995 resultados para Piñeiro, Isabel


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Introdução e objetivos – A contração muscular do quadricípete, isquiotibiais e rotadores externos apresenta um papel crucial no controlo da estabilidade articular dinâmica, nomeadamente no valgo de joelho no plano frontal. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a existência de relação entre a ativação muscular (medida pela recolha eletromiográfica do reto anterior, dos isquiotibiais e do grande glúteo) e a variação da angulação do joelho durante a fase de apoio do salto vertical no plano frontal (medida pela análise cinemática de vídeo) através de um estudo‑piloto. Metodologia – Trata‑se de um estudo descritivo correlacional com uma amostra de 220 saltos verticais (110 saltos correspondentes a cada um dos membros inferiores) realizados por 4 executantes (dois do género feminino e dois do género masculino com idade média de 28 anos ± 6,4). Resultados – Verificou‑se a existência de correlações significativas entre a ativação muscular do reto anterior na fase descendente do salto à direita e à esquerda e a tendência para um menor ou maior ângulo de valgo, respetivamente. O género influencia a dinâmica do joelho, verificando‑se que as mulheres apresentam estratégias de ativação diferentes dos homens. Conclusão – A diminuição da ativação muscular da anca parece influenciar os movimentos dinâmicos do joelho no plano frontal, enquadrando‑se nos resultados obtidos por outros autores. O material utilizado na recolha de dados, o sincronismo entre o trigger e o vídeo e o número reduzido de executantes que realizaram a amostra poderão constituir limitações ao estudo que se deverão considerar na realização de estudos futuros.


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Tendo presente a relação que o discurso estabelece com a sociedade como um todo, este artigo procura analisar o modo como a monarquia britânica representou o segundo casamento do Príncipe Carlos e o modo como os media construíram os relatos do acontecimento desde 10 de Fevereiro a 9 de Abril de 2005 relativamente a assuntos mais vastos, como sejam as relações de poder, as estruturas económicas dos jornais e a cultura popular. Foi dada particular relevância aos aspectos multifuncionais do discurso (por exemplo, as funções ideacional, interpessoal e textual), o que requer uma leitura contextualizada de um duplo processo de mediação: por um lado, a organização da cerimónia levada a cabo pelo Palácio de St. James e a sua subsequente estratégia para atingir um fechamento monológico e, por outro, as representações discursivas da imprensa britânica, abertas a uma polifonia de vozes e a vários enquadramentos discursivos.


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Eliza Fay’s Original Letters from India (1817), initially sold to the Calcutta Gazette to pay off her debts, aroused the curiosity and interest of Edward M. Forster, while he was doing research for his best-selling novel, A Passage to India. In his own words, “Eliza Fay is a work of art.” (apud Fay 7) The value of E. Fay’s travelogue, comprising not one, but three voyages to India (in 1779, 1784, 1796) can be easily explained if we take into account the scope of its geographical coverage, the hardships of its historical context (the political chaos brought about by the fall of the Mughal empire and the consolidation of the British rule in the Indian subcontinent) and the heroism of the first person-narrator that emerges behind the descriptive sketches and the scenes of adversity and imminent danger. Thus the current analysis will focus on the E. Fay’s adventurous mode of narrating, e.g., the discursive situatedness of the traveller visà- vis the Other(s) (European and non-European peoples and loci) and the constraints imposed by the patriarchal idealization of the domestic Woman and their alleged feebleness.


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Drawing on postcolonial studies and the theorization on imperial gothic, this paper centres on three texts: The Hosts of the Lord (1900) by Flora Annie Steel; East of Suez (1901) by Alice Perrin, and The Way of an Eagle (1912)by Ethel Dell. These three texts highlight in different ways the discursive mediation of the Other and its destabilizing effects on the identity of the European-minded colonizer, thus foregrounding the multifarious nature of the British imaginative engagement with India. In this context, it is particularly relevant to examine the political and ideological implications of representing anywhere East of Suez as a locus of primitivism and chaos vis-à-vis the colonizer’s ambivalent reactions. Thus we seek to demonstrate the power of two distinct practices or modes of representation – namely, the power of a metaphorical discourse versus metonymic discourse- within the proces of constructing the East for a vast Western readership.


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Bearing in mind the relationship between discourse and society at large, this article addresses the way the British monarchy represented Charles’s second marriage and the way the media constructed their accounts in the period from 10 February (announcement) until 9 April 2005 (wedding) in relation to wider issues such as power relations, newspaper economic structures and popular culture. Particular attention is paid to the multifunctional features of discourse (i.e. its ideational, interpersonal and textual functions), which requires a contextualized reading of a dual process of mediation: on the one hand, the staging of the ceremony by St. James’s Palace and its strategy for attaining monologic closure and, on the other hand, discursive representations by the British press open to a polyphony of voices and discursive frames


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Purpose Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a class of organic compounds commonly found as soil contaminants. Fungal degradation is considered as an environmentally friendly and cost-effective approach to remove PAHs from soil. Acenaphthylene (Ace) and Benzo[a]anthracene (BaA) are two PAHs that can coexist in soils; however, the influence of the presence of each other on their biodegradation has not been studied. The biodegradation of Ace and BaA, alone and in mixtures, by the white rot fungus Pleurotus ostreatus was studied in a sandy soil. Materials and methods Experimental microcosms containing soil spiked with different concentrations of Ace and BaAwere inoculated with P. ostreatus. Initial (t 0) and final (after 15 days of incubation) soil concentrations of Ace and BaA were determined after extraction of the PAHs. Results and discussion P. ostreatus was able to degrade 57.7% of the Ace in soil spiked at 30 mg kg−1 dry soil and 65.8% of Ace in soil spiked at 60 mg kg−1 dry soil. The degradation efficiency of BaA by P. ostreatus was 86.7 and 77.4% in soil spiked with Ace at 30 and 60 mg kg−1 dry soil, respectively. After 15 days of incubation, there were no significant differences in Ace concentration between soil spiked with Ace and soil spiked with Ace + BaA, irrespective of the initial soil concentration of both PAHs. There were also no differences in BaA concentration between soil spiked with BaA and soil spiked with BaA + Ace. Conclusions The results indicate that the fungal degradation of Ace and BaA was not influenced by the presence of each other’s PAH in sandy soil. Bioremediation of soils contaminated with Ace and BaA using P. ostreatus is a promising approach to eliminate these PAHs from the environment.


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OBJETIVO: Identificar fatores associados à qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde de pacientes idosos em hemodiálise. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 223 pacientes com idade > 60 anos em hemodiálise nas unidades de diálise do município de Belo Horizonte, MG, em 2008. A qualidade de vida foi avaliada utilizando o Kidney Disease and Quality of Life - Short Form (KDQOL-SF) e o Medical Outcome Survey - Short Form 36 (SF-36). Os três escores do KDQOL-SF medidos foram: componente da doença renal sumarizado (11 subescalas), componente físico sumarizado (quatro subescalas) e componente mental sumarizado (quatro subescalas). RESULTADOS: Foram observadas associações negativas significativas e independentes do componente da doença renal e mental com número de doenças crônicas e tempo de tratamento (ambas). O componente físico foi menor entre os mais velhos, as mulheres, aqueles com maior número de internações e com três ou mais doenças crônicas. CONCLUSÕES: A associação consistente com presença de doenças crônicas mostra a importância do perfil de morbidade para a qualidade de vida dessa população. A identificação dos fatores associados, como aumento da idade, sexo feminino, número de internações e tempo de tratamento, pode favorecer o planejamento adequado das ações de saúde para melhor atender a esse grupo.


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Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar


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Projeto de Intervenção apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Especial


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In almost all industrialized countries, the energy sector has suffered a severe restructuring that originated a greater complexity in market players’ interactions. The complexity that these changes brought made way for the creation of decision support tools that facilitate the study and understanding of these markets. MASCEM – “Multiagent Simulator for Competitive Electricity Markets” arose in this context providing a framework for evaluating new rules, new behaviour, and new participants in deregulated electricity markets. MASCEM uses game theory, machine learning techniques, scenario analysis and optimisation techniques to model market agents and to provide them with decision-support. ALBidS is a multiagent system created to provide decision support to market negotiating players. Fully integrated with MASCEM it considers several different methodologies based on very distinct approaches. The Six Thinking Hats is a powerful technique used to look at decisions from different perspectives. This tool’s goal is to force the thinker to move outside his habitual thinking style. It was developed to be used mainly at meetings in order to “run better meetings, make faster decisions”. This dissertation presents a study about the applicability of the Six Thinking Hats technique in Decision Support Systems, particularly with the multiagent paradigm like the MASCEM simulator. As such this work’s proposal is of a new agent, a meta-learner based on STH technique that organizes several different ALBidS’ strategies and combines the distinct answers into a single one that, expectedly, out-performs any of them.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Matemática na Educação Pré-Escolar e nos 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico


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O presente artigo centra-se no estudo de caso dos debates da IVG (Interrupção Voluntária da Gravidez) na Assembleia da República em 1984, 1997 e 1998 e nas representações na imprensa das deputadas parlamentares que protagonizaram a discussão. O texto insere-se no âmbito do Projeto “Política no feminino: políticas de género e estratégias de visibilidade das deputadas parlamentares em Portugal”, que tem como objetivo o estudo da representação das deputadas e das questões de género no Parlamento em diferentes ciclos políticos da democracia portuguesa desde 1975 a 2002. A exposição far-se-á segundo três eixos: 1. A apresentação geral da investigação e a contextualização política do debate durante os diversos ciclos sobre o fim da ilicitude nos casos de IVG; 2. A análise da representatividade das deputadas durante o período em estudo, que corresponde à II, III, VII e VIII Legislaturas; 3. A representação das deputadas parlamentares na imprensa, suportada na análise fotojornalística em que se procurou detetar, a partir de uma perspetiva multimodal, os valores profissionais e não profissionais observáveis nas fotografias das deputadas e dos deputados que intervieram nos debates.


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This study examined the joint effects of home environment and center-based child care quality on children’s language, communication, and early literacy development, while also considering prior developmental level. Participants were 95 children (46 boys), assessed as toddlers (mean age = 26.33 months;Time 1) and preschoolers (mean age = 68.71 months; Time 2) and their families. At both times, children attended center-based child care classrooms in the metropolitan area of Porto, Portugal. Results from hierarchical linear models indicated that home environment and preschool quality, but not center-based toddler child care quality, were associated with children’s language and literacy outcomes at Time 2. Moreover, the quality of preschool classrooms moderated the association between home environment quality and children’s language and early literacy skills – but not communication skills – at Time 2, suggesting the positive cumulative effects of home environment and preschool quality. Findings further support the existence of a detrimental effect of low preschool quality on children’s language and early literacy outcomes: positive associations among home environment quality and children’s developmental outcomes were found to reduce substantially when children attended low-quality preschool classrooms.


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Pesticide exposure during brain development could represent an important risk factor for the onset of neurodegenerative diseases. Previous studies investigated the effect of permethrin (PERM) administered at 34 mg/kg, a dose close to the no observable adverse effect level (NOAEL) from post natal day (PND) 6 to PND 21 in rats. Despite the PERM dose did not elicited overt signs of toxicity (i.e. normal body weight gain curve), it was able to induce striatal neurodegeneration (dopamine and Nurr1 reduction, and lipid peroxidation increase). The present study was designed to characterize the cognitive deficits in the current animal model. When during late adulthood PERM treated rats were tested for spatial working memory performances in a T-maze-rewarded alternation task they took longer to choose for the correct arm in comparison to age matched controls. No differences between groups were found in anxiety-like state, locomotor activity, feeding behavior and spatial orientation task. Our findings showing a selective effect of PERM treatment on the T-maze task point to an involvement of frontal cortico-striatal circuitry rather than to a role for the hippocampus. The predominant disturbances concern the dopamine (DA) depletion in the striatum and, the serotonin (5-HT) and noradrenaline (NE) unbalance together with a hypometabolic state in the medial prefrontal cortex area. In the hippocampus, an increase of NE and a decrease of DA were observed in PERM treated rats as compared to controls. The concentration of the most representative marker for pyrethroid exposure (3-phenoxybenzoic acid) measured in the urine of rodents 12 h after the last treatment was 41.50 µ/L and it was completely eliminated after 96 h.