884 resultados para Turboalbero MatLab Simulink modello dinamico mappe prestazionali turbina Allison


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In questo elaborato ho analizzato un sistema di reazione-diffusione proposto come modello per descrivere un fenomeno di crescita tumorale. In particolare, è stato approfondito il processo in cui l'invasione neoplastica è originata dalla produzione di un eccesso di ioni acidi da parte delle cellule maligne. Il sistema preso in esame descrive l'andamento di tre grandezze: la concentrazione di tessuto sano, la concentrazione di tessuto maligno e l'eccesso di ioni acidi. Ho quindi cercato soluzioni compatibili con il sistema le quali fossero funzioni della tipologia travelling waves, ossia onde che si propagano lungo l'asse reale con un grafico fissato e ad una velocità costante. I risultati ottenuti in questo lavoro sono stati così suddivisi: nel Capitolo 1 viene descritto il processo di invasione tumorale dal punto di vista biologico, nel Capitolo 2 vengono forniti alcuni lemmi e proposizioni preliminari, nel Capitolo 3 viene calcolata un'approssimazione della soluzione del sistema tramite onde del tipo slow waves e infine nel Capitolo 4 sono state studiate la presenza e la larghezza dello spazio interstiziale, ossia di una regione situata tra il tessuto sano e quello neoplastico nella quale si registra una concentrazione di cellule, sia normali sia maligne, praticamente nulla. Infine, sono state rappresentate graficamente le soluzioni in tre possibili situazioni caratterizzate da un diverso parametro di aggressività del tumore.


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Il Modello di Hopfield è un tentativo di modellizzare il comportamento di una memoria associativa come proprietà emergente di un network costituito da unità a due stati interagenti tra loro, e costituisce un esempio di come gli strumenti della meccanica statistica possano essere applicati anche al campo delle reti neurali. Nel presente elaborato viene esposta l'analogia tra il Modello di Hopfield e il Modello di Ising nel contesto delle transizioni di fase, applicando a entrambi i modelli la teoria di campo medio. Viene esposta la dinamica a temperatura finita e ricavata e risolta l'equazione di punto a sella per il limite di non saturazione del Modello di Hopfield. Vengono inoltre accennate le principali estensioni del Modello di Hopfield.


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Nel sistema nervoso centrale i neuroni comunicano l'uno con l'altro attraverso le connessioni sinaptiche e sono soggetti a centinaia di stimoli, ma hanno la capacità di distinguerli l'uno dall'altro. L'abilità delle sinapsi di interpretare questi cambiamenti morfologici e biochimici è detta \textit{plasticità sinaptica} e l'obiettivo di questa tesi è proprio studiare un modello per le dinamiche di questo affascinante processo, da un punto di vista prima deterministico e poi stocastico. Infatti le reazioni che inducono la plasticità sinaptica sono ben approssimate da equazioni differenziali non lineari, ma nel caso di poche molecole bisogna tener conto delle fluttuazioni e quindi sono necessari dei metodi di analisi stocastici. Nel primo capitolo, dopo aver introdotto gli aspetti fondamentali del sistema biochimico coinvolto e dopo aver accennato ai diversi studi che hanno approcciato l'argomento, viene illustrato il modello basato sull'aggregazione delle proteine (PADP) volto a spiegare la plasticità sinaptica. Con il secondo capitolo si introducono i concetti matematici che stanno alla base dei processi stocastici, strumenti utili per studiare e descrivere la dinamica dei sistemi biochimici. Il terzo capitolo introduce una giustificazione matematica riguardo la modellizzazione in campo medio e vede una prima trattazione del modello, con relativa applicazione, sui moscerini. Successivamente si applica il modello di cui sopra ai mammiferi e se ne studia nel dettaglio la dinamica del sistema e la dipendenza dai parametri di soglia che portano alle varie transizioni di fase che coinvolgono le proteine. Infine si è voluto osservare questo sistema da un punto di vista stocastico inserendo il rumore di Wiener per poi confrontare i risultati con quelli ottenuti dall'approccio deterministico.


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Starts with time series and fitting a harmonic Determine the residual to the seasonal cycle 04:40 Calculate the trend at a particular location 08:17 Calculate the slope everywhere using a loop 14:25 Map the slope 18:58 Make a movie 21:59


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El estudio de las playas en cuanto sistema natural y en cuanto ecosistema biológico acapara el interés de científicos de todo el mundo por el atractivo turístico que tienen y por la aparente fragilidad que manifiestan.  Además, no son raros los casos de explotación industrial de las arenas para fines de construcción y otros, justificando esa explotación en la creencia de que el mar formará de nuevo la playa y se restablecerá el equilibrio. Mediante un enfoque simplificado y generalista, el autor plantea a profesores y estudiantes de ecología, geografía física e ingeniería civil algunos problemas e informaciones sobre generación de las olas y el oleaje, tasas de abastecimiento de arena y su pérdida, tamaño y características del material, profundidad del agua en que se desplaza la onda, características topográficas del área cercana a la costa y del  estrán;  las corrientes del litoral, que define, como una faja transportadora, etc. También cita algunos casos de formaciones sedimentarias marinas recientes (flechas o cordones litorales) y algunos problemas derivados de la construcción de rompeolas en el país.  Como los estudios referentes a la dinámica del mar recién se están iniciando en Costa Rica, el autor cita ejemplos de Estados Unidos.


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La seguente tesi nasce dall’esigenza di ottimizzare, da un punto di vista acustico e prestazionale, un ventilatore centrifugo preesistente in azienda. Nei primi tre capitoli si è analizzato il problema da un punto di vista teorico, mentre nel terzo e quarto capitolo da un punto di vista computazionale sfruttando tecniche CFD. Nel primo capitolo è stata fatta una trattazione generale dei ventilatori centrifughi, concentrandosi sul tipo di problematiche a cui questi vanno incontro. Nel secondo capitolo è stata presentata la teoria che sta alla base di una rilevazione sperimentale e di un’analisi acustica. Unitamente a ciò sono stati riportati alcuni articoli che mostrano tecniche di ottimizzazione acustica in ventilatori centrifughi. Nel terzo capitolo è stata riassunta la teoria alla base della fluidodinamica e di uno studio fluidodinamico. Nel quarto capitolo viene spiegato come è stato creato il modello fluidodinamico. Si è optato per un’analisi del problema in stato stazionario, sfruttando il Moving Reference Frame, e considerando l’aria come incomprimibile, visto il ridotto numero di Mach. L’analisi acustica è stata effettuata nel post-processing sfruttando il modello di Proudman. Infine è stata dimostrata la correlazione che intercorre tra i tre punti della curva resistente del ventilatore di funzionamento reale, permettendo di estendere i risultati ricavati dalla analisi di uno di questi agli altri due. Nel quinto capitolo è stata effettuata un’analisi dei risultati ottenuti dalle simulazioni fluidodinamiche e sono state proposte diverse modifiche della geometria. La modifica scelta ha visto un miglioramento delle prestazioni e una minore rumorosità. Infine sono state proposte nelle conclusioni ulteriori possibili strade da percorre per un’indagine e ottimizzazione del ventilatore più accurata.


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Nell'ambito dei motori ad accensione comandata, la comprensione del processo di accensione e delle prime fasi di sviluppo del kernel è di primaria importanza per lo studio dell'intero processo di combustione, dal momento che questi determinano lo sviluppo successivo del fronte di fiamma. Dal punto di vista fisico, l'accensione coinvolge un vasto numero di fenomeni di natura molto complessa, come processi di ionizzazione e passaggio di corrente nei gas: molti di questi avvengono con tempi caratteristici che ne impediscono la simulazione tramite le attuali tecniche CFD. Si rende pertanto necessario sviluppare modelli semplificati che possano descrivere correttamente il fenomeno, a fronte di tempi di calcolo brevi. In quest'ottica, il presente lavoro di tesi punta a fornire una descrizione accurata degli aspetti fisici dell'accensione, cercando di metterne in evidenza gli aspetti principali e le criticità. A questa prima parte di carattere prettamente teorico, segue la presentazione del modello di accensione sviluppato presso il DIN dell'Università di Bologna dal Prof. Bianche e dall'Ing. Falfari e la relativa implementazione tramite il nuovo codice CONVERGE CFD: la validazione è infine condotta riproducendo un caso test ben noto il letteratura, che mostrerà un buon accordo tra valori numerici e sperimentali a conferma della validità del modello.


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All relevant international standards for determining if a metallic rod is flammable in oxygen utilize some form of “promoted ignition” test. In this test, for a given pressure, an overwhelming ignition source is coupled to the end of the test sample and the designation flammable or nonflammable is based upon the amount burned, that is, a burn criteria. It is documented that (1) the initial temperature of the test sample affects the burning of the test sample both (a) in regards to the pressure at which the sample will support burning (threshold pressure) and (b) the rate at which the sample is melted (regression rate of the melting interface); and, (2) the igniter used affects the test sample by heating it adjacent to the igniter as ignition occurs. Together, these facts make it necessary to ensure, if a metallic material is to be considered flammable at the conditions tested, that the burn criteria will exclude any region of the test sample that may have undergone preheating during the ignition process. A two-dimensional theoretical model was developed to describe the transient heat transfer occurring and resultant temperatures produced within this system. Several metals (copper, aluminum, iron, and stainless steel) and ignition promoters (magnesium, aluminum, and Pyrofuze®) were evaluated for a range of oxygen pressures between 0.69 MPa (100 psia) and 34.5 MPa (5,000 psia). A MATLAB® program was utilized to solve the developed model that was validated against (1) a published solution for a similar system and (2) against experimental data obtained during actual tests at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration White Sands Test Facility. The validated model successfully predicts temperatures within the test samples with agreement between model and experiment increasing as test pressure increases and/or distance from the promoter increases. Oxygen pressure and test sample thermal diffusivity were shown to have the largest effect on the results. In all cases evaluated, there is no significant preheating (above about 38°C/100°F) occurring at distances greater than 30 mm (1.18 in.) during the time the ignition source is attached to the test sample. This validates a distance of 30 mm (1.18 in.) above the ignition promoter as a burn length upon which a definition of flammable can be based for inclusion in relevant international standards (that is, burning past this length will always be independent of the ignition event for the ignition promoters considered here. KEYWORDS: promoted ignition, metal combustion, heat conduction, thin fin, promoted combustion, burn length, burn criteria, flammability, igniter effects, heat affected zone.


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Isolation of a faulted segment, from either side of a fault, in a radial feeder that has several converter interfaced DGs is a challenging task when current sensing protective devices are employed. The protective device, even if it senses a downstream fault, may not operate if fault current level is low due to the current limiting operation of converters. In this paper, a new inverse type relay is introduced based on line admittance measurement to protect a distribution network, which has several converter interfaced DGs. The basic operation of this relay, its grading and reach settings are explained. Moreover a method is proposed to compensate the fault resistance such that the relay operation under this condition is reliable. Then designed relay performances are evaluated in a radial distribution network. The results are validated through PSCAD/EMTDC simulation and MATLAB calculations.


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The validation of Computed Tomography (CT) based 3D models takes an integral part in studies involving 3D models of bones. This is of particular importance when such models are used for Finite Element studies. The validation of 3D models typically involves the generation of a reference model representing the bones outer surface. Several different devices have been utilised for digitising a bone’s outer surface such as mechanical 3D digitising arms, mechanical 3D contact scanners, electro-magnetic tracking devices and 3D laser scanners. However, none of these devices is capable of digitising a bone’s internal surfaces, such as the medullary canal of a long bone. Therefore, this study investigated the use of a 3D contact scanner, in conjunction with a microCT scanner, for generating a reference standard for validating the internal and external surfaces of a CT based 3D model of an ovine femur. One fresh ovine limb was scanned using a clinical CT scanner (Phillips, Brilliance 64) with a pixel size of 0.4 mm2 and slice spacing of 0.5 mm. Then the limb was dissected to obtain the soft tissue free bone while care was taken to protect the bone’s surface. A desktop mechanical 3D contact scanner (Roland DG Corporation, MDX 20, Japan) was used to digitise the surface of the denuded bone. The scanner was used with the resolution of 0.3 × 0.3 × 0.025 mm. The digitised surfaces were reconstructed into a 3D model using reverse engineering techniques in Rapidform (Inus Technology, Korea). After digitisation, the distal and proximal parts of the bone were removed such that the shaft could be scanned with a microCT (µCT40, Scanco Medical, Switzerland) scanner. The shaft, with the bone marrow removed, was immersed in water and scanned with a voxel size of 0.03 mm3. The bone contours were extracted from the image data utilising the Canny edge filter in Matlab (The Mathswork).. The extracted bone contours were reconstructed into 3D models using Amira 5.1 (Visage Imaging, Germany). The 3D models of the bone’s outer surface reconstructed from CT and microCT data were compared against the 3D model generated using the contact scanner. The 3D model of the inner canal reconstructed from the microCT data was compared against the 3D models reconstructed from the clinical CT scanner data. The disparity between the surface geometries of two models was calculated in Rapidform and recorded as average distance with standard deviation. The comparison of the 3D model of the whole bone generated from the clinical CT data with the reference model generated a mean error of 0.19±0.16 mm while the shaft was more accurate(0.08±0.06 mm) than the proximal (0.26±0.18 mm) and distal (0.22±0.16 mm) parts. The comparison between the outer 3D model generated from the microCT data and the contact scanner model generated a mean error of 0.10±0.03 mm indicating that the microCT generated models are sufficiently accurate for validation of 3D models generated from other methods. The comparison of the inner models generated from microCT data with that of clinical CT data generated an error of 0.09±0.07 mm Utilising a mechanical contact scanner in conjunction with a microCT scanner enabled to validate the outer surface of a CT based 3D model of an ovine femur as well as the surface of the model’s medullary canal.


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Bananas are susceptible to a diverse range of biotic and abiotic stresses, many of which cause serious production constraints worldwide. One of the most destructive banana diseases is Fusarium wilt caused by the soil-borne fungus, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc). No effective control strategy currently exists for this disease which threatens global banana production. Although disease resistance exists in some wild bananas, attempts to introduce resistance into commercially acceptable bananas by conventional breeding have been hampered by low fertility, long generation times and association of poor agronomical traits with resistance genes. With the advent of reliable banana transformation protocols, molecular breeding is now regarded as a viable alternative strategy to generate disease-resistant banana plants. Recently, a novel strategy involving the expression of anti-apoptosis genes in plants was shown to result in resistance against several necrotrophic fungi. Further, the transgenic plants showed increased resistance to a range of abiotic stresses. In this thesis, the use of anti-apoptosis genes to generate transgenic banana plants with resistance to Fusarium wilt was investigated. Since water stress is an important abiotic constraint to banana production, the resistance of the transgenic plants to water stress was also examined. Embryogenic cell suspensions (ECS) of two commercially important banana cultivars, Grand Naine (GN) and Lady Finger (LF), were transformed using Agrobacterium with the anti-apoptosis genes, Bcl-xL, Bcl-xL G138A, Ced-9 and Bcl- 2 3’ UTR. An interesting, and potentially important, outcome was that the use of anti-apoptosis genes resulted in up to a 50-fold increase in Agrobacterium-mediated transformation efficiency of both LF and GN cells over vector controls. Regenerated plants were subjected to a complete molecular characterisation in order to detect the presence of the transgene (PCR), transcript (RT-PCR) and gene product (Western blot) and to determine the gene copy number (Southern blot). A total of 36 independently-transformed GN lines (8 x Bcl-xL, 5 x Bcl-xL G138A, 15 x Ced-9 and 8 x Bcl-2 3’ UTR) and 41 independently-transformed LF lines (8 x Bcl-xL, 7 x BclxL G138A, 13 x Ced-9 and 13 x Bcl-2 3’ UTR) were identified. The 41 transgenic LF lines were multiplied and clones from each line were acclimatised and grown under glasshouse conditions for 8 weeks to allow monitoring for phenotypic abnormalities. Plants derived from 3 x Bcl-xL, 2 x Ced-9 and 5 x Bcl-2 3’ UTR lines displayed a variety of aberrant phenotypes. However, all but one of these abnormalities were off-types commonly observed in tissue-cultured, non-transgenic banana plants and were therefore unlikely to be transgene-related. Prior to determining the resistance of the transgenic plants to Foc race 1, the apoptotic effects of the fungus on both wild-type and Bcl-2 3’ UTR-transgenic LF banana cells were investigated using rapid in vitro root assays. The results from these assays showed that apoptotic-like cell death was elicited in wild-type banana root cells as early as 6 hours post-exposure to fungal spores. In contrast, these effects were attenuated in the root cells of Bcl-2 3’ UTR-transgenic lines that were exposed to fungal spores. Thirty eight of the 41 transgenic LF lines were subsequently assessed for resistance to Foc race 1 in small-plant glasshouse bioassays. To overcome inconsistencies in rating the internal (vascular discolouration) disease symptoms, a MatLab-based computer program was developed to accurately and reliably assess the level of vascular discolouration in banana corms. Of the transgenic LF banana lines challenged with Foc race 1, 2 x Bcl-xL, 3 x Ced-9, 2 x Bcl-2 3’ UTR and 1 x Bcl-xL G138A-transgenic line were found to show significantly less external and internal symptoms than wild-type LF banana plants used as susceptible controls at 12 weeks post-inoculation. Of these lines, Bcl-2 3’ UTR-transgenic line #6 appeared most resistant, displaying very mild symptoms similar to the wild-type Cavendish banana plants that were included as resistant controls. This line remained resistant for up to 23 weeks post-inoculation. Since anti-apoptosis genes have been shown to confer resistance to various abiotic stresses in other crops, the ability of these genes to confer resistance against water stress in banana was also investigated. Clonal plants derived from each of the 38 transgenic LF banana plants were subjected to water stress for a total of 32 days. Several different lines of transgenic plants transformed with either Bcl-xL, Bcl-xL G138A, Ced-9 or Bcl-2 3’ UTR showed a delay in visual water stress symptoms compared with the wild-type control plants. These plants all began producing new growth from the pseudostem following daily rewatering for one month. In an attempt to determine whether the protective effect of anti-apoptosis genes in transgenic banana plants was linked with reactive oxygen species (ROS)-associated programmed cell death (PCD), the effect of the chloroplast-targeting, ROS-inducing herbicide, Paraquat, on wild-type and transgenic LF was investigated. When leaf discs from wild-type LF banana plants were exposed to 10 ìM Paraquat, complete decolourisation occurred after 48 hours which was confirmed to be associated with cell death and ROS production by trypan blue and 3,3-diaminobenzidine (DAB) staining, respectively. When leaf discs from the transgenic lines were exposed to Paraquat, those derived from some lines showed a delay in decolourisation, suggesting only a weak protective effect from the transgenes. Finally, the protective effect of anti-apoptosis genes against juglone, a ROS-inducing phytotoxin produced by the causal agent of black Sigatoka, Mycosphaerella fijiensis, was investigated. When leaf discs from wild-type LF banana plants were exposed to 25 ppm juglone, complete decolourisation occurred after 48 hours which was again confirmed to be associated with cell death and ROS production by trypan blue and DAB staining, respectively. Further, TdT-mediated dUTP nick-end labelling (TUNEL) assays on these discs suggested that the cell death was apoptotic. When leaf discs from the transgenic lines were exposed to juglone, discs from some lines showed a clear delay in decolourisation, suggesting a protective effect. Whether these plants are resistant to black Sigatoka is unknown and will require future glasshouse and field trials. The work presented in this thesis provides the first report of the use of anti-apoptosis genes as a strategy to confer resistance to Fusarium wilt and water stress in a nongraminaceous monocot, banana. Such a strategy may be exploited to generate resistance to necrotrophic pathogens and abiotic stresses in other economically important crop plants.


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Employing multilevel inverters is a proper solution to reduce harmonic content of output voltage and electromagnetic interference in high power electronic applications. In this paper, a new pulse width modulation method for multilevel inverters is proposed in which power devices’ on-off switching times have been considered. This method can be surveyed in order to analyse the effect of switching time on harmonic contents of output voltage in high frequency applications when a switching time is not negligible compared to a switching cycle. Fast Fourier transform calculation and analysis of output voltage waveforms and harmonic contents with regard to switching time variation are presented in this paper for a single phase (3, 5)-level inverters used in high voltage and high frequency converters. Mathematical analysis and MATLAB simulation results have been carried out to validate the proposed method.