946 resultados para Sociology of technology


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The purpose of this thesis was to investigate environmental permits of landfills with respect to the appropriateness of risk assessments focusing on contaminant migration, structures capable to protect the environment, waste and leachate management and existing environmental impacts of landfills. According to the requirements, a risk assessment is always required to demonstrate compliance with environmental protection requirements if the environmental permit decision deviates from the set requirements. However, there is a reason to doubt that all relevant risk factors are identified in current risk assessment practices in order to protect people end environment. In this dissertation, risk factors were recognized in 12 randomly selected landfills. Based on this analysis, a structural risk assessment method was created. The method was verified with two case examples. Several development needs were found in the risk assessments of the environmental permit decisions. The risk analysis equations used in the decisions did not adequately take into account all the determining factors like waste prospects, total risk quantification or human delineated factors. Instead of focusing on crucial factors, the landfill environmental protection capability is simply expressed via technical factors like hydraulic conductivity. In this thesis, it could be shown, that using adequate risk assessment approaches the most essential environmental impacts can be taken into account by consideration of contaminant transport mechanisms, leachate effects, and artificial landfill structures. The developed structural risk analysing (SRA) method shows, that landfills structures could be designed in a more cost-efficient way taking advantage of recycled or by-products. Additionally, the research results demonstrate that the environmental protection requirements of landfills should be updated to correspond to the capability to protect the environment instead of the current simplified requirements related to advective transport only.


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A small break loss-of-coolant accident (SBLOCA) is one of problems investigated in an NPP operation. Such accident can be analyzed using an experiment facility and TRACE thermal-hydraulic system code. A series of SBLOCA experiments was carried out on Parallel Channel Test Loop (PACTEL) facility, exploited together with Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT Energy and Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT), in order to investigate two-phase phenomena related to a VVER-type reactor. The experiments and a TRACE model of the PACTEL facility are described in the paper. In addition, there is the TRACE code description with main field equations. At the work, calculations of a SBLOCA series are implemented and after the calculations, the thesis discusses the validation of TRACE and concludes with an assessment of the usefulness and accuracy of the code in calculating small breaks.


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Digitalization has been predicted to change the future as a growing range of non-routine tasks will be automated, offering new kinds of business models for enterprises. Serviceoriented architecture (SOA) provides a basis for designing and implementing welldefined problems as reusable services, allowing computers to execute them. Serviceoriented design has potential to act as a mediator between IT and human resources, but enterprises struggle with their SOA adoption and lack a linkage between the benefits and costs of services. This thesis studies the phenomenon of service reuse in enterprises, proposing an ontology to link different kinds of services with their role conceptually as a part of the business model. The proposed ontology has been created on the basis of qualitative research conducted in three large enterprises. Service reuse has two roles in enterprises: it enables automated data sharing among human and IT resources, and it may provide cost savings in service development and operations. From a technical viewpoint, the ability to define a business problem as a service is one of the key enablers for achieving service reuse. The research proposes two service identification methods, first to identify prospective services in the existing documentation of the enterprise and secondly to model the services from a functional viewpoint, supporting service identification sessions with business stakeholders.


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The impact of a recycled mineral wool filler on the various properties of wood plastic composites was studied and the critical factors affecting the formation of the properties were determined. An estimation of the volume of mineral wool fiber waste generated in the European Union between the years 2010-2020 was presented. Furthermore, the effect of fiber pre-treatment on the properties of the wood plastic composites were studied, and the environmental performance of a wood plastic composite containing recycled mineral fibers was assessed. The results showed that the volumes of construction and demolition waste and new mineral wool produced in the European Union are growing annually, and therefore also the volumes of recycled mineral wool waste generated are increasing. The study showed that the addition of recycled mineral wool into composites can enhance some of the mechanical properties and increase the moisture resistance properties of the composites notably. Recycled mineral wool as a filler in wood plastic composites can also improve the fire resistance properties of composites, but it does not protect the polymer matrix from pyrolysis. Fiber pre-treatment with silane solution improved some of the mechanical properties, but generally the use of maleated polypropylene as the coupling agent led to better mechanical and moisture resistance properties. The environmental performance of recycled mineral wool as the filler in wood plastic composites was superior compared to glass fibers. According to the findings, recycled mineral wool fibers can provide a technically and environmentally viable alternative to the traditional inorganic filler materials used in wood plastic composites.


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The peel of jaboticaba is attractive regarding its nutritional, functional and sensory aspects. However, its use for consumption is still restricted due to the need of technological development in order to obtain processed preparations for its inclusion in the human diet. The purpose of this study was to produce jelly using the peel of jaboticaba and to characterize it chemically and sensorially. Diferent formulations were prepared, all with 50% of sugar and with different proportions of peel, pulp and pectin. The formulations, which were tested for preference, were the following: F1a (80% of peel, 20% of pulp and 0.5% of pectin) and F3b (50% of peel, 50% pulp and 1.0% of pectin). These formulations showed chemical composition of 216.44 mg phenolic compounds, 148.00 mg gallic acid.100 g-1, 10.42 mg flavonoids, and 12.10 mg catechin.100 g-1, and 80% acceptability index. The peel presented higher levels of nutrients than the pulp, especially as source of fiber, carbohydrates and natural pigments. Results indicated the feasibility of technological nutritional harnessing of the jaboticaba peel in obtaining jelly. The results also indicated good sensory and nutritional characteristics, acceptability, and antioxidant properties of natural pigments.


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The non-idealities in a rotor-bearing system may cause undesirable subcritical superharmonic resonances that occur when the rotating speed of the rotor is a fraction of the natural frequency of the system. These resonances arise partly from the non-idealities of the bearings. This study introduces a novel simulation approach that can be used to study the superharmonic vibrations of rotor-bearing systems. The superharmonic vibrations of complex rotor-bearing systems can be studied in an accurate manner by combining a detailed rotor and bearing model in a multibody simulation approach. The research looks at the theoretical background of multibody formulations that can be used in the dynamic analysis of flexible rotors. The multibody formulations currently in use are suitable for linear deformation analysis only. However, nonlinear formulation may arise in high-speed rotor dynamics applications due to the cenrrifugal stiffening effect. For this reason, finite element formulations that can describe nonlinear deformation are also introduced in this work. The description of the elastic forces in the absolute nodal coordinate formulation is studied and improved. A ball bearing model that includes localized and distributed defects is developed in this study. This bearing model could be used in rotor dynamics or multibody code as an interface elements between the rotor and the supporting structure. The model includes descriptions of the nonlinear Hertzian contact deformation and the elastohydrodynamic fluid film. The simulation approaches and models developed here are applied in the analysis of two example rotor-bearing systems. The first example is an electric motor supported by two ball bearings and the second is a roller test rig that consists of the tube roll of a paper machine supported by a hard-bearing-type balanceing machine. The simulation results are compared to the results available in literature as well as to those obtained by measuring the existing structure. In both practical examples, the comparison shows that the simulation model is capable of predicting the realistic responses of a rotor system. The simulation approaches developed in this work can be used in the analysis of the superharmonic vibrations of general rotor-bearing systems.


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The aim of this work was to study techniques to extract and purify of anthocyanins from purple-blue potato. This topic was determined as a master’s thesis and it was done in collaboration with the Food Chemistry and Food Development Department of University of Turku and Department of Chemical and Process Engineering at Lappeenranta University of Technology. At first, purple-blue potatoes were pretreated in four types of boiled, raw, freeze-dried and dried boiled potato for extraction. They were mixed with aqueous acidified ethanol (ethanol:water:acetic acid 40%:53%:7% v/v) for conventional extraction. Boiled potato was selected as a best pretreated potato. Different ethanol concentration and extraction time were examined and the mixture of 80% in 24 h resulted in maximum anthocyanin content (132.23 mg/L). As conventional extraction method of anthocyanins was non-selective, some of impurities such as free sugars might accelerate anthocyanin degradation. Therefore, to obtain anthocyanins in purified form, adsorption as a promising selective method was used to recovery and isolate anthocyanins. It was carried out with six adsorbents. Among those, Amberlite XAD-7HP, a nonionic acrylic ester adsorbent, was found to have the best performance. In an adsorption column, flow rate of 3 mL/min was selected as the loading flow rate among four tested flow rates. Eluent volume and flow rate were 3 BV of aqueous acidified ethanol (75%, v/v) and 1 mL/min for desorption. The quantification of the total anthocyanin contents was performed by pH-differential method using UV-vis spectrophotometer. The resulting anthocyanin solution after purification was almost free from free sugars which were the major cause for degradation of anthocyanins. The average anthocyanin concentration in the purified and concentrated sample was obtained 1752.89 mg/L.


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This doctoral study conducts an empirical analysis of the impact of Word-of-Mouth (WOM) on marketing-relevant outcomes such as attitudes and consumer choice, during a high-involvement and complex service decision. Due to its importance to decisionmaking, WOM has attracted interest from academia and practitioners for decades. Consumers are known to discuss products and services with one another. These discussions help consumers to form an evaluative opinion, as WOM reduces perceived risk, simplifies complexity, and increases the confidence of consumers in decisionmaking. These discussions are also highly impactful as WOM is a trustworthy source of information, since it is independent from the company or brand. In responding to the calls for more research on what happens after WOM information is received, and how it affects marketing-relevant outcomes, this dissertation extends prior WOM literature by investigating how consumers process information in a highinvolvement service domain, in particular higher-education. Further, the dissertation studies how the form of WOM influences consumer choice. The research contributes to WOM and services marketing literature by developing and empirically testing a framework for information processing and studying the long-term effects of WOM. The results of the dissertation are presented in five research publications. The publications are based on longitudinal data. The research leads to the development of a proposed theoretical framework for the processing of WOM, based on theories from social psychology. The framework is specifically focused on service decisions, as it takes into account evaluation difficulty through the complex nature of choice criteria associated with service purchase decisions. Further, other gaps in current WOM literature are taken into account by, for example, examining how the source of WOM and service values affects the processing mechanism. The research also provides implications for managers aiming to trigger favorable WOM through marketing efforts, such as advertising and testimonials. The results provide suggestions on how to design these marketing efforts by taking into account the mechanism through which information is processed, or the form of social influence.


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The aim of this Master’s Thesis was to examine the determinants of intention and behavior of playing sports betting games in order to explain the intention to play in a more precise way and to be able to understand the behavior of playing. The theory of planned behavior was applied in explaining the intention of young Finnish adults aged 18 to 34. A quantitative research method was applied and an online survey was sent to the students of Lappeenranta University of Technology and to the subscribers of Urheilulehti in order to reach a sample that present the young population of Finland. The theory of the study focused on the theory of planned behavior and its antecedents, attitude towards behavior, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control as well as motivation. By analyzing the data, causal relationships were found through which the explanation of intention was possible. The results showed that attitude towards playing, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and motivation impact the formation of intention significantly. The results also indicated that intention impacts significantly to the playing frequency.


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The computer game industry has grown steadily for years, and in revenues it can be compared to the music and film industries. The game industry has been moving to digital distribution. Computer gaming and the concept of business model are discussed among industrial practitioners and the scientific community. The significance of the business model concept has increased in the scientific literature recently, although there is still a lot of discussion going on on the concept. In the thesis, the role of the business model in the computer game industry is studied. Computer game developers, designers, project managers and organization leaders in 11 computer game companies were interviewed. The data was analyzed to identify the important elements of computer game business model, how the business model concept is perceived and how the growth of the organization affects the business model. It was identified that the importance of human capital is crucial to the business. As games are partly a product of creative thinking also innovation and the creative process are highly valued. The same applies to technical skills when performing various activities. Marketing and customer relationships are also considered as key elements in the computer game business model. Financing and partners are important especially for startups, when the organization is dependent on external funding and third party assets. The results of this study provide organizations with improved understanding on how the organization is built and what business model elements are weighted.


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Social insects are known for their ability to display swarm intelligence, where the cognitive capabilities of the collective surpass those of the individuals forming it by orders of magnitude. The rise of crowdsourcing in recent years has sparked speculation as to whether something similar might be taking place on crowdsourcing sites, where hundreds or thousands of people interact with each other. The phenomenon has been dubbed collective intelligence. This thesis focuses on exploring the role of collective intelligence in crowdsourcing innovations. The task is approached through three research questions: 1) what is collective intelligence; 2) how is collective intelligence manifested in websites involved in crowdsourcing innovation; and 3) how important is collective intelligence for the functioning of the crowdsourcing sites. After developing a theoretical framework for collective intelligence, a multiple case study is conducted using an ethnographic data collection approach for the most part. A variety of qualitative, quantitative and simulation modelling methods are used to analyse the complex phenomenon from several theoretical viewpoints or ‘lenses’. Two possible manifestations of collective intelligence are identified: discussion, typical of web forums; and the wisdom of crowds in evaluating crowd submissions to websites. However, neither of these appears to be specific to crowdsourcing or critical for the functioning of the sites. Collective intelligence appears to play only a minor role in the cases investigated here. In addition, this thesis shows that feedback loops, which are found in all the cases investigated, reduce the accuracy of the crowd’s evaluations when a count of votes is used for aggregation.


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The need for reduced intrinsic weight of structures and vehicles in the transportation industry has made aluminium research of interest. Aluminium has properties that are favourable for structural engineering, including good strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance and machinability. It can be easily recycled saving energy used in smelting as compared to steel. Its alloys can have ultimate tensile strength of up to 750 MPa, which is comparable to steel. Aluminium alloys are generally weldable, however welding of high strength alloys like the 7xxx series pose considerable challenges. This paper presents research on the weldability of high strength aluminium alloys, principally the 7xxx series. The weldability with various weld processes including MIG, TIG, and FSW, is discussed in addition to consideration of joint types, weld defects and recommendations for minimizing or preventing weld defects. Experimental research was carried out on 7025-T6 and AW-7020 alloys. Samples were welded, and weld cross sections utilized in weld metallurgy studies. Mechanical tests were carried out including hardness tests and tensile tests. In addition, testing was done for the presence of Al2O3 on exposed aluminium alloy. It was observed that at constant weld heat input using a pulsed MIG system, the welding speed had little or no effect on the weld hardness. However, the grain size increased as the filler wire feed rate, welding current and welding speed increased. High heat input resulted in lower hardness of the weld profile. Weld preheating was detrimental to AW- 7020 welds; however, artificial aging was beneficial. Acceptable welds were attained with pulsed MIG without the removal of the Al2O3 layer prior to welding. The Al2O3 oxide layer was found to have different compositions in different aluminium alloys. These findings contribute useful additional information to the knowledge base of aluminium welding. The application of the findings of this study in welding will help reduce weld cost and improve high strength aluminium structure productivity by removing the need for pre-weld cleaning. Better understanding of aluminium weld metallurgy equips weld engineers with information for better aluminium weld design.


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The electricity distribution sector will face significant changes in the future. Increasing reliability demands will call for major network investments. At the same time, electricity end-use is undergoing profound changes. The changes include future energy technologies and other advances in the field. New technologies such as microgeneration and electric vehicles will have different kinds of impacts on electricity distribution network loads. In addition, smart metering provides more accurate electricity consumption data and opportunities to develop sophisticated load modelling and forecasting approaches. Thus, there are both demands and opportunities to develop a new type of long-term forecasting methodology for electricity distribution. The work concentrates on the technical and economic perspectives of electricity distribution. The doctoral dissertation proposes a methodology to forecast electricity consumption in the distribution networks. The forecasting process consists of a spatial analysis, clustering, end-use modelling, scenarios and simulation methods, and the load forecasts are based on the application of automatic meter reading (AMR) data. The developed long-term forecasting process produces power-based load forecasts. By applying these results, it is possible to forecast the impacts of changes on electrical energy in the network, and further, on the distribution system operator’s revenue. These results are applicable to distribution network and business planning. This doctoral dissertation includes a case study, which tests the forecasting process in practice. For the case study, the most prominent future energy technologies are chosen, and their impacts on the electrical energy and power on the network are analysed. The most relevant topics related to changes in the operating environment, namely energy efficiency, microgeneration, electric vehicles, energy storages and demand response, are discussed in more detail. The study shows that changes in electricity end-use may have radical impacts both on electrical energy and power in the distribution networks and on the distribution revenue. These changes will probably pose challenges for distribution system operators. The study suggests solutions for the distribution system operators on how they can prepare for the changing conditions. It is concluded that a new type of load forecasting methodology is needed, because the previous methods are no longer able to produce adequate forecasts.


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The construction of offshore structures, equipment and devices requires a high level of mechanical reliability in terms of strength, toughness and ductility. One major site for mechanical failure, the weld joint region, needs particularly careful examination, and weld joint quality has become a major focus of research in recent times. Underwater welding carried out offshore faces specific challenges affecting the mechanical reliability of constructions completed underwater. The focus of this thesis is on improvement of weld quality of underwater welding using control theory. This research work identifies ways of optimizing the welding process parameters of flux cored arc welding (FCAW) during underwater welding so as to achieve desired weld bead geometry when welding in a water environment. The weld bead geometry has no known linear relationship with the welding process parameters, which makes it difficult to determine a satisfactory weld quality. However, good weld bead geometry is achievable by controlling the welding process parameters. The doctoral dissertation comprises two sections. The first part introduces the topic of the research, discusses the mechanisms of underwater welding and examines the effect of the water environment on the weld quality of wet welding. The second part comprises four research papers examining different aspects of underwater wet welding and its control and optimization. Issues considered include the effects of welding process parameters on weld bead geometry, optimization of FCAW process parameters, and design of a control system for the purpose of achieving a desired bead geometry that can ensure a high level of mechanical reliability in welded joints of offshore structures. Artificial neural network systems and a fuzzy logic controller, which are incorporated in the control system design, and a hybrid of fuzzy and PID controllers are the major control dynamics used. This study contributes to knowledge of possible solutions for achieving similar high weld quality in underwater wet welding as found with welding in air. The study shows that carefully selected steels with very low carbon equivalent and proper control of the welding process parameters are essential in achieving good weld quality. The study provides a platform for further research in underwater welding. It promotes increased awareness of the need to improve the quality of underwater welding for offshore industries and thus minimize the risk of structural defects resulting from poor weld quality.


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Our goal is to get better understanding of different kind of dependencies behind the high-level capability areas. The models are suitable for investigating present state capabilities or future developments of capabilities in the context of technology forecasting. Three levels are necessary for a model describing effects of technologies on military capabilities. These levels are capability areas, systems and technologies. The contribution of this paper is to present one possible model for interdependencies between technologies. Modelling interdependencies between technologies is the last building block in constructing a quantitative model for technological forecasting including necessary levels of abstraction. This study supplements our previous research and as a result we present a model for the whole process of capability modelling. As in our earlier studies, capability is defined as the probability of a successful task or operation or proper functioning of a system. In order to obtain numerical data to demonstrate our model, we conducted a questionnaire to a group of defence technology researchers where interdependencies between seven representative technologies were inquired. Because of a small number of participants in questionnaires and general uncertainties concerning subjective evaluations, only rough conclusions can be made from the numerical results