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"Supported in part by Maternal and Child Health, Grant No. MCS-000252-16 and by contributions to Friends of Metabolic Research."
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Children aged between 3 and 7 years were taught simple and dimension-abstracted oddity discrimination using learning-set training techniques, in which isomorphic problems with varying content were presented with verbal explanation and feedback. Following the training phase, simple oddity (SO), dimension-abstracted oddity with one or two irrelevant dimensions, and non-oddity (NO) tasks were presented (without feedback) to determine the basis of solution. Although dimension-abstracted oddity requires discrimination based on a stimulus that is different from the others, which are all the same as each other on the relevant dimension, this was not the major strategy. The data were more consistent with use of a simple oddity strategy by 3- to 4-year-olds, and a most different strategy by 6- to 7-year-olds. These strategies are interpreted as reducing task complexity. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
The psychometric properties of the Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (SCAS) were examined with 875 adolescents aged 13 and 14 years. This self-report measure was designed to evaluate symptoms relating to separation anxiety, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic-agoraphobia, generalized anxiety, and fears of physical injury. Results of confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses supported six factors consistent with the hypothesized subtypes of anxiety. There was support also for a model in which the first-order factors loaded significantly on a single second-order factor of anxiety in general. The internal consistency of the total score and sub-scales was high, and 12-week test-retest reliability was satisfactory. The SCAS correlated strongly with a frequently used child self-report measure of anxiety and significantly, albeit at a lower level, with a measure of depression. (C) 2002 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Children bear disproportionate consequences of armed conflict. The 21st century continues to see patterns of children enmeshed in international violence between opposing combatant forces, as victims of terrorist warfare, and, perhaps most tragically of all, as victims of civil wars. Innocent children so often are the victims of high-energy wounding from military ordinance. They sustain high-energy tissue damage and massive burns - injuries that are not commonly seen in civilian populations. Children have also been deliberately targeted victims in genocidal civil wars in Africa in the past decade, and hundreds of thousands have been killed and maimed in the context of close-quarter, hand-to-hand assaults of great ferocity. Paediatricians serve as uniformed military surgeons and as civilian doctors in both international and civil wars, and have a significant strategic role to play as advocates for the rights and welfare of children in the context of the evolving 'Laws of War'. One chronic legacy of contemporary warfare is blast injury to children from landmines. Such blasts leave children without feet or lower limbs, with genital injuries, blindness and deafness. This pattern of injury has become one of the post-civil war syndromes encountered by all intensivists and surgeons serving in four of the world's continents. The continued advocacy for the international ban on the manufacture, commerce and military use of antipersonnel landmines is a part of all paediatricians' obligation to promote the ethos of the Laws of War. Post-traumatic stress disorder remains an undertreated legacy of children who have been trapped in the shot and shell of battle as well as those displaced as refugees. An urgent, unfocused and unmet challenge has been the increase in, and plight of, child soldiers themselves. A new class of combatant comprises these children, who also become enmeshed in the triad of anarchic civil war, light-weight weaponry and drug or alcohol addiction. The International Criminal Court has outlawed as a War Crime, the conscription of children under 15 years of age. Nevertheless, there remain more than 300 000 child soldiers active and enmeshed in psychopathic violence as part of both civil and international warfare. The typical profile of a child soldier is of a boy between the ages of 8 and 18 years, bonded into a group of armed peers, almost always an orphan, drug or alcohol addicted, amoral, merciless, illiterate and dangerous. Paediatricians have much to do to protect such war-enmeshed children, irrespective of the accident of their place of birth. Only by such vigorous and maintained advocacy can the world's children be better protected from the scourge of future wars.
Self-regulation has been identified as an area of difficulty for those with mental retardation. The Goodman Lock Box provides measures of two critical aspects of self-regulation-planfulness and maintenance of goal-directed behavior. In this study, the Lock Box performance of 25 children with Down syndrome was compared with that of 43 typically developing children, matched for mental age (24-36 months). Children in both groups showed similar levels of competence, planfulness and distractibility. However, children with Down syndrome displayed more task-avoidant behavior. Some issues related to the measurements obtained from the Lock Box are raised. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objectives: To document and describe the effects of flammable liquid burns in children. To identify the at risk population in order to tailor a burns prevention programme. Design, patients and setting: Retrospective study with information obtained from the departmental database of children treated at the burns centre at The Royal Children's Hospital, Brisbane between August 1997 and October 2002. Main outcome measures: Number and ages of children burned, risk factors contributing to the accident, injuries sustained, treatment required and long-term sequelae. Results: Fifty-nine children sustained flammable liquid burns (median age 10.5 years), with a clear preponderance of males (95%). The median total body surface area burned was 8% (range 0.5-70%). Twenty-seven (46%) of the patients required debridement and grafting. Hypertrophic scars occurred in 56% of the children and contractures in 14%, of which all of the latter required surgical release. Petrol was the causative liquid in the majority (83%) of cases. Conclusions: The study identified the population most at risk of sustaining flammable liquid burns were young adolescent males. In the majority of cases these injuries were deemed preventable. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.
Background: Alterations in energy expenditure during activity post head injury has not been investigated due primarily to the difficulty of measurement. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare energy expenditure during activity and body composition of children following acquired brain injury (ABI) with data from a group of normal. controls. Design: Energy expenditure was measured using the Cosmed K4b(2) in a group of 15 children with ABI and a group of 67 normal children during rest and when walking and running. Mean number of steps taken per 3 min run was also recorded and body composition was measured. Results: The energy expended during walking was not significantly different between both groups. A significant difference was found between the two groups in the energy expended during running and also for the number of steps taken as children with ABI took significantly less steps than the normal controls during a 3 min run. Conclusions: Children with ABI exert more energy per activity than healthy controls when controlled for velocity or distance. However, they expend less energy to walk and run when they are free to choose their own desirable, comfortable pace than normal controls. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A virtual outpatient service has been established in Queensland for the delivery of post-acute burns care to children living in rural and remote areas of the state. The integration of telepaediatrics as a routine service has reduced the need for patient travel to the specialist burns unit situated in Brisbane. We have conducted 293 patient consultations over a period of 3 years. A retrospective review of our experience has shown that post-acute burns care can be delivered using videoconferencing, email and the telephone. Telepaediatric bums services have been valuable in two key areas. The first area involves a programme of routine specialist clinics via videoconference. The second area relates to ad-hoc patient consultations for collaborative management during acute presentations and at times of urgent clinical need. The families of patients have expressed a high degree of satisfaction with the service. Telepaediatric services have helped improve access to specialist services for people living in rural and remote communities throughout Queensland. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.
Research investigating anxiety-related attentional bias for emotional information in anxious and nonanxious children has been equivocal with regard to whether a bias for fear-related stimuli is unique to anxious children or is common to children in general. Moreover, recent cognitive theories have proposed that an attentional bias for objectively threatening stimuli may be common to all individuals, with this effect enhanced in anxious individuals. The current study investigated whether an attentional bias toward fear-related pictures could be found in nonselected children (n = 105) and adults (n = 47) and whether a sample of clinically anxious children (n = 23) displayed an attentional bias for fear-related pictures over and above that expected for nonselected children. Participants completed a dot-probe task that employed fear-related, neutral, and pleasant pictures. As expected, both adults and children showed a stronger attentional bias toward fear-related pictures than toward pleasant pictures. Consistent with some findings in the childhood domain, the extent of the attentional bias toward fear-related pictures did not differ significantly between anxious children and nonselected children. However, compared with nonselected children, anxious children showed a stronger attentional bias overall toward affective picture stimuli. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This study examined the psychometric properties of the parent version of the Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (SCAS-P); 484 parents of anxiety disordered children and 261 parents in a normal control group participated in the study. Results of confirmatory factor analysis provided support for six intercorrelated factors, that corresponded with the child self-report as well as with the classification of anxiety disorders by DSM-IV (namely separation anxiety, generalized anxiety, social phobia, panic/agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and fear of physical injuries). A post-hoc model in which generalized anxiety functioned as the higher order factor for the other five factors described the data equally well. The reliability of the subscales was satisfactory to excellent. Evidence was found for both convergent and divergent validity: the measure correlated well with the parent report for internalizing symptoms, and lower with externalizing symptoms. Parent-child agreement ranged from 0.41 to 0.66 in the anxiety-disordered group, and from 0.23 to 0.60 in the control group. The measure differentiated significantly between anxiety-disordered children versus controls, and also between the different anxiety disorders except GAD. The SCAS-P is recommended as a screening instrument for normal children and as a diagnostic instrument in clinical settings. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study examined possible links between the occurrence of prosodic changes to vocalizations and gestures and the use of problem behaviors by children with autism when attempting to repair communication breakdowns. The repair strategies of six children with autism aged 2-5 years and with fewer than 10 words or signs were analyzed. Mother-child dyads were videotaped at home interacting in naturally occurring contexts. Videotapes were analyzed and coded for communication breakdowns and repair attempts made by the child. Repairs were further analyzed according to the type of repair strategy used, changes in prosidy, and whether the repair mode involved problematic or non-problematic behavior. In most situations, this group of children attempted to repair breakdowns in communication that occurred while interacting with their mothers. Most children used both nonproblematic and problematic behaviors and were less likely to use augmentations as a repair strategy than repetitions and substitutions. Some repetitions and some augmentations involved the use of gestures or vocalizations with increased emphasis or prosidy. Possible links between repair strategies involving increased prosidy and the use of problem behaviors are discussed together with the implications and significance of these finding in relation to early intervention for children with significant communication impairments. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study examined the role of global processing speed in mediating age increases in auditory memory span in 5- to 13-year-olds. Children were tested on measures of memory span, processing speed, single-word speech rate, phonological sensitivity, and vocabulary. Structural equation modeling supported a model in which age-associated increases in processing speed predicted the availability of long-term memory phonological representations for redintegration processes. The availability of long-term phonological representations, in turn, explained variance in memory span. Maximum speech rate did not predict independent variance in memory span. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Study Objective: Community-based models for injury prevention have become an accepted part of the overall injury control strategy. This systematic review of the scientific literature examines the evidence for their effectiveness in reducing injury due to inadequate car seat restraint use in children 0-16 years of age. Methods: A comprehensive search of the literature was performed using the following study selection criteria: community-based intervention study: target population was children aged 0-16 years of age; outcome measure was either injury rates due to motor vehicle crashes or observed changes in child restraint use; and use of community control or historical control in the study design. Quality assessment and data abstraction was guided by a standardized procedure and performed independently by two authors. Data synthesis was in tabular and text form with meta-analysis not being possible due to the discrepancy in methods and measures between the studies. Results: This review found eight studies, that met all the inclusion criteria. In the studies that measured injury outcomes, significant reductions in risk of motor vehicle occupant injury (33-55%) were reported in the study communities. For those studies reporting observed car seat restraint use the community-based programs were successful in increasing toddler restraint use in 1-5 year aged children by up to 11%; child booster seat use in 4-8 year aged children by up to 13%; rear restraint use in children aged 0-15 years by 8%; a 50% increase in restraint use in pre-school aged children in a high-risk community; and a 44% increase in children aged 5-11 years. Conclusion: While this review highlights that there is some evidence to support the effectiveness of community-based programs to promote car restraint use and/or motor vehicle occupant injury, limitations in the evaluation methodologies of the studies requires the results to be interpreted with caution. There is clearly a need for further high quality program evaluation research to develop an evidence base. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Two experiments examined blink modulation during viewing of pleasant, neutral and unpleasant picture stimuli in non-selected adults (N = 21) and children (N = 60) and children with anxiety disorders (N = 12). Blink reflexes were elicited by a white noise probe of 105 dB at lead stimulus intervals of 60, 240, 3500, and 5000 ms and during intertrial intervals. Blink modulation during unpleasant pictures was significantly different from blink modulation during neutral pictures at the 60 ms lead interval in children whereas adults showed no significant differences. Picture content had no differential effect on the extent of blink modulation for adults or children at the 240 ms lead interval. At the long lead intervals, blink modulation during unpleasant and pleasant pictures was significantly larger than during neutral pictures in adults. Picture valence did not differentially affect the extent of blink modulation at long lead intervals in children. Comparing the extent of blink modulation in anxious and non-selected children, blinks were significantly modulated during unpleasant pictures at the 60 ms lead interval for both groups. However, the extent of blink modulation was larger overall at this very short lead interval in anxious children. Children did not differ at other lead intervals. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.