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Bridge construction projects are becoming increasingly complex as the demand for context-sensitive solutions, aesthetic designs, and accelerated bridge construction becomes more prevalent. In addition, the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) is entering a phase of design and construction of large border bridges, such as the I-80 (let 2008 for $56 million) and US 34 bridges over the Missouri River and I-74 over the Mississippi River. Compared to typical construction projects, these bridges generate more contractor Requests for Information (RFIs), Value Engineering (VE) proposals, Requests for Changes (RFCs), and shop drawings. Management of these submittals is a significant challenge for Resident Construction Engineers (RCEs) and other Iowa DOT staff. In addition, some submittals require cross-departmental and project consultant reviews. Commercially available software exists for managing submittals and project collaboration teams; in-house solutions may also be possible. Implementation is intended to speed construction submittal review time, reduce incidence of delay claims, and free up Iowa DOT staff from project management administrative tasks. Researchers from Iowa State University working with the Iowa DOT conducted a multi-pronged approach to indentify a web-based collaboration solution for Iowa DOT bridge projects. An investigation was launched to determine the functional needs of the Iowa DOT. Commercially available software programs were also evaluated to find what functionality is currently available. A Request for Proposals (RFP) was written to select a commercial web-based collaboration solution for pilot testing. In the second phase of research, a solution will be selected and implemented on two pilot projects. Lessons learned from these pilot projects will assist the Iowa DOT in developing and implementing a long-term solution to improve the management of Iowa DOT bridge projects.
Trp(Nps)-Lys-NH2 derivatives, bearing alkyl or guanidine groups either at the N-terminus or on the Lys side-chain or at both positions were conveniently prepared on solid-phase and evaluated as TRPV1 channel antagonists.
Impressive developments in X-ray imaging are associated with X-ray phase contrast computed tomography based on grating interferometry, a technique that provides increased contrast compared with conventional absorption-based imaging. A new "single-step" method capable of separating phase information from other contributions has been recently proposed. This approach not only simplifies data-acquisition procedures, but, compared with the existing phase step approach, significantly reduces the dose delivered to a sample. However, the image reconstruction procedure is more demanding than for traditional methods and new algorithms have to be developed to take advantage of the "single-step" method. In the work discussed in this paper, a fast iterative image reconstruction method named OSEM (ordered subsets expectation maximization) was applied to experimental data to evaluate its performance and range of applicability. The OSEM algorithm with different subsets was also characterized by comparison of reconstruction image quality and convergence speed. Computer simulations and experimental results confirm the reliability of this new algorithm for phase-contrast computed tomography applications. Compared with the traditional filtered back projection algorithm, in particular in the presence of a noisy acquisition, it furnishes better images at a higher spatial resolution and with lower noise. We emphasize that the method is highly compatible with future X-ray phase contrast imaging clinical applications.
Background: Single agent DTIC is the standard therapy for metastatic melanoma (MM) with response rates of 5−20%. Temozolomide (Tem) as an oral drug has shown equal efficacy in phase III trials. Preclinical models have shown an inhibitory effect for bevacizumab (Bev) on the proliferation of melanoma cells as well as on sprouting endothelial cells. Therefore, a therapeutic approach that combines angiogenesis inhibitors with cytotoxic agents may provide clinical benefit in MM. Methods: Design: Multicenter phase II trial. Primary endpoint: Clinical benefit (CR, PR and SD) at 12 weeks; secondary endpoints: best overall response by RECIST, response duration, progression free survival, adverse events, survival after 6 months and overall survival. Sample size was calculated according to Simon's two stage optimal design (5% significance level and 80% power) with an overall sample size of 62 patients (pts) to test H0: 20% versus H1: 35% rate of clinical benefit. Response assessment was done every 6 weeks (3 cycles). Eligibility: Stage IV MM, ECOG PS 0−2, no prior treatment for metastatic disease. Treatment regimen: One cycle consisted of Tem at 150 mg/m2 days 1−7 po and Bev at 10 mg/kg day 1 over 30 min iv and was repeated every 2 weeks until progression or unacceptable toxicity. Results: Between January 2008 and April 2009, 62 pts (40 male/22 female) at a median age of 61 years (range 30−86) with stage IV (M1a:4, M1b:12, M1c:46) melanoma were enrolled in 9 centers. The first 50 pts, who received 415 cycles are included in this interim report. The overall response rate was 26% (CR: 1 pt, PR: 12 pts; PR not confirmed yet in 3 pts), and 44% (22 pts) had stable disease over 1.5−7.5 months (median: 3). Only 30% (15 pts) had disease progression at the first evaluation at week 6. The hematological grade 3/4 toxicities according to NCI CTAE 3.0 were thrombocytopenia 10% (5 pts), neutropenia 8% (4 pts), lymphopenia and leucocytopenia each 2% (1 pt). Cumulative non-hematological toxicities grade 3/4 were nausea and fatigue each 6% (3 pts), hypertension, vomiting and hemorrhage, each 4% (2 pts), thrombosis/embolism, infection, constipation, anorexia, elevation of alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, GGT, ALT and AST each 2% (1 pt). Conclusion: In metastatic melanoma the combination of Tem/Bev is a safe regimen with a promising efficacy and few grade 3/4 toxicities. Updated results of all 62 pts will be presented.
This report provides a summary of the updates to the traffic signal content within the Iowa Statewide Urban Design and Specifications (SUDAS) Design Manual Chapter 13 and Standard Specifications Division 8. Major focal points included pole footing design, cabinets and controllers, monitoring systems, communications systems, and figure updates. This work was completed through a project task force with a variety of participants (contractors, Iowa Department of Transportation, city traffic engineers, consultant, vendors, and University research and support staff).
This is a crucial transition time for human genetics in general, and for HIV host genetics in particular. After years of equivocal results from candidate gene analyses, several genome-wide association studies have been published that looked at plasma viral load or disease progression. Results from other studies that used various large-scale approaches (siRNA screens, transcriptome or proteome analysis, comparative genomics) have also shed new light on retroviral pathogenesis. However, most of the inter-individual variability in response to HIV-1 infection remains to be explained: genome resequencing and systems biology approaches are now required to progress toward a better understanding of the complex interactions between HIV-1 and its human host.
Over-consolidation is often visible as longitudinal vibrator trails in the surface of concrete pavements constructed using slip-form paving. Concrete research and practice have shown that concrete material selection and mix design can be tailored to provide a good compaction without the need for vibration. However, a challenge in developing self-consolidating concrete for slip-form paving (SF SCC) is that the new SF SCC needs to possess not only excellent self-compactibility and stability before extrusion, but also sufficient “green” strength after extrusion, while the concrete is still in a plastic state. The SF SCC to be developed will not be as fluid as the conventional SCC, but it will (1) be workable enough for machine placement, (2) be self-compacting with minimum segregation, (3) hold shape after extrusion from a paver, and (4) have performance properties (strength and durability) compatible to current pavement concrete. The overall objective of this project is to develop a new type of SCC for slip-form paving to produce more workable concrete and smoother pavements, better consolidation of the plastic concrete, and higher rates of production. Phase I demonstrated the feasibility of designing a new type of SF SCC that can not only self-consolidate, but also have sufficient green strength. In this phase, a good balance between flowability and shape stability was achieved by adopting and modifying the mix design of self-consolidating concrete to provide a high content of fine materials in the fresh concrete. It was shown that both the addition of fine particles and the modification of the type of plasticizer significantly improve fresh concrete flowability. The mixes used in this phase were also found to have very good shape stability in the fresh state. Phase II will focus on developing a SF SCC mix design in the lab and a performing a trial of the SF SCC in the field. Phase III will include field study, performance monitoring, and technology transfer.
The Center for Transportation Research and Education (CTRE) issued a report in July 2003, based on a sample study of the application of remote sensed image land use change detection to the methodology of traffic monitoring in Blackhawk County, Iowa. In summary, the results indicated a strong correlation and a statistically significant regression coefficient between the identification of built-up land use change areas from remote sensed data and corresponding changes in traffic patterns, expressed as vehicle miles traveled (VMT). Based on these results, the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) requested that CTRE expand the study area to five counties in the southwest quadrant of the state. These counties are scheduled for traffic counts in 2004, and the Iowa DOT desired the data to 1) evaluate the current methodology used to place the devices; 2) potentially influence the placement of traffic counting devices in areas of high built-up land use change; and 3) determine if opportunities exist to reduce the frequency and/or density of monitoring activity in lower trafficked rural areas of the state. This project is focused on the practical application of built-up land use change data for placement of traffic count data recording devices in five southwest Iowa counties.
The purpose of this meta-analysis was to examine the efficacy of maintenance treatments for bipolar disorder. Placebo-controlled or active comparator bipolar maintenance clinical trials of ≥6 months' duration with at least 15 patients/treatment group were identified using Medline, EMBASE, clinicaltrials.gov, and Cochrane databases (1993 to July 2010). The main outcome measure was relative risk for relapse for patients in remission. Twenty trials (5,364 patients) were identified. Overall, lithium and quetiapine were the most studied agents (eight and five trials, respectively). The majority of studies included patients who had previously responded to treatment for an acute episode. All interventions, with the exception of perphenazine+mood stabilizer, showed a relative risk for manic/mixed or depressive relapse below 1.0, although there was variation in the statistical significance of the findings vs. placebo. No monotherapy was associated with a significantly reduced risk for both manic/mixed and depressed relapse. Of the combination treatments, only quetiapine+lithium/divalproex, was associated with a significantly reduced risk vs. comparator (placebo+lithium/valproate) for relapse at both the manic/mixed and depressed poles of bipolar illness. Limitations for the analysis include differences in study durations and definitions of relapse. In conclusion, available maintenance therapies show considerable variation in efficacy. The efficacy of lithium and divalproex has been confirmed, but newer therapies, such as a number of atypical antipsychotics were also shown to be effective in bipolar disorder. Efficacy of all maintenance interventions needs to be balanced against the safety and tolerability profiles of individual agents.
This report describes the first phase in a project to develop an electronic reference library (ERL) to help Iowa transportation officials efficiently access information in critical and heavily used documents. These documents include Standard Specifications for Bridge and Highway Construction (hereinafter called Standard Specifications), design manuals, standard drawings, the Construction Manual, and Material Instruction Memoranda (hereinafter called Material IMs). Additional items that could be included to enhance the ERL include phone books, letting dates, Internet links, computer programs distributed by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT), and local specifications, such as the Urban Standard Specifications of Public Improvements. All cross-references should be hyper linked, and a search engine should be provided. Revisions noted in the General Supplemental Specifications (hereinafter called the Supplemental Specifications) should be incorporated into the text of the Standard Specifications. The Standard Specifications should refer to related sections of other documents, and there should be reciprocal hyper links in those other documents. These features would speed research on critical issues and save staff time. A master plan and a pilot version were both developed in this first phase of the ERL.
This report documents Phase III of a four-phase project. The goals of the project are to study the feasibility of using advanced technology from other industries to improve he efficiency and safety of winter highway maintenance vehicle operations, and to provide travelers with the level of service defined by policy during the winter season at the least cost to the taxpayers. The results of the first phase of the research were documented in the Concept Highway Maintenance Vehicle Final Report: Phase One dated April 1997, which describes the desirable functions of a concept maintenance vehicle and evaluates its feasibility. Phase I concluded by establishing the technologies that would be assembled and tested on the prototype vehicles in Phase II. The primary goals of phase II were to install the selected technologies on the prototype winter maintenance vehicles and to conduct proof of concept in advance of field evaluations planned for Phase III. This Phase III final report documents the work completed since the end of Phase II. During this time period, the Phase III work plan was completed and the redesigned friction meter was field tested. A vendor meeting was held to discuss future private sector participation and the new design for the Iowa vehicle. In addition, weather and roadway condition data were collected from the roadway weather information systems at selected sites in Iowa and Minnesota, for comparison to the vehicles' onboard temperature sensors. Furthermore, the team received new technology, such as the mobile Frensor unit, for bench testing and later installation.
The aim was to investigate the efficacy of neoadjuvant docetaxel-cisplatin and identify prognostic factors for outcome in locally advanced stage IIIA (pN2 by mediastinoscopy) non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. In all, 75 patients (from 90 enrolled) underwent tumour resection after three 3-week cycles of docetaxel 85 mg m-2 (day 1) plus cisplatin 40 or 50 mg m-2 (days 1 and 2). Therapy was well tolerated (overall grade 3 toxicity occurred in 48% patients; no grade 4 nonhaematological toxicity was reported), with no observed late toxicities. Median overall survival (OS) and event-free survival (EFS) times were 35 and 15 months, respectively, in the 75 patients who underwent surgery; corresponding figures for all 90 patients enrolled were 28 and 12 months. At 3 years after initiating trial therapy, 27 out of 75 patients (36%) were alive and tumour free. At 5-year follow-up, 60 and 65% of patients had local relapse and distant metastases, respectively. The most common sites of distant metastases were the lung (24%) and brain (17%). Factors associated with OS, EFS and risk of local relapse and distant metastases were complete tumour resection and chemotherapy activity (clinical response, pathologic response, mediastinal downstaging). Neoadjuvant docetaxel-cisplatin was effective and tolerable in stage IIIA pN2 NSCLC, with chemotherapy contributing significantly to outcomes.
BACKGROUND: Prognostic models have been developed to predict survival of patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma (GBM). To improve predictions, models should be updated with information at the recurrence. We performed a pooled analysis of European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) trials on recurrent glioblastoma to validate existing clinical prognostic factors, identify new markers, and derive new predictions for overall survival (OS) and progression free survival (PFS).¦METHODS: Data from 300 patients with recurrent GBM recruited in eight phase I or II trials conducted by the EORTC Brain Tumour Group were used to evaluate patient's age, sex, World Health Organisation (WHO) performance status (PS), presence of neurological deficits, disease history, use of steroids or anti-epileptics and disease characteristics to predict PFS and OS. Prognostic calculators were developed in patients initially treated by chemoradiation with temozolomide.¦RESULTS: Poor PS and more than one target lesion had a significant negative prognostic impact for both PFS and OS. Patients with large tumours measured by the maximum diameter of the largest lesion (⩾42mm) and treated with steroids at baseline had shorter OS. Tumours with predominant frontal location had better survival. Age and sex did not show independent prognostic values for PFS or OS.¦CONCLUSIONS: This analysis confirms performance status but not age as a major prognostic factor for PFS and OS in recurrent GBM. Patients with multiple and large lesions have an increased risk of death. With these data prognostic calculators with confidence intervals for both medians and fixed time probabilities of survival were derived.
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE(S): To analyze the long-term outcome of treatment with concomitant cisplatin and hyperfractionated radiotherapy in locally advanced head and neck cancer compared with hyperfractionated radiotherapy alone. MATERIALS/METHODS: From July 1994 to July 2000 a total of 224 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck were randomized to either hyperfractionated radiotherapy (median dose 74.4 Gy; 1.2 Gy twice daily) or the same radiotherapy combined with two cycles of concomitant cisplatin (20mg/m2 for 5 consecutive days of weeks 1 and 5). The primary endpoint was time to any treatment failure; secondary endpoints were locoregional failure, metastatic failure, overall survival, and late toxicity assessed according to RTOG criteria. The trial was registered at the National Institutes of Health (www.clinicaltrials.gov; identifier number: NCT00002654). RESULTS: Median follow-up was 9.5 years (range, 0.1 - 15.4 years). Median time to any treatment failure was not significantly different between treatment arms (p = 0.19). Locoregional control (p\0.05), distant metastasis-free survival (p = 0.02) and cancer specific survival (p = 0.03) were significantly improved in the combined treatment arm, with no difference in late toxicity between treatment arms. However, overall survival was not significantly different (p = 0.19). CONCLUSIONS: After long-term follow-up combined treatment with cisplatin and hyperfractionated, radiotherapy maintained an improved locoregional control, distant metastasis-free survival, and cancer specific survival as compared to hyperfractionated radiotherapy alone with no difference in late toxicity.
An assay for the simultaneous analysis of pharmaceutical compounds and their metabolites from micro-whole blood samples (i.e. 5 microL) was developed using an on-line dried blood spot (on-line DBS) device coupled with hydrophilic interaction/reversed-phase (HILIC/RP) LC/MS/MS. Filter paper is directly integrated to the LC device using a homemade inox desorption cell. Without any sample pretreatment, analytes are desorbed from the paper towards an automated system of valves linking a zwitterionic-HILIC column to an RP C18 column. In the same run, the polar fraction is separated by the zwitterionic-HILIC column while the non-polar fraction is eluted on the RP C18. Both fractions are detected by IT-MS operating in full scan mode for the survey scan and in product ion mode for the dependant scan using an ESI source. The procedure was evaluated by the simultaneous qualitative analysis of four probes and their relative phase I and II metabolites spiked in whole blood. In addition, the method was successfully applied to the in vivo monitoring of buprenorphine metabolism after the administration of an intraperitoneal injection of 30 mg/kg on adult female Wistar rat.