972 resultados para Sport Club Internacional.
OBJETIVO: Describir la experiencia en la implementación de un Sistema de Registro de Trauma (SRT) en dos hospitales en Cali, Colombia. MÉTODOS: El SRT incluye información prehospitalaria, hospitalaria y estatus de egreso del paciente. Cada hospital tiene una estrategia para la captura electrónica de datos. Se presenta un análisis descriptivo exploratorio durante un piloto de tres meses. RESULTADOS: Se han registrado 3293 pacientes, 1626(49.4%) del Hospital Público y 1613(50.6%) en el Privado. 67.2% fueron hombres; edad promedio 30,5±20 años, 30,5% menores de 18 años. Mortalidad global 3,52 %. Causa más frecuente de consulta fueron las caídas (33,7%); 11.6% fueron heridas por arma de fuego, la mortalidad en este grupo fue del 44.7%. CONCLUSIÓN: Se determinaron las necesidades para la implementación del SRT y los mecanismos para darle continuidad. El registro se convierte en una fuente de información para el desarrollo de la investigación. Se identificaron las causas de consulta, morbilidad y muerte por trauma que permitirá una mejor planeación de los servicios de urgencias y del sistema regional de trauma con el fin de optimizar y de reducir los costos de atención. A partir de este sistema de información de trauma se podrán plantear los ajustes indispensables para rediseñar el sistema de trauma y emergencias del suroccidente colombiano.
Yökerhon mainoskortti. Saksankielinen
OBJETIVO: testar a reprodutibilidade entre observadores das medidas e do estádio da distopia genital pela classificação do prolapso pélvico feminino preconizada pela Sociedade Internacional de Continência (ICS). MÉTODOS: foram avaliadas 51 pacientes atendidas no setor de Uroginecologia e Cirurgia Vaginal do Departamento de Ginecologia da UNIFESP/EPM durante investigação uroginecológica. Descrevemos a localização dos pontos propostos pela classificação da ICS, sendo dois na parede vaginal anterior, dois no ápice vaginal, dois na parede vaginal posterior, além do hiato genital, corpo perineal e comprimento vaginal total. A seguir, realizamos o estadiamento da distopia genital baseada nesta classificação. O procedimento foi realizado por dois investigadores diferentes sem contato prévio entre eles. A reprodutibilidade das nove medidas sítio-específicas e do estádio final foi analisada pela correlação de Pearson e a média dos pontos específicos pelo teste de t-pareado. RESULTADOS: houve correlação significativa e substancial para as medidas avaliadas. O índice de correlação para o ponto Aa foi de 0,89 (p<0,0001), ponto Ba de 0,90 (p<0,0001), ponto C de 0,97 (p<0,0001), ponto Ap de 0,72 (p<0,0001), ponto Bp de 0,84 (p<0,0001), ponto D de 0,91 (p<0,0001), hiato genital de 0,65 (p<0,0001), corpo perineal de 0,66 (p<0,0001) e comprimento vaginal total de 0,73 (p<0,0001). Também não se observou variação na média das medidas realizadas pelos dois examinadores. Da mesma forma, o estádio final da distopia foi altamente reprodutível (r = 0,81, p<0,0001). Em nenhuma paciente houve variação maior que um estádio, sendo idênticos em 86,2% dos casos. CONCLUSÕES: existe reprodutibilidade nas medidas obtidas pelo sistema de classificação da distopia genital da Sociedade Internacional de Continência.
There are few studies that approach the epidemiology of deaths in racehorses in a broad manner. The majority focus on a specific affection or procedure. Brazil does not have a program instituted for the monitoring of deaths of horses. By means of a descriptive study in association with a multivariate analysis method, an epidemiologic profile was determined for deaths related to musculoskeletal (MS), gastrointestinal (GI), respiratory (RES) systems, neurologic origin (NEU) and sudden death (SD) for the years of 2002 to 2008, at the Octavio Dupont Veterinary Hospital-Rio de Janeiro (ODVH). Males comprised the majority of deaths and that deaths were related to, decreasing order, MS>GI>SD>NEU>RES, with respect to general mortality rate per large group of determined causes (TSPMr). The majority of deaths registered included horses aged four to five years (ID4-ID5). We observed the following correspondence relations: (3-year period = SM - ID>5 - SD; ID>5 - GI; ID4-5 - MS; SF - ID<4 - RES/ NEU); (4-year period = SM - ID>5 - GI; SF - ID<4 - NEU; ID4-5 - MS; GI - ID>5). The present study points out the importance and necessity of epidemiologic studies of lesions in horses, based on diagnosis for the recognition of predisposing factors and prevention.
Taloudellisen taantuman jälkeen yksi suurimmista puheenaiheista työväestön keskuudessa on tyytymättömyys suhteellisen pieniin yleisiin palkankorotuksiin tai jopa niiden puuttumiseen kokonaan. Vuonna 2013 ei näkyvissä ole sellaisia merkkejä talouskasvusta, että palkkoja voitaisiin merkittävästi korottaa yleisellä tasolla. Tämä seikka nostaa esille kokonaisvaltaisen kannustinjärjestelmän arvon eri organisaatioissa. Henkilöstön kokonaisvaltainen kannustinjärjestelmä on yksi väline, jolla voidaan motivoida, sitouttaa, kehittää ja johtaa nykyisen työelämän tietotyöntekijöitä taloudellisesti kannattavalla tavalla ja sitä kautta vahvistaa organisaation kilpailukykyä sekä paikallisilla että yhä globaalimmilla markkinoilla. Tämä tutkimus toteutettiin konstruktiivisena tutkimuksena tarkoituksenaan henkilöstön kokonaisvaltaisen kannustinjärjestelmän luominen toimeksiantajayrityksen, Sport-Cotton Oy:n liikunta- ja hyvinvointiliiketoiminnan, tarpeisiin. Henkilöstön kokonaisvaltaisen kannustinjärjestelmän perustana ovat organisaation sille asettamat tavoitteet. Kannustinjärjestelmälle asetetut tavoitteet ja reunaehdot määrittelevät käytettävät kannustimet, mutta kannustinjärjestelmästä tekee kokonaisvaltaisen sekä aineettomien että aineellisten kannustimien hyödyntäminen tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi. Järjestelmä ei voi olla kiveen hakattu, sillä organisaatiot ja niiden toimintaympäristöt muuttuvat jatkuvasti. Esimerkiksi teknologisen kehityksen myötä työn luonne muuttuu ja markkinat globalisoituvat, mikä puolestaan voi merkittävästi vaikuttaa kannustinjärjestelmälle asetettuihin tavoitteisiin. Tutkimuksen mukaan henkilöstön kokonaisvaltainen kannustinjärjestelmä voidaan nähdä päivittäisen johtamisen työkaluna, joka on osa organisaation päivittäistä toimintaa. Henkilöstön osallistuminen kannustinjärjestelmän suunnitteluprosessiin on luonnollinen keino osallistaa ja sitouttaa henkilöstöä heihin vaikuttavaan uuteen asiaan ja usein sen mukanaan tuomaan muutokseen. Organisaation kannalta henkilöstön sitouttamisella prosessiin voidaan saavuttaa selkeitä hyötyjä.
In the past few decades, sport has become a major business with remarkable international reach. As part of the commercial sector of sport, professional sport is said to be intrinsically different from other businesses due to its unique characteristics, such as the peculiar economics and the intense loyalty of fans. Simultaneously with the growing business aspect, sport continues to have great social and cultural impacts on our society. Sport has also become an increasingly popular means of attending social problems due to its alleged suitability for such purposes and its popular appeal. A great number of actors in the professional sport industry have long been involved in socially responsible activities, many of which have been sport-related. While Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been extensively studied in general, its role in the professional sport industry has received less attention in the academic research until recently. It has been argued that due to the unique characteristics of professional sport, CSR should also be studied in this particular context. The objective of this study was to contribute to filling the research gap and increase the understanding of CSR in the context of professional sport by examining sport-related CSR realized by professional football clubs in Europe. The theoretical part of this study leaned on previous literature about using sport as a means of attending social issues and the role of CSR in professional sport industry. The empirical part of the study was carried out through web site analyses and interviews. The clubs to be examined were chosen by using purposive sampling technique and taking into consideration the accessibility and suitability of information the clubs could offer. The method used for analyzing the data was qualitative content analysis. The empirical findings were largely in line with the theoretical framework of the study. The sportrelated CSR of the clubs was concentrated on teaching the participants diverse skills and values, improving their health, encouraging social inclusion, supporting disabled people, and promoting overall participation in sport. The clubs also emphasized the importance of local communities as targets of their CSR. CSR had been an integral part of the clubs’ activities from the beginning, but there were remarkable differences between large and small clubs in terms of structured organization and realization of their CSR. Measuring and evaluation of CSR appeared to be a challenge for most clubs regardless of their size and resources. The motives for the clubs to engage in CSR seemed to be related to the clubs’ values or to their stakeholders’ interests. In general, the clubs’ CSR went beyond what the society is likely to expect from them in legal or ethical sense.
The goal of this Master’s Thesis is to investigate the typical perceptions of health club exercise among middle-aged women. This study is conducted for a Finnish health club Viva Wellness Club due to their interest to examine the perceived barriers of middle-aged women to exercise at their health club. In addition, the behavioral beliefs, normative beliefs, motivation and facilitating factors concerning health club exercise are studied. The social aspect of health clubs as social environments is taken into account. The study is conducted qualitatively with semi-structured interviews Eight customers from Viva Wellness Club are interviewed. The findings revealed that the consumers perceived health club exercise as important, effective, diverse and convenient. Despite the fact that some differences were found, the perceptions about exercise in general concurred with the contestants’ perceptions about health club exercise. The perceived barriers to health club exercise encompassed lack of time, tiredness, health restrictions, weather, family commitments and feelings of embarrassment about one’s appearance and condition.
Jatkuvassa muutoksessa olevan työelämän yksi suurimpia haasteita on työntekijöiden työssä jaksaminen ja työhyvinvointi. Vaikka haasteisiin onkin jo puututtu ja esimerkiksi työhyvinvointia mitataan monissa työpaikoissa, olosuhteiden parantaminen vielä asia erikseen. Osasyy siihen, että työhyvinvoinnin parantamiseen ei keskitytä tarpeeksi saattaa olla se, että työhyvinvoinnin merkitystä taloudellisen menestyksen kannalta ei ole pystytty tieteellisesti todistamaan. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkitaan myyntitiimien sisäisiä ominaisuuksia ja erityisesti myyntitiimien organisaatiokansalaisuutta, sen taustatekijöitä ja niiden lineaarista riippuvuussuhdetta myyntitiimin taloudelliseen tulokseen. Tutkielman päätarkoituksena on pyrkiä selvittämään löytyykö myyntitiimin taloudellisen tuloksen ja myyntitiimin organisaatiokansalaisuuden ja sen taustatekijöiden välillä suhdetta, mikä voisi selittää myyntitiimin työhyvinvoinnin ja taloudellisen tuloksen välistä mekaniikkaa. Pääongelma onkin, miten organisaatiokansalaisuus ja sen taustatekijät myyntitiimissä korreloivat tiimin taloudelliseen tuloksen kanssa? Tutkielman teoriaosuudessa keskitytään myyntitiimien teoriaan ja organisaatiokansalaisuuden teoriaan. Tiimien käyttö kaikissa organisaatioissa on yleistynyt valtavasti viime vuosikymmenien aikana. Tiimeistä on tullut organisaatioihin toimintatapa, jolla asiat saadaan toimimaan yksikön funktiosta tai toimialasta huolimatta. Tutkielman toinen teoria liittyy organisaatiokansalaisuuteen. Organisaatiokansalaisuus on johtamisen kirjallisuudesta löytyvä ilmiö, mikä merkitsee työntekijöiden sellaista vapaaehtoista käytöstä, minkä lopputulemana organisaatio menestyy paremmin. Tutkielmassa empiirisessä osassa keskitytään tutkimaan vapaa-ajan vaatteita ja välineitä myyvän Top-Sport Oy:n myyntitiimejä. Tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisena case-tutkimuksena. Tutkimukseen osallistuivat kaikki organisaation 24 myyntitiimiä. Aineisto kerättiin kyselylomakkeen avulla. Kyselylomakkeen sisältö johdettiin tutkielman teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä. Aineiston analysoimisessa käytettiin hyväksi taloustieteen kvantitatiivisia menetelmiä, jonka jälkeen tuloksia tulkittiin teoreettisen viitekehyksen ja tutkijan näkemyksen pohjalta. Tutkielman keskeisinä tuloksina löydettiin, että organisaatiokansalaisuus on positiivisesti korreloiva monien ilmiön taustatekijöiden kuten esimiestyytyväisyyden, ilmapiirin ja sitoutumisen kanssa. Toisaalta organisaatiokansalaisuuden löydettiin korreloivan negatiivisesti myyntitiimin jäsenten työsuhteen keston ja erityisesti myyntitiimin taloudellisen tuloksen kanssa. Johtopäätöksenä tutkielmasta voidaan sanoa, että yleisesti positiivisena ilmiönä pidettyä organisaatiokansalaisuutta tulisi alkaa tarkastella kriittisemmin, koska tutkielman tulosten mukaan organisaatiokansalaisuus ei ole yksiselitteisesti positiivinen ilmiö ainakaan myyntitiimin taloudelliseen tuloksen näkökulmasta.
Este texto analisa dois aspectos que sobressaíram na observação etnográfica de um encontro evangélico internacional, ocorrido em Buenos Aires, entre os dias 22 e 24 de setembro de 2008, conhecido como Breakthrough 2008. Trata-se da articulação entre o global e o nacional o primeiro enaltecido sobretudo pelos organizadores e principais protagonistas do evento, o segundo especialmente pelos fiéis e da busca de poder e conhecimento, percebidos como elementos mobilizadores da participação de pastores e fiéis de diferentes nações no mencionado evento.
Resumo O artigo discute processos de espacialização de missões religiosas de origem protestante ecumênica que atuam junto aos índios, entendendo-os como parte dos mecanismos contemporâneos de formação do Estado e de gestão de territórios e populações. Busca complexificar as interpretações sobre a relação das missões com mecanismos coloniais e pós-coloniais de dominação, explorando a pluralidade de motivações, de formação de alianças e de sentidos veiculados por elas em diferentes espaços geográficos e períodos de tempo. Para isso, examina quatro casos, na Coreia do Sul, Noruega, Argentina e Brasil, analisando os nexos das missões com redes locais e transnacionais de apoio, notadamente no campo do desenvolvimento, dialogando com as discussões metodológicas na antropologia sobre as etnografias multissituadas.
Resumo O artigo propõe uma análise das relações firmadas pela Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD) com o movimento dos meninos de rua no Brasil na década de 1990 e com doadores católicos nas dioceses anglo-galesas. Pretende-se demonstrar que a particularidade da cooperação internacional católica não se encontra, como sugerem Morse e McNamara (2008), na existência de uma delimitada comunidade moral, mas nos tipos de saberes, técnicas e linguagens mobilizados a cada relação: técnico-burocráticos com doadores institucionais e católicos com doadores em paróquias. Tais relações permitem que se faça diferentes tipos de política: desde os movimentos sociais no Brasil em suas lutas específicas até os ativistas católicos britânicos, que tomam a justiça social como expressão de sua fé.
Sustainability, in its modern meaning, has been discussed for more than forty years. However, many experts believe that humanity is still far from being sustainable. Some experts have argued that humanity should seek survivable development because it is too late for sustainable one, since 1990s. Obviously, some problems prevented humanity from becoming sustainable. This thesis focuses on the agenda of sustainability discussions and seeks for the essential topics missing from it. For this purpose, the research is conducted on 21 out of 33 books endorsed by the Club of Rome. All of these books are titled ‘a report to the Club of Rome’. The Club of Rome is an organization that has been constantly working on the problems of humankind for the past 40 years. This thesis has three main components: first, the messages of the reports to the Club of Rome, second, academics perceptions of the Club, and third, the Club member perceptions of its evolution, messages and missing topics. This thesis investigates the evolution of four aspects in the reports. The first one is the agenda of the reports. The second one is the basic approaches of the Club (i.e., global, long-term and holistic). The third one is the ways that the reports treat free market and growth ideology. The fourth one is the approach of the reports toward components of the global complex system (i.e., society, economy and politics). The outline of the thesis is as follows. First, the original reports are briefly summarized. After this, the academic perceptions are discussed and structured around three concepts (i.e., futures studies, sustainability and degrowth). In the final step, the perceptions of the experts are collected and analysed, using a variation of Delphi method, called ‘in-depth interviews’, and ‘quality content analysis’ method. This thesis is useful for those interested in sustainability, global problems, and the Club of Rome. This thesis concludes that the reports from 1972 up to 1980 were cohesive in discussing topics related to the problems of humankind. The topics of the reports are fragmented after this period. The basic approaches of CoR are visible in all the reports. However, after 1980, those approaches and especially holistic thinking are only visible in the background. Regarding the free market and growth ideology, although all the reports are against them, the early reports were more explicitly expressing their disagreement. A milestone is noticeable around 1980 when such objections went completely to the background. However, recent reports are more similar to those of 1970s both in adopting a holistic approach and in explicitly criticizing free market and growth ideology. Finally, concerning the components of global complex system, the society is excluded and the focus of the reports is on politics, economy and their relation. Concerning the topics missing from the debate, this thesis concludes that no major research has been conducted on the fundamental and underlying reasons of the problems (e.g. beliefs, values and culture). Studying the problems without considering their underlying reasons, obviously, leads to superficial and ineffective solutions. This might be one of the reasons that sustainability discussions have as yet led to no concrete result.
It is common that people disagree on a question which athlete or team was the best in a particular sport competition. This thesis attempts to clarify these disputes by analysing the concept of betterness in the context of sport competitions. Betterness can be interpersonal, intrapersonal or a combination of the two. I focus on interpersonal betterness, that is, on superiority. For example, interpersonal betterness may be contested in a football match between the national teams of Germany and Argentina. My aim is to provide a philosophical account of interpersonal betterness. The account has two functions: descriptive and normative. It describes the shapes and forms in which superiority is instantiated in sport competitions. It also provides a consistent and accurate way to discuss superiority. The thesis consists of two parts. In the first part, I introduce, elaborate and illustrate my account, which in turn consists of three elements: (1) relations of superiority, (2) standards for the relations of superiority and (3) types of competition. I also discuss my account’s relevance to issues of sport ethics through the example of gender equity and women’s ski jumping. I conclude that this account will not end the disputes over which team or athlete was better in a particular competition. Instead, it provides tools for a more consistent discussion of the disputed issues. The second part of the thesis includes five reprinted original articles. The account presented in the first part is based on these publications.
The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to study sponsor satisfaction in charity sport events. Lack of research in regional charity sport events, emergence of corporate social responsibility and increasing popularity of charity sport events have created a research gap to be further explored. Theoretical part of the thesis focuses in development of sponsorships, charity sport event sponsorships and sponsorship as a marketing tool. Concept of satisfaction is discussed by implementing marketing theories to weight options on measuring sponsor satisfaction as a part of sponsorship evaluation process. Empirical analysis of the thesis was conducted in a regional charity sport event – Maailman Pisin Salibandyottelu. Evidences were collected in qualitative research method through semi-structured theme interviews. Altogether 12 major and minor sponsors were selected for the primary source of data. The data was analyzed by comparing sponsors’ expectations and experiences, and by displaying sponsors’ perceived satisfaction. The results indicated that sponsors were involved by partly altruistic and partly selfish motives as suggested by previous research. Respondents expressed very few, mainly non-financial expectations, yet were hoping to gain positive image association via event exposure. Negative experiences appear to have relatively small impact in overall satisfaction. Exceeding or fulfilling expectations appears to increase perceived satisfaction which was mainly driven by contribution towards the goodwill, perceived success of the event (successful record attempt, visibility (on- and off-line) and event execution.