978 resultados para characters


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Neste trabalho, a partir da recorrência à literatura de cordel como fonte histórica, será apresentada de que forma a reprodução da temática do cangaço nesses folhetos permitem que os migrantes nordestinos constituam uma identidade regionalista baseada no apego aos valores tradicionais da sua região natal. Dentro desse contexto, relacionamos o processo migratório dos nordestinos para as grandes metrópoles situadas no Sudeste, sobretudo Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo, com a difusão e recepção dos cordéis nesses estados entre as décadas de 1950 e 1980. No que concerne a abordagem do cangaço nos versos da literatura de cordel, na qual atribui aos cangaceiros o papel de símbolos regionais, serão pontuadas as principais estratégias adotadas pelos cordelistas que possibilitam a identificação e a empatia dos migrantes vindos do Nordeste com os personagens do cangaço narrados nos folhetos, contribuindo para um maior estreitamento entre Nordeste e nordestino. Nesse sentido, vale ressaltar a ressignificação da imagem dos cangaceiros, deslocando sua representação de homens cruéis e bárbaros para a reprodução de heróis-vilãos, isto é, protagonistas de personalidades ambíguas e contraditórias


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A presente investigação propõe uma comparação entre a obra do romancista irlandês James Joyce produzida até 1904 e a obra Bombaim: cidade máxima, do escritor indiano Suketu Mehta no sentido de identificar semelhanças em certos procedimentos de representação tanto da cidade como da autorrepresentação, ou seja, a representação de si mesmo. É objetivo da investigação aqui desenvolvida também argumentar que tais semelhanças não são meramente fortuitas, mas que estão relacionadas à continuidade de processos históricos diretamente relacionados ao advento, propagação e manutenção do que a historiadora estadunidense Ellen Meiksins Wood chama de império do capital. Para levar a investigação a cabo, foi promovida uma pesquisa formada pelos seguintes desmembramentos que compõem os capítulos da tese: uma revisão dos conceitos de colônia, império e imperialismo, assim como da relação entre o Império Britânico e a Irlanda a primeira colônia britânica e terra natal de Joyce e a Índia a maior e mais importante colônia britânica e país onde Mehta nasceu; uma exploração do tema da cidade, que envolve sua relevância para a contemporaneidade, a emergência da cidade industrial capitalista, e as ideias do sociólogo alemão Georg Simmel acerca da configuração psicológica engendrada na e por essa conformação urbana; uma detida investigação da obra inicial de Joyce, no intuito de explorar o desenvolvimento do que chamamos de literatura dramática joyceana, seu uso nos primeiros textos ficcionais de Joyce e a relação de tal literatura com o tema da cidade; uma breve recapitulação de alguns dos eventos marcantes do século XX que acreditamos terem estreita relação com a pesquisa aqui desenvolvida: a derrocada do Império Britânico, a emergência dos EUA como nova potência imperial, a relação do movimento Modernista com o contexto imperialista do início do século e com o tema da cidade, ilustrada principalmente pela figura e obra de Joyce; uma detalhada exploração de Bombaim: cidade máxima, seus personagens e temas; finalmente, a explicitação das semelhanças e diferenças existentes entre as narrativas de Joyce e Mehta e de como tais características se relacionam com a emergência, manutenção e propagação do império do capital.


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本文以跨越漫长地质历史时期的银杏类植物为研究对象,首次尝试在大的时间尺度上利用单一植物类群的气孔频度估测古大气CO2浓度的变化趋势。 一、借助多种研究手段对现代银杏(Ginkgo biloba)和9种化石银杏的叶表皮特征进行调查,并对现代银杏叶片蜡质晶体的形态结构和气孔发育过程进行了研究。应用荧光显微镜观察晚三叠世一种拜拉植物的角质层特征,根据其气孔下生型和平直的表皮细胞垂周壁等特点建 立新种—宁蒗拜拉(Baiera ninglangensis sp. nov.)。 二、在大气CO2浓度相对稳定的条件下,对不同条件下(不同季节,长短枝间,不同冠层间,不同叶片面积,雌雄树间)银杏叶片气孔密度和气孔指数的调查结果表明,其它环境因子对银杏气孔频度的影响很有限,而且通过一定的采样、测量和分析策略,可以排除其他环境和生物因子对气孔特征的影响。 三、74年间,大气CO2浓度上升55μmol•mol-1的同时,银杏的气孔密度降低了27%。而3属8种中生代和新生代银杏类植物在9个时间点的气孔密度和气孔指数都低于现存最近对应种的值,意味着当时的大气CO2浓度都高于目前的水平。根据最新评估标准,以气孔比率定量估算各个地质时代的大气CO2浓度,与前人的工作以及通过地球物理化学方法获得的显生宙大气CO2浓度进行比较。


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钻地风属(Schizophragma Siebold & Zucc.)和冠盖藤属(Pileostegia Hook. f. & Thomson)隶属于虎耳草科绣球花亚科绣球花族植物,分布于东亚。本论文对钻地风属和冠盖藤属进行了全面的分类学研究:重点分析了钻地风属和冠盖藤属各形态性状的变异式样,确定了二属的性状变异范围;在光学显微镜下,对钻地风属中6种5变种和冠盖藤属中2种共130份材料的叶表皮特征进行了深入、全面的观察和研究;并对二属的叶脉序特征进行了研究。结果显示,苞片存在与否、不育花存在与否、花瓣顶端是否联合、蒴果和种子的形状、叶片质地、生长习性、表皮细胞垂周壁加厚与否、气孔器分布、类型、气孔大小、保卫细胞轮廓、外拱盖是否双层、二级脉、三级脉、高级脉及网眼等特征在属的水平上具有重要的分类学意义,这些性状特征支持将钻地风属和冠盖藤属作为两个独立的属处理。根据形态性状及叶脉序特征推测,冠盖藤属较原始,钻地风属较进化。在钻地风属中,叶片毛被的有无及类型、叶片形状和叶缘的形状等特征可作为可靠的分种依据;叶表皮特征在种及种下等级具有重要的分类学意义;叶脉序多呈现环节曲行羽状脉式样,二级脉具分枝,在种间存在细微差别。根据形态性状及叶脉序特征推测,厚叶钻地风S. crassum Hand.-Mazz.和白背钻地风S. hypoglaucum Rehder可能为钻地风属中较原始的类群,秦榛钻地风S. corylifolium Chun和绣球钻地风S. hydrangeoides Siebold & Zucc.可能较进化。在冠盖藤属中,叶片毛被的有无及类型、叶片形状等特征可作为可靠的分种依据;该属中叶表皮特征相似,2个种间叶表皮特征无差异;叶脉序多呈现环节曲行羽状脉式样,二级脉无分枝,在种间差异极小。 作者在研究了近2000份腊叶标本的基础上,结合叶表皮特征和叶脉序特征,认为钻地风属和冠盖藤属为两个独立的属。首次对钻地风属和冠盖藤属进行了世界性的分类学修订,确认钻地风属含7个种、5个变种,冠盖藤属含2个种。对钻地风属中的5个名称和冠盖藤属中的2个名称进行了归并;为钻地风属中的1个名称和冠盖藤属中的2个名称指定了后选模式;发现被命名为维西钻地风S. crassum Hand.-Mazz. var. hsitaoianum (Chun) C. F. Wei的类群其正确名称为S. crassum Hand.-Mazz. var. ellipticum J. Anthony;恢复了变种小粉绿钻地风S. integrifolium Oliv. var. minus Rehder;重新界定了白背钻地风和小粉绿钻地风的变异范围,澄清了中国文献中记载的粉绿钻地风S. integrifolium Oliv. var. glaucescens Rehder长期存在的名实混乱问题。本论文对各个分类群进行了详细的形态描述,给出了分种检索表,并附分布资料及地理分布图。


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Stichaeidae, commonly referred to as pricklebacks, are intertidal and subtidal fishes primarily of the North Pacific Ocean. Broad distribution in relatively inaccessible and undersampled habitats has contributed to a general lack of information about this family. In this study, descriptions of early life history stages are presented for 25 species representing 18 genera of stichaeid fishes from the northeastern Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea, and Arctic Ocean Basin. Six of these species also occur in the North Atlantic Ocean. Larval stages of 16 species are described for the first time. Additional information or illustrations intended to augment previous descriptions are provided for nine species. For most taxa, we present adult and larval distributions, descriptions of morphometric, meristic, and pigmentation characters, and species comparisons, and we provide illustrations for preflexion through postflexion or transformation stages. New counts of meristic features are reported for several species.


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We provide morphological and molecular evidence to recognize a new species of skate from the North Pacific, Bathyraja panthera. We also resurrect the skate subgenus Arctoraja Ishiyama, confirming its monophyly and the validity of the subgenus. Arctoraja was previously recognized as a distinct subgenus of Breviraja and later synonymized with Bathyraja (family Rajidae). Although the nominal species of Arctoraja have all been considered synonyms of Bathyraja parmifera by various authors, on the basis of morphometric, meristic, chondrological, and molecular data we recognize four species, including the new species. Species of Arctoraja are distributed across the North Pacific Ocean and adjacent seas from southern Japan to British Columbia. Bathyraja parmifera is abundant in the eastern Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands, and northern Gulf of Alaska; B. smirnovi is a western Pacific species found in the Sea of Okhotsk and Sea of Japan; B. simoterus is restricted to waters around the northern and eastern coasts of Hokkaido, Japan; and the new species B. panthera is restricted to the western Aleutian Islands. Bathyraja panthera is diagnosed by its color pattern of light yellow blotches with black spotting on a greenish brown background, high thorn and vertebral counts, chondrological characters of the neurocranium and clasper, and a unique nucleotide sequence within the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase gene. Furthermore, the species presently recognized as Bathyraja parmifera exhibits two haplotypes among specimens from Alaska, suggesting the possibility of a second, cryptic species.


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Prior to Pietsch’s (1993) revision of the genus Triglops, identification of their larvae was difficult; six species co-occur in the eastern North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea and three co-occur in the western North Atlantic Ocean. We examined larvae from collections of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center and Atlantic Reference Centre and used updated meristic data, pigment patterns, and morphological characters to identify larvae of Triglops forficatus, T. macellus, T. murrayi, T. nybelini, T. pingeli, and T. scepticus; larvae of T. metopias, T. dorothy, T. jordani, and T. xenostethus have yet to be identified and are thus not included in this paper. Larval Triglops are characterized by a high myomere count (42–54), heavy dorsolateral pigmentation on the gut, and a pointed snout. Among species co-occurring in the eastern North Pacific Ocean, T. forficatus, T. macellus, and T. pingeli larvae are distinguished from each other by meristic counts and presence or absence of a series of postanal ventral melanophores. Triglops scepticus is differentiated from other eastern North Pacific Ocean larvae by having 0–3 postanal ventral melanophores, a large eye, and a large body depth. Among species co-occurring in the western North Atlantic Ocean, T. murrayi and T. pingeli larvae are distinguished from each other by meristic counts (vertebrae, dorsal-fin rays, and anal-fin rays once formed), number of postanal ventral melanophores, and first appearance and size of head spines. Triglops nybelini is distinguished from T. murrayi and T. pingeli by a large eye, pigment on the lateral line and dorsal midline in flexion larvae, and a greater number of dorsal-fin rays and pectoral-fin rays once formed.


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通过野外采集和观察,标本鉴定和实验研究,从植物形态学,叶柄和根状茎的解剖,叶表皮的显微观察,和孢子形态的扫描电镜观察等方面进行研究与分析,对中国瓦韦属(除薄叶组)进行了分类学修订研究。 1. 形态性状分析 研究了国内外重要标本馆的大量瓦韦属植物标本,通过对一些重要的形态性状的观察和分析,判定其变异规律及分类学意义。根状茎上的鳞片和孢子囊上的隔丝的形状和网眼结构是瓦韦属属下分类和种的划分的最主要的形态学性状。其它特征如孢子囊群着生的位置、中脉的颜色、根状茎直立或横走等在种内也具有一定的稳定性,可以帮助种的划分和鉴定。因此,在对瓦韦属植物进行分类时要结合几个相关性状而不是单一的性状进行分类。 2. 叶柄和根状茎的解剖 对瓦韦属(除薄叶组)49 个种的叶柄和根状茎进行解剖观察,发现叶柄中维管束的条数一般为1--7 条不等,排成一字形、三角形或半圆形。两根粗的维管束排列在腹面,较细的维管束排列在背面。叶柄中没有厚壁组织,但是在叶柄和根状茎的连接部位叶足处有厚壁组织的存在。根状茎横切面观察显示除了维管束外还有厚壁组织的存在,在常绿种内厚壁组织较多,落叶类型中厚壁组织较少。 3. 叶表皮形态 观察了瓦韦属51 个种的叶表皮形态和结构,发现该性状对于属下划分具有一定的系统学意义,也有助于疑难物种的鉴别。瓦韦属植物的叶表皮细胞形状通常为多边形、不规则;垂周壁式样为波状和浅波状;气孔器类型比较复杂,在所观察的类群中,气孔器都分布在下表皮上,极细胞型Polocytic type,共环极细胞型Copolocytic type ,腋下细胞型Axillocytic type ,聚腋下细胞型Coaxillocytic 是最常见的类型,不规则型Anomocytic type ,不规则四细胞型Anomotetracytic type,不等细胞型Anisocytic type,辐射状细胞型Actinocytic type 和双环不等四细胞型Amphicycloanisocytic type 也存在于瓦韦属的叶表皮中。属下同一个组的叶表皮特征近似,不同的组具有一定的差别。 4. 孢子形态 在扫描电镜下对瓦韦属50 个种的孢子形态进行了观察。瓦韦属的孢子两侧对称,极面观为椭圆形,赤道面观为肾形、豆形或半圆形。孢子的表面纹饰可以分为6 类,分别是光滑、颗粒状、瘤状、皱状、波状以及疣状的纹饰。瓦韦属的孢子周壁较薄,纹饰由外壁组成。孢子形态具有重要的系统学意义,可以为属下分类提供可靠的证据,对形态近似的物种的划分也有重要参考价值。 通过对大量标本的研究,以及模式标本的考证,结合野外居群观察,综合分析有关分类学资料,主要依据比较稳定的微观性状,对瓦韦属植物进行了新的分类学修订。结果承认中国瓦韦属(除薄叶组)有37 种,可以分为5 个组,有3 个名称被首次处理为异名,另有2 个种暂时存疑。


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通过无融合生殖方式固定水稻杂种优势是水稻育种中极具诱惑力的研究内容之一。自从1979年以来,我国水稻无融合生殖充种研究主要集中在筛选和鉴定水稻多胚苗材料。根据前人的研究结果,具有无融合生殖特性的植物大多数为多倍体。本试验以多胚苗水稻APIV及其衍生系为研究材料,在二倍体[APIV_((2))]、同源三倍体[APIV_((3))]和同源四倍体[APIV_((4))]水平,对其多个世代中的特征特性,其中包括形态学特征,遗传学和胚胎学特性进行了研究,旨在探讨在多倍性水平筛选水稻无融合生殖种质的可能性,获得如下主要研究结果: 1.在二倍体APIV_((2))的多个世代中,只发现单胚苗、双胚苗和三胚苗植株,多胚苗频率比较低(4.67~5.14%),多胚苗性状的表达在一定程度上受到环境因素的影响,并且,多胚苗植株的成活率比较低(11.70~17.39%),大部分多胚苗植株在三叶期之前死亡,这很可能与其胚乳的营养供应有关。根据APIV_((2))的多胚苗性状在多个自交世代和杂交世代中的表达特点,多胚苗性状不是显性性状,也不是隐性性状,而是一种比较特殊的数量性状。 2.胚胎学的研究结果表明,在APIV_((2))的2857个子房的胚囊中没有观察到与不定胚生殖有关的特异生殖现象;APIV_((2))在发生受精之前的胚囊构型包括正常蓼型胚囊(76.5%)、退化型胚囊(16.0%)和变异型胚囊(7.5%),在变异型胚囊中包括双卵卵器胚囊(86.7%)和三卵卵器胚囊(13.3%);APIV_((2))的双受精与前人在正常二倍体水稻中所观察到的结果大致相符;在不同季节的颖花和同一季节同一稻穗的不同颖花内多卵和多胚苗频率存在着明显差异。 3.在同源四倍体水稻的诱导中对种芽进行预处理,促使其胚芽鞘明显伸长后再进行诱导处理是诱导成功的关键技术。在同源四倍体APIV_((4))的同一稻穗中强势颖花的多卵频率要明显地高于弱势颖花的多卵频率。在APIV_((4))去雄后的颖花中意外地观察到了单胚和双胚现象。同源四倍体水稻APIV_((4))的有性生殖能力明显变弱,在花药内正常花粉粒少而败育花粉粒多;在受精前正常胚囊数少而退化胚囊数比较多(36.0%);花粉管进入胚囊的时间比较晚;双受精频率低而单受精频率高。 4.异倍性水稻间具有一定的可交配性,但其结实率比较低(0.20~-1.64%),通过常规杂交方法所获得的同源三倍体成活植株的频率更低(0.07%)。在湖南湘潭的秋季条件下同源三倍体水稻植株雄性完全败育,但有部分稻穗能结实(0.59%~7.71%),由此可获得饱满种子和不饱满种子。 5.通过子房培养可以获得异倍性水稻间杂种植株。在APIV_((4))/APIV_((2))杂交组合的子房培养中出现了一株双胚苗;同源三倍体成活植株的获得率仍然比较低(0.78%),但比通过常规杂交法首先获得种子,进而获得同源三倍体成活植株的效率要倍出11.14倍。根据试验结果,提出了6个问题进行讨论。认为在杂交后代中有可能筛选到多胚苗发生频率更高的单株;多胚苗性状是比较复杂的数量性状;同源四倍体水稻的有性生殖能力明显变弱;通过合理配组和复重授粉可以提高异倍性水稻间的杂并结实率;通过子房培养可以明显提高获得同源三倍体成活植株的效率;在多倍体水稻中筛选无融合生殖种质在比二倍体水稻中筛选可能更容易成功。


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Psednos rossi new species (Teleostei: Liparidae) is described from two specimens collected in the North Atlantic Ocean off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, at depths of 500–674 m. Psednos rossi belongs to the P. christinae group, which includes six other species and is characterized by 46–47 vertebrae and the absence of a coronal pore. Psednos rossi differs from those six species by having characters unique within the genus: straight spine, body not humpbacked at the occiput, and a very large mouth with a vertical oral cleft. Other distinguishing characters include a notched pectoral fin with 15–16 rays, eye 17–19% SL, and color in life orange-rose. With P. rossi, the genus Psednos as currently known includes 26 described and five undescribed species of small meso- or bathypelagic liparids from the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.


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A developmental series of larval and pelagic juvenile pygmy rockfish (Sebastes wilsoni) from central California is illustrated and described. Sebastes wilsoni is a non- commercially, but ecologically, important rockfish, and the ability to differentiate its young stages will aid researchers in population abundance studies. Pigment patterns, meristic characters, morphometric measurements, and head spination were recorded from specimens that ranged from 8.1 to 34.4 mm in standard length. Larvae were identified initially by meristic characters and the absence of ventral and lateral midline pigment. Pelagic juveniles developed a prominent pigment pattern of three body bars that did not extend to the ventral surface. Species identification was confirmed subsequently by using mitochondrial sequence data of four representative specimens of various sizes. As determined from the examination of otoliths, the growth rate of larval and pelagic juvenile pygmy rockfish was 0.28 mm/day, which is relatively slow in comparison to the growth rate of other species of Sebastes. These data will aid researchers in determining species abundance.


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Independent molecular markers based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA were developed to provide positive identification of istiophorid and xiphiid billfishes (marlins, spearfishes, sailfish, and swordfish). Both classes of markers were based on amplification of short segments (<1.7 kb) of DNA by the polymerase chain reaction and subsequent digestion with informative restriction endonucleases. Candidate markers were evaluated for their ability to discriminate among the different species and the level of intraspecific variation they exhibited. The selected markers require no more than two restriction digestions to allow unambiguous identification, although it was not possible to distinguish between white marlin and striped marlin with any of the genetic characters screened in our study. Individuals collected from throughout each species’ range were surveyed with the selected markers demonstrating low levels of intraspecific character variation within species. The resulting keys provide two independent means for the forensic identification of fillets and for specific identification of early life history stages.


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Intergeneric hybridization between the epinepheline serranids Cephalopholis fulva and Paranthias furcifer in waters off Bermuda was investigated by using morphological and molecular characters. Putative hybrids, as well as members of each presumed parent species, were analyzed for 44 morphological characters and screened for genetic variation at 16 nuclear allozyme loci, two nuclear (n)DNA loci, and three mitochondrial (mt)DNA gene regions. Four of 16 allozyme loci, creatine kinase (CK-B*), fumarase (FH*), isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDH-S*), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH-B*), were unique in C. fulva and P. furcifer. Restriction fragments of two nuclear DNA intron regions, an actin gene intron and the second intron in the S7 ribosomal protein gene, also exhibited consistent differences between the two presumed parent species. Restriction fragments of three mtDNA regions—ND4, ATPase 6, and 12S/16S ribosomal RNA—were analyzed to identify maternal parentage of putative hybrids. Both morphological data and nuclear genetic data were found to be consistent with the hypothesis that the putative hybrids were the result of interbreeding between C. fulva and P. furcifer. Mean values of 38 morphological characters were different between presumed parent species, and putative hybrids were intermediate to presumed parent species for 33 of these characters. A principal component analysis of the morphological and meristic data was also consistent with hybridization between C. fulva and P. furcifer. Thirteen of 15 putative hybrids were heterozygous at all diagnostic nuclear loci, consistent with F1 hybrids. Two putative hybrids were identified as post-F1 hybrids based on homozygosity at one nuclear locus each. Mitochondrial DNA analysis showed that the maternal parent of all putative hybrid individuals was C. fulva. A survey of nuclear and mitochondrial loci of 57 C. fulva and 37 P. furcifer from Bermuda revealed no evidence of introgression between the parent species mediated by hybridization.


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本论文对草地群落地上/地下生物量构成、根冠比特征及其影响因子以及土壤呼吸测定方法比较等的国内外研究进展和主要成果进行了综述,在此基础之上对地处我国北方农牧交错带中段的内蒙古多伦县境内的18种草地群落(包括天然草地和人工草地群落)进行了相关内容的研究工作。 在2002年生长季期间,对这18个植物群落中选取的16个进行了群落学调查,测定了其地上、地下生物量,同时测定了土壤含水量、土壤容重、土壤全氮含量和土壤有机质含量。分别分析了地上、地下生物量以及根冠比(root to shoot ratio)与这些立地因子间的相关关系。同期,从18个群落中选定10个代表性群落测定其土壤呼吸速率,测定方法选用了动态红外气体分析法 (Infra red gas analysis, abbreviated as IRGA)和碱液吸收法(Alkali absorption, abbreviated as AA)。对这两种方法的测定结果进行了比较分析,同时分析了不同群落间土壤呼吸变化与土壤水分和养分状况等的相关关系。主要结论如下: ①16种植物群落的地上和地下生物量差异明显,地上生物量变化范围在80~500 g•m-2之间;相比之下,地下生物量的变化范围要大得多,16个群落中地下生物量最小的为猪毛菜群落,最大的为拂子茅群落,分别为533 g•m-2和2590 g•m-2。群落的根冠比在1.5~11.21之间,平均根冠比为 5.69。 ②土壤含水量对地上和地下生物量有着重要的影响,土壤含水量高的样地(羊草样地)较含水量低(小米蒿样地)的样地地上生物量高,反之亦然。但含水量与地下生物量之间的这种关系却不明显,即土壤含水量高的样地其地下生物量并不一定比含水量低的样地地下生物量高;根冠比与土壤含水量之间基本上呈负相关。土壤全氮含量和有机质含量与地上、地下生物量也存在着一定的正相关关系,而土壤容重却与生物量存有负相关关系;根冠比与土壤全氮、有机质和容重的关系正好与此相反,即根冠比与全氮和有机质含量呈负相关,与容重为正相关。 ③10种植物群落土壤呼吸的昼夜变化比较明显,均为单峰型曲线,主要受土壤温度的驱动,但同时也受到当日降水情况和云量、风速等气象因子的较大影响。因此,影响到这些群落土壤呼吸日动态的一致性,使得规律性并不明显。 ④用碱液吸收法和动态密闭气室法测定的10个群落的土壤呼吸速率变化范围分别为394~894mg C•m-2•d-1和313~2043 mg C•m-2•d-1,其中碱液吸收法测定结果平均为动态气室法的67.5%,明显低于动态密闭气室法。 ⑤两种测定方法具有很好的相关性,R2为0.8739。本研究中发现,在土壤呼吸速率低的情况下,两种方法的测定结果十分接近,甚至碱液吸收法的测定结果稍大于动态密闭气室法;而在土壤呼吸速率较高的情况下,动态密闭气室法测定结果则显著高于碱液吸收法。上述结果与国内外同类研究的结果高度一致,从而为校正我们以往采用碱液吸收法在该区域的测定结果提供了可靠依据。 ⑥各个群落间的土壤呼吸变化与立地土壤水分和土壤养分之间存有一定的相关关系,但并不显著,可能与这些群落土壤呼吸测定不是在同一天进行有关。


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The metric and meristic characters of Drepane punctata from Versova Fish Landing Centre of Bombay have been studied. The meristic characters showed considerable variations. The number of dorsal fin rays were relatively stable characters. Statistical interpretation of metric data indicated that there is a direct relationship between the preanal, predorsal in relation to total length and eye-diameter in relation to head length.