898 resultados para Telephone selling


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Este trabalho visa analisar as implicações da Lei n. 12.690 de 2012 para as cooperativas de trabalho em relação à situação organizacional, socioeconômica e às condições gerais de trabalho, em particular, no caso das cooperativas de catadores de material recicláveis. A pesquisa tem caráter exploratório e qualitativo. Como procedimento, adotou-se a revisão da literatura, complementada com entrevistas dirigidas às lideranças de cooperativas de catadores localizadas no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. É inegável que esta lei é um marco para os trabalhadores de cooperativas. Dentre outros, ela visa regulamentar os aspectos socioeconômicos da organização e propiciar garantias mínimas nas relações de trabalho, tais como: número mínimo de sete trabalhadores para abrir uma cooperativa; retirada de um salário mínimo mensal; remuneração do trabalho noturno superior à do diurno; duração do trabalho não superior a oito horas diárias e 44 horas semanais; repouso semanal remunerado; além de estabelecer em assembleia, os fundos para possibilitar outros direitos dos sócios, dentre eles a saúde e segurança no trabalho. O estudo concluiu que considerável parte dos entrevistados desconhece a referida lei e que o fator econômico é um dos aspectos de maior impacto na sua aplicação. Contudo, eles poderão ser superados com a efetividade das políticas públicas a fim de compensar os custos adicionais que terão as cooperativas com a aplicação desta lei. Recomenda-se a implantação de programas municipais de coleta seletiva de resíduos com a participação ativa dos catadores, como determina a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, sendo fundamental o envolvimento de todos os setores da sociedade. Além disso, que a nova lei das cooperativas de trabalho seja mais divulgada e debatida com os setores interessados. Deve-se aperfeiçoar os programas dirigidos às cooperativas de catadores, com maior incentivo à reciclagem, através da redução ou isenção dos impostos para as atividades de reciclagem e dos materiais reciclados, por exemplo. Nas áreas de saúde e segurança do trabalho, é importante a criação de normas específicas para esta categoria de trabalhadores em conformidade com a sua realidade. Espera-se que a pesquisa contribua para a melhor aplicação prática da lei analisada nas cooperativas. Como proposta de estudos futuros, sugere-se a criação de indicadores para o monitoramento da aplicação da Lei n. 12.690 de 2012 após a sua regulamentação, os quais poderão ser utilizados com a finalidade de garantir a melhoria contínua e fortalecer as cooperativas de trabalho, em particular, as de catadores de materiais recicláveis.


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The crab (swimming crab; Portunus pelagicus) fishery in coastal Cambodia appears to have declined in recent years due to over-fishing and a growth in the number of fishermen, but remains an important source of income for households along the coast. Several initiatives have started since 2007, with support from NGOs, international organizations and the Fisheries Administration (FiA), to test stock enhancement techniques through the release of crab larvae. The so-called “crab bank” initiative involves keeping harvested gravid crabs alive in cages for a few days until they spawn, instead of immediately selling them for consumption or processing. In Cambodia, this initiative has developed within the framework of Community Fisheries (CFis) and thus implies a communitybased approach. The FiA has promoted the continuation of such initiatives; however, the nature of crab fisheries and the results from crab bank initiatives have not been documented in detail. The scope of this study was to understand the diversity of approaches to crab bank development in Cambodia, as well as their operational status and the challenges faced at differen


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This is the Roy of the Rivers (cartoon) report produced by the National Rivers Authority (NRA) South West Region. This NRA document is a leaflet comic format which looks at the fishing and safe issues in rivers. This comic highlights the community policing to help guard the water environment. It gives a 24 hour emergency number and three steps to be followed in case of pollution, dead, distressed fish or suspects someone of illegally catching or selling fish.


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Este estudo avaliou o potencial da Telemedicina como suporte complementar a assistência ambulatorial na monitoração de sintomas em pacientes com câncer avançado. Foram acompanhados 12 pacientes do ambulatório do Núcleo de Cuidados Paliativos do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (NCP-HUPE) de janeiro de 2011 a agosto de 2013. Mensalmente foram feitas consultas ambulatoriais pela médica e equipe multidisciplinar. Neste intervalo, os pacientes do domicilio, através de seus computadores pessoais se conectaram ao Laboratório de TeleSSaúde UERJ pelo serviço de webconferências interagindo com a mesma médica assistente do ambulatório. Os pacientes também tiveram acesso à médica por celular e email. A cada entrevista (presencial e remota) foi aplicada a Escala de Avaliação de Sintomas de Edmonton [Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS)], e coletado outros dados quanto a outras queixas biopsicossociais e espirituais, agravos à saúde, qualidade de áudio e vídeo da conexão, avaliação dos familiares com a Telemedicina e interferência da Telemedicina quanto ao local do óbito do paciente. Houve dificuldade na seleção dos pacientes, pois o HUPE é um hospital público cuja população assistida tem, caracteristicamente, baixa escolaridade, nível socioeconômico restrito e pouca habilidade com informática. O tempo médio de acompanhamento foi de 195 dias (DP 175,11; range: 11-553 dias). Todos receberam diagnóstico de câncer avançado e tinham dificuldades com locomoção. Sem dúvidas, a ESAS favoreceu a comunicação dos sintomas com os profissionais de saúde; porém, condições clínicas e controle dos sintomas singulares, avaliados em momentos distintos e sujeitos a influências diversas, impedem conclusões em relação às pretensas vantagens. Acompanhamento clínico, detecção de agravos à saúde e de sintomas físicos, psicossociais e espirituais foram possíveis de ser observados pela Telemedicina, confirmados e medicados nas consultas presenciais. A conexão para webconferência foi estabelecida por familiares, pois nenhum paciente operava computadores. O óbito domiciliar ocorreu em 41,67% e todos, mesmo os óbitos hospitalares, receberam suporte à distância do NCP. Durante o estudo foram feitos 305 contatos: 110 consultas presenciais a pacientes e familiares e 195 por Telemedicina (77 webconferências, 38 telefonemas e 80 emails). Todos os familiares referiram satisfação com o suporte oferecido. A Telemedicina permitiu maior acesso ao sistema de saúde (maior número de contatos), reduziu a busca por serviços de emergência, ajudou o controle dos sintomas e proporcionou orientações e segurança aos familiares. Este suporte favoreceu intervenções precoces e proativas e assistência continuada até o óbito. A Telemedicina demonstrou ser um bom adjuvante na monitoração e gerenciamento de sintomas de pacientes em cuidados paliativos em domicílio, não substituindo, mas complementando a assistência presencial.


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As modificações nas relações de prestação de serviço, decorrentes da sofisticação da sociedade pós-industrial, são notórias. Os trabalhadores dos dias atuais ainda são homens e mulheres que vivem da venda de sua força de trabalho, contudo, além do trabalhador operário há o surgimento de uma nova classe de trabalhadores: o trabalhador autônomo. Com isso a subordinação se tornou um importante elemento diferenciador das relações de trabalho. A visão do trabalho subordinado, um dos elementos da relação de emprego, foi construída a partir de um modelo tradicional de trabalhador. Logo, o que se pretende analisar no decorrer desta pesquisa é se o critério da subordinação presente na Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho ainda pode ser capaz de representar todas as relações de trabalho subordinada. Isto porque está se desenvolvendo uma prática de prestação de serviço na qual o profissional liberal presta o seu serviço com restrição na sua autonomia, o que denotaria a subordinação do trabalhador intelectual, mas que não se concretiza em virtude do ato formal que reveste essa relação. Estes profissionais recebem a nomenclatura de autônomo-subordinados, porque apesar de serem contratados como autônomos desempenham a sua função de modo subordinado. Esta prática possui desdobramentos negativos, como a ausência de direitos trabalhistas e previdenciários aos trabalhadores autônomo-subordinados, além da confusão social a que estão submetidos. Tais aspectos serão abordados no decorrer deste estudo, o qual utilizou como método de abordagem o dedutivo-indutivo, e também o método de procedimento bibliográfico dissertativo-argumentativo. Ao final deste trabalhou chegou-se a conclusão de que o conceito clássico de subordinação precisa ser readequado para atender a uma nova realidade do trabalho, a do trabalhador autônomo-subordinado.


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Partindo-se do pressuposto que a cidade do Rio de Janeiro possui valores socioculturais muito parecidos com o das grandes metrópoles ocidentais, onde a mídia tem o poder de ditar regras e valores para a estimulação de um consumismo desenfreado, acreditamos que as adolescentes cariocas se encontram insatisfeitas com sua imagem corporal. Para analisar essa questão, fomos a campo investigar, por meio da aplicação do Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ), a existência ou não de insatisfação com a imagem corporal nessas adolescentes, bem como quantificar essa insatisfação e verificar se existem fatores associados a ela. A coleta dos dados foi realizada no segundo semestre de 2009, em escolas municipais espalhadas por toda a cidade do Rio de Janeiro, tendo sido o questionário aplicado a 1083 adolescentes do sexo feminino que tinham entre 14 e 15 anos de idade. Foi verificado que a insatisfação com a auto-imagem pode surgir facilmente na adolescência e está associada a fatores como peso corporal, atividade física e uso de diurético. Sabendo-se que a mídia possui o poder de ditar as normas sobre a estética corporal e que, além disso, as adolescentes lêem as chamadas revistas teens para sanar suas dúvidas referentes às representações do corpo (Bertolli e Talamoni, 2007), outro escopo dessa investigação foi identificar, por meio da análise do discurso proposta por Orlandi (1996), quais as estratégias que essas revistas utilizam para persuadir as adolescentes a se tornarem ávidas consumidoras dos produtos contidos em suas páginas. A revista Todateen, por ser destinada predominantemente ao público feminino jovem e por apresentar quantidade crescente de exemplares efetivamente vendidos no mercado, sendo a segunda revista mais lida pelas adolescentes, foi a escolhida para ser analisada. Como direcionamento para a análise proposta, foi utilizada como base a grade analítica proposta por Serra e Santos (2003), que se propõe a identificar quem fala, ou seja, quem é o legitimador do discurso, quem intermedeia o discurso e quais são os modos do dizer desse discurso. O principal objetivo dessa investigação foi identificar as estratégias que são utilizadas explícita e implicitamente pela linha editorial da Todateen com a finalidade de persuadir as adolescentes ao consumo de suas mercadorias e serviços. Ao que parece, a revista está muito mais interessada nas questões mercadológicas e capitalistas da venda dos produtos de suas páginas do que no ensinamento às adolescentes das reais questões referentes à função social do corpo. Dessa forma, os trabalhos aqui presentes se complementam, por possibilitarem a identificação da insatisfação com a imagem corporal nas adolescentes cariocas, além de demonstrarem como essa insatisfação pode estar sendo causada pela desmedida maneira como a mídia divulga padrões estéticos estereotipados que devem ser seguidos e consumidos pelas adolescentes


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Technological investment is an important driver of innovation and the evaluation of technology potential is becoming increasingly important in this context. Although there is a range of possible approaches and tools for understanding and communicating the value of technology to potential customers, not all are useful or accessible in practice, where the situation is often complex and constantly evolving. Although many companies have their own customised processes in place for securing approval for technology development, often combining several techniques, very few empirical studies have been performed to learn from these practices and provide an overall view of the process of ";selling"; technologies internally or externally. In this paper, the current literature and practice related to technology valuation is reviewed and summarised in a five step process for building a business case for technology investment that gives guidance on where and when to use specific valuation tools. The seller or proposer's perspective is taken and consultative sales techniques incorporated. This provides a flexible reference for R&D managers and adds to the body of literature on the selection and use of valuation tools. A user friendly guide has been published detailing the five step approach. © 2011 IEEE.


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Purpose - In recent years there has been increasing interest in Product Service Systems (PSSs) as a business model for selling integrated product and service offerings. To date, there has been extensive research into the benefits of PSS to manufacturers and their customers, but there has been limited research into the effect of PSS on the upstream supply chain. This paper seeks to address this gap in the research. Design/methodology/approach - The research uses case-based research which is appropriate for exploratory research of this type. In-depth interviews were conducted with key personnel in a focal firm and two members of its supply chain, and the results were analysed to identify emergent themes.b Findings - The research has identified differences in supplier behaviour dependent on their role in PSS delivery and their relationship with the PSS provider. In particular, it suggests that for a successful partnership it is important to align the objectives between PSS provider and suppliers. Originality/value - This research provides a detailed investigation into a PSS supply chain and highlights the complexity of roles and relationships among the organizations within it. It will be of value to other PSS researchers and organizations transitioning to the delivery of PSS. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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In natural languages multiple word sequences can represent the same underlying meaning. Only modelling the observed surface word sequence can result in poor context coverage, for example, when using n-gram language models (LM). To handle this issue, this paper presents a novel form of language model, the paraphrastic LM. A phrase level transduction model that is statistically learned from standard text data is used to generate paraphrase variants. LM probabilities are then estimated by maximizing their marginal probability. Significant error rate reductions of 0.5%-0.6% absolute were obtained on a state-ofthe-art conversational telephone speech recognition task using a paraphrastic multi-level LM modelling both word and phrase sequences.


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Technological investment is a key driver of innovation and the evaluation of technology potential is becoming increasingly important in this context. There is a range of approaches and tools for developing an understanding of the value of technology. However the process of communicating this potential to possible customers is not well documented in terms of theory and practice and falls outside the skill set of many technologists. This paper seeks to integrate the concepts of marketing and consultative selling into making business cases for new technologies. It describes an exploratory study which results in an outline process activity model for technologists wishing to build an effective business case for securing investment internally or when selling a technology externally. Following a review of literature, we suggest that there is potential to learn from market research and consultative sales techniques, and propose a five step process. The work has been industrially validated and forms a novel foundation for further development. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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In natural languages multiple word sequences can represent the same underlying meaning. Only modelling the observed surface word sequence can result in poor context coverage, for example, when using n-gram language models (LM). To handle this issue, paraphrastic LMs were proposed in previous research and successfully applied to a US English conversational telephone speech transcription task. In order to exploit the complementary characteristics of paraphrastic LMs and neural network LMs (NNLM), the combination between the two is investigated in this paper. To investigate paraphrastic LMs' generalization ability to other languages, experiments are conducted on a Mandarin Chinese broadcast speech transcription task. Using a paraphrastic multi-level LM modelling both word and phrase sequences, significant error rate reductions of 0.9% absolute (9% relative) and 0.5% absolute (5% relative) were obtained over the baseline n-gram and NNLM systems respectively, after a combination with word and phrase level NNLMs. © 2013 IEEE.


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This thesis has investigated the risk preferences of the Chinese company managers in kinds of simulated decision situations and their perceptions of risk concerning types of business decisions. Four studies are conducted: Study I is utility analysis. 214 company managers and 46 middle - school headmasters have responded to Utility Measurement Survey. The results indicate: (1) The risk preferences of the managers vary in the different decision situations. In most of the situations, most of the managers are risk aversion; In few situations, they are risk-seeking. (2) In some of the decision situations, there are significant differences on risk preference between business managers and school headmasters, male managers and female managers, senior managers and junior managers, managers with high qualifications and managers with low qualifications, non-state-owned firms' managers and state-owned firms' managers, medium-small sized firms' managers and large-sized firms' managers. In the other situations there aren't significant differences between them. (3) In all of the decision situations, so significant differences on risk preference are found among managers with different marriage, experience, age and education. Study II is risky decision simulation. The Risky Decision Situations Simulation Survey is administered to 82 company managers. The result indicates that firm culture, business condition, survival limit and risk preference of the superior influence the managers' risk decision-making behavior. Study III is perceptions of business decision risks. 68 company managers have filled in Decision Cases Risk Perception Inventory. The results indicate: (1) Inaccurate market analysis and prediction, instable politics and the changes of economic policy are the more risky elements to strategy decision. (2) Erroneous market analysis and prediction, appearance of new technology and the changes of market demands are the more risky elements to investment decision. (3) Poor quality control, backward technology and too large stocks are the more risky elements to production decision. (4) Shortage of development fund, wrong choice in development project and limitation of the development ability are the more risky elements to new production development decision. (5) No payment of the foreign partner's capital, the changes of national relevant policy, difficulty in marketing, too high selling prices of foreign partner's equipments are the more risky elements to joint-venture decision. (6) Unfamilarity with oneself and misjudgement in qualification of oneself are the more risky elements to personnel decision. (7) Bad market of the product, defects in product quality and the changes of consumers demands are the more risky elements to marketing decision. (8) Wrong strategy and ambiguous goals are the more risky elements to public relation decision. (9) Violation of the law, ambiguous goals and poor creation are the more risky elements to advertisement decision. (10) Deterioration of diplomatic relations, unsuitable products for foreign consumers and unfamilarity with foreign market are the more risky elements to international business decision. Study IV is structured interview. 5 company managers have answered all questions of the Interview Questionnaire. The results indicate: (1) The managers think that risks are the possible unfavourable consequences of decisions; (2) The self-ratings of the managers coordinate with the results of utility measurement; (3) The managers admit that risks always accompany bussiness decision; (4) Individual difference is found among managers on risk perception. This thesis has also pointed out the important implications of the research and discussed several further questions.


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In the early part of this century, with the change from the seller's market to the buyer market, the competition between companies changed from product competition, selling competition to corporate image competition, and companies began to consciously build corporate reputation through fast developed mass media. As a result, a series of methods to build corporate image were created, such as advertising, public relations and corporate identify system(CIS), which ,in turn, promoted the development of the research of corporate image. The factors of corporate image have been the central issue of the corporate image research, for the probe of this issue is of great significance to both the development of corporate image theory and the practice of corporate image building. As far as the literature we have gathered is concerned, the exiting research on this topic either remains at the level of qualitative investigating and induction, or is limited in some particular industry. Therefore. There bean no commonly accepted corporate image theory so far. In the recent years, with the introduction of competition mechanism and the establishment of the company. As subject position in the market, the building of corporate image gas been developed quickly in our country, and the development of practice imperatively requires the guide of scientific theory. On the basis of the analysis and summarization of the research of the predecessors, the present dissertation attempts to do some investigation and research work on the common and individual characteristics of corporate image factors of the companies in different industries in our country. The method of questionnaire survey is used in the present research. The subject sample is gathered on the basis of convenience and feasibility, and at the mean time, some consideration is also given to straticulate randomization principles. The subjects are asked to select one of their most familiar companies, and determine the important of even item in the questionnaire to the selected company(i.e. the importance assessment), and then, determine the grades the selected company gains on every item(i.e. the image assessment). The discriminant analysis of corporate image of different industries. The selected sample is grouped and coded according to the standard of industry classification. The discriminant analysis is done with the selected companies as the sample and the grades of image assessment as the variables. The result indicates that industry variable is an important standard of the classification of corporate image, and the companies in the same industry are more similar in corporate image. The analysis of the common and individual characteristics of corporate image of different industries. Firstly, in every industry, the items are sieved according to the grades of importance assessment, and exploratory factor analysis is done with grades of image assessment on the selected items as the variables. Secondly, the factors drawn from every industry in arranged in order according to their importance. The result indicates that the corporate image of different industries shares some common characteristics, for there exist common factors among different industries. In the mean while, the corporate image of different industries has its individual characteristics, that is, there is some difference in the domain of the factors, and in the order of the factors(including the difference of the principle factor).


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The study explored consumers' evaluation factor system and the zone of tolerance in the service quality, and the impact on consumer behavior in two branches of trade: the shopping center and the architectural material corporation, with the method of questionnaire survey. The main conclusions are as following: 1) The basic factors on service quality of shopping center are five, such as assurance、tangibles、the services of the post-selling、convenience and reliability. 2) There are also five factors on service quality of the architectural material corporation, such as the supplying of the products, the abilities of the salesmen, courtesy, package and the information. 3) The zones of tolerance of the factors in service quality are difference. In some way, they reflect the importance of the factors. 4) the service quality and its factors have positive impacts on the consumer behaviors. 5) In the branch of glass producing in our country, the service quality of a corporation is significant below the ideal level, even if it is a good one which the consumers expressed positive purchase intention on the corporate. The service quality of the coporate on which the consumers expressed uncertain purchase intention, is in nearby of the minimum acceptable level.