986 resultados para URANIUM 235


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Architecture focuses on designing built environments in response to society’s needs, reflecting culture through materials and forms. The physical boundaries of the city have become blurred through the integration of digital media, connecting the physical environment with the digital. In the recent past the future was imagined as highly technological; 1982 Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner is set in 2019 and introduces a world where supersized screens inject advertisements in the cluttered urban space. Now, in 2015 screens are central to everyday life, but in a completely different way in respect to what had been imagined. Through ubiquitous computing and social media, information is abundant. Digital technologies have changed the way people relate to cities supporting discussion on multiple levels, allowing citizens to be more vocal than ever before. We question how architects can use the affordances of urban informatics to obtain and navigate useful social information to inform design. This chapter investigates different approaches to engage communities in the debate on cities, in particular it aims to capture citizens’ opinions on the use and design of public places. Physical and digital discussions have been initiated to capture citizens’ opinions on the use and design of public places. In addition to traditional consultation methods, Web 2.0 platforms, urban screens, and mobile apps are used in the context of Brisbane, Australia to explore contemporary strategies of engagement (Gray 2014).


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Sol-gel derived PbZrO3 (PZ) thin films have been deposited on Pt(111)/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate and according to the pseudotetragonal symmetry of PZ, the relatively preferred (110)t oriented phase formation has been noticed. The room temperature P‐E hysteresis loops have been observed to be slim by nature. The slim hysteresis loops are attributed to the [110]t directional antiparallel lattice motion of Pb ions and by the directionality of the applied electric field. Pure PZ formation has been characterized by the dielectric phase transition at 235 °C and antiferroelectric P‐E hysteresis loops at room temperature. Dielectric response has been characterized within a frequency domain of 100 Hz–1 MHz at various temperatures ranging from 40 to 350 °C. Though frequency dispersion of dielectric behaves like a Maxwell–Wagner type of relaxation, ω2 dependency of ac conductivity indicates that there must be G‐C equivalent circuit dominance at high frequency. The presence of trap charges in PZ has been determined by Arrhenius plots of ac conductivity. The temperature dependent n (calculated from the universal power law of ac conductivity) values indicate an anomalous behavior of the trapped charges. This anomaly has been explained by strongly and weakly correlated potential wells of trapped charges and their behavior on thermal activation. The dominance of circuit∕circuits resembling Maxwell–Wagner type has been investigated by logarithmic Nyquist plots at various temperatures and it has been justified that the dielectric dispersion is not from the actual Maxwell–Wagner-type response.


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A permanent 2 ha (200 m x 100 m) plot was established for long-term monitoring of plant diversity and dynamics in a tropical dry deciduous forest of Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary, Karnataka, southern India. Enumeration of all woody plants >= 1 cm DBH (diameter at breast height) yielded a total of 1766 individuals that belonged to 46 species, 37 genera and 24 families. Combretaceae was the most abundant family in the forest with a family importance value of 68.3. Plant density varied from 20 - 90 individuals with an average 35 individuals/quadrat (20 m x 20 m). Randia dumetorum, with 466 individuals (representing 26.7 % of the total density 2 ha(-1)) with species importance value of 36.25, was the dominant species in the plot. The total basal area of the plot was 18.09 m(2) ha(-1) with a mean of 0.72 m(2) quadrat(-1). The highest basal area of the plot was contributed by Combretaceae (12.93 m(2) 2 ha(-1)) at family level and Terminalia tomentosa (5.58 m(2) 2 ha(-1)) at species level. The lowest diameter class (1-10 cm) had the highest density (1054 individuals 2 ha(-1)), but basal area was highest in the 80 - 90 cm diameter class (5.03m(2) 2 ha(-1)). Most of the species exhibited random or aggregated distribution over the plot. This study provides a baseline information on the dry forests of Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary.


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Background We aimed to assess the effect of afatinib on overall survival of patients with EGFR mutation-positive lung adenocarcinoma through an analysis of data from two open-label, randomised, phase 3 trials. Methods Previously untreated patients with EGFR mutation-positive stage IIIB or IV lung adenocarcinoma were enrolled in LUX-Lung 3 (n=345) and LUX-Lung 6 (n=364). These patients were randomly assigned in a 2:1 ratio to receive afatinib or chemotherapy (pemetrexed-cisplatin [LUX-Lung 3] or gemcitabine-cisplatin [LUX-Lung 6]), stratified by EGFR mutation (exon 19 deletion [del19], Leu858Arg, or other) and ethnic origin (LUX-Lung 3 only). We planned analyses of mature overall survival data in the intention-to-treat population after 209 (LUX-Lung 3) and 237 (LUX-Lung 6) deaths. These ongoing studies are registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, numbers NCT00949650 and NCT01121393. Findings Median follow-up in LUX-Lung 3 was 41 months (IQR 35–44); 213 (62%) of 345 patients had died. Median follow-up in LUX-Lung 6 was 33 months (IQR 31–37); 246 (68%) of 364 patients had died. In LUX-Lung 3, median overall survival was 28·2 months (95% CI 24·6–33·6) in the afatinib group and 28·2 months (20·7–33·2) in the pemetrexed-cisplatin group (HR 0·88, 95% CI 0·66–1·17, p=0·39). In LUX-Lung 6, median overall survival was 23·1 months (95% CI 20·4–27·3) in the afatinib group and 23·5 months (18·0–25·6) in the gemcitabine-cisplatin group (HR 0·93, 95% CI 0·72–1·22, p=0·61). However, in preplanned analyses, overall survival was significantly longer for patients with del19-positive tumours in the afatinib group than in the chemotherapy group in both trials: in LUX-Lung 3, median overall survival was 33·3 months (95% CI 26·8–41·5) in the afatinib group versus 21·1 months (16·3–30·7) in the chemotherapy group (HR 0·54, 95% CI 0·36–0·79, p=0·0015); in LUX-Lung 6, it was 31·4 months (95% CI 24·2–35·3) versus 18·4 months (14·6–25·6), respectively (HR 0·64, 95% CI 0·44–0·94, p=0·023). By contrast, there were no significant differences by treatment group for patients with EGFR Leu858Arg-positive tumours in either trial: in LUX-Lung 3, median overall survival was 27·6 months (19·8–41·7) in the afatinib group versus 40·3 months (24·3–not estimable) in the chemotherapy group (HR 1·30, 95% CI 0·80–2·11, p=0·29); in LUX-Lung 6, it was 19·6 months (95% CI 17·0–22·1) versus 24·3 months (19·0–27·0), respectively (HR 1·22, 95% CI 0·81–1·83, p=0·34). In both trials, the most common afatinib-related grade 3–4 adverse events were rash or acne (37 [16%] of 229 patients in LUX-Lung 3 and 35 [15%] of 239 patients in LUX-Lung 6), diarrhoea (33 [14%] and 13 [5%]), paronychia (26 [11%] in LUX-Lung 3 only), and stomatitis or mucositis (13 [5%] in LUX-Lung 6 only). In LUX-Lung 3, neutropenia (20 [18%] of 111 patients), fatigue (14 [13%]) and leucopenia (nine [8%]) were the most common chemotherapy-related grade 3–4 adverse events, while in LUX-Lung 6, the most common chemotherapy-related grade 3–4 adverse events were neutropenia (30 [27%] of 113 patients), vomiting (22 [19%]), and leucopenia (17 [15%]). Interpretation Although afatinib did not improve overall survival in the whole population of either trial, overall survival was improved with the drug for patients with del19 EGFR mutations. The absence of an effect in patients with Leu858Arg EGFR mutations suggests that EGFR del19-positive disease might be distinct from Leu858Arg-positive disease and that these subgroups should be analysed separately in future trials.


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Much of the chemical structure of thiostrepton, a sulphur containing metabolic product of the microorganism Streptomyces azureus, has been determined by X-ray crystallographic techniques.


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An enzyme system which converts anthranilic acid to catechol was detected in the leaves of Tecoma stans, and its properties studied. The system is present exclusively in the chloroplast fraction of the leaves. The optimum pH of the reaction is 5·2 and maximum activity was obtained with citrate-phosphate buffer. There was good stoichiometry between the amounts of anthranilic acid disappeared and the amounts of catechol and ammonia formed. The enzyme system showed an absolute requirement for oxygen and evidence was obtained for the probable participation of NADPH and FAD in the hydroxylation step. The optimum concentration of anthranilic acid was 10−4 M; at higher concentrations the reaction was inhibited to a considerable extent. Cyanide, pyrophosphate, and EDTA also caused inhibition indicating a requirement for metal ions.


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Kansansivistystä legitimoiva ja ylläpitävä ajattelu oli kertomusta myyttisistä sankarirehtoreista, jota voisi kutsua myös suomalaisen kansansivistyksen suureksi kertomukseksi. Tutkimusongelmana oli, kuinka kansansivistyksen suuri kertomus rakentui sukupuolen näkökulmasta kansan, sivistyksen ja vapauden käsitteiden tulkinnoissa. Tavoitteena oli jäljittää kansansivistyksen kadonneita naisia. Aineisto koostui eri kirjoittajien 1800-luvun lopulla ja 1900-luvulla laatimista kulttuurihistoriallisista teksteistä, joita metodologisesti tulkittiin sukupuolisensitiivisesti tiheällä otteella. Kansalais- ja työväenopiston rehtorin työ vuonna 2005 muodostui osaksi kansansivistyksen suurta kertomusta. Empiirinen aineisto koostui valtakunnallisesta, sähköisesti toteutetusta rehtorikyselystä (N=79), jota analysoitiin diskursiivisella lähestymistavalla sukupuolisensitiivisesti. Tutkimusongelmat olivat: Miksi kansalais- ja työväenopiston rehtoriksi hakeudutaan? Kuinka sukupuoli tulee esiin rehtorin työssä? Millaista on rehtorin työn arki? Suomalainen kansansivistystraditio kategorisoi naisen yksityiseen ja miehen julkiseen. Kansalais- ja työväenopistoista muotoiltiin sukupuolittuneita kansansivistysinstituutioita, joiden maskuliinisen johtajuuden ympärille rakentui sankarirehtorimyytti. Naisten tulo opistojen johtajattariksi liittyi osaksi naisten yleistä ammatillista kehitystä. Sivistettävälle naiselle rakentui paikka 1900-luvun vaihteesta äitikansalaisten yleissivistettävänä kollektiivina, myöhemmin työläisnaisten kollektiivina ja 1960-luvulta lähtien ammatillisena työvoimaresurssina. 2000-luvulla kansan käsite korvautui vapailla yksilökansalaisilla ja sivistysideologinen vapaus kääntyi uusliberalismin yksilön vapaaksi mahdollisuudeksi kehittää itseään vapaa-ajalla. Sivistys käsitteenä loittoni ja sen korvasivat oppiminen ja viihtyminen. Rehtoriksi hakeutumisen taustalla vaikuttivat edelleen kansansivistysideologiset arvot, jotka naiselle merkitsivät yhteiskunnallisen äitiyden velvoitetta hoitaa reproduktiivista tehtäväänsä ahkerana ja uutterana opistoäitinä. Uusliberalistiset arvot muuttivat naisen rehtorina kansallista ja taloudellista arvoa tuottavaksi palkkatyöäidiksi ja manageriksi. Sekä naiseen että mieheen rehtorina liitettiin stereotyyppisiä sukupuolirooleihin sidottuja ominaisuuksia. Naisen ja miehen paikat työyhteisössä määrittyivät modernin yhteiskuntasopimuksen seksuaalisen sopimuksen mukaisesti. Rehtorit työskentelivät moniosaavina jokapaikanhöylinä keskellä valtakunnallista opistoreformia. Rehtorin ammatillinen kuva jäsentyi monimuotoisesti reformistiksi, konformistiksi ja konservatiiviksi. Asiasanat: vapaa sivistystyö, kansansivistys, rehtorit, sukupuolentutkimus, kansalaisopistot, työväenopistot, diskurssianalyysi


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Mikael Juselius’ doctoral dissertation covers a range of significant issues in modern macroeconomics by empirically testing a number of important theoretical hypotheses. The first essay presents indirect evidence within the framework of the cointegrated VAR model on the elasticity of substitution between capital and labor by using Finnish manufacturing data. Instead of estimating the elasticity of substitution by using the first order conditions, he develops a new approach that utilizes a CES production function in a model with a 3-stage decision process: investment in the long run, wage bargaining in the medium run and price and employment decisions in the short run. He estimates the elasticity of substitution to be below one. The second essay tests the restrictions implied by the core equations of the New Keynesian Model (NKM) in a vector autoregressive model (VAR) by using both Euro area and U.S. data. Both the new Keynesian Phillips curve and the aggregate demand curve are estimated and tested. The restrictions implied by the core equations of the NKM are rejected on both U.S. and Euro area data. These results are important for further research. The third essay is methodologically similar to essay 2, but it concentrates on Finnish macro data by adopting a theoretical framework of an open economy. Juselius’ results suggests that the open economy NKM framework is too stylized to provide an adequate explanation for Finnish inflation. The final essay provides a macroeconometric model of Finnish inflation and associated explanatory variables and it estimates the relative importance of different inflation theories. His main finding is that Finnish inflation is primarily determined by excess demand in the product market and by changes in the long-term interest rate. This study is part of the research agenda carried out by the Research Unit of Economic Structure and Growth (RUESG). The aim of RUESG it to conduct theoretical and empirical research with respect to important issues in industrial economics, real option theory, game theory, organization theory, theory of financial systems as well as to study problems in labor markets, macroeconomics, natural resources, taxation and time series econometrics. RUESG was established at the beginning of 1995 and is one of the National Centers of Excellence in research selected by the Academy of Finland. It is financed jointly by the Academy of Finland, the University of Helsinki, the Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation, Bank of Finland and the Nokia Group. This support is gratefully acknowledged.


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In this paper we propose a general Linear Programming (LP) based formulation and solution methodology for obtaining optimal solution to the load distribution problem in divisible load scheduling. We exploit the power of the versatile LP formulation to propose algorithms that yield exact solutions to several very general load distribution problems for which either no solutions or only heuristic solutions were available. We consider both star (single-level tree) networks and linear daisy chain networks, having processors equipped with front-ends, that form the generic models for several important network topologies. We consider arbitrary processing node availability or release times and general models for communication delays and computation time that account for constant overheads such as start up times in communication and computation. The optimality of the LP based algorithms is proved rigorously.


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Crystal growth, electrical and magnetic properties are reported for mixed valence manganite Pr1-xPbxMnO3 (x = 0.2, 0.23, and 0.3). The crystals with x = 0.2 and 0.23 are ferromagnetic and insulating, whereas that with x = 0.3 is ferromagnetic below 200 K and shows an insulator-metal transition at 235 K. This composition shows a magnetoresistance of 90% in a field of 5 T. In the paramagnetic region, the temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility of the crystals follows a Curie-Weiss behavior. The thermal evolution of magnetization in the ferromagnetic phase varies as T-3/2, in accordance with Bloch's law. The spin-stiffness constant D obtained from the Bloch constant is found to increase linearly with x. The magnetization does not reach complete saturation upto a field of 5 T. A possible contribution of the Pr spins to the total magnetic moment is discussed.


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Probabilistic analysis of cracking moment from 22 simply supported reinforced concrete beams is performed. When the basic variables follow the distribution considered in this study, the cracking moment of a beam is found to follow a normal distribution. An expression is derived, for characteristic cracking moment, which will be useful in examining reinforced concrete beams for a limit state of cracking.


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The present article about the high speed water tunnel facility at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, provides a general description of the tunnel circuit, and brief reports on the performance of the facility and some typical results from investigations carried out in it. A unique aspect of the facility is that it has a horizontal resorber in the form of a large cylindrical tank located in the lower leg of the circuit. The facility has been used, among other things, for flow visualization studies, and investigations on marine propeller hydrodynamics and “synthetic cavitation”. The last topic has been primarily developed at the Indian Institute of Science and shows considerable promise for basic work in cavitation inception and noise.


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The correlation between structure and oxygen content in the LaBa2Cu3O7+δ was investigated by neutron powder diffraction. It is shown that the structure is orthorhombic (Pmmm) when δ = −0.04 and tetragonal (P4/mmm) when δ = −0.06. Such a change in structure accompanying a very small variation in oxygen stoichiometry is remarkable. In the orthorhombic structure of the δ = −0.04 sample, there is 70% oxygen occupancy for the linear chain site Image and 34% for the Image site. The La sites have 13.6% Ba when δ = −0.04 and 11.2% Ba when δ = −0.06; the Ba sites have 10% La in both cases.