993 resultados para Village communities


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Tese de mestrado em Biologia da Conservação, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2016


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‘Empowerment’ is a term much used by policy-makers with an interest in improving service delivery and promoting different forms of neighbourhood governance. But the term is ambiguous and has no generally accepted definition. Indeed, there is a growing paradox between the rhetoric of community empowerment and an apparent shift towards increased centralisation of power away from the neighbourhood in developed economies. This article explores the literature relating to empowerment and identifies two broad conceptions which reflect different emphases on neo-liberalism. It goes on to discuss two models illustrating different levels of state intervention at the neighbourhood level and sets out evidence from two neighbourhood councils in Milton Keynes in central England. In conclusion, it is argued that those initiatives which are top-down, state-led policy initiatives tend to result in the least empowerment (as defined by government), whereas the bottom-up, self-help projects, which may be partly state-enabled, at least provide an opportunity to create the spaces where there is some potential for varying degrees of transformation. Further empirical research is needed to test how far localist responses can challenge constraints on empowerment imposed by neo-liberalism.


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This chapter reviews the different approaches to engaging local communities in neighbourhood regeneration over time and concludes with a discussion of the implications of the Localism Act 2011.


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Connell’s concept of hegemonic masculinity is often reduced to a singular construct, consisting of “toxic” traits viewed as detrimental to well-being. However, the concept allows for variation in hegemony, including the possibility of forms more conducive to well-being. Through in-depth interviews with thirty male meditators in the United Kingdom, we explored the social dimensions of meditation practice to examine its potential implications for well-being. Most participants became involved with “communities of practice” centered on meditation that promoted new local hegemonies, and these included ideals experienced as conducive to well-being, like abstinence. However, social processes associated with hegemony, like hierarchy and marginalization, were not overturned. Moreover, participants faced challenges enacting new practices in relation to the broader system of hegemonic masculinity—outside these communities—reporting censure. Our findings are cautionary for professionals seeking to encourage well-being behaviors: that is, there is potential for adaptation in men, yet complex social processes influence this change.


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The rate of city growth in China today correlates well with an overall loss of the most fertile agricultural areas of the country. A consequence of this growth includes the rapid reshaping of peri-urban livelihoods in their densely populated fringe. The policy response from central government has focused on containing city growth and pursuing modern rural development. Both policy directions have failed, in part, to acknowledge the intrinsic nature of the urban fringe in China. This paper explores the features of the fringe of Suzhou, a fast growing city in the Yangtze River Delta. The aim is to outline potential social costs of this current policy framework, through analysing the case study of Jinshi Village. The paper advocates a different regionalist approach to policy implementation.


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Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Mar (especialidade em Ecologia Marinha), 11 de Setembro de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.


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This study identifies a measure of the cultural importance of an area within a city. It does so by making use of origindestination trip data and the bike stations of the bike share system in New York City as a proxy to study the city. Rarely is movement in the city studied at such a small scale. The change in strength of the similarity of movement between each station is studied. It is the first study to provide this measure of importance for every point in the system. This measure is then related to the characteristics which make for vibrant city communities, namely highly mixed land use types. It reveals that the spatial pattern of important areas remains constant over differing time periods. Communities are then characterised by the land uses surrounding these stations with high measures of importance. Finally it identifies the areas of global cultural importance alongside the areas of local importance to the city.


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The main results presented in this PhD Dissertation have been published in interna-tional journals included in the Science Citation Index (SCI)


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This paper studies the economic and social impact of Faz Música Lisboa on the segment of society that feels from any direct or indirect consequence due to its existence. A qualitative research based on surveys and interviews is made to retract a list of the benefits and costs that each stakeholder perceives. Relying on the quantifiable variables, it is performed a cost-benefit analysis to measure how much the event is “worth” for the community. I conclude this is a viable project, as it brings a positive net benefit to the society, value that could increase with a higher institutional support.


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Alcácer do Sal é uma cidade que esteve desde sempre ligada ao rio Sado, permitindo essa mesma ligação, que nela se fossem fixando ao longo do tempo, distintos povos, provindos das mais diversas partes do mundo. Esta ocupação por parte das populações, só foi possível, porque o território era abundante em recursos naturais e, entre eles, possuía solos bastante férteis para a agricultura. Uma das comunidades que mais marcas deixou da sua presença naquele núcleo urbano, foi, sem dúvida, a muçulmana, tal como se pode verificar no topónimo que dá o nome à cidade, assim como pela presença dos vários vestígios materiais, como a imponente fortificação militar, que se ergue na colina mais alta da povoação, assim como pelas estruturas e espólios encontrados nas diversas intervenções arqueológicas realizadas naquela cidade. Tendo em conta estes aspetos, esta dissertação pretende fazer uma aproximação ao estudo do urbanismo da medina islâmica de al-Qasr, abarcando cronologicamente o século IX, altura em que os Banu Danis se fixam na cidade, até aos inícios do século XIII, correspondente à última fase de ocupação muçulmana da cidade.