863 resultados para dilemmas


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My abstract moving image making has provided a foundation for my practice since I first started processing and solarizing my own 16mm film in one of those LOMO Russian processing tanks in 1973. Feyers, Zoomfilm (1976) and Running (1976) rework some of those early strips of black and white film. Whenever funding dried up I always fell back on my abstract direct on film work. It was cheap. Like knitting, it gave me a space to process the dilemmas and incongruities of daily life and to escape its clutches. I also began to understand that these forces were still there, embedded implicitly in the work. Now, more than ever, I understand this as a survival response to corporate doublespeak. I would never throw anything away. New scratching, painting, taping or bleaching strategies could be added later. Intensive cluster editing of single frames became an obsession. The translated difference between what you saw over a light-box and what was projected drew me in. Like the migrant position I was allocated from childhood I survived in the space between these two territories. As well as an archive of images and movement I collect optical effects. The flash frame. The trail of afterimages resulting from flickering between positive and negative images. At their liveliest these images float above the screen. Now the digital allows me to amplify the material presence of 16m and 35mm film and a whole new world opens up before me. I cobble together found footage films from my own archive of discarded data and unfinished sentences.


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This book examines the foundations of multiculturalism in the context of émigré societies and from a multi-dimensional perspective. The work considers the politics of multiculturalism and focuses on how the discourse of cultural rights and intercultural relations in western societies can and should be accounted for at a philosophical, as well as performative level. Theoretical perspectives on current debates about cultural diversity, religious minorities and minority rights emerge in this volume. The book draws our attention to the polarised nature of contemporary multicultural debates through a well-synthesised series of empirical case studies that are grounded in solid epistemological foundations and contributed by leading experts from around the world. Readers will discover a fresh re-examination of prominent multicultural settings such as Canada and Australia but also an emphasis on less examined case studies among multicultural societies, as with New Zealand and Italy. Authors engage critically and innovatively with the various ethical challenges and policy dilemmas surrounding the management of cultural and religious diversity in our contemporary societies. Comparative perspectives and a focus on core questions related to multiculturalism, not only at the level of practice but also from historical and philosophical perspectives, tie these chapters from different disciplines together. This work will appeal to a multi-disciplinary audience, including scholars of political philosophy, sociology, religious studies and those with an interest in migration, culture and religion in contemporary societies.


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Drawing on the work of Nancy Fraser, this book offers a critical view of contemporary educational leadership and reform discourses, exploring how her key concepts of redistribution, recognition and representation may apply to social and therefore educational justice.Fraser offers a political and pragmatic reconciliation between feminist, neo-Marxist, critical and post-structuralist theories. This book outlines how Fraser has worked on and worked over theories of social justice and how this can inform how we can understand educational theory, policy and practice generally. In particular, the book focuses on the field of educational administration and leadership (ELMA) as it relates to equity issues such as school choice and inequality, gender and inclusive leadership, and alternative schooling. Fraser’s argument about ‘scaling up’ social justice theory is shown to be highly salient given the emergence of the field of transnational education policy and its role in the context of intensified nation-state and edu-business competition.Overall, through the lens of Nancy Fraser’s unitary framework, this book considers epistemological questions about the nature of knowledge, examines the relationship between the state, the individual, education and social movements, addresses the difficulties and dilemmas which arise due to the intersections of gender, class, race, sexuality and culture in a globalized context, and illustrates how the principles of social justice can be mobilized by leaders in everyday practice.


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Teachers and students were asked what ethics education is offered in their program. The survey of the teachers regarding ethics education revealed some differences between english and french schools. It was found that franch schools favoured ethics courses taught by philosophers while english schools favoured ethics courses taught by health care providers. Furthermore, case studies were reported to be used more often in english schools and more often in assignments. However, regarless of the differences, 87 % of teachers agreed that ethics training is a high priority and most teachers thought that ethics training in their programs was adequate. At same time, students were asked to answer some questions that involved ethical dilemmas wherein some moral decisions would have to be made. Their responses revealed their level of moral development, based on Kohlberg's theory of moral development. The impact of ethics courses in the curriculum on moral development was correlated taking into account what ethics education students actually received with what year-of-study they were in (1st year, end of program or two years post graduation). Students were presented scenarios about falsifying records, communication, student dishonesty and preanalytical impact on patient care. These are authentic issues that technologists face on a daily basis. In reply to multiple-choice questions, respondents chose, in order of personal preference, the three best answers out of six offered to complete a statement regarding ethics. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Studies), employing crosstabulations and Oneway Anova. Factors including respondents age range, mother tongue, gendre, and years of schooling were considered.


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Las enfermedades raras o huérfano son una problemática que ha tomado mucha importancia en el contexto mundial del presente siglo, estas se han definido como crónicas, de difícil tratamiento de sus síntomas y con baja prevalencia en la población; muchas de estas enfermedades cursan con varios tipos de discapacidad, siendo el objetivo del presente trabajo el enfocarse en aquellas enfermedades raras que cursan con discapacidad intelectual. Para poder profundizar en estas enfermedades se realizó una revisión teórica sobre las enfermedades raras, así como de la discapacidad psíquica y su importancia a nivel mundial y nacional. A partir de estas definiciones, se revisaron en profundidad 3 enfermedades raras que cursan con discapacidad intelectual en el contexto colombiano, como son: el síndrome de Rett, el síndrome de Prader-Willi y el síndrome de X frágil. En cada una de estas enfermedades además se explicaron los tipos de diagnóstico, intervención, prevención, grupos de apoyo y tipos de evaluación que más se usan en el contexto nacional


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Coexistir cuenta cinco historias de lo que piensan del perdón víctimas del conflicto armado en Colombia. En 2006, grupos paramilitares se desmovilizaron y se encontraron con sus víctimas para responder sus preguntas y pedirles perdón. En 2012, el Gobierno inició un proceso de paz con las FARC, durante el cual se ha puesto en discusión las intenciones de reconciliación de la guerrilla. A partir de casos en Magdalena Medio y Caquetá, Coexistir es un reflejo de los dilemas que enfrentan cientos de víctimas a nivel nacional para lidiar con su dolor, no olvidar y pedir que no se repita la historia.


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O estudo realizado analisa as experiências e vivências profissionais dos inspetores da Autoridade de Segurança Alimentar e Económica, tomando como pano de fundo a perspetiva de que o quotidiano da ação dos atores se configura como uma estruturação e ou restruturação de esquemas de desempenho específicos, mediada pela permanente criação e estabilização de alianças e negociações entre os atores. A partir duma abordagem qualitativa sobre as orientações profissionais, o sentido e a direção da satisfação profissional e as tendências das condições materiais e sociais das suas práticas quotidianas profissionais, conclui essencialmente o seguinte: por um lado, os entrevistados privilegiam uma nova ordem de modelo profissional para o seu grupo, com maiores margens de liberdade e ou de autonomia, e, por outro lado, os inspetores da Autoridade de Segurança Alimentar e Económica vivem num dilema identitário, face às dificuldades de reconhecimento social da sua profissão como órgão de polícia criminal especializada; Authorithy for the Food and Economy Security and his Inspectors: a sociological analysis of professional group identity dilemmas Abstract: The study analyzes the professional experiences of ASAE inspectors, using as theoretical perspetive that actors everyday action is configured as a structuring and or restructuring of specific performance schemes, mediated by permanent creation and stabilization alliances and negotiations between the actors. Through a qualitative approach to professional guidance, job satisfaction meaning and direction, and trends about the material and social conditions of professional daily practices, I essentially concludes that: on the one hand, respondents are favor a new order of professional model for their group, with higher margins and freedom or autonomy, and, on the other hand, ASAE inspectors are living an identity dilemma, given the difficulties of social recognition of their profession as specialized criminal police corps.


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Universities are facing numerous changes, dilemmas and challenges in this new millennium, and it must get ready to face them by keeping a utopian thought. In this context all the actors of the university must insist on the right to envision and dream the future. A utopian thought allows us to imagine a university that is different, one that can guide our activities as teachers, students, administrative personnel and authorities with a view to achieve the university dreamed by all of us. This has motivated us to state our university utopia as a contribution to the reflection on the topics that involve the university.