999 resultados para Pensamento Publicitário Brasileiro


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Esta pesquisa investiga as relaes, nem sempre claras e explcitas, entre competitividade e inovao tecnolgica, iniciando pelo referencial terico. So estudados quatro casos de empresas, sendo trs delas brasileiras e uma multinacional, dos setores de indstria e servios. Dentre as concluses, destaca-se a constatao de que a competitividade resulta da combinao de trs dimenses: tecnologia, gesto (isto , estratgia de negcio) e pessoas. Tambm se identificou uma ntima ligao entre inovao tecnolgica e ganhos de market share. O estudo demonstra ainda que ganhos de competitividade com base tecnolgica, ainda que significativos, so efmeros, ou seja: a manuteno da vantagem competitiva um processo dinmico que exige permanentes esforos de inovao, inclusive com monitoramento constante do mercado e da concorrncia. Outro aspecto investigado o risco inerente inovao, uma vez que o pioneirismo nem sempre encontra, de imediato, as solues que se firmam como padro no mercado. Finalmente, discorre-se tambm sobre o processo de deciso quanto a investimentos em tecnologia, apresentando modelos no quantitativos como auxiliares na anlise e priorizao de projetos inovadores.


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O objetivo deste projeto elaborar uma proposta de roteiro para a anlise de concentraes econmicas horizontais aplicvel jurisdio brasileira. O estudo ser dividido em trs partes: i. avaliao do atual estgio de orientao para o agente econmico no tocante ao roteiro de anlise de atos de concentrao ao amparo da Lei 8884/94 (Lei antitruste); ii. resenha da experincia internacional em roteiros de anlise de atos de concentrao; iii. proposta de roteiro aplicvel ao caso brasileiro com duas variantes: a) supondo o atual marco legal que faculta o controle estrutural ex post; b) admitindo alterao legal que introduz o controle estrutural ex ante.


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The text relates an empirical investigation on Brazilian information systems and services outsourcing context, revealing some important characteristics about formerly unclear matter. The research analyses the reasoning for outsourcing, the implementation process, the partners selection criteria, the destination of internal technical personnel, the agreement writing process, the start prices and further revisions, the plans for the future, segments transferred to external partners, effective benefits and difficulties and major concerns about outsourcing.


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O programa de privatizaes brasileiro dos anos 90 vem se constituindo num dos maiores do mundo e assinala o fim do Estado desenvolvimentista no pas. Quais foram as principais caractersticas desse processo e em que medida ele se distinguiu dos programas de privatizao de outros pases? A privatizao das principais empresas estatais brasileiras, tanto no setor produtivo quanto de servios, introduziu importantes modificaes no funcionamento da economia brasileira. O objetivo deste trabalho fazer uma anlise do processo de privatizaes brasileiro, estabelecendo uma comparao com outros programas de privatizao realizados nos ltimos 20 anos, que realce as peculiaridades de cada processo e as mudanas que isso acarretou no funcionamento da economia brasileira. Indaga-se de que maneira esse processo implica na reordenao do trip setor estatal, capital privado nacional e capital estrangeiro. Quais so as conseqncias da substituio de monoplios estatais por oligoplios estrangeiros em termos de preos, produtividade e de qualidade dos servios?


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O presente estudo busca realizar uma reviso bibliogrfica sobre Assimetria de Informao, de forma a permitir sua anlise no mercado brasileiro de capitais. A anlise ser conduzida com base no modelo de equilbrio da deciso de emisso-investimento desenvolvido por Myers e Majluf. Este trabalho procurar discutir novas formas de medir Assimetria de Informao atravs da utilizao de modelos estatsticos que permitam, posteriormente, utilizar modelos tais como ARCH e GARCH que consideram a heterocedasticidade da srie de dados, desta forma, ampliando o conceito de medida correta sugerido por Nathalie Dierkens.


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In this thesis, the basic research of Chase and Simon (1973) is questioned, and we seek new results by analyzing the errors of experts and beginners chess players in experiments to reproduce chess positions. Chess players with different levels of expertise participated in the study. The results were analyzed by a Brazilian grandmaster, and quantitative analysis was performed with the use of statistical methods data mining. The results challenge significantly, the current theories of expertise, memory and decision making in this area, because the present theory predicts piece on square encoding, in which players can recognize the strategic situation reproducing it faithfully, but commit several errors that the theory cant explain. The current theory cant fully explain the encoding used by players to register a board. The errors of intermediary players preserved fragments of the strategic situation, although they have committed a series of errors in the reconstruction of the positions. The encoding of chunks therefore includes more information than that predicted by current theories. Currently, research on perception, trial and decision is heavily concentrated on the idea of 'pattern recognition'. Based on the results of this research, we explore a change of perspective. The idea of 'pattern recognition' presupposes that the processing of relevant information is on 'patterns' (or data) that exist independently of any interpretation. We propose that the theory suggests the vision of decision-making via the recognition of experience.


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The principles of the Unified Health System (Sistema nico de Sade - SUS) - universal attendance, integrated and decentralized administration and the users' participation - were included in the Federal Constitution of 1988 as a result of a political movement around the subject of the health which has begun in the second half of the decade of 70, together with the overcoming process of the authoritarian regimen established in 1964. This movement, which got the name of sanitary movement or movement for the Sanitary Reform, can be understood in its relationship with a process of cultural changing among the Brazilian left, that looked for new forms of facing the democracy and, with it, the social policy. This work part of the premise that one of the main influences to guide this new vision was the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci's thought. We've tried to identify, in the formation of the speech on the Sanitary Reform and in the definition of the political strategies of those that make efforts for it, the influences of Gramsci. To reach this objective, we analyzed the editorials of Sade em Debate (Health in Debate) magazine, official vehicle of the Centro Brasileiro de Estudos de Sade (Brazilian Health Studies Center - Cebes), which is still in activity, that represented, in the analyzed period, 1976 to 1988, the critical thought about the reality of the health in the country and finished to be the institution that supported the project of Sanitary Reform.


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This dissertation presents the result of a study accomplished on the degree of use of the certificate of hospital Accreditation as one of the criteria for the accreditation of hospitals by the health insurance companies. Should be emphasized that the Accreditation Certificate represents the main final product of Hospital Accreditation Brazilian Program, being the first emitted when the hospital assists to the quality patterns specified by the Program. In that way, the study focus was, in general terms, Hospital Accreditation Brazilian Program and, more strictly, the Accreditation Certificate and it use. To reach the objectives proposed by the study, interviews were accomplished with the professionals responsible for the accreditation of the hospitals in the main health insurance companies of Brazil. In the total, five companies were consulted among the ten larger health insurance companies of Brazil, considering the number of beneficiaries. To complement the research, additional information were collected in the National Agency of Supplemental Health. It was verified, through the research, that the health insurance companies don't use the Accreditation Certificate given by the Hospital Accreditation Brazilian Program to accredit hospitals.


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The purpose of this work is to analyze the process of regulation of the sector of microfinance in Brazil, based on the regulation of the Societies of Credit to Microentrepreneurs - SCMs, the only specialized institucional form in microfinance in the National Financial System, and that, in sight of this, has its performance regulated and supervised by the Brazilian Central Bank. The regulation of the SCMs has been one of the strategies adopted by the Federal Government in our country to stimulate the generation of job and income for the population that usually is excluded from the traditional financial system, for the microentrepreneurs, who have difficulties in getting financing for its productive activities at the traditional financial institutions. However, despite the governmental measures that have been taken in the direction to try to stimulate the sector of microfinance in our country, it is considered that the current model of regulation based on the regulation of the SCMs presents obstacles that must be surpassed in order to reach the objective to facilitate the access of the formal credit to the microentrepreneurs.


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This study tried to describe the State reform in the Brazilian energetic sector and how the energetic crises of 2001 influenced this process. With this purpose, two kinds of research were done: a bibliographic and some interviews. Many authors were studied to find out the construction of the State role in the Brazilian energetic sector. The interviews were done with nine specialists trying to confirm some positive and negative characteristics of the two models (1998 and 2004) and the causes of the crises studied in the bibliographic research. In addition, the specialists were consulted to tell their opinion about the State role in the sector. Then this study found out that the State must find an optimal size: not too small like in the first model (1998) that lacked a planning agent for the sector; nor too large as the State doesn't have enough money for the required investments of this sector.


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O estudo prope desenhar as linhas mestras do processo civil brasileiro no quadro do Estado de Direito Democrtico, ps Constituio Federal de 1988. Na primeira parte, partindo da origem do direito processual constitucional brasileiro na Constituio Republicana de 1891 visa a abordar as mudanas ocorridas com a constitucionalizao do processo, o que significa reconhecer que na formao e desenvolvimento do direito processual brasileiro atuaram foras paradoxais (recepo da judicial review, do direito norte-americano, e recepo do direito europeu-continental, no CPC de 1973) e que este paradoxo tende a ser superado pela virada paradigmtica da racionalidade jurdica e das relaes entre Direito e Poltica no marco do Estado Constitucional. Estabelece, como primeira mudana, a relao entre a racionalidade prtica procedimental e a necessidade de resgate da pretenso de correo para a lgica jurdica. Dessa percepo decorre uma outra alterao profunda, na atuao do direito em juzo, apontando para a combinao entre o modelo normativo de democracia deliberativoprocedimental (HABERMAS) e o processo cooperativo (ALVARO DE OLIVEIRA) Na segunda parte do estudo, a tese coloca essas premissas frente aos necessrios desenvolvimentos do direito processual ps Constituio de 1988. Analisa-se, criticamente, as seguintes atitudes fundamentais: a) a configurao e o contedo do direito processual constitucional na doutrina atual e sua adequao ao contraditrio como valor-fonte do direito processual contemporneo; b) as relaes entre direito material e direito processual; c) a teoria das fontes do direito, apresentando a jurisprudncia como fonte primria, em razo da recepo tardia e mitigada do stare decisis no direito brasileiro (smulas vinculantes, decises vinculantes em controle de constitucionalidade e jurisprudncia dominante dos tribunais), bem como, da importncia dos modelos judiciais na densificao dos contedos das normasprincpio e das clusulas abertas. Com isso procura-se apontar para a dissoluo dos antagonismos radicais entre as tradies do ocidente (common law e romano-germnica) e seus mtodos: o Code-Based Legal System e o Judge-Made Law System. A Constituio resgata, assim, o papel de centro e fator de unidade no ordenamento jurdico brasileiro, tambm para o processo civil, comprometendo todo o ordenamento jurdico com a democratizao das fontes de poder, inclusive o debate judicial.


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Esta dissertao faz uma anlise prvia da predicao complexa no modelo da Gramtica Tradicional; aponta, em seguida, o enfoque das estruturas predicativas complexas luz da Gramtica Gerativa modelo de Princpios & Parmetros (Chomsky, 1981, 1986). Ressalta que as estruturas sintticas so projetadas a partir do lxico e correspondem a vrias construes de predicao complexa. Mostra que os predicados complexos formados por APs e DPs predicativos apresentam caractersticas sintticas e semnticas diferentes. Focaliza que essas construes superficialmente semelhantes so, em essncia, diferentes, porque cada uma delas possui um processo prprio de estruturao interna, do qual decorre um sentido especfico. Aponta, essencialmente, dois tipos de estruturas complexas: predicados secundrios e minioraes complementos. Os predicados secundrios se dividem, ainda, em predicados secundrios orientados para o sujeito de [DP IP], predicados secundrios orientados para o objeto de [DP VP] e predicados resultativos de [DP VP]. Os predicados secundrios de [DP IP] e de [DP VP] e os predicados resultativos de [DP VP] constituem as Small Clauses adjuntas de predicados secundrios. Apresenta que possvel encontrar evidncias que as estruturas predicativas complexas do PB esto amalgamadas na concepo de Small Clauses nominais. Postula que as estruturas predicativas complexas do PB e as estruturas de Small Clauses nominais so em essncia semelhantes. Tais estruturas possuem um mesmo processo de estruturao interna, que so analisadas conforme as configuraes das representaes sintticas de cada sentena.


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Este trabalho tem como finalidade destacar a figura do negro como personagem literrio, (re)contando sua histria no continente americano. Ao tomar a palavra, o negro tem a oportunidade de narrar sua trajetria atravs do seu ponto de vista e algumas caractersticas como a passividade perante o sistema escravocrata vo sendo desconstrudas. As obras analisadas Viva o povo brasileiro, de Joo Ubaldo Ribeiro e Chang, el gran putas, de Manuel Zapata Olivella exemplificam as mudanas que esto ocorrendo na potica e na viso de mundo do romance histrico. Com o advento das teorias ps-ocidentais na Amrica Latina, as vozes que eram silenciadas passam a ser ouvidas e uma nova histria contada: a partir dos fatos histricos, resgata-se uma histria onde o mito tambm tem o seu lugar. A nova teorizao latino-americana engloba conceitos como transculturao, entre-lugar e crioulizao, demonstrando a emergncia de um terceiro espao onde surgem novos sujeitos transculturados representativos da mistura das vrias culturas que povoaram as Amricas.


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This work intends to show some aspects of antitrust policy that are relevant to the Brazilian case. For this purpose, it has five parts. Chapter I - Introduction, as the title suggests, simultaneously introduces and emphasizes what will be shown in the next chapters. Chapter II - General view or understanding the antitrust gives a comprehensive view of the historical evolution on antitrust matters, explores the relationship between State action, globalization and competitiveness and presents some of the essential concepts on antitrust field. Chapter III - The antitrust policy in Brazil focuses on the legal evolution of antitrust institutes in Brazil - highlighting its strategic dimension and insertion on "Plano Plurianual - PPA", the Brazilian official long-run plan - and presents the "Sistema Brasileiro de Defesa da Concorrncia - SBDC", the Brazilian system for defence of competition. Chapter IV - Antitrust policy, connections and consequences shows the relevant links and inferences to the Brazilian case such as the development of competitive advantages, the formulation of competitive strategies, the well-known objectives and instruments of antitrust policy, the acceptable principles to an antitrust institutional design and, finally, the critical aspects of the Brazilian current model together with the suggestions to improve it. To finish, Chapter V - Final considerations outlines some reflections regarding the previous exposed antitrust matters.


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This study has the purpose to analyze some of the programs and measures adopted by the Brazilian Army, as well as eventual contributions, for the modernization of its Logistics. Thus, focus one of the main devices of logistic support of the Forces, the Quartermaster, approaching some roles performed by this Service that comprises the current conception of the Army Logistics. This modernization process is mainly developed through a excellence program implemented for the whole Army aiming, amongst other factors, the adoption of managerial practices leading to a better operational performance and to the improvement of the Institution' services and products quality: the Managerial Excellence Program of the Brazilian Army (PEG-EB). Here, the Logistics is deemed as key part for the organizational success and one of the main factors of competitive differential of companies, directly related to costs reduction and increase in the level of services provided for the customers. For the Army, the improvement and update of logistic doctrine emerge as priority for achieving the goals, especially focusing the need to integrated the logistics activities, in order to optimize the resources available, reduce costs and prioritize its actions. While searching for an integrated approach for its logistics, the Army created a central body with the responsibility to coordinate all the supply chain of its Units: the Logistic Department (D Log). This body centrally coordinates a major segment of logistics functions in the Forces. The conclusion states that the development of this mentality about the internal integration of activities will allow a rationalization of the management process, increasing the indexes of availability of material from military organizations, and consequently a serviceability gain for the Brazilian Army.