890 resultados para Referred morbidity inquiry
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a saúde mental de internautas universitários. Trata-se de uma pesquisa com delineamento transversal e quantitativa. Participaram deste estudo 150 usuários de internet, dos gêneros, masculino e feminino, com idade entre 17 e 53 anos, estudantes universitários de diversos cursos de graduação da faculdade de saúde, de um único campus, de uma universidade privada, localizada na cidade de São Bernardo do Campo, na região metropolitana de São Paulo. A amostra foi selecionada por critério de conveniência, porém considerou-se a amostragem por cotas para melhor representatividade da população estudada. Os instrumentos utilizados foram o Questionário de Morbidade Psiquiátrica para Adultos (QMPA) e um questionário complementar desenvolvido para caracterização da amostra. Após coleta, os dados foram lançados e tratados estatisticamente. Os resultados mostraram prevalência de saúde mental em 58% dos internautas universitários. Entre os participantes que apresentaram sintomas de morbidade psiquiátrica (42%) prevaleceram os sintomas de exaltação do humor, ansiedade, somatização, irritabilidade e depressão, sintomas comumente referidos como transtornos psiquiátricos menores. Dos internautas estudados 55% foram considerados usuários pesados por utilizarem a internet acima de 60 horas mensais. A média de horas de acesso à internet apresentou correlação com os sintomas de morbidade psiquiátrica avaliados. Contudo estes sintomas de morbidade psiquiátrica não apresentaram diferenciação entre tipo de usuário (pesado e leve), em ambos os casos prevaleceram a avaliação de saúde mental. As horas de acesso à internet foram consideradas um dos indícios do uso patológico da internet, porém insuficiente para estabelecer qualquer diagnóstico. O uso patológico da internet mostrou-se presente em 57% dos internautas, por utilizarem a internet em detrimento de outros aspectos de suas vidas. Os sintomas de morbidade psiquiátrica apresentaram correlações positivas e significativas com as questões sobre o uso patológico da internet. Os resultados desta pesquisa sugerem que o uso patológico da internet revela-se como um novo campo de expressão de morbidades psiquiátricas já conhecidas. Deste modo, a internet não se mostra como um fator de risco para saúde mental de seus usuários. Ela seria um amplificador, uma ferramenta que facilitaria a expressão de tais comportamentos patológicos, que são provenientes de transtornos já existentes, assim como a utilização de diversas outras práticas sociais, que podem se tornar patológicas pela manifestação de diferentes transtornos do indivíduo.
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence and severity of postcesarean pelvic dysfunction. STUDY DESIGN: Using biopsychosocial interviewing at home, 184 postcesarean primiparas were compared to 100 vaginally delivered women regarding symptoms of stress incontinence, anal incontinence and dyspareunia. Delivery details were confirmed from medical records. RESULTS: Comparison of postcesarean vs. vaginally delivered women revealed stress incontinence in 33% vs. 54% and dyspareunia in 27% vs. 46%, both differences reaching statistical significance, unlike anal incontinence, which was manifest in 51% vs. 44%. When compared to emergency cesarean the relative risk of stress incontinence following an elective cesarean was 0.99 (0.71, 1.39), of dyspareunia 1.02 and of anal incontinence 1.05, indicating no statistically significant difference. Thirty (22%) stress incontinent and 4 (3%) fecally incontinent mothers used pads continuously, suggesting severe physical morbidity. Severe dysphoria (depression) was expressed by 41 (35%) stress incontinent mothers, 38 (30%) with dyspareunia and 34 (26%) with anal incontinence; the association of severe dysphoria with dyspareunia was statistically significant (OR = 2.504 [1.362, 4.602]). Few women came forward to seek help. CONCLUSION: Pelvic dysfunction was similar after elective or emergency cesarean. Compared to vaginal delivery, postcesarean stress incontinence and dyspareunia were less frequent but biopsychosocial morbidity could be severe.
Over recent years, evidence has been accumulating in favour of the importance of long-term information as a variable which can affect the success of short-term recall. Lexicality, word frequency, imagery and meaning have all been shown to augment short term recall performance. Two competing theories as to the causes of this long-term memory influence are outlined and tested in this thesis. The first approach is the order-encoding account, which ascribes the effect to the usage of resources at encoding, hypothesising that word lists which require less effort to process will benefit from increased levels of order encoding, in turn enhancing recall success. The alternative view, trace redintegration theory, suggests that order is automatically encoded phonologically, and that long-term information can only influence the interpretation of the resultant memory trace. The free recall experiments reported here attempted to determine the importance of order encoding as a facilitatory framework and to determine the locus of the effects of long-term information in free recall. Experiments 1 and 2 examined the effects of word frequency and semantic categorisation over a filled delay, and experiments 3 and 4 did the same for immediate recall. Free recall was improved by both long-term factors tested. Order information was not used over a short filled delay, but was evident in immediate recall. Furthermore, it was found that both long-term factors increased the amount of order information retained. Experiment 5 induced an order encoding effect over a filled delay, leaving a picture of short-term processes which are closely associated with long-term processes, and which fit conceptions of short-term memory being part of language processes rather better than either the encoding or the retrieval-based models. Experiments 6 and 7 aimed to determine to what extent phonological processes were responsible for the pattern of results observed. Articulatory suppression affected the encoding of order information where speech rate had no direct influence, suggesting that it is ease of lexical access which is the most important factor in the influence of long-term memory on immediate recall tasks. The evidence presented in this thesis does not offer complete support for either the retrieval-based account or the order encoding account of long-term influence. Instead, the evidence sits best with models that are based upon language-processing. The path urged for future research is to find ways in which this diffuse model can be better specified, and which can take account of the versatility of the human brain.
The impetus for the special issue of Industrial Marketing Management is the importance of understanding the implications of transactional and relational strategies in business-to-business contexts. The objective of the special issue is to integrate conceptual and empirical research in this area. We highlight research that extends current thinking in the area to ensure that this special issue serves an impetus for future research on this important topic.
Noxious stimuli in the esophagus cause pain that is referred to the anterior chest wall because of convergence of visceral and somatic afferents within the spinal cord. We sought to characterize the neurophysiological responses of these convergent spinal pain pathways in humans by studying 12 healthy subjects over three visits (V1, V2, and V3). Esophageal pain thresholds (Eso-PT) were assessed by electrical stimulation and anterior chest wall pain thresholds (ACW-PT) by use of a contact heat thermode. Esophageal evoked potentials (EEP) were recorded from the vertex following 200 electrical stimuli, and anterior chest wall evoked potentials (ACWEP) were recorded following 40 heat pulses. The fear of pain questionnaire (FPQ) was administered on V1. Statistical data are shown as point estimates of difference +/- 95% confidence interval. Pain thresholds increased between V1 and V3 [Eso-PT: V1-V3 = -17.9 mA (-27.9, -7.9) P < 0.001; ACW-PT: V1-V3 = -3.38 degrees C (-5.33, -1.42) P = 0.001]. The morphology of cortical responses from both sites was consistent and equivalent [P1, N1, P2, N2 complex, where P1 and P2 are is the first and second positive (downward) components of the CEP waveform, respectively, and N1 and N2 are the first and second negative (upward) components, respectively], indicating activation of similar cortical networks. For EEP, N1 and P2 latencies decreased between V1 and V3 [N1: V1-V3 = 13.7 (1.8, 25.4) P = 0.02; P2: V1-V3 = 32.5 (11.7, 53.2) P = 0.003], whereas amplitudes did not differ. For ACWEP, P2 latency increased between V1 and V3 [-35.9 (-60, -11.8) P = 0.005] and amplitudes decreased [P1-N1: V1-V3 = 5.4 (2.4, 8.4) P = 0.01; P2-N2: 6.8 (3.4, 10.3) P < 0.001]. The mean P1 latency of EEP over three visits was 126.6 ms and that of ACWEP was 101.6 ms, reflecting afferent transmission via Adelta fibers. There was a significant negative correlation between FPQ scores and Eso-PT on V1 (r = -0.57, P = 0.05). These data provide the first neurophysiological evidence of convergent esophageal and somatic pain pathways in humans.
Дагмар Рааб Математиката е вълнуваща и забавна. Можем ли да убедим учениците, че това може да стане действителност. Задачите са най-важните инструменти за учителите по математика, когато планират уроците си. Планът трябва да съдържа идеи как да се очертае и как да се жалонира пътят, по който учениците ще стигнат до решението на дадена задача. Учителите не трябва да очакват от учениците си просто да кажат кой е отговорът на задачата, а да ги увлекат в процеса на решаване с подходящи въпроси. Ролята на учителя е да помогне на учениците • да бъдат активни и резултатни при решаването на задачи; • самите те да поставят задачи; • да модифицират задачи; • да откриват закономерности; • да изготвят стратегии за решаване на задачи; • да откриват и изследват различни начини за решаване на задачи; • да намират смислена връзка между математическите си знания и проблеми от ежедневието. В доклада са представени избрани и вече експериментирани примери за това как учители и ученици могат да намерят подходящ път към нов тип преживявания в преподаването и изучаването на училищната математика.
This chapter contributes to the anthology on learning to research - researching to learn because it emphases a need to design curricula that enables living research, and on-going researcher development, rather than one that restricts student and staff activities, within a marketised approach towards time. In recent decades higher education (HE) has come to be valued for its contribution to the global economy. Referred to as the neo-liberal university, a strong prioritisation has been placed on meeting the needs of industry by providing a better workforce. This perspective emphasises the role of a degree in HE to secure future material affluence, rather than to study as an on-going investment in the self (Molesworth , Nixon & Scullion, 2009: 280). Students are treated primarily as consumers in this model, where through their tuition fees they purchase a product, rather than benefit from the transformative potential university education offers for the whole of life.Given that HE is now measured by the numbers of students it attracts, and later places into well-paid jobs, there is an intense pressure on time, which has led to a method where the learning experiences of students are broken down into discrete modules. Whilst this provides consistency, students can come to view research processes in a fragmented way within the modular system. Topics are presented chronologically, week-by-week and students simply complete a set of tasks to ‘have a degree’, rather than to ‘be learners’ (Molesworth , Nixon & Scullion, 2009: 277) who are living their research, in relation to their own past, present and future. The idea of living research in this context is my own adaptation of an approach suggested by C. Wright Mills (1959) in The Sociological Imagination. Mills advises that successful scholars do not split their work from the rest of their lives, but treat scholarship as a choice of how to live, as well as a choice of career. The marketised slant in HE thus creates a tension firstly, for students who are learning to research. Mills would encourage them to be creative, not instrumental, in their use of time, yet they are journeying through a system that is structured for a swift progression towards a high paid job, rather than crafted for reflexive inquiry, that transforms their understanding throughout life. Many universities are placing a strong focus on discrete skills for student employability, but I suggest that embedding the transformative skills emphasised by Mills empowers students and builds their confidence to help them make connections that aid their employability. Secondly, the marketised approach creates a problem for staff designing the curriculum, if students do not easily make links across time over their years of study and whole programmes. By researching to learn, staff can discover new methods to apply in their design of the curriculum, to help students make important and creative connections across their programmes of study.
Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2015
Animal models of acquired epilepsies aim to provide researchers with tools for use in understanding the processes underlying the acquisition, development and establishment of the disorder. Typically, following a systemic or local insult, vulnerable brain regions undergo a process leading to the development, over time, of spontaneous recurrent seizures. Many such models make use of a period of intense seizure activity or status epilepticus, and this may be associated with high mortality and/or global damage to large areas of the brain. These undesirable elements have driven improvements in the design of chronic epilepsy models, for example the lithium-pilocarpine epileptogenesis model. Here, we present an optimised model of chronic epilepsy that reduces mortality to 1% whilst retaining features of high epileptogenicity and development of spontaneous seizures. Using local field potential recordings from hippocampus in vitro as a probe, we show that the model does not result in significant loss of neuronal network function in area CA3 and, instead, subtle alterations in network dynamics appear during a process of epileptogenesis, which eventually leads to a chronic seizure state. The model’s features of very low mortality and high morbidity in the absence of global neuronal damage offer the chance to explore the processes underlying epileptogenesis in detail, in a population of animals not defined by their resistance to seizures, whilst acknowledging and being driven by the 3Rs (Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of animal use in scientific procedures) principles.
This project studied the frequency and of water contamination at the source, during transportation, and at home to determine the causes of contamination and its impact on the health of children aged 0 to 5 years. The methods used were construction of the infrastructure for three sources of potable water, administration of a questionnaire about socioeconomic status and sanitation behavior, anthropometric measurement of children, and analysis of water and feces. The contamination, first thought to be only a function of rainfall, turned out to be a very complex phenomenon. Water in homes was contaminated (43.4%) with more than 1100 total coliforms/100 ml due to the use of unclean utensils to transport and store water. This socio-economic and cultural problem should be ad- dressed with health education about sanitation, The latrines (found in 43.8% of families) presented a double-edged problem. The extremely high population density reduced the surface area of land per family, which resulted in a severe nutritional deficit (15% of the children) affecting mainly young children, rendering them more susceptible to diarrhea (three episodes/child/year).