992 resultados para Vice.


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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan äänestäjien talouskäsitysten vaikutusta hallituksen suosioon Puolassa vuosina 2006 ja 2007. Tutkimusasetelma juontaa juurensa poliittisten suhdannevaihteluiden teoriaan, jonka mukaan poliitikot pyrkivät manipuloimaan taloutta vaalien alla tullakseen uudelleen valituiksi. Vastuullisuushypoteesin mukaan äänestäjät palkitsevat poliitikot hyvästä taloustilanteesta. Näin ollen mikäli äänestäjät ovat tyytyväisiä talouteen he äänestävät hallitusta. Mikäli eivät, he äänestävät oppositiota. Miten äänestäjät sitten tekevät arvionsa taloudesta? Tutkielmassa selvitetään vaikuttiko äänestäjien mielipiteisiin käsitys nykyisestä vai tulevaisuuden taloustilanteesta. Käsitys nykyisestä taloustilanteesta perustuu havaintoihin jo toteutuneesta talouspolitiikasta. Tätä käsitystä kutsutaan retrospektiiviseksi näkemykseksi. Prospektiiviset talousnäkemykset koostuvat näkemyksestä ja odotuksista talouden tulevasta tilasta ja uskosta hallituksen kykyyn tarjota paras vaihtoehto suotuisalle talouskehitykselle. Aikaulottuvuuden lisäksi tutkielmassa testataan, vaikuttaako äänestäjiin enemmän heidän oma taloustilanteensa vai näkemys yleisestä talouden tilanteesta. Mikäli hallituksen suosio perustuu näkemyksiin henkilökohtaisen talouden tilasta, ovat äänestäjät egotrooppisia. Mikäli kannatuspäätös perustuu näkemykseen kansantalouden tilasta, ovat äänestäjät puolestaan sosiotrooppisia. Aineistona tutkielmassa käytetään uusinta saatavilla olevaa Puolan mielipidetiedustelun (Centrum Badania Opinii Publicznej) keräämää kyselyaineistoa vuosilta 2006 ja 2007. Tutkielmassa on yhdistetty kyselyaineistot 22:n kuukauden ajalta. Aineistoa on analysoitu logistisen regressioanalyysin menetelmin. Tutkielman perusteella talousnäkemyksistä suurin vaikutus hallituksen suosioon on äänestäjien näkemyksillä kansantalouden tulevaisuuden tilasta. Henkilökohtaisen talouden osalta positiiviset tulevaisuudennäkymät vaikuttavat positiivisesti myös hallituksen kannatukseen. Retrospektiivinen arvio henkilökohtaisesta taloudesta toimii kuitenkin teorian vastaisesti; oman taloudellisen tilanteen hyväksi arvioineiden todennäköisyys kannatta hallitusta oli pienempää kuin niillä, jotka arvioivat oman taloustilanteensa huonoksi. Kontrollimuuttujiksi valittiin joukko aiemmassa tutkimuksessa äänestyskäyttäytymiseen Puolassa vaikuttaneita tekijöitä. Näitä olivat ikä, sukupuoli, koulutus, asuinpaikka, näkemys työllisyystilanteesta, ideologinen sijoittuminen oikeisto–vasemmisto-akselilla sekä uskonnollisuus. Kontrollimuuttujista merkitseviksi osoittautuivat uskonnollisuus, oikeisto–vasemmisto-ideologia, koulutus, asuinpaikka sekä ikä. Kun edellä mainitut taustamuuttujat on kontrolloitu, taloustekijät selittävät noin viidesosan hallituksen kannatuksen todennäköisyyden vaihtelusta.


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This thesis explores the particular framework of evidentiary assessment of three selected appellate national asylum procedures in Europe and discusses the relationship between these procedures, on the one hand, and between these procedures and other legal systems, including the EU legal order and international law, on the other. A theme running throughout the thesis is the EU strivings towards approximation of national asylum procedures and my study analyses the evidentiary assessment of national procedures with the aim of pinpointing similarities and differences, and the influences which affect these distinctions. The thesis first explores the frames construed for national evidentiary solutions by studying the object of decision-making and the impact of legal systems outside the national. Second, the study analyses the factual evidentiary assessment of three national procedures - German, Finnish and English. Thirdly, the study explores the interrelationship between these procedures and the legal systems influencing them and poses questions in relation to the strivings of EU and methods of convergence. The thesis begins by stating the framework and starting points for the research. It moves on to establish keys of comparison concerning four elements of evidentiary assessment that are of importance to any appellate asylum procedure, and that can be compared between national procedures, on the one hand, and between international, regional and national frameworks, on the other. Four keys of comparison are established: the burden of proof, demands for evidentiary robustness, the standard of proof and requirements for the methods of evidentiary assessment. These keys of comparison are then identified in three national appellate asylum procedures, and in order to come to conclusions on the evidentiary standards of the appellate asylum procedures, relevant elements of the asylum procedures in general are presented. Further, institutional, formal and procedural matters which have an impact on the evidentiary standards in the national appellate procedures are analysed. From there, the thesis moves on to establish the relationship between national evidentiary standards and the legal systems which affect them, and gives reasons for similarities and divergences. Further, the thesis studies the impact of the national frameworks on the regional and international level. Lastly, the dissertation makes a de lege ferenda survey of the relationship between EU developments, the goal of harmonization in relation to national asylum procedures and the particular feature of evidentiary standards in national appellate asylum procedures. Methodology The thesis follows legal dogmatic methods. The aim is to analyse legal norms and legal constructions and give them content and context. My study takes as its outset an understanding of the purposes for legal research also regarding evidence and asylum to determine the contents of valid law through analysis and systematization. However, as evidentiary issues traditionally are normatively vaguely defined, a strict traditional normative dogmatic approach is not applied. For the same reason a traditionalist and strict legal positivism is not applied. The dogmatics applied to the analysis of the study is supported by practical analysis. The aim is not only to reach conclusions concerning the contents of legal norms and the requirements of law, but also to study the use and practical functioning of these norms, giving them a practcial context. Further, the study relies on a comparative method. A functionalist comparative method is employed and keys of comparison are found in evidentiary standards of three selected national appellate asylum procedures. The functioning equivalences of German, Finnish and English evidentiary standards of appellate asylum procedures are compared, and they are positioned in an European and international legal setting. Research Results The thesis provides results regarding the use of evidence in national appellate asylum procedures. It is established that evidentiary solutions do indeed impact on the asylum procedure and that the results of the procedure are dependent on the evidentiary solutions made in the procedures. Variations in, amongst other things, the interpretation of the burden of proof, the applied standard of proof and the method for determining evidentiary value, are analysed. It is established that national impacts play an important role in the adaptation of national appellate procedures to external requirements. Further, it is established that the impact of national procedures on as well the international framework as on EU law varies between the studied countries, partly depending on the position of the Member State in legislative advances at the EU level. In this comparative study it is, further, established that the impact of EU requirements concerning evidentiary issues may be have positive as well as negative effects with regard to the desired harmonization. It is also concluded that harmonization using means of convergence that primaly target legal frameworks may not in all instances be optimal in relation to evidentiary standards, and that more varied and pragmatic means of convergence must be introduced in order to secure harmonization also in terms of evidence. To date, legal culture and traditions seem to prevail over direct efforts at procedural harmonization.


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Cancer cells are often associated with secondary chromosomal rearrangements, such as deletions, inversions, and translocations, which could be the consequence of unrepaired/misrepaired DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). Nonhomologous DNA end joining is one of the most common pathways to repair DSBs in higher eukaryotes. By using oligomeric DNA substrates mimicking various endogenous DSBs in a cell-free system, we studied end joining (EJ) in different cancer cell lines. We found that the efficiency of EJ varies among cancer cells; however, there was no remarkable difference in the mechanism and expression of EJ proteins. Interestingly, cancer cells with lower levels of EJ possessed elevated expression of BCL2 and vice versa. Removal of BCL2 by immunoprecipitation or protein fractionation led to elevated EJ. More importantly, we show that overexpression of BCL2 or the addition of purified BCL2 led to the down-regulation of EJ. Further, we found that BCL2 interacts with KU proteins both in vitro and in vivo. Hence, our results suggest that EJ in cancer cells could be negatively regulated by the anti-apoptotic protein, BCL2, and this may contribute toward increased chromosomal abnormalities in cancer.


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Centred space vector PWM (CSVPWM) technique is popularly used for three level voltage source inverters. The reference voltage vector is synthesized by time-averaging of the three nearest voltage vectors produced by the inverter. Identifying the three voltage vectors, and calculation of the dwelling time for each vector are both computationally intensive. This paper analyses the process of PWM generation in CSVPWM. This analysis breaks up a three-level inverter into six different conceptual two level inverters in different regions of the fundamental cycle. Control of 3-level inverter is viewed as the control of the appropriate 2-level inverter. The analysis leads to a systematic simplification of the computations involved, finally resulting in a computationally efficient PWM algorithm. This algorithm exploits the equivalence between triangle comparison and space vector approaches to PWM generation. This algorithm does not involve any 3-phase/2-phase or 2-phase/3-phase transformation. This also does not involve any transformation from rectangular to polar coordinates, and vice versa. Further no evaluation of trigonometric functions is necessary. This algorithm also provides for the mitigation of DC neutral point unbalance, and is well suited to digital implementation. Simulation and experimental results are presented.


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Reorganizing a dataset so that its hidden structure can be observed is useful in any data analysis task. For example, detecting a regularity in a dataset helps us to interpret the data, compress the data, and explain the processes behind the data. We study datasets that come in the form of binary matrices (tables with 0s and 1s). Our goal is to develop automatic methods that bring out certain patterns by permuting the rows and columns. We concentrate on the following patterns in binary matrices: consecutive-ones (C1P), simultaneous consecutive-ones (SC1P), nestedness, k-nestedness, and bandedness. These patterns reflect specific types of interplay and variation between the rows and columns, such as continuity and hierarchies. Furthermore, their combinatorial properties are interlinked, which helps us to develop the theory of binary matrices and efficient algorithms. Indeed, we can detect all these patterns in a binary matrix efficiently, that is, in polynomial time in the size of the matrix. Since real-world datasets often contain noise and errors, we rarely witness perfect patterns. Therefore we also need to assess how far an input matrix is from a pattern: we count the number of flips (from 0s to 1s or vice versa) needed to bring out the perfect pattern in the matrix. Unfortunately, for most patterns it is an NP-complete problem to find the minimum distance to a matrix that has the perfect pattern, which means that the existence of a polynomial-time algorithm is unlikely. To find patterns in datasets with noise, we need methods that are noise-tolerant and work in practical time with large datasets. The theory of binary matrices gives rise to robust heuristics that have good performance with synthetic data and discover easily interpretable structures in real-world datasets: dialectical variation in the spoken Finnish language, division of European locations by the hierarchies found in mammal occurrences, and co-occuring groups in network data. In addition to determining the distance from a dataset to a pattern, we need to determine whether the pattern is significant or a mere occurrence of a random chance. To this end, we use significance testing: we deem a dataset significant if it appears exceptional when compared to datasets generated from a certain null hypothesis. After detecting a significant pattern in a dataset, it is up to domain experts to interpret the results in the terms of the application.


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Presently Bluetooth(BT) is one of the widely used device for personal communication. As BT devices are operating in the unlicensed ISM band, they are often subjected to the interference from WLAN. The band width of BT (1MHz) is narrower compare to the bandwidth of WLAN (22MHz). So for coexistence purpose it is important to observe the performance of narrow band signal BT in presence of wideband interference WLAN and vice versa. As there are many work on the performance of WLAN in presence BT interference 3]4]5]6], the main focus in this paper is on performance of BT in presence of WLAN interference in AWGN, Rayleigh fading channel. Then comparison of the performance using interference avoidance technique like adaptive frequency hopping, power control for BT system is given. Finally a conclusion is drawn observing the simulation results on the technique which is more suitable for WLAN interference mitigation in BT system.


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Analisi contrastiva delle modalità di traduzione in finnico dei Tempi verbali e delle perifrasi aspettuali dell italiano (Italian Philology) The topic of this research is a contrastive study of tenses and aspect in Italian and in Finnish. The study aims to develop a research method for analyzing translations and comparable texts (non-translation) written in a target language. Thus, the analysis is based on empirical data consisting of translations of novels from Italian to Finnish and vice versa. In addition to this, for the section devoted to solutions adopted in Finnish for translating the Italian tenses Perfetto Semplice and Perfetto Composto, 39 Finnish native speakers were asked to answer questions concerning the choice of Perfekti and Imperfekti in Finnish. The responses given by the Finnish informants were compared to the choices made by translators in the target language, and in this way it was possible both to benefit from the motivation provided by native speakers to explain the selection of a tense (Imperfekti/Perfekti) in a specific context compared with the Italian formal equivalents (Perfetto Composto/Perfetto Semplice), and to define the specific features of the Finnish verb tenses. The research aims to develop a qualitative method for the analysis of formal equivalents and translational changes ( shifts ). Although, as the choice of Italian and Finnish progressive forms is optional and related to speaker preferences, besides the qualitative analysis, I also considered it necessary to operate a quantitative one in order to find out whether the two items share the same degree of correspondence in frequency of use. In this study I explain translation choices in light of cognitive grammar, suggesting that particular translation relationships derive from so-called construal operations. I use the concepts of cognitive linguistics not only to analyze the convergences and divergences of the two aspectual systems, but also to redefine some general procedures related to the phenomenon of translation. For the practical analysis of the corpus were for the most part employed theoretical categories developed in a framework proposed by Pier Marco Bertinetto. Following this approach, the notions of aspect (the morphologic or morphosyntactic, subjective level) and actionality (the lexical aspect or objective level, traditionally Aktionsart) are carefully distinguished. This also allowed me to test the applicability of these distinctions to two languages typologically different from each other. The data allowed both the analysis of the semantic and pragmatic features that determine tense and aspect choices in these two languages, and to discover the correspondences between the two language systems and the strategies that translators are forced to resort to in particular situations. The research provides not only a detailed and analytically argued inventory about possible solutions for translating Italian tenses and aspectual devices in Finnish that could be of pedagogical relevance, but also new contributions about the specific uses of time-aspectual devices in the two languages in question.


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This thesis in the field of translation studies focusses on the role of norms in the work of a literary translator. Norms are seen as guidelines for the translator; they also reflect the way the target audience either accepts or rejects the translation. Thus they are of an intersubjective nature. The theoretical background of the study is based on the views on norms of Andrew Chesterman and Gideon Toury. The writer makes use of her own editing and publishing experience, as well as her experience in translating Lewis Carroll, considering these in respect to theoretical views of norms and vice versa. The aim is also to bring to light some of the tacit knowledge related to translating, editing and publishing in Finland. The study has three angles. First, the writer introduces the norms of Finnish literary translation as gathered from her own working experience. The sources from which these norms arise and which affect them are briefly described. Six central translation norms emerge; they are described and exemplified through cases of Carroll translation. Secondly, a small-scale questionnaire study is presented. This was carried out in order to sound the normative views of other translators and to limit the role of subjectivity. The views of the informants largely support the set of norms presented by the writer, although the norms of quotability and harmony between translation and illustration do not arise. Instead, the answers give rise to a seventh, ethical norm, which is labelled the norm of integrity. Thirdly, there is a brief presentation of Lewis Carroll, his Alice books and their translation history in Finland. The retranslation hypothesis and the motives of retranslation are considered in the light of the work of Outi Paloposki and Kaisa Koskinen. The final part of the thesis plunges into actual translation work. It includes one and a half chapters of Through the Looking-Glass (Alicen seikkailut peilintakamaassa) as translated into Finnish by the writer. The translation commentary first discusses a number of recurring and general translation points; the running commentary then analyses 77 individual translation solutions and their justifications. The writer uses introspection as a way of reflecting on her own translation process, its decisive points and the role of norms therein. Keywords: Translation studies, Carroll, norms


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A common point of reference is needed to describe the three-dimensional arrangements of bases and base-pairs in nucleic acid structures. The different standards used in computer programs created for this purpose give rise to con¯icting interpretations of the same structure.1 For example, parts of a structure that appear ``normal'' according to one computational scheme may be highly unusual according to another and vice versa. It is thus dif®cult to carry out comprehensive comparisons of nucleic acid structures and to pinpoint unique conformational features in individual structures


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Clustering is a process of partitioning a given set of patterns into meaningful groups. The clustering process can be viewed as consisting of the following three phases: (i) feature selection phase, (ii) classification phase, and (iii) description generation phase. Conventional clustering algorithms implicitly use knowledge about the clustering environment to a large extent in the feature selection phase. This reduces the need for the environmental knowledge in the remaining two phases, permitting the usage of simple numerical measure of similarity in the classification phase. Conceptual clustering algorithms proposed by Michalski and Stepp [IEEE Trans. PAMI, PAMI-5, 396–410 (1983)] and Stepp and Michalski [Artif. Intell., pp. 43–69 (1986)] make use of the knowledge about the clustering environment in the form of a set of predefined concepts to compute the conceptual cohesiveness during the classification phase. Michalski and Stepp [IEEE Trans. PAMI, PAMI-5, 396–410 (1983)] have argued that the results obtained with the conceptual clustering algorithms are superior to conventional methods of numerical classification. However, this claim was not supported by the experimental results obtained by Dale [IEEE Trans. PAMI, PAMI-7, 241–244 (1985)]. In this paper a theoretical framework, based on an intuitively appealing set of axioms, is developed to characterize the equivalence between the conceptual clustering and conventional clustering. In other words, it is shown that any classification obtained using conceptual clustering can also be obtained using conventional clustering and vice versa.


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Cross-reactivity of allergens from the pollen of the Compositae weeds, Parthenium hysterophorus (American feverfew) and Ambrosia (ragweed), in 2 groups of patients with different geographic distributions was studied. Parthenium-sensitive Indian patients, who were never exposed to ragweed, elicited positive skin reactions with ragweed pollen extracts. A significant correlation in the RAST scores of Parthenium and ragweed-specific IgE was observed with the sera of Parthenium and ragweed-sensitive Indian and US patients, respectively. RAST inhibition experiments demonstrated that the binding of IgE antibodies in the sera of ragweed-sensitive patients to short (Wl) and giant (W3) ragweed allergen discs could be inhibited by up to 94% by Parthenium pollen extracts. Similar inhibition (up to 82%) was obtained when the sera of Parthenium rhinitis patients were incubated with ragweed allergen extracts. A dose-dependent proliferation of lymphocytes from a Parthenium-sensitive rhinitis patient with elevated levels of both Parthenium and ragweed-specific IgE was observed when incubated with Parthenium and ragweed pollen extracts. A 1.6-fold higher proliferation, however, was observed with Parthenium pollen extract at a concentration of 100 µg/ml. These results suggest that shared epitopes present on Parthenium and ragweed pollen allergens are recognized by both Indian and US patients sensitized by exposure to Parthenium and ragweed pollen, respectively. The high degree of cross-reactivity between Parthenium and ragweed pollen allergens suggests that individuals sensitized to Parthenium may develop type-I hypersensitivity reactions to ragweed and vice versa when they travel to regions infested with the weed to which they had not been previously exposed.


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The PbS quantum dots synthesized in PVA are used to investigate their photoluminescence (PL) response to various ions such as Zn, Cd, Hg, Ag, Cu, Fe, Mn, Co, Cr and Ni ions. The enhancement in the photoluminescence intensity is observed with specific ions namely Zn, Cd, Hg and Ag. Among these four ions, the PL response to Hg and Ag even at sub-micro-molar concentrations is quite high, approximately an order of magnitude higher than Zn and Cd. It is interesting to observe that the change in Pb and S molar ratio has profound effect on the selectivity of these ions. The samples prepared under excess of S are quite effective compared to Pb. Indeed, the later one has hardly any effect on the photoluminescence response. These results also indicate that the sensitivity of these QDs could be fine-tuned by controlling the S concentration at the surface. Contrary to the above, Cu, Fe and Co quenches the photoluminescence. Another interesting property of PbS in PVA observed is photo-brightening mechanism due to the curing of the polymer with laser. However, the presence of excess ions at the surface changes its property to photo-darkening/brightening that depends on the direction of carrier transfer mechanism (from QDs to the surface adsorbed metal ions or vice-versa), which is an interesting feature for metal ion detectivity.


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The amount of reactive power margin available in a system determines its proximity to voltage instability under normal and emergency conditions. More the reactive power margin, better is the systems security and vice-versa. A hypothetical way of improving the reactive margin of a synchronous generator is to reduce the real power generation within its mega volt-ampere (MVA) ratings. This real power generation reduction will affect its power contract agreements entered in the electricity market. Owing to this, the benefit that the generator foregoes will have to be compensated by paying them some lost opportunity cost. The objective of this study is three fold. Firstly, the reactive power margins of the generators are evaluated. Secondly, they are improved using a reactive power optimization technique and optimally placed unified power flow controllers. Thirdly, the reactive power capacity exchanges along the tie-lines are evaluated under base case and improved conditions. A detailed analysis of all the reactive power sources and sinks scattered throughout the network is carried out in the study. Studies are carried out on a real life, three zone, 72-bus equivalent Indian southern grid considering normal and contingency conditions with base case operating point and optimised results presented.


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Black carbon (BC) aerosol mass concentrations measured using an aethalometer at Anantapur, a semi-arid tropical station in the southern part of peninsular India, from August 2006 to July 2007 are analyzed. Seasonal and diurnal variations of BC in relation to changes in the regional meteorological conditions have been studied along with the mass fraction of BC to the total aerosol mass concentration (M-t) and fine particle mass (FPM) concentration in different months. The data collected during the study period shows that the annual average BC mass concentration at Anantapur is 1.97 +/- 0.12 mu g m(-3). Seasonal variations of BC aerosol mass concentration showed high during the dry (winter and summer) seasons and low during the post-monsoon followed by the monsoon seasons. Diurnal variations of BC aerosols attain a gradual build up in BC concentration from morning and a sharp peak occurs between 07:00 and 09:00 h almost an hour after local sunrise and a broad nocturnal peak from 19:00 to 21:00 h with a minimum in noon hours. The ratio of BC to the fine particle mass concentration was high during the dry season and low during the monsoon season. The regression analysis between BC mass concentration and wind speed indicates that, with increase in wind speeds the BC mass concentrations would decrease and vice-versa. Aerosol BC mass concentration shows a significant positive correlation with total mass concentration (M-t) and aerosol optical depth (ACID, tau(p)) at 500 nm. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nonliving waste biomass consisting of Aspergillus niger attached to wheat bran was used as a biosorbent for the removal of copper and zinc from aqueous solutions. Copper and zinc uptake by the biomass obeyed Langmuir isotherms. The binding capacity of the biomass for copper was found to be higher than that for zinc. The metal uptake, expressed in milligrams per gram of biomass, was found to be a function of: the initial metal concentration (with the uptake decreasing with increasing initial concentration), the biomass loading (with the uptake decreasing with increasing biomass loading) and pH (with the uptake increasing with increasing pH in the range of 1.5 and 6.0). The metal uptake was significantly affected in the presence of a co-ion. The uptake of copper by the biomass decreased in the presence of zinc and vice versa. The decrease in metal uptake was dependent on the concentrations of metals in the two-component aqueous solutions. The effect of copper on zinc uptake was more pronounced than the effect of zinc on copper uptake.