999 resultados para Wall Stress


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Magmas of the arc-tholeiitic and calc-alkaline differentiation suites contribute substantially to the formation of continental crust in subduction zones. Different geochemical-petrological models have been put forward to achieve evolved magmas forming large volumes of tonalitic to granitic plutons, building an important part of the continental crust. Primary magmas produced in the mantle wedge overlying the subducted slab migrate through the mantle and the crust. During the transfer, magma can accumulate in intermediate reservoirs at different levels where crystallization leads to differentiation and the heat transfer from the magma, together with gained heat from solidification, lead to partial melting of the crust. Partial melts can be assimilated and mix with more primitive magma. Moreover, already formed crystal cumulates or crystal mushes can be recycled and reactivated to transfer to higher crustal levels. Magma transport in the crust involves fow through fractures within a brittle elastic rock. The solidified magma filled crack, a dyke, can crosscut previously formed geological structures and thus serves as a relative or absolute time marker. The study area is situated in the Adamello massif. The Adamello massif is a composite of plutons that were emplaced between 42 and 29 million years. A later dyke swarm intruded into the southern part of the Adamello Batholith. A fractionation model covering dyke compositions from picrobasalts to dacites results in the cummulative crystallization of 17% olivine, 2% Cr-rich spinel, 18% clinopyroxene, 41% amphibole, 4% plagioclase and 0.1% magnetite to achieve an andesitic composition out of a hydrous primitive picrobasalt. These rocks show a similar geochemical evolution as experimental data simulating fractional crystallization and associated magma differentiation at lower crustal depth (7-10 kbar). The peraluminous, corundum normative composition is one characteristic of more evolved dacitic magmas, which has been explained in a long lasting debate with two di_erent models. Melting of mafic crust or politic material provides one model, whereas an alternative is fractionation from primary mantle derived melts. Amphibole occurring in basaltic-andesitic and andesitic dyke rocks as fractionating cumulate phase extracted from lower crustal depth (6-7.5 kbar) is driving the magmas to peraluminous, corundum normative compositions, which are represented by tonalites forming most of the Adamello Batholith. Most primitive picrobasaltic dykes have a slightly steepened chondrite normalized rare earth elements (REE) pattern and the increased enrichment of light-REE (LREE) for andesites and dacites can be explained by the fractional crystallization model originating from a picrobasalt, taking the changing fractionating phase assemblage and temperature into account. The injection of hot basaltic magma (~1050°C) in a closely spaced dyke swarm increases the surface of the contact to the mainly tonalitic wallrock. Such a setting induces partial melting of the wall rock and selective assimilation. Partial melting of the tonalite host is further expressed through intrusion breccias from basaltic dykes. Heat conduction models with instantaneous magma injection for such a dyke swarm geometry can explain features of partial melting observed in the field. Geochemical data of minerals and bulk rock further underline the selective or bulk assimilation of the tonalite host rock at upper crustal levels (~2-3 kbar), in particular with regard to light ion lithophile elements (LILE) such as Sr, Ba and Rb. Primitive picrobasalts carry an immiscible felsic assimilant as enclaves that bring along refractory rutile and zircon with textures typically found in oceanic plagiogranites or high pressure/low-temperature metamorphic rocks in general. U-Pb data implies a lower Cretaceous age for zircon not yet described as assimilant in Eocene to Oligocene magmatic rocks of the Central Southern Alps. The distribution of post-plutonic dykes in large batholiths such as the Adamello is one of the key features for understanding the regional stress field during the post-batholith emplacement cooling history. The emplacement of the regional dyke swarm covering the southern part of the Adamello massif was associated with consistent left lateral strike-slip movement along magma dilatation planes, leading to en echelon segmentation of dykes. Through the dilation by magma of pre-existing weaknesses and cracks in an otherwise uniform host rock, the dyke propagation and according orientation in the horizontal plane adjusted continuously perpendicular to least compressive remote stress σ3, resulting in an inferred rotation of the remote principal stress field. Les magmas issus des zones de subduction contribuent substantiellement à la formation de la croûte continentale. Les plutons tonalitiques et granitiques représentent, en effet, une partie importante de la croûte continentale. Des magmas primaires produits dans le 'mantle wedge ', partie du manteau se trouvant au-dessus de la plaque plongeante dans des zones de subduction, migrent à travers le manteau puis la croûte. Pendant ce transfert, le magma peut s'accumuler dans des réservoirs intermédiaires à différentes profondeurs. Le stockage de magma dans ces réservoirs engendre, d'une part, la différentiation des magmas par cristallisation fractionnée et, d'autre part, une fusion partielle la croûte continentale préexistante associée au transfert de la chaleur des magmas vers l'encaissant. Ces liquides magmatiques issus de la croûte peuvent, ensuite, se mélanger avec des magmas primaires. Le transport du magma dans la croûte implique notamment un flux de magma à travers différentes fractures recoupant les roches encaissantes élastiques. Au cours de ce processus de migration, des cumulats de cristaux ou des agrégats de cristaux encore non-solidifiés, peuvent être recyclés et réactivés pour être transportés à des niveaux supérieures de la croûte. Le terrain d'étude est situé dans le massif d'Adamello. Celui-ci est composé de plusieurs plutons mis en place entre 42 et 29 millions d'années. Dans une phase tardive de l'activité magmatique liée à ce batholite, une série de filons de composition variable allant de picrobasalte à des compositions dacitiques s'est mise en place la partie sud du massif. Deux modèles sont proposés dans la littérature, pour expliquer la formation des magmas dacitiques caractérisés par des compositions peralumineux (i.e. à corindon normatif). Le premier modèle propose que ces magmas soient issus de la fusion de matériel mafique et pélitique présent dans la partie inférieur de la croûte, alors que le deuxième modèle suggère une évolution par cristallisation fractionnée à partir de liquides primaires issus du manteau. Un modèle de cristallisation fractionnée a pu être développé pour expliquer l'évolution des filons de l'Adamello. Ce modèle explique la formation des filons dacitiques par la cristallisation fractionnée de 17% olivine, 2% spinelle riche en Cr, 18% clinopyroxène, 41% amphibole, 4% plagioclase et 0.1% magnetite à partir de liquide de compositions picrobasaltiques. Ce modèle prend en considération les contraintes pétrologiques déduites de l'observation des différents filons ainsi que du champ de stabilité des différentes phases en fonction de la température. Ces roches montrent une évolution géochimique similaire aux données expérimentales simulant la cristallisation fractionnée de magmas évoluant à des niveaux inférieurs de la croûte (7-10 kbar). Le modèle montre, en particulier, le rôle prépondérant de l'amphibole, une phase qui contrôle en particulier le caractère peralumineux des magmas différentiés ainsi que leurs compositions en éléments en traces. Des phénomènes de fusion partielle de l'encaissant tonalitique lors de la mise en place de _lons mafiques sont observée sur le terrain. L'injection du magma basaltique chaud (~1050°C) sous forme de filons rapprochés augmente la surface du contact avec l'encaissante tonalitique. Une telle situation produit la fusion partielle des roches encaissantes nécessaire à l'incorporation d'enclaves mafiques observés au sein des tonalites. Pour comprendre les conditions nécessaires pour la fusion partielle des roches encaissantes, des modèles de conduction thermique pour une injection simultanée d'une série de filons ont été développées. Des données géochimiques sur les minéraux et sur les roches totales soulignent qu'au niveau supérieur de la croûte, l'assimilation sélective ou totale de l'encaissante tonalitique modifie la composition du liquide primaire pour les éléments lithophiles tel que le Sr, Ba et Rb. Un autre aspect important concernant la pétrologie des filons de l'Adamello est la présence d'enclaves felsiques dans les filons les plus primitifs. Ces enclaves montrent, en particulier, des textures proches de celles rencontrées dans des plagiogranites océaniques ou dans des roches métamorphiques de haute pression/basse température. Ces enclaves contiennent du zircon et du rutile. La datations de ces zircons à l'aide du géochronomètre U-Pb indique un âge Crétacé inférieur. Cet âge est important, car aucune roche de cet âge n'a été considérée comme un assimilant potentiel pour des roches magmatiques d'âge Eocène à Oligocène dans les Alpes Sud Centrales. La réparation spatiale des filons post-plutoniques dans des grands batholites tel que l'Adamello, est une caractéristique clé pour la compréhension des champs de contraintes lors du refroidissement du batholite. L'orientation des filons va, en particulier, indiqué la contrainte minimal au sein des roches encaissante. La mise en place de la série de filon recoupant la partie Sud du massif de l'Adamello est associée à un décrochement senestre, un décrochement que l'on peut lié aux contraintes tectoniques régionales auxquelles s'ajoutent l'effet de la dilatation produite par la mise en place du batholite lui-même. Ce décrochement senestre produit une segmentation en échelon des filons.


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The objective of this study was to assess the applicability of posterior wall repair with a synthetic absorbable mesh. Between January and September 1996, five posterior repairs using absorbable synthetic meshes were performed. Five posterior wall repairs in patients matched for age, parity, and rectocele degree were performed according to usual procedures during the same period, and were used as controls. No febrile morbidity, cuff or posterior vaginal wall infections, thrombophlebitis, rectal injury, or hemorrhagic complications were observed in the 10 women who entered the study. In summary, posterior wall repair can be easily performed with an absorbable soft tissue patch, theoretically preserving sexual activity, and probably offers better functional results with longer experience, thus providing a safe and useful procedure in sexually active women.


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To evaluate the clinical evolution of sacral stress fractures in relation to the scintigraphic pattern and the presence of additional pelvic fractures. METHODS--This was a retrospective study of 14 patients with sacral fractures. RESULTS--Six patients had additional pelvic fractures. Four bone scintigraphic patterns were found. The resolution of symptoms was longer in patients with associated pelvic fractures (30 weeks v three weeks). No relation was found between the bone scintigraphic pattern and the time of evolution. CONCLUSION--Associated pelvic fractures delay the resolution of symptoms in patients with sacral fractures, regardless of scintigraphic pattern.


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Unicellular organisms, such as the protozoan parasite Leishmania, can be stimulated to show some morphological and biochemical features characteristic of mammalian apoptosis. This study demonstrates that under a variety of stress conditions such as serum deprivation, heat shock and nitric oxide, cell death can be induced leading to genomic DNA fragmentation into oligonucleosomes. DNA fragmentation was observed, without induction, in the infectious stages of the parasite, and correlated with the presence of internucleosomal nuclease activity, visualisation of 45 to 59 kDa nucleases and detection of TUNEL-positive nuclei. DNA fragmentation was not dependent on active effector downstream caspases nor on the lysosomal cathepsin L-like enzymes CPA and CPB. These data are consistent with the presence of a caspase-independent cell death mechanism in Leishmania, induced by stress and differentiation that differs significantly from metazoa.


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The mainstay of contemporary therapies for extensive occlusive arterial disease is venous bypass graft. However, its durability is threatened by intimal hyperplasia (IH) that eventually leads to vessel occlusion and graft failure. Mechanical forces, particularly low shear stress and high wall tension, are thought to initiate and to sustain these cellular and molecular changes, but their exact contribution remains to be unraveled. To selectively evaluate the role of pressure and shear stress on the biology of IH, an ex vivo perfusion system (EVPS) was created to perfuse segments of human saphenous veins under arterial regimen (high shear stress and high pressure). Further technical innovations allowed the simultaneous perfusion of two segments from the same vein, one reinforced with an external mesh. Veins were harvested using a no-touch technique and immediately transferred to the laboratory for assembly in the EVPS. One segment of the freshly isolated vein was not perfused (control, day 0). The two others segments were perfused for up to 7 days, one being completely sheltered with a 4 mm (diameter) external mesh. The pressure, flow velocity, and pulse rate were continuously monitored and adjusted to mimic the hemodynamic conditions prevailing in the femoral artery. Upon completion of the perfusion, veins were dismounted and used for histological and molecular analysis. Under ex vivo conditions, high pressure perfusion (arterial, mean = 100 mm Hg) is sufficient to generate IH and remodeling of human veins. These alterations are reduced in the presence of an external polyester mesh.


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Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most malignant variant of human glial tumors. A prominent feature of this tumor is the occurrence of necrosis and vascular proliferation. The regulation of glial neovascularization is still poorly understood and the characterization of factors involved in this process is of major clinical interest. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a pleiotropic cytokine released by leukocytes and by a variety of cells outside of the immune system. Recent work has shown that MIF may function to regulate cellular differentiation and proliferation in normal and tumor-derived cell lines, and may also contribute to the neovascularization of tumors. Our immunohistological analysis of MIF distribution in GBM tissues revealed the strong MIF protein accumulation in close association with necrotic areas and in tumor cells surrounding blood vessels. In addition, MIF expression was frequently associated with the presence of the tumor-suppressor gene p53. To substantiate the concept that MIF might be involved in the regulation of angiogenesis in GBM, we analyzed the MIF gene and protein expression under hypoxic and hypoglycemic stress conditions in vitro. Northern blot analysis showed a clear increase of MIF mRNA after hypoxia and hypoglycemia. We could also demonstrate that the increase of MIF transcripts on hypoxic stress can be explained by a profound transcriptional activation of the MIF gene. In parallel to the increase of MIF transcripts, we observed a significant rise in extracellular MIF protein on angiogenic stimulation. The data of our preliminary study suggest that the up-regulation of MIF expression during hypoxic and hypoglycemic stress might play a critical role for the neovascularization of glial tumors.


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AIMS: The time course of atherosclerosis burden in distinct vascular territories remains poorly understood. We longitudinally evaluated the natural history of atherosclerotic progression in two different arterial territories using high spatial resolution magnetic resonance imaging (HR-MRI), a powerful, safe, and non-invasive tool. METHODS AND RESULTS: We prospectively studied a cohort of 30 patients (mean age 68.3, n = 9 females) with high Framingham general cardiovascular disease 10-year risk score (29.5%) and standard medical therapy with mild-to-moderate atherosclerosis intra-individually at the level of both carotid and femoral arteries. A total of 178 HR-MRI studies of carotid and femoral arteries performed at baseline and at 1- and 2-year follow-up were evaluated in consensus reading by two experienced readers for lumen area (LA), total vessel area (TVA), vessel wall area (VWA = TVA - LA), and normalized wall area index (NWI = VWA/TVA). At the carotid level, LA decreased (-3.19%/year, P = 0.018), VWA increased (+3.83%/year, P = 0.019), and TVA remained unchanged. At the femoral level, LA remained unchanged, VWA and TVA increased (+5.23%/year and +3.11%/year, both P < 0.01), and NWI increased for both carotid and femoral arteries (+2.28%/year, P = 0.01, and +1.8%/year, P = 0.033). CONCLUSION: The atherosclerotic burden increased significantly in both carotid and femoral arteries. However, carotid plaque progression was associated with negative remodelling, whereas the increase in femoral plaque burden was compensated by positive remodelling. This finding could be related to anatomic and flow differences and/or to the distinct degree of obstruction in the two arterial territories.


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The final decision on cell fate, survival versus cell death, relies on complex and tightly regulated checkpoint mechanisms. The caspase-3 protease is a predominant player in the execution of apoptosis. However, recent progress has shown that this protease paradoxically can also protect cells from death. Here, we discuss the underappreciated, protective, and prosurvival role of caspase-3 and detail the evidence showing that caspase-3, through differential processing of p120 Ras GTPase-activating protein (RasGAP), can modulate a given set of proteins to generate, depending on the intensity of the input signals, opposite outcomes (survival vs death).


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We study the dynamics of the late stages of the Fréedericksz transition in which a periodic transient pattern decays to a final homogeneous state. A stability analysis of an unstable stationary pattern is presented, and equations for the evolution of the domain walls are obtained. Using results of previous theories, we analyze the effect that the specific dynamics of the problem, incorporating hydrodynamic couplings, has on the expected logarithmic domain growth law.


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Purpose: Recent studies showed that pericardial fat was independently correlated with the development of coronary artery disease (CAD). The mechanism remains unclear. We aimed at assessing a possible relationship between pericardial fat volume and endothelium-dependent coronary vasomotion, a surrogate of future cardiovascular events.Methods: Fifty healthy volunteers without known CAD or cardiovascular risk factors (CRF) were enrolled. They all underwent a dynamic Rb- 82 cardiac PET/CT to quantify myocardial blood flow (MBF) at rest, during MBF response to cold pressure test (CPT-MBF) and adenosine stress. Pericardial fat volume (PFV) was measured using a 3D volumetric CT method and common biological CRF (glucose and insulin levels, HOMA-IR, cholesterol, triglyceride, hs-CRP). Relationships between MBF response to CPT, PFV and other CRF were assessed using non-parametric Spearman correlation and multivariate regression analysis of variables with significant correlation on univariate analysis (Stata 11.0).Results: All of the 50 participants had normal MBF response to adenosine (2.7±0.6 mL/min/g; 95%CI: 2.6−2.9) and myocardial flow reserve (2.8±0.8; 95%CI: 2.6−3.0) excluding underlying CAD. Simple regression analysis revealed a significant correlation between absolute CPTMBF and triglyceride level (rho = −0.32, p = 0.024) fasting blood insulin (rho = −0.43, p = 0.0024), HOMA-IR (rho = −0.39, p = 0.007) and PFV (rho = −0.52, p = 0.0001). MBF response to adenosine was only correlated with PFV (rho = −0.32, p = 0.026). On multivariate regression analysis PFV emerged as the only significant predictor of MBF response to CPT (p = 0.002).Conclusion: PFV is significantly correlated with endothelium-dependent coronary vasomotion. High PF burden might negatively influence MBF response to CPT, as well as to adenosine stress, even in persons with normal hyperemic myocardial perfusion imaging, suggesting a link between PF and future cardiovascular events. While outside-to-inside adipokines secretion through the arterial wall has been described, our results might suggest an effect upon NO-dependent and -independent vasodilatation. Further studies are needed to elucidate this mechanism.


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The effects of a 7 d high-fructose diet (HFrD) or control diet on lipid metabolism were studied in a group of six healthy lean males. Plasma NEFA and beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations, net lipid oxidation (indirect calorimetry) and exogenous lipid oxidation (13CO2 production) were monitored in basal conditions, after lipid loading (olive oil labelled with [13C]triolein) and during a standardised mental stress. Lactate clearance and the metabolic effects of an exogenous lactate infusion were also monitored. The HFrD lowered plasma concentrations of NEFA and beta-hydroxybutyrate as well as lipid oxidation in both basal and after lipid-loading conditions. In addition, the HFrD blunted the increase in plasma NEFA and exogenous lipid oxidation during mental stress. The HFrD also increased basal lactate concentrations by 31.8 %, and lactate production by 53.8 %, while lactate clearance remained unchanged. Lactate infusion lowered plasma NEFA with the control diet, and net lipid oxidation with both the HFrD and control diet. These results indicate that a 7 d HFrD markedly inhibits lipolysis and lipid oxidation. The HFrD also increases lactate production, and the ensuing increased lactate utilisation may contribute to suppress lipid oxidation.


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To study the stress-induced effects caused by wounding under a new perspective, a metabolomic strategy based on HPLC-MS has been devised for the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. To detect induced metabolites and precisely localise these compounds among the numerous constitutive metabolites, HPLC-MS analyses were performed in a two-step strategy. In a first step, rapid direct TOF-MS measurements of the crude leaf extract were performed with a ballistic gradient on a short LC-column. The HPLC-MS data were investigated by multivariate analysis as total mass spectra (TMS). Principal components analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) on principal coordinates were combined for data treatment. PCA and HCA demonstrated a clear clustering of plant specimens selecting the highest discriminating ions given by the complete data analysis, leading to the specific detection of discrete-induced ions (m/z values). Furthermore, pool constitution with plants of homogeneous behaviour was achieved for confirmatory analysis. In this second step, long high-resolution LC profilings on an UPLC-TOF-MS system were used on pooled samples. This allowed to precisely localise the putative biological marker induced by wounding and by specific extraction of accurate m/z values detected in the screening procedure with the TMS spectra.