974 resultados para allied health personnel -- organization


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This study aimed to verify which are the main factors for a Quality of Working Life Program in context of the Agncia Nacional do Petrleo, Gs Natural e Biocombustveis (ANP). For this, a descriptive, an explanatory, a literature, a documentary and a field research was applied. ANP was the universe of the research. The sample consists of 2 Quality of Working Life Programs managers: one of Agncia Nacional de guas (ANA), and another one from Agncia Nacional de Sade Suplementar (ANS), as well as managers and servers from ANP. Two semi structured interviews, a mixed questionnaire and a words evoke test were applied. The Quality of Working Life Factors used in this study were: working conditions, health, moral, compensation, participation, internal communication, organization image, headmansubaltern relationship and working organization. It was concluded that relevant factors for a Quality of Working Life Program in ANP are: working organization, working condition, moral, health and organization image.


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This case study investigates, empirically, cost methods and criteria of price discrimination made from hospital organizations when they set up their prices of hospital services to private patients and push down their prices to patients affiliated to health insurance and/or health maintenance organizations (HMO). The theory sought to show the Brazilian health systems either public or private, the aspects about corporate culture, the relationship among three players of the private health system health insurance companies (or HMO), hospitals and the patients, the importance of the cost systems, and the criteria of price discrimination. With these theories, it was developed a qualitative exploratory research, through open interviews, with hospitals managers and co-workers from invoicing department from two hospitals located at the Rio de Janeiro City. Based on results we didnt identify appropriate cost systems to help the managers to make a correct decision about price discrimination, but was identified corporate culture factors that could influence the price discrimination. Among the results, we can see unprepared hospital managers. Finally, we discussed some contributions and weakness of this case study, and there are presented suggestions for future researches.


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Esta dissertao analisa como as estratgias de entrada de mercado adotadas por uma organizao privada de sade contriburam para a formao dos recursos e capacidades dos seus novos empreendimentos e para o desempenho desses negcios. Para tanto, este trabalho recorre a reviso bibliogrfica sobre Entrada de Mercado e Teoria dos Recursos da Firma (RBV) e aplica um estudo de caso no Fleury S.A., apoiado em entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os altos executivos da organizao. Os empreendimentos Check-up, Hospital-Dia e a Holding NKB so estudados em profundidade e evidenciam caractersticas distintas de entrada, que variam conforme os laos de ligao com o Fleury: por meio do crescimento interno, da formao de uma Joint Venture e da criao de uma Spin-off. Como resultados, verifica-se a convergncia da literatura de Entrada de Mercado e RBV, em que os recursos e capacidades do potencial entrante tm um importante impacto no modo de entrada, bem como em sua performance ps-entrada de mercado. Por outro lado, a inexperincia no novo mercado e as analogias equivocadas foram observadas como as principais responsveis pela entrada inapropriada em um novo mercado.


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A coleta e o armazenamento de dados em larga escala, combinados capacidade de processamento de dados que no necessariamente tenham relao entre si de forma a gerar novos dados e informaes, uma tecnologia amplamente usada na atualidade, conhecida de forma geral como Big Data. Ao mesmo tempo em que possibilita a criao de novos produtos e servios inovadores, os quais atendem a demandas e solucionam problemas de diversos setores da sociedade, o Big Data levanta uma srie de questionamentos relacionados aos direitos privacidade e proteo dos dados pessoais. Esse artigo visa proporcionar um debate sobre o alcance da atual proteo jurdica aos direitos privacidade e aos dados pessoais nesse contexto, e consequentemente fomentar novos estudos sobre a compatibilizao dos mesmos com a liberdade de inovao. Para tanto, abordar, em um primeiro momento, pontos positivos e negativos do Big Data, identificando como o mesmo afeta a sociedade e a economia de forma ampla, incluindo, mas no se limitando, a questes de consumo, sade, organizao social, administrao governamental, etc. Em seguida, sero identificados os efeitos dessa tecnologia sobre os direitos privacidade e proteo dos dados pessoais, tendo em vista que o Big Data gera grandes mudanas no que diz respeito ao armazenamento e tratamento de dados. Por fim, ser feito um mapeamento do atual quadro regulatrio brasileiro de proteo a tais direitos, observando se o mesmo realmente responde aos desafios atuais de compatibilizao entre inovao e privacidade.


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MORENO,Cla Maria da Costa,ENDERS,Bertha Cruz, SIMPSON, Cllia Albino. Avaliao das capacitaes de Hansenase: enfermeiros opinio de mdicos e enfermeiros das equipes de sade da famlia. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, Braslia, v.61,n.esp.p. 671-5.2008.


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This study deals with a historical, descriptive and exploratory approach aiming to recall the origin and trajectory of the Pediatrics Hospital at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. This research also deals with the insertion of the nursing department in the same Hospital. This was realized through existing records and discourse collected through interview of professionals-doctors, nurses, midwifes, nursing attendants and psychologists. Thus, a network was established and consisted of qualified informants, composed through reference analysis. Data treatment and analysis was performed based on the collection of oral data. The data was considered according to the font s context, all of which depending on process of comprehension and interpretation. The research was based on the main theme, through oral history used in order to build a historical background. These main themes were then subdivided and other discourses were made present such as: the historical scene, the dream came true and the insertion of nursing, present in the history construction; all of which enabled the research. Thus, in this process, it was possible to identify the most important characters of the origin of children s health services organization and assistance at Rio Grande do Norte. It was possible to perceive that this institution aimed to initiate health services that dealt with an education for future generations. This was observed through the creation of the Faculty of Medicine of Natal and as a consequence, the installation of a Pediatrics Hospital that dealt with medical education. The research made evident that the nursing contributed for a structuring of quality health assistance towards children, even though the resources and working conditions were scarce, extensive work shifts and low professional qualification. It was observed that the there was change in the category s profile, once nurses were introduced in the service. Once this happened, changes in mentality, and innovative processes as well as professional conducts were established. The distinctive relation between acting and doing of doctors and nurses were also dealt with. Thus, the first item is done towards the idealization, projection and prescription. The second issue deals with concretization in realization of something that was not projected and realized, causing suffering and unsatisfaction. At the end, it was possible to confirm that oral history is a very rich element and it is possible through subjects that build history, through their perceptation of the facts and the context in that their are inside


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Este estudo objetivou identificar as representaes sociais de agentes comunitrios de uma unidade de Programa Sade da Famlia sobre o transtorno mental. Optamos pela pesquisa qualitativa, utilizando o estudo de caso. Para a coleta de dados, recorremos entrevista semi-estruturada, enriquecida pelo uso de Tcnica Projetiva, e anlise temtica para analisar o material obtido. Os resultados evidenciam representaes sociais ancoradas no paradigma psiquitrico tradicional. Esse considera a pessoa acometida pelo transtorno mental passiva, sem condies de protagonizar os prprios caminhos que, por sua vez, so marcados pelo preconceito. Desse modo, denota-se a grande necessidade de investimento na capacitao em sade mental, junto aos atores do cenrio da assistncia do Programa de Sade da Famlia. de acordo com o estudo, tal investimento contribuir para a efetivao de prticas e construo de novos saberes, contribuindo para a melhoria da assistncia em sade.


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A notificao da violncia domstica pelos profissionais de sade contribui para o dimensionamento epidemiolgico do problema, permitindo o desenvolvimento de programas e aes especficas. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a responsabilidade desses profissionais em notificar a violncia, especialmente a domstica e as possveis implicaes legais e ticas a que esto sujeitos. Assim, foi realizada pesquisa na legislao brasileira e cdigos de tica da medicina, odontologia, enfermagem e psicologia. Quanto legislao, as sanes esto dispostas na Lei das Contravenes Penais, Estatuto da Criana e Adolescente, Estatuto do Idoso e na lei que trata da notificao compulsria de violncia contra a mulher. Tambm existem penalidades em todos os cdigos de tica analisados. Conclui-se que o profissional de sade tem o dever de notificar os casos de violncia que tiver conhecimento, podendo inclusive responder pela omisso.


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O profissional de sade um ponto-chave para a implementao do Sistema nico de Sade (SUS). medida que exerce sua funo, o sistema passa do aspecto terico-conceitual para a prtica da ateno. Objetivou-se neste estudo verificar o nvel de conhecimento sobre o Sistema nico de Sade (SUS) dos coordenadores de sade bucal e cirurgies-dentistas do servio pblico dos 40 municpios da regio noroeste do Estado de So Paulo. Utilizou-se um questionrio estruturado, autoaplicvel, composto de questes referentes aos princpios doutrinrios e organizativos do SUS, controle social, financiamento, formao de recursos humanos, ateno e assistncia em sade. Dos entrevistados, 77 (89,5%) no sabiam quem era o responsvel pelo planejamento e execuo da assistncia, 53 (61,6%) no tinham conhecimento de equidade, 46 (53,5%) de fundo de sade e 45 (52,3%) de controle social. Conclui-se que existe deficincia no conhecimento de determinados assuntos, havendo necessidade de promoo de cursos a respeito da filosofia do SUS.


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O objetivo do estudo descrever os significados atribudos por profissionais de sade sua experincia de cuidar de pessoas com HIV/AIDS. Os dados foram coletados em entrevistas com 10 profissionais da sade, em diferentes instituies paulistas. Trs temas emergiram da anlise dos dados: (a) o cenrio da assistncia ao paciente com HIV/AIDS; (b) relacionamento com o paciente; (c) aspectos ticos nesse cuidado. A despeito dos reconhecidos avanos na assistncia a esse paciente, os achados revelam a persistncia de comportamentos discriminatrios, relacionados a sentimentos de insegurana e medo do contgio, entre os profissionais nos servios e hospitais gerais. O preparo especfico para atender os pacientes estaria mais voltado aos profissionais dos centros especializados para a assistncia ao HIV/AIDS, resultando em dificuldades na integrao da assistncia a esses pacientes nos demais servios do SUS. Esses dados remetem aos aspectos da formao profissional na rea da sade como um todo, levando reflexo sobre as competncias que se espera dos profissionais da sade em cuidar e relacionar-se com pessoas com HIV/AIDS, assim como sobre o impacto dessa realidade na preveno da doena.


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A study of the willingness of 363 general dental practices in Brazil to accept a patient infected with human immunodeficiency virus for treatment of dental pain and the provision of routine dental care showed only 44% of dental practices to be willing to provide dental care. Willingness was influenced neither by financial factors nor the local prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus disease. 1994.


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Scientific research plays a fundamental role in the health and development of any society, since all technological advances depend ultimately on scientific discovery and the generation of wealth is intricately dependent on technological advance. Due to their importance, science and technology generally occupy important places in the hierarchical structure of developed societies, and they receive considerable public and private investment. Publicly funded science is almost entirely devoted to discovery, and it is administered and structured in a very similar way throughout the world. Particularly in the biological sciences, this structure, which is very much centered on the individual scientist and his own hypothesis-based investigations, may not be the best suited for either discovery in the context of complex biological systems, or for the efficient advancement of fundamental knowledge into practical utility. The adoption of other organizational paradigms, which permit a more coordinated and interactive research structure, may provide important opportunities to accelerate the scientific process and further enhance its relevance and contribution to society. The key alternative is a structure that incorporates larger organizational units to tackle larger and more complex problems. One example of such a unit is the research network. Brazil has utilized such networks to great effect in genome sequencing projects, demonstrating their relevance to the Brazilian research community and opening the possibility of their wider utility in the future.


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Although there is considerable published research on Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), individual biases persist because of lack of information regarding HIV virus transmission. As a result, both infected patients and health care professionals suffer. The objective of this study was to determine if there is prejudice among university professors at the School of Dentistry at Aracatuba's Sao Paulo State University (FOA-UNESP) concerning HIV-positive patients or HIV-positive health care professionals. Out of the seventy-seven professors who responded to the questionnaire, 62.3 percent (forty-eight) stated that they advise their students not to refuse to treat a patient with HIV. Although 96.2 percent (fifty-two) of the fifty-four professors who treat patients have reported that they treat patients who are HIV-positive, only 65.3 percent of them were aware of infection control precautions, and only 32.7 percent reported that they would treat an HIV-positive patient like any other patient. There is also prejudice regarding HIV-positive professionals because only 48.1 percent (thirty-seven) of the professors responded that they would be willing to be treated by an infected professional. It can be concluded that there is prejudice among some of the FOA-UNESP university professors regarding individuals who are HIV-positive.


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This article describes the Reflecting Practitioners Program developed by Instituto Familiae at GRATA (Grupo de Assistncia em Transtornos Alimentares) placed at the Clinical Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeiro Preto - University of Sao Paulo (HC-FMRP-USP). The aim of this program was to take care of the caretakers - the GRATA interdisciplinary team - through the development of their reflecting ability, the appropriation of their own resources and the support on constructing alternative histories and on solving situations defined by them as problematic. Thirteen monthly meeting had been carried out among Familiae members and GRATA interdisciplinary team. The changes described by the participants had occurred through sessions developed with interdisciplinary pairs and through the development of their capacity to construct more comfortable positions - as members of the team and in the relationship among professional/client/ family. This triad became to be seen by the team through its resources and abilities, instead of its flaws and lacks. As a result, horizontal relationships could be privileged instead of hierarchical ones.