879 resultados para Regnell, Anders F


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Over recent decades recreational fisheries have grown substantially throughout the world. Despite this increase, catches from recreational fisheries have often been ignored in fisheries management, although this is now being remedied. Monitoring recreational fisheries can be expensive, and the primary means used for monitoring is angler (creel) surveys, typically funded from sales of fishing licences. The studies presented in this thesis examine different approaches to monitoring recreational trolling fisheries’ catch and effort, where fishing licenses are not required and there are no reporting requirements. I present results from a complemented roving/mail-in survey undertaken during 2013-2014 to estimate recreational effort and catch of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (S. trutta) in the largest lake in the European Union, Lake Vänern, Sweden. I also evaluate different angler catch reporting methods (mail-in, tournament reports and face-to-face interviews) and compare catch rates within and among spring and fall fishing periods. In addition, mail-in survey data are examined for recall bias.   I estimate that 28.7 tonnes of salmon and trout combined were harvested by the recreational trolling fishery in 2014, more than the commercial and subsistence fisheries combined. Seasonal differences in both recreational effort and catch were observed. Effort, in boat hours, was significantly higher in spring than in fall. Catch rates of trout were higher in fall than in spring, but there were no seasonal differences in catches of salmon. Harvest per boat day did not differ significantly among catch reporting methods, indicating that all three methods could be useful for managers interested in harvest rates. In contrast, total and released catch per boat day differed among reporting methods, with tournament anglers catching more fish in total. Finally, there was little evidence for recall bias in mail-in surveys, indicating that mail-in surveys are useful for collecting unbiased catch data. My study is the most comprehensive angler survey to date for Lake Vänern, and my results should be of immediate use to local fisheries managers and should also be of interest to researchers and managers interested in estimating catch and effort for fisheries at large spatial scales.


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PURPOSE: The use of information and communication technology (ICT) is common in modern working life. ICT demands may give rise to experience of work-related stress. Knowledge about ICT demands in relation to other types of work-related stress and to self-rated health is limited. Consequently, the aim of this study was to examine the association between ICT demands and two types of work-related stress [job strain and effort-reward imbalance (ERI)] and to evaluate the association between these work-related stress measures and self-rated health, in general and in different SES strata. METHODS: This study is based on cross-sectional data from the Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health collected in 2014, from 14,873 gainfully employed people. ICT demands, job strain, ERI and self-rated health were analysed as the main measures. Sex, age, SES, lifestyle factors and BMI were used as covariates. RESULTS: ICT demands correlated significantly with the dimensions of the job strain and ERI models, especially with the demands (r = 0.42; p < 0.01) and effort (r = 0.51; p < 0.01) dimensions. ICT demands were associated with suboptimal self-rated health, also after adjustment for age, sex, SES, lifestyle and BMI (OR 1.49 [95 % CI 1.36-1.63]), but job strain (OR 1.93 [95 % CI 1.74-2.14) and ERI (OR 2.15 [95 % CI 1.95-2.35]) showed somewhat stronger associations with suboptimal self-rated health. CONCLUSION: ICT demands are common among people with intermediate and high SES and associated with job strain, ERI and suboptimal self-rated health. ICT demands should thus be acknowledged as a potential stressor of work-related stress in modern working life.


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Kannet painanut: Helsingfors : F. Tilgmann.


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This paper analyses three of the dominating discourses Anders Behring Breivik used in his compendium, the official title of which is 2083 – A European Declaration of Independence, also known as Breivik's Manifesto. It is believed Breivik posted his Manifesto on the Internet shortly before the attacks in Norway in July, 2011. The number 2083 stands for the year when the "Western European Civil War" was expected to be completed, all traitors executed, and all Muslims deported from Europe. This article will discuss dominating discourses in the Manifesto, seen from a background of a European multicultural backlash, in which the political far-right movement is increasing. Furthermore, this article will end with a discussion of education and the importance of analysis of such phenomena within different subjects.


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Diese Arbeit widmet sich der Frage, ob und wie der GmbH-Vertragskonzern einem speziellen Haftungsregime unterworfen werden sollte. Anders als das Aktiengesetz - das in § 302 AktG eine Verlustübernahmepflicht der vertraglich herrschenden Konzernmutter statuiert - kennt das GmbHG kein kodifiziertes Haftungsregime des Vertragskonzerns. Die herrschende Meinung behilft sich mit einer Analogie des § 302 AktG im GmbH-Vertragskonzern. Die vorliegende Arbeit beleuchtet den Sinn und die Berechtigung dieser Analogie vor dem Hintergrund der strukturellen Unterschiede und Parallelen von Aktienrecht und GmbH-Recht.


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Conflicts of interest exist in dermatology when professional judgement concerning a primary interest, such as research validity, may be influenced by a secondary interest, such as financial gain from a for-profit organization. Conflict of interest is a condition and not a behaviour, although there is clear evidence that gifts influence behaviour. Little has been written about conflicts of interest in dermatology. This series of papers raises awareness of the subject by exploring it in greater depth from the perspective of a dermatology researcher, an industry researcher, a dermatology journal editor, a health services researcher and a patient representative. Collectively, they illustrate the many ways in which conflicts can pervade the world of dermatology publications and patient support group activities.


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Teach First Fellows nehmen wie Lehrkräfte eine hohe Verantwortung für die weitere Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen wahr. Anders als Lehrkräfte verfügen sie jedoch nicht über eine grundständige Ausbildung für ihre spezifische Tätigkeit. Deshalb stellt sich die Frage, inwiefern es gelingen kann, durch eine sorgfältige Auswahl der Fellows, sowie durch eine intensive Kurzqualifizierung gute Voraussetzungen für den Erfolg ihrer Tätigkeit zu schaffen. Die vorliegende Studie evaluiert die Ergebnisse des Qualifizierungsprogramms, das Teach First Deutschland für seine Fellows entwickelt und implementiert hat. Dabei interessiert insbesondere, welches Wissen zur Unterstützung von Lernprozessen, welche Fähigkeiten zur Gestaltung von Unterricht und welche Erwartung von pädagogischer Wirksamkeit innerhalb eines halben Jahres bei den Fellows aufgebaut werden können. Um ein tieferes Verständnis der Wirkweise des Qualifizierungsprogramms zu ermöglichen, wurden neben den Ergebnissen auch dessen Prozesskomponenten einer Bewertung unterzogen. (DIPF/Orig.)


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The Scharff-technique is used for eliciting information from human sources. At the very core of the technique is the “illusion of knowing it all” tactic, which aims to inflate a source's perception of how much knowledge an interviewer holds about the event to be discussed. For the current study, we mapped the effects following two different ways of introducing this particular tactic; a traditional way of implementation where the interviewer explicitly states that s/he already knows most of the important information (the traditional condition), and a new way of implementation where the interviewer just starts to present the information that s/he holds (the just start condition). The two versions were compared in two separate experiments. In Experiment 1 (N = 60), we measured the participants’ perceptions of the interviewer's knowledge, and in Experiment 2 (N = 60), the participants’ perceptions of the interviewer's knowledge gaps. We found that participants in the just start condition (a) believed the interviewer had more knowledge (Experiment 1), and (b) searched less actively for gaps in the interviewer's knowledge (Experiment 2), compared to the traditional condition. We will discuss the current findings and how sources test and perceive the knowledge his or her interviewer possesses within a framework of social hypothesis testing.


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Introduktion: Sjuksköterskor förväntas ha god kunskap för att kunna hantera akuta patientsituationer. Sjuksköterskor har ett stort ansvarsområde inom sin profession och ska hantera både patienter samt anhöriga trots en akut situation. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att belysa sjuksköterskestudenters upplevelse av förberedelse inför akuta patientsituationer. Metod: En kvalitativ forskningsansats användes i studien och all data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Deltagarna i studien valdes ut genom ett bekvämlighetsurval och totalt deltog 16 stycken sjuksköterskestudenter som studerade sista terminen av sjuksköterskeutbildningen. Data analyserades sedan genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet bestod av två huvudkategorier. Den första; En känsla av otillräcklighet som innefattade två underkategorier; En övermäktig ansvarsroll och Rädslan för att göra fel. Den andra huvudkategorin; En känsla av trygghet innefattade fyra underkategorier; Att utvecklas genom erfarenhet, Att kunna hantera en akut patientsituation, Vikten av att vara ett team och Att stärkas genom reflektion. Deltagarna upplevde sig vara oförberedda inför att hantera akuta patientsituationer men såg också fram emot utmaningen relaterat till att det blir spännande och lärorikt. Resultatet påvisade att sjuksköterskestudenter som studerade sista terminen behövde mer förberedelse inom akutsjukvård. Slutsats: Studien påvisade att det finns ett ökat behov av förberedelse inom akuta patientsituationer hos sjuksköterskestudenter. Deltagarna beskrev sjuksköterskerollen som övermäktig och behövde en ökad trygghet inom yrket relaterat till att det kunde leda till en högre vårdkvalitet i akuta patientsituationer.


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Klimatkrisen är vår tids största utmaning sett till dess roll för fortsatt överlevnad på den här planeten. Det är en politisk fråga som sträcker sig från att vara en internationell angelägenhet ända ner till individnivå. Men det är också en ideologisk fråga. På grund av detta går det inte att tillräckligt understryka den roll media och klimatjournalistiken har i förmedlingen av dessa frågor. Klimatjournalistiken har genom tiderna varierat i medial uppmärksamhet och ersätts främst av ekonomiska nyheter och rapportering kring internationella konflikter. Den senaste toppen för miljönyheter var kring FN:s klimatkonferens i Köpenhamn 2009, i samband med den globala finanskrisen. Köpenhamns misslyckande av ett enat avtal ledde fram till klimatmötet i Paris 2015, samma höst som flyktingkrisen var högt upp på medias dagordning. Denna uppsats avser att kritiskt analysera de klimatjournalistiska diskurserna tiden innan de båda konferenserna med målet att dokumentera utvecklingen över tid. Uppsatsen fokuserar på den diskursiva gestaltningen av aktörer, ansvar och underliggande strukturer och värderingar.   För det första fann analysen att både COP15 och COP21 innehöll starkt närvarande finansiella aspekter i sina politiska resonemang. Detta utmanar forskning som tidigare har behandlat klimat och ekonomi som vitt skilda ämnen och argumenterar för ett nytt förhållningssätt. För det andra fann analysen att gestaltningen av klimatkrisen varierade mellan de båda konferenserna. I diskursen 2009 sågs den som ett hot medan diskursen 2015 såg klimatkrisen som just en kris. Båda fallen ansåg att klimatkrisen var ett problem för andra aktörer än Sverige, för “dem”. 


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BACKGROUND: Errors in the decision-making process are probably the main threat to patient safety in the prehospital setting. The reason can be the change of focus in prehospital care from the traditional "scoop and run" practice to a more complex assessment and this new focus imposes real demands on clinical judgment. The use of Clinical Guidelines (CG) is a common strategy for cognitively supporting the prehospital providers. However, there are studies that suggest that the compliance with CG in some cases is low in the prehospital setting. One possible way to increase compliance with guidelines could be to introduce guidelines in a Computerized Decision Support System (CDSS). There is limited evidence relating to the effect of CDSS in a prehospital setting. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of CDSS on compliance with the basic assessment process described in the prehospital CG and the effect of On Scene Time (OST). METHODS: In this time-series study, data from prehospital medical records were collected on a weekly basis during the study period. Medical records were rated with the guidance of a rating protocol and data on OST were collected. The difference between baseline and the intervention period was assessed by a segmented regression. RESULTS: In this study, 371 patients were included. Compliance with the assessment process described in the prehospital CG was stable during the baseline period. Following the introduction of the CDSS, compliance rose significantly. The post-intervention slope was stable. The CDSS had no significant effect on OST. CONCLUSIONS: The use of CDSS in prehospital care has the ability to increase compliance with the assessment process of patients with a medical emergency. This study was unable to demonstrate any effects of OST.


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Background: Parents of children with cancer experience a demanding situation and often suffer from psychological problems such as stress. Trying to coping with the complex body of information about their child's disease is one factor that contributes to this stress. The aim of this study is to evaluate an intervention for person-centred information to parents of children with cancer that consists of four sessions with children's nurses trained in the intervention method. Methods/Design: This is a multi-centre RCT with two parallel arms and a 1:1 allocation ratio. The primary outcome is illness-related parental stress. Secondary outcomes are post-traumatic stress symptoms, anxiety, depression, satisfaction with information, expected and received knowledge, and experiences with health care providers. A process evaluation is performed to describe experiences and contextual factors. Data are collected using web questionnaires or paper forms according to the parents' preference, audio recording of the intervention sessions, and qualitative interviews with parents and the intervention nurses. Discussion: Few studies have evaluated information interventions for parents of children with cancer using large multi-centre RCTs. This intervention is designed to be performed by regular staff children's nurses, which will facilitate implementation if the intervention proves to be effective. Trial registration: Clinical trials NCT02332226 (December 11, 2014).


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Aim To further elucidate the relationship between physical activity and several risk factors for development of diabetes (glucose, C-peptide and obesity) over time. Methods A prospective longitudinal study where physical activity was measured on 199 children from Kalmar and Linköping at age 8, and the same 107 children from Linköping again at age 12. Anthropometric data was collected and blood was analyzed for C-peptide and f-glucose. The children in the study were representative for the general Swedish child population, and on an average lean. Results High physical activity was related to lower C-peptide at age 8 and 12. This correlation was especially pronounced in boys, who also were more physically active than girls at both time points. The association seen at 8 years of age was similar at age 12 in most children. Children with higher BMI Z-Score had a higher fasting C-peptide (age 12) but linear regression showed that children with more steps per day were less likely to have a higher fasting C-peptide irrespective of BMI. Longitudinal follow-up showed that a decrease in physical activity increased insulin resistance and β-cell load. Conclusions Already in young children, physical activity improves insulin sensitivity and decreases the need of C-peptide over time. This seems to become even more pronounced with increasing age when children are followed longitudinally. Low physical activity increases the load on insulin producing β-cells, might increase the risk for both type 1- and 2 diabetes.


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In the keynote, major reforestation challenges in Scandinavia will be highlighted. The following countries make up Scandinavia: Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. For Iceland, with only a forest cover of 2%, a major reforestation challenge is the deforestation and overgrazing in combination with land degradation and extensive soil erosion. The challenges include the conflicts with livestock farmers. For centuries the commons were used for sheep and horse grazing. However, more and more of farmer grazing land have been fenced up, allowing the regeneration of birch and plantations of other species to increase. With a forest cover of 37% and 69% respectively, for decades a major reforestation challenge in Norway and Sweden has been the risk of seedling damages from the pine weevil. Unprotected seedlings can have a survival rate of less than 25% after being planted. Pine weevils feed on the bark of planted young seedlings at regeneration sites. If the seedling is girdled, it will not survive. In Sweden, and soon in Norway, pesticides have been forbidden. In the keynote, new methods and technology will be presented based on non-chemical protection. In Finland, with a forest cover of 75%, a major reforestation challenge is linked to the forest structure. The structure of Finnish forestry includes many private forests in combination with small regeneration sites. This implies a situation where logistics and methods for lifting and field storage provide a major challenge in order to preserve seedling quality until the planting date. Due to this situation, new logistic systems and technologies are being developed in Finland, including new seedling cultivation programs (including cultivation under Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)) to match the access of fresh planting stock to different planting dates. In Denmark, with a forest cover of 13%, a major reforestation challenge is the possibility of future plantations based on a wide range of relevant species. For this to become a realistic option, new methods and technology have to be developed in reforestation activities that support this possibility. These methods and technology should make it possible to not be limited to certain species due to problems and restrictions during field establishment. This due to the prospect of establishing stable, healthy, and productive stands of various forest species that can be adapted to future climate change.