960 resultados para broadband decoupling


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Eléctrica e Electrónica, Ramo de Tecnologias de Informação e Telecomunicações, Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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The decoupling of CAP payments leads production decisions and resources allocation to be more dependent on market prices and competitive advantages. The objective of this paper is to assess the effects of CAP trends on the montado/dehesa traditional ecosystem of Mediterranean regions in terms of farm income, land, labour and capital. A positive mathematical supply model disaggregated by the montado agro-forestry production systems of the Alentejo region in southern Portugal is developed. The results show that decoupling payments of CAP have negative economic effects on agricultural activities and resource use. Agricultural income increases with single farm payments but the foreseen increases in prices do not compensate the loss of the Agenda 2000 area payments in terms of competitiveness. These results reinforce the need to promote alternative agricultural and non-agricultural activities and policies in Mediterranean rural European areas and regions. (C) 2011 Society for Policy Modeling. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A Short film about War is a narrative documentary artwork made entirely from information found on the worldwide web. In ten minutes this two screen gallery installation takes viewers around the world to a variety of war zones as seen through the collective eyes of the online photo sharing community Flickr, and as witnessed by a variety of existing military and civilian bloggers. As the ostensibly documentary 'film' plays itself out, a second screen logs the provenance of images, blog fragments and gps locations of each element comprising the work, so that the same information is simultaneously communicated to the viewer in two parallel formats -on one hand as a dramatised reportage and on the other hand as a text log. In offerring this tautology, we are attempting to explore and reveal the way in which information changes as it is gathered, edited and then mediated through networked communications technologies or broadcast media, and how that changes and distorts meaning -especially for (the generally wealthy minority of) the world's users of high speed broadband networks, who have become used to the treacherously persuasive panoptic view that google earth (and the worldwide web) appears to give us.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Electrónica e Telecomunicações


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Trabalho de Dissertação de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Estruturas


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Tendo em conta a popularidade que as comunicações Wi-Fi têm na atualidade em vários dispositivos como computadores portáteis, telemóveis ou tablets, sendo estes utilizados praticamente por qualquer pessoa, surgiu a ideia de utilizar esta tecnologia de baixo custo e isenta de licenciamento num cenário de comunicações marítimas. Neste contexto, esta permite fornecer o acesso à Internet em banda larga a grupos de embarcações, que atualmente recorrem a tecnologias de elevado custo (satélite) e/ou de banda estreita (rádios VHF). Com o acesso em banda larga, os proprietários poderão utilizar aplicações informáticas de interesse à atividade de negócio ou de lazer, até então só disponíveis junto à costa onde existe cobertura celular. Nesta tese pretende-se fazer um estudo teórico e prático sobre o alcance e respetivo desempenho de comunicações de banda larga em ambiente marítimo, utilizando parte da gama de frequências dos 5,8 GHz, isenta de licença, e a norma IEEE 802.11n. Para se utilizar equipamento produzido em massa a operar nessa gama, existem duas normas disponíveis, a IEEE 802.11a e a IEEE 802.11n. Optou-se pelo IEEE 802.11n pois os esquemas de codificação ao nível físico permitem débitos mais elevados e MIMO. Para a realização dos testes experimentais, foi necessário elaborar um protótipo de comunicação ponto a ponto, constituído por dois nós de comunicação. Um deles foi instalado numa embarcação de pesca em colaboração com a Associação Propeixe e o outro no Edifício Transparente, no Porto, em colaboração com a entidade gestora do edifício e a Associação Porto Digital. Tanto quanto se conhece é o primeiro teste de comunicações Wi-Fi realizado nestas condições a nível mundial. Os objetivos do trabalho foram atingidos. Foi possível estabelecer comunicações Wi-Fi na banda dos 5,8 GHz até cerca de 7 km com débito médio mínimo de 1 Mbit/s. O ambiente de testes desenvolvido e os resultados obtidos servirão de base para futuros trabalhos de investigação na área das comunicações marítimas.


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The design and development of the swordfish autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) system is discussed. Swordfish is an ocean capable 4.5 m long catamaran designed for network centric operations (with ocean and air going vehicles and human operators). In the basic configuration, Swordfish is both a survey vehicle and a communications node with gateways for broadband, Wi-Fi and GSM transports and underwater acoustic modems. In another configuration, Swordfish mounts a docking station for the autonomous underwater vehicle Isurus from Porto University. Swordfish has an advanced control architecture for multi-vehicle operations with mixed initiative interactions (human operators are allowed to interact with the control loops).


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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In the context of the activity developed by securities investment funds (hereinafter referred to “SIF”) the holders of investment units have a very tiny power to intervene. Aware of the risks that a decoupling between ownership and control may pose, the legislator has foreseen a number of impositions and limitations to the activity of the managing entities, namely to prevent or prohibit the performance of acts in situations of potential conflicts of interests. Accordingly, the purpose of the dissertation on – “Os diferentes níveis de regulação legal dos conflitos de interesses no âmbito da gestão de FIM” – is exactly to determine the field of application of the several levels of legal regulation of the conflicts of interests that arise within the scope of the management of SIF, both at the level of the new legal requirements governing collective investment undertakings, and at the level of the legal requirements governing the conflicts of interests foreseen in the Portuguese Securities Code, in order to clarify the articulation of these different levels of conflicts of interests regulations.


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Red blood cell (RBC) parameters such as morphology, volume, refractive index, and hemoglobin content are of great importance for diagnostic purposes. Existing approaches require complicated calibration procedures and robust cell perturbation. As a result, reference values for normal RBC differ depending on the method used. We present a way for measuring parameters of intact individual RBCs by using digital holographic microscopy (DHM), a new interferometric and label-free technique with nanometric axial sensitivity. The results are compared with values achieved by conventional techniques for RBC of the same donor and previously published figures. A DHM equipped with a laser diode (lambda = 663 nm) was used to record holograms in an off-axis geometry. Measurements of both RBC refractive indices and volumes were achieved via monitoring the quantitative phase map of RBC by means of a sequential perfusion of two isotonic solutions with different refractive indices obtained by the use of Nycodenz (decoupling procedure). Volume of RBCs labeled by membrane dye Dil was analyzed by confocal microscopy. The mean cell volume (MCV), red blood cell distribution width (RDW), and mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) were also measured with an impedance volume analyzer. DHM yielded RBC refractive index n = 1.418 +/- 0.012, volume 83 +/- 14 fl, MCH = 29.9 pg, and MCHC 362 +/- 40 g/l. Erythrocyte MCV, MCH, and MCHC achieved by an impedance volume analyzer were 82 fl, 28.6 pg, and 349 g/l, respectively. Confocal microscopy yielded 91 +/- 17 fl for RBC volume. In conclusion, DHM in combination with a decoupling procedure allows measuring noninvasively volume, refractive index, and hemoglobin content of single-living RBCs with a high accuracy.


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The Academic South and Academic North buildings are located at the west end of campus. The 80 000 square-foot facilities include the Computer Commons, several multimedia lecture halls, office space, state-of-the-art labs, a food court, and student meeting space. The complex included some of the most modern technology, including broadband Internet video conferencing that enabled real-time visual contact between professors, students, and researchers from around the world.


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Maximum production rates ofs and decay kinetics for the hydrated electron, the indolyl neutral radical and the indole triplet state have been obtained in the microsecond, broadband (X > 260 nm) flash photolysis of helium-saturated, neutral aqueous solutions of indole, in the absence and in the presence of the solutes NaBr, BaCl2*2H20 and CdSCV Fluorescence spectra and fluorescence lifetimes have also been obtained in the absence and in the presence of the above solutes, The hydrated electron is produced monophotonically and biphotonically at an apparent maximum rate which is increased by BaCl2*2H20 and decreased by NaBr and CdSOif. The neutral indolyl radical may be produced monophotonically and biphotonically or strictly monophotonically at an apparent maximum rate which is increased by NaBr and CdSO^ and is unaffected by BaCl2*2H20. The indole triplet state is produced monophotonically at a maximum rate which is increased by all solutes. The hydrated electron decays by pseudo first order processes, the neutral indolyl radical decays by second order recombination and the indole triplet state decays by combined first and second order processes. Hydrated electrons are shown to react with H , H2O, indole, Na and Cd"*""1"". No evidence has been found for the reaction of hydrated electrons with Ba . The specific rate of second order neutral indolyl radical recombination is unaffected by NaBr and BaCl2*2H20, and is increased by CdSO^. Specific rates for both first and second order triplet state decay processes are increased by all solutes. While NaBr greatly reduced the fluorescence lifetime and emission band intensity, BaCl2*2H20 and CdSO^ had no effect on these parameters. It is suggested that in solute-free solutions and in those containing BaCl2*2H20 and CdSO^, direct excitation occurs to CTTS states as well as to first excited singlet states. It is further suggested that in solutions containing NaBr, direct excitation to first excited singlet states predominates. This difference serves to explain increased indole triplet state production (by ISC from CTTS states) and unchanged fluorescence lifetimes and emission band intensities in the presence of BaCl2*2H20 and CdSOt^., and increased indole triplet state production (by ISC from S^ states) and decreased fluorescence lifetime and emission band intensity in the presence of NaBr. Evidence is presented for (a) very rapid (tx ^ 1 us) processes involving reactions of the hydrated electron with Na and Cd which compete with the reformation of indole by hydrated electron-indole radical cation recombination, and (b) first and second order indole triplet decay processes involving the conversion of first excited triplet states to vibrationally excited ground singlet states.


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Toluene is converted to benzyl alcohol by the fungi Mortierella isabellina and Helminthosporium species; in the latter case, the product is further metabolized. Toluene-a -d 1 , toluene-a,a-d2, and toluene-a,a,a-d 3 have been used with Mortierellaisabellina in a series of experiments to determine both primary and secondary deuterium kinetic isotope effects for the enzymic benzylic hydroxylation reaction. The values obtained, intermolecular primary kH/kD = intramolecular p rim a r y kH r kD = 1. 0 2 + O. 0 5, and sec 0 n dar y k H I kD = 1. 37 .:!. 0.05, suggest a mechanism for the reaction involving benzylic proton removal from a radical intermediate in a non-symmetrical transition state. 2H NMR (30.7 MHz) studies using ethylbenzene-l,1-d 2 , 3 -fluoroethylbenzene-l,1-d 2 , 4 -fluoroethylbenzene-l,1-d 2 , and toluene-dB as substrates with Mortierella isabellina suggest, based on the observable differences in rates of conversion between the substrates, that the hydroxylation of hydrocarbons at the benzylic position proceeds via a one electron abstraction from the aromatic ring, giving a radical cation. A series of 1,3-oxathiolanes (eight) were incubated with Mortierella isabellina , Helminthosporium , Rhizopus arrhizus , and Aspergillus niger . Sulphoxides were obtained from Mortierella isabellina and Rhizopus arrhizus using the substrates 2-phenyl-, 2-methyl-2-phenyl-, and 2-phenyl-2-tert. butyl-l,3-oxathiolane. The relative stereochemistry of 2-methyl-2-phenyl-l,3-oxathiolan-l-oxide was assigned based on lH decoupling, n.O.e, 1 and H NMR experiments. The lH NMR (200 MHz) of the methylene protons of 2-methyl-2-phenyl-l,3-oxathiolan-l-oxide was used as a diagnostic standard in assigning the relative stereochemistry of 2-phenyl-l,3-oxathiolan-l-oxide and 2-phenyl-2-tert. butyl-l,3-oxathiolan-l-oxide. The sulphoxides obtained were consistent with an oxidation occurring from the opposite side of the molecule to the phenyl substituent.