assist this process, considering that the software market increasingly requires more automation, reducing work and providing agility in business, this work presents a tool that automatizes the verification of composition among components, in which all complexity of formal language is kept hidden from users. Thus, through a simple interface, the tool BST (BRIC-Tool-Suport) helps to create and compose components, predicting, in advance, undesirable behaviors in the system, such as deadlocks


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Cinqüenta e oito cepas de Haemophilus influenzae foram isoladas da nasofaringe de crianças saudáveis que freqüentam uma creche, e através da técnica de Southern blot foi pesquisada nas cepas acapsuladas a presença de seqüências do gene capsular. Sete cepas (12%) caracterizadas sorologicamente como acapsuladas mostraram homologia com seqüências específicas da cápsula. Uma cepa foi caracterizada com uma linhagem H. influenzae tipo b cápsula deficiente.


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Cet article présente les résultats de la recherche Démocratisation de la connaissance: recherche de pointe sur le genre et l'éducation formelle comme soutien pour formuler des agendas et des actions de politiques gouvernementales et non gouvernementales. Développée entre 2006 et 2007, elle visait à met re à jour, systématiser et diffuser la connaissance accumulée dans la production universitaire brésilienne sur les liens entre l'éducation formelle et les thématiques du genre, des femmes et/ou de la sexualité. Une banque de données contenant le titre et le résumé de 1 213 dissertations, thèses et articles a été constituée. Nous soulignons autant les défis théoriques, concernant une meilleure compréhension des concepts étudiés par cete enquête, que les défis méthodologique, comme la définition des descripteurs et des sources devant être examinées. Sa conclusion présente des tableaux et graphiques qui tracent un portrait initial des documents disponibles dans la base de données et indiquent que ces thématiques ont été l'objet d'un intérêt croissant sur la période étudiée.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o desempenho de escolares em relação à avaliação formal e a opinião de professores. Participaram 164 escolares de ensino fundamental de cidade do interior paulista, sendo 81 do sexo masculino e 83 do sexo feminino. Foi utilizado o Teste de Desempenho Escolar e foram definidos 2 grupos, segundo a opinião da professora quanto ao desempenho normal e abaixo da média. Os resultados revelaram diferença significativa indicando que o menor desempenho foi verificado para o sexo masculino e para a quarta série. As médias do grupo definido pela professora com desempenho inferior foram abaixo do esperado e diferiram significativamente. A opinião da professora neste estudo foi fundamental para a identificação dos problemas relacionados à escolaridade.


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A prática de atividades lúdicas ou o incentivo ao fluir expressivo e artístico são propostas que permeiam a Educação, desde a Antiguidade Clássica. Atualmente, a necessidade premente de atentar para a inclusão contextualizada dessas práticas, vem sendo convalidada pelas diretrizes propostas pelos Parâmetros Curriculares tanto das disciplinas de Educação Física, como da Educação Artística. Entretanto esse espaço, ainda sutil, merece enfoque mais incisivo, por meio de estudos mais aprofundados acompanhados de práticas direcionadas que convalidem sua relevância. Assim, este estudo, de natureza qualitativa, objetivou investigar se essas variáveis estão disponíveis dentro dos conteúdos disseminados pelos professores e se possuem um espaço destinado ou não dentro da Educação formal. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo exploratório com trinta professores voluntários, de ambos os sexos, pesquisados in loco, com consentimento livre e esclarecido, das disciplinas de Educação Física e Artística, utilizando como instrumento, para a coleta de dados, um questionário com perguntas mistas. Os dados foram analisados descritivamente, indicando que é possível notar a presença do lúdico e da arte, em ambas as disciplinas; mediando os processos de aprendizagem. Além disso, que os professores utilizam amplamente desses recursos, no entanto, nem sempre, de forma consciente e contextualizada, e que, apesar da implantação dos parâmetros curriculares desde 1998, esse espaço ainda não está consolidado.