993 resultados para Rodrigo Barros de Senna
This paper presents a comparative study of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and analytical and semiempirical (ASE) methods applied to the prediction of the normal force and moment coefficients of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). Both methods are applied to the. bare hull of the vehicle and to the body-hydroplane combination. The results are validated through experiments in a towing tank. It is shown that the CFD approach allows for a good prediction of the coefficients over the range of angles of attack considered. In contrast with the traditional ASE formulations used in naval and aircraft fields, an improved methodology is introduced that takes advantage of the qualitative information obtained from CFD flow visualizations.
The mechanical properties of Portland cement are closely related to the chemical composition of the clinker and particularly to the concentration of tricalcium silicate, C3S. In the industrial production process, the clinker must be rapidly quenched, to avoid its decomposition into dicalcium silicate and lime and also to avoid the transformation from higher temperature phases to lower temperature phases. This study investigated the kinetics of thermal decomposition of the C3S. Samples of laboratory-made C3S were thermally treated under specific conditions to determine the continuous cooling transformation (CCT) diagram of the material. The CCT diagram of the C3S showed decomposition rates with values that were much higher than the values traditionally accepted in the literature.
In many engineering applications, the time coordination of geographically separated events is of fundamental importance, as in digital telecommunications and integrated digital circuits. Mutually connected (MC) networks are very good candidates for some new types of application, such as wireless sensor networks. This paper presents a study on the behavior of MC networks of digital phase-locked loops (DPLLs). Analytical results are derived showing that, even for static networks without delays, different synchronous states may exist for the network. An upper bound for the number of such states is also presented. Numerical simulations are used to show the following results: (i) the synchronization precision in MC DPLLs networks; (ii) the existence of synchronous states for the network does not guarantee its achievement and (iii) different synchronous states may be achieved for different initial conditions. These results are important in the neural computation context. as in this case, each synchronous state may be associated to a different analog memory information. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Titanium oxide (TiO(2)) has been extensively applied in the medical area due to its proved biocompatibility with human cells [1]. This work presents the characterization of titanium oxide thin films as a potential dielectric to be applied in ion sensitive field-effect transistors. The films were obtained by rapid thermal oxidation and annealing (at 300, 600, 960 and 1200 degrees C) of thin titanium films of different thicknesses (5 nm, 10 nm and 20 nm) deposited by e-beam evaporation on silicon wafers. These films were analyzed as-deposited and after annealing in forming gas for 25 min by Ellipsometry, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Raman Spectroscopy (RAMAN), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (RBS) and Ti-K edge X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES). Thin film thickness, roughness, surface grain sizes, refractive indexes and oxygen concentration depend on the oxidation and annealing temperature. Structural characterization showed mainly presence of the crystalline rutile phase, however, other oxides such Ti(2)O(3), an interfacial SiO(2) layer between the dielectric and the substrate and the anatase crystalline phase of TiO(2) films were also identified. Electrical characteristics were obtained by means of I-V and C-V measured curves of Al/Si/TiO(x)/Al capacitors. These curves showed that the films had high dielectric constants between 12 and 33, interface charge density of about 10(10)/cm(2) and leakage current density between 1 and 10(-4) A/cm(2). Field-effect transistors were fabricated in order to analyze I(D) x V(DS) and log I(D) x Bias curves. Early voltage value of -1629 V, R(OUT) value of 215 M Omega and slope of 100 mV/dec were determined for the 20 nm TiO(x) film thermally treated at 960 degrees C. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper presents the evaluation of the analog properties of nMOS junctionless (JL) multigate transistors, comparing their performance with those exhibited by inversion-mode (IM) trigate devices of similar dimensions. The study has been performed for devices operating in saturation as single-transistor amplifiers, and we have considered the dependence of the analog properties on fin width W(fin) and temperature T. Furthermore, this paper aims at providing a physical insight into the analog parameters of JL transistors. For that, in addition to device characterization, 3-D device simulations were performed. It is shown that, depending on gate voltage, JL devices can present both larger Early voltage V(EA) and larger intrinsic voltage gain A(V) than IM devices of similar dimensions. In addition, V(EA) and A(V) are always improved in JL devices when the temperature is increased, whereas they present a maximum value around room temperature for IM transistors.
In this work we present an analysis of harmonic distortion (HD) in graded-channel (GC) gate-all-a round (GAA) devices operating in saturation region for analog applications. The study has been performed through device characterization and two-dimensional process and device simulations. The overall study has been done on the total and third order HDs. When applied in the saturation regime as an amplifier, the GC outperforms conventional GAA transistors presenting simultaneously higher transconductance, lower drain output conductance and more than 15 dB improved linearity. The influence of channel length reduction on the H D is also analyzed. Although slight linearity degradation is observed in both the conventional and the GC devices when reducing the channel length, the HD presented by the GC transistor is significantly lower than the one showed by conventional device for any Studied channel length. This allows AC input signal amplitude up to 20 times higher than the conventional GAA for a same specified distortion level. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae hexokinase-less strains were produced to study the production of ethanol and fructose from sucrose. These strains do not have the hexokinases A and B. Twenty-three double-mutant strains were produced, and then, three were selected for presenting a smaller growth in yeast extract-peptone-fructose. In fermentations with a medium containing sucrose (180.3 g L-1) and with cell recycles, simulating industrial conditions, the capacity of these mutant yeasts in inverting sucrose and fermenting only glucose was well characterized. Besides that, we could also see their great tolerance to the stresses of fermentative recycles, where fructose production (until 90 g L-1) and ethanol production (until 42.3 g L-1) occurred in cycles of 12 h, in which hexokinase-less yeasts performed high growth (51.2% of wet biomass) and viability rates (77% of viable cells) after nine consecutive cycles.
Aqueous extract of mate (dried leaves of Ilex paraguariensis) added to drinking water for broilers for the last 14 days prior to slaughter did not affect performance at 25 days of age, but improved oxidative stability of the chicken meat. Oxidative stability of precooked breast meat made from control meat (CON) and from meat of broilers raised on water with mate added was investigated during chill storage for up to 7 days. The use of mate showed no influence on the content of lipids in chicken breast meat; however, lipid oxidation measured as thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) was significantly lower for meat from broilers raised on water with mate extracts in different concentrations (MA0.1, MA0.5, and MA1.0 corresponding to 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0% of mate dried leaves). The relative effect was largest at 1 day of storage with more than 50% reduction on TBARS; the result was still significant after 3 days, but almost vanished after 7 days, when oxidative rancidity was very high in all samples. In meat from broilers raised on water with mate extract, vitamin E was protected during cooking, although in the very rancid meat balls at 7 days of storage, the protection almost disappeared. Nevertheless, mate can be an interesting natural alternative to be used in chicken diets to improve lipid stability of the meat.
The accumulation of saxitoxins (STXs) in fish from freshwater aquaculture was investigated for the first time in the present study. Cyanotoxins have been monitored in liver and muscle samples of Oreochromis miloticus by chromatographic methods, both before and after the deputation process. The results show that tilapia can accumulate STXs. Our findings suggest that deputation with clean water is an alternative process to eliminate STXs from fish and, therefore, improve the safety of tilapia for consumers. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Riparian forests are important for the structure and functioning of stream ecosystems, providing structural components such as large woody debris (LWD). Changes in these forests will cause modifications in the LWD input to streams, affecting their structure. In order to assess the influence of riparian forests changes in LWD supply, 15 catchments (third and fourth order) with riparian forests at different conservation levels were selected for sampling. In each catchment we quantified the abundance, volume and diameter of LWD in stream channels; the number, area and volume of pools formed by LWD and basal area and tree diameter of riparian forest. We found that riparian forests were at a secondary successional stage with predominantly young trees (diameter at breast height < 10 cm) in all studied streams. Results showed that basal area and diameter of riparian forest differed between the stream groups (forested and non-forested), but tree density did not differ between groups. Differences were also observed in LWD abundance, volume, frequency of LWD pools with subunits and area and volume of LWD pools. LWD diameter, LWD that form pools diameter and frequency of LWD pools without subunits did not differ between stream groups. Regression analyses showed that LWD abundance and volume, and frequency of LWD pools (with and without subunits) were positively related with the proportion of riparian forest. LWD diameter was not correlated to riparian tree diameter. The frequency of LWD pools was correlated to the abundance and volume of LWD, but characteristics of these pools (area and volume) were not correlated to the diameter of LWD that formed the pools. These results show that alterations in riparian forest cause modifications in the LWD abundance and volume in the stream channel, affecting mainly the structural complexity of these ecosystems (reduction in the number and structural characteristics of LWD pools). Our results also demonstrate that riparian forest conservation actions must consider not only its extension, but also successional stage to guarantee the quantity and quality of LWD necessary to enable the structuring of stream channels.
Capybaras were monitored weekly from 1998 to 2006 by counting individuals in three anthropogenic environments (mixed agricultural fields, forest and open areas) of southeastern Brazil in order to examine the possible influence of environmental variables (temperature, humidity, wind speed, precipitation and global radiation) on the detectability of this species. There was consistent seasonality in the number of capybaras in the study area, with a specific seasonal pattern in each area. Log-linear models were fitted to the sample counts of adult capybaras separately for each sampled area, with an allowance for monthly effects, time trends and the effects of environmental variables. Log-linear models containing effects for the months of the year and a quartic time trend were highly significant. The effects of environmental variables on sample counts were different in each type of environment. As environmental variables affect capybara detectability, they should be considered in future species survey/monitoring programs.
The representation of sustainability concerns in industrial forests management plans, in relation to environmental, social and economic aspects, involve a great amount of details when analyzing and understanding the interaction among these aspects to reduce possible future impacts. At the tactical and operational planning levels, methods based on generic assumptions usually provide non-realistic solutions, impairing the decision making process. This study is aimed at improving current operational harvesting planning techniques, through the development of a mixed integer goal programming model. This allows the evaluation of different scenarios, subject to environmental and supply constraints, increase of operational capacity, and the spatial consequences of dispatching harvest crews to certain distances over the evaluation period. As a result, a set of performance indicators was selected to evaluate all optimal solutions provided to different possible scenarios and combinations of these scenarios, and to compare these outcomes with the real results observed by the mill in the study case area. Results showed that it is possible to elaborate a linear programming model that adequately represents harvesting limitations, production aspects and environmental and supply constraints. The comparison involving the evaluated scenarios and the real observed results showed the advantage of using more holistic approaches and that it is possible to improve the quality of the planning recommendations using linear programming techniques.
In Rondonia State, Brazil, settlement processes have cleared 68,000 km 2 of tropical forests since the 1970s. The intensity of deforestation has differed by region depending on driving factors like roads and economic activities. Different histories of land-use activities and rates of change have resulted in mosaics of forest patches embedded in an agricultural matrix. Yet, most assessments of deforestation and its effects on vegetation, soil and water typically focus on landscape patterns of current conditions, yet historical deforestation dynamics can influence current conditions strongly. Here, we develop and describe the use of four land-use dynamic indicators to capture historical land-use changes of catchments and to measure the rate of deforestation (annual deforestation rate), forest regeneration level (secondary forest mean proportion), time since disturbance (mean time since deforestation) and deforestation profile (deforestation profile curvature). We used the proposed indices to analyze a watershed located in central Rondonia. Landsat TM and ETM+ images were used to produce historical land-use maps of the last 18 years, each even year from 1984 to 2002 for 20 catchments. We found that the land-use dynamics indicators are able to distinguish catchments with different land-use change profiles. Four categories of historical land-use were identified: old and dominant pasture cover on small properties, recent deforestation and dominance of secondary growth, old extensive pastures and large forest remnants and, recent deforestation, pasture and large forest remnants. Knowing historical deforestation processes is important to develop appropriate conservation strategies and define priorities and actions for conserving forests currently under deforestation. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2. We documented the within-host distribution of two vector species that differ in transmission efficiency, the leafhoppers Draeculacephala minerva and Graphocephala atropunctata, and which are free to move throughout entirely caged alfalfa plants. The more efficient vector D. minerva fed preferentially at the base of the plant near the soil surface, whereas the less efficient G. atropunctata preferred overwhelming the top of the plant. 3. Next we documented X. fastidiosa heterogeneity in mechanically inoculated plants. Infection rates were up to 50% higher and mean bacterial population densities were 100-fold higher near the plant base than at the top or in the taproot. 4. Finally, we estimated transmission efficiency of the two leafhoppers when they were confined at either the base or top of inoculated alfalfa plants. Both vectors were inefficient when confined at the top of infected plants and were 20-60% more efficient when confined at the plant base. 5. These results show that vector transmission efficiency is determined by the interaction between leafhopper within-plant feeding behaviour and pathogen within-plant distribution. Fine-scale vector and pathogen overlap is likely to be a requirement generally for efficient transmission of vector-borne pathogens.
Xylella fastidiosa is a vector-borne, plant-pathogenic bacterium that causes disease in citrus (citrus variegated chlorosis [CVC]) and coffee (coffee leaf scorch [CLS]) plants in Brazil. CVC and CLS occur sympatrically and share leafhopper vectors; thus, determining whether X. fastidiosa isolates can be dispersed from one crop to another and cause disease is of epidemiological importance. We sought to clarify the genetic and biological relationships between CVC- and CLS-causing X. fastidiosa isolates. We used cross-inoculation bioassays and microsatellite and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) approaches to determine the host range and genetic structure of 26 CVC and 20 CLS isolates collected from different regions in Brazil. Our results show that citrus and coffee X. fastidiosa isolates are biologically distinct. Cross-inoculation tests showed that isolates causing CVC and CLS in the field were able to colonize citrus and coffee plants, respectively, but not the other host, indicating biological isolation between the strains. The microsatellite analysis separated most X. fastidiosa populations tested on the basis of the host plant from which they were isolated. However, recombination among isolates was detected and a lack of congruency among phylogenetic trees was observed for the loci used in the MLST scheme. Altogether, our study indicates that CVC and CLS are caused by two biologically distinct strains of X. fastidiosa that have diverged but are genetically homogenized by frequent recombination.