971 resultados para Recall campaigns.


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Predecessors’ research found that feeling-of-knowing and feeling-of-not-knowing was two different cognitional processes. Processing depth had more good effects on FOK judgment, but it had little effects on FOnK judgment, furthermore, it perhaps decreased the accuracy of FOnK judgment. On the base of predecessors’ research the experiment discussed the different effects on FOK judgment and FOnK judgment by processing depth and memory materials of different kinds. The first purpose was to find that the effects of processing depth on FOK judgment and FOnK judgment were different or not. The second purpose was to reveal the two different memory materials of the Paired-Chinese-words and the Paired- Chinese-phonetic-alphabet would cause difference on the grade and accuracy of FOK judgment or not, and if the two different kinds of memory materials took different effects on FOK judgment and FOnK judgment. The third purpose was to search if there was interaction on processing depth and different kinds of memory materials. The experiment used the Paired-Chinese-words and the Paired- Chinese-phonetic-alphabet as the materials, and regarded processing depth in the time of encoding stage and different kinds of memory materials as the independent variable. The experiment regarded validity of memory; the grade of FOK judgment; the accuracy of FOK judgment; the accuracy of FOnK judgment as the dependent variable. The experiment adopted the “RJR” normal researching form of FOK judgment projected by Hart. The result of the researching proved that in the condition of deep processing in the time of encoding stage, the validity of memory; the grade of FOK judgment; the accuracy of FOK judgment were higher than in the condition of superficial processing, but processing depth had little effect on accuracy of FOnK judgment. FOK judgment and FOnK judgment were two different cognitional processes. Memory materials of different kinds led clear difference on the dependent variable of the validity of memory; the grade of FOK judgment; the accuracy of FOK judgment, and also had little effect on accuracy of FOnK judgment. Processing depth and different kinds of memory materials had interaction on their effects on FOK judgment. Regard the accuracy of recall, the percentage of “feeling of knowing”, the percentage of “feeling of not knowing”, and the grade of FOK judgment as the dependent variables, memory materials of different kinds make little effect in the condition of superficial processing in the time of encoding stage, but in the condition of deep processing in the time of encoding stage, Chinese characters was higher than Chinese phonetic alphabet.


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Metacognitive illusions or metacognitive bias is a concept that is a homologous with metacognitve monitor accuracy. In the dissertation, metacognitive illusions mainly refers to the absolute differences between judgment of learning (JOL) and recall because individuals are misguided by some invalid cues or information. JOL is one kind of metacognitive judgments, which is the prediction about the future performance of learned materials. Its mechanism and accuracy are the key issues in the study of JOL. Cue-utilization framework proposed by Koriat (1997) summarized the previous findings and provided a significant advance in understanding how people make JOL. However, the model is not able to explain individual differences in the accuracy of JOL. From the perspective of people’s cognitive bound, our study use posterior associative word pairs easy to produce metacognitive bias to explore the deeper psychological mechanism of metacontive bias. Moreover, we plan to investigate the cause to result in higher metacognitive illusions of children with LD. Based on these, the study tries to look for the method of mending metacognitive illusions. At the same time, we will summarize the findings of this study and previous literatures, and propose a revesied theory for explaining children’s with LD cue selection and utilization according to Koriat’s cue-utilization model. The results of the present study indicated that: (1) Children showed stable metacognitive illusions for the weak associative and posterior associative word pairs, it was not true for strong associative word pairs. It was higher metacognitive illusions for children with LD than normal children. And it was significant grade differences for metacognitive illusions. A priori associative strength exerted a weaker effect on JOL than it did on recall. (2) Children with LD mainly utilized retrieval fluency to make JOL across immediate and delay conditions. However, for normal children, it showed some distinction between encoding fluency and retrieval fluency as potential cues for JOL across immediate and delay conditions. Obviously, children with LD lacked certain flexibility for cue selection and utilization. (3)When word pairs were new list, it showed higher metacognitve transfer effects for analytic inferential group than heuristic inferential group for normal children in the second block. And metacognitive relative accuracy got increased for both children with and without LD across the experimental conditions. However, it was significantly improved only for normal children in analytic inferential group.


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In the history of psychology research, more attention had been focused on the relation between local processing and global processing. For the global information and the local information, which is processed earlier? And which is processed faster? Precedence of the global over the local level in visual perception has been well established by Navon with compound stimuli, and Navon’s original study gave rise to many publications, including replications, generalization to other kinds of stimuli (nonverbal material, digits), populations (infants, children, brain-damaged subjects), and tasks (lateral visual hemifield presentation, copy drawing, memory recognition, and recall), and triggered some debate about the conditions in which global precedence is and is not observed (number, size, sparsity, and goodness of the stimuli, exposure duration, etc.). However, whether there is a global advantage or precedence in other cognitive processes was less tested. Most researches had suggested that there was a functional equivalency between visual perception and visual image processing. However, it’s still unknown whether there will be a global advantage on mental rotation. In the present study, we combined the mental rotation task with the compound stimuli to explore whether the global or local advantage also existed at the mental imagery transformation stages. In two pilot studies, the perceptual global precedence was found to be present in a normal/mirror-image judgment task when the stimuli exposure time was short; while the stimuli exposure time was prolonged (stimuli kept available till subjects’ response) the perceptual global precedence was showed to be eliminated. In all of the subsequent experiments, stimili would be presented till subjects’ response. Then mental rotation was added in normal/mirror-image judgment (some of the stimuli were rotated to certain angles from upright) in normal experiments, experiment 1 and 2 observed a global advantage on mental rotation both with a focused-attention design (Experiment 1) and divided-attention design (Experiment 2). Subjects’ reaction times were increased with rotation angles, and the accuracy was decreased with rotation angles, suggesting that subject need a mental rotation to make a normal/mirror judgment. The most important results were that subjects’ response to global rotation was faster than that to local rotation. The analysis of slope of rotation further indicated that, to some extend, the speed of global rotation was faster than that of local rotation. These results suggest a global advantage on mental rotation. Experiment 3 took advantage of the high temporal resolution of event-related potentials to explore the temporal pattern of global advantage on mental rotation. Event-related potential results indicated the parietal P300 amplitude was inversely related to the character orientation, and the local rotation task delayed the onset of the mental-rotation-related negativity at parietal electrodes. None clear effect was found for occipital N150. All these results suggested that the global rotation was not only processed faster than local rotation, but also occurred earlier than local rotation. Experiments 4 and 5 took the effect size of global advantage as the main dependent variable, and visual angle and exposure duration of the stimuli as independent variables, to examine the relationship between perceptual global precedence and global advantage on mental rotation. Results indicated that visual angle and exposure duration did not influence the effect size of global advantage on mental rotation. The global advantage on mental rotation and the perceptual global advantage seemed to be independent but their effects could be accumulated at some condition. These findings not only contribute to revealing a new processing property of mental rotation, but also deepen our understanding of the problem of global/local processing and shed light on the debate on locus of global precedence.


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It is well established that memory functioning deteriorates with advancing age. However, research indicates that the magnitude of age-related memory deficits varies across different types of memory, and broad individual differences can be observed in the rate and timing of memory aging. The general aim of this study was to investigate the selectivity and variability of memory functioning in relation to anxiety. Firstly, memory effectiveness was assessed in episodic memory tasks with reality monitoring and external source monitoring paradigms, semantic memory tasks referred to general knowledge and word fluency, and perceptual priming task reflected in word completion. According to the scores on trait version of STAI, the high-trait and low-trait anxious subjects were screened respectively from young and old participants matched for educational level. Secondly, based on the results of the first part, concurrent primary and secondary tasks with probe technique assessing spare processing capacity were used to explore the relation between memory efficiency and anxiety. The first main findings were that: (a) there were no age-related differences in semantic memory assessed by general knowledge and PRS, whereas age effects were observed in episodic memory and semantic memory assessed by word fluency with stringent time restraints. (b) Furthermore, comparison of age-related deficits in source and item was not related to the presentation ways and encoding effort for source, but was affected by types of source. Specifically, memory was more sensitive to aging than item memory in external source monitoring processes involved in discriminating two external sources (i.e., female vs. male voices), but not in reality monitoring processes in discriminating between internal and external sources (i.e., acting vs. listening). The second main findings were that: (a) Anxiety had no effects on the effectiveness and efficiency of semantic memory in recall of general knowledge and PRS, but impaired those of semantic memory in word fluency. (b) The effects of anxiety on episodic memory were different between the old and the young. Both the effectiveness and the efficiency of episodic memory of the old were affected adversely by anxiety. More importantly, source recall in external source monitoring processes was observed to be more vulnerable to anxiety than item memory. The effectiveness of episodic memory of the young was relatively unrelated to anxiety, while anxiety might have adverse effect on their memory efficiency. These results indicated that: First, the selectivity of age-related memory deficits existed not only between memory systems, but also within episodic memory system. The tendency to forget the source even when the fact was retained in external source monitoring was suggested to be a specific feature of cognitive aging. Second, anxiety had adverse impact on the individual differences in memory aging, and mediated partial age-related differences in episodic memory performance.


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Durbin, J. & Urquhart, C. (2003). Qualitative evaluation of KA24 (Knowledge Access 24). Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Sponsorship: Knowledge Access 24 (NHS)


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Gunning, Jeroen, Hamas in Politics: Democracy, Religion, Violence (London: Hurst Publishers Ltd, 2007), pp.xiv+310 RAE2008


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Antysemicki dyskurs wcale nie potrzebuje obecności Żydów jako racji swojego bytu i legitymizacji istnienia. Zwalcza Żydów wyimaginowanych i symbolicznych. Żydów z nadania, a zwłaszcza wszystko to, przeciwko czemu występuje i na różne sposoby stara się z Żydami skojarzyć. Praktyka taka niejednokrotnie dała o sobie znać w toku prezydenckich kampanii wyborczych w Polsce po roku 1989. Efektów płynących z instrumentalizacji antysemityzmu, choć samo zjawisko jest godne wyłącznie pogardy, nie należy jednak przeceniać i nadawać mu nadmiernego znaczenia przy interpretacji decyzji powziętych przez wyborców. Gdyby w istocie miał on stanowić instrument o przemożnym oddziaływaniu, to ironizując Aleksander Kwaśniewski nie zostałby dwukrotnie prezydentem Polski.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação, com especialização em Marketing e Comunicação Estratégica.


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Based on our previous work in deformable shape model-based object detection, a new method is proposed that uses index trees for organizing shape features to support content-based retrieval applications. In the proposed strategy, different shape feature sets can be used in index trees constructed for object detection and shape similarity comparison respectively. There is a direct correspondence between the two shape feature sets. As a result, application-specific features can be obtained efficiently for shape-based retrieval after object detection. A novel approach is proposed that allows retrieval of images based on the population distribution of deformed shapes in each image. Experiments testing these new approaches have been conducted using an image database that contains blood cell micrographs. The precision vs. recall performance measure shows that our method is superior to previous methods.


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Neural models have proposed how short-term memory (STM) storage in working memory and long-term memory (LTM) storage and recall are linked and interact, but are realized by different mechanisms that obey different laws. The authors' data can be understood in the light of these models, which suggest that the authors may have gone too far in obscuring the differences between these processes.


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A growing wave of behavioral studies, using a wide variety of paradigms that were introduced or greatly refined in recent years, has generated a new wealth of parametric observations about serial order behavior. What was a mere trickle of neurophysiological studies has grown to a more steady stream of probes of neural sites and mechanisms underlying sequential behavior. Moreover, simulation models of serial behavior generation have begun to open a channel to link cellular dynamics with cognitive and behavioral dynamics. Here we summarize the major results from prominent sequence learning and performance tasks, namely immediate serial recall, typing, 2XN, discrete sequence production, and serial reaction time. These populate a continuum from higher to lower degrees of internal control of sequential organization. The main movement classes covered are speech and keypressing, both involving small amplitude movements that are very amenable to parametric study. A brief synopsis of classes of serial order models, vis-à-vis the detailing of major effects found in the behavioral data, leads to a focus on competitive queuing (CQ) models. Recently, the many behavioral predictive successes of CQ models have been joined by successful prediction of distinctively patterend electrophysiological recordings in prefrontal cortex, wherein parallel activation dynamics of multiple neural ensembles strikingly matches the parallel dynamics predicted by CQ theory. An extended CQ simulation model-the N-STREAMS neural network model-is then examined to highlight issues in ongoing attemptes to accomodate a broader range of behavioral and neurophysiological data within a CQ-consistent theory. Important contemporary issues such as the nature of working memory representations for sequential behavior, and the development and role of chunks in hierarchial control are prominent throughout.


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Calligraphic writing presents a rich set of challenges to the human movement control system. These challenges include: initial learning, and recall from memory, of prescribed stroke sequences; critical timing of stroke onsets and durations; fine control of grip and contact forces; and letter-form invariance under voluntary size scaling, which entails fine control of stroke direction and amplitude during recruitment and derecruitment of musculoskeletal degrees of freedom. Experimental and computational studies in behavioral neuroscience have made rapid progress toward explaining the learning, planning and contTOl exercised in tasks that share features with calligraphic writing and drawing. This article summarizes computational neuroscience models and related neurobiological data that reveal critical operations spanning from parallel sequence representations to fine force control. Part one addresses stroke sequencing. It treats competitive queuing (CQ) models of sequence representation, performance, learning, and recall. Part two addresses letter size scaling and motor equivalence. It treats cursive handwriting models together with models in which sensory-motor tmnsformations are performed by circuits that learn inverse differential kinematic mappings. Part three addresses fine-grained control of timing and transient forces, by treating circuit models that learn to solve inverse dynamics problems.


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The proposed model, called the combinatorial and competitive spatio-temporal memory or CCSTM, provides an elegant solution to the general problem of having to store and recall spatio-temporal patterns in which states or sequences of states can recur in various contexts. For example, fig. 1 shows two state sequences that have a common subsequence, C and D. The CCSTM assumes that any state has a distributed representation as a collection of features. Each feature has an associated competitive module (CM) containing K cells. On any given occurrence of a particular feature, A, exactly one of the cells in CMA will be chosen to represent it. It is the particular set of cells active on the previous time step that determines which cells are chosen to represent instances of their associated features on the current time step. If we assume that typically S features are active in any state then any state has K^S different neural representations. This huge space of possible neural representations of any state is what underlies the model's ability to store and recall numerous context-sensitive state sequences. The purpose of this paper is simply to describe this mechanism.


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The distributed outstar, a generalization of the outstar neural network for spatial pattern learning, is introduced. In the outstar, signals from a source node cause weights to learn and recall arbitrary patterns across a target field of nodes. The distributed outstar replaces the outstar source node with a source field of arbitrarily many nodes, whose activity pattern may be arbitrarily distributed or compressed. Learning proceeds according to a principle of atrophy due to disuse, whereby a path weight decreases in joint proportion to the transmitted path signal and the degree of disuse of the target node. During learning, the total signal to a target node converges toward that node's activity level. Weight changes at a node are apportioned according to the distributed pattern of converging signals. Three synaptic transmission functions, by a product rule, a capacity rule, and a threshold rule, are examined for this system. The three rules are computationally equivalent when source field activity is maximally compressed, or winner-take-all. When source field activity is distributed, catastrophic forgetting may occur. Only the threshold rule solves this problem. Analysis of spatial pattern learning by distributed codes thereby leads to the conjecture that the unit of long-term memory in such a system is an adaptive threshold, rather than the multiplicative path weight widely used in neural models.


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This paper presents a self-organizing, real-time, hierarchical neural network model of sequential processing, and shows how it can be used to induce recognition codes corresponding to word categories and elementary grammatical structures. The model, first introduced in Mannes (1992), learns to recognize, store, and recall sequences of unitized patterns in a stable manner, either using short-term memory alone, or using long-term memory weights. Memory capacity is only limited by the number of nodes provided. Sequences are mapped to unitized patterns, making the model suitable for hierarchical operation. By using multiple modules arranged in a hierarchy and a simple mapping between output of lower levels and the input of higher levels, the induction of codes representing word category and simple phrase structures is an emergent property of the model. Simulation results are reported to illustrate this behavior.