972 resultados para Ultrafast MRI
Imaging of the head and neck is the most commonly performed clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination [R. G. Evans and J. R. G. Evans, AJR 157, 603 (1991)]. This is usually undertaken in a generalist MRI instrument containing superconducting magnet system capable of imaging all organs. These generalist instruments are large, typically having a bore of 0.9-1.0 m and a length of 1.7-2.5 m and therefore are expensive to site, somewhat claustrophobic to the patient, and offer little access by attending physicians. In this article, we present the design of a compact, superconducting MRI magnet for head and neck imaging that is less than 0.8 m in length and discuss in detail the design of an asymmetric gradient coil set, tailored to the magnet profile. In particular, the introduction of a radio-frequency FM modulation scheme in concert with a gradient sequence allows the epoch of the linear region of the gradient set to be much closer to the end of the gradient structure than was previously possible. Images from a prototype gradient set demonstrate the effectiveness of the designs. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0034-6748(99)04910-2].
OBJECTIVE: To use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to validate estimates of muscle and adipose tissue (AT) in lower limb sections obtained by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) modelling. DESIGN: MRI measurements were used as reference for validating limb muscle and AT estimates obtained by DXA models that assume fat-free soft tissue (FFST) comprised mainly muscle: model A accounted for bone hydration only; model B also applied constants for FFST in bone and skin and fat in muscle and AT; model C was as model B but allowing for variable fat in muscle and AT. SUBJECTS: Healthy men (n = 8) and women (n = 8), ages 41 - 62 y; mean (s.d.) body mass indices (BMIs) of 28.6 (5.4) kg/m(2) and 25.1 (5.4) kg/m2, respectively. MEASUREMENTS: MRI scans of the legs and whole body DXA scans were analysed for muscle and AT content of thigh (20 cm) and lower leg (10 cm) sections; 24 h creatinine excretion was measured. RESULTS: Model A overestimated thigh muscle volume (MRI mean, 2.3 l) substantially (bias 0.36 l), whereas model B underestimated it by only 2% (bias 0.045 l). Lower leg muscle (MRI mean, 0.6 l) was better predicted using model A (bias 0.04 l, 7% overestimate) than model B (bias 0.1 l, 17% underestimate). The 95% limits of agreement were high for these models (thigh,+/- 20%; lower leg,+/- 47%). Model C predictions were more discrepant than those of model B. There was generally less agreement between MRI and all DXA models for AT. Measurement variability was generally less for DXA measurements of FFST (coefficient of variation 0.7 - 1.8%) and fat (0.8 - 3.3%) than model B estimates of muscle (0.5-2.6%) and AT (3.3 - 6.8%), respectively. Despite strong relationships between them, muscle mass was overestimated by creatinine excretion with highly variable predictability. CONCLUSION: This study has shown the value of DXA models for assessment of muscle and AT in leg sections, but suggests the need to re-evaluate some of the assumptions upon which they are based.
This paper describes a hybrid numerical method of an inverse approach to the design of compact magnetic resonance imaging magnets. The problem is formulated as a field synthesis and the desired current density on the surface of a cylinder is first calculated by solving a Fredholm equation of the first, kind. Nonlinear optimization methods are then invoked to fit practical magnet coils to the desired current density. The field calculations are performed using a semi-analytical method. The emphasis of this work is on the optimal design of short MRI magnets. Details of the hybrid numerical model are presented, and the model is used to investigate compact, symmetric MRI magnets as well as asymmetric magnets. The results highlight that the method can be used to obtain a compact MRI magnet structure and a very homogeneous magnetic field over the central imaging volume in clinical systems of approximately 1 m in length, significantly shorter than current designs. Viable asymmetric magnet designs, in which the edge of the homogeneous region is very close to one end of the magnet system are also presented. Unshielded designs are the focus of this work. This method is flexible and may be applied to magnets of other geometries. (C) 2000 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. [S0094-2405(00)00303-5].
A novel MRI method-diffusion tensor imaging-was used to compare the integrity of several white matter fibre tracts in patients with probable Alzheimer's disease. Relative to normal controls, patients with probable Alzheimer's disease showed a highly significant reduction in the integrity of the association white matter fibre tracts, such as the splenium of the corpus callosum, superior longitudinal fasciculus, and cingulum. By contrast, pyramidal tract integrity seemed unchanged. This novel finding is consistent with the clinical presentation of probable Alzheimer's disease, in which global cognitive decline is a more prominent feature than motor disturbance.
Magnetic resonance cholangiography (MRC) relies on the strong T-2 signal from stationary liquids, in this case bile, to generate images. No contrast agents are required, and the failure rate and risk of serious complications is lower than with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Data from MRC can be summated to produce an image much like the cholangiogram obtained by using ERCP. In addition, MRC and conventional MRI can provide information about the biliary and other anatomy above and below a biliary obstruction. This provides information for therapeutic intervention that is probably most useful for hilar and intrahepatic biliary obstruction. Magnetic resonance cholangiography appears to be similar to ERCP with respect to sensitivity and specificity in detecting lesions causing biliary obstruction, and in the diagnosis of choledocholithiasis. It is also suited to the assessment of biliary anatomy (including the assessment of surgical bile-duct injuries) and intrahepatic biliary pathology. However, ERCP can be therapeutic as well as diagnostic, and MRC should be limited to situations where intervention is unlikely, where intrahepatic or hilar pathology is suspected, to delineate the biliary anatomy prior to other interventions, or after failed or inadequate ERCP. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) relies on the properties of flowing liquids to generate images. It is particularly suited to assessment of the hepatic vasculature and appears as good as conventional angiography. It has been shown to be useful in delineating vascular anatomy prior to liver transplantation or insertion of a transjugular intrahepatic portasystemic shunt. Magnetic resonance angiography may also be useful in predicting subsequent variceal haemorrhage in patients with oesophageal varices. (C) 2000 Blackwell Science Asia Pty Ltd.
The effects of ionizing radiation in different compositions of polymer gel dosimeters are investigated using FT-Raman spectroscopy and NMR T-2 relaxation times. The dosimeters are manufactured from different concentrations of comonomers (acrylamide and N,N'-methylene-bis-acrylamide) dispersed in different concentrations of an aqueous gelatin matrix. Results are analysed using a model of fast exchange of magnetization between three proton pools. The fraction of protons in each pool is determined using the known chemical composition of the dosimeter and FT-Raman spectroscopy. Based on these results, the physical and chemical processes in interplay in the dosimeters are examined in view of their effect on the changes in T-2 The precipitation of growing macroradicals and the scavenging of free radicals by gelatin are used to explain the rate of polymerization. The model describes the changes in T-2 as a function of the absorbed dose up to 50 Gy for the different compositions. This is expected to aid the theoretical design of new, more efficient dosimeters, since it was demonstrated that the optimum dosimeter (i.e, with the lowest dose resolution) must have a range of relaxation times which match the range of T-2 values which can be determined with the lowest uncertainty using an MRI scanner.
Studies of functional brain imaging in humans and single cell recordings in monkeys have generally shown preferential involvement of the medially located supplementary motor area (SMA) in self-initiated movement and the lateral premotor cortex in externally cued movement. Studies of event-related cortical potentials recorded during movement preparation, however, generally show increased cortical activity prior to self-initiated movements but little activity at early stages prior to movements that are externally cued at unpredictable times. In this study, the spatial location and relative timing of activation for self-initiated and externally triggered movements were examined using rapid event-related functional MRI. Twelve healthy right-handed subjects were imaged while performing a brief finger sequence movement (three rapid alternating button presses: index-middle-index finger) made either in response to an unpredictably timed auditory cue (between 8 to 24 s after the previous movement) or at self-paced irregular intervals. Both movement conditions involved similar strong activation of medial motor areas including the pre-SMA, SMA proper, and rostral cingulate cortex, as well as activation within contralateral primary motor, superior parietal, and insula cortex. Activation within the basal ganglia was found for self-initiated movements only, while externally triggered movements involved additional bilateral activation of primary auditory cortex. Although the level of SMA and cingulate cortex activation did not differ significantly between movement conditions, the timing of the hemodynamic response within the pre-SMA was significantly earlier for self-initiated compared with externally triggered movements. This clearly reflects involvement of the pre-SMA in early processes associated with the preparation for voluntary movement. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science.
Little is known of the neural mechanisms of marsupial olfaction. However, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has made it possible to visualize dynamic brain function in mammals without invasion. In this study, central processing of urinary pheromones was investigated in the brown antechinus, Antechinus stuartii, using fMRI. Images were obtained from 18 subjects (11 males, 7 females) in response to conspecific urinary olfactory stimuli. Significant indiscriminate activation occurred in the accessory olfactory bulb, entorhinal, frontal, and parietal cortices in response to both male and female urine. The paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus, ventrolateral thalamic nucleus, and medial preoptic area were only activated in response to male urine. Results of this MRI study indicate that projections of accessory olfactory system are activated by chemo-sensory cues. Furthermore, it appears that, based on these experiments, urinary pheromones may act on the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axis via the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and may play an important role in the unique life history pattern of A. stuartii. Finally, this study has demonstrated that fMRI may be a powerful tool for investigations of olfactory processes in mammals.
A new method for the evaluation of radiotherapy 3D polymer gel dosimeters has been developed using ultrasound to assess the significant structural changes that occur following irradiation of the dosimeters. The ultrasonic parameters of acoustic speed of propagation, attenuation and transmitted signal intensity were measured as a function of absorbed radiation dose. The dose sensitivities for each parameter were determined as 1.8 x 10(-4) s m(-1) Gy(-1), 3.9 dB m(-1) Gy(-1) and 3.2 V-1 Gy(-1) respectively. All parameters displayed a strong variation with absorbed dose that continued beyond absorbed doses of 15 Gy. The ultrasonic measurements demonstrated a significantly larger dynamic range in dose response curves than that achieved with previously published magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) dose response data. It is concluded that ultrasound shows great potential as a technique for the evaluation of polymer gel dosimeters.
Off-resonance RF pre-saturation was used to obtain contrast in MRI images of polymer gel dosimeters irradiated to doses up to 50 Gy. Two different polymer gel dosimeters composed of 2-hydroxyethyl-acryl ate or methacrylic acid monomers mixed with N, N'-methylene-bisacrylamide (BIS), dispersed in an aqueous gelatin matrix were evaluated. Radiation-induced polymerization of the co-monomers generates a fast-relaxing insoluble polymer. Saturation of the polymer using off-resonance Gaussian RF pulses prior to a spin-echo read-out with a short echo time leads to contrast that is dependent on the absorbed dose. This contrast is attributed to magnetization transfer (MT) between free water and the polymer, and direct saturation of water was found to be negligible under the prevailing experimental conditions. The usefulness of MT imaging was assessed by computing the dose resolution obtained with this technique. We found a low value of dose resolution over a wide range of doses could be obtained with a single experiment. This is an advantage over multiple spin echo (MSE) experiments using a single echo spacing where an optimal dose resolution is achieved over only very limited ranges of doses. The results suggest MT imaging protocols may be developed into a useful tool for polymer gel dosimetry.
Dysgraphia (agraphia) is a common feature of posterior cortical atrophy (PCA). However, detailed analyses of these spelling and writing impairments are infrequently conducted. LM is a 59-year-old woman with dysgraphia associated with PCA. She presented with a two-year history of decline in her writing and dressmaking skills. A 3D T-1-weighted MRI scan confirmed selective bi-parietal atrophy, with relative sparing of the hippocampi and other cortical regions. Analyses of LM's preserved and impaired spelling abilities indicated mild physical letter distortions and a significant spelling deficit characterised by letter substitutions, insertions, omissions, and transpositions that was systematically sensitive to word length while insensitive to real word versus nonword category, word frequency, regularity, imagery, grammatical class and ambiguity. Our findings suggest a primary graphemic buffer disorder underlies LM's spelling errors, possibly originating from disruption to the operation of a fronto-parietal network implicated in verbal working memory.
Thirst was induced by rapid i.v. infusion of hypertonic saline (0.51 M at 13.4 ml/min). Ten humans were neuroimaged by positron-emission tomography (PET) and four by functional MRI (fMRI). PET images were made 25 min after beginning infusion, when the sensation of thirst began to enter the stream of consciousness. The fMRI images were made when the maximum rate of increase of thirst occurred. The PET results showed regional cerebral blood flow changes similar to those delineated when thirst was maximal. These loci involved the phylogenetically ancient areas of the brain. fMRI showed activation in the anterior wall of the third ventricle, an area that is key in the genesis of thirst but is not an area revealed by PET imaging. Thus, this region plays as major a role in thirst for humans as for animals. Strong activations in the brain with fMRI included the anterior cingulate, parahippocampal gyrus, inferior and middle frontal gyri, insula, and cerebellum. When the subjects drank water to satiation, thirst declined immediately to baseline. A precipitate decline in intensity of activation signal occurred in the anterior cingulate area (Brodmann area 32) putatively related to consciousness of thirst. The intensity of activation in the anterior wall of the third ventricle was essentially unchanged, which is consistent with the fact that a significant time (15-20 min) would be needed before plasma Na concentration changed as a result of water absorption from the gut.
One consistent functional imaging finding from patients with major depression has been abnormality of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Hypoperfusion has been most commonly reported, but some studies suggest relative hyperperfusion is associated with response to somatic treatments. Despite these indications of the possible importance of the ACC in depression there have been relatively few cognitive studies ACC function in patients with major depression. The present study employed a series of reaction time (RT) tasks involving selection with melancholic and nonmelancholic depressed patients, as well as age-matched controls. Fifteen patients with unipolar major depression (7 melancholic, 8 nonmelancholic) and 8 healthy age-matched controls performed a series of response selection tasks (choice RT, spatial Stroop, spatial stimulus-response compatibility (SRC), and a combined Stroop + SRC condition). Reaction time and error data were collected. Melancholic patients were significantly slower than controls on all tasks but were slower than nonmelancholic patients only on the Stroop and Stroop + SRC conditions. Nonmelancholic patients did not differ from the control group on any task. The Stroop task seems crucial in differentiating the two depressive groups, they did not differ on the choice RT or SRC tasks. This may reflect differential task demands, the SRC involved symbolic manipulation that might engage the dorsal ACC and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) to a greater extent than the, primarily inhibitory, Stroop task which may engage the ventral ACC and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). This might suggest the melancholic group showed a greater ventral ACC-OFC deficit than the nonmelancholic group, while both groups showed similar dorsal ACC-DLPFC deficit.